List of Examples
- 4-1 Creating Objects Containing VARRAYs
- 8-1 Setting Up AQ Administrative Users
- 8-2 Setting Up AQ Administrative Example Types
- 8-3 Creating a Queue Table for Messages of Object Type
- 8-4 Creating a Queue Table for Messages of RAW Type
- 8-5 Creating a Queue Table for Messages of LOB Type
- 8-6 Creating a Queue Table for Messages of XMLType
- 8-7 Creating a Queue Table for Grouped Messages
- 8-8 Creating Queue Tables for Prioritized Messages and Multiple Consumers
- 8-9 Creating a Queue Table with Commit-Time Ordering
- 8-10 Creating an 8.1-Compatible Queue Table for Multiple Consumers
- 8-11 Creating a Queue Table in a Specified Tablespace
- 8-12 Creating a Queue Table with Freelists or Freelist Groups
- 8-13 Altering a Queue Table by Changing the Primary and Secondary Instances
- 8-14 Altering a Queue Table by Changing the Comment
- 8-15 Dropping a Queue Table
- 8-16 Dropping a Queue Table with force Option
- 8-17 Purging All Messages in a Queue Table
- 8-18 Purging All Messages in a Named Queue
- 8-19 Purging All PROCESSED Messages in a Named Queue
- 8-20 Purging All Messages in a Named Queue and for a Named Consumer
- 8-21 Purging All Messages from a Named Sender
- 8-22 Upgrading a Queue Table from 8.1-Compatible to 10.0-Compatible
- 8-23 Creating a Queue for Messages of Object Type
- 8-24 Creating a Queue for Messages of RAW Type
- 8-25 Creating a Queue for Messages of LOB Type
- 8-26 Creating a Queue for Grouped Messages
- 8-27 Creating a Queue for Prioritized Messages
- 8-28 Creating a Queue for Prioritized Messages and Multiple Consumers
- 8-29 Creating a Queue to Demonstrate Propagation
- 8-30 Creating an 8.1-Style Queue for Multiple Consumers
- 8-31 Altering a Queue by Changing Retention Time
- 8-32 Starting a Queue with Both Enqueue and Dequeue Enabled
- 8-33 Starting a Queue for Dequeue Only
- 8-34 Stopping a Queue
- 8-35 Dropping a Standard Queue
- 8-36 Creating a Transformation
- 8-37 Granting AQ System Privileges
- 8-38 Revoking AQ System Privileges
- 8-39 Granting Queue Privilege
- 8-40 Revoking Dequeue Privilege
- 8-41 Adding a Subscriber at a Designated Queue at a Database Link
- 8-42 Adding a Single Consumer Queue at a Dababase Link as a Subscriber
- 8-43 Adding a Subscriber with a Rule
- 8-44 Adding a Subscriber and Specifying a Transformation
- 8-45 Propagating from a Multiple-Consumer Queue to a Single Consumer Queue
- 8-46 Altering a Subscriber Rule
- 8-47 Removing a Subscriber
- 8-48 Scheduling a Propagation to Queues in the Same Database
- 8-49 Scheduling a Propagation to Queues in Another Database
- 8-50 Scheduling Queue-to-Queue Propagation
- 8-51 Verifying a Queue Type
- 8-52 Altering a Propagation Schedule to Queues in the Same Database
- 8-53 Altering a Propagation Schedule to Queues in Another Database
- 8-54 Enabling a Propagation to Queues in the Same Database
- 8-55 Enabling a Propagation to Queues in Another Database
- 8-56 Disabling a Propagation to Queues in the Same Database
- 8-57 Disabling a Propagation to Queues in Another Database
- 8-58 Unscheduling a Propagation to Queues in the Same Database
- 8-59 Unscheduling a Propagation to Queues in Another Database
- 10-1 Enqueuing a Message, Specifying Queue Name and Payload
- 10-2 Enqueuing a Message, Specifying Priority
- 10-3 Creating an Enqueue Procedure for LOB Type Messages
- 10-4 Enqueuing a LOB Type Message
- 10-5 Enqueuing Multiple Messages
- 10-6 Adding Subscribers RED and GREEN
- 10-7 Enqueuing Multiple Messages to a Multiconsumer Queue
- 10-8 Enqueuing Grouped Messages
- 10-9 Enqueuing a Message, Specifying Delay and Expiration
- 10-10 Enqueuing a Message, Specifying a Transformation
- 10-11 Enqueuing an Array of Messages
- 10-12 Listening to a Single-Consumer Queue with Zero Timeout
- 10-13 Dequeuing Object Type Messages
- 10-14 Creating a Dequeue Procedure for LOB Type Messages
- 10-15 Dequeuing LOB Type Messages
- 10-16 Dequeuing Grouped Messages
- 10-17 Dequeuing Messages for RED from a Multiconsumer Queue
- 10-18 Dequeue in Browse Mode and Remove Specified Message
- 10-19 Dequeue in Locked Mode and Remove Specified Message
- 10-20 Dequeuing an Array of Messages
- 10-21 Registering for Notifications
- 10-22 Posting Object-Type Messages
- 12-1 Registering Through the Database Using JDBC Connection Parameters
- 12-2 Registering Through the Database Using a JDBC URL
- 12-3 Registering Through LDAP Using JDBC Connection Parameters
- 12-4 Registering Through LDAP Using a JDBC URL
- 12-5 Unregistering Through the Database
- 12-6 Unregistering Through LDAP
- 12-7 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC URL
- 12-8 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters
- 12-9 Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC URL
- 12-10 Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters
- 12-11 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory in LDAP
- 12-12 Getting a Queue or Topic in LDAP
- 12-13 Creating a Queue Table
- 12-14 Creating a Point-to-Point Queue
- 12-15 Creating a Publish/Subscribe Topic
- 12-16 Specifying Max Retries and Max Delays in Messages
- 12-17 Getting a Queue Table
- 12-18 Granting Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges
- 12-19 Revoking Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges
- 12-20 Granting Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges
- 12-21 Revoking Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges
- 12-22 Granting Point-to-Point Queue Privileges
- 12-23 Revoking Point-to-Point Queue Privileges
- 12-24 Starting a Destination
- 12-25 Stopping a Destination
- 12-26 Altering a Destination
- 12-27 Dropping a Destination
- 12-28 Scheduling a Propagation
- 12-29 Enabling a Propagation Schedule
- 12-30 Altering a Propagation Schedule
- 12-31 Disabling a Propagation Schedule
- 12-32 Unscheduling a Propagation
- 13-1 Creating a QueueConnection with User Name/Password
- 13-2 Creating a QueueConnection with an Open JDBC Connection
- 13-3 Creating a QueueConnection from a Java Procedure Inside Database
- 13-4 Creating a QueueConnection with an Open OracleOCIConnectionPool
- 13-5 Creating a Transactional QueueSession
- 13-6 Creating a Sender to Send Messages to Any Queue
- 13-7 Creating a Sender to Send Messages to a Specific Queue
- 13-8 Sending Messages Using a QueueSender by Specifying Send Options 1
- 13-9 Sending Messages Using a QueueSender by Specifying Send Options 2
- 13-10 Creating a QueueBrowser Without a Selector
- 13-11 Creating a QueueBrowser With a Specified Selector
- 13-12 Creating a QueueBrowser Without a Selector, Locking Messages
- 13-13 Creating a QueueBrowser With a Specified Selector, Locking Messages
- 13-14 Creating a QueueBrowser for ADTMessages
- 13-15 Creating a QueueBrowser for AdtMessages, Locking Messages
- 13-16 Creating a QueueReceiver Without a Selector
- 13-17 Creating a QueueReceiver With a Specified Selector
- 13-18 Creating a QueueReceiver for AdtMessage Messages
- 14-1 Creating a TopicConnection with User Name/Password
- 14-2 Creating a TopicConnection with Open JDBC Connection
- 14-3 Creating a TopicConnection with New JDBC Connection
- 14-4 Creating a TopicConnection with Open OracleOCIConnectionPool
- 14-5 Creating a TopicSession
- 14-6 Publishing Without Specifying Topic
- 14-7 Publishing Specifying Correlation and Delay
- 14-8 Publishing Specifying Topic
- 14-9 Publishing Specifying Priority and TimeToLive
- 14-10 Publishing Specifying a Recipient List Overriding Topic Subscribers
- 14-11 Creating a Durable Subscriber for a JMS Topic Without Selector
- 14-12 Creating a Durable Subscriber for a JMS Topic With Selector
- 14-13 Creating a Durable Subscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic Without Selector
- 14-14 Creating a Durable Subscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic With Selector
- 14-15 Sending Messages to a Destination Using a Transformation
- 14-16 Specifying Transformations for Topic Subscribers
- 14-17 Creating a Remote Subscriber for Topics of JMS Messages
- 14-18 Creating a Remote Subscriber for Topics of Oracle Object Type Messages
- 14-19 Specifying Transformations for Remote Subscribers
- 14-20 Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Local Subscriber
- 14-21 Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Remote Subscriber
- 14-22 Creating a TopicReceiver for Standard JMS Type Messages
- 14-23 Creating a TopicReceiver for Oracle Object Type Messages
- 14-24 Creating a TopicBrowser Without a Selector
- 14-25 Creating a TopicBrowser With a Specified Selector
- 14-26 Creating a TopicBrowser Without a Selector, Locking Messages While Browsing
- 14-27 Creating a TopicBrowser With a Specified Selector, Locking Messages
- 14-28 Creating a TopicBrowser for AdtMessage Messages
- 14-29 Creating a TopicBrowser for AdtMessage Messages, Locking Messages
- 14-30 Creating a TopicBrowser with a Specified Selector
- 15-1 Getting Underlying JDBC Connection from JMS Session
- 15-2 Getting Underlying OracleOCIConnectionPool from JMS Connection
- 15-3 Setting Default TimeToLive for All Messages Sent by a MessageProducer
- 15-4 Setting Default Priority Value for All Messages Sent by QueueSender
- 15-5 Setting Default Priority Value for All Messages Sent by TopicPublisher
- 15-6 Using a Message Consumer by Specifying Timeout
- 15-7 JMS: Blocking Until a Message Arrives
- 15-8 JMS: Nonblocking Messages
- 15-9 JMS: Receiving Messages from a Destination Using a Transformation
- 15-10 Specifying Navigation Mode for Receiving Messages
- 15-11 Specifying Message Listener at Message Consumer
- 15-12 Getting Message Property as an Object
- 15-13 Specifying Exception Listener for Connection
- 15-14 Using ExceptionListener with MessageListener
- 15-15 Getting the Exception Listener for the Connection
- 16-1 Setting Up Environment for Running JMS Types Examples
- 16-2 Setting Up the Examples
- 16-3 Populating and Enqueuing a BytesMessage
- 16-4 Dequeuing and Retrieving JMS BytesMessage Data
- 16-5 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS StreamMessage
- 16-6 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS StreamMessage
- 16-7 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS MapMessage
- 16-8 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS MapMessage
- 16-9 Enqueuing a Large TextMessage
- 16-10 Enqueuing a Large BytesMessage
- 18-1 Adding Static Service Information for a Listener
- 18-2 Configuring MGW_AGENT
- 18-3 Creating a Messaging Gateway Administrator User
- 18-4 Creating a Messaging Gateway Agent User
- 18-5 Configuring Messaging Gateway Connection Information
- 18-6 Setting Java Properties
- 19-1 Creating a Messaging Gateway Agent
- 19-2 Removing a Messaging Gateway Agent
- 19-3 Setting Database Connection Information
- 19-4 Setting the Resource Limits
- 19-5 Starting the Messaging Gateway Agent
- 19-6 Shutting Down the Messaging Gateway Agent
- 19-7 Configuring a WebSphere MQ Base Java Link
- 19-8 Configuring a WebSphere MQ JMS Link
- 19-9 Configuring a WebSphere MQ Base Java Link for SSL
- 19-10 Configuring a TIB/Rendezvous Link
- 19-11 Altering a WebSphere MQ Link
- 19-12 Removing a Messaging Gateway Link
- 19-13 Listing All Messaging Gateway Links
- 19-14 Checking Messaging System Link Configuration Information
- 19-15 Registering a WebSphere MQ Base Java Queue
- 19-16 Unregistering a Non-Oracle Queue
- 19-17 Checking Which Queues Are Registered
- 19-18 Creating a Messaging Gateway Propagation Job
- 19-19 Enabling a Messaging Gateway Propagation Job
- 19-20 Disabling a Messaging Gateway Propagation Job
- 19-21 Resetting a Propagation Job
- 19-22 Altering Propagation Job by Adding an Exception Queue
- 19-23 Altering Propagation Job by Changing the Polling Interval
- 19-24 Removing a Propagation Job
- 20-1 Transformation Function Signature
- 20-2 Creating a Transformation
- 20-3 Registering a Transformation
- 20-4 Outbound LCR Transformation
- 20-5 Inbound LCR Transformation
- 21-1 Sample Messaging Gateway Log File
- 21-2 Sample Exception Message
- 22-1 Creating ANYDATA Users
- 22-2 Creating an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-3 Adding a Subscriber to the ANYDATA Queue
- 22-4 Associating a User with an AQ_AGENT
- 22-5 Creating an Enqueue Procedure
- 22-6 Enqueuing a VARCHAR2 Message into an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-7 Enqueuing a NUMBER Message into an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-8 Enqueuing a User-Defined Type Message into an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-9 Determining the Consumer of Messages in a Queue
- 22-10 Creating a Dequeue Procedure for an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-11 Dequeuing Messages from an ANYDATA Queue
- 22-12 Granting EXECUTE Privilege on a Type
- 22-13 Creating a Typed Destination Queue
- 22-14 Creating a Database Link
- 22-15 Creating a Function to Extract a Typed Object from an ANYDATA Object
- 22-16 Creating an ANYDATA to Typed Object Transformation
- 22-17 Creating Subscriber ADDRESS_AGENT_REMOTE
- 22-18 Scheduling Propagation from an ANYDATA Queue to a Typed Queue
- 22-19 Enqueuing a Typed Message in an ANYDATA Wrapper
- 22-20 Viewing the Propagated Message
- 22-21 Creating a Queue of Type LCR$_ROW_RECORD
- 22-22 Creating an ANYDATA to LCR$_ROW_RECORD Transformation
- 22-23 Creating Subscriber ROW_LCR_AGENT_REMOTE
- 22-24 Creating a Procedure to Construct and Enqueue a Row LCR
- 22-25 Creating and Enqueuing a Row LCR
- 22-26 Viewing the Propagated LCR
- 23-1 Setting Up ANYDATA Users
- 23-2 Creating an ANYDATA Queue
- 23-3 Enabling Enqueue on the ANYDATA Queue
- 23-4 Creating an Orders Type
- 23-5 Creating a Customers Type
- 23-6 Creating a Procedure to Enqueue Non-LCR Messages
- 23-7 Creating a Procedure to Construct and Enqueue Row LCR Events
- 23-8 Creating a Function to Determine the Value of the Action Attribute
- 23-9 Creating a Message Handler
- 23-10 Creating an Evaluation Context for the Rule Set
- 23-11 Creating a Rule Set for the Apply Process
- 23-12 Creating a Rule that Evaluates to TRUE if Action Is Apply
- 23-13 Creating a Rule that Evaluates to TRUE for Row LCR Events
- 23-14 Adding Rules to the Rule Set
- 23-15 Creating an Apply Process
- 23-16 Granting EXECUTE Privilege on the Rule Set To oe User
- 23-17 Starting the Apply Process
- 23-18 Creating an Agent for Explicit Dequeue
- 23-19 Associating User oe with Agent explicit_dq
- 23-20 Adding a Subscriber to the oe_queue Queue
- 23-21 Creating a Procedure to Dequeue Messages Explicitly
- 23-22 Enqueuing Non-LCR Messages to Be Dequeued by an Apply Process
- 23-23 Enqueuing Non-LCR Messages to Be Dequeued Explicitly
- 23-24 Enqueuing Row LCRs to Be Dequeued by an Apply Process
- 23-25 Dequeuing Messages Explicitly
- 23-26 Querying for Applied Messages
- 23-27 Granting EXECUTE on DBMS_AQIN to User oe
- 23-28 Enabling JMS Types on an ANYDATA Queue
- 23-29 Creating Oracle Object Types address and person
- 23-30 Creating Java Classes That Map to Oracle Object Types
- 23-31 Java Code for Enqueuing Messages
- 23-32 Java Code for Dequeuing Messages
- 23-33 Compiling and
- 23-34 Running StreamsEnq
- 23-35 Running StreamsDeq