4.6.3 IP Name and Address Requirements For Grid Naming Service (GNS)

Review this information for IP name and address requirements for Grid Naming Service (GNS).

IP Name and Address Requirements For Grid Naming Service (GNS)

If you enable Grid Naming Service (GNS), then name resolution requests to the cluster are delegated to the GNS, which is listening on the GNS virtual IP address. The domain name server (DNS) must be configured to delegate resolution requests for cluster names (any names in the subdomain delegated to the cluster) to the GNS. When a request comes to the domain, GNS processes the requests and responds with the appropriate addresses for the name requested. To use GNS, you must specify a static IP address for the GNS VIP address.


The following restrictions apply to vendor configurations on your system:
  • You cannot use GNS with another multicast DNS. To use GNS, disable any third party mDNS daemons on your system.