39 JZN-00000 to JZN-00328
- JZN-00000: Normal, successful completion
Cause: The operation completed successfully.
- JZN-00001: End of input
Cause: Processing has reached the end of available input.
- JZN-00002: Invalid argument
Cause: The input argument was not a buffer, file, or stream.
- JZN-00003: Input not specified
Cause: A parse or decode operation was requested without specifying input.
- JZN-00004: Cannot open input file
Cause: The requested input file could not be found, or was not readable.
- JZN-00005: Syntax error
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser encountered syntactically invalid JSON.
- JZN-00006: Invalid escape sequence
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser encountered an invalid sequence of characters following a backslash character.
- JZN-00007: Object member key is not unique
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser detected a duplicate member key.
- JZN-00008: Parse already in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to begin parsing an input while a parsing operation was already in progress.
- JZN-00009: Unsupported encoding
Cause: The requested character encoding was not supported by JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
- JZN-00010: Invalid byte sequence in character data
Cause: The parser encountered a sequence of bytes that were invalid for the specified character set.
- JZN-00011: Error reading input
Cause: An I/O error was encountered while reading input for parsing or decoding.
- JZN-00012: Premature end of input
Cause: The parser or decoder encountered the end of the input source while still expecting more data.
- JZN-00013: Stack overflow
Cause: The internal depth limit on the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) hierarchy of containers (which may be objects, arrays, or both) was exceeded during a Document Object Model (DOM) read or write operation.
- JZN-00014: Stack underflow
Cause: An event sequence to render the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) included a closing event for an unknown object or array.
- JZN-00015: Name too long
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser encountered a member key name that exceeded the internal maximum.
- JZN-00016: Serializer stream error
Cause: An I/O error was encountered while writing to the output stream.
- JZN-00017: Serializer buffer error
Cause: The data overflowed the fixed-size output buffer.
- JZN-00018: Input to serializer is too large
Cause: The data overflowed the fixed-size output buffer.
- JZN-00019: Cannot print without array wrapper
Cause: The result of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) expression could not be rendered without an array wrapper.
- JZN-00020: Empty result
Cause: The path expression resulted in a null result.
- JZN-00021: Value to be printed was not scalar
Cause: An operation requested a scalar value, but the selected value was an object, array, or sequence and could not be returned.
- JZN-00022: Extra data after end of input
Cause: Additional data bytes were encountered after the expected end of input.
- JZN-00023: Length does not match data
Cause: The binary decoder encountered a data length that exceeded or did not match the actual data value.
- JZN-00024: Unrecognized data type or code
Cause: The binary decoder encountered an unrecognized operation code.
- JZN-00025: Invalid binary data
Cause: The binary decoder encountered invalid or inconsistent data while reading the input.
- JZN-00026: Too many levels of nesting
Cause: The internal depth limit on the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) hierarchy of containers (which may be objects, arrays, or both) was exceeded.
- JZN-00027: Internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred in the code.
- JZN-00028: Out of memory
Cause: The operating system ran out of memory.
- JZN-00029: Data member too large
Cause: A data value in a Document Object Model (DOM) was too large to be encoded in binary form.
- JZN-00030: NULL pointer for required context
Cause: A NULL pointer was detected as an internal error condition.
- JZN-00031: Invalid path expression
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression could not be successfully parsed.
- JZN-00032: Invalid array position in path expression
Cause: The specified array position was invalid.
- JZN-00033: Invalid order of array indexes
Cause: In a comma-delimited set of array indexes, the array indexes were in descending order.
- JZN-00034: Field name too long
Cause: The field name exceeded 256 bytes.
- JZN-00035: Total field names too long
Cause: The total length of all field names exceeded the 65536 byte limit.
- JZN-00036: Array or object position out of bounds
Cause: An attempt was made to access either an element outside of the array bounds, or an object member outside of the list of members.
- JZN-00037: Invalid number
Cause: The string could not be interpreted as a numeric value.
- JZN-00038: Invalid date/time
Cause: The string could not be interpreted as a date or date/time.
- JZN-00039: Size overflow for JSON set encoding
Cause: The total size of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) objects exceeded the maximum allowed for JSON set-oriented storage.
- JZN-00040: Invalid specification
Cause: The Query-By-Example (QBE) specification was invalid.
- JZN-00041: JSON Patch operation could not be completed
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch operation encountered an infeasible operation and could not be completed.
- JZN-00042: Modification not allowed on read-only object
Cause: Read-only JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) objects could not be modified by Document Object Model (DOM) operations.
- JZN-00043: Feature not implemented
Cause: This feature was not implemented yet.
- JZN-00044: Type conversion failed
Cause: A type conversion requested for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Path output could not be performed.
- JZN-00045: Invalid sequence of events
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serializer encountered an incorrect event sequence and could not serialize the result.
- JZN-00046: Requested key does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to read a key from a Document Object Model (DOM) object node, but the key was not present in the DOM object node.
- JZN-00047: Cyclic reference to DOM node is not allowed
Cause: A Document Object Model (DOM) node could not be inserted below one of its own descendant nodes.
- JZN-00048: Multiple references to DOM node are not allowed
Cause: A Document Object Model (DOM) node could not be inserted because it is already present in the document node tree.
- JZN-00049: Input to JSON parser is empty
Cause: The input provided to the JSON parser was empty.
- JZN-00070: comma not preceded or followed by field or item
Cause: An unexpected or superfluous comma was encountered while parsing an object or array.
- JZN-00071: missing comma in object or array
Cause: A comma was expected between members of an object, or between items in an array.
- JZN-00072: object member is missing value
Cause: An object member name and colon was not followed by a member value.
- JZN-00073: missing colon in member:value pair
Cause: An object member name was not followed by a colon.
- JZN-00074: member name not enclosed in double quotation marks
Cause: An object member name was not enclosed in double quotation marks, and either contained or started with a character that was not allowed.
- JZN-00075: string value not enclosed in double quotation marks
Cause: A string value was not enclosed in double quotation marks.
- JZN-00076: number could not be parsed
Cause: A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) number was encountered that
- JZN-00077: invalid ASCII control character
Cause: An invalid byte value was read from the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) input. ASCII control characters are not allowed in JSON text.
- JZN-00078: Invalid JSON keyword
Cause: A literal value was encountered that could not be interpreted as a JSON literal. Allowed JSON literals are 'true', 'false', and 'null'.
- JZN-00079: missing quotation mark in the string
Cause: A member name or string value beginning with a quotation mark did not have a closing quotation mark.
- JZN-00201: Unquoted punctuation in step
Cause: A path step contained punctuation characters.
- JZN-00202: Escape sequence must be in quotation marks
Cause: A backslash escape sequence was not enclosed in quotation marks.
- JZN-00203: Invalid escape sequence
Cause: An escape sequence beginning with a backslash contained invalid characters.
- JZN-00204: Invalid surrogate pair
Cause: The surrogate pair was invalid. A surrogate pair must consist of a high surrogate followed by a low surrogate.
- JZN-00205: Array subscript too long
Cause: A subscript within an array step was too long to be interpreted.
- JZN-00206: Array subscript invalid range
Cause: An array range subscript had a start position greater than the end position.
- JZN-00207: Variable name is invalid
Cause: The variable name was invalid. A variable name must be alphanumeric and cannot start with a number.
- JZN-00208: Path must start with a dollar sign ($) character
Cause: A path did not start with a dollar sign ($) character.
- JZN-00209: Unexpected characters after end of path
Cause: Trailing characters followed the end of the path.
- JZN-00210: Empty array subscript
Cause: An array step was empty.
- JZN-00211: Invalid array subscript
Cause: The specified array position was invalid.
- JZN-00212: Array wildcard must be used alone
Cause: The array wildcard (*) character was not specified by itself in an array subscript.
- JZN-00213: Object key wildcard must be used alone
Cause: The key wildcard (*) character did not appear by itself in a key step.
- JZN-00214: Missing square bracket in array step
Cause: An array step had mismatching square bracket ([]) charaters.
- JZN-00215: Array step contains unexpected characters
Cause: An array step contained invalid characters and could not be interpreted.
- JZN-00216: Unclosed quoted step
Cause: A step beginning with a quotation mark did not have a closing quotation mark.
- JZN-00217: Key step contains unexpected characters
Cause: A key step contained invalid characters and could not be interpreted.
- JZN-00218: Invalid JSON literal
Cause: A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) literal must be 'true', 'false', or 'null'.
- JZN-00219: Literal contains unexpected characters
Cause: A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) literal must be 'true', 'false', or 'null'.
- JZN-00220: Invalid number
Cause: The value could not be interpreted as a number.
- JZN-00221: Numeric overflow
Cause: The numeric value could not be converted to binary because of an overflow.
- JZN-00222: Invalid regular expression
Cause: The expression supplied to 'eq_regex' or 'like_regex' was not a valid regular expression.
- JZN-00223: Unsupported operator
Cause: The 'not_in' operator was specified in an expression.
- JZN-00224: Unexpected characters in comparison operator
Cause: Unexpected characters were present in the expression.
- JZN-00225: Comparison with expression must involve a path
Cause: A comparison operation with an expression did not involve a path.
- JZN-00226: Not operator must be followed by parenthetical expression
Cause: The expression after a not operator was not enclosed in parentheses.
- JZN-00227: Comparison must be against 'true' or 'false'
Cause: The comparison was not against a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 'true' or 'false' literal.
- JZN-00228: Question mark must be followed by parenthetical expression
Cause: A question mark introduced a filter that was enclosed in parentheses.
- JZN-00229: Missing parenthesis in paranthetical expression
Cause: A parenthetical expression was missing a closing parenthesis.
- JZN-00230: Unexpected characters in expression
Cause: Unexpected characters were present in the expression.
- JZN-00231: Unquoted Unicode character
Cause: A Unicode character appeared outside of quotation marks.
- JZN-00232: Expected a '.' following step
Cause: After a path step, a '.' separator was expected.
- JZN-00233: Invalid character at start of step
Cause: The next path step started with an invalid character.
- JZN-00234: Invalid '@' outside of predicate
Cause: An '@' character appeared in the path outside of a predicate clause.
- JZN-00235: Invalid '$' inside of predicate
Cause: A '$' appeared in the path inside of a predicate clause.
- JZN-00236: missing or invalid function or operator
Cause: A predicate expression was missing an operator or specified a function that was not valid.
- JZN-00237: invalid comparison of two path expressions
Cause: A predicate expression contained a path expression on both the left and right sides of the operator.
- JZN-00238: path expression has more than one predicate
Cause: A path expression had more than one predicate expression at the top level. At most, one predicate expression is allowed at the top level.
- JZN-00239: predicate expression before final path step
Cause: A path expression contained a predicate expression prior to the final step in the path. If an expression has a predicate at the top level, it must be the final step in the path.
- JZN-00240: invalid characters in array range subscript
Cause: The specified array range contained invalid characters. Array ranges are specified using the keyword 'to' between the start and end of the range.
- JZN-00241: invalid Function at the end of path
Cause: The specified function is not valid.
- JZN-00250: JSON Patch specification must be an array of operations
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch specification was not an array. A JSON Patch specification must be an array, listing an ordered series of operations to be performed.
- JZN-00251: JSON Patch operations must be objects
Cause: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch specification array contained some non-object members. Each element of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch specification array must be an object describing a patch operation to be performed.
- JZN-00252: No 'op' code for patch operation
Cause: An object in a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch specification was missing an 'op' code.
- JZN-00253: Invalid path for patch operation
Cause: The 'path' or 'from' clause in a patch operation could not be parsed.
- JZN-00254: Invalid 'op' code for patch operation
Cause: The 'op' code could not be interpreted.
- JZN-00255: Unknown key name in patch operation
Cause: The operation contained a key that is not specified by JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch.
- JZN-00256: Patch operation requires a path
Cause: The target path for an operation was not specified.
- JZN-00257: 'path' or 'from' key must have a string value
Cause: The path specified for a 'path' or 'from' field was not a string.
- JZN-00258: From path not allowed for operation
Cause: The 'from' path was specified for an operation that does not allow it. 'from' is only allowed in the 'move' and 'copy' operations.
- JZN-00259: 'value' is not allowed for operation
Cause: A 'value' was specified for an operation that does not allow it. A 'value' is not allowed in 'remove', 'move', and 'copy'.
- JZN-00260: 'from' path is required for operation
Cause: A 'move' or 'copy' operation was missing a 'from' path.
- JZN-00261: 'value' is required for operation
Cause: An 'add', 'replace', or 'test' operation was missing a target value.
- JZN-00262: Cyclic 'move' requested
Cause: The target 'path' specified is a child of the 'from' path.
- JZN-00300: Conflicting inclusion or exclusion rules
Cause: The including rule for a parent node conflicted with the explicit rule asserted for a child node. The projection specification is invalid.
- JZN-00301: Projection specification must be an object
Cause: A projection specification was an array or JavaScript Object
- JZN-00302: Include or exclude rule could not be interpreted
Cause: The rule did not use 'true', 'false', 1, 0, "include", or "exclude".
- JZN-00303: NULL or invalid path
Cause: A path was either invalid or NULL.
- JZN-00304: Keys must be numbers or strings
Cause: An argument to $id was not a number or string.
- JZN-00305: Array of values was empty
Cause: An array of values for $in, $all, or $id did not any values. The array of values must have at least one value.
- JZN-00306: Array must contain only scalar values
Cause: An array of values for $in, $all, or $id contained object or array members. The array of values must contain only scalar values.
- JZN-00307: $between must have two values in array
Cause: A minimum and maximum value were not specified for the $between operator. The $between operator must be given an array with a minimum and a maximum value.
- JZN-00308: Spatial operators must be at the outermost level
Cause: The $near, $within, and $intersect operators were not used at the outermost level of the Query-By-Example (QBE).
- JZN-00309: Spatial operators must specify $geometry
Cause: The $near, $within, and $intersect operators were not given a GeoJSON object as the value of the $geometry key.
- JZN-00310: $distance parameter is not allowed
Cause: The $distance parameter was used with an operator other than $near. Only the $near operator may include values for $distance and $unit.
- JZN-00311: $distance parameter must be numeric
Cause: The $distance parameter was specified with a value that was not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) number.
- JZN-00312: $unit parameter must be a string
Cause: The $unit parameter was not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string. The $unit parameter should be a string specifying a unit of measure such as 'mile'. It may not be a number or JSON literal, nor an object or array.
- JZN-00313: Unknown key found in spatial operator
Cause: The spatial operator contained a key that did not match the expected values. All spatial operators must have a $geometry value, and the $near operator may have $distance and $unit values. Other keys are not allowed.
- JZN-00314: $distance parameter is required
Cause: The $near operator did not specify a value for $distance.
- JZN-00315: Empty objects not allowed
Cause: An empty object was found in the filter specification. An empty object is meaningless and not allowed in the filter specification.
- JZN-00316: Object with at least one field object must follow modifier
Cause: A modifier operator was not followed by an object, or was followed by an object with no fields. Modifiers include $not, datatype casts such as $number, simple conversions such as $upper, and structural operators such as $type.
- JZN-00317: Target of spatial operation must be an object
Cause: A $near, $within, or $intersect operator was not followed by an object containing the spatial parameters.
- JZN-00318: Invalid operator within modifier
Cause: A modifier operator (such as $not) was used around a $and, $or, $nor, $id, or another modifier operator. Modifiers may not be used around those operators.
- JZN-00319: Value of string matching operator must be a string
Cause: The value supplied to the $regex, $hasSubstring, $startsWith, or $like operators was not JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
- JZN-00320: Value of comparison operator must be a scalar
Cause: The value supplied to an operator was not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) scalar value.
- JZN-00321: Value of the operator must be a string or number
Cause: The value supplied to $eq, $ne, or $exists was not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string or number.
- JZN-00322: Value of set comparison operator must be an array
Cause: The value supplied to $in, $all, $id, or $between was not an array.
- JZN-00323: Elements in a conjunction array must be objects
Cause: An element of an array for $and, $or, or $nor was not an object.
- JZN-00324: $id operator must be at the outermost level
Cause: The $id operator supplying document keys was not used at the outermost level of the Query-By-Example (QBE).
- JZN-00325: Cannot combine sub-expression with other filters
Cause: A downscoped sub-expression was used in the same scope as a normal filter condition.
- JZN-00326: Values for $orderby conditions must be integers
Cause: An order by condition did not give an integer value. Objects, arrays, strings, and other literals are not allowed to specify ordering criteria.
- JZN-00327: Query specification must be an object
Cause: The query specification root was an array or scalar. A query specification must be an object.
- JZN-00328: Order by specification must be an object
Cause: A $orderby specification was not an object. It may not be an array or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) scalar.