2.2 Checking Server Hardware and Memory Configuration

Use this procedure to gather information about your server configuration.

  1. Use the following command to determine physical RAM size on the server:
    # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
    If the size of the physical RAM installed in the system is less than the required size, then you must install more memory before continuing.
  2. Determine the size of the configured swap space:
    # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
    If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information about how to configure additional swap space.
  3. Determine the amount of space available in the /tmp directory:
    # df -h /tmp

    If the free space available in the /tmp directory is less than what is required, then complete one of the following steps:

    • Delete unnecessary files from the /tmp directory to meet the disk space requirement.

    • When you set the Oracle user's environment, also set the TMP and TMPDIR environment variables to the directory you want to use instead of /tmp.

  4. Determine the amount of free RAM and disk swap space on the system:
    # free
  5. Determine if the system architecture can run the software:
    # uname -m
    Verify that the processor architecture matches the Oracle software release to install. For example, you should see the following for a x86-64 bit system:

    If you do not see the expected output, then you cannot install the software on this system.

  6. Verify that shared memory (/dev/shm) is mounted properly with sufficient size:
    df -h /dev/shm
    The df-h command displays the filesystem on which /dev/shm is mounted, and also displays in GB the total size and free size of shared memory.