4 ADVM-00501 to ADVM-11111
- ADVM-00501: unable to allocate a buffer
Cause: A request for process virtual memory failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00502: Failed to communicate with the ACFS driver. Verify the ACFS driver has been loaded.
Cause: The ACFS control device could not be accessed.
- ADVM-00506: Failed to read '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: An open file could not be read.
- ADVM-00507: Failed to seek to <varname>string</varname> prior to writing the volume disk header.
Cause: A seek to the volume failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00508: unable to obtain device major and minor number for volume <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00509: unsupported file type for <varname>string</varname>, not a block device
Cause: Volume provided was not recognized as a block device. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00510: unable to obtain volume id for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Volume id was not obtained. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00514: unable to close handle
Cause: Handle could not be closed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00516: stat of <varname>string</varname> failed
Cause: Stat() failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00517: unable to obtain block device sector size
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00518: unable to obtain volume size in sectors
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00521: Failed to determine file type of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00522: unable to get drive structure
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00524: unable to obtain partition information
Cause: Failed to obtain volume information. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00525: failed to seek to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to seek to volume. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00526: read of volume disk header failed
Cause: Failed to read volume. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00527: unable to dismount volume
Cause: Could not dismount volume. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00531: write of volume disk header failed
Cause: Write to volume failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00547: Both the primary and alternate superblocks are damaged.
Cause: The file system metadata was found to be damaged.
- ADVM-00548: Failed to communicate with the ACFS driver. Verify that cluster membership has been established.
Cause: The ACFS driver's control device could not be accessed.
- ADVM-00549: mount path <varname>string</varname> already contains a volume mount point for volume <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The mount path contained a reparse point that references a a different volume than the mount request.
- ADVM-00555: unsupported file type for <varname>string</varname>, not a device file
Cause: Volume provided was not recognized as a device file. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-00556: invalid vfs name <varname>string</varname>
Cause: a helper command was called with an unexpected vfs name argument
- ADVM-00562: An attempt to create Oracle Registry ACFS key <varname>string</varname> resulted in a registry error. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error was returned by the Oracle Registry service when attempting to create an ACFS key. This message is accompanied by other message(s) that provide details as to the exact cause of the failure.
- ADVM-00564: unable to delete Oracle Registry key <varname>string</varname> while trying to recover from an error <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Removal of a key from the Oracle Registry failed.
- ADVM-00565: unable to delete Oracle Registry key <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Removal of mount key from Oracle Registry failed.
- ADVM-00566: invalid handle received when attempting to close an ACFS mount key within Oracle Registry
Cause: An error was returned during the closing of a key in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00567: unknown Oracle Registry error encountered closing key
Cause: An error was returned while closing the key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00568: closing of a key resulted in Oracle Registry error <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error was returned during the closing of a key in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00569: invalid handle received when attempting to delete an ACFS mount key within Oracle Registry
Cause: An error was returned while removing a key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00570: The ACFS mount key specified for deletion does not exist within Oracle Registry.
Cause: The mount key could not be located in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00571: The ACFS mount key specified for deletion is not empty.
Cause: The mount key specified for deletion from the Oracle Registry contained dependent subkeys.
- ADVM-00572: permission denied to delete the ACFS mount entry from Oracle Registry
Cause: The user permissions were insufficient to remove the key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00573: Oracle Registry error encountered while deleting an ACFS mount key
Cause: An error was returned while removing the key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00575: deletion request of key resulted in Oracle Registry error <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error was returned while removing a key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00584: failed to look up ACFS mount points in the Oracle Registry <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error was returned while looking up a mount point in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00585: null parameter received
Cause: A null parameter was passed to the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00587: unknown Oracle Registry error encountered during operation on ACFS mount entry
Cause: An error was returned while accessing the key from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00589: key operation resulted in Oracle Registry error <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error was returned during a key operation with the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00592: Seek to volume failed. Verify the volume exists.
Cause: Seek to a location on the volume failed.
- ADVM-00593: The Oracle Registry returned the following error while attempting to access ACFS key <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to access either the SYSTEM, SYSTEM.ACFS or SYSTEM.ACFS.Mounts keys in Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00594: Failed to access ACFS mount information. The Oracle Registry returned the appended error for ACFS key <varname>string</varname>. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to access ACFS mount information from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00595: Failed to access ACFS mount value information. The Oracle Registry returned the appended error for ACFS key <varname>string</varname>. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to access ACFS mount value information from the Oracle Registry. This might be due to Oracle Registry corruption or a sudden loss of the Oracle Registry service.
- ADVM-00596: A failure occurred while accessing the Oracle Registry ACFS key "SYSTEM" for security purposes and follows this message: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to retrieve key access rights for the Oracle Registry ACFS key "SYSTEM"
- ADVM-00597: Failed to initialize the Oracle Registry's SCLS context. The SCLS error is included with this message.
Cause: An operating system initialization failed.
- ADVM-00598: An error occurred while looking up the current user's operating system account name. The error is included with this message.
Cause: ACFS was attempting to add an entry to the Oracle Registry. During this attempt a lookup of the current user's name failed in the operating system failed.
- ADVM-00599: The Oracle Registry returned the following error while attempting to close the ACFS key <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Possibly due to Oracle Registry corruption or a sudden loss of the Oracle Registry service.
- ADVM-00600: Failed to access ACFS mount subkey information. The Oracle Registry returned the appended error. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to access ACFS mount information from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-00601: Failed to initialize this utility's access to the Oracle Registry. Verify the registry service has started.
Cause: Either the Oracle Registry service was unavailable or the registry configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-00602: An internal error (BADARG) occurred while trying to determine the Oracle Registry configuration.
Cause: An Oracle internal error.
- ADVM-00603: Failed to retrieve the Oracle Cluster Registry, OCR, configuration
Cause: Failed to obtain OCR information.
- ADVM-00604: Failed to retrieve the Oracle Local Registry, OLR, configuration
Cause: Failed to obtain Oracle Local Registry information.
- ADVM-00605: Failed to retrieve the Oracle Registry configuration for an unknown reason
Cause: Failed to obtain Oracle Registry information.
- ADVM-00606: Could not determine if the system is configured for RAC or Oracle Restart environment.
Cause: The Oracle Registry service configuration could not be detected
- ADVM-00607: Failed to access or create Oracle Registry keys required for ACFS operation
Cause: Oracle Registry keys required for operation either could not be accessed or created.
- ADVM-00619: This is a <varname>string</varname> computer, but the file system was created on a <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> computer.
Cause: The file system was created on a computer which has a different Endian than the current system. Little Endian machines (such as the intel x86 based systems) store the Least Significant bit in the first byte of an integer value. Big Endian machines (such as Solaris SPARC and AIX Power based systems) store the Most Significant bit in the first byte of an integer value.
- ADVM-00620: This feature is not available for Oracle version <varname>string</varname> or lower on this platform.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-00621: Unable to determine privileges
Cause: An error occured retrieving the user credentials.
- ADVM-00622: must provide a base mount point
Cause: A mount point on the base site was not provided.
- ADVM-00623: must provide a target mount point
Cause: A mount point on the target site was not provided.
- ADVM-00624: The path specified is too long.
Cause: The path specified exceeded the allowed maximum path length.
- ADVM-00625: <varname>string</varname> is not a valid ACFS mount point.
Cause: The mount point path specified was not a valid mount point.
- ADVM-01001: Size specified cannot exceed size of volume.
Cause: Volume size was smaller than the requested size.
- ADVM-01002: ACFS requires a minimum volume size of <varname>number</varname>MB.
Cause: Volume was too small.
- ADVM-01004: <varname>string</varname> was not formatted.
Cause: An error occurred during the formatting of the volume.
- ADVM-01005: unable to allocate a buffer
Cause: A request for process virtual memory by the ACFS format command failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01006: unable to open volume device '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Volume device could not be opened. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01008: unable to open file system <varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system was not accessible.
- ADVM-01010: Volume already contains an ACFS file system. To reformat the volume, reissue <varname>string</varname> with the <varname>string</varname>f option.
Cause: The on-disk metadata indicated that an ACFS file system is located on the volume.
- ADVM-01011: Volume contains an ACFS file system that is being checked. To reformat the volume, reissue <varname>string</varname> with the <varname>string</varname>f option.
Cause: The volume contained a file system that was in the process of being checked by fsck (Unix or Linux) or acfschkdsk.exe (Windows).
- ADVM-01014: write of volume label failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01018: failed to allocate a buffer for <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: A request for process virtual memory by the ACFS format command failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01019: This volume contains a mounted ACFS file system. The file system must be dismounted with acfsdismount on all nodes.
Cause: The volume was in use by another file system.
- ADVM-01020: This volume contains a mounted non-ACFS file system. The file system must be dismounted with 'advmutil dismount'.
Cause: The volume was in use by another non-ACFS file system.
- ADVM-01033: write to volume failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01038: write failed during setup of root directory entry
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01041: write of snaps directory entry failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01043: write of lost+found directory entry failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01044: write of file entry table failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01045: write of global bitmap failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01046: read of global bitmap file entry failed
Cause: A read of the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01047: write of global bitmap file entry failed
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01049: seek to snap map header failure
Cause: A seek to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01050: write to snap map header failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01051: partial write to snap map header failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01052: write to snap map info entry failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01053: partial write to snap map info entry failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01054: write to snap map storage entry failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01055: partial write to snap map storage entry failure
Cause: A write to the volume during file system creation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01150: unable to synchronize in-memory file data to disk
Cause: A request to flush all in-memory copies of buffers associated with the open handle failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-01151: Ignoring invalid block size <varname>number</varname>, using <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An ACFS format command unsupported block size was specified.
- ADVM-01152: The length of accelerator volume name exceeds <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Accelerator volume name length exceeded the maximum length displayed in the message.
- ADVM-01154: The accelerator volume contains a mounted ACFS file system. The file system must be dismounted with acfsdismount on each node.
Cause: The specified volume could not be used as an accelerator volume because it was in use by a mounted file system.
- ADVM-01155: The accelerator volume contains a mounted non-ACFS file system. The file system must be dismounted with 'advmutil dismount'.
Cause: The specified volume could not be used as an accelerator volume because it was in use by a mounted non-ACFS file system.
- ADVM-01156: The Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) compatibility attribute for the disk group is less than
Cause: An attempt to create a file system with an accelerator volume failed because the ADVM compatibility attribute for the disk group was not set to or higher.
- ADVM-01159: The accelerator volume must be different from the volume containing the file system.
Cause: The file system could not be created because the same volume was specified for both the accelerator and the file system.
- ADVM-01160: The specified accelerator volume was smaller than <varname>number</varname>MB.
Cause: The file system could not be created because the specified accelerator volume was below the minimum allowed size reported in the message.
- ADVM-01164: The specified device '<varname>string</varname>' is already in use with a CRS-managed file system.
Cause: The file system could not be created because the specified device was already registered with CRS (Cluster Ready Services).
- ADVM-02001: unable to allocate a buffer
Cause: A request for process virtual memory by mount command failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02006: unable to terminate the Oracle Registry connection
Cause: Either the Oracle Registry service was unavailable or the Oracle Registry configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-02012: Mount of <varname>string</varname> failed, volume <varname>string</varname> does not exist. Verify that <varname>string</varname> exists on this node.
Cause: Could not mount the file system retrieved from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-02014: Mount of <varname>string</varname> failed. Error <varname>number</varname> was returned.
Cause: Mount operation failed.
- ADVM-02015: Failed to open mount point <varname>string</varname>. Verify the mount point exists.
Cause: Mount point could not be opened.
- ADVM-02017: Failed to open volume <varname>string</varname>. Verify the volume exists.
Cause: The volume could not be opened.
- ADVM-02018: Volume <varname>string</varname> contains an ACFS file system that is being checked. Allow the file system check to complete.
Cause: The volume contained a file system that was in the process of being checked by the ACFS checker.
- ADVM-02026: unable to verify the host names passed in are part of the cluster
Cause: Either CSS was unavailable or the CSS configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-02027: unable to obtain the local CSS node name
Cause: Either CSS was unavailable or the CSS configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-02046: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Examine the system event log for possible causes.
Cause: The volume mount failed. This could be caused by an out of space condition if this is the first mount of a file system on a node.
- ADVM-02050: unable to set in-memory mount information
Cause: Could not communicate with the mounted file system.
- ADVM-02081: Warning: acfschkdsk.exe should be run on volume <varname>string</varname> at your earliest convenience
Cause: A flag in the superblock indicates that a metadata inconsistency has been found on this volume.
- ADVM-02082: unable to verify if the host names provided are part of the cluster
Cause: Could not obtain information about the cluster.
- ADVM-02083: cannot get the local CSS node name
Cause: Could not obtain local CSS node name.
- ADVM-02090: unable to retrieve ACFS mount information from CRS
Cause: Failed to retrieve mount information the CRS.
- ADVM-02092: Mount of <varname>string</varname> failed, node <varname>string</varname> is not a member of the CSS cluster.
Cause: Could not mount the file system retrieved from the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-02119: creating administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-02120: administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> already exists at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-02121: administrative network share '<varname>string</varname>' already exists, but does not share mount point <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Attempted to create an administrative network share for the specified ACFS mount point, but the required share name was already in use.
- ADVM-02122: retrieving information for administrative network share '<varname>string</varname>' failed
Cause: While creating an administrative network share for the specified ACFS mount point, failed to retrieve information on any network share that might already exist at the required share name. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02123: creating administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>' failed
Cause: Failed to create an administrative network share for the specified ACFS mount point. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02124: could not create administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Failed to create an administrative network share for the specified ACFS mount point. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02125: volume '<varname>string</varname>' is already in use
Cause: The volume was in use by another file system.
- ADVM-02126: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted.
Cause: The volume mount failed. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02127: unable to transfer mount data to the ACFS driver
Cause: The mount failed because the transfer of mount data from the mount command to the ACFS driver failed. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-02128: unable to clean up mount data passed to ACFS driver
Cause: The operation to clean up mount data from a temporary location / failed.
- ADVM-02129: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Volume is out of space.
Cause: The volume mount failed because the volume was out of space.
- ADVM-02130: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Volume version does not match the ACFS driver version.
Cause: The volume mount failed because the loaded ACFS driver does not support the volume version.
- ADVM-02131: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Cluster membership is not established.
Cause: The volume mount failed because the ACFS driver could not communicate with Oracle Clusterware.
- ADVM-02132: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Insufficient kernel resources to complete the mount.
Cause: The volume mount failed due to insufficient kernel resources.
- ADVM-02133: Volume <varname>string</varname> cannot be mounted. Metadata inconsistency found on-disk.
Cause: The volume mount failed due to a metadata inconsistency found in the volume superblock.
- ADVM-03001: Failed to open <varname>string</varname>. Verify that <varname>string</varname> exists.
Cause: The mount point or file could not be opened.
- ADVM-03003: Cannot decrease the volume by this amount.
Cause: Requested size exceeded the size of the file system.
- ADVM-03004: Cannot reduce volume size below 200 MB.
Cause: Requested size was below the minimum volume size of 200MB."
- ADVM-03008: The volume could not be resized. The volume expansion limit has been reached.
Cause: The file system's internal storage bitmap has a five extent limit. Growing the file system may fail if it has already been grown four or more times, using up all available storage bitmap extents.
- ADVM-03013: unable to open <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Volume could not be opened to remove the file system.
- ADVM-03033: unable to open <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The log file specified could not be created and/or opened.
- ADVM-03044: Failed to open mount point <varname>string</varname>. Verify the mount point exists.
Cause: Mount point could not be opened for snapshot operation.
- ADVM-03052: unable to delete snapshot <varname>string</varname> due to open files
Cause: There are files open in the snapshot.
- ADVM-03054: snapshot <varname>string</varname> is not a valid snapshot name
Cause: Possible causes include: 1) The snapshot name exceeded the limit of 255 characters. 2) The snapshot name equaled "." or "..". 3) The snapshot name contained "/" (Unix or Linux). 4) The snapshot name contained "" or ":" (Windows). 5) The snapshot name contained an illegal character for NTFS file names (Windows).
- ADVM-03091: Failed to open <varname>string</varname>. This may mean the <varname>string</varname> driver is not loaded/running
Cause: The driver's control device could not be accessed.
- ADVM-03096: error opening configuration file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The configuration file cannot be created and/or opened.
- ADVM-03097: error accessing configuration file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Seek to the end of the configuration file failed.
- ADVM-03106: Invalid combination of arguments. <varname>string</varname>a was previously specified to add an ACFS mount point to Oracle Registry.
Cause: Invalid option combination.
- ADVM-03107: Invalid combination of arguments. <varname>string</varname>d was previously specified to remove an ACFS mount point from the Oracle Registry.
Cause: Invalid option combination.
- ADVM-03108: Neither <varname>string</varname> nor <varname>string</varname> is an ADVM volume.
Cause: Volume specified was not an ADVM volume.
- ADVM-03110: unable to access the Oracle Registry <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either the Oracle Registry service was unavailable or the registry configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-03114: unable to allocate a buffer
Cause: A request for process virtual memory by acfsutil registry failed This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03115: an error occurred while attempting to disconnect from Oracle Registry
Cause: Either the Oracle Registry service was unavailable or the Oracle Registry configuration was incomplete/inaccurate.
- ADVM-03117: unable to verify if the hostnames provided are part of the cluster
Cause: Could not obtain information about the cluster.
- ADVM-03118: cannot obtain the node number of host <varname>string</varname> via CSS or the Oracle Registry
Cause: Could not determine the node number for the specified host.
- ADVM-03119: Incorrect data format in file '<varname>number</varname>'.
Cause: The file data was not in the expected format.
- ADVM-03120: Note: Reported snapshot space usage is inaccurate.
Cause: The snapshot storage calculated was not expected.
- ADVM-03122: failed to create Oracle Registry ACFS key <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to create ACFS key(s) SYSTEM.ACFS and/or SYSTEM.ACFS.Mounts in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03123: failed to create Oracle Registry ACFS key <varname>string</varname> because it already exists
Cause: The Oracle Registry ACFS key already exists.
- ADVM-03124: failed to create Oracle Registry ACFS subkey because it already exists
Cause: The Oracle Registry mounts subkey already exists.
- ADVM-03125: error retrieving the volume using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve volume information from mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03126: error retrieving the mount point using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve mount point information from mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03127: error retrieving the mount options using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve mount options from mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03128: error retrieving the version using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve the version for mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03129: error retrieving the nodes list using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve the nodes list for mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03133: The Oracle Registry returned the following error while attempting to access the security attributes of key <varname>string</varname>: \n <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not access the security information of Oracle Registry. This message is accompanied by other message(s) from the Registry providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03134: An error occurred while accessing Oracle Registry for a delete mount point operation. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve data from the Oracle Registry. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03135: unable to locate mount point <varname>string</varname> in Cluster Ready Services
Cause: An attempt to access the ACFS mount point failed because the mount point information could not be retrieved from CRS.
- ADVM-03136: unable to locate volume <varname>string</varname> in Cluster Ready Services
Cause: An attempt to access the ASM volume failed because the volume information could not be retrieved from CRS.
- ADVM-03137: Multiple entries exist for the mount point <varname>string</varname>. Rerun the command with the volume name.
Cause: Could not locate unique entry for mount point in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03138: failed to create and set Oracle Registry ACFS mount info key <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not create and set a mount info key in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03139: error retrieving the disk group name using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve the disk group name from the mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03140: error retrieving the volume name using Oracle Registry key: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not retrieve the volume name from the mount entry in the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03141: unable to open device <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The device could not be opened.
- ADVM-03142: Failed to retrieve the diskgroup and volume name for device <varname>string</varname>. See the attached error.
Cause: Possible internal error.
- ADVM-03143: The specified mount point does not exist and therefore cannot be deleted.
Cause: The Oracle Registry has not been configured for ACFS or the specified mount point does not exist.
- ADVM-03145: unable to remove ACFS volume <varname>string</varname> from Oracle Registry
Cause: Could not remove volume from Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03146: Warning: The ACFS mount point group ownership cannot be re-initialized in the Oracle Registry. The registry is initialized from the ACFS control device on first use, and may have changed ownership since then. Current Key Ownership: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt was made to re-initialize the ACFS mount point group ownership in the Oracle Registry. This may be because the ACFS control device /dev/ofsctl or /dev/acfsctl has changed owners.
- ADVM-03147: invalid ACFS file identifier provided
Cause: The ACFS file identifier provided by the user had an illegal value.
- ADVM-03148: ioctl call to obtain pathname associated with file id <varname>number</varname> failed
Cause: An internal ioctl operation to map from an ACFS file identifier to a pathname failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03149: constructed pathname is too large
Cause: The length of the pathname being constructed has exceeded the system limit of %d characters. This may be due to changes in the file system namespace while the command is running.
- ADVM-03151: The ACFS file identifier provided is not associated with a user file or directory.
Cause: The ACFS file identifier, although valid, was not for a user file or directory.
- ADVM-03152: The ACFS file identifier provided is invalid for the mountpoint specified.
Cause: The ACFS file identifier was not a valid identifier for the mountpoint specified.
- ADVM-03153: The file system name space has changed and a pathname cannot be obtained.
Cause: The ACFS file identifier was valid, but could not be used to obtain a full file pathname.
- ADVM-03154: Failed to determine the full pathname. Too many directory levels.
Cause: acfsutil has received information from the operating system that it could not process fully.
- ADVM-03157: unsupported file type for <varname>string</varname>, not a mount point
Cause: An invalid entry was passed on the command line.
- ADVM-03158: unsupported file type for <varname>string</varname>, not a mount point or a file
Cause: An invalid entry was passed on the command line.
- ADVM-03161: Device : <varname>string</varname> : Mount Point : <varname>string</varname> already exists in the Oracle Registry
Cause: This entry has already been added to the Oracle Registry.
- ADVM-03162: Warning: The file system was resized, but an error occurred while resizing the ADVM volume. File system size now <varname>number</varname> MB, volume size <varname>number</varname> MB.
Cause: An error occurred during ADVM volume resize.
- ADVM-03165: Unable to add the file system on device <varname>string</varname> to the ACFS registry. It is currently managed by CRS.
Cause: The file system is currently managed by CRS and a file system cannot be managed by both CRS and the ACFS registry.
- ADVM-03166: Unable to add a STOP_DEPENDENCY to the ACFS registry for device <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The ACFS registry resource could not be updated.
- ADVM-03167: Unable to remove the STOP_DEPENDENCY for device <varname>string</varname> from the ACFS registry.
Cause: The ACFS registry resource could not be updated.
- ADVM-03168: Internal error: <varname>string</varname> <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An Oracle internal error.
- ADVM-03169: Unable to set log file size.
Cause: The ACFS driver was unable to set the log file size.
- ADVM-03170: Minimum log file size is <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The ACFS driver was unable to set the log file size.
- ADVM-03171: Insufficient contiguous free ASM Diskgroup space. Check the ASM alert log.
Cause: ADVM could not resize the volume because ASM did not have enough contiguous free diskgroup storage.
- ADVM-03172: ADVM is busy with Mirror recovery. Try again later.
Cause: ADVM could not resize the volume because it is recovering the mirrored volumes.
- ADVM-03173: ADVM or ASM is unable to resize the volume. Check the ASM alert log.
Cause: ADVM or ASM is unable to resize the volume.
- ADVM-03174: The Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) compatibility attribute for the disk group is less than
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the disk group was not set to version or higher to allow the creation of a read/write snapshot.
- ADVM-03177: maximum log file size cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> MB
Cause: The ACFS driver was unable to set the log file size.
- ADVM-03178: unable to delete snapshot <varname>string</varname> while cluster is in rolling migration
Cause: The cluster was in rolling migration. Snapshot deletions are not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-03179: unable to create snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' while cluster is in rolling migration
Cause: The cluster was in rolling migration. Snapshot creations are not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-03180: Unable to obtain ASM volume device information for '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The operation for retrieval of ASM volume device information failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03185: Unable to obtain ASM volume extent information for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The operation for retrieval of ASM volume extent information failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03186: Supplied ACFS file offset value is greater than the file allocation size of <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The supplied file offset value in bytes supplied must be smaller than the file allocation size.
- ADVM-03187: Extent <varname>number</varname> (mirror <varname>number</varname>) is not in use.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-03203: Invalid snap command.
Cause: An invalid entry was passed on the command line.
- ADVM-03204: Snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' is already read-only.
Cause: A request was made to convert a snapshot to be read-only but the snapshot was already read-only.
- ADVM-03205: Snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' is already read-write.
Cause: A request was made to convert a snapshot to be read-write but the snapshot was already read-write.
- ADVM-03206: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup was below the required version (<varname>string</varname>) for the 'acfsutil snap convert' command.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute has not been upgraded to a version that supports the 'acfsutil snap convert' command.
- ADVM-03207: invalid combination of options
Cause: The 'acfsutil snap convert' command was passed an invalid option combination which included both the -r and -w options.
- ADVM-03208: The /r option is not supported on this operating system
Cause: The 'acfsutil snap convert /r' option was specified. This functionality requires a minimum operating system version of Windows Server 2008 R2.
- ADVM-03212: There are too many snapshots for the file system associated with <varname>string</varname>. Only <varname>number</varname> are allowed. Reduce the number of snapshots before proceeding.
Cause: An attempt to create more than the maximum allowed number of active snapshots was rejected.
- ADVM-03213: Creation of a snapshot failed due to presence of snapshots that prevent this functionality.
Cause: A snapshot creation which specified a parent snapshot was not processed because of compatibility issues with existing snapshots. Possible causes include: 1) Snapshots of the file system were found that were created before ADVM compatibility attribute was set to 12.1. 2) Snapshots of the file system were found that were created after ADVM compatibility was set to 12.1 but while 11.2 snapshots existed.
- ADVM-03214: The Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) compatibility attribute for the disk group is less than 12.1.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the disk group was not set to version 12.1 or higher to allow the creation of a snapshot with a parent snapshot.
- ADVM-03216: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup was below the required version (<varname>string</varname>) for unlimited volume expansions.
Cause: A request to resize the ACFS file system failed because the volume expansion limit was reached. This limit was hit because the ADVM compatibility attribute associated with the diskgroup was too low.
- ADVM-03300: unable to set tag name on file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS driver was unable to complete the request.
- ADVM-03301: unable to unset tag name on file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS driver was unable to complete the request.
- ADVM-03302: tag name syntax invalid or length too long
Cause: Tag name contains invalid characters or has too many characters.
- ADVM-03303: invalid combination of arguments
Cause: The acfsutil tag info -t or -r arguments work only on file pathnames.
- ADVM-03304: Unable to open mount point <varname>string</varname>. Verify that the mount point exists.
Cause: Mount point cannot be opened to display tag name information.
- ADVM-03305: unable to retrieve all tag names for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Unable to return the full list of tag names.
- ADVM-03306: tag name does not exist in file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Cannot unset a tag name on a file that does not exist.
- ADVM-03308: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup must be set to version to allow the acfsutil repl and tag commands.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute has not been upgraded to version or beyond.
- ADVM-03309: path name <varname>string</varname> does not resolve to an ACFS file system
Cause: A path name supplied on an 'acfsutil tag' command did not resolve to an ACFS file system.
- ADVM-03310: amount of change since mount: <varname>number</varname> MB
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-03313: unable to collect ACFS statistics for mount point <varname>string</varname>
Cause: 'acfsutil info fs -s' was unable to communicate with the ACFS driver.
- ADVM-03314: interval cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> seconds
Cause: Statistics interval exceeded maximum number of seconds per interval.
- ADVM-03315: count cannot exceed <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Number of statistics intervals exceeded maximum number allowed.
- ADVM-03316: interval must be a positive integer
Cause: A zero or negative integer was provided.
- ADVM-03317: unable to set tag on file "<varname>string</varname>" because its tag name storage is full
Cause: The limit of the file's tag name storage has been reached.
- ADVM-03318: unable to set tag name "<varname>string</varname>" because this name is reserved
Cause: The tag name specified is reserved.
- ADVM-03319: Set tag on file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-03320: Removing tag(s) on file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-03321: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup is below the required version (<varname>string</varname>) for the 'acfsutil tag' commands.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute has not been upgraded to a version that supports tagging.
- ADVM-03322: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup is below the required version (<varname>string</varname>) for the 'acfsutil repl' commands.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute has not been upgraded to a version that supports replication.
- ADVM-03323: <varname>string</varname>c option requires the <varname>string</varname>t option
Cause: The 'c' option was specified without the 't' option. The 'c' option invokes case insensitive substring matching on the tag names specified using the 't' option.
- ADVM-03324: Unable to obtain metric data for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An internal ioctl operation to access metric data from ACFS file system failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03344: Error, <varname>string</varname>s option with repetition interval applied to multiple file systems.
Cause: A request to report file system statistics periodically was rejected because it applied to multiple file systems. A single file system must be specified explicitly when supplying the 's' option with a time interval.
- ADVM-03450: Continue to panic the cluster [y|n] ?
Cause: The 'acfsutil panic' command was issued to panic the cluster.
- ADVM-03451: Continue to panic the system [y|n] ?
Cause: The 'acfsutil panic' command was issued to panic the system.
- ADVM-03452: failed to move file or directory from <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to rename a file or directory failed because the target was an existing, populated directory or the user permissions were insufficient to perform the operation.
- ADVM-03500: Unable to access kernel persistent log entries.
Cause: Could not get or set persistent log configuration data.
- ADVM-03501: The 'query' option may not be used with any other options.
Cause: Additional options to 'query' were specified on the command line.
- ADVM-03502: The specified maximum log file size is less than <varname>number</varname> MB or is greater than <varname>number</varname> MB.
Cause: An invalid log file size was entered on the command line.
- ADVM-03503: The specified interval is less than <varname>number</varname> seconds.
Cause: An invalid interval value was entered on the command line.
- ADVM-03504: An invalid high water level value (<varname>number</varname> percent) was specified.
Cause: The high water level must be greater than the low water level and less than 100 percent.
- ADVM-03505: An invalid low water level value (<varname>number</varname> percent) was specified.
Cause: The low water level must be greater than zero and less than the high water level.
- ADVM-03506: The selected percentage does not generate an even integer. Changing to <varname>number</varname> percent.
Cause: The specified percentage of the buffer size generates a remainder.
- ADVM-03507: The specified buffer size is less than <varname>number</varname> KB or is greater than <varname>number</varname> KB.
Cause: An invalid buffer size value was entered on the command line."
- ADVM-03508: The specified maximum number of log files is less than <varname>number</varname> or greater than <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: An invalid maximum number of log files was entered on the command line.
- ADVM-03509: <varname>string</varname> is not a Grid infrastructure home.
Cause: An invalid Grid infrastructure home was entered on the command line.
- ADVM-03510: There are more log files on the system than are being configured. Removing the oldest files.
Cause: A new, lower, maximum number of allowable OKS persistent log files was configured and there are currently more log files on the system. Deleting the oldest files."
- ADVM-03511: Deleting <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: A log file was deleted to satisfy the new configuration.
- ADVM-03512: Renaming <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: A log file was renamed to place it in time modified sequential order.
- ADVM-03513: The OKS persistent log configuration settings cannot be queried.
Cause: The OKS persistent log was not running.
- ADVM-03514: The directory '<varname>string</varname>' can not be converted to an absolute path.
Cause: A directory name was specified that could not be converted to an absolute path. The name was either an invalid relative path or, on Windows, included an invalid drive letter.
- ADVM-03528: failed to determine Oracle Base
Cause: The operation to retrieve the Oracle Base location failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03529: Warning: The 'd' option was specified with an argument, which is no longer used - argument ignored.
Cause: 'acfsutil plogconfig' now gets the log location internally. The specified log location was ignored and the command continued using the internally derived location.
- ADVM-03530: The 'terminate' option may not be used with any other options.
Cause: Conflicting options were specified on the command line.
- ADVM-03539: Base time stamp not found in log file.
Cause: Informational. The likely cause is that the running OKS driver is an older version that does not support time stamp conversion.
- ADVM-03540: The specified interval is greater than <varname>number</varname> seconds.
Cause: An invalid interval value was entered on the command line.
- ADVM-03541: The symbolic link '<varname>string</varname>' to '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be created.
Cause: Likely, the link name was a non-empty directory. OKS persistent logging was started but no symbolic was created to the target directory.
- ADVM-03542: The specified OKS log directory '<varname>string</varname>' is invalid because it is NFS mounted.
Cause: The specified logging directory was NFS mounted.
- ADVM-03543: The OKS persistent log is not active.
Cause: The OKS persistent log was not running.
- ADVM-03544: Directory '<varname>string</varname>' exists as a file.
Cause: An OKS persistent log directory could not be created because it exists as a file.
- ADVM-03602: Plug-in is already enabled on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt was made to enable the plug-in when it is already enabled.
- ADVM-03603: Plug-in is not enabled on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: A plug-in command was attempt when the plug-in is not enabled.
- ADVM-03604: Unable to perform plug-in operation on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The plug-in operation failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03610: Invalid plug-in metric type: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An invalid plug-in metric type was specified.
- ADVM-03611: Invalid interval specified.
Cause: An invalid interval was specified.
- ADVM-03612: Unable to retrieve list of plug-in enabled tags.
Cause: ACFS was unable to retrieve the list of tags for which the plug-in is collecting metrics. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-03613: Unable to write plug-in config file.
Cause: ACFS was unable to write the plug-in config file to disk.
- ADVM-03614: Plug-in cannot be enabled for more than <varname>number</varname> tags.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable the plug-in for more than the maximum allowed number of tags.
- ADVM-03615: An error occured when copying the list of tags.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-03621: missing plug-in metric type
Cause: No plug-in metric type was specified.
- ADVM-03623: unable to modify the ACFS registration for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Could not modify the ACFS registration for the specified mount point.
- ADVM-03624: unable to modify registration for ACFS volume '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Could not modify the ACFS registration for the ACFS volume.
- ADVM-03626: invalid combination of -C and -f options
Cause: The 'acfsutil log' command was issued with both the -f and -C options. This is a conflict, because the log file names are pre-specified for -C and may not be specified using -f.
- ADVM-03627: logging behavior change specified with cluster option
Cause: The 'acfsutil log' command was issued with both the -C option and and an option that modifies the logging behavior.
- ADVM-04001: Failed to open path <varname>string</varname>. Verify that <varname>string</varname> exists.
Cause: Path could not be opened.
- ADVM-04002: unable to allocate a buffer
Cause: A request for process virtual memory by acfsdismount command failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-04011: Failed to open volume <varname>string</varname>. Verify that <varname>string</varname> exists.
Cause: Volume could not be opened.
- ADVM-04013: acfsdismount /all operation did not complete. Unable to retrieve a mount point from the list of active ACFS file systems to dismount. It is possible that not all file systems were dismounted.
Cause: Failed to obtain the next file system to dismount.
- ADVM-04032: removing administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-04033: administrative network share '<varname>string</varname>' does not share mount point <varname>string</varname> as expected
Cause: Attempted to remove the administrative network share associated with the specified ACFS mount point, but the network share does not share the specified ACFS mount point as expected.
- ADVM-04034: administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> does not exist at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-04035: retrieving information for administrative network share '<varname>string</varname>' failed
Cause: While removing the administrative network share associated with the specified ACFS mount point, failed to retrieve information on the administrative network share. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-04036: removing administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>' failed
Cause: Failed to remove the administrative network share associated with the specified ACFS mount point. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-04037: could not remove administrative network share for mount point <varname>string</varname> at share name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Failed to remove the administrative network share associated with the specified ACFS mount point. This message is accompanied by other messages providing details on the error.
- ADVM-04038: Volume <varname>string</varname> is still mounted. Dismount will complete as soon as activity ceases on the file system.
Cause: At the conclusion of the file system dismount request, the file system was still mounted. This could be a result of open files on the mount point. The dismount will finish as soon as activity ceases on the file system.
- ADVM-04058: Ignoring unsupported ACFS command option: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An unsupported 'umount.acfs' command option was specified.
- ADVM-04150: unable to retrieve mount point information from the ACFS driver
Cause: During unmount processing, an attempt to retrieve mount point information from the ACFS driver failed.
- ADVM-04151: unmount of mount point <varname>string</varname> failed
Cause: The file system unmount failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05001: must specify 'primary' or 'standby'
Cause: Command syntax requires 'primary' or 'standby' argument.
- ADVM-05002: must provide an Oracle Net alias to the primary replication site
Cause: The Oracle Net alias to connect to the primary replication site was not specified.
- ADVM-05003: must provide a primary mount point
Cause: The mount point on the replication primary site for the file system to be replicated was not provided.
- ADVM-05004: cannot allocate a list of tag names
Cause: A request for process virtual memory failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05005: invalid tag name: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: User specified a tag name that has incorrect syntax.
- ADVM-05006: unable to initialize replication process data structures
Cause: Failed to determine path names for replication directories.
- ADVM-05007: cannot initialize interrupt signal handler
Cause: The system could not initialize the mechanism to handle interrupts.
- ADVM-05008: cannot lock file <varname>string</varname> to serialize ACFS replication commands
Cause: Failed to open and lock the specified file. This message accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05009: ACFS replication initialization is already in progress.
Cause: Initialization was in progress on the replication site.
- ADVM-05010: ACFS replication initialization is still in progress.
Cause: The command cannot be run until replication initialization completes.
- ADVM-05011: cannot open directory: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to open the specified directory. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05012: ACFS replication is already initialized.
Cause: ACFS replication has already been initialized on this system.
- ADVM-05013: ACFS replication cannot be initialized.
Cause: This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05014: cannot verify replication configuration
Cause: This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05015: cannot cleanup replication directories
Cause: The application failed to cleanup from a previous replication instantiation.
- ADVM-05016: cannot update replication configuration with new trace level
Cause: The application was unable to communicate with the ACFS driver.
- ADVM-05017: cannot create file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to create the specified file. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05018: cannot get primary ADVM volume information for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to get the ADVM volume path for the mounted ACFS file system.
- ADVM-05019: cannot allocate space for the ADVM volume path
Cause: A request for process virtual memory failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05020: cannot start replication daemons
Cause: CRS has failed to start the replication daemons.
- ADVM-05021: cannot stop replication daemons
Cause: CRS has failed to stop the replication daemons.
- ADVM-05022: internal CRS error
Cause: The application failed to initialize communication with CRS.
- ADVM-05023: error checking for file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05024: The standby replication site is initialized. ACFS replication will begin.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05025: waiting for the standby replication site to initialize
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05026: caught interrupt; ACFS replication initialization is shutting down.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05027: cannot remove file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system was not accessible.
- ADVM-05028: cannot obtain current time for events log
Cause: The application failed to get the current time for logging.
- ADVM-05029: cannot write to the events log
Cause: The application failed to write to the specified file. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05030: cannot clean up configuration file
Cause: Initialization failed and the configuration file created during failed initialization could not be removed.
- ADVM-05031: standby file system is not empty
Cause: The file system was not empty.
- ADVM-05032: unable to determine user permissions
Cause: An error occurred attempting to acquire the user permissions. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05033: must provide a standby mount point
Cause: A mount point on the standby replication site was not provided.
- ADVM-05034: cannot obtain path for directory: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to locate the specified directory.
- ADVM-05035: cannot open file for write: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to open the specified file. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05036: cannot write to file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to write to the specified file. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05037: cannot move file <varname>string</varname> to directory <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed move the specified file.
- ADVM-05038: cannot register Oracle Net service name
Cause: Unable to register the Oracle Net service name with the ASM instance.
- ADVM-05039: cannot unregister Oracle Net service name
Cause: Unable to unregister the Oracle Net service name from the ASM instance.
- ADVM-05040: cannot obtain Oracle Net service name from alias provided
Cause: Unable obtain the Oracle Net service name from the Oracle Net alias provided on the command line.
- ADVM-05041: Oracle Net service name is greater than <varname>string</varname> bytes
Cause: The Oracle Net service name specified for replication is greater than the maximum allowed.
- ADVM-05042: insufficient privileges to perform replication command. Administrator access is required.
Cause: The caller does not have sufficient privileges to perform the replication command.
- ADVM-05043: insufficient privileges to perform replication command. ASM administrator group access is required.
Cause: The caller does not have sufficient privileges to perform the replication command.
- ADVM-05044: cannot obtain node name
Cause: Unable to get local node name through CRS.
- ADVM-05045: invalid interval specified for replication statistics
Cause: The caller specified an invalid time interval for replication statistics.
- ADVM-05046: invalid date range specified for replication statistics
Cause: The caller specified an invalid date range for replication statistics.
- ADVM-05047: time specified is in the future
Cause: The caller specified a date in the future.
- ADVM-05048: start time specified is newer than the end time specified
Cause: The caller specified a date range where the start time was more recent the end time.
- ADVM-05049: validating the remote connection
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05050: remote connection cannot be established
Cause: The user name, password, or Oracle Net alias used to connect to the remote site was not correct or the remote site was unreachable.
- ADVM-05051: remote connection has been established
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05052: standby replication site requires reinitialization
Cause: Initialization was unable to complete on the primary replication site and left the standby replication site in an indeterminate state.
- ADVM-05053: replication's Oracle Net service name conflicts with the existing ASM service name
Cause: The service name for replication specified in the Oracle Net alias conflicts eith the Oracle Net service name that ASM uses.
- ADVM-05054: standby replication file system is mounted on more than one cluster node
Cause: The standby replication file system was mounted on more than one node in the cluster.
- ADVM-05055: invalid connection string for the primary replication site
Cause: The user name, password, or Oracle Net alias used to connect to the primary replication site was not correct or was unreachable.
- ADVM-05056: invalid connection string for the standby replication site
Cause: The user name, password, or Oracle Net alias used to connect to the standby replication site was not correct or was unreachable.
- ADVM-05058: command issued on the incorrect replication site
Cause: The command was issued on the incorrect replication site.
- ADVM-05059: ACFS replication not initialized
Cause: ACFS replication information cannot be retrieved as replication has not been initialized.
- ADVM-05060: waiting for ACFS replication to terminate
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05061: ACFS replication command interrupted
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05062: cannot query CRS resource
Cause: The application failed to communicate with CRS.
- ADVM-05063: cannot relocate CRS resource
Cause: The application failed to relocate CRS resource.
- ADVM-05064: the service name '<varname>string</varname>' is not registered on the standby site
Cause: Possible causes include: 1.) Replication was not initialized on the standby site. 2.) Mismatched service names. If the -c option is not used, the service name specified in the alias for the standby file system did not match the service name specified for the primary file system in the alias on the standby site. 3.) The alias for the standby site referred to the wrong set of nodes.
- ADVM-05065: cannot transfer files to the standby file system '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Possible causes include: 1.) The standby mount point did not exist or was not an ACFS file system. 2.) The standby file system was full.
- ADVM-05066: ACFS replication is already paused
Cause: ACFS replication was paused by a previous call.
- ADVM-05067: cannot rename file <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname> in directory <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The application failed to rename the specified file.
- ADVM-05068: ACFS replication has not been paused
Cause: ACFS replication was not paused. Resume operation is not needed.
- ADVM-05069: ACFS replication update must specify at least one attribute
Cause: The command to update the replication configuration did not specify any attributes to update.
- ADVM-05070: command must be run on the primary replication site
Cause: 'acfsutil repl update' command was not run on the primary replication site.
- ADVM-05071: invalid username or password used to connect to the standby site
Cause: The username or password specified on the command line or in the wallet was incorrect.
- ADVM-05072: cannot open events file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to open events log file.
- ADVM-05073: cannot query events log file
Cause: Failed to query events log file.
- ADVM-05075: cannot terminate replication
Cause: Failed to terminate replication.
- ADVM-05076: unable to determine CRS user/group
Cause: The application failed to determine CRS user and/or group.
- ADVM-05077: could not complete replication synchronization
Cause: Failed to complete synchronization of primary and standby replication sites.
- ADVM-05078: failed to synchronize primary and standby replication sites
Cause: Failed to synchronize replication sites.
- ADVM-05079: waiting for replication update to complete
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05083: Initialization of the primary file system could not complete because the standby is already configured for replication.
Cause: The standby file system was not expecting initialization data from this primary. Possible causes include: 1. Stale replication state detected on standby file system from a previous instantiation. 2. An incorrect replication standby site was supplied. 3. An incorrect replication standby file system was supplied.
- ADVM-05084: The replication standby file system has been newly initialized and is refusing files from the primary. The primary may need to be terminated and newly initialized.
Cause: The standby file system was not expecting any data from the primary except initialization data. A possible cause may be the standby file system was terminated and newly initialized, but the primary was not.
- ADVM-05085: cannot start replication because incompatible ACFS features already exist
Cause: Failed to start replication: Either security or encryption or both is enabled on the file system.
- ADVM-05086: listener is not running on the standby site
Cause: The listener was not started on the remote site or an incorrect node name was specified in the standby alias definition.
- ADVM-05087: The event log does not cover the time range specifed.
Cause: The events log did not cover any portion of the time range specified in the command.
- ADVM-05088: replicated file system size is below the minimum of <varname>string</varname>G
Cause: An attempt was made to initialize replication on a file system that did not have sufficient space.
- ADVM-05089: replication statistics cannot be queried on the standby site
Cause: An attempt was made to query the replication statistics on the standby site.
- ADVM-05090: interval is greater than <varname>string</varname> years
Cause: The interval specified was greater than the maximum allowed.
- ADVM-05091: The mount path specified exceeds the maximum length allowed on this platform.
Cause: The specified mount path exceeded the maximum length on this platform.
- ADVM-05092: replicated file system free space is near the minimum threshold of <varname>string</varname>GB per active node, continuing with initialization
Cause: Initialization of replication was issued on a file system that is near the minimum threshold of free space.
- ADVM-05093: could not retrieve active node count on file system: <varname>string</varname>, error: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not get the number of nodes active on the specified file system.
- ADVM-05094: replicated file system free space is below the minimum of <varname>string</varname>GB per active node, actual free space left: <varname>string</varname>GB
Cause: An attempt was made to initialize replication on a file system that did not have sufficient space.
- ADVM-05158: Replication background processes are not running
Cause: Replication background processes were stopped.
- ADVM-05159: Last sync time with primary: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05170: Cannot initialize replication while the cluster is in rolling migration
Cause: An attempt to initialize replication was rejected because the cluster was in rolling migration. Replication initialization is not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-05171: Cannot terminate replication while the cluster is in rolling migration
Cause: An attempt to terminate replication was rejected because the cluster was in rolling migration and the file system was mounted on more than one node.
- ADVM-05172: Replication cannot be terminated because background processes are not running.
Cause: Replication background processes were stopped and cannot finish processing replication data.
- ADVM-05200: Stopping ACFS replication daemons on <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05201: Starting ACFS replication daemons on <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05202: ACFS replication daemons started successfully on <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05203: ACFS replication daemons stopped successfully on <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05204: Attempting to restart replication daemons on <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05205: Failed to initialize replication because ACFS Security is in use on the standby file system '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ACFS replication initialization failed on the standby file system because ACFS Security was in use on the file system.
- ADVM-05206: Failed to initialize replication on ACFS Security enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS Security is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: Replication initialization failed on ACFS Security enabled primary file system because ACFS Security was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05207: A request to initialize replication failed because the primary replication file system is enabled for ACFS Security and standby site is not initialized for ACFS Security.
Cause: A request to initialize replication failed because the primary replication file system was enabled for ACFS Security and standby site was not initialized for ACFS Security.
- ADVM-05208: A request to initialize replication failed because the primary replication file system is enabled for ACFS Encryption and standby site has PKCS wallet.
Cause: Replication initialization failed because the use of PKCS wallet for an ACFS Replication standby site is not supported.
- ADVM-05209: A request to initialize replication failed because the primary replication file system is enabled for ACFS Encryption and an error occurred in accessing OCR at standby site.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-05210: Failed to initialize replication because ACFS Encryption is in use on the standby file system '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ACFS replication initialization failed on the standby file system because ACFS Encryption was in use on the file system.
- ADVM-05211: Failed to initialize replication on ACFS Encryption enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because PKCS wallet existed on standby site.
Cause: Replication initialization failed because the use of PKCS wallet for an ACFS Replication standby site is not supported.
- ADVM-05212: Failed to initialize replication on ACFS Encryption enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because an error occurred in accessing the OCR at standby site.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-05214: Failed to prepare ACFS Security on replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS Security is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: An attempt to prepare ACFS Security on replication enabled file system failed because ACFS Security was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05216: Failed to set ACFS encryption on a replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because PKCS wallet is not supported as ACFS encryption key store on standby site.
Cause: An attempt to set ACFS encryption on replication enabled file system failed because the standby site was having a PKCS wallet as ACFS encryption key store.
- ADVM-05217: Failed to set ACFS Encryption on replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because an error occurred accessing the OCR at standby site.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-05218: Cannot proceed because another conflicting 'acfsutil' command is in progress.
Cause: The command could not proceed because one of the following 'acfsutil' commands was in progress in the cluster. a. 'acfsutil repl init' b. 'acfsutil sec prepare' c. 'acfsutil encr set' d. 'acfsutil audit enable'
- ADVM-05219: Cannot proceed because CRS stack is not up.
Cause: The command could not proceed because CRS stack was not up.
- ADVM-05220: Cannot proceed because ACFS replication initialization is in progress.
Cause: The command could not proceed because ACFS replication initialization was in progress.
- ADVM-05221: Failed to prepare ACFS Security on a replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS audit is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: An attempt to prepare ACFS Security on a replication enabled file system failed because ACFS Audit was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05222: Failed to initialize replication on ACFS Audit prepared filesystem <varname>string</varname> because ACFS Audit is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: Replication initialization failed on an ACFS Audit prepared primary file system because ACFS Audit was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05223: Failed to prepare ACFS Audit on replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS audit is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: An attempt to prepare ACFS Audit on a replication enabled file system failed because ACFS Audit was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05224: Failed to prepare ACFS Audit on replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because an error occurred accessing the OCR at standby site.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-05226: Failed to set ACFS Encryption on a replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS audit is not initialized on the standby site; moreover, PKCS wallet is not supported as ACFS Encryption key store on the standby site.
Cause: In ACFS Audit initialized cluster, an attempt to set ACFS Encryption on replication enabled filesystem failed because standby site is not ACFS audit initailized and PKCS wallet is not supported as ACFS Encryption key store on the standby site.
- ADVM-05227: Failed to set ACFS Security on a replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS Security is not initialized on the standby site; moreover, ACFS Audit is not initialized on standby site.
Cause: In an ACFS Audit initialized cluster, an attempt to prepare ACFS Security on a replication enabled filesystem failed because the standby site was neither Audit initialized nor Security initialized.
- ADVM-05228: Failed to set ACFS Encryption on a replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because ACFS audit is not initialized on the standby site.
Cause: An attempt to set ACFS Encryption on a replication enabled file system failed because ACFS Audit was not initialized on the standby site.
- ADVM-05229: Failed to prepare ACFS Security on replication enabled file system '<varname>string</varname>' because an error occurred accessing the OCR at the standby site.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-05230: Failed to get standby site's encryption state.
Cause: An attempt to get standby site's encryption status failed because standby site was unreachable.
- ADVM-05231: Failed to get standby site's security state.
Cause: An attempt to get standby site's security status failed because standby site was unreachable.
- ADVM-05232: Failed to get standby site's audit state.
Cause: An attempt to get standby site's audit status failed because standby site was unreachable.
- ADVM-05233: Cannot prepare a file system for ACFS Security while the cluster is in rolling migration.
Cause: An attempt to prepare a file system for ACFS Security was rejected because the cluster was in rolling migration. ACFS Security prepare operation is not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-05234: Cannot set ACFS Encryption parameters while the cluster is in rolling migration.
Cause: An attempt to set ACFS Encryption parameters was rejected because the cluster was in rolling migration. ACFS Encryption set operation is not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-05235: Cannot enable ACFS Audit while the cluster is in rolling migration.
Cause: An attempt to enable ACFS Audit was rejected because the cluster was in rolling migration. ACFS Audit enable operation is not allowed during rolling migration.
- ADVM-05354: Clock difference detected between primary and standby replication sites.
Cause: A difference in the system clocks has been detected between the primary and standby replication sites.
- ADVM-05356: The Oracle Local Registry, OLR, cannot be accessed to query the software version.
Cause: The OLR is not accessible or is not configured correctly.
- ADVM-05500: ACFS replication error. Contact Oracle Support Services. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An ACFS replication operation failed.
- ADVM-05501: ACFS replication error. Customer action required. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05502: ACFS replication error. System administration needed. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05503: ACFS replication <varname>string</varname> daemon shutting down. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-05505: The standby replication file system is full.
Cause: The standby replication file system is out of space.
- ADVM-05506: The primary replication file system is full.
Cause: The primary replication file system is out of space.
- ADVM-05507: The standby replication site failed <varname>number</varname> times to transport replication files from host <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The replication transport mechanism failed to transport files from the standby replication site.
- ADVM-05508: The primary replication site failed <varname>number</varname> times to transport replication files from host <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The replication transport daemon failed to transfer files from the primary replication site.
- ADVM-05511: The standby replication site host, <varname>string</varname>, is experiencing <varname>number</varname> I/O errors.
Cause: I/O on the standby replication site failed.
- ADVM-05512: The primary replication site host, <varname>string</varname>, has experienced <varname>number</varname> I/O errors.
Cause: I/O on the primary replication site failed.
- ADVM-05513: replication monitor daemon has detected a problem
Cause: An error log file was received.
- ADVM-05514: The replication monitor daemon has not received receipt or error files within the set threshold.
Cause: The time allowed for receiving receipt or error files has surpassed.
- ADVM-05515: The replication monitor received an invalid receipt file and will not process it.
Cause: The receipt file that the replication monitor process received is not valid.
- ADVM-05516: The apply daemon failed to regenerate an apply file.
Cause: The apply daemon has requested more than the allowed number of regnerations on an apply file.
- ADVM-05517: ACFS replication on <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05518: <varname>string</varname> is not an ACFS mount point
Cause: The command required an ACFS mount point for execution.
- ADVM-05519: must provide an Oracle Net alias to the standby replication site
Cause: The Oracle Net alias, which is used to connect to the standby replication site, was not specified.
- ADVM-05520: cannot update replication configuration
Cause: The application was unable to communicate with the ACFS driver.
- ADVM-05521: cannot initialize replication configuration
Cause: The application was unable to communicate with the ACFS driver.
- ADVM-05522: Cannot terminate replication. Pending operations are unable to complete because the replication standby file system is full.
Cause: The standby replication file system is full and replication could not complete applying data before terminating.
- ADVM-05605: ACFS replication daemon <varname>string</varname> is exiting due to replication termination. <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05700: All the tag names specified during the "acfsutil repl init" operation must exactly match those specified on the command line.
Cause: Either at least one tag name was not specified during replication initialization or a specified tag name does not match that used during the "acfsutil repl init" operation.
- ADVM-05701: Comparing primary mount point (<<<) to standby mount point (>>>):
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05702: Testing for extra files on standby.\nStandby mount point (<<<) to primary mount point (>>>):
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05703: Results for file comparison of primary to standby mount points:
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05704: Files successfully compared = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05705: Files which failed comparison = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05706: Results for extra files on standby test:
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05707: Total files checked = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05708: Extra files found = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05709: A status check on a file failed. Skipping file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either the primary file system is actively being modified or an internal error occurred.
- ADVM-05710: ACFS tags do not support character devices. Skipping file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05711: ACFS tags do not support block devices. Skipping file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05712: ACFS tags do not support FIFOs. Skipping file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05713: ACFS tags do not support sockets. Skipping file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05714: <<< <varname>string</varname>\n>>> File missing!
Cause: The specified file was not replicated to the standby file system.
- ADVM-05715: Found: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The specified file is an extra file on the standby file system.
- ADVM-05716: <<< Tag names exist on file <varname>string</varname>\n>>> No tag names exist on file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file on the primary file system has tag names but the file on the standby file system has no tag names.
- ADVM-05717: <<< Extended attribute mismatch for <varname>string</varname>\n>>> Extended attribute mismatch for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-05718: An unexpected result occurred during primary to standby comparison. Continuing. Affected files: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An unexpected result occurred when comparing the primary to the standby.
- ADVM-05719: An unexpected result occurred during standby to primary comparison. Continuing. Affected files: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An unexpected result occurred when comparing the standby to the primary.
- ADVM-05720: File type was not recognized. Continuing. Affected files "<varname>string</varname>" and "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An unrecognized file type was encountered which will be ignored.
- ADVM-05721: Could not open the file specified for a checksum operation: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either the primary file system was modified or an internal error occurred.
- ADVM-05722: A file read failed during a checksum operation: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either the primary file system was modified or an internal error occurred.
- ADVM-05723: Unable to obtain security attributes on file "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Check the access rights on the indicated file.
- ADVM-05724: Unable to convert a security descriptor to a string on file "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The Windows security identifier (SID) may not be available on this system.
- ADVM-05728: Failed to retrieve file system status information from a system call for mount point "<varname>string</varname>."
Cause: A system call for the status of the file system failed.
- ADVM-05730: Mount point "<varname>string</varname>" does not support Oracle ACFS tagging.
Cause: The "-a" option was passed on the command line to compare ACFS tags. A file system being checked did not support ACFS tagging.
- ADVM-05731: Mount point "<varname>string</varname>" does not support extended attributes, therefore, the ACFS tag name portion of the comparisons will not be performed.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05732: The specified standby mount point does not exist: "<varname>string</varname>" .
Cause: Failed to access the specified standby mount point.
- ADVM-05733: Successfully compared: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05734: Successfully verified existence: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05737: <varname>string</varname> file attribute comparison failed: permissions=<varname>string</varname>, links=<varname>number</varname>, uid=<varname>number</varname>, gid=<varname>number</varname>, bytes=<varname>number</varname>, file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05738: <varname>string</varname> file size or file contents comparison failed, file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05739: <varname>string</varname> security descriptor comparison failed, file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05740: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05741: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, directory: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05742: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, soft link: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05743: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, socket: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05744: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, character device: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05745: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, block device: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05746: <varname>string</varname> file type comparison failed, FIFO: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05747: Directory '<varname>string</varname>' is a nested ACFS reparse point and was not included in the file system comparison.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-05748: The '<varname>string</varname>s' option requires either the '<varname>string</varname>a' option or '<varname>string</varname>t' option.
Cause: An incorrect combination of options was specified.
- ADVM-05749: The specified primary and standby mount points are the same path and will not be compared.
Cause: The provided primary and standby mount point paths resolved to the same location.
- ADVM-05801: The primary replication file system <varname>string</varname> is at least <varname>number</varname>%% full.
Cause: Free space in the primary replication file system fell below a monitored threshold.
- ADVM-05802: The primary replication file system <varname>string</varname> has <varname>number</varname>GB or less space available per active node.
Cause: The primary replication file system was found to be running low on space.
- ADVM-05803: The primary replication file system <varname>string</varname> has 2GB or less space available per active node. Replication is being terminated.
Cause: The primary replication file system was found to be too low on space in order to run efficiently.
- ADVM-05804: The standby replication file system <varname>string</varname> is out of sync with the primary by at least <varname>number</varname> minutes.
Cause: The time period to process changes on the standby file system was exceeded.
- ADVM-05805: The standby replication file system <varname>string</varname> is out of sync with the primary by at least 60 minutes.
Cause: The standby replication file system finished applying changes from the primary that were made more than 60 minutes ago. The standby is at least 60 minutes out of sync with the primary.
- ADVM-05806: The primary replication file system <varname>string</varname> has reached an appropriate free space level.
Cause: A previously-reported free space shortage in the primary replication file system was relieved.
- ADVM-05807: The standby file system <varname>string</varname> is less than 15 minutes out of sync now.
Cause: A previously-reported out of sync time difference between the standby replication file system and the primary reached an appropriate out of sync time for replication to run efficiently.
- ADVM-05808: The primary replication file system <varname>string</varname> had an unrecoverable error and replication has been terminated for that file system.
Cause: The primary file system encountered an unrecoverable error in the kernel that has caused replication for this file system to be terminated. The cause will be in the OKS persistent log.
- ADVM-05809: invalid query of replication apply events on the standby site
Cause: An attempt was made to query the replication apply events on the standby site which failed because the information is available only on the primary site.
- ADVM-05810: invalid query of replication transport events on the standby site
Cause: An attempt was made to query the replication transport events on the standby site which failed because the information is available only on the primary site.
- ADVM-05811: ACFS replication initialization failed in Oracle Restart environment.
Cause: Initialization failed because the system was configured with Oracle Restart. ACFS replication is not supported for Oracle Restart configurations.
- ADVM-07016: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: An attempt to read metadata at the indicated disk offset failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07017: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n bytes requested: <varname>number</varname> bytes returned: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: A metadata read at the indicated offset was incomplete. The amount of data returned did not match the amount requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07018: metadata write failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: An attempt to write metadata at the indicated disk offset failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07019: metadata write failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n bytes requested: <varname>number</varname> bytes written: <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: A metadata write at the indicated offset was incomplete. The amount of data written did not match the amount requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07021: The File_Entry_Table is corrupt and many of the files in the file system may \nnot be recoverable. It is strongly recommended that the file system be restored \nfrom a backup copy.
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency with the File_Entry_Table metadata. The File_Entry_Table is a critical system structure that is necessary for a functioning file system.
- ADVM-07022: I/O request for (disk offset + size): <varname>string</varname> exceeds file system size: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An I/O request was made for data that exceeded the size of the file system."
- ADVM-07023: read failed for metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read a metadata structure from disk failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07024: File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> exceeds the maximum value for this file system: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An entry was referenced that exceeded the File_Entry_Table limit.
- ADVM-07025: File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> already processed for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File_Entry_Table entries must be unique within a file system, but there were multiple references for this specific entry.
- ADVM-07026: file extent exceeds file system size: <varname>string</varname>\nextent: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The extent values of the indicated file referenced data beyond the size of the file system. There are two possible causes: 1. The extent _Length and/or _PhysicalDiskOffset property were incorrect. 2. The file system size value was incorrect.
- ADVM-07027: metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> contains incorrect or invalid type\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> or <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The type property of the indicated metadata structure was not valid. The type must be a DATA extent or a HEADER extent.
- ADVM-07028: DATA extent structure has incorrect _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated DATA extent structure was invalid. Its value must be -1.
- ADVM-07029: HEADER extent structure has incorrect _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: >= 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated HEADER extent structure was invalid. Its value must be greater than or equal to zero.
- ADVM-07030: file has invalid _FE_OsdSecurity value\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FE_OsdSecurity property of the indicated file was invalid.
- ADVM-07031: extent structure has incorrect _ExtentOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ExtentOffset property of the indicated extent structure did not match its disk offset.
- ADVM-07032: extent structure has incorrect _UpHeaderNodePtr value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _UpHeaderNodePtr property of the indicated extent structure was incorrect. There are two possible causes: 1. The _UpHeaderNodePtr property did not match its parent. 2. The parent identifier property was incorrect.
- ADVM-07033: extent structure has incorrect _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated extent structure did not match its calculated depth.
- ADVM-07034: extent structure has incorrect _NextFreeExtent value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated extent structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07035: extent[<varname>number</varname>] appears to be uninitialized\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An extent of the indicated extent structure appeared to be in use, but all of its values were zero.
- ADVM-07036: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _Length value\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property of an extent of the indicated extent structure had a value of zero. _Length values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07037: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has incorrect _SnapIncarnationNumber value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated extent structure exceeded the maximum value for the file system.
- ADVM-07038: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has a non-contiguous _FileOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property of an extent of the indicated extent structure was not contiguous with the _FileOffset of the previous extent.
- ADVM-07039: extent[<varname>number</varname>] is not in use but it contains non-zero values:\n _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n _Length: <varname>string</varname>\n _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n _SnapIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An extent of the indicated extent structure was not in use, but it contained non-zero values. There are two possible causes: 1. The extent values were not reset to zero when the extent was freed. 2. The _NextFreeExtent property of the extent structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07040: calculated extent structure allocation size (sum of data sizes) does not match expected value\n calculated: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find:<varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The sum of all valid extents within the indicated extent structure did not match the value of the corresponding extent in the parent extent structure.
- ADVM-07041: DATA extent list not found\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of DATA extent structures of the indicated file did not include the initial DATA extent structure. There are two possible causes: 1. The _LastExtentPointer property of the file was incorrect. 2. The structure identified by the _LastExtentPointer value was not a DATA extent structure.
- ADVM-07042: DATA extent node list missing entry for extent structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of DATA extent structures of the indicated file was incomplete. One or more DATA extent structures was missing. There are three possible causes: 1. The _LastExtentPointer property of the file was incorrect. 2. The structure identified by the _LastExtentPointer value was not a valid DATA extent structure. 3. The _NextDataExtent property of one or more DATA extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07043: metadata structure has invalid or incorrect type:\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The type property of the indicated metadata structure did not match the type expected for this structure.
- ADVM-07044: DATA extent list has more nodes than expected\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of DATA extent structures of the indicated file contained more nodes than expected. The _NextDataExtent property of one or more DATA extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07045: DATA extent list has fewer nodes than expected\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of DATA extent structures of the indicated file contained fewer nodes than expected. There are two possible causes: 1. One or more of the DATA extent structures did not have a valid structure header. 2. The _NextDataExtent property of one or more DATA extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07046: file has _LastExtentPointer that does not match calculated value\n calculated: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LastExtentPointer property of the indicated file did not match the file's last DATA extent structure. There are three possible causes: 1. The _LastExtentPointer value was incorrect. 2. The last DATA extent structure was not found because the The _NextDataExtent property of one or more DATA extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07047: extent node list missing entry for extent structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of extent structures of the indicated file was incomplete. One or more extent structures was missing. There are three possible causes: 1. The _LastExtentPointer property of the file was incorrect. 2. One or more extent structures did not have a valid structure header. 3. The _LastExtentPointer property of one or more extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07048: metadata structure has invalid _generation_number value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _generation_number property of the indicated metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07049: extent list has more nodes than expected\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list extent structures of the indicated file contained more nodes than expected. The _LastExtentPointer property of one or more extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07050: extent list has fewer nodes than expected\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of extent structures of the indicated file contained fewer nodes than expected. There are two possible causes: 1. One or more of the extent structures did not have a valid structure header. 2. The _LastExtentPointer property of one or more extent structures was incorrect.
- ADVM-07051: file has incorrect _LinkCount value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LinkCount property of the indicated file did not match the number of hard links found for the file. There are four possible causes: 1. The _LinkCount property was incorrect. 2. One or more directory entries for this file was invalid or was not found. 3. A Directory_Entry structure for this file had an incorrect file identifier. 4. The _LinkCount property of an ACFS Internal File was not equal to one.
- ADVM-07052: file has invalid _ProtectionBits value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ProtectionBits property of the indicated files was incorrect.
- ADVM-07053: file has invalid _ParentID value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ParentID property of the indicated file was not correct. There are two possible causes: 1. The _ParentID value did not match the file's parent directory. 2. The _ParentID value did not match any valid directory.
- ADVM-07054: file has invalid _WindowsAttributes value(s)\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _WindowsAttributes property of the indicated file was invalid. The _WindowsAttributes value must be zero since file was not created on a Windows system.
- ADVM-07055: extent[<varname>number</varname>] is not in use but it contains non-zero values:\n _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n _Length: <varname>string</varname>\n _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One of the extents of the indicated file was not in use, but it contained non-zero values. There are two possible causes: 1. The extent values were not reset to zero when the extent was freed. 2. The _NextFreeExtent property of the file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07057: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has incorrect _FileOffset\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property of the initial extent of the indicated file was not zero. The _FileOffset for a file's initial extent must be zero as it identifies the beginning of the file.
- ADVM-07058: file with local extents has invalid _LastExtentPointer value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LastExtentPointer property of the indicated file was not zero which is required for files with local extents.
- ADVM-07060: extent[<varname>number</varname>] appears to be uninitialized\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An extent of the indicated file appeared to be in use, but all of its values were zero.
- ADVM-07061: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _Length value\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property of an extent of the indicated file had a value of zero. _Length values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07062: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has incorrect _SnapIncarnationNumber value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated file exceeded the maximum value for the file system.
- ADVM-07063: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has a non-contiguous _FileOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property of an extent of the indicated file was not contiguous with the _FileOffset of the previous extent.
- ADVM-07064: file _AllocationSize value not equal to sum of extents\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated file was not equal to the sum of the _Length properties of the file's extents. There are three possible causes: 1. The _AllocationSize value was incorrect. 2. The _Length property of one or more of the file's extents was incorrect. 3. The _NextFreeExtent property of the file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07065: File_Entry_Table calculated allocation size (sum of data extents) does not match its _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> calculated: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of File_Entry_Table did not match the sum of the file's extent _Length values. There are two possible causes: 1. The _Length property of one or more extents of the File_Entry_Table was incorrect. 2. The _FileSize property of the File_Entry_Table was incorrect.
- ADVM-07066: extent[<varname>number</varname>] is not in use but it contains non-zero values:\n _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n _Length: <varname>string</varname>\n _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n _SnapIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One of the extents of the indicated file was not in use, but it contained non-zero values. There are two possible causes: 1. The extent values were not reset to zero when the extent was freed. 2. The _NextFreeExtent property of the file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07073: file has _FileEntry structure with incorrect or invalid _FileEntryType value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileEntryType property of the indicated file did not match its expected value. There are two possible causes: 1. The _FileEntryType value was incorrect for this particular file. 2. The _FileEntryType value was not on the list of valid values.
- ADVM-07074: file has _FileEntry structure with incorrect file identifier\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier property of the indicated file did not match its position within the File_Entry_Table entry.
- ADVM-07075: file has incorrect _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07076: file has invalid _AllocationSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated file was invalid. The _AllocationSize value for this file cannot be less than the value described in the message.
- ADVM-07077: Local_Bitmap has incorrect _FileOffset value for Extent[1]\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property in Extent[1] of the indicated Local_Bitmap was not zero.
- ADVM-07078: Local_Bitmap has incorrect _Length value in Extent[1]\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property in Extent[1] of the indicated Local_Bitmap did not match the file system's allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07079: Local_Bitmap has invalid _PhysicalDiskOffset value for Extent[1]\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property in Extent[1] of the indicated Local_Bitmap was equal to zero. This _PhysicalDiskOffset value must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07080: Local_Bitmap has incorrect _PhysicalDiskOffset value for Extent[1]\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property in Extent[1] of the indicated Local_Bitmap exceeded the size of the file system.
- ADVM-07081: file has invalid _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated system file was incorrect. Many system files require local extents which is indicated by a _granularity value of -1.
- ADVM-07082: Global_BitMap space requirement exceeds _AllocationSize value. Bitmap requires <varname>string</varname> bytes, allocated space: <varname>string</varname> bytes\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the Global_BitMap was not large enough to store the Global_BitMap data. There are two possible causes: 1. The _AllocationSize value was incorrect. 2. The value used to indicate the number of bits needed to map file system storage was incorrect.
- ADVM-07083: Global_BitMap has invalid _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated Global_BitMap was incorrect. The Global_BitMap file must have a _granularity value of -1 which indicates that the file has local extents.
- ADVM-07084: Snap_Map has mismatch between _FileSize and _AllocationSize values\n _FileSize: <varname>string</varname> _AllocationSize: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize and _AllocationSize properties of the indicated Snap_Map file did not match. The values for these properties must match for a Snap_Map file. One or both values was incorrect.
- ADVM-07085: file has _FileSize value that exceeds _AllocationSize value\n _FileSize: <varname>string</varname> _AllocationSize: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated file exceeded the amount of storage allocated to the file. The _AllocationSize property describes the amount of storage available for the file. One of of these properties was incorrect.
- ADVM-07086: file has _AllocationSize value that is invalid for the file system\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: multiple of <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated file was incorrect. Its value must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07087: file has _AllocationSize value but no extent information\n _AllocationSize: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated file was greater than 0, but there was no corresponding extent information. There are two possible causes: 1. The _AllocationSize should have been zero. 2. The _NextFreeExtent value was incorrect.
- ADVM-07088: Map_File has incorrect _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: multiple of <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated Map_File was incorrect. The _FileSize value for a Map_File must be a multiple of the META_MAP_ENTRY size.
- ADVM-07089: Volume_Log has invalid _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated Volume_Log file was not equal to zero. The _FileSize value for a Volume_Log must be zero.
- ADVM-07090: Volume_Log has invalid _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated Volume_Log file was incorrect. Volume_Log files must have a _granularity value of -1 which indicates that the file has local extents.
- ADVM-07091: Volume_Log has incorrect _NextFreeExtent value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: 0 or 1\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated Volume_Log file was incorrect. A Volume_Log file can have at most one extent.
- ADVM-07092: file has invalid _security_data_offset value\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _security_data_offset property of the indicated file did not have a corresponding entry in any Security_Metadata file. There are three possible causes: 1. The _security_data value was incorrect. 2. The Security_Metadata file had incorrect data at the corresponding offset. 3. The Security_Metadata file was not found.
- ADVM-07094: file has invalid _SnapMetaIncarnationNumber value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated file exceeded the maximum _SnapIncarnationNumber value for the file system.
- ADVM-07095: CHARACTER special file has invalid major_device_number value\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The major_device_number property of the indicated CHARACTER special file was invalid. major_device_number values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07096: file has incorrect _EAOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _EAOffset property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07097: file has invalid _TimeofCreation value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeofCreation property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07098: file has invalid _TimeLastAccessed value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastAccessed property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07099: file has invalid _TimeLastModified value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastModified property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07100: file has invalid _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated file was invalid. The _FileSize value for this file cannot be less than the value described in the message.
- ADVM-07101: file has invalid _TimeLastChanged value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastChanged property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07102: file has invalid _TimeofCreation value\n found: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeofCreation property of the indicated file was invalid. The _TimeofCreation value must be non-zero.
- ADVM-07103: file has invalid _TimeLastAccessed value\n found: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastAccessed property of the indicated file was invalid. The _TimeLastAccessed value must be non-zero.
- ADVM-07104: file has invalid _TimeLastModified value\n found: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastModified property of the indicated file was invalid. The _TimeLastModified value must be non-zero.
- ADVM-07105: file has invalid _TimeLastChanged value\n found: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _TimeLastChanged property of the indicated file was invalid. The _TimeLastChanged value must be non-zero.
- ADVM-07106: file has invalid _WindowsAttributes value(s)\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n valid values: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _WindowsAttributes property of the indicated file was invalid. One or more of the _WindowsAttributes values were not within the range of valid values. Refer to the corresponding messages for a list of valid values.
- ADVM-07107: file has incorrect _rep_incarnation value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repFE_incarnation_number property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07108: file has incorrect _rep_VFN value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rep_VFN property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07109: file has incorrect _rep_SCN value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rep_SCN property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07110: file has incorrect _EncrMetaOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _EncrMetaOffset property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07111: file has incorrect _Vault_MetaOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Vault_MetaOffset property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07112: file has incorrect _EncrSecFlags value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _EncrSecFlags property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07113: file has incorrect _EA_ContainerUnits value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _EA_ContainerUnits property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07115: Local_Bitmap has incorrect _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated Local_Bitmap was invalid. The _FileSize value for a Local_Bitmap must be zero.
- ADVM-07116: BLOCK special file has invalid major_device_number value\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The major_device_number property of the indicated BLOCK special file was invalid. major_device_number values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07117: Directory_Entry structure has invalid file identifier value:\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure exceeded the maximum file identifier for the file system.
- ADVM-07118: System metadata file is corrupt and cannot be repaired\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency with the indicated system metadata file. This metadata file cannot be repaired due to the nature of the corruption.
- ADVM-07119: _Locator structure has incorrect _global_dir_blk value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _global_dir_blk property of the indicated structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07120: _Locator structure has invalid node identifier for entry <varname>number</varname> in _node_number array\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A node identifier in the _node_number array of the indicated structure that exceeded the maximum value for the file system.
- ADVM-07121: _Locator structure has invalid file identifier for entry <varname>number</varname> in _local_dir_blk array\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A file identifier for a Local_Metadata_Directory in the _local_dir_blk array of the indicated _Locator structure exceeded the maximum file identifier for the file system.
- ADVM-07122: _Locator structure has incorrect _local_dir_blk_disk_offset for entry <varname>number</varname> in _local_dir_blk_disk_offset array\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The disk offset for a Local_Metadata_Directory in the _local_dir_blk_disk_offset array of the indicated _Locator structure was incorrect. There are two possible causes: 1. The _local_dir_blk_disk_offset value was incorrect. 2. The structure at the _local_dir_blk_disk_offset was not a Local_Metadata_Directory structure.
- ADVM-07123: _Locator structure has duplicate entries for node <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: There was more than one entry for the same node within the _Locator structure(s). Node identifies must be unique.
- ADVM-07124: _Locator structure has duplicate entries for Local_Metadata_Directory: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: There was more than one entry for the same Local_Metadata_Directory within the _Locator structure(s). Local_Metadata_Directory file identifiers must be unique.
- ADVM-07125: _Locator structure has incorrect _node_count value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _node_count property of the indicated _Locator structure did not match the number of valid nodes found.
- ADVM-07126: _Locator structure has incorrect _next_locator_blk_disk_offset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next_locator_blk_disk_offset property of the indicated _Locator structure was incorrect. There are two possible causes: 1. The _next_locator_blk_disk_offset was incorrect. 2. The structure at the _next_locator_blk_disk_offset was not a _Locator structure.
- ADVM-07127: Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool structure has incorrect _repFreeVFNGroup value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repFreeVFNGroup property of the indicated Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07128: Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool structure has incorrect _repFreeVFNIncarnNum value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repFreeVFNIncarnNum property of the indicated Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07129: Replication_Log_Initiator structure has incorrect _initiator_node_id value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _initiator_node_id property of the indicated Replication_Log_Initiator structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07130: Replication_Log_Initiator structure has incorrect _new_rlog_recovered value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _it_rep_logs_processed property of the indicated Replication_Log_Initiator structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07131: Replication_Log_Initiator structure has incorrect _next_cord_id value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next_cord_id property of the indicated Replication_Log_Initiator structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07132: Replication_Log_Initiator structure has incorrect _next_segment_id value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next_segment_id property of the indicated Replication_Log_Initiator structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07133: Local_Bitmap has incorrect _AllocationSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated Local_Bitmap did not match the _Length value of its first extent.
- ADVM-07134: invalid global_dir_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07135: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _node_number value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _node_number property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07136: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _global_free_blk_list value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _global_free_blk_list property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07137: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _global_bitmap_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _global_bitmap_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07138: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _SuperBlock_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SuperBlock_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07139: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _gdrfl_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _gdrfl_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07140: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _dotofs_dir_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dotofs_dir_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07141: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _ready_dir_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ready_dir_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07142: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repl_config_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repl_config_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07143: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _mmap_log_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _mmap_log_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07144: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repGlobalVFNPool_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repGlobalVFNPool_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07145: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repl_config_tbl_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repl_config_tbl_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07146: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repLogCutInitiatorBlock_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repLogCutInitiatorBlock_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07147: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repLogCutInitiatorBlock_offset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repLogCutInitiatorBlock_offset property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07148: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _snap_map_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _snap_map_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07149: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _snaps_dir_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _snaps_dir_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07150: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _global_tagdir_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _global_tagdir_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07151: Global_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _ea_change_fileid\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ea_change_fileid property of the indicated Global_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07152: orphan directory '<varname>string</varname>' (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) \nadded to 'lost+found' directory
Cause: The indicated directory did not have a valid entry in any parent directory. The ACFS Fixer move the file to the 'lost+found' directory.
- ADVM-07154: An attempt to create a low-fragmentation memory heap failed.\n<varname>string</varname> will attempt to continue with the standard memory heap but may run out of memory.
Cause: A call to the Windows HeapCreate function failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07155: An attempt to initialize a low-fragmentation memory heap failed.\n<varname>string</varname> will attempt to continue with the standard memory heap but may run out of memory.
Cause: A call to the Windows HeapSetInformation function failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07156: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _map_file_disk_offset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _map_file_disk_offset property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07157: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _vol_log_disk_offset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _vol_log_disk_offset property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07158: unable to create Security_Metadata file offset list\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker could not create the Security_Metadata file offset list. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07159: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _smf_fileid value \n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _smf_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07160: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _it_rlog_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _it_rlog_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07161: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _rlog_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rlog_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07162: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _it_rmap_file_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _it_rmap_file_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07163: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _rmap_file_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rmap_file_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07164: Local_Metadata_Directory structure has incorrect _repLocalVFNPool_fileid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _repLocalVFNPool_fileid property of the indicated Local_Metadata_Directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07165: invalid file identifier: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier enetered must be a valid numeric value, greater than or equal to 0, and less than the maximum file identifier value for the file system.
- ADVM-07168: Global_BitMap has incorrect value for bitmap size\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The bitmap size property of the indicated Global_BitMap file was incorrect. Its value did not the bitmap size that was calculated for the file system.
- ADVM-07169: Global_BitMap has incorrect _AllocationSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated Global_BitMap file was incorrect. The _AllocationSize value was not large enough to store the Global_BitMap data as determined by the ACFS Checker.
- ADVM-07170: Global_BitMap has incorrect values for Extent[0]\n found: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property of the first extent of the indicated Global_BitMap file was incorrect. The Global_BitMap data must begin at the disk offset described in the message.
- ADVM-07171: attempt to read SuperBlock FileEntry failed\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read SuperBlock metadata failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07172: file has incorrect values for Extent[<varname>number</varname>] \n found: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname> \n, but expected to find: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more values of an extent of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07175: file has incorrect values for Extent[<varname>number</varname>]\n found: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> \n, but expected to find: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file: \n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more values of an extent of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07176: file has invalid _AllocationSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _AllocationSize property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07177: file has incorrect _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07178: file has incorrect _granularity value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _granularity property of the indicated file was incorrect. Some ACFS internal files must have a _granularity value equal to -1 which indicates that the file has local extents.
- ADVM-07179: file has incorrect _NextFreeExtent value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07180: There is an inconsistency between the ACFS Map_File and the ACFS Log_File.
Cause: An inconsistency was found between the ACFS Map and Log Files which prevented the processing of transaction data.
- ADVM-07184: Log_File not processed for node <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A Log_File was found but not processed. Unprocessed Log_Files could result in false errors being reported because transaction data was not applied to the file system.
- ADVM-07185: The ACFS Map _FileSize: <varname>number</varname> indicates that there is transaction data \nto be processed, but the ACFS Log _AllocationSize: <varname>number</varname> indicates that \nthere is no data available. \nACFS Map_File:\n<varname>string</varname> \nACFS Log_File: \nfor file: \n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An inconsistency was found between the ACFS Map and Log Files which prevented the processing of transaction data.
- ADVM-07188: Map_File has entry with incorrect _Length value\n found: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: There are two possible causes: 1. The Map_File entry's _Length was equal to zero. 2. The Map_File entry's _Length was not a multiple of the volume's sector size as detailed in the message.
- ADVM-07189: Map_File has entry with incorrect _ActualDiskOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ActualDiskOffset property for an entry in the indicated Map_File was incorrect. The _ActualDiskOffset value in a Map_File entry must be greater than the previous entry's _ActualDiskOffset.
- ADVM-07190: Map_File has an entry with invalid _LogDiskOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LogDiskOffset property for an entry in the indicated Map_File was incorrect. The _LogDiskOffset value in a Map_File entry must be within the corresponding Log_File data.
- ADVM-07191: Map_File has duplicate entries for _ActualDiskOffset:<varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Map_File contained more than one entry for the same disk offset. _ActualDiskOffset values must be unique within a Map File.
- ADVM-07192: Map_File has incorrect Map_Entry _Length for the Volume_Disk_Header\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property for an entry in the indicated Map_File was incorrect. The entry was for a Volume_Disk_Header structure, but its _Length value did not match the size of a Volume_Disk_Header structure.
- ADVM-07193: Map_File entry with an invalid _ActualDiskOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ActualDiskOffset property for an entry in the indicated Map_File was incorrect. The _ActualDiskOffset value that exceeded the size of this file system.
- ADVM-07195: metadata write failed while processing Volume_Log transaction data at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred while writing Volume_Log transaction data to the file system. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information.
- ADVM-07196: write failed for Map_File metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write a metadata structure to disk failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07197: discarding Volume_Log and Map_File contents on node <varname>number</varname> due to processing error
Cause: An error occurred while processing file system transaction data. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07199: write failed for Volume_Log metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to update a metadata structure of the indicated Volume_Log file failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07200: duplicate _SnapFetaFenum: <varname>string</varname> found for the following snapshots:\n
Cause: The _SnapFetaFenum property of the indicated snapshots had the same value. _SnapFetaFenum values must be unique.
- ADVM-07201: Global_Free_Block list is corrupt
Cause: A metadata inconsistency was found within the Global_Free_Block list for the file system.
- ADVM-07202: Free_Block_List has incorrect _free_blk_count value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _free_blk_count property of the indicated Free_Block_List was incorrect.
- ADVM-07203: results for Snap_Map data may be limited or incorrect due to inconsistencies with Snap_Map metadata
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07204: write failed for Global_BitMap metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to update a metadata structure of the indicated Global_BitMap file failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07205: functionality may be limited due to File_Entry_Table metadata inconsistency
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07206: read failed for Local_BitMap metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read a metadata structure of the indicated Local_BitMap file failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07207: functionality related to snapshots disabled due to problems accessing Snap_Map file
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07208: Local_BitMap (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) has incorrect size\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The size property of the indicated Local_BitMap was incorrect.
- ADVM-07209: Local_BitMap (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) has incorrect Global_BitMap file offset: <varname>string</varname> or incorrect disk offset: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Global_BitMap offset property of the indicated Local_BitMap was incorrect.
- ADVM-07211: mismatch between Local_BitMap (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) and temporary Global_BitMap for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The bitmap data of the indicated Local_BitMap did not match the corresponding bitmap data of the temporary Global_BitMap for the described disk offset.
- ADVM-07212: temporary Global_BitMap bit set for disk offset: <varname>string</varname> exceeds maximum offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The bitmap data of the temporary Global_BitMap referenced storage that is beyond the size of this file system.
- ADVM-07215: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolSignature value\n found: '<varname>string</varname>'\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>, or <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolSignature property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was not a valid ACFS volume signature.
- ADVM-07216: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _Checksum value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Checksum property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header did not match its calculated value.
- ADVM-07217: Volume_Disk_Header version does not match <varname>string</varname> version\n found: <varname>number</varname>.<varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>.<varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _MajorVersionNumber and _MinorVersionNumber properties of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header did not match the version of the ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS debug utility that was being used. The ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS debug utility was not compatible with this file system. There are two possible causes: 1. The version information in the Volume_Disk_Header structure was not correct. 2. The ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS debug utility was not the correct version for the file system.
- ADVM-07218: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolVolumeSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\n- temporarily assuming Volume Size: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolVolumeSize property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header exceeded the size of the volume. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the maximum volume size during processing.
- ADVM-07219: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolVolumeSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\n- temporarily assuming Volume Size: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolVolumeSize property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was less than the minimum supported volume size as detailed in the message. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the maximum volume size during processing.
- ADVM-07220: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolClusterSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\n- assuming default size: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolClusterSize property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was incorrect. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the default value during processing.
- ADVM-07221: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolFETALPosition value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\n- assuming default File_Entry_Table offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolFETALPosition property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was incorrect. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the default File_Entry_Table offset during processing.
- ADVM-07222: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolOrigVolumeSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> must be aligned on a <varname>string</varname> byte boundary\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07223: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolExtentHeaderSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\n- assuming default value: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolExtentHeaderSize property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was incorrect. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the default value during processing.
- ADVM-07224: cannot process command due to Snap_Map File metadata inconsistency
Cause: An acfsdbg command was not executed due to a metadata inconsistency.
- ADVM-07225: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolFileSystemEndian value\n found: <varname>character</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> or <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolFileSystemEndian property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was invalid.
- ADVM-07226: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolStateFlag values.\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> or <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolStateFlag property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header contained one or more invalid values.
- ADVM-07227: missing snapshot name or identifier
Cause: A snapshot name or identifier was not entered as required for this command.
- ADVM-07228: cannot determine disk geometry for volume: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The program was unable to determine the geometry of the indicated volume. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07229: volume: <varname>string</varname> has invalid sector size\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\n- assuming default value: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The sector size of the indicated volume was invalid. The ACFS Checker temporarily assumed the default sector size during processing.
- ADVM-07230: cannot determine size for volume: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The program was unable to determine the size of the indicated volume. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07231: seek to end of volume failed for volume: <varname>string</varname> offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The program was unable to seek to the end of the indicated volume. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07232: seek to end of volume failed for volume: <varname>string</varname>\n requested offset: <varname>string</varname> returned offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The request to seek to the end of the indicated volume failed. The offset set returned did not match the offset requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07233: read failed for Primary Volume_Disk_Header at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read the Primary Volume_Disk_Header at the indicated disk offset failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07234: read failed for Alternate Volume_Disk_Header at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read the Alternate Volume_Disk_Header at the indicated disk offset failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem. problem.
- ADVM-07235: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _PhysicalDiskOffset value\n found: 0, but expected to find: greater than 0\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property of an extent structure of the indicated file had a value of zero. _PhysicalDiskOffset values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07236: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _PhysicalDiskOffset value\n found: 0, but expected to find: greater than 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property of an extent of the indicated extent structure had a value of zero. _PhysicalDiskOffset values must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07237: read failed for File_Entry_Table extent metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read an extent metadata structure of the indicated file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07239: File_Entry_Table count incorrect\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The number of entries found in the File_Entry_Table file did not match the expected number of entries. One or more of the extent structures was invalid.
- ADVM-07240: Invalid Security_Metadata_File
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07241: Security_Metadata file has invalid _security_descriptor record\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A _security_descriptor record of the indicated Security_Metadata file was invalid.
- ADVM-07243: Security_Metadata file has no valid _security_data records\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Security_Metadata file did not contain any valid valid _security_data records.
- ADVM-07245: Security_Metadata file contains invalid _security_descriptor data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Security_Metadata file contained at least one invalid _security_data record. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07246: Security_Metadata file _Private structure is invalid for:\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Private structure of the indicated Security_Metadata file was invalid. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07247: Security_Metadata file has invalid Hash_Table data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Table of the indicated Security_Metadata file contained inconsistent data. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07250: Security_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _maxFree value\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _maxFree property of the indicated _Private metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07251: Security_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _freeDataListTail value\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _freeDataListTail property of the indicated _Private metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07252: Security_Metadata file node not on _freeDataList\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more of the _security_data nodes of the indicated Security_Metadata file was not found on the free data node list. The _next property for one or more of the _security_data nodes was incorrect.
- ADVM-07254: Security_Metadata file has invalid _security_record for _Administrator default\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The default _Administrator _security_record of the indicated Security_Metadata file was invalid.
- ADVM-07256: file has unexpected _ProtectionBits value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ProtectionBits property of the indicated files was not expected.
- ADVM-07257: unable to process request for volume <varname>string</varname>; volume is not open
Cause: An attempt to read metadata failed because the volume was not open. Refer to the accompanying messages for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07258: unable to reset context to snapshot <varname>string</varname> due to File_Entry_Table metadata inconsistency
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07259: file system does not contain a valid Local_Metadata_Directory
Cause: There was no valid Local_Metadata_Directory in the file system. At least one Local_Metadata_Directory is required.
- ADVM-07260: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolNumOFSNodes value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolNumOFSNodes property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header structure was incorrect. Its value did not match the number of valid ACFS nodes found.
- ADVM-07261: unable to reset context to snapshot <varname>string</varname> due to Snap_Map file metadata inconsistency
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07262: unable to reset context to snapshot %(1) because it no longer exists
Cause: The identified snapshot no longer exists due to on-disk metadata changes that are allowed whenever the acfsdbg utility is operating in read-only mode.
- ADVM-07263: Free_Block_List has incorrect _first_free_group value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _first_free_group property of the indicated Free_Block_List structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07264: Free_Block_List has incorrect _last_free_blk value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _last_free_blk property of the indicated Free_Block_List structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07265: write failed for Free_Block metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write a Free_Block metadata structure to disk failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07266: write failed for Free_Block_List metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write a Free_Block_List metadata structure to disk failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07267: file marked for deletion (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>, disk offset: <varname>string</varname>) cannot be removed due to inconsistent file metadata
Cause: Inconsistent metadata was found for the indicated file that was marked for deletion. The file could not be deleted.
- ADVM-07268: file marked for deletion (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>, disk offset: <varname>string</varname>) has invalid _LinkCount value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: 0
Cause: The indicated file was marked for deletion, but its _LinkCount property was not zero. Files to be deleted must have a _LinkCount value of zero. The file could not be deleted.
- ADVM-07269: file marked for deletion (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>, disk offset: <varname>string</varname>) has invalid _SynchFlag value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SynchFlag property of the indicated file was incorrect. The file was marked for deletion but its _SynchFlag did not have the appropriate value. The file could not be deleted.
- ADVM-07271: orphan file : <varname>string</varname> (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) added to 'lost+found' directory
Cause: The indicated file did not have a valid entry in any parent directory. The ACFS Fixer move the file to the 'lost+found' directory.
- ADVM-07272: read failed for extent metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read an extent metadata structure for the indicated file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07274: missing or invalid snapshot name
Cause: No snapshot name was provided or the name entered was not valid.
- ADVM-07275: cannot read File_Entry_Table _FileEntry metadata structure\n- file system validation cannot continue
Cause: An attempt to read the _FileEntry metadata structure of the File_Entry_Table failed. The File_Entry_Table is a critical ACFS metadata structure that is required for file system validation or repairs. The ACFS Checker/Fixer could not process the file system. NOTE: It is also possible that there was no ACFS file system on this volume.
- ADVM-07276: File_Entry_Table _FileEntry metadata structure is invalid\n- file system validation cannot continue
Cause: The File_Entry_Table's _FileEntry metadata structure is either corrupt or is missing critical information. NOTE: It is also possible that there is no ACFS file system on the volume.
- ADVM-07280: checking File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker found a File_Entry_Table entry that has not been processed. This entry was an orphan file or an orphan internal metadata structure.
- ADVM-07282: read failed for File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read a File_Entry_Table entry failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07283: orphan File_Entry_Table metadata structure found for\n identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n structure type: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A File_Entry_Table entry was found that had not been processed. This entry was an orphan file or an invalid internal metadata structure.
- ADVM-07284: orphan system file found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset:<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated system file did not have a valid parent directory.
- ADVM-07285: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid File_Entry_Table identifier: <varname>string</varname> that exceeds the maximum value for this file system: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07286: orphan file found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file did not have a valid parent directory.
- ADVM-07287: orphan Free_Block metadata structure found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Free_Block metadata structure was not found on any free block list.
- ADVM-07288: orphan file '<varname>string</varname>' (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>) \nadded to 'lost+found' directory
Cause: The indicated file did not have a valid entry in any directory which meant that the file did not have a valid file name. The file was given the generic name described in the message and moved to the 'lost+found' directory.
- ADVM-07289: orphan Local_Metadata_Directory metadata structure found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Local_Metadata_Directory metadata structure was not found on any _Locator list for Local_Metadata_Directory structures.
- ADVM-07290: orphan Free_List_Header metadata structure found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Free_List_Header metadata structure was not found on any valid Local_Metadata_Directory structure.
- ADVM-07291: orphan _Locator metadata structure found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated _Locator metadata structure was not found in any list of valid _Locator structures.
- ADVM-07292: orphan Global_Metadata_Directory metadata structure found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The File_Entry_Table contained a duplicate Global_Metadata_Directory metadata structure. Global_Metadata_Directory structures must be unique.
- ADVM-07294: orphan Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool metadata structure found for identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The File_Entry_Table contained a duplicate entry for the Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool metadata structure. Global_Virtual_FileID_Pool structures must be unique.
- ADVM-07295: orphan Local_Virtual_FileID_Pool metadata structure found for identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Local_Virtual_FileID_Pool metadata structure was not found on any valid Local_Metadata_Directory structure.
- ADVM-07296: orphan Replication_Log_Initiator metadata structure found for identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The File_Entry_Table contained a duplicate entry for a Replication_Log_Initiator metadata structure. Replication_Log_Initiator structures must be unique.
- ADVM-07297: File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> is not a valid metadata structure
Cause: The indicated entry in the File_Entry_Table was not a metadata structure recognized by ACFS.
- ADVM-07298: cannot convert file identifier: '<varname>string</varname>' to numeric value
Cause: The format entered for the file identifier was invalid.
- ADVM-07300: directory Hash_Table contains duplicate entries for offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Table of the indicated directory file had duplicate entries for the offset described in the message. Hash_Table entries must map to unique offsets.
- ADVM-07301: directory _hash_key: <varname>string</varname> for offset: <varname>string</varname> has no corresponding file entry\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_key property of the indicated directory file was invalid. Its value did not reference a valid file entry.
- ADVM-07302: directory _hash_key for offset: <varname>string</varname> is incorrect\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_key property of the indicated directory file was incorrect. Its value did not match the hash value calculated for the corresponding file entry.
- ADVM-07303: Security_Metadata file Hash_Table contains multiple entries for offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Table of the indicated Security_Metadata file had duplicate entries for the offset described in the message. Hash_Table entries must map to unique offsets.
- ADVM-07304: Security_Metadata file _hash_key: <varname>string</varname> for offset: <varname>string</varname> has no corresponding entry\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_key property of the indicated Security_Metadata file was invalid. Its value did not reference a valid entry.
- ADVM-07305: Security_Metadata file _hash_key for offset: <varname>string</varname> is incorrect\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_key property of the indicated Security_Metadata file was incorrect. Its value did not match the hash value calculated for the corresponding entry.
- ADVM-07306: Hash_Table _hash_key order is incorrect\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_key properties of the Hash_Table of the indicated file were not ordered correctly.
- ADVM-07308: Hash_File_Index structure for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> already processed\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_File node list of the indicated file was invalid. One or more of the Hash_File structures had an invalid _next property.
- ADVM-07309: cannot access Hash_File_Index node metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to access the indicated Hash_File_Index metadata structure failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07310: Hash_File_Index node has incorrect _next value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next property of the indicated Hash_File_Index structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07311: Hash_Bucket for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> already processed\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Bucket structure of the indicated file has already been processed. One or more of the Hash_File structures had an invalid _next property.
- ADVM-07312: cannot access Hash_Bucket metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to access the indicated Hash_Bucket metadata structure failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07313: Hash_Bucket has incorrect _controlling_bkt value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _controlling_bkt property of the indicated Hash_Bucket structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07314: Hash_Bucket has incorrect _split_count value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _split_count property of the indicated Hash_Bucket structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07315: Hash_Bucket has incorrect _next value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next property of the indicated Hash_Bucket structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07316: cannot access Hash_File_Master_Block metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to access the indicated Hash_File_Master_Block metadata structure failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07317: Hash_File metadata structure for block:<varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> already processed\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The list of nodes of the indicated Hash_File file was invalid. One or more of the Hash_File structures had an invalid _next property.
- ADVM-07318: Hash_File_Master_Block structure has incorrect _initial_bkt_count value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _initial_bkt_count property of the indicated Hash_File_Master_Block structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07319: Hash_File_Master_Block structure has incorrect _double_count value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _double_count property of the indicated Hash_File_Master_Block structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07320: Hash_File_Master_Block structure has incorrect value for entry <varname>number</varname> in _hash_bucket_group array\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The entry in _hash_bucket_group array of the indicated Hash_File_Master_Block was incorrect.
- ADVM-07321: _hash_entry <varname>number</varname> has no corresponding entry\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_entry property in the Hash_Table of the indicated file did not have a valid entry associated with it.
- ADVM-07322: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read metadata of the indicated file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07326: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n bytes requested: <varname>number</varname> bytes returned: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read metadata of the indicated file failed. The amount of data returned did not match the amount requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07327: metadata write failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write metadata of the indicated file failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07331: metadata write failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n bytes requested: <varname>number</varname> bytes written: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write metadata of the indicated file failed. The amount of data written did not match the amount requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07332: cannot convert snapshot identifier: '<varname>string</varname>' to numeric value
Cause: The format entered for the snapshot identifier was invalid.
- ADVM-07333: invalid snapshot identifier entered: <varname>string</varname>\n minimum: 1 maximum: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The snapshot identifier entered was not within the valid range for this file system.
- ADVM-07334: invalid snapshot name '<varname>string</varname>' entered
Cause: The snapshot name entered did not exist.
- ADVM-07335: Directory_Node has invalid _dir_entry_free_list_tail value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dir_entry_free_list_tail property of the indicated Directory_Node structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07336: Directory_Node structure has invalid _next_free_dirnode value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _next_free_dirnode property of the indicated Directory_Node structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07337: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect file identifier for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure did not match the file identifier of the corresponding file.
- ADVM-07338: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _rec_len value for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rec_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07339: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _name_len value for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _name_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07340: Directory_Entry structure has invalid or incorrect _attributes for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure did not match the _attributes property of the corresponding file.
- ADVM-07341: starting disk offset <varname>string</varname> exceeds ending disk offset <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The starting storage map offset was greater than the ending offset.
- ADVM-07342: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect filename for file\n found: '<varname>string</varname>', but expected to find: '<varname>string</varname>'\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The filename property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure did not match the name of the file.
- ADVM-07343: unused Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _name_len value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _name_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07344: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _rec_len value for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rec_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was greater than the maximum value.
- ADVM-07345: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _rec_len value for file '<varname>string</varname>'\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _rec_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was less than the minimum value.
- ADVM-07346: Directory_Entry structure has invalid _name_len value\n found: <varname>number</varname> operating system maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _name_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was greater than the maximum value for this operating system.
- ADVM-07347: Directory_Entry structure has incorrect _name_len value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _name_len property of the indicated Directory_Entry structure was greater than the maximum value for this entry.
- ADVM-07350: command disabled due to lack of File_Entry_Table context; enter 'primary' or 'snap' to set context
Cause: The acfsdbg utility could not process the request because the File_Entry_Table context was not set. The acfsdbg utility requires a valid File_Entry_Table context to locate on-disk metadata structures.
- ADVM-07351: requested Snap_Info_Entry structure not available due to inconsistencies with Snap_Map metadata
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07352: snapshot directory contains files with incorrect attributes; attempting to continue processing
Cause: The _attributes property for a file in the indicated snapshot directory was incorrect. The _attributes value indicated that the file was not a directory. All files in a snapshot directory must be directories.
- ADVM-07354: file has incorrect or invalid _attributes value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07355: Cannot fix orphaned files because the lost+found directory is damaged.
Cause: Fsck could not move the orphan files because there was an inconsistency with the lost+found directory. Files that do not have a valid parent directory are considered to be orphan files and are moved to the lost+found directory.
- ADVM-07356: file is a symbolic link but has no storage for the target name \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file was a symbolic link but did have a target. The target of a symbolic link must have storage.
- ADVM-07360: deleting file due to invalid _attributes: <varname>string</varname>\nfile:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file was invalid. The file must be deleted in order to preserve the integrity of the file system.
- ADVM-07361: truncating file '<varname>string</varname>' to <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file was truncated in order to preserve file system integrity.
- ADVM-07363: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolFeatureFlag values.\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> or <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07364: file has incorrect values for Extent[<varname>number</varname>]\n found: _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more or the extent properties of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07365: extent metadata structure has incorrect values for Extent[<varname>number</varname>]\n found: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname> \n, but expected to find: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname> \nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more properties of the indicated extent metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07366: directory has incorrect _attributes value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated directory file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07369: directory has invalid _FileSize value\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated directory file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07370: directory has invalid _FileSize: <varname>string</varname> _AllocationSize: <varname>string</varname> values\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize and _AllocationSize properties of the indicated directory file were incorrect.
- ADVM-07374: cannot access directory _Private structure for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to access the indicated directory _Private metadata structure failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07375: directory _Private structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> contains invalid data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Private structure of the indicated directory file contained invalid data. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07376: directory _Private structure has incorrect header type at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>, this file may not be a directory\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file did not contain a _Private directory metadata structure as required for directory files. It appeared that the file was incorrectly identified as being a directory.
- ADVM-07377: directory has invalid node list\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The node list of the indicated directory file was invalid. There are three possible causes: 1. One or more of the file's directory structures had an invalid structure header. 2. The _next_dirnode property of one or more of the file's directory structures was incorrect. 3. The _first_dirnode property of the _Private directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07378: directory _Private structure has incorrect _last_dirnode value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _last_dirnode property of the indicated _Private directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07379: directory has invalid free block list\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The free block list of the indicated directory file was invalid. There are three possible causes: 1. One or more of the file's directory structures had an invalid structure header. 2. The _next_free_dirnode property of one or more of the file's directory structures was incorrect. 3. The _dir_entry_free_list_head property of the _Private directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07381: directory _Private structure has incorrect _dir_entry_free_list_tail value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ dir_entry_free_list_tail property of the indicated _Private directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07382: directory has invalid hash block free list; invalid reference for free hash block\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The hash block free list of the indicated directory file was invalid. There are two possible causes: 1. The _hash_blk_free_list property of the _Private directory structure referenced a block that exceeded the directory's size. 2. The _next_free_blk property of a directory free block referenced a block that exceeded the directory's size.
- ADVM-07383: directory has invalid hash block free list\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The free hash block list of the indicated directory file was invalid. There are three possible causes: 1. One or more of the file's directory structures had an invalid structure header. 2. The next_free_blk property of one or more of the file's directory structures was incorrect. 3. The hash_blk_free_list property of the _Private directory structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07384: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapIncarnationNumber\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07385: directory has orphan Directory_Node metadata structure for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated directory file had a Directory_Node metadata structure that was not found on any directory node list.
- ADVM-07386: directory has incorrect _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated directory file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07388: directory contains invalid _Private structure for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A _Private metadata structure of the indicated directory file was found in the wrong block. _Private metadata structures must be located at block one of a directory's metadata.
- ADVM-07389: directory has orphan free block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated directory file had a free block that was not found on the directory's free list.
- ADVM-07391: directory has invalid metadata structure <varname>string</varname> type for block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The structure found at the block of the indicated directory file was not a valid directory metadata structure.
- ADVM-07392: Directory_Entry has incorrect or invalid _attributes value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated Directory_Entry was incorrect.
- ADVM-07395: directory has incorrect or invalid _attributes values\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated directory file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07396: directory has incorrect Hash_Table data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Table of the indicated directory file contained inconsistent data. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07399: directory has incorrect _LinkCount value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LinkCount property of the indicated directory file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07400: mismatch between _NOLSTXPTR feature and _NOUPHDRPTR feature\n _NOLSTXPTR: <varname>string</varname> _NOUPHDRPTR: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07401: write failed for Deferred_Remove_File_List metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write metadata on the indicated file failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07402: Deferred_Delete_Storage_List structure has invalid delete list pointers: _PrevDeferredListLink: <varname>string</varname> _NextDeferredListLink: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PrevDeferredListLink or _NextDeferredListLink property of of the indicated structure were incorrect. Both values must be zero or non-zero.
- ADVM-07403: write failed for Deferred_Remove_Storage_List metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>number</varname> bytes\nstructure type: <varname>string</varname> \nfor file: \n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write metadata of the indicated failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07407: Snap_Map_Header contains invalid _SnapCreatePending field\nfound: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07408: Snap_Map_Header contains invalid _SnapDeletePending field\nfound: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07411: snapshot metadata checking will be limited due to an error reading snapshot metadata
Cause: An attempt to read snapshot metadata failed. Snapshot validation was limited since not all snapshot metadata was not available.
- ADVM-07413: unable to create internal structure needed for processing
Cause: Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07414: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid snap_map_tuples for file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07415: invalid snap_map_tuple: ( <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> ) for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07416: file has invalid _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated file was invalid.
- ADVM-07417: Snap_Map_Header structure has invalid _snap_incarnation values; _SnapHighestActiveIncarnNumber: <varname>number</varname> must be less than _SnapNextIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or both of the _SnapHighestActiveIncarnNumber and _SnapNextIncarnationNumber properties of the indicated Snap_Map_Header metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07418: Snap_Map_Header structure has invalid _SnapCreatePending value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> or < <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapCreatePending property of the indicated Snap_Map_Header metadata structure was incorrect. The _SnapCreatePending value must be zero or less than the value indicated in the message.
- ADVM-07419: Snap_Map_Header structure has invalid _SnapDeletePending value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> or < <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapDeletePending property of the indicated Snap_Map_Header metadata structure was incorrect. The _SnapDeletePending value must be zero or less than the value indicated in the message.
- ADVM-07420: found partially created snapshot for snapshot: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Initialization of the indicated snapshot did not complete. There are two possible causes: 1. The volume went offline while the snapshot was being created. 2. The process creating the snapshot was unexpectedly terminated do to a shutdown of the system.
- ADVM-07421: found partially deleted snapshot
Cause: A snapshot was not completely deleted. There are several possible causes: 1. The volume was unmounted before the asynchronous phase of snapshot deletion had completed. 2. The volume went offline while the snapshot was being deleted. 3. The process deleting the snapshot was unexpectedly terminated do to a shutdown of the system.
- ADVM-07423: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' has invalid file identifier\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier property of the indicated snapshot was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the file system.
- ADVM-07424: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' has invalid _SnapIncarnationNumber value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated snapshot was invalid.
- ADVM-07425: snapshot (_snapid value: <varname>string</varname>) has invalid name: '<varname>string</varname>'\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The name of indicated snapshot contained invalid characters.
- ADVM-07426: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' has invalid _SnapVisibility value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> or <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapVisibility property of the indicated snapshot was invalid.
- ADVM-07427: duplicate _SnapIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname> found for snapshots '<varname>string</varname>' and '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated snapshots had the same value. _SnapIncarnationNumber values must be unique across all snapshots.
- ADVM-07429: Snap_Map_Header structure has incorrect _SnapCount value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapCount property of the indicated Snap_Map_Header metadata structure was incorrect. The _SnapCount value did not match the number of valid snapshots found.
- ADVM-07430: cannot determine free space for volume associated with directory '<varname>string</varname>'; attempting to continue with current directory '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: A temporary file is needed to store information during processing. This file was targeted for the indicated directory. The ACFS Checker was unable to determine the mount of space available for the volume associated with the directory. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07431: cannot determine free space for volume associated with current directory '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: A temporary file is needed to store information during processing. This file was targeted for the current directory. The ACFS Checker was unable to determine the mount of space available for the volume associated with the directory. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07432: insufficient space available to store temporary file in\ndirectory '<varname>string</varname>' or directory '<varname>string</varname>'\nspace needed: <varname>number</varname> bytes\n- unable to continue
Cause: A temporary file is needed to store information during processing but there was not enough space to store the file in either of the The size of this file is dependent on the size of the file system. indicated directories.
- ADVM-07435: invalid path name length for temporary file\n length: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The path name for a temporary file does not exist or its length exceeds the maximum for this system. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07436: <varname>string</varname> has encountered an internal error: invalid parameter passed to fb_create
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS Debug utility has encountered an unexpected, internal error.
- ADVM-07437: <varname>string</varname> has encountered an internal error: invalid parameter passed to fb_ref\n disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>string</varname> fbSize: <varname>string</varname> fbCacheSize: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS Debug utility has encountered an unexpected, internal error.
- ADVM-07438: file has storage allocated to it that is also allocated to another file\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: Storage allocated to the indicated file was also allocated to at least one other file. Storage can only be allocated to a single file. Storage can never be allocated to multiple files.
- ADVM-07439: Snapshot_BitMap conflicts with the Global_BitMap for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more snapshot bitmaps claimed storage that was also claimed by the Global_BitMap.
- ADVM-07440: Snapshot_BitMap has bit set for non-existing snapshot for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more bitmaps reserved for unused snapshot incorrectly claimed storage. Bitmaps for snapshots that are not in use cannot claim any storage.
- ADVM-07441: Snapshot_BitMap has bits set for storage at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> that is beyond the file system size
Cause: One or more snapshot bitmaps incorrectly claimed storage that exceeded the size of the file system.
- ADVM-07443: Global_BitMap has invalid value for number of bits set\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Global_BitMap property that indicates the number of bits set exceeded the size of the bitmap.
- ADVM-07444: Global_BitMap has invalid value for number of bits set.\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Global_BitMap property that indicates the number of bits set did not match the amount of storage allocated to all valid files.
- ADVM-07445: Global_BitMap has invalid value for next offset to search\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Global_BitMap property that indicates the next offset to search for available bits to allocate exceeded the size of the bitmap.
- ADVM-07446: mismatch between temporary Global_BitMap and on-disk Global_BitMap
Cause: The temporary Global_BitMap that was populated by traversing all valid file system data did not match the on-disk copy of the Global_BitMap.
- ADVM-07447: invalid snap_map_tuple for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n found: ( 0, 0 ), but expected non-zero values\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07448: invalid snap_map_tuple for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n found: ( 0, 0 ), but expected non-zero values
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07449: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' storage bitmap is incorrectly set for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The bitmap of the indicated snapshot claimed storage that was allocated to allocated file. Storage can only be allocated to a single file. Storage can never be allocated to multiple files.
- ADVM-07450: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' storage bitmap is not set for disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The bitmap of the indicated snapshot did not claim storage that was allocated to one of its files. A snapshot's bitmap must claim all storage allocated to its files.
- ADVM-07451: snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' storage bitmap is incorrectly set for disk offset: <varname>string</varname> with no corresponding file data
Cause: The bitmap of the indicated snapshot claimed storage but the storage was not allocated to any file.
- ADVM-07452: unable to locate directory for snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' (id: <varname>number</varname>)\n processing will continue for other snapshots
Cause: The directory of the indicated snapshot was not found. This snapshot could not be processed.
- ADVM-07453: Snap_Root_Directory file identifier for snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' was incorrect\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Snap_Root_Directory file identifier property of the indicated snapshot was incorrect.
- ADVM-07455: unable to open file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to open a file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07458: The request to cancel <varname>string</varname> was incomplete because volume <varname>string</varname> was not accessible. The file system cannot be mounted in this state.\nRerun <varname>string</varname> once the volume is accessible to enable file system mounts.
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer could not reset the volume to allow for file system mounts because the volume was not accessible. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07459: Volume_Label metadata structure has invalid _VolLabelLength value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolLabelLength property of the indicated Volume_Label metadata structure exceeded the maximum value.
- ADVM-07460: Volume_Label metadata structure has invalid _VolIDLength value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolIDLength property of the indicated Volume_Label metadata structure exceeded the maximum value.
- ADVM-07461: Volume_Label metadata structure has invalid _ClusterNameLength value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ClusterNameLength property of the indicated Volume_Label metadata structure exceeded the maximum value.
- ADVM-07462: file has incorrect or invalid _attributes values\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n valid values: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file contained invalid and/or incorrect values.
- ADVM-07464: file has invalid _attributes value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file contained invalid values. These values are not supported on Windows systems.
- ADVM-07465: file has _attributes set that are mutually exclusive\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file describe more than one type of file. File types are mutually exclusive.
- ADVM-07466: file has no _attributes value\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _attributes property of the indicated file did not describe a file type. The _attributes property must describe a valid file type.
- ADVM-07467: metadata structure has a non-zero value for field: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated ACFS metadata structure had a reserved or unused field that contained a non-zero value. The field was overwritten or was not initialized correctly.
- ADVM-07468: file has invalid _SynchFlags value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SynchFlags property of the indicated file contained values that were not within the range of valid values.
- ADVM-07469: file cannot be modified; _SynchFlag value:\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file had an internal inconsistency that prevented it from being modified.
- ADVM-07470: file cannot be accessed; _SynchFlag value:\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated file had an internal inconsistency that prevented it from being accessed.
- ADVM-07471: file incorrectly marked for deletion with _SynchFlag value:\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SynchFlag property of the indicated file incorrectly identified the file as marked for deletion while it was still part of a valid directory.
- ADVM-07474: invalid program name\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> or <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility has been renamed to a value that is not recognized.
- ADVM-07481: An I/O error occurred while reading ACFS metadata, some snapshot metadata checks will not be performed.
Cause: The I/O error prevented full snapshot checking because required ACFS metadata was not available. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07482: snapshot <varname>string</varname> with _snapid value: <varname>string</varname> has invalid parent snapshot with _snapid value: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated snapshot does not have a valid parent.
- ADVM-07483: snapshot with _snapid value: <varname>string</varname> has invalid ancestor snapshot
Cause: The indicated snapshot has an invalid ancestor snapshot.
- ADVM-07484: valid ACFS volume path name required
Cause: A valid volume path name was not entered.
- ADVM-07485: unable to determine temporary directory
Cause: An attempt to determine the system's temporary directory failed. For UNIX systems this directory is either "/usr/tmp" or "/tmp". For Windows systems this directory is the system's temporary folder. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07486: unable to determine current directory
Cause: An attempt to determine the current directory failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07487: unable to open volume: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to open a volume failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07488: This volume is now in a mountable state. \nThe file system was not checked before changing the volume's state. \nUse of this file system may encounter serious errors since it has \nnot been checked.
Cause: The volume was forced into a mountable state without checking the integrity of the file system. The file system may contain incorrect or invalid data.
- ADVM-07489: maximum number of passes: <varname>number</varname> exceeded, program terminating
Cause: There are two possible causes: 1. There is a problem with the file system that the ACFS Fixer cannot repair. 2. The ACFS Fixer has encountered an internal problem.
- ADVM-07498: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _Length value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property of an extent structure of the indicated file was invalid. _Length values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07499: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _Length value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Length property of an extent of the indicated extent structure was invalid. _Length values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07500: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _FileOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property of an extent structure of the indicated file was invalid. _FileOffset values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07501: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _FileOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileOffset property of an extent of the indicated extent structure was invalid. _FileOffset values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07502: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _PhysicalDiskOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property of an extent structure of the indicated file was invalid. _PhysicalDiskOffset values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07503: extent[<varname>number</varname>] has invalid _PhysicalDiskOffset value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _PhysicalDiskOffset property of an extent of the indicated extent structure was invalid. _PhysicalDiskOffset values must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07504: snapshot with _snapid value: <varname>string</varname> has invalid ancestor snapshot (_cycle)
Cause: The indicated snapshot has an invalid ancestor snapshot.
- ADVM-07505: metadata structure read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read the indicated metadata structure at the described disk offset failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07519: Snap_Map_Header structure has invalid _SnapConvertPending value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: less than <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapConvertPending property of the indicated Snap_Map_Header metadata structure was incorrect. The _SnapConvertPending value must be zero or less than the value indicated in the message.
- ADVM-07520: Snap_Map_Info structure has invalid _SnapInfoFlags value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapInfoFlags property of the indicated Snap_Map_Info metadata structure was invalid.
- ADVM-07521: Snap_Map_Info structure has invalid _SnapAncestorIncarn value\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapAncestorIncarn property of the indicated Snap_Map_Info metadata structure was invalid.
- ADVM-07522: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapParentId: <varname>number</varname>, parent snapshot does not exist
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07523: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapParentId value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07524: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapAncestorIncarn value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07525: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapAncestorIncarn value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, must be less than _SnapIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapAncestorIncarn property of the indicated Snap_Map_Info metadata structure was invalid.
- ADVM-07526: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolStateFlag values.\n found: <varname>string</varname>,\n but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> \nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolStateFlag property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header contained one or more invalid values.
- ADVM-07527: Volume Disk Header has invalid VolFeatureFlag values \n found: <varname>string</varname> \n <varname>string</varname> \n but expected to find: <varname>string</varname> \n <varname>string</varname> \n for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07528: found partially created snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>)
Cause: Initialization of the indicated snapshot did not complete. There are two possible causes: 1. The volume went offline while the snapshot was being created. 2. The process creating the snapshot was unexpectedly terminated do to a shutdown of the system.
- ADVM-07529: found partially deleted snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>)
Cause: A snapshot was not completely deleted. There are several possible causes: 1. The volume was unmounted before the asynchronous phase of snapshot deletion had completed. 2. The volume went offline while the snapshot was being deleted. 3. The process deleting the snapshot was unexpectedly terminated do to a shutdown of the system.
- ADVM-07530: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid file identifier\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The file identifier property of the indicated snapshot was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the file system.
- ADVM-07531: snapshot: (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid name: '<varname>string</varname>'\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The name of indicated snapshot contained invalid characters.
- ADVM-07532: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid _SnapVisibility value found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>, <varname>number</varname> or <varname>number</varname>\for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapVisibility property of the indicated snapshot was invalid.
- ADVM-07533: duplicate _SnapIncarnationNumber: <varname>number</varname> found for the following snapshots:\n
Cause: The _SnapIncarnationNumber property of the indicated snapshots had the same value. _SnapIncarnationNumber values must be unique.
- ADVM-07534: request for disk offset: <varname>string</varname> exceeds the size for this file system: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A request was made for a disk offset that exceeded the size of the file system.
- ADVM-07536: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid parent snapshot identifier: <varname>number</varname>, maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nstructure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated snapshot does not have a valid parent.
- ADVM-07537: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid ancestor snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The indicated snapshot has an invalid ancestor snapshot.
- ADVM-07538: snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) has invalid ancestor snapshot (_cycle)
Cause: The indicated snapshot has an invalid ancestor snapshot.
- ADVM-07539: Snap_Map_Info structure has invalid _SnapAncestorIncarn value\n found: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _SnapAncestorIncarn property of the indicated Snap_Map_Info metadata structure was invalid.
- ADVM-07540: deleting snapshot: <varname>string</varname> (identifier: <varname>number</varname>) to maintain file system integrity
Cause: The ACFS Fixer had to delete a snapshot to maintain the integrity of the file system. Refer to the corresponding message(s) for more information on the problem(s) associated with the snapshot.
- ADVM-07541: Snap_Map_header has invalid value for SnapMapFlags\n found: <varname>string</varname>\n <varname>string</varname>\n but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\n <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07570: snap_map_tuple for disk offset: <varname>string</varname> conflicts with primary file system\n found: ( <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> )\n expected: ( 0, 0 )
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07571: snap_map_tuple for disk offset: <varname>string</varname> not set in Global BitMap\n snap_map_tuple: ( <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> )
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07572: invalid snap_map_tuple found for for disk offset <varname>string</varname>,\nfirst value must be less than or equal to second value\n snap_map_tuple: ( <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> )
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07573: orphan snap_map_tuple found for for disk offset <varname>string</varname>\n snap_map_tuple: ( <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> )
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07575: command takes no arguments
Cause: The command entered does not take any arguments.
- ADVM-07585: unable to set File_Entry_Table context
Cause: The ACFS Debug utility was not able to set the File_Entry_Table context. Lookups by file identifier were disabled. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07586: Do you want to continue [y|n] ?
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility detected a situation that could leave the file system in an inconsistent or unusable state. Refer to the corresponding error message for more information.
- ADVM-07588: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>string</varname> bytes \n- cannot read beyond file system size: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read metadata failed because the data requested was beyond the size of the file system.
- ADVM-07590: metadata write failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> size: <varname>string</varname> bytes\n- cannot write beyond file system size: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to write metadata failed because the write location was beyond the size of the file system.
- ADVM-07592: metadata structure has incorrect header for:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more properties of the header of the indicated metadata structure contained invalid or incorrect values. Refer to accompanying messages for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07601: unable to determine size of file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to determine the size of the indicated file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07602: failed to create temporary paging file '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to create the indicated temporary paging file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07603: write failed at position: <varname>string</varname> for temporary paging file '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to write to the indicated temporary paging file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07604: seek failed at position: <varname>string</varname> for temporary paging file '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to seek within the indicated temporary paging file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07606: read failed at position: <varname>string</varname> for temporary paging file '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to read the indicated temporary paging file failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07607: metadata read failed at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\n bytes requested: <varname>number</varname> bytes returned: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read metadata at the indicated offset was incomplete. The amount of data read did not match the amount requested. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07610: Volume_Disk_Header has incorrect _VolVolumeSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolVolumeSize property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07611: Global_BitMap has bits incorrectly set for storage beyond the file system size\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Global_BitMap had bits set in an area reserved for future expansion. All of these storage bits must be zero. There is no valid storage associated with these bits.
- ADVM-07612: file has invalid _NextFreeExtent value:\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07613: file has invalid _NextFreeExtent value:\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07614: Global_BitMap's first extent is not located at the expected disk offset\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The first extent of the indicated Global_BitMap was not located at the correct disk offset. The Global_BitMap's first extent must be located at the disk offset described in the message.
- ADVM-07615: Global_BitMap file has extents that overlap\n Extent[<varname>number</varname>] _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\n Extent[<varname>number</varname>] _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The extents of the indicated Global_BitMap mapped some or all of the same storage. All extents within a file must map storage that is mutually exclusive.
- ADVM-07616: <varname>string</varname> has encountered an internal error: could not post error to ACFS Fixer
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or ACFS Debug utility has encountered an unexpected, internal error. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07619: truncating file from <varname>number</varname> bytes to <varname>number</varname> bytes to ensure metadata consistency; file content following file offset: <varname>number</varname> has been lost\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was not able to fully repair the indicated file due to an inconsistency within its metadata. The file had to be truncated to maintain the integrity of the file system.
- ADVM-07622: resetting _security_descriptor to administrator default value for:\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _security_descriptor the indicated file was invalid or incorrect. It was reset to the default administrator value.
- ADVM-07623: unable to repair problem with file _attributes; deleting file to maintain file system integrity\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was not able to resolve a problem with the _attributes property of the indicated file. The file had to be deleted to maintain the integrity of the file system.
- ADVM-07624: file cannot be repaired; deleting file to maintain file system integrity\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was not able to repair a problem with the indicated file. The file had to be deleted to maintain file system integrity.
- ADVM-07625: failed to create system directory\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was not able to create a directory for the indicated internal system file. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07628: invalid snapshot name '<varname>string</varname>' entered
Cause: The snapshot entered did not exist.
- ADVM-07629: numeric argument too large: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The numeric value entered as an argument exceeded the largest possible value for this type of argument.
- ADVM-07647: local extent limit reached for extending files; indirect extents not supported for extending files\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was not able to create an indirect extent to extend the indicated file.
- ADVM-07648: cannot set Global_BitMap bits for offset: <varname>string</varname> for <varname>number</varname> bytes\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was unable to set the range of bits described in the message. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07649: deleting snapshot to maintain file system integrity
Cause: The ACFS Fixer had to delete a snapshot to maintain the integrity of the file system. Refer to the corresponding message(s) for more information on the problem(s) associated with the snapshot.
- ADVM-07650: unable to repair _VolStateFlag value in Volume_Disk_Header
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was unable to update the _VolStateFlag in the Volume_Disk_Header. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07652: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolOSCreatedOn value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: 1 (Windows_XP), 2 (Linux), 3 (Solaris), or 4 (AIX)\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolOSCreatedOn property of the indicated Volume_Disk_Header was incorrect. Its value must be one of the values listed in the message.
- ADVM-07653: Security_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _freeDataListTail value\n found: 0, but expected to find: > 0\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _freeDataListTail property of the indicated Security_Metadata _Private metadata structure was invalid. The value must be greater than zero.
- ADVM-07655: This file system had been removed. It has now been restored.
Cause: This file system was removed via the acfsutil rmfs utility. It has now been restored by the ACFS Fixer.
- ADVM-07656: unable to continue
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the error.
- ADVM-07658: Ensure that volume <varname>string</varname> is not mounted on this node. \nNote that data displayed may not be current if volume <varname>string</varname> is mounted on any other node due to file system caching
Cause: The volume cannot be mounted on this node while running the acfsdbg utility in read-only mode. This restriction is limited to Windows systems. The acfsdbg utility reads metadata directly from disk and data may not be current if the file system is mount on any other nodes due file system caching.
- ADVM-07659: command is disabled in read-only mode
Cause: The command entered attempted to modify file system metadata while running in read-only mode. Modifications to file system metadata are not allowed when running the ACFS Debug utility in read-only mode.
- ADVM-07660: unable to modify metadata for volume <varname>string</varname>; volume is not open
Cause: An attempt to modify metadata failed because the volume was not open. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07661: metadata lookup by file identifier is disabled due to lack of File_Entry_Table context; enter 'primary' or 'snap <varname>snapshot name</varname>' to set the context
Cause: The acfsdbg utility could not process the request because there was no File_Entry_Table context. The acfsdbg utility requires a valid File_Entry_Table context for lookups by file identifier since the same file identifier may appear in multiple snapshots.
- ADVM-07662: unable to set snapshot context due to Snap_Map file metadata inconsistency
Cause: An attempt to set the metadata lookup context to a snapshot failed because there was a problem accessing the SnapMap metadata. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07663: disk offset request: <varname>string</varname> is not aligned on a sector: <varname>number</varname> bytes; results may be inconsistent
Cause: The disk offset entered was not sector aligned. All ACFS metadata structures are sector aligned.
- ADVM-07664: read failed for metadata structure at disk offset: <varname>string</varname> for <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: An attempt to read a metadata structure at the indicted disk offset failed. Refer to accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07666: unrecognized metadata found at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The data found at the indicated disk offset did not contain a valid ACFS metadata structure type. There are two possible causes: 1. The data at the disk offset was not an ACFS metadata structure. 2. The metadata structure at the disk offset was in an inconsistent state.
- ADVM-07667: request for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> exceeds the maximum value for this file system: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A request was made for a file identifier that exceeded the maximum for the file system.
- ADVM-07669: metadata lookup by file identifier is disabled due to File_Entry_Table metadata inconsistency
Cause: The acfsdbg utility has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the accompanying message.
- ADVM-07685: <varname>string</varname> is unable to detect the ACFS driver on this system. \nProceeding could leave the file system in an inconsistent and possibly \nunusable state if the file system is mounted or being fixed on another system.
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility issued a system call to the ACFS driver that failed. It appeared that the ACFS driver was not loaded on this system.
- ADVM-07690: data displayed may not be current if volume <varname>string</varname> is mounted on any node due to file system caching
Cause: The acfsdbg utility reads metadata directly from disk. Metadata updates to disk may be delayed due standard file system caching.
- ADVM-07691: command entered: '<varname>string</varname>' is invalid or not unique
Cause: There are two possible causes: 1. The command entered was not recognized by the acfsdbg utility. 2. A partial command name was entered and there was more than one command that matched the characters entered.
- ADVM-07692: cannot convert disk offset as specified: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The format entered for the disk offset was invalid.
- ADVM-07693: Volume_Disk_Header has invalid _VolVolumeSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname> must be aligned on a <varname>number</varname> byte boundary\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _VolVolumeSize property of the Volume_Disk_Header was invalid. Its value must be aligned on the byte boundary described in the message.
- ADVM-07694: too many arguments for string
Cause: Too many arguments were supplied for the string option. The string option takes one argument.
- ADVM-07695: The ACFS driver should be loaded on all nodes for a safe check of this file system.
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility issued a system call to the ACFS driver that failed. It appeared that the ACFS driver was not loaded on this system.
- ADVM-07696: The file system on volume <varname>string</varname> is currently in the <varname>string</varname> state. This state indicates that a file system check is currently in progress.
Cause: There are two possible causes: 1. The file system on this volume was being checked on this system or another system in the cluster. 2. The ACFS Checker/Fixer was unexpectedly terminated leaving the file system state incorrectly set.
- ADVM-07697: unable to determine program name
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer or Debug utility was invoked in a non-standard way such that the program name could not be determined.
- ADVM-07698: orphan directory found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: No parent directory entry was found for the indicated directory file. 1. The directory file had no corresponding parent directory entry. 2. The directory file had a parent directory entry, but there was a problem with corresponding parent directory file.
- ADVM-07701: There are metadata transaction log file(s) that have not been processed. Failure \nto process these transaction logs may result in metadata inconsistencies. \nDo you want to process the transaction log(s)? [y|n]
Cause: Transaction Log files contain updates to the file system's metadata. The ACFS Checker found at least one transaction log that was not completely processed. This indicates that metadata updates were not completed which could leave the file system in an inconsistent state.
- ADVM-07705: There are files marked for deletion that have not been removed from the \nfile system. Failure to remove these files could result in false errors \nbeing reported. \nDo you want to remove files that are marked for deletion? [y|n]
Cause: The ACFS Checker found files that were marked for deletion but had not been removed from the file system. False errors may be reported due to the presence of there files.
- ADVM-07708: unable to read File_Entry_Table entry: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to read the File_Entry_Table for the indicated entry failed. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07709: orphan file (file identifier: <varname>string</varname>, disk offset: <varname>string</varname>) marked for deletion not on delete list
Cause: The indicated file was marked for deletion but it was not found on any of the delete file lists.
- ADVM-07710: orphan file found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: No directory entry was found for the indicated file. There are two possible causes: 1. The file had no corresponding directory entry. 2. The file had a directory entry, but there was a problem with corresponding directory file.
- ADVM-07711: orphan metadata structure (type: <varname>string</varname>) found for file identifier: <varname>string</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated metadata structure was found but had no corresponding parent metadata structure.
- ADVM-07720: new allocation size is invalid\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find multiple of: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The new allocation size property of the indicated file was incorrect. Its value must be a multiple of the file system allocation unit size.
- ADVM-07721: file has invalid _NextFreeExtent value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _NextFreeExtent property of the indicated file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07722: file has invalid _NextFreeExtent value:\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: 1\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07723: could not clear temporary Global_BitMap bits at offset: <varname>string</varname> for <varname>number</varname> bits
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was unable to free the indicated storage on the temporary Global_BitMap.
- ADVM-07724: unable to set temporary Global_BitMap bits at offset: <varname>string</varname> for <varname>number</varname> bits
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was unable to reserve the indicated storage on the temporary Global_BitMap.
- ADVM-07725: unable to allocate storage; file system has no free space
Cause: The ACFS Fixer was unable to allocate storage because there was no free storage available.
- ADVM-07726: could not find sufficient free storage to rebuild Global_BitMap extent\n found: <varname>string</varname> requested: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer could not find enough contiguous storage to rebuild the Global_BitMap file's extent map.
- ADVM-07727: could not rewrite Global_Bitmap data for file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer could not update the file system's storage bitmap. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-07728: The Global_BitMap file has reached the maximum number of extents (<varname>number</varname>). The file system can no longer be expanded. Running <varname>string</varname> in fixer mode will attempt to consolidate the storage bitmap into fewer extents which would allow for file system expansion via the 'acfsutil size' command.
Cause: The ACFS Checker found the file system's storage bitmap was using its maximum number of extents.
- ADVM-07729: The Global_Bitmap file has been\n consolidated into <varname>number</varname> extents.\nThis may allow for file system expansion via the 'acfsutil size' command.
Cause: The Global_Bitmap file was using the maximum number of extents supported. The ACFS Fixer has consolidated the Global_Bitmap file into fewer extents thus allowing future file system growth using the 'acfsutil size' command if unused storage is available.
- ADVM-07733: directory _Private structure has invalid _first_dirnode value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _first_dirnode property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07734: directory _Private structure has invalid _last_dirnode value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _last_dirnode property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07735: directory _Private structure has invalid _hash_blk_free_list value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _hash_blk_free_list property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07736: directory _Private structure has invalid _dir_entry_free_list_head value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dir_entry_free_list_head property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07737: directory _Private structure has invalid _dir_entry_free_list_tail value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dir_entry_free_list_tail property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07740: Could not consolidate the file system's temporary\n storage bitmap to less than <varname>number</varname> extents. Need\n at least <varname>number</varname> bytes free contiguous storage.
Cause: The file system's internal storage bitmap could not be consolidated to less than five extents because there was insufficient free contiguous storage.
- ADVM-07741: could not rebuild file system storage bitmap\n free contiguous bytes found: <varname>number</varname>\n contiguous bytes requested: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Fixer could not find enough contiguous free storage to rebuild the file system's storage bitmap.
- ADVM-07742: _ustEAContainerEntry property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainerEntry property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was not within the range of valid offset values.
- ADVM-07743: _ustEAEntryHdrFlags property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>string</varname> for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryHdrFlags property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure contained one or more invalid values.
- ADVM-07744: _ustEAEntryHdrNextFreeOffset property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryHdrNextFreeOffset property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07745: _ustEAEntryHdrNameLen property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find no greater than: <varname>number</varname>\n for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryHdrNameLen property of the indicated _ustEAEntryHdr property at the _ustEAContainerEntry offset for the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum length for an extended attribute name or ACFS tag name.
- ADVM-07746: ACFS tag name contains invalid syntax\n found: <varname>string</varname> for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryName property of the indicated _ustEAContainerEntry property in the _ustEAContainer structure contained invalid syntax for an ACFS tag name.
- ADVM-07747: _ustEAEntryValueLen property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\n for _ustEAEntry offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryValueLen property of the indicated _ustEAEntry property in the _ustEAEntryContainer structure contained an invalid value length.
- ADVM-07748: _ustEAEntryValue property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\n for _ustEAEntry offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryValue property of the indicated _ustEAEntry property in the _ustEAEntryContainer structure contained an invalid value string for an ACFS tag name.
- ADVM-07749: _ustEAContainerHdrNextContainer property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainerHdrNextContainer property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure contained an invalid offset value.
- ADVM-07750: _ustEAContainerHdrNumEAEntries property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainerHdrNumEAEntries property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure contained an incorrect count of valid entries.
- ADVM-07751: Inconsistent amount of available space\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname>\n for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainer structure had an incorrect amount of free space.
- ADVM-07752: _LocalTags property has invalid characters for _FileEntry:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _LocalTags property of the indicted _FileEntry structure contained invalid characters for ACFS tag names.
- ADVM-07753: _ustEAEntry property offset: <varname>number</varname> is marked free\n but is missing from the free list for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainer structure had an incorrect amount of free space.
- ADVM-07754: _ustEAContainer property has inconsistent\n total free and assigned _ustEAContainerEntry property space\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainer structure contained free and active _ustEAContainerEntry property entries that indicate its total space exceeded the size of a _ustEAContainer structure.
- ADVM-07755: _ustEAContainerHdrNextFreeOffset property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find less than: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ustEAContainerHdrNextFreeOffset property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was not within the range of valid offset values.
- ADVM-07756: _ustEAEntryHeader.ustEAEntryHdrNextFreeEAOffset property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find less than: <varname>number</varname> for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryHeader.ustEAEntryHdrNextFreeEAOffset property of the indicated _ustEAContainerEntry property for the _ustEAContainer structure was not within the range of valid offset values.
- ADVM-07757: file extended attribute container structure exceeds file system size: <varname>string</varname>\n _Length: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The extended attribute container structure of the indicated file referenced meta data beyond the size of the file system. There are two possible causes: 1. The extended attribute container structure disk offset was incorrect. 2. The file system size value was incorrect.
- ADVM-07758: _ustEAEntryHdrNameLen property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected non-zero value\n for _ustEAContainerEntry at offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryHdrNameLen property of the indicated _ustEAEntryHdr property at the _ustEAContainerEntry offset for the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was invalid. Its value was zero but must be non-zero for an extended attribute name entry.
- ADVM-07759: _ustEAEntryValueLen property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find less than: <varname>number</varname>\n for _ustEAEntry offset: <varname>string</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAEntryValueLen property of the indicated _ustEAEntry property in the _ustEAEntryContainer structure contained an invalid value length that was larger than expected for this structure.
- ADVM-07760: _ustEAContainerHdrNextFreeOffset property has an invalid value\n found: <varname>number</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>number</varname> for structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _ustEAContainerHdrNextFreeOffset property of the indicated _ustEAContainer structure was not within the range of valid offset values.
- ADVM-07761: directory _Private structure has invalid _dir_bitmap_start value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dir_bitmap_start property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07762: Directory contains invalid bitmap block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A bitmap block of the indicated directory file was found in the wrong location. Directory bitmap blocks must be located contiguously after the first bitmap block.
- ADVM-07763: Directory bitmap is not contiguous from block <varname>number</varname> to block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A discontinuity was seen in the directory bitmap. Directory bitmap blocks must be located contiguously after the first bitmap block.
- ADVM-07764: Directory bitmap has incorrect last block\n found: <varname>number</varname> expected: <varname>number</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The directory bitmap does not end where expected.
- ADVM-07765: Version or earlier directory contains bitmap block <varname>number</varname> at disk offset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The directory _Private structure indicates that the directory does not have a bitmap, yet a bitmap block was found in the directory.
- ADVM-07766: Directory bitmap does not match state of block <varname>number</varname>\n bitmap: <varname>string</varname> block: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The directory bitmap indicates an incorrect state for the directory block.
- ADVM-07767: Directory bitmap contains non-zero value for bit <varname>number</varname> mapping beyond end of directory:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The directory bitmap contains a non-zero bit in the range mapping blocks beyond the end of the directory.
- ADVM-07768: Directory _Private structure has invalid _dir_bitmap_size value\n found: <varname>string</varname> minimum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _dir_bitmap_size property of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value did not meet the minimum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07769: Number of bitmap blocks found does not match value of _dir_bitmap_size in directory _Private structure\n found: <varname>number</varname> expected: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The number of bitmap blocks in the directory does not match the number of blocks that were expected.
- ADVM-07770: System directory _Private structure has invalid on-disk version\n found: <varname>string</varname> expected: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The on-disk version of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid.
- ADVM-07771: directory _Private structure has invalid directory bitmap end value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The calculated end of the directory bitmap of the indicated _Private directory structure was invalid. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the directory.
- ADVM-07864: A request to cancel <varname>string</varname> was made \nwhile the file system was being repaired. This could leave the file system \nin an inconsistent state. It is strongly recommended that <varname>string</varname> \nbe rerun to complete file system repairs.
Cause: The ACFS fixer was cancelled before all file system repairs were completed.
- ADVM-07900: Security_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _freeDataList value\n found: <varname>number</varname> maximum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _freeDataList property of the _Private structure of the indicated Security_Metadata file was incorrect. The _freeDataList value exceeded the maximum value for this Security_Metadata file.
- ADVM-07901: Hash_Bucket metadata structure has incorrect _controlling_bkt value\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _controlling_bkt property of the indicated Hash_Bucket structure was incorrect. Its value exceeded the maximum value for the hash table.
- ADVM-07902: Hash_File_Master_Block metadata structure has incorrect value for entry <varname>number</varname> in _hash_bucket_group array\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The entry in _hash_bucket_group array of the indicated Hash_File_Master_Block structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-07903: Hash_Bucket metadata structure has invalid data; expected all zeros\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07907: directory file has no storage allocated to it\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07908: Root_Directory cannot be repaired\nfile:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency with the Root_Directory metadata.
- ADVM-07909: System metadata was truncated, possibly resulting in the deletion of files.
Cause: The ACFS Checker/Fixer found an inconsistency within the file system.
- ADVM-07924: Snap_Map_header has invalid value for RW snap storage not in map\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Snap_Map_header property that indicates the amount of RW snap storage not recorded in the Snap_Map file is incorrect.
- ADVM-07925: Snap_Map_header has invalid value for snap storage in map\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Snap_Map_header property that indicates the amount of snap storage recorded in the Snap_Map file is incorrect.
- ADVM-07926: Snap_Map_header has invalid value for snap map flags\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Snap_Map_header flags field is invalid.
- ADVM-07928: Plug-in configuration file has invalid _FileSize value\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _FileSize property of the indicated plug-in configuration file was incorrect.
- ADVM-07929: The <varname>string</varname> command is unable to open the storage accelerator volume <varname>string</varname> that is associated with this file system.
Cause: fsck (Unix or Linux) or acfschkdsk.exe (Windows) could not open the specified storage accelerator volume. This could be because the ASM disk group containing the storage accelerator volume is not mounted.
- ADVM-07930: Continuing will result in the storage accelerator volume being removed from the file system, which could leave the file system in an inconsistent and possibly unusable state if critical system metadata is stored on the storage accelerator volume.
Cause: fsck (Unix or Linux) or acfschkdsk.exe (Windows) could not open the specified storage accelerator volume. This could be because the ASM disk group containing the storage accelerator volume is not mounted.
- ADVM-07932: Volume <varname>string</varname> does not contain a valid ACFS storage accelerator.
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07933: Accelerator volume <varname>string</varname> is associated with a different file system.
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07934: The file identifier for the accelerator volume storage bitmap is invalid.\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07935: The _FileEntry metadata structure for the accelerator volume storage bitmap is invalid.
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07936: Extent structure has incorrect _VolId value.\n found: <varname>string</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07937: File extent exceeds accelerator volume size.\n <varname>string</varname>\nextent: _FileOffset: <varname>string</varname> _Length: <varname>string</varname> _PhysicalDiskOffset: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07938: Accelerator Global_BitMap has invalid value for number of bits set.\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07939: Accelerator Global_BitMap has invalid value for number of bits set.\n found: <varname>string</varname>, but expected to find: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07940: Accelerator Global_BitMap has invalid value for next offset to search.\n found: <varname>string</varname> maximum: <varname>string</varname>\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07941: mismatch between temporary Global_BitMap and on-disk accelerator Global_BitMap
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07942: Accelerator Global_BitMap has bits incorrectly set for storage beyond the file system size for file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: File system checking has identified the metadata inconsistency reported in the message.
- ADVM-07943: The specified volume is an accelerator volume. Cannot proceed.
Cause: The volume specified on the command line was an accelerator volume. The command requires the primary file system volume.
- ADVM-09025: Failed to update the Windows Registry for volume <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: An attempt to store data in the Windows registry failed. This message is accompanied by other message(s) that provide details as to the exact cause of the failure.
- ADVM-09100: Creating volume '<varname>string</varname>' in diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09101: Failed to create volume '<varname>string</varname>' in diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The volume was unable to be created in the diskgroup. Possible Causes: 1) ASM is not running. 2) User is not part of the ASMADMIN group. 3) An ASM specific error occurred.
- ADVM-09102: Unable to verify creation of ACFS Oracle database Home.
Cause: A command was given to ASM to create the specified volume and no errors were detected. However, post creation checks failed to find that the volume that was created and/or enabled.
- ADVM-09103: Enabling volume '<varname>string</varname>' on diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09104: Enable of volume '<varname>string</varname>' failed.
Cause: ASM was instructed to enable the specified volume and failed.
- ADVM-09105: Volume '<varname>string</varname>' not found in '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The specified volume does not exist.
- ADVM-09106: Diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' not found.
Cause: The specified diskgroup does not exist.
- ADVM-09107: ASM mounting diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09108: ASM mount of diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' failed.
Cause: ASM found the specified diskgroup but could not mount it.
- ADVM-09109: <varname>string</varname> driver failed to load.
Cause: The driver failed to load.
- ADVM-09110: Offline mount point '<varname>string</varname>' was dismounted for recovery.
Cause: Informational. The mount point referenced was fenced due to an underlying volume failure. In this case, the mount point was successfully dismounted for recovery.
- ADVM-09111: Offline mount point '<varname>string</varname>' was recovered.
Cause: Informational - the mount point referenced was fenced due to an underlying volume failure. In this case, the mount point was successfully remounted, which has renabled IO to the file system.
- ADVM-09112: The following process IDs have open references on mount point '<varname>string</varname>':
Cause: During shutdown of the CRS stack, it was determined that a process had files open on the mount point in the process of being dismounted. This prevents the dismount from succeeding.
- ADVM-09113: These processes will now be terminated.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09114: completed
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09115: The command '<varname>string</varname>' returned an unexpected value.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09116: Offline mount point '<varname>string</varname>' was not recovered.
Cause: An inaccessible mount point could not be restored to working condition.
- ADVM-09117: Manual intervention is required.
Cause: Informational, from previous errors.
- ADVM-09118: <varname>string</varname> driver in use - cannot unload.
Cause: This may be seen during 'crsctl stop crs', 'acfsload stop', or 'acfsroot uninstall'. Applications (possibly ASM) have open references on the driver.
- ADVM-09119: <varname>string</varname> driver failed to unload.
Cause: An unknown error has occurred when trying to unload the driver.
- ADVM-09120: The '<varname>string</varname>' machine architecture not supported.
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have not yet been ported to this CPU type or OS. This occurs when the customer manually tries to load the drivers on an architecture or system OS type that ACFS is not supported, such as VMS.
- ADVM-09121: Failed to detect control device '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have been started but the devices that should have been created have not been.
- ADVM-09122: ADVM device not determined from mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09123: '<varname>string</varname>' command not found.
Cause: A required component of ACFS is missing. This could be an incomplete install, removal of files from the system after install, or an unknown cause.
- ADVM-09124: <varname>string</varname> driver failed to detach from the system driver stack.
Cause: The ACFS driver is being used by one or more mounted file systems.
- ADVM-09125: ADVM/ACFS is not supported on this OS: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have not been ported to this OS.
- ADVM-09126: Attempting to terminate the program '<varname>string</varname>' with OS process ID '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The process was using an ACFS file system, which was being forcibly unmounted. A kill signal was sent to allow the unmount to proceed.
- ADVM-09127: Not all ADVM/ACFS drivers have been loaded.
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have been started but not all of them are detected as running.
- ADVM-09128: unknown query type '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09129: ADVM/ACFS not installed
Cause: No ADVM/ACFS drivers or commands have been found on the system. All ADVM and ACFS actions will be disabled.
- ADVM-09130: Root access required
Cause: The user this command is executing as does not have sufficient privileges to run this command.
- ADVM-09135: <varname>string</varname> installation aborted.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09136: PID <varname>string</varname> could not be killed.
Cause: Failed to kill a Process ID during a force unmount of a file system.
- ADVM-09137: Failed to set group on directory '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The group of the directory could not be changed.
- ADVM-09138: command '<varname>string</varname>' completed with an error: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: 'acfsutil' did not successfully run.
- ADVM-09139: Attempting recovery of offline mount point '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An ACFS mount point reported by the 'acfsutil' command was not accessible.
- ADVM-09140: Unable to determine the correct drivers for this version of Windows: ID:<varname>string</varname> Major:<varname>string</varname> Minor:<varname>string</varname> Product Type:<varname>string</varname>
Cause: Error. ACFS is not supported on this Windows Version.
- ADVM-09149: unable to determine device mount status - unsupported OS name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The standard method to determine mount state of a device was unavailable. It is possible that ADVM/ACFS is not supported on the OS.
- ADVM-09150: Unexpected output from 'acfsutil info fs': '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09151: Ignoring request to mount due to existence of "oracle_nomounts" file: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: "An "oracle_nomounts" file was present, causing file system mount processing to be skipped during a CRS resource operation."
- ADVM-09152: Program '<varname>string</varname>' with OS process ID '<varname>string</varname>' will not be terminated.
Cause: The process is using an ACFS file system which is being forcibly unmounted but it will not be terminated because it is a system critical process.
- ADVM-09153: Program '<varname>string</varname>' with OS process ID '<varname>string</varname>' is using mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The process is using the mount point.
- ADVM-09154: Loading '<varname>string</varname>' driver.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09155: Checking for existing '<varname>string</varname>' driver installation.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09156: Detecting control device '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09157: Detecting driver '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09158: Configuration file '<varname>string</varname>' in the /boot directory is not accessible.
Cause: A populated /boot directory, which contains static files required to install kernel modules, was not detected on the system.
- ADVM-09160: Can not use the silent and verbose options at the same time.
Cause: The -s and -v options were used in the command. These options are mutually exclusive.
- ADVM-09161: acfsroot install: Install ADVM/ACFS components.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09162: acfsroot uninstall: Uninstall ADVM/ACFS components.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09163: acfsroot version_check: Check ADVM/ACFS version.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09164: acfsroot enable: Enable ADVM/ACFS CRS resources.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09165: acfsroot disable: Disable ADVM/ACFS CRS resources.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09166: <varname>string</varname> [-h] [-s | -v]
Cause: Syntax error or help [-h] option was passed.
- ADVM-09167: ADVM/ACFS is not installed or loaded. Run 'acfsroot install'.
Cause: An operation was requested that requires ADVM/ACFS to be running.
- ADVM-09168: The CRS query "<varname>string</varname>" cannot be parsed.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09169: The CRS attribute value specification "<varname>string</varname>" is invalid.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09170: The file system's CRS resource name "<varname>string</varname>" is invalid.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09171: The CRS resource for the file system on device <varname>string</varname> cannot be retrieved
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09172: The CRS resource for the file system on device <varname>string</varname> cannot be registered
Cause: Informational
- ADVM-09173: The srvctl command line "<varname>string</varname>" failed to execute. (<varname>number</varname>)
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09174: unable to communicate with CRS
Cause: The application failed to communicate with CRS.
- ADVM-09175: Invalid trace level. Valid values for trace level are 0, 1 or 2.
Cause: An invalid trace level was provided.
- ADVM-09176: Entering '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09177: Return from '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09178: Return code = <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09179: Command executed: '<varname>string</varname>', output = '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09180: Sub-command is '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09181: Kernel version is '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09182: Variable '<varname>string</varname>' has value '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09183: Query = '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09184: <varname>string</varname> [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>]
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09185: <varname>string</varname> [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>] [-l <varname>directory</varname>]
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09186: Usage: acfsroot uninstall [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>]
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09187: Usage: acfsroot version_check [-h] [-t <0,1,2>] [-l <varname>location</varname>]
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09188: cannot use the trace option with the silent or verbose options
Cause: Conflicting options were specified.
- ADVM-09189: [-t <0,1,2> ] - trace level
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09190: User group '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist.
Cause: The group name is required to create ADVM/ACFS devices with the correct attributes. The group name could not be found in the /etc/group file nor in the various remote services like LDAP, AD, NIS/Yellow Pages, DNS, etc.
- ADVM-09191: Usage: acfsroot version_check [-h] [-t <0,1,2>]
Cause: Either a syntax error or unknown option was specified, or the help (-h) option was specified.
- ADVM-09200: Supported
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have been ported to this OS or CPU type.
- ADVM-09201: Not Supported
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have not yet been ported to this OS or CPU type.
- ADVM-09203: true
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers were installed/loaded.
- ADVM-09204: false
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers were not installed/loaded.
- ADVM-09205: usage: <varname>string</varname> [-h] [-orahome <home_path>] {installed | loaded | version | supported | validate} [-s]
Cause: Syntax error or help [-h] option was passed.
- ADVM-09206: usage: <varname>string</varname> [-orahome <ORACLE_HOME>] {installed | loaded | version | supported} [-s]
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09207: The user this command is executing as does not have permission to execute Perl in '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Perl permissions are read/write/execute owner (0700). The user this command is executing as is not the owner of the perl binary.
- ADVM-09208: Enter the location of the db home for this database to '-orahome'.
Cause: Perl permissions are read/write/execute owner (0700). The user this command is executing as is not the owner of the perl binary.
- ADVM-09210: The ADVM/ACFS drivers are supported but have not been verified on this Operating System version.
Cause: The drivers have not been explicitly tested on this operating system version but are expected to work properly.
- ADVM-09211: usage: <varname>string</varname> [-h] [-orahome <home_path>] {installed | loaded | version | supported} [-s]
Cause: Syntax error or help [-h] option was passed.
- ADVM-09225: Failed to start OKS persistent logging.
Cause: The drivers were successfully loaded but OKS persistent logging failed to start.
- ADVM-09226: ADVM/ACFS drivers not correct for this OS - cannot load.
Cause: The device drivers installed are not compatible with the currently running operating system
- ADVM-09250: Unable to get the ASM administrator user name from the ASM process.
Cause: ASM processes have not been found running on this system. This will prevent the requested action from being completed.
- ADVM-09251: Mount point '<varname>string</varname>' unmounted.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09252: The following process IDs have open references on mount point '<varname>string</varname>':
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09253: Failed to unmount mount point '<varname>string</varname>'. Mount point likely in use.
Cause: Other processes have outstanding open references on the mount point.
- ADVM-09254: Manual intervention is required.
Cause: Follow up message to ACFS-9253.
- ADVM-09255: Creating '<varname>string</varname>' mount point.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09256: Failed to create mountpoint '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The mount point may already exist, the user executing the command may have insufficient permission, or a system specific error may have occurred.
- ADVM-09257: Mounting device '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09258: Failed to mount device '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The mount point may be in use, the user executing this command may have insufficient permissions, or another system specific error may have occurred.
- ADVM-09259: Mount point '<varname>string</varname>' already has a device mounted on it.
Cause: There is already a device mounted on this mount point.
- ADVM-09260: Failed to connect to the ASM instance.
Cause: ASM connection attempt failed.
- ADVM-09261: Invalid _ORA_NAME format.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09262: Invalid sub-command '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: This is an internal error or the user attempted to run the script manually with an incorrect sub-command.
- ADVM-09263: Valid sub-commands are 'start', 'stop', 'check', and 'clean'.
Cause: This results in an incorrect usage of the command.
- ADVM-09264: Mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is not mounted.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09274: Resource '<varname>string</varname>' is not online.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09275: The clean failed to unmount the required mountpoint(s) - re-trying.
Cause: Informational. A file system could not be unmounted. This could be due to new process being started just before the unmount.
- ADVM-09289: <varname>string</varname> not set in environment.
Cause: The referenced environment variable was not set. This makes it impossible to continue with the requested action.
- ADVM-09290: Waiting for ASM to shutdown.
Cause: The resource cannot be terminated while ASM is running.
- ADVM-09291: Waiting for the Windows 'sc stop <varname>string</varname>' command to complete.
Cause: Informational. System activity is preventing the driver from stopping.
- ADVM-09300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09301: ADVM/ACFS installation cannot proceed:
Cause: Previous errors have caused the installation to reach a point where it cannot continue.
- ADVM-09303: No installation files found for OS kernel version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: If '-l' (distribution directory) was specified, the directory may not be valid.
- ADVM-09304: Installation cannot proceed: Failed to unload ADVM/ACFS drivers.
Cause: Applications (possibly ASM) have open references on the drivers.
- ADVM-09305: ADVM/ACFS installation cannot proceed:
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09306: Failed to uninstall previous installation.
Cause: Could not remove ADVM/ACFS commands and or drivers.
- ADVM-09307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09310: ADVM/ACFS installation failed.
Cause: A previous error caused this installation to fail.
- ADVM-09311: not all components were detected after the installation.
Cause: ADVM/ACFS commands and drivers were found in the installation area but did not get placed in their assigned locations.
- ADVM-09312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09313: No ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
Cause: An attempt was made to un-install ADVM/ACFS components that did not exist on the system.
- ADVM-09314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09316: Valid ADVM/ACFS distribution media detected at: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09317: No ADVM/ACFS distribution media detected at location: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: If -l (location) is used, the directory specified may be invalid.
- ADVM-09318: ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09319: Unknown OS kernel version '<varname>string</varname>' detected.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09320: Missing file: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A required command or driver is not found on the installation media (pre install) or system (post install).
- ADVM-09321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09322: completed
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09324: Alternate drivers installed.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09328: unknown query type '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09329: Failed to uninstall driver: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Acfsinstall failed to uninstall the driver.
- ADVM-09330: Binary '<varname>string</varname>' not installed.
Cause: A component that should have been installed was not installed.
- ADVM-09339: The environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- ADVM-09340: failed to install <varname>string</varname> driver.
Cause: Acfsinstall failed to install the driver.
- ADVM-09341: Binary '<varname>string</varname>' not found.
Cause: One of the binaries that make up the ACFS package is missing.
- ADVM-09343: Unable to retrieve OS kernel version from module <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Running modinfo against the usm driver failed.
- ADVM-09344: Missing directory: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A required directory is not found on the system.
- ADVM-09345: Unable to create directory: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Creation of a required directory failed.
- ADVM-09346: Unable to install file: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Copying to the given destination failed.
- ADVM-09347: Unable to set permission bits (<varname>string</varname>) on: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Setting the given permission bits failed.
- ADVM-09348: Unable to remove '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A previously installed file was unable to be removed.
- ADVM-09349: Unable to configure driver '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A driver was installed but add_drv failed to write a configuration file.
- ADVM-09350: Failed to create a symbolic link from '<varname>string</varname>' to '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Creating a symbolic link failed.
- ADVM-09351: Unable to remove devlink entry for '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: An entry for the driver was found in /etc/devlink.tab but it was not possible to remove the entry.
- ADVM-09352: Unable to write to '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A file required modifications but it was not possible to write to it.
- ADVM-09353: Unable to unconfigure <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: A call to rem_drv failed.
- ADVM-09354: Unable to create symlink: '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Ensure that a file with the same name does not already exist and the user has permission.
- ADVM-09355: Performing AIX setup failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running AIX initial setup has failed.
- ADVM-09356: Saving the AIX ODM changes for '<varname>string</varname>' failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running the AIX savebase command failed.
- ADVM-09357: Getting the ASMADMIN group failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Previous installation steps may have failed.
- ADVM-09358: Adding the AIX ODM entry for '<varname>string</varname>' failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running the AIX odmadd command failed.
- ADVM-09360: The command aixsetup failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running the aixsetup script failed.
- ADVM-09361: Removing device '<varname>string</varname>' failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running the device's undefine method failed.
- ADVM-09362: Warning: deleting the AIX ODM entry for '<varname>string</varname>' failed with error code '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Running the odmdelete command failed.
- ADVM-09363: Opening the file /etc/vfs for read failed.
Cause: The /etc/vfs file is not readable.
- ADVM-09364: Opening the file /etc/vfs for append failed.
Cause: The /etc/vfs file is not writable.
- ADVM-09365: The directory '<varname>string</varname>' is not being removed.
Cause: The directory was scheduled to be uninstalled, but it contained files that were not installed by acfsroot.
- ADVM-09366: Relative path for mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is not supported.
Cause: Mount point was provided as a relative path.
- ADVM-09381: Modification of ADVM/ACFS drivers resource failed.
Cause: An attempt to modify the ACFS drivers resource resulted in an error.
- ADVM-09382: Modification of ADVM/ACFS drivers resource succeeded.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09383: ADVM/ACFS uninstall cannot proceed
Cause: ADVM/ACFS uninstall cannot proceed due to an error. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details on the error.
- ADVM-09384: Invalid OS kernel variation '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The command found an OS kernel variation (e.g., "el5", etc) that it did not recognize as a valid ADVM/ACFS supported kernel.
- ADVM-09385: Usage: acfsroot version_check [-h] [-l <varname>location</varname>]
Cause: Syntax error or help [-h] option was passed.
- ADVM-09388: An absolute path name must be specified for the alternate location.
Cause: A relative path name to the distribution files was specified.
- ADVM-09389: ORACLE_HOME is not set to the location of the Grid Infrastructure home.
Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable was not set correctly.
- ADVM-09390: The command '<varname>string</varname>' returned unexpected output that may be important for system configuration:
Cause: One of the operating system commands used to configure the system returned an unexpected error. This message is accompanied by other message(s) providing details of the error.
- ADVM-09391: Checking for existing ADVM/ACFS installation.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09392: Validating ADVM/ACFS installation files for operating system.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09393: Verifying ASM Administrator setup.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09394: The installed driver <varname>string</varname> has a build date of <varname>string</varname> which does not match the loaded kernel module build date of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The most likely cause is that an upgrade or patch procedure failed to unload the kernel module.
- ADVM-09395: Environment variable ODMDIR is not set, unable to proceed with system configuration.
Cause: Environment variable ODMDIR was not set.
- ADVM-09396: Environment variable ODMDIR specifies a nonexistent path, unable to proceed with system configuration.
Cause: Environment variable ODMDIR specified a nonexistent path.
- ADVM-09397: Modification of ADVM/ACFS registry resource failed.
Cause: An attempt to modify the ACFS registry resource resulted in an error.
- ADVM-09398: Modification of ADVM/ACFS registry resource succeeded.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09399: Calling 'acfsroot install' to install compatible ADVM/ACFS drivers.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09400: Could not open the Service Control Manager.
Cause: You do not have administrator access.
- ADVM-09401: Failed to install the driver.
Cause: The specified driver could not be installed.
- ADVM-09402: The driver file path is too long.
Cause: The path to the driver exceeded system limits.
- ADVM-09403: The driver can be either installed or removed, not both.
Cause: The /i and the /u switches are mutually exclusive.
- ADVM-09404: Specify either /i (install) or /u (uninstall).
Cause: Either /i to install or /u to uninstall the driver is required.
- ADVM-09405: Only one driver can be installed at a time.
Cause: Multiple drivers were specified with the /i option.
- ADVM-09406: Specify either /a (ADVM) or /o (ACFS) or /l (OKS).
Cause: The driver to be installed or uninstalled was not specified.
- ADVM-09407: Could not find driver "<varname>string</varname>" in the current directory.
Cause: The driver could not be found in the directory specified.
- ADVM-09408: The current directory is %"s".
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09409: CreateService failed (ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS).
Cause: The driver service already exists.
- ADVM-09410: CreateService failed.
Cause: The driver service could not be created.
- ADVM-09411: CreateService succeeded.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09412: The driver was installed successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09413: RegCreateKeyEx failed.
Cause: Failed to create a Windows registry key.
- ADVM-09414: RegSetValueEx (TypesSupported) failed.
Cause: Failed to set the Windows registry key.
- ADVM-09415: RegSetValueEx (EventMessageFile) failed.
Cause: Failed to set the Windows registry key.
- ADVM-09416: OpenService failed.
Cause: Could not start the driver.
- ADVM-09417: The driver was started successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09418: StartService failed (SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING).
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09419: StartService failed.
Cause: The driver failed to start.
- ADVM-09420: The driver is not currently installed on this node.
Cause: The driver is not installed to start.
- ADVM-09421: The driver is already installed on this node.
Cause: An attempt was made to install a driver that is already installed.
- ADVM-09422: The driver was removed successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09423: Failure trying to remove the driver, DeleteService failed.\n The driver service is pending deletion or is in an invalid state.
Cause: The driver could not be removed.
- ADVM-09424: The driver was stopped successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09425: The driver could not be stopped: StopService failed.
Cause: The driver could not be stopped.
- ADVM-09426: Unable to set the file attributes for file <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The file attributes for the oject file could not be set.
- ADVM-09427: Failed to unload ADVM/ACFS drivers. A system reboot is recommended.
Cause: An attempt to unload the ADVM/ACFS drivers was unsuccessful due to an unanticipated condition or configuration. The operating system state did not allow the driver to be unloaded successfully.
- ADVM-09428: Failed to load ADVM/ACFS drivers. A system reboot is recommended.
Cause: An attempt to unload the ADVM/ACFS drivers was unsuccessful due to an unanticipated condition or configuration. The operating system state did not allow the driver to be unloaded successfully.
- ADVM-09429: Failed to install ADVM/ACFS files.
Cause: An unexpected condition has been detected. The files were previously verified to exist.
- ADVM-09441: /i Install the driver
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09442: /u Uninstall the driver
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09443: /a Perform the operation for the ADVM driver
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09444: /o Perform the operation for the ACFS driver
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09445: /l Perform the operation for the OKS driver
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09446: <varname>path</varname> Path to the driver. If not specified,\n defaults to oracleadvm.sys, oracleacfs.sys, or\n oracleoks.sys in the current directory\n
Cause: Syntax error.
- ADVM-09450: Examples:
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09451: <varname>string</varname> /i /a (Install the ADVM driver from the current directory)
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09452: <varname>string</varname> /u /o (Uninstall the ACFS driver)
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09453: <varname>string</varname> /i /o c:\drivers\oracleacfs.sys (Install ACFS with the specified file)
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09454: Unable to delete the driver file <varname>string</varname> after stopping driver.
Cause: A call to the Windows DeleteFile function to delete the driver file failed.
- ADVM-09455: Unable to copy driver file <varname>string</varname> to the path <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Could not copy the driver file to the specified directory because the Windows CopyFile function failed.
- ADVM-09456: An attempt to stop the driver <varname>string</varname> failed.
Cause: The driver could not be properly stopped; it is in an invalid state.
- ADVM-09457: The driver file does not match the driver chosen to install.
Cause: The driver file is not consistent with the driver option used.
- ADVM-09458: The Windows '<varname>string</varname>' service is in an invalid state. The new driver cannot be installed.
Cause: An attempt to install the new driver failed because the existing service could not be stopped properly.
- ADVM-09459: ADVM/ACFS is not supported on this OS version: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: ADVM/ACFS device drivers have not been ported to this OS version.
- ADVM-09500: Location of Oracle Home is '<varname>string</varname>' as determined from the internal configuration data
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09501: Location of Oracle Home is '<varname>string</varname>' as determined from the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09502: Location of Oracle Home is '<varname>string</varname>' as determined from the location of the Oracle library files
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09503: ADVM and ACFS driver media location is '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09504: Copying file '<varname>string</varname>' to the path '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09505: Using acfsutil executable from location: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-09506: The files '<varname>string</varname>' and '<varname>string</varname>' are the same, not copying.
Cause: Informational. The file was not copied because the target and source point to the same file.
- ADVM-09507: Searching the alternative location: '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Informational. The installation files were not found in the specified location. A likely path containing that location will be searched.
- ADVM-09508: ACFS installation aborted (component <varname>string</varname>).
Cause: Installation was aborted due to an error.
- ADVM-10101: Authentication failed.
Cause: The specified ACFS Security administrator password was wrong.
- ADVM-10120: ACFS Encryption not initialized.
Cause: ACFS Encryption was not initialized.
- ADVM-10149: Realm description cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters
Cause: Realm description cannot exceed 1023 characters
- ADVM-10150: Realm description not specified within double quotation marks
Cause: Invalid description specified for realm.
- ADVM-10151: Unmatched single quote or double quote.
Cause: Matching quote was not found.
- ADVM-10152: Realm name cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: Realm name length exceeded 255 characters.
- ADVM-10153: Realm '<varname>string</varname>' not found on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Realm was not found on mount point.
- ADVM-10154: Failed to create realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10155: Realm '<varname>string</varname>' created.
Cause: Realm was created.
- ADVM-10156: Failed to destroy realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10157: Realm '<varname>string</varname>' destroyed.
Cause: Realm was destroyed.
- ADVM-10158: Improper value specified for -l option.
Cause: Invalid argument format was specified for -l option.
- ADVM-10159: The command requires at least one of the options -u, -G, -l, -f, or -e.
Cause: None of the options -u, -G, -l, -f, or -e were specified with this command.
- ADVM-10160: Failed to add user '<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10161: Added user '<varname>string</varname>' to realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: User was added to realm.
- ADVM-10162: Failed to add group '<varname>string</varname>' to realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10163: Added group '<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Group was added to the realm.
- ADVM-10164: Failed to add filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10165: Added filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filter was added to the realm.
- ADVM-10166: Failed to add '<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10167: Added '<varname>string</varname>' to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Pathname was added to the realm.
- ADVM-10168: Failed to turn encryption ON for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10169: Encryption turned ON for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Encryption was turned ON for realm.
- ADVM-10170: Failed to delete user '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10171: Deleted user '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: User was deleted from realm.
- ADVM-10172: Failed to delete group '<varname>string</varname>' from the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10173: Deleted group '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Group was deleted from realm.
- ADVM-10174: Failed to delete filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' from the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10175: Deleted filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filter was deleted from realm.
- ADVM-10176: Failed to delete '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10177: Deleted '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Pathname was deleted from realm.
- ADVM-10178: Failed to turn encryption OFF for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10179: Encryption turned OFF for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Encryption was turned OFF for realm.
- ADVM-10180: Failed to get realm files or directories for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10181: Failed to get groups for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10182: Failed to get users for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10183: Failed to get filters for realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10184: Failed to get realm encryption attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10185: '-e' requires both '-a' and '-k'.
Cause: At least one of the options -a or -k is missing with -e option.
- ADVM-10186: Realm '<varname>string</varname>' already exists on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Realm was already found on mount point.
- ADVM-10187: Failed to get all realms on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10188: Attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>' retrieved.
Cause: Realm attributes were retrieved.
- ADVM-10189: Failed to update attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10190: Updated attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Updated realm attributes.
- ADVM-10206: File or directory '<varname>string</varname>' does not belong to an ACFS file system
Cause: A File or directory specified in 'acfsutil sec realm add/delete' command did not belong to an ACFS file system.
- ADVM-10221: Rule name cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: Rule name length exceeded 255 characters.
- ADVM-10223: Invalid rule type is specified.
Cause: Invalid rule type was provided on the command line with '-t'.
- ADVM-10224: Rule type 'username', 'application' or 'hostname' must have only one rule value.
Cause: An incorrect number of arguments were provided with rule type 'username', 'application' or 'hostname'.
- ADVM-10225: Rule type 'time' must have both start time and end time separated by a comma.
Cause: Either the start time or end time was not provided.
- ADVM-10226: '-o' requires either 'ALLOW' or 'DENY'.
Cause: A valid rule option was not provided.
- ADVM-10227: Failed to perform rule create operation on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10228: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' is created.
Cause: Rule was created.
- ADVM-10229: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' not found.
Cause: Rule was not found.
- ADVM-10230: Failed to perform rule edit operation on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10231: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' updated.
Cause: Rule was updated.
- ADVM-10232: Failed to destroy rule '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10233: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' destroyed.
Cause: Rule was destroyed.
- ADVM-10234: Failed to get rule '<varname>string</varname>' information.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10235: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' already exists.
Cause: Rule was already found on mount point.
- ADVM-10236: Time format <varname>string</varname> must be HH:MM:SS.
Cause: The time format provided was not formatted as 'HH:MM: SS', where HH translates to hours, MM to minutes and SS to seconds.
- ADVM-10237: Rule type '<varname>string</varname>' specified does not match the actual type '<varname>string</varname>' of rule '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The rule type specified did not match the actual rule typed.
- ADVM-10238: Failed to get all rules on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10239: Failed to get information for rule '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10240: Cannot destroy rule '<varname>string</varname>'. The rule is in use by one or more rule sets.
Cause: The rule was being used in one or more rule set(s) in the file system.
- ADVM-10241: Rule set name cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: Rule set name length exceeded 255 characters.
- ADVM-10242: '-o' requires either ALL_TRUE or ANY_TRUE.
Cause: The rule set option was not set to either ALL_TRUE or ANY_TRUE.
- ADVM-10243: Failed to create rule set '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10244: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' is created.
Cause: Rule set was created.
- ADVM-10245: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' not found on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule set was not found on mount point.
- ADVM-10246: Failed to add rule '<varname>string</varname>' to the rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10247: Added rule '<varname>string</varname>' to the rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule was added to the rule set.
- ADVM-10248: Failed to delete rule '<varname>string</varname>' from the rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10249: Deleted rule '<varname>string</varname>' from rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule was deleted from the rule set.
- ADVM-10250: Failed to destroy rule set '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10251: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' destroyed.
Cause: Rule set was destroyed.
- ADVM-10252: Failed to get rules for rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10253: Failed to get list of command rules.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10254: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' already exists.
Cause: Rule set was already found on mount point.
- ADVM-10255: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' already exists in rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule was already part of rule set.
- ADVM-10256: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' is not found in rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule was not found in the rule set.
- ADVM-10257: Failed to get all rule sets on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10258: Failed to get information for rule set '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10259: Invalid command rule '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Invalid command rule was specified.
- ADVM-10260: File object '<varname>string</varname>' and the realm '<varname>string</varname>' should be in the same file system.
Cause: File object was not in the same file system as that of the realm.
- ADVM-10261: Cannot destroy rule set '<varname>string</varname>'. The rule set is in use by one or more realms.
Cause: The rule set is being used in filter(s) that are part of one or more realms in the file system.
- ADVM-10262: Application path name for rule type 'application' cannot exceed '<varname>number</varname>' characters.
Cause: Application path name for rule type 'application' exceeded 511 characters
- ADVM-10263: Host name for rule type 'hostname' cannot exceed '<varname>number</varname>' characters.
Cause: Host name for rule type 'hostname' exceeded 255 characters.
- ADVM-10264: Invalid value for rule type '<varname>string</varname>' as the given path name '<varname>string</varname>' is a symbolic link
Cause: Path name provided for rule type 'application' was a symbolic link. Symbolic links are not supported for rule type 'application'.
- ADVM-10271: Encryption algorithm can be only 'AES'.
Cause: The encryption algorithm provided was not 'AES'.
- ADVM-10272: Key length must be either 128, 192, or 256.
Cause: The key length specified with '-k' was not 128, 192 or 256.
- ADVM-10273: Failed to set the encryption parameter on realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10274: Failed to update rule set option.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10275: Failed to get rule sets for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10276: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' option updated to '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule set option updated.
- ADVM-10277: '-e' requires either ON or OFF.
Cause: The realm encryption status specified with '-e' was not 'on' or 'off'
- ADVM-10278: Encryption parameters are not set on the file system, realm encryption is unavailable.
Cause: The encryption parameters were not set on the file system.
- ADVM-10284: Failed to get security information for '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10285: Pathname '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist.
Cause: Specified pathname was not found.
- ADVM-10286: User '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist.
Cause: User was not found.
- ADVM-10287: Group '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist.
Cause: Group was not found
- ADVM-10288: User '<varname>string</varname>' already added to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: User was already added to the realm.
- ADVM-10289: Group '<varname>string</varname>' already added to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Group was already added to the realm
- ADVM-10290: Realm filter '<varname>string</varname>' already added to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filter was already added to the realm.
- ADVM-10291: Pathname '<varname>string</varname>' already added to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Pathname was already added to the realm.
- ADVM-10292: User '<varname>string</varname>' is not part of the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: User was not part of the realm.
- ADVM-10293: Group '<varname>string</varname>' is not part of the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Group was not part of the realm.
- ADVM-10294: Pathname '<varname>string</varname>' is not part of the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Pathname was not part of the realm.
- ADVM-10295: Realm filter '<varname>string</varname>' is not part of the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filter was not part of the realm.
- ADVM-10296: Realm filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' could not be added to the realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The filter was not added because the filter with command rule 'ALL' was already part of the realm.
- ADVM-10297: Realm filter 'ALL' could not be added since another filter exists in realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filter 'ALL' was not added because another filter existed in the realm .
- ADVM-10298: User name cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: User name length exceeded 64 characters.
- ADVM-10299: Group name cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: Group name length exceeded 64 characters.
- ADVM-10322: System realm 'SYSTEM_SecurityMetadata' created.
Cause: System realm 'SYSTEM_SecurityMetadata' was created.
- ADVM-10323: System realm 'SYSTEM_Logs' created.
Cause: System realm 'SYSTEM_Logs' was created.
- ADVM-10324: Rulesets cannot be cloned before cloning rules on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule sets were not cloned because some rules were not present on mount point.
- ADVM-10342: System realm 'SYSTEM_BackupOperators' created.
Cause: System realm 'SYSTEM_BackupOperators' was created.
- ADVM-10350: Incorrect password was entered in all attempts to open the encryption key store. Encrypted files will not be available.
Cause: Incorrect password was entered in all attempts to open the encryption key store during the mount command.
- ADVM-10355: System realm 'SYSTEM_Antivirus' created.
Cause: System realm 'SYSTEM_Antivirus' was created.
- ADVM-10356: waiting for the operation to complete...
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10357: System realm 'SYSTEM_Audit' created.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10400: Encryption is set on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Encryption was set on mount point.
- ADVM-10401: Failed to set encryption parameters on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10402: Encryption turned '<varname>string</varname>' on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Encryption was turned either ON or OFF on the pathname.
- ADVM-10403: Failed to turn encryption '<varname>string</varname>' on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10405: Failed to get encryption information on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10406: Re-key operation is complete on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Re-key operation was complete on the pathname.
- ADVM-10407: Failed to perform re-key operation on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10410: encryption is already disabled on the file system
Cause: Encryption was already disabled on the file system.
- ADVM-10411: encryption is already enabled on the file system
Cause: Encryption was already enabled on the file system.
- ADVM-10412: Encryption parameters were not provided, using default algorithm (<varname>string</varname>) and key length (<varname>number</varname>).
Cause: Encryption parameters were not provided.
- ADVM-10413: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup must be set to version to allow the acfsutil encryption and security commands.
Cause: The ADVM compatibility attribute has not been upgraded to version or beyond.
- ADVM-10414: Encryption has been initialized for the cluster.
Cause: An administrator initialized encryption for the cluster.
- ADVM-10415: File system level encryption is on, file level encryption operations are not allowed
Cause: A file level encryption operation was attempted while file system level encryption was enabled. File level encryption operations are not allowed when file system level encryption is turned on.
- ADVM-10416: File is realm secured\n
Cause: An encryption operation was attempted on a realm secured file and no action was performed. A realm secured file can only be encrypted and decrypted by changing the encryption parameters of containing realm(s) or by deleting the file from all realms.
- ADVM-10419: Skipping directory '<varname>string</varname>' because it does not belong to the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The directory does not belong to the specified mounted ACFS file system.
- ADVM-10420: Encryption parameters specified for realm '<varname>string</varname>' match existing settings.
Cause: An attempt to set encryption parameters for a realm specified values the same as those already set.
- ADVM-10421: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup must be set to version '<varname>string</varname>' to allow acfsutil encryption commands.
Cause: An adminstrator attempted an encryption set or volume level rekey operation, but the ADVM compatibility attribute had not been upgraded to a supported version.
- ADVM-10422: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup must be set to version '<varname>string</varname>' to allow 'acfsutil sec' commands.
Cause: A security adminstrator attempted an ACFS Security operation, but the ADVM compatibility attribute had not been upgraded to a supported version.
- ADVM-10423: This encryption operation is not allowed on a standby file system.
Cause: An encryption operation that is not allowed on a standby file system was attempted. The following acfsutil encryption commands are not allowed on a standby file system: 'encr set', 'encr on', 'encr off', and 'encr rekey'.
- ADVM-10424: This ACFS Security operation is not allowed on a standby file system.
Cause: An ACFS Security operation that is not allowed on a standby file system was attempted. The following acfsutil security commands are not allowed on a standby file system: 'sec prepare', 'sec save/load/enable/disable', 'sec realm create/destroy/clone/add/delete', 'sec rule create/destroy/clone/edit', and 'sec ruleset create/destroy/clone/edit'
- ADVM-10450: Unauthorized encryption operation attempted on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A user attempted an encryption operation on the given file and the operation was denied.
- ADVM-10451: File level encryption operation attempted on realm secured file '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A user attempted to perform a file level encryption command on a realm secured file and the operation was denied.
- ADVM-10452: Failed to decrypt '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10453: Unable to get encryption parameters for the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10454: File system level encryption turned on for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A system administrator enabled file system level encryption.
- ADVM-10455: New volume encryption key generated for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A system administrator updated the volume encryption key for the mount point. The file encryption keys for all encrypted files on the file system were re-encrypted using the new volume encryption key.
- ADVM-10456: New file encryption key generated for file '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A system administrator updated the volume encryption key for the file. The data in the file was re-encrypted using the new key.
- ADVM-10457: New file encryption keys generated for all files in directory '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A system administrator updated the volume encryption key for the files in the given directory. The file contents were re-encrypted using the new key.
- ADVM-10458: Encryption turned off for path '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A user successfully decrypted a file or directory.
- ADVM-10459: Encryption turned off for directory '<varname>string</varname>' and its contents.
Cause: A user successfully decrypted a directory and its contents.
- ADVM-10460: File system level encryption turned off for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A system administrator disabled file system level encryption.
- ADVM-10461: Encryption turned on for path '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A user successfully encrypted a file or directory.
- ADVM-10462: Encryption turned on for directory '<varname>string</varname>' and its contents.
Cause: A user successfully encrypted a directory and its contents.
- ADVM-10463: Skipping file '<varname>string</varname>' because it does not belong to the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The file does not belong to the specified mounted ACFS file system.
- ADVM-10464: ACFS Encryption operations are not allowed on files of this type.
Cause: An attempt was made to encrypt, decrypt, or rekey a file of one of the following Oracle file types: data, control, online redo log, archive log, backup, incremental backup, or flashback.
- ADVM-10500: Pathname cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: Pathname length exceeds 255 characters.
- ADVM-10550: Security wallet created.
Cause: Security wallet was created.
- ADVM-10551: Security wallet creation failed.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10564: Incorrect password for encryption key store.
Cause: An incorrect password was entered while opening the encryption key store.
- ADVM-10565: Encryption key store created.
Cause: Encryption key store was created.
- ADVM-10566: Encryption key store creation failed.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10573: Encryption key store not found.
Cause: Encryption key store did not exist.
- ADVM-10574: ACFS encryption already initialized, cannot reinitialize.
Cause: 'acfsutil encr init'can has already been executed and the encryption key store already existed.
- ADVM-10575: Incorrect encryption key store.
Cause: The encryption key store may have been deleted and re-created.
- ADVM-10576: Incorrect encryption key, new volume encryption key not created.
Cause: The encryption key store may have been deleted and re-created.
- ADVM-10577: Encryption parameters not set.
Cause: A command that requires encryption parameters to be set first was run before encryption parameters were set on the file system.
- ADVM-10578: Unable to communicate new encryption settings to cluster members.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10579: Key store is not valid for encryption.
Cause: The encryption key store was either not created using 'acfsutil encr init' or it was corrupted.
- ADVM-10586: Internal error.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10588: Internal error : WLT <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10589: Internal error : BSF <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10590: Internal error : XML <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10591: Internal error : TSP <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10592: Internal error : IOC <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10593: Internal error : UGP <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10594: Internal error : OCR <varname>number</varname> : <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Internal error occurred.
- ADVM-10596: Unable to get the hostname for the current node.
Cause: The current user does not have access to the requested information.
- ADVM-10597: The user '<varname>string</varname>' and the group '<varname>string</varname>' do not belong to the same domain.
Cause: The user and the group were not part of the same domain.
- ADVM-10598: Unable to retrieve domain name information for '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Unable to retrieve domain name information.
- ADVM-10599: Current user does not have system administrative privileges to initialize ACFS security.
Cause: The user was not part of system administrators group.
- ADVM-10600: Failed to store first security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' in wallet.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10601: Failed to update first security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' information.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10602: Passwords do not match.
Cause: Verification of the password did not succeed.
- ADVM-10603: Security administrator group already set in wallet.
Cause: Security administrator group was already set in wallet.
- ADVM-10604: Security administrator group not set in wallet.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10606: User '<varname>string</varname>' is not a security administrator.
Cause: User was not a security administrator.
- ADVM-10607: User '<varname>string</varname>' is not member of security administrator group.
Cause: User was not a member of security administrator's group.
- ADVM-10609: Administrator update in driver failed.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10610: Failed to get current user information.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10611: Failed to assign user '<varname>string</varname>' as security administrator.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10612: Failed to remove user '<varname>string</varname>' from security administrator(s) list.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10613: Failed to change ACFS Security administrator password for current user.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10614: Security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' already added.
Cause: User was already a security administrator.
- ADVM-10615: User '<varname>string</varname>' is not a security administrator.
Cause: User was not a security administrator.
- ADVM-10616: Incorrect ACFS Security administrator password.
Cause: The password supplied was incorrect.
- ADVM-10617: Password cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: The password entered exceeded the maximum allowed characters.
- ADVM-10618: Security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' could not be added.
Cause: Security administrator was not added.
- ADVM-10619: Security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' added.
Cause: Security administrator was added.
- ADVM-10620: Security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' could not be removed.
Cause: Security administrator was not removed.
- ADVM-10621: Removal of the last security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' is not allowed.
Cause: The security administrator was not removed being the only security administrator in this system.
- ADVM-10622: Security administrator '<varname>string</varname>' removed.
Cause: Security administrator was removed.
- ADVM-10623: ACFS security already initialized, cannot reinitialize.
Cause: ACFS security was already initialized and could not be reinitialized.
- ADVM-10624: User '<varname>string</varname>' is not member of the group '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The user was not member of the group.
- ADVM-10625: Failed to prepare file system for security operations on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10626: Mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is already prepared for security.
Cause: Mount point was already prepared for security. Prepare should be executed only once for an ACFS formatted file system that is mounted.
- ADVM-10627: Mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is now prepared for security operations.
Cause: " Mount point was prepared for security operations.
- ADVM-10629: Failed to enable security on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10630: Security is already enabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already enabled on mount point.
- ADVM-10631: Security is now enabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was enabled on mount point.
- ADVM-10632: Security is already disabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already disabled on mount point.
- ADVM-10633: Security is now disabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was disabled on mount point.
- ADVM-10634: Failed to disable security on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10635: Failed to get security administrator group.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10636: Security administrator group retrieved.
Cause: Security administrators group was retrieved.
- ADVM-10637: File system is not prepared for ACFS security on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: File system was not prepared for security operations on mount point.
- ADVM-10638: Backup and log directories created.
Cause: Backup and log directories were created.
- ADVM-10639: Failed to create directory '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10640: Failed to create log directory on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10641: Failed to create backup directory on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10643: Security is already enabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already enabled on realm.
- ADVM-10644: Security is already disabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already disabled on realm.
- ADVM-10645: Failed to set owner of file '<varname>string</varname>' to '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Current user is not owner of the file.
- ADVM-10646: Failed to create secbackup.xml file on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10647: Current user does not have system administrative privileges to initialize ACFS encryption.
Cause: The user was not part of system administrators group.
- ADVM-10648: ACFS security already initialized, recovery failed.
Cause: Previous execution of 'acfsutil sec init' had failed. Recovery actions also failed in the subsequent execution of 'acfsutil sec init'.
- ADVM-10649: ACFS encryption already initialized, recovery failed.
Cause: Previous execution of 'acfsutil encr init' had failed. Recovery actions also failed in the subsequent execution of 'acfsutil encr init'.
- ADVM-10650: Invalid file name '<varname>string</varname>' for ACFS security metadata.
Cause: The file was invalid for saving or loading ACFS security metadata.
- ADVM-10651: Failed to save ACFS security metadata of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error
- ADVM-10652: Saved ACFS security metadata of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ACFS security metadata of mount point '%s' was saved.
- ADVM-10653: Failed to save ACFS security <varname>string</varname> metadata of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10654: Directory '.Security' does not exist on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Mount point was not prepared for ACFS security.
- ADVM-10655: Failed to get hostname.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10656: Failed to get timestamp.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10657: Absolute and relative pathnames are not allowed with '-p' option.
Cause: Filename was provided with absolute or relative path.
- ADVM-10658: ACFS Security has been initialized on the cluster with user '<varname>string</varname>' as the initial Security Administrator and '<varname>string</varname>' as the Security Administrator group.
Cause: An administrator initialized ACFS Security on the cluster.
- ADVM-10659: Cannot destroy realm '<varname>string</varname>' because it is a system-created realm.
Cause: A request to destroy a system-created realm was denied because that operation is not allowed.
- ADVM-10660: Current user does not have required OS privileges to set ACFS encryption parameters.
Cause: Current user does not have root or administrator privileges to run 'acfsutil encr set'.
- ADVM-10661: Current user does not have required OS privileges to rekey the ACFS encryption parameters.
Cause: Current user does not have root or administrator privileges to run 'acfsutil encr rekey'.
- ADVM-10662: Current user '<varname>string</varname>' does not have security administrator privileges.
Cause: A command requiring Security Administrator privileges was issued but the user is not in the Security Administrators group.
- ADVM-10663: User name '<varname>string</varname>' is not a fully qualified name.
Cause: Fully qualified name was not specified. The supplied user name was not prefixed with a Windows Server Domain name.
- ADVM-10664: Group name '<varname>string</varname>' is not a fully qualified name.
Cause: Fully qualified name was not specified.The supplied group name was not prefixed with a Windows Server Domain name.
- ADVM-10665: Group '<varname>string</varname>' is a local group and not a Windows Server Domain group.
Cause: Specified group was not a Windows Server Domain group.
- ADVM-10666: User '<varname>string</varname>' is a local user and not a Windows Server Domain user.
Cause: Specified user was not a Windows Server Domain user.
- ADVM-10667: Windows Server Domain '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist.
Cause: Failed to get Windows Server Domain controller for the domain either because of not access to domain or domain does not exist.
- ADVM-10675: Failed to load ACFS security metadata on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10676: Loaded ACFS security metadata on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ACFS security metadata was loaded on mount point.
- ADVM-10677: Failed to load <varname>string</varname> on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10679: Unable to resolve the user id '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The user was not found on the system.
- ADVM-10680: XDK version not compatible.
Cause: Oracle XDK version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10681: ACFS kernel version is not compatible. The kernel version on the system is '<varname>string</varname>' while the expected kernel version is '<varname>string</varname>' or above.
Cause: ACFS kernel version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10682: Kernel major version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel major version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10683: Kernel release version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel release version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10684: Kernel update version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel update version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10685: Kernel port update version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel port version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10686: Kernel patch version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel patch version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10687: Kernel one off version is not compatible.
Cause: Kernel one off version was incompatible.
- ADVM-10688: Unable to resolve the group id '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The OS group ID could not be resolved to a name. Usually this occurs because the OS group has been removed.
- ADVM-10689: Failed to update security administrators information in the driver, some of the subsequent commands may fail.
Cause: Updating driver security administrator data failed during mount. The mount completes, but subsequent security commands may be affected. This is an internal error.
- ADVM-10690: Cannot edit groups in realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: No changes were made to the groups in the realm as the operation is not allowed.
- ADVM-10691: Changed ACFS Security administrator password for current user.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10700: Failed to store volume encryption key.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10701: Failed to get volume encryption key.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10702: Snapshots exist for the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'. New encryption parameters will not apply to files in these snapshots.
Cause: One or more snapshots existed for the file system when this encryption operation was done. The new encryption parameters set by this command will apply only to new files created in the file system and not to existing files in any snapshots. Note that none of the encryption commands affect files in any snapshots. Any snapshots created after the command was run will use the new encryption parameters.
- ADVM-10703: Snapshots exist for the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'. Encryption status of files in these snapshots will not change.
Cause: One or more snapshots existed for the file system when this encryption operation was done. The operation did not modify file data in any snapshots on the file system, so this data may still be available on disk unencrypted. Note that none of the encryption commands affect files in any snapshots.
- ADVM-10704: Snapshots exist for the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'. Encryption keys of files in these snapshots will not be rekeyed.
Cause: One or more snapshots existed for the file system when this encryption operation was done. The operation did not rekey FEKs of files in any snapshots of the file system, so the FEKs of these files will continue to remain encrypted with the old parameters. Note that none of the encryption commands affect files in any snapshots.
- ADVM-10705: Cannot perform encryption operation because volume encryption keys for the file system mounted at '<varname>string</varname>' are not available.
Cause: The encryption operation failed because the required volume encryption keys for the file system were not available to the ACFS file system driver. This could happen because an incorrect key store password was supplied during mount or because of some other error during mount.
- ADVM-10706: Cannot perform encryption operation because an encryption undo operation is in progress.
Cause: The encryption operation failed because the system administrator was running encryption undo ('acfsutil encr set -u') on the file system. It is also possible that a previous encryption undo operation had not completed cleanly.
- ADVM-10707: Cannot perform encryption undo operation because file system level encryption is on.
Cause: The encryption undo operation failed because file system level encryption was on.
- ADVM-10708: An earlier key store migrate operation did not complete. Provide the same password as the one used in the previous attempt.
Cause: An earlier run of 'acfsutil keystore migrate' command did not complete.
- ADVM-10709: Existing ACFS encryption key store is already password-protected.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10710: Existing ACFS encryption key store is already not password-protected.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10711: Recovery of ACFS encryption key store completed successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10712: ACFS encryption key store migration to password-protected key store completed successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10713: ACFS encryption key store migration to password-free key store completed successfully.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10714: The environment variable OKV_HOME is not set.
Cause: The attempt to access the Oracle key vault server to obtain the volume encryption keys failed because the OKV_HOME environment variable was not set.
- ADVM-10715: failed to find the PKCS library in path '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The attempt to access the Oracle key vault server to obtain the volume encryption keys failed because the PKCS library was not found in '$OKV_HOME/lib'.
- ADVM-10716: failed to load the PKCS library
Cause: The attempt to access the Oracle key vault server to obtain the volume encryption keys failed because the OKV PKCS library could not be loaded from '$OKV_HOME/lib'.
- ADVM-10717: failed to find Oracle Key Vault (OKV) client configuration file
Cause: The attempt to access the Oracle key vault server to obtain the volume encryption keys failed because the OKV client configuration file, okvclient.ora, was not found in '$OKV_HOME/conf'.
- ADVM-10718: failed to login to OKV server
Cause: A login attempt to Oracle Key Vault (OKV) server failed.
- ADVM-10719: failed to store encryption keys in file system wallet
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10720: Key store must be either SSO, PKCS, or OKV.
Cause: An attempt to store an encryption key was rejected because the specified key store was not one of: SSO, PKCS or OKV.
- ADVM-10721: failed to save encryption keys, file system wallet already exists in directory '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to create a new wallet and save encryption keys in it failed because the wallet already existed in the said location.
- ADVM-10725: Failed to start encryption logging on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10726: Failed to start security logging on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10727: Failed to start global security and encryption logging.
Cause: Global security and encryption logging services could not be started. The log file for this node will not be updated.
- ADVM-10728: ACFS encryption logging directory not found on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The ACFS encryption logging directory '<mount_point>/.Security/encryption/logs/' could not be opened.
- ADVM-10729: ACFS security logging directory not found on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The ACFS security logging directory '<mount_point>/.Security/realm/logs/' could not be opened.
- ADVM-10730: ACFS security and encryption logging directory not found in CRS_HOME.
Cause: The ACFS security and encryption logging directory '<CRS_HOME>/log/<host_name>/acfssec' could not be opened.
- ADVM-10731: Could not get local host name, ACFS encryption logging will not be available on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The local host name could not be determined, ACFS encryption logs for this host in '<mount_point>/.Security/encryption/logs/' will not be written.
- ADVM-10732: Could not get local host name, ACFS security logging will not be available on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The local host name could not be determined, ACFS security logs for this host in '<mount_point>/.Security/realm/logs/' will not be written.
- ADVM-10733: Could not get local host name, ACFS security and encryption logging will not be available for this host
Cause: The local host name could not be determined, ACFS security and encryption logs for this host in '<CRS_HOME>/log/<host_name>/acfssec' will not be written.
- ADVM-10751: Realm_Metadata file has invalid realm record\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: A realm record of the indicated Realm_Metadata file was invalid.
- ADVM-10753: Realm_Metadata file has no valid realm records\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Realm_Metadata file did not contain any valid valid realm records.
- ADVM-10755: Realm_Metadata file contains invalid realm record data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Realm_Metadata file contained at least one invalid realm record. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-10756: Realm_Metadata file _Private structure is invalid for:\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _Private structure of the indicated Realm_Metadata file was invalid. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-10757: Realm_Metadata file has invalid Hash_Table data\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The Hash_Table of the indicated Realm_Metadata file contained inconsistent data. Refer to the accompanying message(s) for more information on the problem.
- ADVM-10760: Realm_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _maxFree value\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _maxFree property of the indicated _Private metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-10761: Realm_Metadata file _Private structure has invalid _freeDataListTail value\n found: <varname>number</varname> minimum: <varname>number</varname>\nfor structure:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The _freeDataListTail property of the indicated _Private metadata structure was incorrect.
- ADVM-10762: Realm_Metadata file node not on _freeDataList\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: One or more of the _security_data nodes of the indicated Realm_Metadata file was not found on the free data node list. The _next property for one or more of the _security_data nodes was incorrect.
- ADVM-10764: Realm_Metadata file has invalid _security_record for _Administrator default\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The default _Administrator _security_record of the indicated Security_Metadata file was invalid.
- ADVM-10766: Realm_Metadata file has no valid realm data records\nfor file:\n<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The indicated Realm_Metadata file did not contain any valid valid realm data records.
- ADVM-10768: Number of realms created on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' has reached the limit <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A request to create a realm was denied because the number of realms created on the mount point has reached the limit.
- ADVM-10769: Number of rulesets created on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' has reached the limit <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A request to create a ruleset was denied because the number of rulesets created on the mount point has reached the limit.
- ADVM-10770: Number of rules created on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' has reached the limit <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A request to create a rule was denied because the number of rules created on the mount point has reached the limit.
- ADVM-10771: Number of realms that file '<varname>string</varname>' is part of has reached the limit <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A request to add the file to a realm was denied because the number of realms that the file is part of has reached the limit.
- ADVM-10772: Security at the realm level will not be in effect until file system-level security is enabled.
Cause: Security is disabled at the file system level. When file system-level security is disabled, enabling realm-level security does not enable the authorization checks provided by the realm.
- ADVM-10773: Unable to lock ACFS Security wallet.
Cause: The ACFS Security wallet lock was not acquired.
- ADVM-10774: Unable to unlock ACFS Security wallet.
Cause: The ACFS Security wallet lock was not released.
- ADVM-10775: Cannot proceed as another instance of 'acfsutil' command is updating the security administrator information.
Cause: ACFS Security wallet is locked by another instance of 'acfsutil' command.
- ADVM-10776: Invalid 'acfsutil' version '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10777: Unable to lock ACFS encryption key store.
Cause: The ACFS encryption key store lock could not be acquired.
- ADVM-10778: Unable to unlock ACFS encryption key store.
Cause: The ACFS encryption key store lock was not released.
- ADVM-10779: Cannot proceed as another instance of 'acfsutil' command is updating the encryption key store.
Cause: An acfsutil encryption request found the ACFS encryption key store locked by another instance of the acfsutil command.
- ADVM-10780: The file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>' has been prepared for ACFS Security, undo ACFS Security first.
Cause: ACFS Encryption cannot be undone when the file system has been prepared for ACFS Security.
- ADVM-10781: existing snapshots preclude undoing ACFS security or encryption for the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to undo ACFS security or encryption for the indicated file system failed because there were existing snapshots for the file system. ACFS security and encryption can only be undone for a file system with no snapshots. This message may be displayed before or after all files have been decrypted by the 'acfsutil encr set -u' command. In both cases, the file system retains its encryption 'prepared' state and files can be encrypted without running 'acfsutil encr set' again.
- ADVM-10782: The file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>' has not been prepared for ACFS Security, nothing to be undone.
Cause: The file system was not prepared for ACFS Security.
- ADVM-10783: ACFS Encryption is not set on the file system mounted on '<varname>string</varname>', nothing to be undone.
Cause: ACFS Encryption was not set on the file system.
- ADVM-10784: Could not destroy all realms, unable to undo ACFS Security.
Cause: All realms were not destroyed.
- ADVM-10785: Could not destroy all rules, unable to undo ACFS Security.
Cause: All rules were not destroyed.
- ADVM-10786: Could not destroy all rulesets, unable to undo ACFS Security.
Cause: All rulesets were not destroyed
- ADVM-10787: Failed to prepare ACFS Security on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' as replication is active on this mount point.
Cause: Replication was active on the mount point. ACFS Replication and ACFS Security cannot co-exist on the same mount point.
- ADVM-10788: ACFS Security undo operation on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' completed.
Cause: ACFS Security undo operation on the mount point was completed.
- ADVM-10789: Failed to undo ACFS Security on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10790: Failed to set ACFS Encryption on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' as replication is active on this mount point.
Cause: Replication was active on the mount point. ACFS Replication and ACFS Encryption cannot co-exist on the same mount point.
- ADVM-10791: Failed to undo ACFS encryption on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10792: Cannot add filter '<varname>string</varname>:<varname>string</varname>' to the cloned realm as the rule set '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist on the mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Filters could not be added to cloned realm because rule sets were not present on mount point.
- ADVM-10793: File objects cannot be added to cloned realm as file objects do not exist on destination mount point.
Cause: File objects could not be added to cloned realm because file objects were not present on destination mount point.
- ADVM-10794: File '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Information of file could not be obtained, because either file name specified is not correct or file does not exist on given mount point.
- ADVM-10795: Cannot load ACFS security meta data because the destination mount point '<varname>string</varname>' already has some user-created rules, rule sets or realms.
Cause: ACFS security load was not done as the destination mount point had some user created rules, rule sets or realms.
- ADVM-10796: A prior failed encryption initialization cannot be recovered for this request because the prior initialization specified a password-protected key store.
Cause: A prior failed encryption initialization was not recovered for this request because the prior initialization specified a password-protected key store.
- ADVM-10797: A prior failed encryption initialization cannot be recovered for this request because the prior initialization specified a non-password-protected key store.
Cause: A prior failed encryption initialization was not recovered for this request because the prior initialization specified a non-password-protected key store.
- ADVM-10798: ACFS Encryption undo operation on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' completed.
Cause: ACFS Encryption undo operation on the mount point was completed.
- ADVM-10799: For cloning realms with '<varname>string</varname>' option, destination mount point must be same as source mount point.
Cause: Cloning of file system objects is not supported if destination mount point is different from source mount point.
- ADVM-10800: Failed to complete ACFS Security undo operation on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: ACFS Security undo operation did not complete because some rules, rulesets, or realms exist for the given file system.
- ADVM-10801: failed to acquire a lock on ACFS security wallet
Cause: The ACFS security wallet could not be initialized because the lock on the wallet could not be obtained.
- ADVM-10802: unable to release the lock being held on the ACFS security wallet
Cause: After security initialization, the lock on ACFS security wallet could not be released.
- ADVM-10803: cannot proceed because another instance of 'acfsutil' command is updating the ACFS security wallet
Cause: An attempt to update the ACFS security wallet failed because the ACFS security wallet was locked by another instance of the acfsutil command.
- ADVM-10850: Password must have at least <varname>number</varname> characters.
Cause: The password was not long enough.
- ADVM-10851: Password must have at least one digit and letter in it.
Cause: The password did not have either a digit or a letter in it.
- ADVM-10901: Failed to add the read-only snapshot file '<varname>string</varname>' to realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A file specified for addition to a security realm was a read-only snapshot file.
- ADVM-10902: Failed to add the read-write snapshot file '<varname>string</varname>' to realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A file specified for addition to a security realm was a read-write snapshot file.
- ADVM-10903: Snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is not prepared for ACFS Security.
Cause: Snapshot was not prepared for security operations on mount point.
- ADVM-10914: Security is already enabled in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already enabled in snasphot of mount point.
- ADVM-10915: Security is already enabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Security was already enabled on realm in snapshot.
- ADVM-10916: Security is now enabled in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was enabled in snapshot of mount point.
- ADVM-10917: Failed to enable security in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10918: Security is already disabled in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already disabled in snapshot of mount point.
- ADVM-10919: Security is already disabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security was already disabled on realm in snapshot.
- ADVM-10920: Failed to disable security in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10921: Realm '<varname>string</varname>' not found in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Realm was not found in snapshot of mount point.
- ADVM-10922: Failed to get security related information of snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10923: Failed to get users for realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10924: Failed to get groups for realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10925: Failed to get realm encryption attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10926: Attributes of realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>' retrieved.
Cause: Attributes of realm in snapshot were retrieved.
- ADVM-10927: Failed to get all rules in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10928: Failed to get information of rule '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10929: Rule '<varname>string</varname>' not found in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule was not found in the snapshot.
- ADVM-10930: Failed to get all rule sets in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10931: Failed to get rules for rule set '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10932: Rule set '<varname>string</varname>' not found in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Rule set was not found in snapshot of mount point.
- ADVM-10933: Failed to delete the read-only snapshot file '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security operations cannot be performed on a read-only snapshot file.
- ADVM-10934: Failed to delete the read-write snapshot file '<varname>string</varname>' from realm '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Security operations cannot be performed on a read-write snapshot file.
- ADVM-10935: ACFS Security cannot be enabled or disabled because '<varname>string</varname>' is a read-only snapshot
Cause: A request to enable or disable ACFS Security specified a read-only snapshot.
- ADVM-10936: ACFS Security is now disabled in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10937: ACFS Security is now enabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10938: ACFS Security is now disabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in snapshot '<varname>string</varname>' of mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10939: ACFS Security is now enabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10940: ACFS Security is now disabled on realm '<varname>string</varname>' in mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10941: Failed to create '<varname>string</varname>' file on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: An attempt to create a file on the indicated mount point failed, most likely because the user lacked the requisite permission.
- ADVM-10942: Insufficient disk space on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The requested operation failed because the file system was full.
- ADVM-10945: ACFS Auditing source '<varname>string</varname>' is already enabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10946: ACFS Auditing source '<varname>string</varname>' is already disabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10947: Audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is marked as read.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10948: Audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is archived.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10949: ACFS Auditing has been initialized on the cluster with '<varname>string</varname>' as the Oracle ACFS auditor OS group and '<varname>string</varname>' as the Oracle ACFS audit manager OS group.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10950: Audit trail archive for mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is purged.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10951: Current user does not have system administrative privileges to initialize auditing.
Cause: The user was not part of system administrators group.
- ADVM-10952: Auditing already initialized; cannot reinitialize.
Cause: An attempt was made to initialize auditing after it was already initialized.
- ADVM-10953: Auditing is not initialized.
Cause: A command was issued which requires auditing to be intialized for the cluster, but auditing has not been initialized.
- ADVM-10954: Failed to enable auditing on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10955: Failed to disable auditing on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10956: Failed to enable auditing for realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10957: Failed to disable auditing for realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10958: Current user does not have privileges to run audit commands.
Cause: Command was executed as user who is not part of audit manager OS group or auditors OS group.
- ADVM-10960: Failed to get audit information for the mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10961: Failed to get audit manager OS group.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10962: Failed to get auditor OS group.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10963: Auditing is not enabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A command was issued that requires auditing to be enabled at the file system level, but it is not enabled.
- ADVM-10964: Failed to archive audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10965: Failed to mark audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' as read
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10966: Audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' is already marked as read.
Cause: Audit trail was already marked as read on mount point.
- ADVM-10967: Audit trail on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' not found.
Cause: An 'acfsutil audit' command was issued but auditing has not been initialized.
- ADVM-10968: Failed to create audit trail XML file '<varname>string</varname>' for mount point <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10969: Failed to purge audit trail archive file for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10970: Failed to purge audit trail archive because it is not marked 'read' for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Audit trail was not yet marked as 'read' on mount point.
- ADVM-10971: Current user does not have privileges to run this audit command.
Cause: Command was executed as user who is not part of audit manager OS group.
- ADVM-10972: Failed to update audit managers and auditors group information in the driver; some of the subsequent audit related commands may fail.
Cause: Audit Managers and Auditors information was not communicated to the ACFS driver during mount. The mount command was successful but the subsequent audit commands will not work on this host until the problem is corrected.
- ADVM-10973: The ADVM compatibility attribute for the diskgroup must be set to version '<varname>string</varname>' to enable auditing on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A security adminstrator or audit manager or administrator attempted to enable auditing, but the 'COMPATIBLE.ADVM' attribute for the disk group had not been upgraded to a supported version.
- ADVM-10974: Auditing cannot be enabled on mount point '<varname>string</varname>', because ADVM compatibility is lower than '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A security adminstrator or system administrator attempted to enable auditing as part of 'acfsutil sec prepare' or 'acfsutil encr set' which was successful, but auditing could not be enabled because the 'compatible.advm attribute had not been upgraded to a supported version.
- ADVM-10975: Failed to get audit information for realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Internal error.
- ADVM-10976: Failed to create audit trail XML file because the old audit trail XML file exists for mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: A request to archive the audit trail found an existing audit trail XML file.
- ADVM-10977: Auditing is enabled for realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10978: Auditing is disabled for realm '<varname>string</varname>' on mount point '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: Informational.
- ADVM-10979: Cannot proceed because file system is not prepared for ACFS Security.
Cause: An attempt to enable or disable audit on Security source failed because the file system was not prepare for ACFS Security.
- ADVM-10980: Cannot proceed because file system is not set for ACFS Encryption.
Cause: An attempt to enable or disable audit on Encryption source failed because the file system was not set for ACFS Encryption.
- ADVM-10998: ACFS Audit not initialized
Cause: ACFS Audit was not initilized.
- ADVM-10999: Audit trail archive file on mount point '<varname>string</varname>' was not found.
Cause: An 'acfsutil audit read' command was issued but the audit trail backup file did not exist.
- ADVM-11000: ACFS Auditing is already initialized with different Audit Managers and Auditors group.
Cause: Values provided on the command line did not match those with which ACFS Auditing was initialized earlier.
- ADVM-11001: Error in parsing command line arguments.
Cause: There was a syntax error is the command line arguments.
- ADVM-11002: Error: a device name must be supplied with the -l option.
Cause: Either the -l option was not present in the command line or it had no argument.
- ADVM-11003: AIX ODM initialization failed, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: AIX ODM internal operation error.
- ADVM-11004: failed to lock AIX ODM database, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The method could not lock the AIX ODM database.
- ADVM-11005: failed to look up AIX ODM PdDv object class, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The user may lack required permission or the entry may not exist.
- ADVM-11006: failed to open AIX ODM CuDv object class, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The user may lack required permission or the entry may not exist.
- ADVM-11007: failed to add to AIX ODM CuDv object class, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An attempt to add the device's entry to the ODM CuDv object class failed.
- ADVM-11008: failed to close the AIX ODM CuDv object class, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: AIX ODM internal operation error.
- ADVM-11010: failed to look up AIX ODM CuDv object class, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The user may lack required permission or the entry may not exist.
- ADVM-11015: failed to load kernel extension <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: Loading the kernel extension into the kernel failed.
- ADVM-11017: failed to configure kernel extension <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: Could not configure the device's driver in the kernel.
- ADVM-11018: failed to get a major number for device <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The method could not get a major number for the device.
- ADVM-11019: failed to get a minor number for device <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The method could not get a minor number for the device.
- ADVM-11022: failed to configure device <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: Attempt to configure the device's driver in the kernel got an error.
- ADVM-11024: failed to remove the old device file <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method failed to remove the device file.
- ADVM-11026: failed to create new device file <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The user may not have permission or a file with the same name already exists.
- ADVM-11028: failed to set permission of the new device file <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method failed to set permission of the device special file.
- ADVM-11030: failed to set group of the new device file <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method failed to set the owning group of the device special file.
- ADVM-11031: failed to open the ASMADMIN group file, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method could not open the file containing the group to own the device.
- ADVM-11032: failed to read from the ASMADMIN group file, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method could not read the file containing the group to own the device.
- ADVM-11034: failed to set device state to AVAILABLE, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The method could not change the device's state.
- ADVM-11036: No operation was performed because device state is <varname>string</varname> instead of DEFINED.
Cause: The method expected a DEFINED device state.
- ADVM-11038: failed to unconfigure kernel extension <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method could not unconfigure the kernel extension.
- ADVM-11040: failed to unload kernel extension <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method could not unload the extension from kernel.
- ADVM-11044: no minor number was returned for device <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The operating system did not return a device minor number as requested.
- ADVM-11046: failed to set device state to DEFINED, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The method failed to change the device's state.
- ADVM-11050: failed to delete attributes of device <varname>string</varname>, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The method failed to remove the device's attributes from the AIX ODM CuAt object class.
- ADVM-11052: failed to delete customized object of device <varname>string</varname>, odmerr <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The method failed to remove the device's entry from the AIX ODM CuDv object class.
- ADVM-11053: failed to release major number for device <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The method failed to release the device's major number.
- ADVM-11055: failed to remove device special file <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The method failed to remove the device special file.
- ADVM-11060: failed to unload kernel extension <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Could not unload the extension from kernel.
- ADVM-11061: failed to look up the group id for group <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The named group probably does not exist.
- ADVM-11062: failed to create directory <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The directory could not be created.
- ADVM-11063: failed to set permission on directory <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The permission of the directory could not be changed.
- ADVM-11064: failed to set group on directory <varname>string</varname>, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The group of the directory could not be changed.
- ADVM-11065: invalid device minor number <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The device minor number being used is out of range.
- ADVM-11066: the ADVM driver is not loaded
Cause: The ADVM driver is expected to exist in the kernel but it does not.
- ADVM-11067: directory /dev/asm does not exist or is not accessible, errno <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The ADVM driver probably has not been successfully loaded.
- ADVM-11068: The state of device <varname>string</varname> is unknown. No operation was performed.
Cause: Unknown.
- ADVM-11069: Error: device name is too long, exceeding 255 characters.
Cause: The chosen device name exceeds the limit of 255 characters.
- ADVM-11111: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: None