2.6 Tracking Support Incidents
The Incidents tab gives you a complete system for tracking support incidents.
Specify contact details of each customer, products and categories, and then set up values to limit status codes, severity, and urgency attributes for an incident
Raise a new ticket by clicking the Delta (Δ) symbol. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager displays the delta symbol only in the Collections and Browse tabs
The Browse tab enables you to create a new ticket on individual checks
The Collections tab enables you to create a single ticket for entire the collection
Delta (Δ) symbol is color coded red, blue, and green based on the ticket status
RED (No Incident ticket exists): Initiates the process to create a new incident ticket for the collection or individual checks
BLUE (An open Incident ticket exists): Opens the incident ticket for editing
GREEN (A closed Incident ticket exists): Opens the closed incident ticket for viewing
Track the progress of the ticket in an update area of the ticket, or add attachments and links to the incident
Use tags to classify incidents and use the resulting tag cloud in your reports
Incident access and management happen only within your access control range
Incident Tracking feature is a basic stand-alone system and it is not designed for integration with other commercial enterprise-level trouble ticketing systems.
Incident Tracking Features
Search options
Track and analyze incident tickets
Flexible and updateable incident status
Robust reporting
Link, Note, and File Attachments
Flexible Access Control (reader, contributor, administrator model)