7 ASMCMD-08001 to ASMCMD-09528

ASMCMD-08001: diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist or is not mounted

Cause: An operation failed because the diskgroup specified did not exist or was not mounted by the current Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance.

Action: Verify that the diskgroup name specified is valid, that the diskgroup exists, and that the diskgroup is mounted by the current Oracle ASM instance.

ASMCMD-08002: entry '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist in directory '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The specified path contained elements that did not exist.

Action: Specify an existing Oracle ASM file path.

ASMCMD-08003: command disallowed by current instance type

Cause: ASMCMD was connected to an instance with an instance type other than Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).

Action: Ensure you are connecting to an instance whose INSTANCE_TYPE parameter is Oracle ASM.

ASMCMD-08004: Oracle ASM file path '<varname>string</varname>' contains an invalid alias name

Cause: The path specified contained an invalid alias name.

Action: Specify a valid path.

ASMCMD-08005: directory '<varname>string</varname>' is ambiguous

Cause: The directory on which the 'cd' command was executed translated to multiple matches.

Action: Specify a unique directory string.

ASMCMD-08006: entry '<varname>string</varname>' does not refer to an existing directory

Cause: The 'cd' command failed as the specified path did not exist.

Action: Specify an existing Oracle ASM file path.

ASMCMD-08007: unclosed single quotation mark

Cause: The input did not contain a closing single quotation mark.

Action: Close the single quotation mark properly.

ASMCMD-08008: both source '<varname>string</varname>' and target '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be from remote instances

Cause: The 'copy' command specified both source and target files that were on remote instances.

Action: Either the source file or the target file can be on the remote instance, but not both.

ASMCMD-08009: more than one source file specified, one of which is remote

Cause: The 'copy' command specified multiple source files, at least one of which was remote.

Action: When there are multiple source files, all of them must be on the local node only.

ASMCMD-08010: user name is not specified in remote instance connect string '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The user name was not specified in the remote instance connect string.

Action: Specify the user name in the remote instance connect string.

ASMCMD-08011: instance identifier is not specified in the remote instance connect string '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An instance identifier was not specified in the remote instance connect string.

Action: Specify an instance identifier in the remote instance connect string.

ASMCMD-08012: cannot determine file type for file

Cause: The file type was incompatible with the copy operation.

Action: Specify file types which are supported by Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) such as CONTROLFILE, DATAFILE, etc.

ASMCMD-08013: cannot determine logical block size for file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: During the copy operation, the logical block size of the indicated file could not be determined. The file is corrupted or it is an internal error.

Action: Ensure that the source and destination files are valid and retry. If the source and destination files are valid, contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08014: file '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist

Cause: The file specified did not exist.

Action: Specify a file that exists.

ASMCMD-08016: copy source '<varname>string</varname>' and target '<varname>string</varname>' failed

Cause: The 'copy' command was not successful.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08020: could not write into trace file

Cause: Writing to the trace file failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08021: password cannot contain the following characters $%%^&*()<varname></varname>'" or tab

Cause: Invalid characters were found in the specified password.

Action: Supply a password which does not contain $%%^&*()<varname></varname>'" or tab.

ASMCMD-08022: unknown command '<varname>string</varname>' specified

Cause: An unknown command was specified.

Action: Enter a valid command; 'asmcmd help' will list valid commands.

ASMCMD-08023: copying password file using Oracle ASM requires software version '<varname>string</varname>' or later on host '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: A request to copy a password file was issued to an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance whose version did not support that operation.

Action: Upgrade Oracle ASM to version 12.1 or later.

ASMCMD-08024: file number could not be determined for alias name '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The attempt to determine the file number for the specified alias was unsuccessful.

Action: Ensure that the discovery string corresponds to disks for the specified disk group.

ASMCMD-08025: Invalid file name specified. Absolute path name is required when there is no connection to Oracle ASM instance.

Cause: The specified file name did not begin with '+'. It is therefore treated as a relative path name which requires a connection to Oracle Automatic Storage Management.

Action: Specify an absolute path name for the file you wish to extract. Absolute path names begin with '+<varname>diskgroup</varname>'.

ASMCMD-08102: no connection to Oracle ASM; command requires Oracle ASM to run

Cause: A command that requires Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) processing was issued but there was no connection to an Oracle ASM instance.

Action: Start the Oracle ASM instance and retry the command.

ASMCMD-08201: Oracle ASM not available\n <varname>string</varname>

Cause: During a copy operation, connection to the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance on the remote node failed.

Action: Check ASMCMD alert log for more information.

ASMCMD-08202: internal error: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There was an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08303: invalid SPFILE '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The specified server parameter file did not have a valid file type, a valid file size, or a valid block size.

Action: Specify a valid server parameter file.

ASMCMD-08305: GPNPTOOL executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The GPNPTOOL executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08306: could not edit the GPnP profile

Cause: A 'gpnptool edit' command failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08307: could not sign the GPnP profile

Cause: A 'gpnptool sign' command failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08308: -f option cannot be used when Oracle Clusterware stack is up

Cause: The force option was supplied when the Oracle Clusterware stack was up.

Action: Remove the force option and retry.

ASMCMD-08309: could not check the status of cluster

Cause: The command 'crsctl check css' failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08310: could not get the GPnP profile sequence number

Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the sequence number of the GPnP profile.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08313: CRSCTL executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The CRSCTL executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08314: could not set the disk string

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify asm -d <varname>diskstring</varname>' failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08315: could not determine the mode in which Oracle Clusterware is running

Cause: The command 'crsctl status resource ora.crsd -init -g' failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08316: SRVCTL executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The SRVCTL executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08317: could not get the Oracle ASM disk string

Cause: The command 'srvctl config asm' to get the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk string failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08318: environment variable '<varname>string</varname>' not set

Cause: The environment variable HOSTNAME was not set before running this command.

Action: Set the variable HOSTNAME and retry.

ASMCMD-08319: could not locate the GPnP profile

Cause: The Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) profile did not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-08402: operation was not performed on the file <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Altering the diskgroup to change the owner, group, or permissions failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08406: cannot accept null password

Cause: A null password was passed.

Action: A non-null password must be entered.

ASMCMD-08409: 'chmod' operation not allowed for <varname>string</varname>

Cause: A 'chmod' command specified the write-only permission.

Action: Specify a permission other than write-only and retry the command.

ASMCMD-08552: invalid diskgroup name '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An invalid diskgroup name was specified.

Action: Ensure that the command's -G option has a non-null value passed and has only alphanumeric characters.

ASMCMD-08554: invalid volume name '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An invalid volume name was specified.

Action: Ensure that the volume name is a non-null value and has only alphanumeric characters.

ASMCMD-08557: diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' volume '<varname>string</varname>' not found

Cause: The specified diskgroup or volume was not found.

Action: Specify a valid diskgroup and volume.

ASMCMD-08558: invalid size multiplier specified

Cause: An invalid size multiplier was specified.

Action: Specify a numeric volume size terminating in 'K', 'k', 'M', 'm', 'G', 'g', T',or 't'.

ASMCMD-08559: invalid size specified

Cause: The size specified contained a valid size multiplier but contained other non-numeric characters.

Action: Specify a numeric volume size terminating in 'K', 'k', 'M', 'm', 'G', 'g', T',or 't'.

ASMCMD-08601: could not create the analyze directory

Cause: An internally issued 'mkdir' command failed to create the analyze directory.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-08602: time stamp format is not recognized

Cause: The format for time stamp was invalid.

Action: Specify a time stamp in the following format: Mon Sep 19 19:56:15 2011.

ASMCMD-08603: invalid value specified for 'tracedirectory'

Cause: The specified trace directory did not exist.

Action: Supply a valid trace directory which contains the set of logs and trace files that need to be analyzed.

ASMCMD-08604: Start time is later than end time. Please specify end time later than start time.

Cause: Inconsistent values for --startime and --endtime options.

Action: Please specify the value of --endtime option later than the value of --starttime option

ASMCMD-08605: cannot read the event list file.\n

Cause: The event list file did not exist or could not be read

Action: Check if the file asmevents.xml exists under $ORACLE_HOME/lib and you have read permissions.

ASMCMD-08606: invalid value for --width option: <varname>string</varname>.\n

Cause: The provided value is not an integer more than 80.

Action: Provide a valid value for --width option.

ASMCMD-08607: invalid separator for <varname>string</varname> option: <varname>string</varname>.\n

Cause: Split pattern is not a comma.

Action: The list of values must be comma separated only.

ASMCMD-09345: could not open intermediate file '<varname>string</varname>'\n

Cause: During Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) metadata backup operation, an attempt to open the intermediate file failed.

Action: Supply an existing file that can be read and written to by the current user.

ASMCMD-09347: invalid intermediate file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The intermediate file did not begin with string '@diskgroup_set' or there was an error while evaluating the file contents.

Action: Ensure that the intermediate file begins with '@diskgroup_set' or contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09349: diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' not discovered by Oracle ASM instance; skipping...

Cause: A non-existent diskgroup was specified during execution of the 'md_backup' command.

Action: Specify a valid diskgroup and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09350: diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' not mounted by Oracle ASM instance; skipping...

Cause: The diskgroup specified was not mounted in an Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance.

Action: Mount the diskgroup in the Oracle ASM instance and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09351: Oracle ASM instance has no diskgroup mounted

Cause: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance had no diskgroups mounted.

Action: Mount the diskgroups to be backed up and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09352: CREATE DISKGROUP failed\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: SQL command execution failed.

Action: Fix the error in the SQL command and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09353: ADD or ALTER TEMPLATE failed\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: SQL command execution failed.

Action: Fix the error in the SQL command and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09354: ADD ALIAS failed\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: SQL command execution failed.

Action: Fix the error in the SQL command and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09355: could not find information for diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>' in backup file

Cause: Information about the diskgroup specified was not present in the backup file.

Action: Check that the correct diskgroup name and the backup file are specified and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09356: backup file '<varname>string</varname>' is either empty or cannot be interpreted

Cause: Incorrect backup file was specified.

Action: Specify a non-empty backup file.

ASMCMD-09357: file with name '<varname>string</varname>' already exists

Cause: The specified file already exists.

Action: Change the file name and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09358: source and target files are the same - '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The source and target file were the same.

Action: Make sure the source and target files are different.

ASMCMD-09359: invalid diskgroup name '<varname>string</varname>' specified in override options

Cause: The old diskgroup name specified in the override options was not found in the backup file.

Action: Correct the diskgroup name and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09360: ADD or ALTER ATTRIBUTE failed\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: SQL command execution failed.

Action: Fix the error in the SQL command and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09361: backup version not supported\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: The COMPATIBLE.ASM value of the diskgroup in the backup file was greater than the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance version executing the command.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle ASM instance and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09371: disk '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist in diskgroup '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The disk specified was not part of the diskgroup.

Action: Correct the disk name and retry the command. The disk name must match the NAME column in the V$ASM_DISK view.

ASMCMD-09372: physical blocks <varname>string</varname>-<varname>string</varname> do not map to a valid Oracle ASM file

Cause: The physical blocks specified were not part of any Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) file.

Action: Correct the range of the physical block numbers and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09373: not all physical blocks submitted for remapping

Cause: An attempt to submit all of the physical blocks for remapping failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

ASMCMD-09374: KFED executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The KFED executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Run these commmands if using Oracle 10.2 or later: cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f ins_rdbms.mk ikfed Run these commmands if using Oracle 10.1: cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib mv ssskfeded.o sskfeded.o make -f ins_rdbms.mk $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/kfed mv kfed ../../bin/ Verify that $ORACLE_HOME/bin/kfed exists and has the execute permission bit set.

ASMCMD-09375: error occurred when executing\n <varname>string</varname>\n\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: The 'lsdsk' command was not successful.

Action: Fix the error indicated in the accompanying messages and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09378: scanning of disk headers is supported on UNIX platforms only

Cause: The 'lsdsk' command failed because scanning of disk headers is supported on UNIX platforms only.

Action: Start the Oracle Automatic Storage Management instance and retry the command without the -I option.

ASMCMD-09381: 'remap' command requires Oracle ASM software version <varname>string</varname> or later.

Cause: The Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance did not support the 'remap' command.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle ASM instance and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09382: physical blocks <varname>string</varname>-<varname>string</varname> map to an unmirrored file

Cause: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) couldnot remap an unmirrored file.

Action: Specify physical blocks which map to a mirrored file.

ASMCMD-09383: 'mapextent' command requires Oracle ASM software version <varname>string</varname> or later

Cause: The Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance did not support the 'mapextent' command.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle ASM instance and retry the command.

ASMCMD-09384: 'mapau' command requires Oracle ASM software version <varname>string</varname> or later

Cause: The current Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) version did not support this command.

Action: Upgrade to 11g Release 2 or a later version.

ASMCMD-09390: invalid XML tag '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An invalid XML tag was specified.

Action: Check the value of the tag to ensure it is valid and retry.

ASMCMD-09391: invalid XML file

Cause: Certain parameters were not defined or had invalid values in the file.

Action: Check whether the required parameters are defined in the file and retry.

ASMCMD-09395: error parsing XML file: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An error occurred while parsing the XML file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09398: element <varname>string</varname> is empty

Cause: No disks were found in the element.

Action: Add disks to this element and retry.

ASMCMD-09399: argument '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid number

Cause: A numeric value was expected in the argument.

Action: Change the argument to a numeric value.

ASMCMD-09401: command syntax error

Cause: Incorrect command syntax was specified.

Action: Refer to the command line help or to the documentation to determine the correct syntax and options.

ASMCMD-09412: Invalid option: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An invalid option was specified.

Action: Refer to the command line help or to the documentation to determine the correct syntax and options.

ASMCMD-09450: missing '--dbuniquename' or '--asm' option for password file located on a diskgroup

Cause: When trying to update the CRSD resource for a password file located on a diskgroup, the '--dbuniquename' parameter or the '--asm' option was not specified.

Action: Execute the command again with the '--dbuniquename' parameter if the password file is a database password file. If the password file is an ASM password file, then execute the command with '--asm' option.

ASMCMD-09451: 'orapwd' executable was not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: 'orapwd' executable was not found at the location.

Action: Ensure that the executable is present at the location and executable permissions are set.

ASMCMD-09452: The password file was not found at '<varname>string</varname>' or the path specified does not exist.

Cause: The password file could not be located at the specified path or the path to the password file did not exist.

Action: Ensure that the path specified is valid and that the password file is present at that location.

ASMCMD-09453: failed to register password file as a CRS resource

Cause: An internally issued 'srvctl' command to register the password file as a CRS resource failed.

Action: Respond based on the accompanying error messages.

ASMCMD-09454: could not create new password file

Cause: An internally issued 'orapwd' command to create the password file failed.

Action: Respond based on the accompanying error messages.

ASMCMD-09455: location for the new password file was not valid

Cause: An invalid path was specified to create the password file. ASMCMD can be used to create password files only on disk groups.

Action: Specify a location on a disk group for the password file and make sure the disk group is mounted.

ASMCMD-09456: password file should be located on an ASM disk group

Cause: An invalid path for the password file was specified. The password file should be located on an ASM disk group.

Action: Specify a valid location on a disk group for the password file and make sure the disk group is mounted.

ASMCMD-09457: an internally issued srvctl command failed with errors

Cause: An internally issued 'srvctl' command failed. The location of the password file could not be retrieved from the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) resource.

Action: Respond based on the accompanying error messages.

ASMCMD-09458: user tried to move a password file within Operating System file system

Cause: ASMCMD 'pwmove' or 'pwcopy' was used to move a password file to a different location on an Operating Systen file system. This action is not supported by the command.

Action: Ensure that ASMCMD pwmove and pwcopy commands are not used to move password files within OS filesystems.

ASMCMD-09459: user tried to move or copy a password file within the same disk group

Cause: ASMCMD 'pwmove' or 'pwcopy' command was used to move or copy a password file within the same disk group. This action is not supported by the command.

Action: Ensure that ASMCMD pwmove and pwcopy commands are not used to move or copy password files within the disk group.

ASMCMD-09460: ASMCMD '<varname>string</varname>' command was used on a file which is not a password file

Cause: This particular ASMCMD command was used on a file which is not a password file. This command supports only operations on password files.

Action: Ensure that the file specified is a password file.

ASMCMD-09461: invalid password file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The specified password file did not have a valid file type, a valid file size, or a valid block size.

Action: Specify a valid password file.

ASMCMD-09462: could not delete password file

Cause: An internally issued 'orapwd' command to delete the password file failed.

Action: Respond based on the accompanying error messages.

ASMCMD-09463: operation failed due to lack of write permissions

Cause: An ASMCMD command failed because the user lacks write permissions necessary for the operation. Either the target directory or file does not have write permissions or the target already exists and cannot be overwritten.

Action: Specify a different target or modify the permissions for the target.

ASMCMD-09470: ASM proxy instance unavailable

Cause: An ASM proxy instance was detected but was not ONLINE.

Action: Start the 'ora.proxy_asm' resource.

ASMCMD-09471: cannot enable or disable volumes

Cause: Could not communicate with the ASM proxy.

Action: Start the 'ora.proxy_asm' resource.

ASMCMD-09472: failed to connect to the ASM proxy

Cause: An ONLINE ASM proxy was detected but the connection failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09473: volume STATE will show as REMOTE

Cause: An ASM proxy instance was detected but was not ONLINE. An Oracle Flex ASM instance cannot display the volume state.

Action: This error is informational only.

ASMCMD-09474: volume statistics cannot be queried

Cause: An ASM proxy instance was detected but was not ONLINE. An Oracle Flex ASM instance cannot display the volume statistics.

Action: Start the 'ora.proxy_asm' resource.

ASMCMD-09475: ASM proxy SID not found

Cause: An ONLINE ASM proxy was found but the SID could not be determined.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09476: failed to create the credential file for Client Cluster '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: Creation of the credential file for the Client Cluster failed.

Action: Enable Oracle Flex ASM. Refer to Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide for configuring Oracle Flex ASM. Ensure that the user has write access permission on the credential file. Retry the command.

ASMCMD-09477: delete Client Cluster '<varname>string</varname>' failed

Cause: Deletion of the Client Cluster failed.

Action: Deinstall the Client Cluster using the procedure documented in the Oracle Clusterware documentation. Retry the command.

ASMCMD-09480: There are too many connection strings for Oracle Flex ASM.

Cause: While fetching connection strings for Oracle Flex ASM, there were too many connection strings.

Action: Run the 'lsnrctl' command to see all are valid ASM end points, or try again later.

ASMCMD-09481: There are no connection strings available for Oracle Flex ASM.

Cause: While fetching connection strings for Oracle Flex ASM, there were no connection strings available.

Action: Make sure ASM is running and is registered.

ASMCMD-09482: Unknown error happened while fetching connection strings for FlexASM

Cause: While fetching connection string for FlexASM, unknown error reported.

Action: Check ASM is running and is registered and retry.

ASMCMD-09485: Operations on the ASM SPFILE require the SYSASM privilege.

Cause: An attempt to modify the ASM SPFILE was made without the SYSASM privilege.

Action: Retry the operation as SYSASM.

ASMCMD-09487: '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be run with '<varname>string</varname>' privilege

Cause: Command was executed with lower privilege

Action: Retry with appropriate privilege.

ASMCMD-09488: operations on Client Cluster require SYSASM privilege

Cause: An attempt was made to create or delete a Client Cluster without the SYSASM privilege.

Action: Retry the operation as SYSASM.

ASMCMD-09501: Clear timestamp for OS trail type requires RAC instance number

Cause: There was no RAC instance number specified to clear timestamp for OS trailtype

Action: Specify the RAC Instance number for OS trail type.

ASMCMD-09502: Set timestamp for OS trail type requires RAC instance number

Cause: RAC instance number was not specified while OS trail type was specified.

Action: Provide a RAC instance number for OS trail type for set timestamp operation.

ASMCMD-09511: failed to obtain required AFD disk string from Oracle Local Repository

Cause: The AFD disk string required for this operation could not be retrieved from the Oracle Local Repository (OLR).

Action: Check that Oracle Clusterware is properly configured using 'ocrcheck -local'.

ASMCMD-09512: failed to update AFD disk string in Oracle Local Repository.

Cause: An error occurred while setting AFD disk string.

Action: Check that Oracle Clusterware is properly configured using 'ocrcheck -local'.

ASMCMD-09513: ASM disk label set operation failed.\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: An error occurred while setting the ASM label.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages and correct the problem indicated, then retry the afd_label operation.

ASMCMD-09514: ASM disk label clear operation failed.\n<varname>string</varname>

Cause: An error occurred while clearing the ASM label.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages and correct the problem indicated, then retry the afd_unlabel operation.

ASMCMD-09515: KFOD executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The KFOD executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09516: AFDTOOL executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The AFDTOOL executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09517: AFDROOT executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The AFDROOT executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09518: AFDDRIVERSTATE executable not found at '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The AFDDRIVERSTATE executable was not found at the indicated location.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09519: ASMLib is present with ASM disk string '<varname>string</varname>'; command requires default ASM disk string

Cause: An attempt was made to configure AFD when ASMLib was present. To configure AFD when ASMLib is present, the ASM disk string needs to be a default string. Otherwise, when the Oracle Clusterware stack is restarted, the AFD devices cannot be discovered.

Action: Use a SQL command or ASMCMD command to set the ASM disk string to be default empty string. Refer to the product documentation and follow the procedure to configure AFD.

ASMCMD-09520: AFD is not '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: AFD was either not supported, not installed, or not loaded.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ASMCMD-09521: AFD is already configured

Cause: AFD was already configured and loaded on the node.

Action: Run the command when AFD is not configured. Refer to the product documentation and follow the procedure to configure AFD.

ASMCMD-09522: Insufficient permission to execute the command. Require privileged user

Cause: A non-privileged user attempted to execute a command requiring privileges.

Action: Issue the command again as a privileged user.

ASMCMD-09523: command cannot be used when Oracle Clusterware stack is up

Cause: The command was executed when the Oracle Clusterware stack was up.

Action: Stop Oracle Clusterware using 'crsctl stop crs' command and retry.

ASMCMD-09524: AFD configuration failed '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The afd_configure command was not successful.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages, correct the problem indicated and then retry the command. Check ASMCMD alert log for more information.

ASMCMD-09525: AFD deconfiguration failed '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The afd_deconfigure command was not successful.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages, correct the problem indicated and then retry the command. Check ASMCMD alert log for more information.

ASMCMD-09526: The AFD state is '<varname>string</varname>' and filtering is '<varname>string</varname>' on host '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: User requested to retrieve the status of AFD on the node.

Action: Note the status of AFD and its filtering mode.

ASMCMD-09527: AFD is loaded, but resource ora.driver.afd does not exist

Cause: The command was executed with AFD loaded on the node but its OHASD resource ora.driver.afd did not exist.

Action: Forcibly configure AFD using the 'ASMCMD afd_configure -f' command.

ASMCMD-09528: disk '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist

Cause: The disk specified did not exist.

Action: Specify a disk that exists.