43 KUP-00552 to KUP-11024

KUP-00552: internal XAD package failed to load

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to initialize the XAD package.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters

Cause: The parser detected a syntax error.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

KUP-00561: invalid length for binary integer field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An integer field was specified with an invalid length. The only supported lengths for binary integer fields are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Action: n/a

KUP-00562: unknown escape sequence\n

Cause: An unknown escape sequence was specified to the parser. An escape sequence is a backslash followed by a character.

Action: Consult documentation for list of allowable control characters.

KUP-00600: internal error, arguments [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An internal XAD error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-00601: fatal XAD error

Cause: A fatal error has occurred.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

KUP-01006: error signalled during parse of access parameters

Cause: An error was signalled during parsing of the access parameters.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

KUP-01007: at line <varname>number</varname> column <varname>number</varname>

Cause: This is an informational message indicating the line and column where a syntax error was detected.

Action: n/a

KUP-01008: the bad identifier was: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that caused a syntax error.

Action: n/a

KUP-02000: wrong message file version (msg <varname>number</varname> not found)

Cause: The kupxx.msb file is not the correct version.

Action: Check that the installation was done correctly.

KUP-02001: unrecognized punctuation symbol "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: An illegal punctuation character was encountered.

Action: Remove the illegal character.

KUP-02002: unexpected end of input file reached

Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing quote for a quoted string.

Action: Correct the input.

KUP-02003: unrecognized character: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An input character that is neither an alpha, digit, or punctuation was encountered.

Action: Remove the character.

KUP-02004: quoted string too big

Cause: A quoted string longer than 2000 bytes was encountered.

Action: This may be caused by a missing close quote. If so, add the missing quote, otherwise shorten the string.

KUP-02005: token too big

Cause: A token longer than 1000 bytes was encountered

Action: Tokens must be separated by whitespace or punctuation. Either add the missing whitespace or punctuation, or shorten the token.

KUP-02006: script line too long

Cause: a line longer than 500 bytes was encountered

Action: break the line up into shorter lines

KUP-03001: fatal error during library cache pre-loading

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

KUP-03002: end position (<varname>number</varname>) <= start position (<varname>number</varname>) for field: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Error in specifying position for the specified field in the access parameters."

Action: Check that the specified end position is greater than the specified start position.

KUP-03003: absolute end(<varname>number</varname>) - start(<varname>number</varname>) != fieldlength (<varname>number</varname>) for field <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The number of bytes occupied by the field as specified by the starting offset and ending offset of the field is not the same as the number of bytes specified for the datatype of the field.

Action: Verify the absolute begin/end position(s) specified match the length of the field.

KUP-03004: absolute end (<varname>number</varname>) specified with relative start (<varname>number</varname>) for field <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The position of field was specified with a relative start and an absolute end.

Action: Use relative end with relative start

KUP-03005: relative end (<varname>number</varname>) specified does not match fieldlen(<varname>number</varname>) for field <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The number of bytes specified by the relative end position for the field does not match the number of bytes in the datatype.

Action: Correct either the datatype length or the relative end position.

KUP-03006: error initializing handle for character set <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Error attempting to retrieve information for the character set.

Action: Verify that the character set name is valid.

KUP-03007: end position (<varname>number</varname>) is less than start position (<varname>number</varname>) for range

Cause: A byte range specified a start position that comes after the end position.

Action: Verify the start and end positions are correctly specified.

KUP-03008: OCI error getting column parameters.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column parameters.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03009: OCI error getting column name.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column name.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03010: OCI error getting database column type.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column type.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03011: OCI error getting database column size.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column size.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03012: OCI error getting database column precision.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03013: OCI error getting database column scale.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column scale.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03014: OCI error getting datetime fsprecision.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain a datetime column precision value."

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03015: OCI error getting datetime lfprecision.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

KUP-03016: length specified for FIXED records must be greater than 0\n

Cause: A record format of FIXED was specified with a length of 0.

Action: n/a

KUP-03017: length specified for VARIABLE records must be greater than 0\n

Cause: A record format of VARIABLE was specified with a length of 0.

Action: n/a

KUP-03018: invalid date mask "<varname>string</varname>" specified for column <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The date mask for the specified column is invalid.

Action: n/a

KUP-03019: directory object not specified in LOBFILE clause for field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A LOBFILE clause was specified for the field, but no directory object was specified. When no directory object is specified, then the default directory specified for the external table is used, but no default directory was specified.

Action: Specify a directory object in the LOBFILE clause or specify a default directory for the external table.

KUP-03020: empty delimiter specified for record\n

Cause: An empty delimiter string was specified for a record delimiter.

Action: Specify the string used to delimiter records.

KUP-03021: clause references unknown field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A WHEN, NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause referenced a field that doesn't exist in the data file.

Action: n/a

KUP-03022: lob data could not be found for field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The field specified in the data source that contains the name of the lob file for the record could not be identified.

Action: n/a

KUP-03023: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for record is longer than maximum <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause is longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set of the data file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be converted to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string is too large, then this error will also be returned.

Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.

KUP-03024: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for column <varname>string</varname> is longer than maximum <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for the columns is longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set of the data file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be converted to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string is too large, then this error will also be returned.

Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.

KUP-03025: For CSV format files, field <varname>string</varname> is not delimited.\n

Cause: The comma-delimited value (CSV) format files did not have all delimited fields. CSV format files must have all delimited fields so that the access driver can process the fields.

Action: Make all of the fields delimited or remove the CSV specification and retry.

KUP-03026: For FIELD NAMES, field <varname>string</varname> is not delimited.\n

Cause: The data files with a FIELD NAMES record did not have all delimited fields. Data files with a FIELD NAMES record must have all delimited fields so that the access driver can process the field names.

Action: Make all of the fields delimited and retry.

KUP-03027: NULLIF at field level not allowed with NO NULLIF for field <varname>string</varname>.\n

Cause: The field had both NULLIF and NO NULLIF specified. You must specify one or the other.

Action: Remove one of the specifications and retry.

KUP-03028: Field name <varname>string</varname> in field list does not match the name of any table column.\n

Cause: The ALL FIELDS OVERRIDE THESE clause was specified and there was a field name in the field list in the access parameters that did not match the name of a column in the table definition. Only names that match the name of columns in the table may be specified in the field list.

Action: Verify that the correct names are used for the columns in the table and for the fields in the field list.

KUP-03029: Invalid value specified for parameter <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The access parameter contained an invalid value for the parameter specified in the error message.

Action: Update the access parameters to have a valid value.

KUP-03995: LOCAL TIME ZONE not allowed with DATE_FORMAT TIME\n

Cause: LOCAL can only be specified with TIMESTAMP, not with TIME.

Action: Remove LOCAL or change TIME to TIMESTAMP and try the operation again.

KUP-03996: multiple DATE_FORMAT <varname>string</varname> masks specified at table level for table <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Multiple date format masks were specified for the listed datetime or interval data type at the table level for the listed table.

Action: Remove one of the datetime mask specifications and try the operation again.

KUP-03997: invalid DATE_FORMAT <varname>string</varname> mask ("<varname>string</varname>") specified for table <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The date format mask for listed datetime type for the specified table was invalid.

Action: Fix the mask and try the operation again.

KUP-03998: error <varname>number</varname> formatting KUP message <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: error occured while attempting to format a KUP message.

Action: contact Oracle support.

KUP-03999: error occurred while processing a date format: ORA-<varname>number</varname>: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Error converting a date format string into an internal representation.

Action: Verify that the date format strings specified in the access parameters are valid.

KUP-04000: error initializing I/O state for file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while preparing the file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

KUP-04001: error opening file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to open the specified file. This message should be followed by another message with more information about the error.

Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.

KUP-04002: error getting file size for file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the number of bytes in the specified file.

Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.

KUP-04003: error while closing file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while closing the specified file.

Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.

KUP-04004: error while reading file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while reading the specified file.

Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.

KUP-04017: OS message: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred. This message contains the message associated with this error that was returned by the operating system. The message displayed before this one should indicate the operation that failed.

Action: n/a

KUP-04018: partial record at end of file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An incomplete record was found at the end of the file.

Action: Verify the file is not corrupt or missing data.

KUP-04019: illegal length found for VAR record in file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A record in a VAR file has an length field with either no numeric characters in it or with non numeric characters in it.

Action: Verify the records in the file have the correct length specified for them.

KUP-04020: found record longer than buffer size supported, <varname>number</varname>, in <varname>string</varname> (offset=<varname>number</varname>)\n

Cause: a record in the data source was longer than the maximum data size supported. The number reported is the maximum supported size of a record.

Action: n/a

KUP-04021: field formatting error for field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: There was an error trying to find the contents of the specified field in a record.

Action: This message should be followed by another message containing more specific information about the cause of the error.

KUP-04022: field start is before start of record\n

Cause: The position of the start of a field is before the start of a record. This can occur if a negative number is used to indicate the relative start of a field.

Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.

KUP-04023: field start is after end of record\n

Cause: This can happen when specifying either absolute or relative positioning for a field.

Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct. If it is valid for fields at the end of the record to be missing, use the MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL clause in the access parameters.

KUP-04024: field end is before field start\n

Cause: The end of the field comes after the start of the field. This can happen if the field is defined with a relative start position and an absolute end position.

Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.

KUP-04025: field extends beyond end of record\n

Cause: This can happen when specifying either absolute or relative positioning for a field.

Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.

KUP-04026: field too long for datatype\n

Cause: The character field in the record is larger than the maximum length specified.

Action: Make sure the definition of the layout of the fields in the data file is correct. Also make sure the correct maximum size was specified for a character datatype.

KUP-04027: file name check failed: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The check of the filename failed. These checks are platform specific, but they can include verifying that there are no hard links in the file path, the file is not a soft link, the file specification includes a parent reference ("../" on Unix), or the file was modified between the time the check was made and the file was opened.

Action: Use a file location that does not violate any of the checks.

KUP-04028: conversion of character length to a number failed\n

Cause: The character length portion of the field could not be converted to a number. This message is followed by another message with information on why the conversion failed.

Action: Make sure the data is correct. Also verify the datatypes specified for the fields are correct.

KUP-04029: numeric field overflowed\n

Cause: An attempt to convert a character string to number failed because the value of the number in the string was too large.

Action: n/a

KUP-04030: invalid numeric data\n

Cause: An attempt to convert a character string to a number failed because non-numeric characters were found.

Action: n/a

KUP-04031: empty filename specified for LOB file in column <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The field in the data file that was supposed to contain the name of a LOB file was empty.

Action: Correct the data so that it contains a valid file name.

KUP-04032: internal error <varname>string</varname> while parsing field <varname>string</varname>:\n

Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing a field.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04035: beginning enclosing delimiter not found\n

Cause: The beginning enclosure was not found for a field that is enclosed by delimiters.

Action: Verify that the data is correct. Also verify that the correct enclosing delimiters were specified and whether the enclosing delimiter should be optional.

KUP-04037: terminator not found\n

Cause: The terminator for the field is missing.

Action: Verify that the records are formatted correctly.

KUP-04038: internal error: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: an unexpected error condition was detected.

Action: contact Oracle customer support

KUP-04039: unexpected error while trying to find file <varname>string</varname> in <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while trying to find path containing the file.

Action: This message should be followed by another message with more information about the error.

KUP-04040: file <varname>string</varname> in <varname>string</varname> not found\n

Cause: The file was not found in the directory specified

Action: Verify the correct file and directory names were specified.

KUP-04041: error generating full file name for <varname>string</varname> in <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Unexpected error occurred while trying to form a file name.

Action: n/a

KUP-04043: table column not found in external source: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A column in the external table was not found in the access parameters that define the contents of the data source.

Action: Verify that the external table is defined correctly and that the abstract parameters are also correct.

KUP-04044: error positioning file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An attempt to position a file to an absolute file offset failed.

Action: See messages that follow for more information.

KUP-04045: unexpected OCI status <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An OCI call returned a status that cannot be handled.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04047: error parsing record from external data source\n

Cause: An error occurred while trying to extract a record from the data source.

Action: Look in the log file for more messages about the error.

KUP-04048: internal error parsing record from external data source\n

Cause: An unexpected or unhandled error occurred while getting a record from the data source

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04049: record <varname>number</varname> discarded from file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be written to that file.

Action: None

KUP-04050: error while attempting to allocate <varname>number</varname> bytes of memory\n

Cause: An error occurred while trying to allocate memory. This is likely caused by insufficient memory.

Action: Reconnect to the instance and retry the operation.

KUP-04051: error processing column <varname>string</varname> in row <varname>number</varname> for datafile <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: an error occurred while trying to convert the data from the data file into the type of a column in the external table.

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-04052: \nerror processing column <varname>string</varname> in a row for datafile <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: an error occurred while trying to convert the data from the data file into the type of a column in the external table.

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-04053: record number <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: This message identifies a record number in a file for a record that had an error. The message preceding this one contains information about the error and the name of the file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04054: internal error: invalid bad row <varname>number</varname> identified for bad column <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04055: column <varname>string</varname> is both a field in the data file and a column transform\n

Cause: The specified column was in the list of fields in the data file and in the list of column transforms. The column should be in one list or the other, but not both.

Action: Determine whether the value for the field in the data file or the value for the field in the column transform should be loaded in to the table. If the value for the data file is to be loaded, then remove the column transform. If the value for the column transform is to be loaded, then rename the field in the data file so that it does not match the name of a field in the table.

KUP-04056: internal error: OCI error while fetching record: <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the granule.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04057: internal error: OCI error while fetching record.\n

Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the granule.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04058: unrecoverable error occurred, operation aborted.\n

Cause: An unrecoverable error occurred during processing.

Action: See preceding error messages for more information.

KUP-04059: found EOF in length portion of VARIABLE record in file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The record parser was looking for the size portion of a file a record format of VARIABLE. It found EOF before finding all the bytes for the length.

Action: Correct the corruption in the file.

KUP-04060: field <varname>string</varname> referenced by lobfile column <varname>string</varname> not found\n

Cause: The LOBFILE transform for the named column referenced a field for either the directory object portion or the name portion of the LOBFILE. However, that field did not exist anywhere in the definition of the data file.

Action: Verify that the LOBFILE clause is specified correctly. Also verify that the field definitions for the data file are correct.

KUP-04061: directory object <varname>string</varname> specified for LOBFILE column <varname>string</varname> is not valid\n

Cause: The column being loaded from a LOBFILE specified the directory object containing the LOBFILE through another field in the data file. In this case, the LOBFILE clause in the access parameters must specify a list of all directory objects that will be used for this field. This error occurs because a field contains the name of a directory object that is not in this list.

Action: Verify that the data file contains the correct directory object and verify that the list of valid directory objects in the LOBFILE clause for this column is complete.

KUP-04062: no data source specified\n

Cause: No location for the data source of the external table was specified when the external table was created. An empty string is not valid.

Action: Specify the name of the data source in the LOCATION clause when creating an external table.

KUP-04063: unable to open log file <varname>string</varname>\n OS error <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An attempt to open the log file failed.

Action: Specify a different log file or use NO LOGFILE to disable logging.

KUP-04064: fatal error during initialization\n

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while initializing access to an external table.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04065: error processing LOBFILE for field <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occured while opening or reading a LOBFILE for a column in a row.

Action: See message in log file for more information about the error.

KUP-04066: error initializing access to external table source\n

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve information about a data source.

Action: See messages preceding this one for more information about the error.

KUP-04067: internal error allocating handle type <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An attempt to create an internal object failed.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04068: internal error fetching attribute <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An attempt to fetch information about an internal object failed.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

KUP-04069: error fetching data for external table\n

Cause: An error occurred while atempting to fetch data from an external table.

Action: See messages the precede this one for more information.

KUP-04070: field <varname>string</varname> referenced by column transform <varname>string</varname> not found\n

Cause: The column transform for the named column references a field that did not exist anywhere in the definition of the data file.

Action: Verify that the column transform clause is specified correctly. Also verify that the field definitions for the data file are correct.

KUP-04071: record discarded from file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be written to that file. The record number in the source data file is not known because multiple servers are loading from the file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04072: error writing to file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to write to the named file.

Action: See messages that follow this message for more information about the error.

KUP-04073: record ignored because all referenced fields are null for a record\n

Cause: A record was rejected because all fields in the data file referenced by the query were NULL.

Action: n/a

KUP-04074: no write access to directory object <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The user does not have write access to the directory object used for a log, bad or reject file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04075: no read access to directory object <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The user does not have read access to the directory object used for a data file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04076: file name cannot contain a path specification: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The name of a data file, log file, bad file or reject file contains a path specification.

Action: Use the name of a directory object to indicate where the file should be stored.

KUP-04077: unknown format specifier in file name <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A format specifier is a percent sign followed by a character. The percent sign and character are replaced by a value depending on the character. This error occurs when the character following the percent sign is not defined to have a value.

Action: See the documentation for information on valid format specifiers. If the file to be opened needs to have a percent sign in its name then use two pecent signs. They will get replaces by a single percent sign in the resulting file name.

KUP-04078: invalid file name specified: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Attempt to parse the file name failed.

Action: Specify a valid file name.

KUP-04079: error fetching list of valid directories\n

Cause: An attempt to retrieve a list of valid directories that can be used by the user to open files failed. See messages that follow for more information.

Action: Contact Oracle support. As a workaround try specifing no log file, no discard files and no bad files.

KUP-04080: directory object <varname>string</varname> not found\n

Cause: The directory object specified for an input file or a log, bad or discard file does not exist in the database or the user has no privileges to access this directory.

Action: n/a

KUP-04081: field <varname>string</varname> used in concatenation for column <varname>string</varname> is not a character type\n

Cause: The specified field was part of a concatenation of strings used to create the value for the names column. However, the field was not of a character datatype. Only character fields may be used as part of concatenating fields.

Action: Verify the correct field was used in the CONCAT clause. Also verify that the correct datatype is specified for the field in the field list.

KUP-04082: error converting field <varname>string</varname> for LOBFILE column <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The LOBFILE column had either its directory object name or filename specified by a field in the data file and that field needed to be converted to the server's character set before it could be used. This message indicates that an attempt to convert the field failed.

Action: Verify that the data file has the correct value for the fields. Also verify that the correct character set was specified for the data file.

KUP-04083: no directory object specified in LOBFILE clause for column <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: There was no directory object specified for the LOB files used to populate the named column and no default directory was specified for the external table.

Action: Either specify a directory name, or the name of a data field containing the name of the directory object that contains the files.

KUP-04084: The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver does not support the ROWID column.\n

Cause: A query of an external table of type ORACLE_DATAPUMP tried to reference the ROWID column. The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver does not support ROWIDs.

Action: Remove the ROWID from the query. If that is not possible, create a table in the database with the same columns as the external table, copy the data from the external table into the newly created table, and use that new table for the query.

KUP-04085: duplicate directory object <varname>string</varname> and file <varname>string</varname> specified for unload\n

Cause: A CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement was executed for an external table of type ORACLE_DATAPUMP and the same directory object and filename combination was specified multiple times.

Action: Issue the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT command again but make sure the combination of directory objects and filenames is unique.

KUP-04086: length of file name exceeds platform maximum of <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: The length of a filename is longer than the maximum length supported by Oracle on the server platform.

Action: Verify that the name is correct. If so, use a shorter file name.

KUP-04087: no execute access to directory object <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Execute access to the directory object used for a preprocessor file was not granted.

Action: Grant execute privilege on the directory object or specify a different directory which already has execute privilege enabled.

KUP-04088: data sampling is not supported by this access driver\n

Cause: A query of an external table requested a sample of the data returned. The access driver for the external table does not support sampling.

Action: Do not try to use sampling for this external table.

KUP-04089: column transform <varname>string</varname> is not the name of a table column\n

Cause: The specified column was in the list of column transforms but a column by that name does not exist in the table

Action: Verify that the correct name was specified in the column transform.

KUP-04090: big endian byte order mark found when little endian expected in <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A big endian byte order mark was found at the beginning of the specified file and either the access parameters specified the data was in little endian order or the byte order mark for a previous file was little endian.

Action: The file needs to be loaded separately. If a byte order was specified in the access parameters, make sure it is changed to be big endian.

KUP-04091: little endian byte order mark found when big endian expected in <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A little endian byte order mark was found at the beginning of the specified file and either the access parameters specified the data was in big endian order or the byte order mark for a previous file was big endian.

Action: The file needs to be loaded separately. If a byte order was specified in the access parameters, make sure it is changed to be little endian.

KUP-04092: attempt to audit directory object <varname>string</varname> returned internal error <varname>number</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to enable auditing for the specified directory object.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

KUP-04093: error processing the FIELD NAMES record in data file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred while processing the FIELD NAMES record for the data file.

Action: See the messages that preceed this one for more details. Fix the error and retry the operation.

KUP-04094: preprocessing cannot be performed if Database Vault is installed\n

Cause: The Database Vault option did not permit the execution a program from an Oracle directory object.

Action: If preprocessing must be performed, then the Database Vault option must not be installed.

KUP-04095: preprocessor command <varname>string</varname> encountered error "<varname>string</varname>"\n

Cause: The specified preprocessor command encountered an error during execution.

Action: Verify that the preprocessor command along with any arguments are correct.

KUP-04096: Warning: lobfile column transform ignored with PREPROCESSOR option.\n

Cause: The specified column was in the list of lobfile column transforms but the PREPROCESSOR option was also specfied. The PREPROCESSOR option does not work in conjuction with lobfile column transforms.

Action: Do not use column transforms with the PREPROCESSOR option.

KUP-04097: RECORDS clause specified without a record format\n

Cause: The RECORDS clause was part of the external table access parameters but no record format type was provided.

Action: If the RECORDS clause is used, then it must be followed by one of the VARIABLE, FIXED, or DELIMITED BY clauses.

KUP-04098: empty field name for field <varname>number</varname> in the FIELD NAMES record in data file\n

Cause: The field name for the listed field number in the FIELD NAMES record was empty.

Action: Specify a valid field name in the data file and retry the operation.

KUP-04099: Missing one or more field names in the FIELD NAMES record in the data file. Found <varname>number</varname> fields, there should be <varname>number</varname> fields.\n

Cause: One or more field names was not listed in the FIELD NAMES record. However, it was listed in the access parameter list for the external table.

Action: Include all field names in the data file and retry the operation.

KUP-04100: record rejected in file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A record in the data file was not loaded into the table because of an error while finding fields in the record. See the previous error for more information. The record will be written to the BAD file, if one is being used. The record number in the source data file is not known because multiple servers are loading from the file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04101: record <varname>number</varname> rejected in file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A record in the data file was not loaded into the table because of an error while finding fields in the record. See the previous error for more information. The record will be written to the BAD file, if one is being used.

Action: n/a

KUP-04102: record <varname>number</varname> discarded from file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be written to that file.

Action: n/a

KUP-04103: error converting zoned decimal field to number for <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occurred converting a zoned decimal number to an Oracle number.

Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.

KUP-04104: zoned decimal field has bad values for <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A zoned decimal number has an invalid format.

Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.

KUP-04105: zoned decimal to number conversion caused overflow for <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A zoned decimal number could not be converted to an Oracle number because the number is too big for an oracle number.

Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.

KUP-04106: precision for zoned decimal number is too large for <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The precision of a zoned decimal number is larger than the precision that can be stored in an Oracle number.

Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.

KUP-04107: substring of field <varname>string</varname> for column <varname>string</varname> is not a character type\n

Cause: A substring was specified for a field that which is not a character datatype. Only character fields may be used when specifying the substring transform.

Action: Verify the correct field was used in the STARTOF clause. Also verify that the correct datatype is specified for the field in the field list.

KUP-04108: unable to reread file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: The query that is executing requires that a data source for an external table be read multiple times. However, the data source is a sequential device that cannot be reread. Examples of this type of data source is a tape or pipe.

Action: There are a few ways around this problem. One is to rewrite the query so that the external table is referenced only once. Another option is to move the data source to a rereadable device such as a disk file. A third option is to load the data for the external table into a temporary table and change the query to reference the temporary table.

KUP-04109: specified path for directory object "<varname>string</varname>" is invalid\n

Cause: The default directory or a directory object specified for an input data file or an output dump, log, bad or discard file contains an invalid path name.

Action: Specify a valid path name for the directory object.

KUP-04116: Field name <varname>string</varname><varname>string</varname><varname>string</varname> in the FIELD NAMES record in the data file is too long.\n

Cause: The field name exceeded the maximum of 30 characters.

Action: Specify at most 30 characters.

KUP-04117: Field name <varname>string</varname><varname>string</varname><varname>string</varname> was not found in the access parameter field list or table.\n

Cause: The listed field name in the FIELD NAMES record of the data file was not found in the access parameter field list or in the table columns. The next error message, if any, lists the name of the data file where the error was found.

Action: Verify that the field name in the FIELD NAMES record is correct. If that is correct, verify that the external table is defined correctly and that the access parameter field list is also correct.

KUP-04118: operation "<varname>string</varname>", location "<varname>string</varname>"\n

Cause: This message provides information about the previous messages.

Action: Refer to the help for the previous message for more information.

KUP-04119: Error <varname>number</varname> opening directory for wild card search: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occured while trying to open a directory to look for files that match a wild card specification.

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-04120: Error <varname>number</varname> fetching count of files for wild card search in directory <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occured while trying to retrieve the count of files matching a wild card specification in the directory

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-04121: Error <varname>number</varname> fetching file names for wild card search in directory <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occured while trying to retrieve the names of files matching a wild card specification in the directory

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-04122: Error <varname>number</varname> finishing wild card search in directory <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An error occured while trying to finish a search for files that match a wild card specification the directory. matching a wild card specification in the directory

Action: See messages that follow for more details.

KUP-05001: Shift based character sets not supported with CSV format files\n

Cause: CSV is being used with a shift based chararcter set.

Action: Either use a non-shift based cahracter set or do not use CSV format files.

KUP-05002: There are no matching files for any file specification in the LOCATION clause.

Cause: One or more file specifications including wild cards were specified in the LOCATION clause, but none of the files matched any of the specifications.

Action: Check to make sure that the file specifications are correct and that one or more files match the file specifications and then try the operation again.

KUP-05003: Warning: There are no matching files for this specification.\n

Cause: No matching files were found for the LOCATION clause specification listed in the previous error message.

Action: No action is required. However, if you expected the LOCATION clause specification to match one or more files, check the specification and the files in the directory to make sure that they are correct. If needed, try the operation again.

KUP-05004: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because parallel select was not requested.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency can only be used when parallel select has been requested.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05005: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because a field of type RECNUM exists.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with RECNUM fields.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05006: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because a complex terminator string is being used.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with terminators where replicated substrings in the terminator could cause ambiguity during record parsing.\n\n"

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05007: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the preprocessor option is being used.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the PREPROCESSOR option.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05008: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in DELIMITED record format and the characterset is neither fixed width nor UTF8.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the DELIMITED record format if the characterset is neither fixed width or UTF8.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05009: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in VARIABLE record format.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the VARIABLE record format.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-05010: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in CSV format with embedded record delimiters/terminators.\n\n

Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the CSV record format that has embedded record delimiters/terminators.

Action: No action is required this message is informational.

KUP-11000: file truncated error\n

Cause: A truncated file was used for the load operation.

Action: Verify unload operation completed successfully.

KUP-11001: files not from the same unload operation\n

Cause: Files used for the load operation were not from the same unload operation.

Action: Verify the files used are from the same unload operation.

KUP-11002: unable to read data chunk <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A read or seek to this data chunk was not possible. This chunk may not have existed.

Action: Verify the files used for the load operation are correct.

KUP-11003: bad data encountered while reading from file <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: There was a datatype conversion error while attempting to convert the data in the data file to match the datatype of a column in the external table. The message that follows this one displays the name of the column and the start of the data for the column that could not be converted. The row containing the bad data is rejected and not included as a row in the external table.

Action: If the row containing the bad data should not be filtered out, then modify the definition of the external table so that the datatypes of the columns match the datatypes of the fields in the data file.

KUP-11004: requested version <varname>string</varname> not supported by ORACLE_DATAPUMP\n

Cause: This database version (defaulted to COMPATIBLE if not user-specified) was not supported by ORACLE_DATAPUMP external table access driver. Note: Database versions before 9.2 were not supported.

Action: Specify a supported version and rerun the operation.

KUP-11005: error seeking in file: <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: An attempt to seek to the specified position in file failed.

Action: Review the error message. Resolve the problem and retry the the operation. Contact Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.

KUP-11006: file truncated error in <varname>string</varname>\n

Cause: A truncated or incomplete file was used for the load operation.

Action: Verify unload operation completed successfully.

KUP-11007: conversion error loading table <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>

Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.

Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being loaded matches the definition of the table being unloaded.

KUP-11008: conversion error loading table <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> partition <varname>string</varname>

Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.

Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being loaded matches the definition of the table being unloaded.

KUP-11009: data for row: <varname>string</varname> \n

Cause: A conversion error occurred while loading data into a table. The message shows values for the field in the row that had the conversion error.

Action: None. This is only an informational message.

KUP-11010: unable to open at least one dump file for fetch\n

Cause: None of the files in the LOCATION clause can be opened for a fetch on an external table.

Action: A fetch operation on an external table in SQL mode requires that at least one file could be opened. Check that the directory object and file names to the dump files are correct.

KUP-11011: the following file is not valid for this load operation\n

Cause: This file could not be used for this load operation. See the following message for more information.

Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are from the same unload operation and that the unload was successful.

KUP-11012: file <varname>string</varname> in <varname>string</varname> already exists\n

Cause: The specified file could not be used for this unload because that would mean overwriting an existing file.

Action: Specify a file that does not currently exist.

KUP-11013: internal number in header in file <varname>string</varname> is not valid\n

Cause: The specified file could not be used for this operation because the internal number in the header was not valid.

Action: If the dump files were transferred over, verify the transfer operation was done correctly.

KUP-11014: internal metadata in file <varname>string</varname> is not valid\n

Cause: The specified file could not be used for this operation because the internal metadata stored in this file does not match the metadata stored in the first file piece set.

Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are the correct dump files to use.

KUP-11015: error in unloading or loading data\n

Cause: An error has occurred in a stream unload or load operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

KUP-11016: database version in file <varname>string</varname> is not valid\n

Cause: The specified file could not be used for this fetch because its database version was not compatible with the database version in the other files in the LOCATION clause.

Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause were populated with compatible database versions.

KUP-11017: file <varname>string</varname> not found\n

Cause: The file was not found.

Action: Verify the correct file (path and file name) was specified.

KUP-11018: file <varname>string</varname> not a valid dump file\n

Cause: This file did not have the correct file format. It could not be used for an external table fetch operation.

Action: Verify this file is from a SQL mode external table populate operation and that the operation was successful.

KUP-11019: the following file is not valid for this fetch operation\n

Cause: A file could not be used for this fetch. See the following message for more information.

Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are from successful populate operations. If the files were generated from various populate operations, then verify that those were done with common attributes such as with the same tables and compatible database versions.

KUP-11020: header in file <varname>string</varname> may not contain correct information\n

Cause: The header may be corrupted.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Servicess.

KUP-11021: header in file <varname>string</varname> has an incompatible version number\n

Cause: A dump file was specified for a load operation whose version number is incompatible with the dump file version currently produced by the Oracle server on the system. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by a newer version of the Oracle server.

Action: Load this dump file using the same version of the Oracle server that created the file.

KUP-11022: specified file name "<varname>string</varname>" is invalid\n

Cause: The file name specified for a dump or log file was invalid or null.

Action: Specify a valid file name for the dump or log file.

KUP-11023: specified path for directory object "<varname>string</varname>" is invalid\n

Cause: The default directory or a directory object specified for a dump or log file contained an invalid path name or was null.

Action: Specify a valid path name for the directory object.

KUP-11024: This external table can only be accessed from within a Data Pump job.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a temporary external table that was created by Data Pump to be used internally during the execution of an export or import job.

Action: None