B.7.2 Running Postinstallation Configuration Using Response File

Complete this procedure to run configuration assistants with the executeConfigTools command.

  1. Edit the response file and specify the required passwords for your configuration. You can use the response file created during installation, located at ORACLE_HOME/install/response/product_timestamp.rsp. For example:

    For Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

  2. Change directory to the Oracle home containing the installation software. For example, for Oracle Grid Infrastructure:
    cd Grid_home
  3. Run the configuration script using the following syntax:

    For Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

    gridSetup.sh -executeConfigTools -responseFile Grid_home/install/response/product_timestamp.rsp

    For Oracle Database:

    runInstaller -executeConfigTools -responseFile ORACLE_HOME/install/response/product_timestamp.rsp

    For Oracle Database, you can also run the response file located in the directory ORACLE_HOME/inventory/response/:

    runInstaller -executeConfigTools -responseFile ORACLE_HOME/inventory/response/db_install.rsp

    The postinstallation configuration tool runs the installer in the graphical user interface mode, displaying the progress of the postinstallation configuration. Specify the [-silent] option to run the postinstallation configuration in the silent mode.

    For example, for Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

    $ gridSetup.sh -executeConfigTools -responseFile /u01/app/12.2.0/grid/install/response/grid_2016-01-09_01-03-36PM.rsp [-silent]

    For Oracle Database:

    $ runInstaller -executeConfigTools -responseFile ORACLE_HOME/inventory/response/db_2016-01-09_01-03-36PM.rsp [-silent]