13 CLSNS-00000 to CLSNS-00035
- CLSNS-00000: no error
Cause: Operation was successful.
- CLSNS-00001: unspecified error
Cause: An unknown error occurred. This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00002: memory allocation of <varname>number</varname> bytes failed
Cause: An operation failed because it was not possible to allocate enough process memory.
- CLSNS-00003: <varname>string</varname> buffer too small. required: <varname>number</varname> provided: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00004: length of value "<varname>string</varname>": <varname>number</varname> exceeds maximum: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The value specified exceeds the maximum allowed.
- CLSNS-00005: operation timed out
Cause: A name resolution operation took too long to complete.
- CLSNS-00006: duplicate object
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00007: object not found
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00008: invalid argument: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00009: invalid context
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00010: invalid DNS message received
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00011: corrupt list
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00012: corrupt record
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00013: invalid property
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00014: invalid operation code
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00015: invalid record type: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00016: invalid flag
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00017: invalid status
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00018: invalid section: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSNS-00019: communications failure
Cause: It was not possible to contact a naming service.
- CLSNS-00020: DNS configuration retrieval failed
Cause: Retrieval of configuration information failed.
- CLSNS-00021: permission denied
Cause: An operation failed because the user did not have the necessary permissions.
- CLSNS-00022: credential retrieval failure
Cause: An operation failed because the user did not have the necessary credentials.
- CLSNS-00023: connection to GNS failed
Cause: The connection to the GNS server failed.
- CLSNS-00024: unable to initialize GNS
Cause: It was not possible to initialize the GNS server for the cluster.
- CLSNS-00025: unable to locate GNS
Cause: It was not possible to locate the GNS server for the cluster.
- CLSNS-00026: failed to resolve name with GNS
Cause: It was not possible to resolve a name with GNS.
- CLSNS-00027: operation is unsupported
Cause: The specified operation is not supported.
- CLSNS-00028: no space for record in message
Cause: Not enough space exists in a DNS message for a record.
- CLSNS-00029: advertisement of name "<varname>string</varname>" failed
Cause: Advertisement of the records attached to specified name failed.
- CLSNS-00030: deletion of name "<varname>string</varname>" failed
Cause: Deletion of the records attached to the pecified name failed.
- CLSNS-00031: refresh of name "<varname>string</varname>" failed
Cause: Refresh of the records attached to the specified name failed.
- CLSNS-00032: retrieval of GPnP profile failed
Cause: The retrieval of the Grid Plug and Play profile failed.
- CLSNS-00033: initialization of GPnP failed
Cause: The initialization of Grid Plug and Play failed.
- CLSNS-00034: number of retries exceeeded maximum: <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The retries allotted for an operation exceeded the maximum.
- CLSNS-00035: Invalid IP address: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: GNS discovery address was not in IPv4 nor IPv6 format.