53 NMP-00001 to NMP-00011
- NMP-00001: value too big
Cause: The SNMP program interface received a value too large for it to process. This error is usually displayed underneath an error which describes in more detail the value which caused the problem.
- NMP-00002: no such SNMP variable name
Cause: An SNMP request was not processed because the one or more of the variable names in the request does not exist. This error is not normally visible to the user except in a trace file, where it is usually part of a "soft" error condition which is normal.
- NMP-00003: bad SNMP variable value
Cause: The SNMP program interface received a variable value which has an unsupported data type. This error may occur if a standard SNMP network monitor is sending requests to an Oracle service through an SNMP-to-TNS gateway, and that service cannot understand the requests.
- NMP-00004: SNMP variable is read only
Cause: The user attempted to change a variable value at a remote server, and that variable is read-only. This error is usually displayed underneath an error which describes the problem in more detail.
- NMP-00005: general SNMP error
Cause: an SNMP error occured which did not fall under the heading of any other more specific error condition. This error may occur if a standard SNMP network monitor is sending requests to an Oracle service through an SNMP-to-TNS gateway, and that service cannot understand the requests.
- NMP-00006: uninitialized SNMP context
Cause: An internal function attempted to use an uninitialize SNMP handle.
- NMP-00007: I/O failure
Cause: The SNMP program interface attempted to send or receive an SNMP request and was unable to do so because of a network failure of some sort. This error is usually displayed underneath an error which describes the problem in more detail. The problem typically occurs when a control program is attempting to communicate with a service and either that service has unexpectedly terminated or the network path between the control program and the service has been interrupted.
- NMP-00008: SNMP message has incorrect version, version 0 is required
Cause: The SNMP program interface received a protocol request with an illegal version number. This error may occur if a standard SNMP network monitor is sending malformed requests to an Oracle service through an SNMP-to-TNS gateway.
- NMP-00009: SNMP initialization failure
Cause: The SNMP program interface could not be initialized, either because its error message file could not be found, or because there is a malformed snmp.communities parameter value in the parameter table.
- NMP-00010: memory exhausted
Cause: The program interface has run out of memory.
- NMP-00011: internal SNMP program interface error
Cause: An internal error occurred inside the SNMP program interface. This error is usually displayed underneath an error which describes the problem in more detail.