3.2 Checking the Oracle Database Prerequisites Packages Configuration

Use this procedure to gather information about the Oracle Database prerequisites group package configuration.

  1. To check if oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall is already installed:
    $ pkg list oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall
  2. To check for the latest version of oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall:
    $ pkg list -n oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall
  3. Before you install oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall:
    1. Use the -n option to check for errors:
      $ pkg install -nv oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall


      Use the -n option to check for installation errors. If -n does not display any errors, then omit the -n option when you install oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall.
    2. If there are no errors, then log in as root, and install the group package:
      # pkg install oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall
  4. To view the packages installed by oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall:
    $ pkg contents -ro type,fmri -t depend oracle-rdbms-server-12-1-preinstall

    A sample output of this command:

    group x11/diagnostic/x11-info-clients
    group x11/library/libxi
    group x11/library/libxtst
    group x11/session/xauth
    require compress/unzip
    require developer/assembler
    require developer/build/make