84 ORA-33000 to ORA-37999
- ORA-33000: (AGOPEN00) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be accessed because it was compiled by a more recent version of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The AGGMAP was already compiled by a more recent version of the product than was being used to execute this command.
- ORA-33002: (XSAGDNGL00) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the FLOOR argument of <varname>number</varname> must be less than the CEILING argument of <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The user specified a floor argument greater than the ceiling argument.
- ORA-33003: (XSAGDIMDROP) <varname>workspace object</varname>, to be transformed during data load, must be a base dimension and not otherwise referenced in the AGGMAP.
Cause: The user tried to specify a dimension in a dataflow-related clause in an aggmap which is already in another RELATION statement, DIMENSION statement, or possibly dimensioning the AGGMAP, or they specified a composite or conjoint dimension, or an object which is not a dimension
- ORA-33004: (XSAGDNGL01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relationship array.
Cause: A RELATION clause in the AGGMAP named a workspace object that is not a relation.
- ORA-33005: (XSAGDIMBREAK) Invalid breakout for dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user specified something that was not a valid dimension or relation on a BREAKOUTDIM line in an aggmap. This might be because the object was not a valid relation, was not over the specified dimension or was multidimensional
- ORA-33006: (XSAGDNGL02) The relation <varname>workspace object</varname> is not related to itself.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a self-relation.
- ORA-33007: (XSAGPVAR) <varname>workspace object</varname> may only be used as one of: an OPERATOR, ARGS, or FROMVAR variable.
- ORA-33008: (XSAGDNGL03) The relation <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relation over a base dimension of AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a relation for a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
- ORA-33009: (XSAGDNGLPREC) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, PRECOMPUTE may only be specified either for the entire AGGMAP or for individual RELATION statements.
Cause: PRECOMPUTE was specified both as a line in the AGGMAP and on at least one of the RELATION lines, or it was specified more than once as a line of the AGGMAP.
- ORA-33010: (XSAGDNGL04) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> is duplicated in the AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Two RELATION statements in the AGGMAP reference the same relation object.
- ORA-33012: (XSAGDNGL05) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> contains invalid syntax.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains invalid syntax.
- ORA-33014: (XSAGDNGL06) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, variable operator <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be dimensioned by rollup dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Operator variables cannot have the rollup dimension as one of their base dimensions.
- ORA-33016: (XSAGDNGL07) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid operator or variable name.
Cause: An invalid argument was supplied to the OPERATOR clause in the relation statement.
- ORA-33018: (XSAGDNGL08) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the data type of <varname>workspace object</varname> must be TEXT, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: An operator variable was supplied whose data type is not TEXT.
- ORA-33022: (XSAGDNGL10) The measure dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a TEXT or ID base dimension that does not dimension AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, but is in the same analytic workspace.
Cause: A MEASUREDIM was supplied in the AGGMAP that was not acceptable.
- ORA-33024: (XSAGDNGL11) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> contains duplicate information.
Cause: The aggmap contains multiple instances of a clause that can only be specified once.
- ORA-33026: (XSAGDNGL12) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid valueset.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains an invalid element where a valid valueset is required.
- ORA-33028: (XSAGDNGL13) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, <varname>workspace object</varname> should be scalar, not a dimensioned valueset.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains a dimensioned valueset where a scalared valueset is required.
- ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements.
Cause: The AGGMAP either specified multiple PROTECT statements not on a RELATION line, or specified PROTECT statements both independently and on RELATION lines.
- ORA-33032: (XSAGDNGL15) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, VALUESET <varname>workspace object</varname> must be in extra dimensions of the relation.
Cause: The RELATION phrase contains a VALUESET which is not over the extra dimension of the RELATION.
- ORA-33034: (XSAGDNGL16) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, VALUESET <varname>workspace object</varname> in PRECOMPUTE phrase must be in the self dimension of the relation.
Cause: The precompute phrase contains a valueset which is not over the self dimension of the relation.
- ORA-33036: (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a TEXT variable.
Cause: An ARGS value had a non-text data type.
- ORA-33038: (XSAGDNGL18) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, RELATION <varname>workspace object</varname> contains hierarchy dimensions that are also dimensions of the AGGMAP.
Cause: Hierarchy dimensions(extra dimensions) of a RELATION in the AGGMAP are base dimensions of the AGGMAP.
- ORA-33040: (XSAGDNGL19) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, VALUESETS <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> are both over the same hierarchy dimension.
Cause: Two or more different VALUESETs over the same hierarchy dimension are used in the AGGMAP.
- ORA-33042: (XSAGDNGL20) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, VALUESET <varname>workspace object</varname> must qualify all relations dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A VALUESET over a hierarchy dimension qualifies some RELATIONs but not all RELATIONs dimensioned by the same hierarchy dimension.
- ORA-33044: (XSAGDNGL21) AGGREGATE operator <varname>string</varname> requires a WEIGHTBY clause, but the ARGS clause in AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> did not specify one.
Cause: The user used an operator which needs weight values but not provided the weight values.
- ORA-33045: (XSAGDNGL51) The AGGREGATE operator <varname>string</varname> does not require a weight, but ARGS clause in AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> specified <varname>workspace object</varname> as a weight.
Cause: The ARGS variable specified a weight even though one is not needed.
- ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause.
Cause: The AGGMAP contained multiple SCREENBY clauses.
- ORA-33048: (XSAGDNGL23) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the relation <varname>workspace object</varname> and the relation <varname>workspace object</varname> are both over the same base dimension.
Cause: The AGGMAP contains incompatible RELATION statements.
- ORA-33050: (XSAGDNGL24) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used to aggregate <varname>workspace object</varname>, because it is defined in a different analytic workspace.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable in another analytic workspace.
- ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable with different dimensions than the AGGMAP. This is only possible with undimensioned AGGMAPs.
- ORA-33058: (XSAGDNGL28) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, error code <varname>string</varname> is greater than the maximum error code of <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The user specified an invalid ERRORMASK value.
- ORA-33060: (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the value for the ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX of 0 or a negative number.
- ORA-33062: (XSAGDNGL30) In ALLOCMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, WEIGHTBY option <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a numerical VARIABLE or FORMULA.
Cause: The WEIGHTBY clause requires numerical VARIABLE or FORMULA but the user used invalid objects.
- ORA-33064: (XSAGDNGL31) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the hierarchy dimension QDR <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot refer to the related dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid hierarchy dimension qualified data reference.
- ORA-33066: (XSAGDNGL32) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the hierarchy dimension QDR <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a hierarchy dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
- ORA-33068: (XSAGDNGL33) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must specify a positive dimension offset.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
- ORA-33070: (XSAGDNGL34) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, all QDRs of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must map to the same dimension position.
Cause: The user specified two conflicting hierarchy dimension qualified data references.
- ORA-33072: (XSAGDNGL35) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must be specified for every relation dimensioned by that hierarchy dimension.
Cause: Multiple dimensions share the same hierarchy dimension, but it is only qualified within a subset of the AGGMAP relations.
- ORA-33074: (XSAGDNGL36) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the offset <varname>number</varname> is not a valid offset into dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
- ORA-33076: (XSAGDNGL37) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the value '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid value of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
- ORA-33078: (XSAGDNGL39) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the hierarchy dimension QDR <varname>workspace object</varname> must refer to a dimension.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
- ORA-33080: (XSAGDNGL40) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot reference dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> with both a RELATION statement and a DIMENSION statement.
Cause: The user included both RELATION and DIMENSION statements in the AGGMAP referring to the same AGGMAP.
- ORA-33082: (XSAGDNGL41) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the non-dimensioned valueset <varname>workspace object</varname> must have a parent QDR in its VALUESET statement over the VALUESET's base dimension.
Cause: The VALUESET statement specified a scalar valueset but did not include a qualified data reference to specify the parent.
- ORA-33084: (XSAGDNGL42) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot qualify the dimensioned valueset <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The VALUESET line referred to a dimensioned valueset.
- ORA-33086: (XSAGINIT01) AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Cause: The specified AGGMAP was dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-33088: (XSAGINIT03) You do not have read permission for AGGMAP object <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33090: (XSAGINIT05) You must have read permission for <varname>workspace object</varname> to use AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) <varname>number</varname> is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace.
Cause: An invalid model name was attached to an AGGMAP.
- ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.
Cause: formulas likely refer to each other recursively or with a great deal of depth.
- ORA-33098: (APABBR01) A value of '%V' is not valid for the <varname>workspace object</varname> option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
- ORA-33100: (APABBR02) Value '<varname>number</varname>' is not valid for the <varname>workspace object</varname> option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
- ORA-33102: (APEIFV01) EIFVERSION cannot be greater than the current EVERSION, which is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33104: (APEIFV02) EIFVERSION cannot be less than 371.
- ORA-33106: (APESCBAS01) '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid value for the ESCAPEBASE option. Valid values are 'd' and 'x'.
- ORA-33108: (APFTMAX01) MAXFETCH must be between 1,000 and 2,147,483,647.
- ORA-33110: (APXPKTSZ01) XAPIBUFFER must be between 1,000 and 64,512.
- ORA-33112: (APFTBUFF01) FETCHBUFFER must be between 1,000 and 64,512.
- ORA-33114: (APLIKESC01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid value for the LIKEESCAPE option because it is more than one character long.
- ORA-33116: (APMSTYPE00) MODSIMULTYPE must be either AITKENS or GAUSS.
- ORA-33118: (APMTOLER00) Value <varname>number</varname> is out of range for MODTOLERANCE.
- ORA-33120: (APMOVFLO00) Value <varname>number</varname> is out of range for MODOVERFLOW.
- ORA-33122: (APMGAMMA00) MODGAMMA must be a whole number greater than or equal to zero.
- ORA-33124: (APMITERS00) MODMAXITERS must be a whole number greater than zero.
- ORA-33126: (APMDAMPF00) MODDAMP must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
- ORA-33128: (APMERROR00) MODERROR must be either STOP, CONTINUE, or DEBUG.
- ORA-33130: (APMERROR01) The current connection type does not support interactive debugging.
- ORA-33132: (APPGMGR00) The <varname>workspace object</varname> option value must be between 0 and <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33134: (APSORTBUFSZ01) The value of SORTBUFFERSIZE must represent a number between 0 and <varname>number</varname>. You supplied <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33136: (APSPARSX01) The value of SPARSEINDEX cannot be a multi-line string.
- ORA-33138: (APSPARSX02) The value '<varname>number</varname>' is not valid for SPARSEINDEX.
- ORA-33140: (AUTOCOMP1) <varname>workspace object</varname> is being compiled automatically.
- ORA-33141: (XSAWFREEZE1) The analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is already frozen.
Cause: Attempting to freeze an AW when it is already frozen
- ORA-33142: (BADSYN00) The format of the <varname>string</varname> command is incorrect.
- ORA-33143: (XSAWFREEZE2) The analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> must be attached RW or RX.
Cause: The AW must be updatable to change the freeze state
- ORA-33144: (BADSYN01) The format of the <varname>string</varname> command is incorrect.
- ORA-33145: (XSAWFREEZE3) Cannot rollback analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>; generations are in use.
Cause: One or more generations due to be destroyed as part of a rollback to freeze command are currently in use.
- ORA-33146: (BINENG00) The width argument for binary conversion can only be specified for INTEGER and BOOLEAN data.
- ORA-33147: (XSAWFREEZE4) The analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not frozen.
Cause: You are attempting to "rollback to freeze" an AW that is not frozen.
- ORA-33148: (BINENG01) The width argument for binary conversion must be 1, 2, or 4.
- ORA-33150: (BOOLTOK01) <varname>string</varname> is not a Boolean.
- ORA-33152: (CDELETE03) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value at position <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33154: (CFINDVAL01) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have identifiers.
- ORA-33156: (CFINDVAL02) exceeds 2**63.
- ORA-33158: (CGETPOS02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value numbered <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33160: (CGETSEQ02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value at position <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33162: (CGFIN00) principal-value
- ORA-33164: (CGFIN01) asset-value
- ORA-33166: (CGFIN02) The number of periods of the <varname>string</varname> function cannot be dimensioned by time.
- ORA-33168: (CGFIN03) The salvage value argument of the <varname>string</varname> function must be dimensioned by the time dimension.
- ORA-33170: (CGFIN04) The decline factor argument of the <varname>string</varname> function cannot be dimensioned by the time dimension.
- ORA-33172: (CGFIN05) The portion argument of the <varname>string</varname> function cannot be dimensioned by time.
- ORA-33174: (CGFIN06) The switch period argument of the DEPRDECLSW function cannot be dimensioned by time.
- ORA-33176: (CGMCALC01) The member list expression in aggregation phrase <varname>number</varname> is multidimensional.
- ORA-33178: (CGMCALC02) <varname>workspace object</varname> appears as the dimension of more than one member list expression.
- ORA-33180: (CGMCALC03) WEIGHTBY can only be specified for the AVERAGE aggregation method.
- ORA-33182: (CGMCALC04) The base measure expression is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33184: (CGMCALC05) A valueset argument to MCALC must have one dimension and be a valueset of the same dimension.
- ORA-33186: (CGMODSET01) The ACROSS option is not supported in model equations.
- ORA-33188: (CGMODSET02) The left-hand side of an equation involves the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension, whereas the '<varname>number</varname>' term on the right-hand side involves <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33190: (CGMODSET03) An internal error caused the model assignment code generator to be called, but no MODEL is currently being compiled.
- ORA-33192: (CGTCVT00) TCONVERT requires an argument dimensioned by time.
- ORA-33194: (CGTCVT01) The argument to TCONVERT cannot be dimensioned by more than a single time dimension.
- ORA-33196: (CGTCVT03) Invalid conversion method for TCONVERT.
- ORA-33198: (CGTCVT04) The two conversion methods requested of TCONVERT are incompatible.
- ORA-33200: (CGTCVT05) You cannot convert by both DAY and PERIOD. You must use one or the other.
- ORA-33202: (CGTCVT06) The breakout dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a time dimension.
- ORA-33204: (CGTCVT07) In converting data from time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> to <varname>workspace object</varname> using TCONVERT, a conversion direction must be given.
- ORA-33206: (CGTCVT08) It is not possible to convert data dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname> to be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33208: (CGTDF00) You can only find the start or end of a time period.
- ORA-33210: (CGTDF01) The argument of the BEGINDATE or ENDDATE function must be dimensioned by exactly one time dimension.
- ORA-33213: (CINSERT06) The target position for MAINTAIN ADD or MAINTAIN MOVE cannot fall in the range of session-only values.
Cause: The user specified a BEFORE or AFTER clause specifying a position in the range of SESSION dimension values.
- ORA-33214: (CINSERT02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension is too large.
Cause: The dimension has too many values.
- ORA-33215: (CINSERT07) You cannot add session-only values to the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension.
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION dimension value while a spreadsheet spreadsheet cursor was open.
- ORA-33216: (CINSERT03) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value numbered <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33217: (CINSERT20) Custom member values cannot be added to concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, or to any of its bases, because it is not defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
- ORA-33218: (CINSERT04) %K is not a valid value for the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension. Values for this dimension can have at most <varname>number</varname> significant digits after rounding to <varname>number</varname> decimal places.
Cause: The user attempted to insert a value that had too many digits into a NUMBER dimension. For instance, the user might have tried to insert the value 99999 (5 digits) into a dimension with data type NUMBER(4).
- ORA-33219: (CINSERT05) %K cannot be added to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, from leaf dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A value cannot be added to a dimension if it conflicts with an existing value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
- ORA-33220: (CLOPEN01) The time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be accessed because it consists of time periods not recognized in this release of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33222: (CLOPEN02) The dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be accessed because it was created by an incompatible version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33223: (CMOVE03) You cannot move a session-only dimension value.
Cause: The user named a SESSION dimension value in the MAINTAIN MOVE command.
- ORA-33224: (CMOVE02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value at position <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33226: (COLDEL01) The starting column must be between 1 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). You cannot start removing at column <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33228: (COLDEL02) The columns to be removed must be between 1 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). You cannot remove column <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33230: (COLDEL03) The number of columns to be removed must be greater than zero. You cannot remove <varname>number</varname> columns.
- ORA-33232: (COLEXTR01) The starting column must be between 1 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). <varname>number</varname> is out of range.
- ORA-33234: (COLEXTR02) The columns to be extracted must be between 1 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). You cannot extract column <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33236: (COLEXTR03) The number of columns to be extracted must be greater than or equal to zero. You cannot extract <varname>number</varname> columns.
- ORA-33238: (COLINS01) The starting column must be between 0 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). You cannot start inserting at column <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33240: (COLREP01) The starting column must be between 1 and the maximum width of a text value (<varname>number</varname>). You cannot start replacing at column <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33242: (COMPOSITE01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimension composite and does not have position numbers that can be used in this context.
- ORA-33243: (XSDPART51) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a PARTITION TEMPLATE and does not have position numbers that can be used in this context.
- ORA-33244: (CRENAME01) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value at position <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33246: (CRENAME02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have identifiers that can be renamed.
- ORA-33247: (CRENAME03) %K is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, from leaf dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A value cannot be renamed in a dimension if the new value conflicts with an existing value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
- ORA-33248: (CTDDEL04) Deletions from time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must occur at either end. <varname>number</varname> values were not deleted.
- ORA-33250: (CTDINSRT00) You attempted to add a value that was outside the allowable range of dates for time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33252: (CTXENG00) The CONTEXT name cannot be NA.
- ORA-33254: (CTXENG01) CONTEXT '<varname>number</varname>' already exists.
- ORA-33256: (CTXENG02) CONTEXT '<varname>number</varname>' does not exist.
- ORA-33258: (CTXENG03) <varname>workspace object</varname> has not been saved in CONTEXT '<varname>number</varname>'.
- ORA-33260: (DIMSHOW01) Partition <varname>number</varname> does not exist.
Cause: The DIMSHOW command specified a nonexistent partition.
- ORA-33261: (DIMSHOW02) A partition name may be specified only for a partitioned variable.
Cause: A PARTITION qualification was provided for an object other than a partitioned variable.
- ORA-33262: (DBERR01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> does not exist.
Cause: The analytic workspace requested does not seem to be in the current database
- ORA-33263: Could not create analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A serious error was encountered while trying to set up the tables for the named analytic workspace. Possibilities include a tablespace that can't be written to, corrupted metadata about which AWs exist, bogus tables with names the code expects to be able to use, or the remains of a partially removed AW.
- ORA-33264: (DBERR02) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because it has been damaged or belongs to an incompatible version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33265: (DBERRBSZ) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened. Tablespace blocksize <varname>number</varname> does not match database cache size <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The blocksize of the containing tablespace didn't match database cache size.
- ORA-33266: (DBERR03) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because it was last modified by an incompatible version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33267: (DBERRRLS) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because it has fine-grained access control applied to it
Cause: An attempt was made to access the specified analytic workspace's LOB table. The OLAP option detected the table had fine-grained security applied to it. The OLAP option requires full access to this table to operate correctly.
- ORA-33268: (DBERRTHW) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be attached with the THAW option because it was frozen with the NOTHAW option
Cause: An attempt to attach the AW using the thaw option was made; the AW was frozen using the NOTHAW option.
- ORA-33269: while operating on '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Error is raised to inform user what object was being worked on when an error occurred during the creation of an AW. It should always be signaled with 33263
- ORA-33270: (DBERR05) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> already exists.
Cause: The AW CREATE command was passed the name of an analytic workspace that already exists
- ORA-33271: simulated paging error
Cause: This is an internal error that should never be seen
- ORA-33272: (DBERR06) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened.
- ORA-33273: (XSCHKRLS01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> has open cursors and cannot be detached.
Cause: A session attempted to detach an analytic workspace while there are cursors open against it.
- ORA-33274: (DBERR07) Timed out while trying to lock analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> for <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: A lock operation that was supposed to happen very quickly was taking too long. It can be due to another session being stopped while holding that lock, another session crashing while holding that lock, or an internal error.
- ORA-33275: Autonomous transaction query of an UPDATEd analytic workspace is not supported
Cause: The user made attempt to reference an anayltic workspace that has uncommited updates within an autonomous query.
- ORA-33276: (DBERR08) Another user has analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> attached.
- ORA-33278: (DBERR09) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be attached in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode until the changes made and updated in MULTI mode are committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and not committed when the workspace was attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-33280: (DBERR10) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be attached in MULTI mode until the changes made and updated in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode are committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and not committed when the workspace was attached in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode.
- ORA-33282: (DBERR11) Cannot wait for analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> to become available since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Trying to wait for the workspace to become available caused a deadlock.
- ORA-33284: (DBERR12) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened in MULTI mode before converting it by the latest version of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The AW is stored in 9i format.
- ORA-33286: (DBERR14) The specified access mode for analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is invalid.
- ORA-33288: (DBERR15) Another user has incompatible access to analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>, and the wait timeout has expired.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's access, and the timeout specified has elapsed.
- ORA-33290: (DBERR17) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be attached in the mode you requested because another user has it attached in an incompatible mode.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's access, and no timeout was specified
- ORA-33291: (DBERRSYNC) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannto be attached RW until a RESYNC command has brought it up to the current generation.
Cause: Another session has updated the analytic workspace since it was attached in the current session.
- ORA-33292: (DBERR18) Insufficient permissions to access analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> using the specified access mode.
Cause: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this analytic workspace in the desired mode.
- ORA-33293: Please use the OLAP command AW TRUNCATE to truncate this table.
Cause: This table is part of an analytic workspace, and the OLAP option needs to control the truncation of the table.
- ORA-33294: (DBERR19) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be created, deleted, or renamed while flashback mode is in effect.
- ORA-33295: (DBERR20) An attached analytic workspace is blocking this command.
Cause: A table cannot be dropped because an analytic workspace based on this table is being attached.
- ORA-33296: (DBERR21) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> can only be attached RO while tablespace <varname>string</varname> is READONLY.
Cause: The underlying tablespace of the analytic workspace is in READONLY status.
- ORA-33297: (DBERR22) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened because it was last modified by an incompatible version of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user attempted to attach an old OLAP Services analytic workspace that cannot be converted by this version of OLAP Services.
- ORA-33298: (AWUPG01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is already in the newest format allowed by the current compatibility setting
Cause: User ran the DBMS_AW.CONVERT procedure on an analytic workspace that was created in or previously upgraded to the current compatibility mode.
- ORA-33299: Please use DBMS_AW.AW_RENAME to rename this table.
Cause: This table is part of an analytic workspace, and the OLAP option needs to control the rename of the table.
- ORA-33302: (DBVALID01) SEVERE ERROR: Record <varname>number</varname> multiply used.
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected an error in the structure of the analytic workspace. This error will result in the corruption of one or more objects
- ORA-33304: (DBVALID02) Note: Record <varname>number</varname> was allocated but not used. This can result in wasted space.
Cause: This is a benign message. The AW VALIDATE command found an analytic workspace has some inaccessible space.
- ORA-33305: (DBVALID06) Note: Record <varname>number</varname> was allocated but not used. This can result in wasted space. (PS <varname>number</varname>)
Cause: This is a benign message. The AW VALIDATE command found an analytic workspace has some inaccessible space.
- ORA-33306: (DBVALID03) The AW VALIDATE command cannot be used with read-only analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command does not support read-only access.
- ORA-33308: (DBVALID04) SEVERE ERROR: Record <varname>number</varname> used but not allocated
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected a problem that will result in corruption of the analytic workspace. There is no corruption yet.
- ORA-33309: (DBVALID05) SEVERE ERROR: Record <varname>number</varname> used but not allocated (PS <varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected a problem that will result in corruption of the analytic workspace. There is no corruption yet.
- ORA-33310: (DECIMAL) The number of decimal places must be between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>, or <varname>number</varname>. It cannot be <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33312: (DELDENT01) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be deleted while there are objects dimensioned by it, or formulas, programs, valuesets, or relations that use it.
- ORA-33313: (DELDENT05) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be deleted because it is the target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.
Cause: User attempted to delete a variable, but some partitioned variable was defined to use that variable as the target of one of its external partitions.
- ORA-33314: (DELDENT02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be deleted while it is executing.
- ORA-33315: (XSDELDENTANON) You cannot delete <varname>workspace object</varname> while looping over unnamed composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: While looping over the named anonymous composite, an attempt was made to delete an object which is dimensioned by it.
- ORA-33316: (DELDENT03) You cannot delete <varname>workspace object</varname> because you do not have PERMIT permission for it or it is readonly.
- ORA-33318: (DELDENT04) The variable <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be deleted while its NA trigger is executing.
- ORA-33320: (DNAMELEN00) The object name <varname>string</varname> has more than <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-33324: (DOSCMD01) The current directory is <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33325: (DOSCMD02) Current directory alias is not set.
- ORA-33332: (DSSEXIST01) Use the AW command to establish a current analytic workspace. Then start your current activity again.
Cause: There is no currently active analytic workspace. The command that generated the error requires an active analytic workspace to operate on.
- ORA-33334: (DSSEXIST04) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
- ORA-33336: (DSSEXIST04A) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
- ORA-33338: (DSSEXIST05) You cannot specify the EXPTEMP analytic workspace.
Cause: The command requires a non-temporary analytic workspace to operate on.
- ORA-33339: You cannot detach analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>. It is in use by an API branch.
Cause: The OLAP API is in a branch, and you are not allowed to detach the AW while the branch is active.
- ORA-33340: (DTINFRMT00) A format cannot be an empty string.
- ORA-33342: (DTINFRMT01) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because it has a single angle bracket > that is not part of a field specification.
- ORA-33344: (DTINFRMT02) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because an angle bracket < cannot be the last character.
- ORA-33346: (DTINFRMT03) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because '<varname>string</varname>' is an unrecognized specification.
- ORA-33348: (DTINFRMT04) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid format because the B specifier cannot be used with a date.
- ORA-33350: (DTINFRMT05) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format because the '<varname>string</varname>' specification cannot be used with a date.
- ORA-33352: (DTINFRMT06) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because the B specifier cannot be used with a period field.
- ORA-33354: (DTINFRMT07) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format because the <varname>NAME</varname> specification can only be used once.
- ORA-33356: (DTINFRMT08) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid VNF format because it contains an ordinal specification.
- ORA-33358: (DTINFRMT09) '<varname>number</varname>' is an ambiguous VNF format. The '<varname>string</varname>' specification must be followed by a space or separation character.
- ORA-33360: (DTINFRMT10) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid VNF format because at least two of the specifications are of the same type.
- ORA-33362: (DTINFRMT11) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid VNF format because it does not contain enough fields to match one of the defined VNF templates.
- ORA-33364: (DTINFRMT12) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid VNF format because it contains more information than is allowed.
- ORA-33366: (DTINFRMT13) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because the '<varname>string</varname>' specification has no closing angle bracket >.
- ORA-33368: (DTINFRMT14) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid format for a <varname>string</varname> value because it contains more than one line of text.
- ORA-33370: (DTTOVC01) Unable to print dates longer than <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-33372: (DUPCLCHK01) <varname>workspace object</varname> appears more than once in the dimension list.
- ORA-33374: (DUPCLCHK02) <varname>workspace object</varname> appears more than once in the dimension list. (It is also a base dimension of <varname>workspace object</varname>.)
- ORA-33376: (DUPCLCHK03) <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot both appear in a dimension list because they share at least one base dimension (<varname>workspace object</varname>).
- ORA-33381: (EIFEXPRT20) You cannot EXCLUDE bases from <varname>workspace object</varname>, because it is not a concat dimension.
- ORA-33382: (EIFEXPRT01) You cannot export two objects with the same name (<varname>string</varname>).
- ORA-33383: (EIFEXPRT21) You cannot EXCLUDE <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a base of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33384: (EIFEXPRT02) You cannot rename a dimension (<varname>workspace object</varname>) when you export it.
- ORA-33385: (EIFEXPRT22) You cannot EXCLUDE <varname>workspace object</varname>, because it is not a dimension.
- ORA-33386: (EIFEXPRT03) The expression beginning with <varname>string</varname> has no data type.
- ORA-33387: (EIFEXPRT23) EXCLUDE or EXCLUDING can only be used following the name of a concat dimension.
- ORA-33388: (EIFEXPRT04) The expression beginning with <varname>string</varname> has too many dimensions.
- ORA-33389: (EIFEXPRT24) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has <varname>number</varname> bases. You cannot EXCLUDE more than <varname>number</varname> of them.
- ORA-33390: (EIFEXPRT05) There are no objects to export.
- ORA-33391: (EIFEXPRT25) concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has only 1 base, which cannot be EXCLUDED.
- ORA-33392: (EIFEXPRT07) SCATTER name <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a text variable of one dimension shared with the expression.
- ORA-33393: (EIFIMPRT01) Object <varname>string</varname> exists in both the EIF file and the current analytic workspace.
Cause: An object with the given name was found in both the EIF file and the current analytic workspace.
- ORA-33394: (EIFEXPRT08) SCATTER type <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a text variable with the same dimension as the name.
- ORA-33396: (EIFEXPRT09) The SCATTER expression must have at least two dimensions and be numeric if TYPE is given.
- ORA-33398: (EIFEXPRT10) The SCATTER type value must be INTEGER, SHORTINTEGER, SHORT, or DECIMAL, not <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33400: (EIFEXPRT11) The scatter name value <varname>number</varname> is not a valid EIF object name.
- ORA-33402: (EIFEXPRT12) You cannot export an unnamed dimension composite by itself, but only with an object dimensioned by it.
- ORA-33404: (EIFEXPRT13) The format for exporting an expression is:\n EXPORT expression AS name
- ORA-33406: (EIFEXPRT14) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a legal name for an EIF file object.
- ORA-33408: (EIFEXPRT15) You cannot use the SCATTER AS syntax because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>, and that version cannot import scattered objects.
- ORA-33409: (EIFEXPRT16) Cannot use the FULLMAPID or RELATIVEMAPID syntax because NOAPI has been specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify FULLMAPID or RELATIVEMAPID syntax with the NOAPI option.
- ORA-33413: (EIFMAKEF01) You cannot export compressed composite <varname>workspace object</varname> because one of its bases has limited status or a PERMIT READ restriction.
Cause: Export of a compressed composite to an EIF file or lob failed because one or more of the bases had some values that were not in the current status. This can be caused either by a LIMIT command or a PERMIT READ restriction on the dimension.
- ORA-33414: (EIFMAKEF02) " <varname>number</varname> bytes written in <varname>number</varname> seconds."
- ORA-33416: (EIFPATHLIST) You tried to set EIFEXTENSIONPATH to one or more illegal path names.
- ORA-33420: (EIFMAKEF03) The EXPORT command has terminated because of insufficient disk space. One or more files could not be created.
- ORA-33422: (EIFMAKEF04) CAUTION: Due to insufficient disk space, the extension count of the EIF files(s) could not be recorded. To avoid any potential errors when the file is imported with the IMPORT command, please DO NOT move, delete, or rename any of the EIF extension files. These are files of the form <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>, where <varname>string</varname> is the extension number. Please note that there are <varname>number</varname> such files.
- ORA-33424: (EIFMAKEF05) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be exported because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>, and objects cannot have more than 6 dimensions in that version.
- ORA-33425: (EIFMAKEF15) CAUTION: Exporting NTEXT objects using <varname>string</varname> for the EIF file character set can cause loss of data. To preserve all NTEXT data, export using the UTF8 character set for the EIF file.
Cause: The user exported an object with data type NTEXT, but the EIF file that will result from the EXPORT command is not written in Unicode. Because no non-Unicode file can represent all possible Unicode data, it is possible that some data will be lost when converting from the Unicode NTEXT object to the EIF file. The EIF file will be written in the character set indicated by the "nls_charset" argument of the EXPORT command, or, if no such argument is present, in the database character set.
- ORA-33426: (EIFMAKEF06) The expression named <varname>string</varname> cannot be exported because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>, and objects cannot have more than 6 dimensions in that version.
- ORA-33427: (EIFMAKEF16) CAUTION: NTEXT object <varname>workspace object</varname> will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an object whose data type is NTEXT, but but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT data type. The object will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
- ORA-33428: (EIFMAKEF07) One or more SCATTER AS expressions cannot be exported because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>, and objects cannot have more than 6 dimensions in that version.
- ORA-33429: (EIFMAKEF17) CAUTION: NTEXT expression will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an expression whose data type is NTEXT, but but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT data type. The expression will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
- ORA-33430: (EIFMAKEF08) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be exported because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>, and that version does not use <varname>string</varname> objects.
- ORA-33432: (EIFMAKEF09) You cannot use the name <varname>string</varname>, because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>. That version does not allow object names longer than <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-33434: (EIFMAKEF10) You cannot export the AGGMAP object <varname>workspace object</varname> from this version of <varname>string</varname> to version 6.3. The internal format of an AGGMAP has changed too much.
- ORA-33436: (EIFMAKEF11) You cannot write an EIF file using the <varname>string</varname> character set, because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>. That version does not support that character set.
- ORA-33438: (EIFSPARS00) <varname>number</varname> values of <varname>workspace object</varname> will be exported as NA, because they are not in the current status of its base dimensions.
- ORA-33440: (EQUPDATE01) The expression for formula <varname>workspace object</varname> contains invalid syntax.
- ORA-33442: (ESDREAD01) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because there is no NAME dimension.
- ORA-33443: (ESDREAD14) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
Cause: A program used an analytic workspace name in a qualified object name. The named analytic workspace is not attached at program run time.
- ORA-33444: (ESDREAD02) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> could not be found.
- ORA-33445: (ESDREAD15) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname>, which were not partition-dependent when the code was compiled, are now partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other. If object names referred to non-partition-dependent variables at compile time but refer to partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
- ORA-33446: (ESDREAD03) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is now a <varname>string</varname>. It was another kind of object when the code was compiled.
- ORA-33447: (ESDREAD16) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname>, which were partition-dependent when the code was compiled, are now not partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other. If object names referred to partition-dependent variables at compile time but refer to non-partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
- ORA-33448: (ESDREAD04) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> now has <varname>string</varname> data, whereas it had <varname>string</varname> data when the code was compiled.
Cause: The datatype of the specified variable has changed.
- ORA-33449: (ESDREAD17) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because the partition method or partition dimension of <varname>number</varname> has changed since it was compiled.
Cause: The partitioning method (LIST, RANGE, or CONCAT) or the partition dimension of the partition template is sufficiently different from what it was when the code was compiled that the code must be recompiled.
- ORA-33450: (ESDREAD05) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> now has more or fewer dimensions than it had when the code was compiled.
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
- ORA-33452: (ESDREAD06) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is now dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>. It was dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname> when the code was compiled.
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
- ORA-33454: (ESDREAD07) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is now <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname>, whereas it was <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname> when the code was compiled.
Cause: The specified object has changed.
- ORA-33456: (ESDREAD08) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is a(n) <varname>string</varname>, which <varname>string</varname> did not expect to find in a compiled program.
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
- ORA-33458: (ESDREAD09) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is now type <varname>string</varname>, whereas it was type <varname>string</varname> when the code was compiled.
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
- ORA-33460: (ESDREAD10) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because object <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The specified object is not in the same analytic workspace it was in when the compiled object was compiled.
- ORA-33462: (ESDREAD10A) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because object <varname>number</varname> is not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The specified object was not in the same analytic workspace it was when the compiled object was compiled
- ORA-33464: (ESDREAD11) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because two external objects that were different at compile time are now the same object (<varname>workspace object</varname>).
- ORA-33466: (ESDREAD12) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because model dimension <varname>number</varname> is not in the same analytic workspace as solution variable <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33468: (ESDREAD13) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because <varname>number</varname> is no longer a surrogate of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: When the compiled code was saved, the specified object was a surrogate of a certain dimension. Now the specified object is a surrogate of a different dimension.
- ORA-33472: (EXPCHECK1) The <varname>workspace object</varname> formula cannot be edited or compiled while it is executing.
- ORA-33474: (EXPCOMP01) The calculation expression in formula <varname>workspace object</varname> contains a format error.
- ORA-33475: (EXPCOMP02) Invalid expression.
- ORA-33476: (EXPORT00) Target file (<varname>string</varname>) already exists. No data is being exported.
- ORA-33478: (FCFINI02) Too many NA values exist in the input data; <varname>string</varname> cannot fill them all.
- ORA-33480: (FCFINI04) An error occurred while filling in the NA values in the input data.
- ORA-33482: (FCFINI05) Calculation of starting values and handling of NA values in the input data require at least two cycles of input data.
- ORA-33484: (FCFINI06) An error occurred while calculating starting values for the smooth, trend, and seasonal series.
- ORA-33486: (FCFINI07) <varname>string</varname> cannot calculate starting values from this input data.
- ORA-33488: (FCFINI08) The forecast input has resulted in a divide-by-zero error in the calculation of the smoothed data series.
- ORA-33490: (FCFINI09) The forecast input has resulted in a divide-by-zero error in the calculation of the seasonal index series.
- ORA-33492: (FCINFO00) There is no saved forecast calculation for the INFO function to retrieve.
- ORA-33494: (FCREATE01) File <varname>string</varname> is already open on file unit number <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33508: (FILEREAD01) Fileunit <varname>number</varname> is invalid. FILEREAD and FILEVIEW can only access input files opened with the FILEOPEN function.
- ORA-33510: (FILEREAD04) Unexpected EOF encountered in string while importing data.
- ORA-33512: (FILESET01A) The value of the PAGESIZE option must be greater than the combined values of TMARGIN and BMARGIN.
- ORA-33514: (FILESET02) The value of the TABEXPAND option must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33516: (FILESET04) You can set the <varname>string</varname> attribute only if the fileunit is used exclusively for output.
- ORA-33520: (FINENG01) The number of periods specified in the <varname>string</varname> function must be greater then 0 and less than or equal to <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33522: (FINENG02) The second argument of the <varname>string</varname> function cannot be NA while the corresponding first argument is not NA.
- ORA-33524: (FINENG03) Both the first and second arguments of the <varname>string</varname> function must be nonnegative.
- ORA-33526: (FINENG04) An asset value cannot be NA when the corresponding salvage value is not NA.
- ORA-33528: (FINENG05) The asset value must be greater than the salvage value.
- ORA-33530: (FINENG06) The first period depreciation strategy argument of the <varname>string</varname> function cannot be NA.
- ORA-33532: (FINENG07) The first period depreciation strategy argument of the <varname>string</varname> function must evaluate to the word FULL or HALF.
- ORA-33534: (FINENG08) The rate argument of payment or interest function cannot be NA while the corresponding principal argument is not NA.
- ORA-33536: (FINENG09) Both the principal and rate arguments of the payment and interest functions must be nonnegative.
- ORA-33538: (FINENG10) An internal error (<varname>number</varname>) has occurred while evaluating an interest or payment function.
- ORA-33540: (FINENG11) The decline-factor argument must be greater than 0.
- ORA-33542: (FISOPEN01) A file identifier cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-33546: (FNAMEQRY01) You must specify a file unit number for the <varname>string</varname> option of FILEQUERY.
- ORA-33554: (FORCHECK01) While looping over <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot change its status or contents.
- ORA-33555: (FORCHECK03) While looping over alias dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot change the contents of its base <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33556: (FORCHECK51) While looping over concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot change the contents of its leaves.
- ORA-33557: (MAINTCHK01) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> during a loop over it.
Cause: User tried to insert or delete a value of the specified dimension while some loop over that dimension was active. The loop could be an explicit FOR or ACROSS loop, or a natural expression evaluation or OLAP_TABLE loop. Also, it could be a loop over the dimension itself or over a derived dimension (like a composite or partition template) or dimension alias that includes it. The insert or delete could be explicitly caused by the MAINTAIN command. It is also possible that the user attempted to assign a value to a variable or partition dimensioned by a composite during a loop over that composite using a qualified data reference (QDR), and that the exception was generated by the engine's attempt to insert a new position in the composite to hold the new value.
- ORA-33558: (LOCKCHECK01) The status or contents of the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension cannot be changed while the LOCK_LANGUAGE_DIMS option is set to <varname>value</varname>.
Cause: A LIMIT or MAINTAIN was attempted on the named language dimension while the boolean option LOCK_LANGUAGE_DIMS was set to YES.
- ORA-33560: (FORECAST00) The time dimension (<varname>workspace object</varname>) has no values in status. The forecast cannot be calculated.
- ORA-33562: (FORECAST01) The forecast LENGTH must be an non-NA value that is greater than or equal to zero.
- ORA-33564: (FORECAST02) Sum of forecast LENGTH and number of time dimension values in status equals <varname>number</varname>. The maximum is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33566: (FORECAST03) The values of ALPHA, BETA, and GAMMA must be greater than zero and less than or equal to one.
- ORA-33568: (FORECAST04) The forecast PERIODICITY must be greater than or equal to 2.
- ORA-33570: (FORECAST05) The forecast PERIODICITY must be less than or equal to the number of historical observations in the input data.
- ORA-33572: (FORECAST07) In a forecast calculation, the time dimension (<varname>number</varname>) must have consecutive values in status.
- ORA-33574: (FORECAST09) The forecast length extends beyond the end of the time dimension (<varname>number</varname>). Only <varname>number</varname> values will be calculated.
- ORA-33576: (FORECAST10) The number of non-NA observations must be greater than 1 to calculate a TREND forecast.
- ORA-33578: (FORECAST11) The number of positive observations must be greater than 1 to calculate an EXPONENTIAL forecast.
- ORA-33580: (FORECAST12) The number of historical periods (<varname>number</varname>) exceeds the number of values in the current status of <varname>workspace object</varname> (<varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-33582: (FORECAST13) The number of historical periods must be a non-NA value greater than zero.
- ORA-33584: (FORECAST100) Forecasting Analysis
- ORA-33586: (FORECAST101) Variable to Forecast:
- ORA-33588: (FORECAST102) Forecast Dimension:
- ORA-33590: (FORECAST103) Forecast Method:
- ORA-33592: (FORECAST104) Mean Absolute Percent Error:
- ORA-33594: (FORECAST105) Forecast Equation:
- ORA-33596: (FORECAST106) No forecast values can be shown since no FCNAME variable was specified to hold the results of the forecast.
- ORA-33598: (FORECAST107) Actual Value
- ORA-33600: (FORECAST108) Fitted Value
- ORA-33602: (FORECAST109) Alpha:
- ORA-33604: (FORECAST110) Beta:
- ORA-33606: (FORECAST111) Gamma:
- ORA-33608: (FORECAST112) Periodicity:
- ORA-33610: (FORSTEP01) Program control transferred into a FOR loop from outside the loop. This transfer is not allowed.
- ORA-33612: (FPUTENG01) The file unit operand of the FILEPUT command does not have a value.
- ORA-33614: (FPUTENG02) File <varname>string</varname> was opened for input only.
- ORA-33616: (FPUTENG04) The FROM file unit operand of the FILEPUT command does not have a value.
- ORA-33618: (FPUTENG05) There is not sufficient room on the page to write data. Check your PAGESIZE, TMARGIN, BMARGIN and header values.
- ORA-33620: (FRACRPOS01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid field option for a record in <varname>string</varname> format.
- ORA-33622: (FRAPPEND01) You cannot specify a position when appending to an INTEGER dimension.
- ORA-33624: (FRASSIGN01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a WORKSHEET. You cannot use the Data Reader to assign values to it.
- ORA-33625: (FRASSIGN02) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a CONCAT target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
- ORA-33626: (FRATPUSH01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid field option for a record in <varname>string</varname> format.
- ORA-33628: (FRATPUSH02) Dimension maintenance attributes can only be specified on the left side of the equal sign.
- ORA-33630: (FRCBCHEK01) Invalid file unit <varname>number</varname>. Files read by FILEREAD or FILEVIEW must be input files opened via the FILEOPEN function.
- ORA-33632: (FRCBCHEK02) No current record is available for file unit <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33634: (FRCBSET01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid value for the ORIGIN option of FILESET. Valid values are: <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33636: (FRERROR01) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid value for <varname>string</varname>. Values for this attribute cannot be less than 1.
- ORA-33638: (FRERROR02) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid value for SPACE because it results in a <varname>string</varname> value of <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33640: (FRERROR03) There is no field of width <varname>number</varname> at column <varname>number</varname>. The current record is only <varname>number</varname> bytes long.
- ORA-33642: (FRERROR04) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid width for <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> data.
- ORA-33644: (FRERROR05) NA is not a valid width for <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> data. There is no default width for this data type.
- ORA-33646: (FRERROR06) The string '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid <varname>string</varname> value.
- ORA-33648: (FRERROR07) The current packed field contains the invalid hexadecimal digit "<varname>character</varname>".
- ORA-33650: (FRERROR08) The current packed field contains the invalid sign digit "<varname>character</varname>".
- ORA-33652: (FRERROR09) <varname>value</varname> is not a valid <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33654: (FRERROR10) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a value numbered <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33656: (FRERROR11) The time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is empty. You cannot append integer positions to it unless it has at least one value.
- ORA-33658: (FRFILPUT01) File <varname>string</varname> is invalid. Source files for FILEPUT must be input files opened via the FILEOPEN function.
- ORA-33660: (FRFILPUT02) You cannot write from file <varname>string</varname> to file <varname>string</varname>, because the output file was not opened with the BINARY option.
- ORA-33662: (FRFILPUT03) You cannot write from file <varname>string</varname> to file <varname>string</varname>, because the output file was opened with the BINARY option.
- ORA-33664: (FRSPARSE01) You cannot specify a dimension list for <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-33666: (FRSTRDLM01) The <varname>string</varname> expression cannot have more than one line.
- ORA-33668: (FRSTRDLM02) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid value for the <varname>string</varname> expression.
- ORA-33670: (FRSTRDLM03) The <varname>string</varname> and DELIMITER expressions cannot have the same value.
- ORA-33672: (FRSTRDLM04) A CSV DELIMITER cannot be set to a double quote or NULL.
- ORA-33674: (FTCODE00) Data block size <varname>number</varname> exceeds the maximum size of <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33678: (GETSCAL00) The text expression specifying a DIMENSION data type cannot evaluate to NA.
- ORA-33680: (GETTIMER00) first
- ORA-33682: (GETTIMER01) The <varname>number</varname> parameter to <varname>string</varname> is dimensioned by more than one time dimension.
- ORA-33684: (GETTIMER02) The <varname>number</varname> parameter to <varname>string</varname> must be dimensioned by a time dimension, or an explicit time dimension must be given.
- ORA-33686: (GETTIMER03) The <varname>number</varname> parameter to <varname>string</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33688: (GETTIMER04) The dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as a time dimension.
- ORA-33690: (GETXVAL01) The formula <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be recursively evaluated because the RECURSIVE option is set to NO.
- ORA-33692: (GROWENG01) The growrate of an expression must be calculated over a strictly increasing time interval.
- ORA-33694: (GROWENG02) The expression in the GROWRATE function must have non-NA values at the beginning and end of the given time interval.
- ORA-33696: (GROWENG03) The beginning and ending values of the expression in GROWRATE must both be positive or both be negative.
- ORA-33698: (GROWENG04) Cannot calculate the growrate for the values given
- ORA-33700: (GROWENG05) The beginning value of the expression in the GROWRATE function must be non zero.
- ORA-33704: (ILPCHECK01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a program.
- ORA-33706: (ILPCHECK12) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program cannot be compiled because it contains structural errors.
- ORA-33708: (ILPCHECK13) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program cannot be compiled while it is executing.
- ORA-33712: (ILPCHECK22) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program cannot be executed because it contains structural errors.
- ORA-33720: (ILPCHECK43) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program cannot be hidden or unhidden while it is executing.
- ORA-33722: (ILPCOMP05) All <varname>string</varname> statements must precede the first non-declarative statement.
- ORA-33724: (ILPCOMP07) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program could not be compiled because of an unrecoverable error.
- ORA-33726: (ILPENG02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used more than once in simultaneous or nested FOR statements or ACROSS commands.
- ORA-33728: (ILPINIT01) You cannot initialize <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is currently running.
- ORA-33730: (ILPLNK01) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because it was compiled with code version <varname>number</varname>. The current code version is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33732: (ILPONLY) The <varname>string</varname> function can only be used in a program.
- ORA-33733: (xsILPMLTPreOp01) The analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be REVERTed or RESYNCed while the <varname>string</varname> program is active.
Cause: The AW REVERT and AW RESYNC commands cannot be used on an analytic workspace that contains a running program.
- ORA-33734: (ILPPUT01) Label <varname>string</varname> conflicts with at least one other label in <varname>workspace object</varname>. Labels must be unique for the first 8 characters.
- ORA-33736: (ILPPUT02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program contains unmatched DO or DOEND statements.
- ORA-33738: (ILPPUT03) Program <varname>workspace object</varname> contains unmatched IF, WHILE, TEMPSTAT, FOR, or THEN/ELSE statement, or duplicate labels.
- ORA-33740: (ILPPUT04) On the line defining label <varname>string</varname> in the <varname>workspace object</varname> program, text following the label has been ignored.
- ORA-33742: (ILPPUT06) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program contains too many source lines. The limit is <varname>number</varname> lines. The program has been truncated.
- ORA-33744: (ILPPUT07) IMPORTANT: Program <varname>workspace object</varname> contains text on the same line as a DO or DOEND statement, which will be ignored.
- ORA-33746: (ILPPUT08) <varname>number</varname> must be preceded by an IF clause.
- ORA-33748: (ILPPUT09) <varname>number</varname> must be preceded by a THEN clause.
- ORA-33750: (ILPXEQ01) A referenced object can no longer be located. Execution will continue in interpreted mode.
- ORA-33756: (ILTRK01) No data has been recorded by the TRACKPRG command.
- ORA-33758: (IMPQUAF0) The EIF file <varname>string</varname> does not have any objects in it.
- ORA-33760: (IMPQUAF02) \nThere are <varname>number</varname> objects in the EIF file:
- ORA-33762: (XSCHGDIM01) Invalid LIMIT argument starting at <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33766: (INFOFC00) Invalid second argument to INFO(FORECAST <varname>string</varname>).
- ORA-33768: (INFOMOD00) Invalid second argument to INFO(MODEL <varname>string</varname>).
- ORA-33770: (INFOPARS01) Invalid second argument to INFO(PARSE <varname>string</varname>).
- ORA-33772: (INFORG00) Invalid second argument to INFO(REGRESS <varname>string</varname>).
- ORA-33774: (INTERP1) <varname>string</varname> is not a command.
- ORA-33776: (INTERP1A) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a command.
- ORA-33780: (INTERP3) The <varname>string</varname> command can only be used in a program.
- ORA-33782: (INTERP4) The <varname>string</varname> command cannot be executed by ampersand substitution.
- ORA-33784: (INTERP5) Ampersand substitution is not permitted in a <varname>string</varname> statement.
- ORA-33788: (INTTOK01) <varname>string</varname> is not composed solely of digits.
- ORA-33790: (IOERROR01) I/O error on file <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33792: (IOERROR02) I/O error on file <varname>string</varname>: Error text not available.
- ORA-33796: (IOEXECUT00) The file identifier argument of <varname>string</varname> does not have a value.
- ORA-33798: (IOEXECUT01) File <varname>string</varname> is the current OUTFILE or LOG unit, and cannot be closed with the FILECLOSE command.
- ORA-33800: (IOEXECUT02A) The LENGTH argument to the FILEGET function (<varname>number</varname>) is negative.
- ORA-33802: (IOEXECUT02B) File <varname>string</varname> was opened for writing.
- ORA-33804: (IOEXECUT02C) File <varname>string</varname> was opened for binary input. You must use FILEREAD or FILENEXT to read data from this file.
- ORA-33806: (IOEXECUT03A) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILEQUERY is not supported in this version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33808: (IOEXECUT03B) You have requested a FILEQUERY option that is not supported in this version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33810: (IOEXECUT04A) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILESET is not supported in this version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33812: (IOEXECUT04B) The <varname>string</varname> option of a file cannot be changed by the FILESET command.
- ORA-33814: (IOEXECUT04C) The value to be set for the <varname>string</varname> option cannot be NA.
- ORA-33816: (IOEXECUT04D) You have requested a FILESET option that is not supported in this version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33818: (IOEXECUT05) File unit <varname>number</varname> is invalid. <varname>string</varname> can access only input files opened via the FILEOPEN function.
- ORA-33820: (IOEXECUT06) The file name argument to <varname>string</varname> cannot be null or blank.
- ORA-33822: (IRR01) Time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has a range in status of <varname>number</varname> periods. The maximum range allowed by the IRR function is <varname>number</varname> periods.
- ORA-33824: (ISDBUILD01) A local scalar named <varname>string</varname> already exists.
- ORA-33826: (LINEDEL01) The number of the first line to remove must be between 1 and the expression's total number of lines. <varname>number</varname> is out of range.
- ORA-33828: (LINEDEL02) You must remove at least one line. You cannot remove <varname>number</varname> lines.
- ORA-33830: (LINEINS01) The line number after which inserting begins (<varname>number</varname>) is negative.
- ORA-33832: (LINEREP01) The number of the first line to replace must be between 1 and the expression's total number of lines. <varname>number</varname> is out of range.
- ORA-33834: (LINEXTR01) The line number of the first line to extract must be greater than 0. You cannot start extracting at line <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33836: (LINEXTR02) You must extract at least one line. You cannot extract <varname>number</varname> lines.
- ORA-33838: (LLPINIT05) You attempted to loop over the time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> beyond the allowable range of dates.
- ORA-33840: (LOOPCODE01) Multiple relations exist between <varname>workspace object</varname> and the dimensions of the expression to be aggregated. One is <varname>workspace object</varname>, and another is <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33842: (LOOPCODE02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used for aggregation. It is unrelated to the data's dimensions, or it is less aggregate than one of them.
- ORA-33844: (LOOPCODE03) Time dimensions <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> are both dimensions of the data. Breaking out the aggregation by time is ambiguous.
- ORA-33846: (LXNXTREC00) The input line was terminated by an end-of-file that occurred sooner than expected. The line might be incomplete.
- ORA-33848: (LXNXTREC01) The input line was truncated to the maximum allowable size of <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-33852: (LXPARSE01) You provided extra input starting at '<varname>string</varname>'.
- ORA-33854: (LXTOKEN01) The statement cannot be parsed because it is too long or too complex.
- ORA-33856: (LXSUBST01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid ampersand-substitution expression.
- ORA-33858: (LXSUBST02) The value of the ampersand-substitution expression is NA.
- ORA-33860: (MAKEDCL01) You have no current analytic workspace. You must attach or create an analytic workspace before defining a new object.
- ORA-33862: (MAKEDCL02) You must specify a data type when you define a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33864: (MAKEDCL03) You cannot use the data type attribute when you define a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33866: (MAKEDCL04) Your current analytic workspace does not contain an object named <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33868: (MAKEDCL05) You must specify two or more dimensions when you supply a dimension list for a WORKSHEET.
- ORA-33870: (MAKEDCL06) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33872: (MAKEDCL07) The <varname>string</varname> DIMENSION must have a data type (ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, or INTEGER), a time period, or a list of bases for a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-33874: (MAKEDCL08) <varname>string</varname> is not the name of a valid option.
- ORA-33876: (MAKEDCL09) <varname>string</varname> must be an INTEGER dimension.
- ORA-33878: (MAKEDCL10) Nested composites are not supported when compatability is 11 or greater.
- ORA-33880: (MAKEDCL11) Dimensions specified for a WORKSHEET must be INTEGER dimensions.
- ORA-33882: (MAKEDCL12) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define a <varname>string</varname> of type <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33883: (MAKEDCL36) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define an EXTERNAL partition with an existing target.
Cause: User gave the TEMPORARY keyword in the definition of an external partition whose target variable was previously defined.
- ORA-33884: (MAKEDCL13) You can specify the TEMPORARY attribute only for a variable, dimension, relation, valueset, or worksheet.
- ORA-33886: (MAKEDCL14) You cannot define an object dimensioned by NAME, because it is a special reserved dimension used to organize your analytic workspace dictionary.
- ORA-33888: (MAKEDCL15) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define a fixed-width TEXT <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33890: (MAKEDCL16) You cannot use the dimension list attribute when you define a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33892: (MAKEDCL17) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define a scalar <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33893: (MAKEDCL18) The TEMPORARY attribute cannot be specified for this type of dimension
- ORA-33894: (MAKEDCL20) The WIDTH attribute can only be used with non-scalar TEXT and INTEGER variables, or with TEXT dimensions.
- ORA-33895: (MAKEDCL19) You can specify the SHAREMAP attribute only for a multiply dimensioned variable, relation, valueset, or worksheet.
- ORA-33896: (MAKEDCL21) The WIDTH attribute for TEXT data must be a number between 1 and 4000.
- ORA-33898: (MAKEDCL22) The WIDTH attribute for INTEGER data must be 1.
- ORA-33900: (MAKEDCL23) The NOHASH attribute is only valid for conjoint dimensions.
- ORA-33902: (MAKEDCL24) The <varname>string</varname> attribute is only valid for conjoint dimensions and dimension composites.
- ORA-33904: (MAKEDCL25) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimension composite or is dimensioned by a dimension composite. You cannot use it as the type of a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33908: (MAKEDCL27) You cannot use the <varname>string</varname> attribute when you define a DIMENSION ALIAS, CONCAT, or PARTITION TEMPLATE.
- ORA-33910: (MAKEDCL28) You cannot specify a data type when you define a DIMENSION ALIAS, CONCAT, or PARTITION TEMPLATE.
- ORA-33911: (MAKEDCL29) You cannot define a <varname>string</varname> in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it has not been upgraded to version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to define an object that requires a certain compatibility setting in an AW that has not been upgraded to that compatibility level.
- ORA-33912: (MAKEDCL30) An AGGMAP cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-33914: (MAKEDCL31) You cannot define a dimension alias of another dimension alias.
- ORA-33916: (MAKEDCL32) The dimension alias target <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a simple dimension.
- ORA-33918: (MAKEDCL33) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is a <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: Not all kinds of dimensions can have surrogates. The user attempted to define a surrogate of a prohibited kind of dimension.
- ORA-33920: (MAKEDCL34) The <varname>string</varname> SURROGATE must have one of the following data types: ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, or INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate without specifying a valid data type.
- ORA-33922: (MAKEDCL35) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is a time dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate on a dimension that has type DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.
- ORA-33934: (MISCOPTI01) OFF
- ORA-33936: (MISCOPTI04) NA
- ORA-33938: (MISCOPTI05) Press <varname>Enter</varname> to continue.
- ORA-33940: (MISCOPTI06) <varname>DD</varname><varname>MTXT</varname><varname>YY</varname>
- ORA-33942: (MODCALL01) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be run because another model is already active.
- ORA-33944: (MODCALL02) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> needs a solution variable; one was not provided.
- ORA-33946: (MODCALL03) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> does not take a solution variable, because it has no model dimensions.
- ORA-33948: (MODCALL04) A solution variable must be provided for model <varname>workspace object</varname>; however, <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a variable.
- ORA-33950: (MODCALL05) The solution variable specified for the model <varname>workspace object</varname> must be numeric. Variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is type <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-33952: (MODCALL08) A solution variable must be specified for model <varname>workspace object</varname>; however, <varname>workspace object</varname> has no dimensions.
- ORA-33954: (MODCALL09) Solution variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>, which is a dimension of model <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33956: (MODCALL10) The execution of model <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be completed due to an internal error (TYPE = <varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-33958: (MODCALL11) The syntax for invoking a model is:\n model-name [solution-variable] [NOWARN]
- ORA-33960: (MODCALL14) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> contains simultaneous equations.
- ORA-33962: (MODCALL15) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> failed to converge after <varname>number</varname> iterations in block <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-33964: (MODCALL16) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> diverged during iteration <varname>number</varname> in block <varname>number</varname> while executing statement <varname>number</varname> of model <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33966: (MODCALL17) The solution variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is referenced as a variable in model <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-33968: (MODCALL18) Solution variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>, which is not a dimension of model <varname>workspace object</varname> but is a dimension of a model execution block.
- ORA-33970: (MODCALL19) Solution variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>, but model <varname>workspace object</varname> contains dimension-based equations that reference its values.
- ORA-33972: (MODCHECK01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a model.
- ORA-33973: (MODCHECK02) The <varname>workspace object</varname> model cannot be compiled while it is executing.
- ORA-33974: (MODCHECK12) The <varname>workspace object</varname> model cannot be compiled because it contains structural errors.
- ORA-33975: (MODCHECK13) The <varname>workspace object</varname> model cannot be hidden or unhidden while it is executing.
- ORA-33976: (MODCHECK22) The <varname>workspace object</varname> model cannot be executed because it contains structural errors.
- ORA-33978: (MODCOMP01) <varname>workspace object</varname> has already been named in a DIMENSION statement in this model.
- ORA-33980: (MODCOMP02) DIMENSION statements are not allowed after an equation has appeared.
- ORA-33982: (MODCOMP03) DIMENSION statements are not allowed after an INCLUDE statement has appeared.
- ORA-33983: (MODCOMP15) The DIMENSION statement must list the dimensions of any included models.
- ORA-33984: (MODCOMP04) INCLUDE statements are not allowed after an equation has appeared.
- ORA-33986: (MODCOMP05) Only one INCLUDE statement is allowed in a model.
- ORA-33988: (MODCOMP06) An INCLUDE statement must refer to another model; <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a model.
- ORA-33990: (MODCOMP08) Models cannot be included recursively; <varname>workspace object</varname> has already been included.
- ORA-33992: (MODCOMP09) The format of the DIMENSION command is:\n DIMENSION dimension1 [dimension2...]
- ORA-33994: (MODCOMP10) The format of the INCLUDE command is:\n INCLUDE model
- ORA-33996: (MODCOMP11) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not named in a DIMENSION statement in this model.
- ORA-33998: (MODCOMP12) You cannot use both <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> as model dimensions, because <varname>workspace object</varname> is a surrogate of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user attempted to include both a dimension and its surrogate in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
- ORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> as model dimensions, because they are both surrogates of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user attempted to include two dimension surrogates of the same dimension in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
- ORA-34001: (MODCOMP14) Concat leaf dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> already is used in a DIMENSION statement, either explicitly or as a leaf of another concat dimension.
Cause: Either two concat dimensions which share a common leaf dimension, or a concat and one of its leaves where both specified in the DIMENSION statement(s).
- ORA-34004: (MODGRAPH01) The model <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be compiled due to internal error <varname>number</varname>. Contact Oracle OLAP Technical support.
- ORA-34006: (MODINFO00) There is no saved model information for the INFO function to retrieve.
- ORA-34008: (MODINFO01) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> has not been compiled; the information requested is available only after compilation.
- ORA-34010: (MODINFO02) Model <varname>workspace object</varname> has not been executed; the information requested is available only after execution.
- ORA-34012: (MODPUT06) The <varname>workspace object</varname> model contains too many source lines. The limit is <varname>number</varname> lines. The model has been truncated.
- ORA-34014: (MONITOR01) No data has been recorded by the MONITOR command.
- ORA-34016: (MONITOR02) No program name has been supplied for the MONITOR command.
- ORA-34018: (MSCGADD01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is an INTEGER dimension. Specify only the number of values to be added, not the specific values themselves.
- ORA-34019: (MSCGADD03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a RANGE or CONCAT partition template.
- ORA-34020: (MSCGADD02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a time dimension. You cannot add time periods to it.
- ORA-34021: (MSCGADD04) You must specify a partition when maintaining PARTITION TEMPLATE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a LIST partition template, but didn't specify which partition to add to or delete from.
- ORA-34022: (MSCGDEL02) You can only delete time periods from a time dimension.
- ORA-34024: (MSCGMRG01) The RELATE keyword cannot be specified when the MERGE expression has no dimensions.
- ORA-34026: (MSCGMRG02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relationship between <varname>workspace object</varname> and the dimensions of the source expression.
- ORA-34028: (MSCGMRG03) <varname>workspace object</varname>, the value of the RELATE relation, is not one of the dimensions of the source expression.
- ORA-34030: (MSCGPOS00) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a time dimension. You can add values to it only FIRST or LAST.
- ORA-34031: (MSCGPOS02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a datetime dimension. Dimension values are automatically maintained in sorted order.
- ORA-34032: (MSCGPOS01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimension composite. You cannot specify a position when adding values to it.
- ORA-34034: (MSEXECUT00B) <varname>value</varname> is already a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34036: (MSEXECUT00C) <varname>number</varname> is already a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34038: (MSEXECUT01) The expression for the position to add, merge, or delete is NA.
- ORA-34039: (TRGPRG02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be deleted while its trigger is executing.
- ORA-34040: (TRGSET01) The TRIGGERASSIGN command can only be used in an ASSIGN TRIGGER.
- ORA-34041: (TRGPRG01) A TRIGGER cannot be called recursively for the same object and event.
- ORA-34042: (MSEXECUT03A) The expression for the position to be renamed is NA.
- ORA-34044: (MSEXECUT03B) The expression for the new dimension value is NA.
- ORA-34046: (MSEXECUT03C) <varname>value</varname> is already a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34048: (MSEXECUT04) Time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is empty. You must give it a value before you can add periods to its beginning or end.
- ORA-34050: (MSEXECUT05) The expression for the argument to BEFORE or AFTER is NA.
- ORA-34052: (MSEXECUT06) All dimension values must be single line values.
- ORA-34054: (MSEXECUT07) <varname>number</varname> is already a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34056: (MSEXECUT08) The number of periods to add cannot be negative, zero, or NA.
- ORA-34058: (MSEXECUT09) The number of periods to delete cannot be negative, zero, or NA.
- ORA-34059: (MSEXECUT12) You cannot delete non session-only dimension values from unique concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user tried to apply MAINTAIN DELETE to a non-SESSION value.
- ORA-34060: (MSEXECUT10) You do not have permission to maintain <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34061: (MSEXECUT11) Session-only values cannot be added to non-unique concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, or any of its base dimensions.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
- ORA-34062: (MXARGS01) = Args:
- ORA-34064: (MXARGS02) (Relation)
- ORA-34066: (MXARGS03) values of
- ORA-34068: (MXBREAK01) The BREAK statement can only be used within a FOR or WHILE loop or within a SWITCH statement.
- ORA-34070: (MXBREAK02) The CONTINUE statement can only be used within a FOR or WHILE loop.
- ORA-34072: (MXCALL01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a PROGRAM.
- ORA-34074: (MXCGAF01) The <varname>string</varname> function cannot be used with <varname>string</varname> data.
- ORA-34076: (MXCGAF02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is neither a dimension nor the name of a relationship array.
- ORA-34078: (MXCGAF03) The dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears more than once as an argument to <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34082: (MXCGAF05) Specify the STATUS keyword only if at least one of the breakout dimensions is not a dimension of the expression argument.
- ORA-34084: (MXCGAF06) You cannot specify <varname>workspace object</varname> as a breakout dimension because it is a dimension composite.
- ORA-34086: (MXCGAF07) You can only specify a qualified data reference to a breakout relation object. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relation.
- ORA-34088: (MXCGCE04) The THEN and ELSE expressions must evaluate to values of the same dimension.
- ORA-34090: (MXCGCHRL01) The expression argument to CHARLIST is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34092: (MXCGCON01) The use of a hexadecimal value (<varname>string</varname>) is not supported.
- ORA-34094: (MXCGCUM00) In the CUMSUM function, the relation (<varname>workspace object</varname>) must refer to the accumulation dimension (<varname>workspace object</varname>).
- ORA-34096: (MXCGCUM01) The reset parameter '<varname>workspace object</varname>' is neither a RELATION nor a DIMENSION.
- ORA-34098: (MXCGCUM02) The STATUS keyword has no effect unless the first argument has more than one dimension.
- ORA-34100: (MXCGCVT01) Values of type <varname>string</varname> are expected.
- ORA-34102: (MXCGFIOF01) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILEQUERY is not supported in this version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34104: (MXCGGET01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a type of object that contains data values.
- ORA-34106: (MXCGGET03) FILEREAD attributes can be specified only in the context of a FILEREAD or FILEVIEW command.
- ORA-34108: (MXCGGET04) FILEREAD attributes cannot be specified for the NAME dimension.
- ORA-34110: (MXCGGET05) FILEREAD attributes cannot be specified for a constant.
- ORA-34112: (MXCGGT01) Values of type <varname>string</varname> cannot be read with the MANY option.
- ORA-34114: (MXCGGT02) The RAW attribute applies only to TEXT.
- ORA-34116: (MXCGHCVT00) To convert TEXT to date use:\n CONVERT(expression DATE [dateorder])
- ORA-34118: (MXCGHCVT01) To convert date to TEXT or ID use:\n CONVERT(expression {ID|TEXT} [dateformat])
- ORA-34120: (MXCGHCVT02) To convert time dimension periods to TEXT or ID use:\n CONVERT(expression {ID|TEXT} [vnf-format])
- ORA-34122: (MXCGHCVT03) To convert NUMBER to TEXT or ID use:\n CONVERT(expression {ID|TEXT} [output-format])
- ORA-34124: (MXCGHCVT04) CONVERT(expression <varname>string</varname>\nTo [format])
- ORA-34126: (MXCGKEY01) The first argument to the KEY function must be an expression yielding a dimension value.
- ORA-34128: (MXCGKEY02) You cannot apply the KEY function to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a conjoint dimension or composite.
- ORA-34130: (MXCGKEY03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a component of conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34132: (MXCGKEY04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a component of composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34134: (MXCGLA01) You are trying to perform an invalid operation. Dates cannot be exponentiated.
- ORA-34136: (MXCGMOVE00) The first argument to the <varname>string</varname> function is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34138: (MXCGNPV03) The interest rate expression in the NPV function cannot be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34140: (MXCGPFC01) Argument number <varname>number</varname> in the call to <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a simple expression.
- ORA-34141: (MXCGPUT00) You cannot use the ASSIGN keyword with DIMENSION <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: User used the ASSIGN keyword on a DIMENSION target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
- ORA-34142: (MXCGPUT01) You cannot assign values to a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34143: (MXCGPUT02) You cannot assign values to SURROGATE <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is type INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to assign a value to a dimension surrogate whose data type is INTEGER. INTEGER surrogates, like INTEGER dimensions, cannot have values assigned to them. They can only be referenced by position.
- ORA-34144: (MXCGPUT04) A model cannot assign values to a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34145: (MXCGPUT03) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with SURROGATE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a SURROGATE target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
- ORA-34146: (MXCGQDR01) A qualified data reference (QDR) has this format:\n name(dimension1 dimvalue1 [dimension2 dimvalue2...])
- ORA-34148: (MXCGQDR02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as a qualifier because it is a COMPOSITE or PARTITION TEMPLATE. You can use its component dimensions instead.
- ORA-34150: (MXCGQDR05) A dimension can be named only once in a qualified data reference. <varname>workspace object</varname> has been named more than once.
- ORA-34152: (MXCGQDR06) The dimensions named in a qualified data reference must be dimensions of the qualified object. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34154: (MXCGQDR10) <varname>workspace object</varname> has no dimensions, so it cannot have a qualified data reference.
- ORA-34156: (MXCGRA00) You cannot compare time periods of different lengths or phases.
- ORA-34158: (MXCGRA01) You cannot subtract time periods of different lengths or phases.
- ORA-34160: (MXCGRA02) The format of the IN operator is\n <varname>date</varname> IN <varname>time dimension value</varname>.
- ORA-34162: (MXCGRAVL01) The expression to be unraveled is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34164: (MXCGVAR01) A dimension used to define a local <varname>string</varname> variable cannot be located. Execution cannot continue.
Cause: A local relation or valueset has become invalid, most probably because an object used by the currently executing program has been deleted.
- ORA-34168: (MXCGVFC01) Invalid context for the VALUE function.
- ORA-34170: (MXCGVFC02) Data Reader attributes apply to the VALUE function only when it is used in a FILEREAD or FILEVIEW command.
- ORA-34172: (MXCGWKDT01) The argument to the WKSDATA function must be the name of a WORKSHEET.
- ORA-34176: (MXCHGDCL01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not the kind of object whose index type can be changed.
- ORA-34177: (MXCHGDCL19) <varname>number</varname> cannot be deleted because one or more partitioned variables instantiate it.
Cause: User attempted to CHGDFN DELETE a partition template, but some partitioned variable had data in the partition specified for deletion.
- ORA-34178: (MXCHGDCL02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to NOHASH. Only an object that was originally defined as NOHASH can be changed back to NOHASH.
- ORA-34179: (MXCHGDCL20) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partition template where a partition template is required.
- ORA-34180: (MXCHGDCL03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a conjoint dimension and cannot be changed in this manner.
- ORA-34181: (MXCHGDCL21) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a partitioned VARIABLE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partitioned variable in a place where a partitioned variable is required.
- ORA-34182: (MXCHGDCL04) Wrong number of dimensions for <varname>workspace object</varname>; segwidth not changed from: <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-34183: (MXCHGDCL22) Partition <varname>number</varname> already exists.
Cause: User attempted to ADD a partition that already existed to a partitioned variable.
- ORA-34184: (MXCHGDCL05) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid segment width.
- ORA-34185: (MXCHGDCL23) Only dimension composites can have optional inversions. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension composite.
- ORA-34186: (MXCHGDCL06) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a dimension composite, because it is used as the type of a PROGRAM, RELATION or VALUESET.
- ORA-34187: (MXCHGDCL06) REUSE cannot be specified for dimensions that already have deletions.
- ORA-34188: (MXCHGDCL07) Only conjoint dimensions can be redefined as composites. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-34190: (MXCHGDCL08) You cannot convert the conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> to a composite because it has the NOHASH attribute.
- ORA-34192: (MXCHGDCL09) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimension composite and its definition cannot be changed to NOHASH.
- ORA-34194: (MXCHGDCL10) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a composite while there are permissions applied to it.
- ORA-34196: (MXCHGDCL11) Only dimension composites can be redefined as DIMENSIONs. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension composite.
- ORA-34198: (MXCHGDCL12) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a composite because its dimension list has one or more duplications.
- ORA-34200: (MXCHGDCL13) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a dimension composite because there are one or more formulas dimensioned by it.
- ORA-34202: (MXCHGDCL14) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a time dimension.
- ORA-34204: (MXCHGDCL15) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not the kind of object to which SEGWIDTH can be applied.
- ORA-34206: (MXCHGDCL16) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a dimension composite because there are one or more relations dimensioned by it.
- ORA-34208: (MXCHGDCL17) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a dimension composite because it is used in one or more CONCATENATE or MERGE dimensions.
- ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.
Cause: The user attempted to redefine a conjoint dimension as a composite, but the conjoint has one or more surrogates defined. A dimension that has surrogates cannot be redefined as a composite.
- ORA-34212: (MXCLASS01) An expression was specified where a DIMENSION or a VALUESET was expected.
- ORA-34214: (MXCLASS02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension.
- ORA-34216: (MXCOMP001) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be compiled because it is not a PROGRAM, MODEL, AGGMAP, or FORMULA.
- ORA-34218: (MXCTX01) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be in a CONTEXT because it is not a scalar variable.
- ORA-34220: (MXCTX02) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be in a CONTEXT because it is not data.
- ORA-34222: (MXCTX03) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be in a CONTEXT because it is a dimension composite.
- ORA-34224: (MXDCL01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
- ORA-34226: (MXDCL02) REUSE can only be specified for SIMPLE, COMPOSITE, and CONJOINT dimensions.
- ORA-34228: (MXDCL03) Only dimensions can have time periods.
- ORA-34230: (MXDCL04) You provided an invalid time period.
- ORA-34232: (MXDCL05) A DAY dimension cannot be phased with a BEGINNING or ENDING phrase.
- ORA-34234: (MXDCL06) Beginning date translates to an invalid end date.
- ORA-34236: (MXDCL07) REUSE cannot be specified in AWs that have not been upgraded to version 12.
- ORA-34238: (MXDCL08) A dimension cannot have a data type of DATE.
- ORA-34240: (MXDCL09) You cannot specify EXPTEMP as an analytic workspace.
- ORA-34242: (MXDCL10) You cannot specify an analytic workspace in this command.
- ORA-34243: (MXDCL11) You can only use the <varname>string</varname> keyword when defining a COMPOSITE.
Cause: User supplied the COMPRESSED keyword when defining an object that was not a COMPOSITE.
- ORA-34246: (MXDCL18) You cannot define an object with a recursive SPARSE dimension list.
- ORA-34248: (MXDCL19) You cannot specify a dimension list for the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension.
- ORA-34250: (MXDCL20) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension is in the wrong analytic workspace to be used in this DEFINE command.
- ORA-34252: (MXDCL21) You have specified the wrong number of dimensions for <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34254: (MXDCL22) <varname>workspace object</varname> does not belong in the dimension list for composite <varname>workspace object</varname>, or it is in the wrong position.
- ORA-34256: (MXDCL23) You must specify a dimension list for <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname> when using it in a definition.
- ORA-34258: (MXDCL24) Dimension composite <varname>number</varname> does not exist.
- ORA-34260: (MXDCL25) You cannot use <varname>number</varname> to dimension a <varname>string</varname> because it is, or involves, a dimension composite. Use the composite's bases instead.
Cause: The user attempted to use a COMPOSITE in the dimension list of an object that does not allow for such dimensions.
- ORA-34262: (MXDCL26) The object name <varname>string</varname>!<varname>string</varname> can only be defined in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>, not in the EXPRESS analytic workspace.
- ORA-34264: (MXDCL27) The object name <varname>string</varname>!<varname>string</varname> can only be defined in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>, not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34268: (MXDCL29) <varname>string</varname> objects must be type DIMENSION.
- ORA-34270: (MXDCL30) You cannot specify a data type when defining a dimension alias.
- ORA-34272: (MXDCL31) You cannot specify a dimension list when defining a dimension <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34274: (MXDCL32) You cannot specify a width when defining a dimension alias.
- ORA-34276: (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a NUMBER variable or dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) as the datatype in a definition for some object other than a DIMENSION or VARIABLE, such as a FORMULA or PROGRAM. This error can also be produced in cases where a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all.
- ORA-34279: (MXDCL37) CONCAT can only be used when defining a DIMENSION.
Cause: The CONCAT keyword was used incorrectly.
- ORA-34280: (MXDCL38) PARTITION BY can only be used when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
- ORA-34281: (MXDCL39) A (precision code) argument can only be used with DATETIME or TIMESTAMP dimensions.
- ORA-34284: (MXDCL52) A SPARSE dimension cannot be specified in this context.
- ORA-34286: (MXDCL53) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used in this context because it is a <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User specified a dimension composite, conjoint, or partition template in a place where that kind of dimension is not allowed. For instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a composite, and only a variable can dimensioned by a partition template.
- ORA-34298: (MXDCLEQ01) <varname>workspace object</varname> was not defined as a formula, so you cannot use the EQ command to give it a value.
- ORA-34300: (MXDCLEQ02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a time dimension, so you cannot define a VNF formatting string for it.
- ORA-34302: (MXDCLEQ03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP dimension, formula, program, or variable, so you cannot define a DATE_FORMAT formatting string for it.
- ORA-34304: (MXDCLILP01) There is no current program definition. Define a program or use the CONSIDER command before using the PROGRAM command.
- ORA-34306: (MXDCLILP02) <varname>workspace object</varname> was not defined as a PROGRAM.
- ORA-34308: (MXDCLILP03) Since you have no current program definition, your PROGRAM entries will be discarded. Type END to return to command level.
- ORA-34310: (MXDCLILP04) The <varname>workspace object</varname> program cannot be redefined while it is executing.
- ORA-34312: (MXDCLMOD01) There is no current model definition. Define a model or use the CONSIDER command before using the MODEL command.
- ORA-34314: (MXDCLMOD02) <varname>workspace object</varname> was not defined as a model.
- ORA-34316: (MXDCLMOD03) Since there is no current model definition, the MODEL statements will be discarded. Type END to return to the command line.
- ORA-34318: (MXDCLAGR01) There is no current aggmap definition. Define an aggmap or use the CONSIDER command before using the AGGMAP command.
- ORA-34320: (MXDELETE00) The object <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in the <varname>string</varname> analytic workspace.
- ORA-34324: (MXFETCH01) The ACROSS and DOWN keywords cannot be set to NONE at the same time.
- ORA-34328: (MXDEBUG01) = Entering <varname>number</varname> from <varname>number</varname>
- ORA-34330: (MXDEBUG02) = Entering <varname>number</varname>
- ORA-34332: (MXDEBUG03) = Leaving <varname>number</varname>
- ORA-34334: (MXDEBUG04) = Leaving <varname>number</varname>, Value = <varname>value</varname>
- ORA-34336: (MXGO00) The <varname>string</varname> keyword can only be used for a model.
- ORA-34338: (MXDIMEN01) An object cannot have more than <varname>number</varname> dimensions.
- ORA-34340: (MXDINSRT01) An object named <varname>number</varname> already exists in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.
Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save changes to the specified analytic workspace.
- ORA-34343: (MXDSS02) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid analytic workspace name. The name must be one of the following forms: SCHEMA.NAME, NAME, or ALIAS, where NAME is an analytic workspace name, SCHEMA is a schema name, and ALIAS is an analytic workspace alias.
- ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an analytic workspace that is not currently attached, or the name of the analytic workspace is misspelled.
- ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The <varname>string</varname> analytic workspace cannot be detached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is an internal workspace and may not be detached by the user.
- ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) <varname>string</varname> is used only for internal purposes and cannot be accessed as an analytic workspace.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an internal analytic workspace used by the system.
- ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) <varname>string</varname> is an open analytic workspace.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently in use.
- ORA-34352: (MXDSS07) <varname>string</varname><varname>character</varname> R/<varname>character</varname> CHANGED <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-34354: (MXDSS08) <varname>string</varname><varname>character</varname> R/<varname>character</varname> UNCHANGED <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-34356: (MXDSS09) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is attached in read-only mode, therefore you cannot change its <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) <varname>string</varname> is not an alias of analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to use AW UNALIAS on a non-existent alias.
- ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) <varname>number</varname> other users reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
- ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) <varname>string</varname> appears twice in the alias list.
Cause: User included the same name twice in the alias list of an AW ALIAS or AW UNALIAS command.
- ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) <varname>number</varname> other users writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
- ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) <varname>number</varname> other user reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
- ORA-34362: (MXDSS16) Program <varname>number</varname> does not exist.
- ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) <varname>number</varname> other user writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
- ORA-34364: (MXDSS17) The read/write status of analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> has not been changed. To change it, detach and re-attach the analytic workspace.
- ORA-34366: (MXDSS19) Security override is not allowed on analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34368: (MXDSS20) Incorrect response. Security override failure.
- ORA-34370: (MXDSS21) Permission to attach analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> denied by a PERMIT program.
- ORA-34372: (MXDSS26) An analytic workspace named <varname>string</varname> is already attached.
- ORA-34374: (MXDSS27) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid analytic workspace name. Analytic workspace names must be 26 characters or less, can contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot begin with a digit.
Cause: a specified AW or ALIAS name was too long or contained invalid characters.
- ORA-34376: (MXDSS28) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid analytic workspace name. Analytic workspace names must be 26 characters or less, can contain only letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs, and cannot begin with a digit or dollar sign.
Cause: a specified AW or ALIAS name was too long or contained invalid characters.
- ORA-34378: (MXDSS29) <varname>string</varname> is a reserved word and cannot be used as an analytic workspace name.
- ORA-34380: (MXEXPORT00) You can only export one worksheet to a spreadsheet file.
- ORA-34382: (MXEXPORT01) Worksheets are the only objects you can export to spreadsheet files. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a worksheet.
- ORA-34384: (MXFILEIO01) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILESET is not supported.
- ORA-34386: (MXFILEIO02) No more than 9 arguments can be supplied to FILESET.
- ORA-34388: (MXFILERD01) The format of the FILEREAD command is:\n FILEREAD unit [STOPAFTER n] [STRUCTURED | CSV | RULED] [fieldlist]
- ORA-34390: (MXFILERD02) The format of the FILEVIEW command is:\n FILEVIEW unit [STRUCTURED | RULED] [fieldlist]
- ORA-34392: (MXFORCAS00) You cannot calculate a forecast for an expression with no dimensions.
- ORA-34394: (MXFORCAS01) You cannot calculate a forecast with an STSEASONAL expression with no dimensions.
- ORA-34396: (MXFORCAS02) The expression to be forecast is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34398: (MXFORCAS03) The STSEASONAL expression must be dimensioned by only one dimension.
- ORA-34400: (MXFORCAS04) time-series
- ORA-34402: (MXFORCAS05) When you specify the forecast LENGTH, you must also specify an FCNAME.
- ORA-34404: (MXFORCAS06) When you specify METHOD WINTERS, you must also specify the PERIODICITY.
- ORA-34406: (MXFORCAS07) When STSMOOTHED, STTREND, or STSEASONAL is specified, they must all be specified.
- ORA-34408: (MXFORCAS08) You specified a forecast phrase that is valid only when METHOD WINTERS is specified.
- ORA-34410: (MXFORCAS09) The arguments to FCNAME, FCSMOOTHED, FCTREND, and FCSEASONAL must be numeric. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not numeric.
- ORA-34412: (MXFORCAS10) FCNAME, FCSMOOTHED, FCTREND, and FCSEASONAL variables must be dimensioned by time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not.
- ORA-34414: (MXGETFLD01) Your FILEREAD or FILEVIEW statement specifies no width for a <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> field. There is no default width for this data type.
- ORA-34416: (MXGETFLD02) <varname>string</varname> data cannot be read as a <varname>string</varname> value.
- ORA-34418: (MXGETFLD03) A STRUCTURED or CSV record cannot contain <varname>string</varname> data.
- ORA-34420: (MXGETFLD04) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILEREAD or FILEVIEW cannot be specified for <varname>string</varname> data.
- ORA-34422: (MXGETFLD05) The SCALE option of FILEREAD or FILEVIEW cannot be specified for BINARY data other than INTEGER.
- ORA-34424: (MXGETFLD06) The <varname>string</varname> option of FILEREAD or FILEVIEW cannot be specified for <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> data.
- ORA-34426: (MXGETFLD07) Values read into the relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be INTEGER position numbers of its conjoint value dimension.
- ORA-34428: (MXGETFLD08) Values read into conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must be either INTEGER position numbers or a bracketed list of base dimension values.
- ORA-34430: (MXGETFLD09) No data type was specified for one or more of the base dimensions of conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34432: (MXGETFLD10) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be assigned time dimension data.
- ORA-34434: (MXGETFLD11) You cannot read values of a dimension composite directly. You can specify a bracketed list of base dimension values.
- ORA-34436: (MXGETFLD12) No data type was specified for one or more of the base dimensions of a dimension composite.
- ORA-34438: (MXGETSVN01) A value of the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension must be a single expression without surrounding angle brackets <varname></varname>.
- ORA-34440: (MXGETSVN02) A value of the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension must be a combination of <varname>number</varname> base dimension values surrounded by angle brackets <varname></varname>.
- ORA-34442: (MXGETSVN03) You cannot use a Qualified Object Name as a value of the NAME dimension.
- ORA-34444: (MXGETSVN04) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a concatenated dimension.
- ORA-34446: (MXGETSVN05) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a base of concatenated dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34448: (MXGOTO01) <varname>string</varname> is not defined as a label.
- ORA-34450: (MXIFERR) The IF keyword must be followed by a BOOLEAN expression. The expression starting with <varname>string</varname> is <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34452: (MXIMPORT01) <varname>string</varname> is a reserved keyword that cannot be used in this context.
- ORA-34454: (MXIMPORT02) When importing a spreadsheet, CSV file, or PRN file, the target must be a worksheet. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a worksheet.
- ORA-34456: (MXIMPORT03) The STOPAFTER specification cannot be NA.
- ORA-34458: (MXIMPORT04) The RULER expression cannot be missing or NA.
- ORA-34460: (MXIMPORT05) The expression identifying the file cannot be NA.
- ORA-34462: (MXIMPORT06) The STOPAFTER specification cannot be less than one. The value was <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-34464: (MXIMPORT07) TEXTSTART and TEXTEND are supported only for STRUCTURED PRN files. DELIMITER is supported for STRUCTURED PRN and CSV files.
- ORA-34466: (MXIMPORT08) Target <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34468: (MXIMPORT09) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid target name. You cannot use a Qualified Object Name to specify a target in an EIF import.
- ORA-34474: (MXINFILE01) The <varname>string</varname> option of INFILE is not supported by <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34476: (MXINFO01) The first argument to the <varname>string</varname> function must be FORECAST, PARSE, REGRESS, SEASADJ, or MODEL.
- ORA-34478: (MXLOG01) Disk file <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened; it is in use.
- ORA-34480: (MXMAINT01) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of PARTITION TEMPLATE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to use the MAINTAIN command with some keyword other than ADD or DELETE on a partition template.
- ORA-34482: (MXMAINT02) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34484: (MXMAINT03) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34486: (MXMAINT04) You cannot maintain dimension alias <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of non-unique concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The specified MAINTAIN operation can only be applied to UNQUE concats.
- ORA-34488: (MXMAINT05) You cannot <varname>string</varname> values of concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is a SURROGATE.
Cause: The user attempted to use the MAINTAIN command on a dimension surrogate. The MAINTAIN command can only be used with real dimensions, not surrogates.
- ORA-34490: (MXMOVE00) You cannot use Qualified Object Names in the MOVE command except as part of an expression.
- ORA-34492: (MXMSERR00) Analytic workspace object <varname>workspace object</varname> does not exist.
- ORA-34494: (MXMSERR01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> does not contain an object named <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34496: (MXNAME01) The NAME dimension is available only when you have an active analytic workspace.
- ORA-34498: (MXNAME02) You cannot use the NAME dimension in this context.
- ORA-34500: (MXNAME03) <varname>string</varname> is a reserved keyword that cannot be used in this context.
- ORA-34502: (MXNAME03A) <varname>number</varname> is a reserved keyword that cannot be used in this context.
- ORA-34504: (MXNAME04) You have no current analytic workspace.
- ORA-34506: (MXNAME05) <varname>string</varname> is a local variable that cannot be used in this context.
- ORA-34508: (MXNAME06) You cannot qualify references to the NAME dimension.
- ORA-34512: (MXNEGERR) The NOT operator can only be used with BOOLEAN expressions. The expression at <varname>string</varname> is <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> data in the expression that begins with '<varname>string</varname>'.
Cause: The user attempted an invalid operation.
- ORA-34516: (MXPROPER01) A property name cannot be NA.
- ORA-34518: (MXPROPER02) A property named <varname>string</varname> does not exist.
- ORA-34520: (MXPROPER03) A property name cannot be a multi-line text.
- ORA-34522: (MXPROPER04) A property name must be between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname> bytes long. You supplied a name of <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-34524: (MXPROPER05) The object properties in this analytic workspace cannot be read, because they were created by an incompatible version of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34526: (MXPSHPOP01) You cannot <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a scalar variable.
- ORA-34528: (MXPSHPOP02) You cannot <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not data.
- ORA-34530: (MXPSHPOP03) You cannot <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is a <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34534: (MXPUTQDR01) A FILEREAD attribute list is not valid in this context.
- ORA-34536: (MXRECAP00) COMMAND LOG\n -----------
- ORA-34538: (MXRECAP01) The format of the RECAP command is:\n RECAP [ALL|n] [string] [FILE pathname]
- ORA-34540: (MXRECAP02) RECAP does not support multi-line strings.
- ORA-34542: (MXRECAP03) There are no entries in the command log.
- ORA-34544: (MXRECAP04) No matching commands were found.
- ORA-34546: (MXRECAP05) The format of the REDO command is:\n REDO [n] [oldtext newtext [option]]
- ORA-34548: (MXRECAP06) There is no occurrence <varname>number</varname> of '<varname>number</varname>' in the command.
- ORA-34550: (MXRECAP07) Command number <varname>number</varname> is not available.
- ORA-34552: (MXRECAP08) Multi-line strings cannot be used in editing the command.
- ORA-34554: (MXRECAP09) The string '<varname>number</varname>' does not occur in the command.
- ORA-34556: (MXRECAP10) Substituting <varname>number</varname> for <varname>number</varname> would cause the command to exceed the maximum command length (<varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-34558: (MXRECAP11) The format of the REEDIT command is:\n REEDIT [n] oldtext newtext [option]
- ORA-34560: (MXRECAP12) The <varname>string</varname> command cannot be saved in the command log by REDO or REEDIT or executed by REDO.
- ORA-34562: (MXRENAME02) An object named <varname>number</varname> already exists in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34564: (MXRENAME03) The SPARSE keyword changes a named composite to unnamed. You cannot apply it to an unnamed composite.
- ORA-34566: (MXRENAME04) Only integer dimensions can be named <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34568: (MXRENAME05) You cannot rename <varname>workspace object</varname> because you do not have PERMIT rights to do it or it is readonly.
- ORA-34570: (MXRENAME06) The dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34572: (MXRENAME07) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite because it is not a composite.
- ORA-34574: (MXRENAME08) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite because it has permissions attached.
- ORA-34576: (MXRENAME09) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite because there are pushed statuses associated with it.
- ORA-34578: (MXRENAME10) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite because there are no objects dimensioned by it.
- ORA-34580: (MXRENAME11) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite because there are properties associated with it.
- ORA-34582: (MXRENAME12) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite, because there is already an unnamed composite with the same base dimensions.
- ORA-34584: (MXRENAME13) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite, because it appears in the dimension list of unnamed composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34586: (MXRENAME14) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite, because unnamed composite <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in its dimension list.
- ORA-34588: (MXRENAME15) The object <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34592: (MXRENAME17) You cannot change <varname>workspace object</varname> to an unnamed composite, because it would cause the dependent object <varname>workspace object</varname> to exceed the limit for the number of named dimensions.
- ORA-34594: (MXROLLUP01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a data variable.
- ORA-34596: (MXROLLUP02) The data type (<varname>string</varname>) of <varname>workspace object</varname> is not INTEGER, DECIMAL, or SHORTDECIMAL.
- ORA-34598: (MXROLLUP03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not related to itself.
- ORA-34600: (MXROLLUP04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34602: (MXROLLUP05) You must specify which dimension to roll up, since <varname>workspace object</varname> has more than one dimension.
- ORA-34604: (MXROLLUP06) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relationship array.
- ORA-34606: (MXROLLUP07) <varname>workspace object</varname> does not yield values of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34608: (MXROLLUP08) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34610: (MXROLLUP09) The relationship array <varname>workspace object</varname> shares the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension with <varname>workspace object</varname>. It can only share the rollup dimension itself.
- ORA-34612: (MXSHELL01) Your program or expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.
- ORA-34614: (MXSHOWCD00) No command was given. There is nothing to show.
- ORA-34616: (MXSHOWCD01) No code is generated for the <varname>string</varname> command.
- ORA-34618: (MXSHOWCD02) The compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be displayed because the program has been hidden.
- ORA-34620: (MXSHOWCD03) No compiled code exists for <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34622: (MXSHOWCD04) No text exists for <varname>string</varname> <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34624: (MXSORT01) Sort criterion <varname>number</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34626: (MXSORT02) You must convert WORKSHEET values to a simple data type before using them as a sort criterion.
- ORA-34628: (MXSQL99) The SQL "<varname>string</varname>" command can only be used in a program, and it must be compiled before it can be executed.
- ORA-34630: (MXSQL00) The format of the SQL DECLARE command is:\n SQL DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR FOR select-command
- ORA-34632: (MXSQL01) The format of the SQL OPEN command is:\n SQL OPEN cursor-name
- ORA-34634: (MXSQL02) The format of the SQL CLOSE command is:\n SQL CLOSE cursor-name
- ORA-34636: (MXSQL03) The format of the SQL FETCH command is:\n SQL FETCH cursor-name [LOOP [count]] INTO :host-var [:host-var ...] [THEN filereadactions]
- ORA-34637: (MXSQL11) The format of the SQL IMPORT command is:\n SQL IMPORT cursor-name INTO :host-var [:host-var ...]\n [THEN filereadactions]
- ORA-34638: (MXSQL04) The format of the SQL CLEANUP command is:\n SQL CLEANUP
- ORA-34639: (MXSQL05) The format of the SQL SELECT command is:\n SQL SELECT rest of select statement INTO :host-var [:host-var ...] [THEN filereadactions]
- ORA-34642: (MXSQL08) The format of the SQL PREPARE command is:\n SQL PREPARE statement-name FROM non-select-command
- ORA-34644: (MXSQL09) The format of the SQL EXECUTE command is:\n SQL EXECUTE statement-name
- ORA-34646: (MXSQL10) The format of the SQL PROCEDURE command is:\n SQL PROCEDURE procedure-name [ ( parameter {, parameter} ) ]
- ORA-34647: (MXSQL18) The text expression in a CURSOR FOR TEXT declaration cannot be NA.
Cause: The text for the SELECT expression in a CURSOR FOR TEXT declaration was evaluated at compile time as NA.
- ORA-34648: (MXSQL19) The SQL command is incomplete.
- ORA-34650: (MXSQL20) The SELECT command is not supported by <varname>string</varname>. You must declare a cursor to retrieve SQL data.
- ORA-34652: (MXSQL21) The SQL command contains a syntax error.
- ORA-34654: (MXSQL23) Host variable expected; use :: to escape a colon.
- ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF <varname>cursor name</varname> syntax
Cause: A SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement tried to use the CURRENT of <varname>cursor name</varname> syntax with a WHERE clause containing multiple conditions.
- ORA-34658: (MXSQL25) The words CURSOR FOR TEXT must be followed by a compile-time text expression specifying a SELECT command.
Cause: A SQL DECLARE <varname>csr</varname> CURSOR FOR TEXT command lacked a text expression, or the expression was otherwise invalid.
- ORA-34660: (MXSQL26) SQL cursor <varname>string</varname> has already been declared in this compilation.
- ORA-34662: (MXSQL27) SQL statement <varname>string</varname> has already been prepared in this compilation.
- ORA-34665: (MXSQL30) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as a target host variable. You must specify one of its leaves, and then set the concat's status from that leaf.
- ORA-34666: (MXSWITCH01) Only one DEFAULT label is allowed in a SWITCH.
- ORA-34668: (MXSWITCH02) The format of a DEFAULT label statement is:\n DEFAULT:
- ORA-34670: (MXSWITCH03) Invalid syntax in case label expression
- ORA-34672: (MXSWITCH04) The format of a CASE label statement is:\n CASE case-expression:
- ORA-34674: (MXTRACE01) There is no trace in effect.
- ORA-34676: (MXTRAP01) <varname>string</varname> is not defined as a label.
- ORA-34680: (MXUPDATE03) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is read-only. Therefore, the UPDATE command will not save changes.
- ORA-34682: (MXUPDATE04) You have no attached analytic workspaces.
- ORA-34684: (MXUPDATE05) All of your attached analytic workspaces are read-only. Therefore, the UPDATE command will not save changes.
- ORA-34686: (MXVAR02) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid data type for a declarative statement.
- ORA-34688: (MXVAR03) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as a variable or argument type because it is the name of a dimension composite.
- ORA-34690: (MXWATCH01) There are no watchpoints set.
- ORA-34692: (MXXEQ01) A division by zero was attempted. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of division by zero.
- ORA-34694: (MXXEQ02) Unsupported conversion of RELATION data was attempted.
- ORA-34696: (MXXEQ03A) "<varname>number</varname>" is not a number.
- ORA-34698: (MXXEQ03B) "<varname>number</varname>" is not a Boolean.
- ORA-34700: (MXXEQ05) Function calls are too deeply nested to be evaluated.
- ORA-34702: (MXXEQ13) "<varname>number</varname>" is not a valid number format.
- ORA-34704: (MXXEQ14) "<varname>number</varname>" does not match number format "<varname>number</varname>".
- ORA-34706: (MXXEQ35) <varname>value</varname> is not a valid <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34708: (MXXEQ36) <varname>value</varname> does not exist.
- ORA-34710: (MXXEQ37) Positions in the product of breakout dimensions of an aggregation function cannot exceed 2**63.
- ORA-34712: (NAFILENAME) The expression identifying the file cannot be NA or blank.
- ORA-34716: (NLSCHARSET01) The XLTTABLE method of character set conversion is no longer supported.
- ORA-34718: (NLSCHARSET02) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid, installed NLS character set.
- ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT/TEXT conversion
Cause: When character set conversion happens between TEXT and NTEXT either implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in the destination character set.
- ORA-34720: (NLSCHARSET04) An unknown character set conversion error occurred.
- ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set, but the string contained characters that didn't exist in the new character set.
- ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set. The string required more bytes in the new encoding, and exceeded some byte limit on its allowable length, causing some characters to be removed from the end of the string.
- ORA-34730: (NLSCHARSET08) CAUTION: During character set conversion, some of hidden program <varname>workspace object</varname> was truncated or could not be converted.
- ORA-34731: (NLSSORT01) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid NLS_SORT specification.
Cause: An unrecognized NLS_SORT value was specified in the SORT command or the SORT, SORTLINES or UNIQUELINES function.
- ORA-34732: (NOCONSIDER) You have no current definition. Define an object or use the CONSIDER command before using the <varname>string</varname> command.
- ORA-34738: (NOUPDATE) A severe problem has been detected. Analytic workspace operations have been disabled.
Cause: A previous fatal error has marked the session so that it cannot perform any UPDATEs
- ORA-34740: (NOUPDATEDB) Because of a previous error, changes made to the <varname>string</varname> analytic workspace will not be saved.
- ORA-34744: (NPV01) Time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has a range in status of <varname>number</varname> periods. The maximum range allowed for the NPV function is <varname>number</varname> periods.
- ORA-34746: (NPV02) The interest rate in the NPV function is <varname>number</varname>. The value must be greater than -1.
- ORA-34748: (NUMARGS1) You supplied <varname>number</varname> argument(s) to the <varname>string</varname> function. You must supply at least <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-34750: (NUMARGS2) The <varname>string</varname> function cannot have any arguments.
- ORA-34752: (NUMARGS3) You supplied <varname>number</varname> arguments to the <varname>string</varname> function. It can have no more than <varname>number</varname> arguments.
- ORA-34754: (NUMARGS4) You supplied <varname>number</varname> argument(s) to a function that requires at least <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-34756: (NUMARGS5) You supplied arguments to a function that does not take arguments.
- ORA-34758: (NUMARGS6) You supplied <varname>number</varname> arguments to a function that can have no more than <varname>number</varname> arguments.
- ORA-34760: (NXHANDLE01) Decimal overflow in context that is unprotected by the DECIMALOVERFLOW option. Contact Oracle OLAP technical support.
- ORA-34761: (NXHANDLEALLO) A decimal overflow occurred during an ALLOCATE operation. The results are not reliable.
Cause: While performing an ALLOCATE, a decimal overflow occurred
- ORA-34762: (NXHANDLE02) A decimal overflow has occurred. Set DECIMALOVERFLOW to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a decimal overflow.
- ORA-34764: (NXHANDLE03) A decimal overflow occurred during a ROLLUP operation. The results are not reliable.
- ORA-34766: (NXHANDLE04) A decimal overflow occurred during an AGGREGATE operation. The results are not reliable.
- ORA-34768: (NXHANDLE05) A decimal overflow occurred while parsing the AGGMAP.
- ORA-34770: (OBJENG02) The object name argument to the OBJ function cannot be NA.
- ORA-34772: (OBJENG03) <varname>number</varname> contains more than one name.
- ORA-34774: (OBJENG04) '<varname>number</varname>' is not the name of a dimension or composite.
- ORA-34776: (OBJENG05) '<varname>number</varname>' is not the name of an analytic workspace object.
- ORA-34778: (OBJENG06) You cannot use the OBJ function on objects in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-34780: (OBJLIST01) Analytic workspace '<varname>string</varname>' is not attached.
- ORA-34782: (OBJSAVE2) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> already has the maximum number of objects (65535).
- ORA-34786: (OCI02) The total length of all output variables cannot be more than <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-34796: (OCI08) SQL host variable <varname>number</varname> cannot be bound.
Cause: The data type of the host variable is not supported.
- ORA-34798: (OCI09) OLAP OCI operation canceled.
- ORA-34800: (OCI10) OLAP OCI operation returned '<varname>string</varname>'.
- ORA-34802: (OCI11) OLAP OCI operation caused ROLLBACK past an UPDATE of an attached analytic workspace. Current operation canceled.
Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. The current operation is aborted, and the Analytic Workspace detached.
- ORA-34804: (OCI12) The value of SQL host variable <varname>number</varname> is too long. Use the WIDE keyword for columns that may exceed <varname>number</varname> bytes.
Cause: The host variable had a text value longer than the maximum SQL VARCHAR length
- ORA-34805: (OCI13) Statement <varname>number</varname> must have at least one host variable.
Cause: Statements prepared with DIRECT=YES must have at least one host variable.
- ORA-34806: (OCI14) Statement <varname>number</varname> can only be executed within an ACROSS command.
Cause: Statements prepared with DIRECT=YES must be executed in an ACROSS command.
- ORA-34828: (OFCENG01) You cannot specify a text dimension value for an INTEGER dimension.
- ORA-34830: (OFCENG02) The <varname>string</varname> function cannot be applied to the dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34832: (OFCENG03) <varname>number</varname> is not the name of a dimension or valueset.
- ORA-34833: (OFCENG04) The <varname>string</varname> function cannot be applied to the PARTITION TEMPLATE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34834: (OKUNDSS01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> must remain current because the <varname>workspace object</varname> program is still executing in it.
- ORA-34836: (OKUNDSS03) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> cannot be detached because a currently executing command depends upon an object (<varname>workspace object</varname>) it contains.
- ORA-34840: (OPCREATE01) The <varname>string</varname> option must be declared with datatype <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option with the wrong datatype.
- ORA-34841: (OPCREATE02) The <varname>string</varname> option must be declared with the READONLY attribute.
Cause: An attempt was made to declare the option without the READONLY attribute.
- ORA-34842: (OPTWIDTH) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>. It cannot be <varname>number</varname>. Its previous value was retained.
- ORA-34844: (OPUTNA00) You cannot set an option to NA. The previous value of <varname>workspace object</varname> was retained.
- ORA-34846: (OVERRIDE01) <varname>number</varname>
- ORA-34848: (PARSE01) The text to be parsed is NA.
- ORA-34850: (PARSE02) The expression is not properly constructed.
- ORA-34852: (PHASTOVC00) Unsupported type
- ORA-34854: (PMTSETUP00) Permission expression for <varname>workspace object</varname> is invalid and will be treated as FALSE.
- ORA-34856: (PMTSETUP01) Permission for <varname>workspace object</varname> does not have proper dimensionality of the BY expression.
- ORA-34858: (PMTUPDAT01) Permission expression for <varname>workspace object</varname> is invalid and will not be stored.
- ORA-34859: (PMTUPDAT07) Permission condition for <varname>workspace object</varname> contains an expression longer than <varname>number</varname> bytes and cannot be stored.
Cause: One of the components of the PERMIT condition was too long.
- ORA-34860: (PMTUPDAT02) You do not have PERMIT rights for <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34862: (PMTUPDAT03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension, so you cannot give it MAINTAIN permission.
- ORA-34864: (PMTUPDAT04) A BY clause cannot be given with <varname>string</varname> permission for <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34866: (PMTUPDAT05) You cannot apply permissions to dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname>. Instead, you can apply permissions to its base dimensions.
- ORA-34868: (PMTUPDAT06) You cannot apply permissions to dimension alias <varname>workspace object</varname>. Instead, you can apply permissions to the aliased dimension.
- ORA-34870: (PERMIT01) You do not have permission to read this value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34871: (PERMIT06) Session-only value '<varname>value</varname>' of <varname>workspace object</varname> has been deleted because a PERMIT change has revealed a duplicate value.
Cause: Execution of a PERMIT command revealed a permanent dimension or surrogate value having the same name as the SESSION value.
- ORA-34872: (PERMIT02) You do not have permission to write this value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34873: (PERMIT07) You cannot write this value of <varname>workspace object</varname> since it is readonly.
- ORA-34874: (PERMIT03) You do not have permission to run <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34876: (PERMIT04) You do not have permission to read AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-34877: (PERMIT05) You cannot apply permissions to concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>. Instead, you may apply permissions to its leaf dimension(s).
- ORA-34880: (PPDTORDR00) DATEORDER must be YMD, YDM, MYD, MDY, DYM, or DMY.
- ORA-34882: (PPENG00) The level name for <varname>string</varname> cannot be NA.
- ORA-34884: (PPENG01) <varname>number</varname> does not match a PUSHLEVEL command.
- ORA-34886: (PPENG02) The option <varname>workspace object</varname> is read-only. Since its value cannot be popped, it cannot be pushed.
- ORA-34888: (PPENG03) The status list for <varname>workspace object</varname> is protected by the TEMPSTAT command.
- ORA-34892: (PPESCCH01) The ESCAPECHAR option requires a single character.
- ORA-34894: (PPESCCH02) The '<varname>string</varname>' character is an invalid choice for the ESCAPECHAR option.
- ORA-34896: (PPMONTHS00) At least 12 month names must be given. Only <varname>number</varname> were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each month. Not enough names were provided.
- ORA-34897: (PPMONTHS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the MONTHNAMES option.
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the MONTHNAMES option. We do not allow blank month names.
- ORA-34900: (PPWKDAYS00) At least 7 day names must be given. Only <varname>number</varname> were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each day. Not enough names were provided.
- ORA-34901: (PPWKDAYS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the DAYNAMES option.
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the DAYNAMES option. We do not allow blank day names.
- ORA-34902: (PPWKDNY01) The value of WEEKDAYSNEWYEAR must be a number between 1 and 7.
- ORA-34904: (VCFMT001) must be multi-line
- ORA-34908: (VCFMT003) missing arg
- ORA-34910: (VCFMT004) duplicate
- ORA-34912: (VCFMT005) error during %%p permutation
- ORA-34914: (VCFMT006) non-numeric
- ORA-34916: (PRMPINIT001) ->
- ORA-34918: (PRMPINIT002) Continue>
- ORA-34920: (PRMPINIT003) More>
- ORA-34922: (PRMPINIT004) PRG>
- ORA-34924: (PRMPINIT005) PRG>
- ORA-34926: (PRMPINIT006) =>
- ORA-34928: (PRMPINIT007) MDL>
- ORA-34930: (PRMPINIT008) MDL>
- ORA-34934: (PRMPINIT010) AGGMAP>
- ORA-34936: (PRMPINIT011) AGGMAP>
- ORA-34946: (PRMPINIT031) Press <varname>Enter</varname> to continue.
- ORA-34956: (PRMPINIT200) exponentiate
- ORA-34957: (PRMPINIT217) compare
- ORA-34958: (PRMPINIT201) multiply
- ORA-34959: (PRMPINIT218) compare
- ORA-34960: (PRMPINIT202) divide
- ORA-34961: (PRMPINIT219) compare
- ORA-34962: (PRMPINIT203) add
- ORA-34964: (PRMPINIT204) subtract
- ORA-34966: (PRMPINIT205) compare
- ORA-34968: (PRMPINIT206) compare
- ORA-34970: (PRMPINIT207) compare
- ORA-34972: (PRMPINIT208) compare
- ORA-34974: (PRMPINIT209) compare
- ORA-34976: (PRMPINIT210) compare
- ORA-34978: (PRMPINIT211) compare
- ORA-34980: (PRMPINIT212) compare
- ORA-34982: (PRMPINIT213) AND
- ORA-34984: (PRMPINIT214) OR
- ORA-34986: (PRMPINIT215) NOT
- ORA-34988: (PRMPINIT216) negate
- ORA-34990: (PRNIMPRT01) CAUTION: <varname>number</varname> line(s) in a TEXT PRN file were too long. Each line was truncated to <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-34992: (PRNIMPRT02) CAUTION: <varname>number</varname> field(s) in a STRUCTURED PRN or CSV file were too long. Each field was truncated to <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-34994: (PRNIMPRT03) Unexpected EOF encountered in string while importing data.
- ORA-34996: (PRNIMPRT04) Unexpected character '<varname>character</varname>' at end of string.
- ORA-35000: (PRNRULER01) The RULER specification does not have any valid field descriptions.
- ORA-35002: (PRNRULER02) Zero is not a valid repeat count.
- ORA-35004: (PRNRULER03) The repeat count <varname>number</varname> was not followed by a field type.
- ORA-35006: (PRNRULER04) The character '<varname>character</varname>' is not a valid field type. The valid types are A, S and T.
- ORA-35008: (PRNRULER05) A field description (type <varname>character</varname>) did not include a field width.
- ORA-35010: (PRNRULER06) The width (<varname>number</varname>) for an A or T field was too large. The limit is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35012: (PRNRULER07) Zero is not a valid width for an S field.
- ORA-35014: (PRNRULER08) A repeat count or field width (<varname>string</varname>) was too large. The limit is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35016: (QFCHECK00) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have a mismatched type.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35017: (QFCHECK06) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have different partitioning methods.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35018: (QFCHECK01) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have a mismatched data type.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35019: (QFCHECK07) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have different partition dimensions.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35020: (QFCHECK02) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have mismatched dimensioning.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35021: (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of <varname>workspace object</varname> has some partitions that are not present in the existing Analytic Workspace object.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35022: (QFCHECK03) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have a mismatched relation.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35023: (QFCHECK09) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have incompatible partition definitions.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35024: (QFCHECK04) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have mismatched time dimension attributes.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35026: (QFCHECK05) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of <varname>workspace object</varname> have a mismatched ALIASOF dimension.
Cause: Importing from an EIF file or LOB into an existing Analytic Workspace object failed because the definition of the existing object was too different from the definition of the object in the EIF file or LOB.
- ORA-35028: (QFASCII00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35029: (QFPART00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35030: (QFDATA00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35031: (QFSVNS00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
Cause: The EIF file contains a compressed composite with defective aggregation data.
- ORA-35032: (QFDATA01) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35034: (QFDATA02) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35036: (QFGETBUF00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35038: (QFGETHDR00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35040: (QFOBJECT90) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35042: (QFOBJECT92) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35044: (QFOBJECT93) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35046: (QFOBJECT94) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35048: (QFOBJECT97) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35050: (QFPUTILP97) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35052: (QFPUTILP98) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35054: (QFPUTILP99) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35056: (QFSTRING00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35058: (QFVC00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35060: (QFVC01) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
- ORA-35062: (QFGET01) Duplicate files found for extension number <varname>number</varname> of EIF file <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and found two EIF extension files with the same name (differing at most by the case used in the final name component.
- ORA-35064: (QFGET02) " <varname>number</varname> bytes read in <varname>number</varname> seconds."
- ORA-35066: (QFGET03) Extension number <varname>number</varname> is missing for EIF file <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and could not find the appropriately numbered extension file.
- ORA-35070: (QFHEAD00) File <varname>string</varname> is not in EIF format, so you cannot import it with the EIF specification.
- ORA-35071: (QFHEAD06) EIF file <varname>string</varname> cannot be imported because analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> has not been upgraded to version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to import from an EIF file that was created by a newer version of the product into an AW that was created by a older version of the product.
- ORA-35072: (QFHEAD01) EIF file <varname>string</varname> cannot be imported.
- ORA-35074: (QFHEAD02) EIF file <varname>string</varname> cannot be read by this version of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The EIF file was created with an internal version number indicating it may contain objects that are not compatible with the current Oracle OLAP version, or the EIF file is in an obsolete format.
- ORA-35076: (QFHEAD04) CAUTION: The textual data in EIF file <varname>string</varname> is encoded in a character set that is not recognized by this version of <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: IMPORT could not recognize the character set specification in the EIF file.
- ORA-35078: (QFHEAD05) An EIF extension file header for <varname>string</varname> is not in the correct format.
Cause: An EIF extension file in multi-file IMPORT did not contain correct header information.
- ORA-35080: (QFOBJECT01) You cannot rename dimensions when you import them. The <varname>string</varname> dimension cannot be imported as <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35082: (QFOBJECT02) You cannot import changes to the <varname>workspace object</varname> program now, because it is currently executing.
- ORA-35084: (QFOBJECT06) CAUTION: <varname>string</varname> is being imported. However, this is a reserved word, so you must rename the new object before you can use it.
- ORA-35086: (QFOBJECT07) " <varname>number</varname> dimension values "
- ORA-35087: (QFOBJECT09) <varname>number</varname>\nInvalid
- ORA-35088: (QFOBJECT08) " <varname>number</varname> dimension value combinations "
- ORA-35090: (QFPARSE00) The object <varname>string</varname> cannot be imported because it does not exist in the EIF file.
- ORA-35092: (QFPARSE01) You cannot import the object <varname>string</varname> into both <varname>string</varname> and <varname>string</varname> at the same time. To import an object into two different analytic workspaces, use two separate IMPORT commands with different INTO arguments.
- ORA-35094: (QFPARSE02) The object <varname>string</varname> cannot be imported into analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because an object named <varname>string</varname> already exists in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>. To force a new <varname>string</varname> to be created, use an INTO argument on the IMPORT command.
- ORA-35095: (QFSVNS01) One or more imported values of fixed-width dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> have been truncated.
Cause: The data in the EIF file was exported from a dimension with wider values than the target dimension will accommodate.
- ORA-35096: (QUAFEOF) An unexpected end-of-file occurred in the EIF file. Check to make sure you have all the imported data that you expected.
- ORA-35098: (RDPOW01) You cannot raise zero to a negative power.
- ORA-35100: (RDPOW02) You cannot raise a negative number to a non-integer power.
- ORA-35102: (READONLY00) The option <varname>workspace object</varname> is read-only. Its previous value was retained.
- ORA-35104: (REALDTOK01) "<varname>string</varname>" is not a number.
- ORA-35106: (REGRESS00) The regression was not calculated because of a linear relationship between your independent variables.
Cause: The values of the specified independent variables are not independent. For example, one may be a multiple of the other.
- ORA-35108: (REGRESS01) The number of non-NA observations with weights greater than zero (<varname>number</varname>) is too small to calculate a regression.
- ORA-35110: (REGRESS02) The number of independent variables cannot exceed <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35112: (REGRESS03) Regression Analysis
- ORA-35114: (REGRESS04) Dependent Variable:
- ORA-35116: (REGRESS05) WEIGHTBY Variable:
- ORA-35118: (REGRESS06) Regressor
- ORA-35120: (REGRESS07) Coefficient
- ORA-35122: (REGRESS08) Std. Error
- ORA-35124: (REGRESS09) T-ratio
- ORA-35126: (REGRESS10) Corrected R-square
- ORA-35128: (REGRESS11) F-Statistic (%1 %2)
- ORA-35130: (REGRESS12) Number of observations
- ORA-35132: (REGRESS13) Standard error of estimate
- ORA-35134: (RGACCUM01) A weighted regression cannot be calculated if any of the weights specified is less than zero.
- ORA-35136: (RGINFO00) There is no saved regression information for the INFO function to retrieve.
- ORA-35138: (RPACROSS01) You must specify dimension values if you use <varname>string</varname> in an ACROSS phrase.
- ORA-35140: (RPACROSS02) ACROSS must be followed by the name of a dimension or an expression with one dimension.
- ORA-35142: (RPCOLUMN01) Multiple ACROSS phrases specifying the same dimension (<varname>workspace object</varname>) cannot be given for the same column.
- ORA-35144: (RPFORMAT01) The value of the <varname>string</varname> attribute in column <varname>number</varname> is NA.
- ORA-35146: (RPFORMAT02) The value of the <varname>string</varname> attribute in column <varname>number</varname> is negative.
- ORA-35148: (RPFORMAT03) The value of the <varname>string</varname> attribute in column <varname>number</varname> is zero.
- ORA-35150: (RPFORMAT04) The INDENT value for column <varname>number</varname> equals or exceeds the WIDTH.
- ORA-35152: (RPFORMAT05) Column <varname>number</varname> extends past the maximum length (<varname>number</varname>) of a report line.
- ORA-35154: (RSEXECUT01) The <varname>string</varname> function can only be used in a ROW or REPORT command.
- ORA-35156: (RSEXECUT02) An argument to <varname>string</varname> was NA.
- ORA-35158: (RSEXECUT03) Column index <varname>number</varname> in <varname>string</varname> is before the first or after the last report column.
- ORA-35160: (RSEXECUT04) Totaling level index <varname>number</varname> in <varname>string</varname> is not between 1 and 256.
- ORA-35162: (RSEXECUT05) The column number (<varname>number</varname>) in <varname>string</varname> must be greater than zero.
- ORA-35164: (RSEXECUT06) An argument (<varname>number</varname>) to <varname>string</varname> must be zero or greater.
- ORA-35166: (SIGENG01) <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-35168: (SIGENG02) (<varname>number</varname>) Contact the administrator of your <varname>string</varname> application.
- ORA-35170: (SIGENG03) The "errorname" argument to the SIGNAL command is NA.
- ORA-35171: you may not signal error number <varname>string</varname> with the SIGNAL command
Cause: The user attempted to explicitly signal an invalid error number with the OLAP DML SIGNAL command
- ORA-35172: (SNCHILD01) There is duplicate information beginning at <varname>string</varname>, or this information conflicts with a keyword.
- ORA-35174: (SNSYN100) The word <varname>string</varname> must be followed by a name.
- ORA-35176: (SNSYN101) The format of the AGGMAPINFO function is:\n \n AGGMAPINFO(aggmap-name { RELATIONS | NUMRELS | AGGINDEX | STORE | SHARE | FCACHE | MAPTYPE | { RELATION | PRECOMPUTE | STATUS } expression})
- ORA-35178: (SNSYN102) The format of the INFILE command is:\n \n INFILE {EOF | filename} [NOW] [NLS_CHARSET name] [TABEXPAND expression]
- ORA-35180: (SNSYN103) The format of the OUTFILE command is:\n \n OUTFILE [APPEND] {EOF | TRACEFILE | filename [NOCACHE] [NLS_CHARSET name]}
Cause: The user specified incorrect syntax for the OUTFILE command.
- ORA-35182: (SNSYN104) The format of the WKSDATA function is:\n \n WKSDATA(worksheetname)
- ORA-35184: (SNSYN105) The dimension name (<varname>string</varname>) must be followed by one of these keywords: TO, KEEP, ADD, REMOVE, COMPLEMENT, SORT, or INSERT.
- ORA-35186: (SNSYN106) The word <varname>string</varname> must be followed by an argument such as a dimension value.
- ORA-35188: (SNSYN107) The word <varname>string</varname> must be followed by an expression.
- ORA-35190: (SNSYN108) The TOP or BOTTOM value (<varname>string</varname>) must be followed by the keyword BASEDON or PERCENTOF and an expression.
- ORA-35192: (SNSYN109) The dimension name must be followed by a sort order (A or D) and a sort criterion expression.
- ORA-35194: (SNSYN110) The format of the INFO function is:\n \n INFO({FORECAST|PARSE|REGRESS|MODEL} choice [index1 [index2 ...]])
- ORA-35196: (SNSYN111) The format of the CHARLIST function is:\n \n CHARLIST(expression [dimension1 [dimension2 ...]])
- ORA-35198: (SNSYN112) The dimension name (<varname>string</varname>) must be followed by one of these keywords: ADD, DELETE, MERGE, MOVE, or RENAME.
- ORA-35200: (SNSYN113) An angle bracket (>) is missing after <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35202: (SNSYN114) A right parenthesis or an operator is expected after <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35204: (SNSYN115) A label is missing after <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35206: (SNSYN116) The word UNION must be followed by a parenthesized list of LIST clauses.
- ORA-35208: (SNSYN117) An expression, SKIP, <, or ACROSS must follow '<varname>string</varname>', or this expression conflicts with a keyword.
- ORA-35210: (SNSYN118) A colon (:) is required after an ACROSS phrase.
- ORA-35212: (SNSYN119) The format of the UNRAVEL function is:\n \n UNRAVEL(expression [dimension1 [dimension2 ...]])
- ORA-35214: (SNSYN120) The format of the COMPILE command is:\n \n COMPILE name [THREADS #]
- ORA-35216: (SNSYN121) The fileunit (<varname>string</varname>) must be followed by an attribute (such as DATE) and a new value for the attribute.
- ORA-35218: (SNSYN122) The format of LEAD and the LAG functions is:\n \n function(time-series nperiods time-dimension [STATUS|NOSTATUS])
- ORA-35220: (SNSYN123) The format of the EXISTS function is:\n \n EXISTS(text-expression)
- ORA-35222: (SNSYN135) The format of the EXTCHARS function is:\n \n EXTCHARS(text-expression [start [length]])
- ORA-35224: (SNSYN136) The format of the EXTLINES function is:\n \n EXTLINES(text-expression [start [length]])
- ORA-35226: (SNSYN137) The format of the FINDCHARS function is:\n \n FINDCHARS(search-text find-text [start [LINENUM]])
- ORA-35228: (SNSYN138) The format of the FINDLINES function is:\n \n FINDLINES(search-text find-text)
- ORA-35230: (SNSYN139) The format of the JOINCHARS function is:\n \n JOINCHARS(text-expression1 text-expression2 ...)
- ORA-35232: (SNSYN140) The format of the JOINLINES function is:\n \n JOINLINES(text-expression1 text-expression2 ...)
- ORA-35234: (SNSYN141) The format of the NUMCHARS function is:\n \n NUMCHARS(text-expression)
- ORA-35236: (SNSYN142) The format of the NUMLINES function is:\n \n NUMLINES(text-expression)
- ORA-35238: (SNSYN143) The format of the UPCASE function is:\n \n UPCASE(text-expression)
- ORA-35240: (SNSYN144) The format of the TEXTFILL function is:\n \n TEXTFILL(text-expression width)
- ORA-35242: (SNSYN145) The format of the INSCHARS function is:\n \n INSCHARS(text-expression characters [after-position])
- ORA-35244: (SNSYN146) The format of the INSLINES function is:\n \n INSLINES(text-expression newtext [after-expression])
- ORA-35246: (SNSYN147) The format of the REMCHARS function is:\n \n REMCHARS(text-expression start [length])
- ORA-35248: (SNSYN148) The format of the REMLINES function is:\n \n REMLINES(text-expression start [length])
- ORA-35250: (SNSYN149) The format of the REPLCHARS function is:\n \n REPLCHARS(text-expression characters [start-position])
- ORA-35252: (SNSYN150) The format of the REPLLINES function is:\n \n REPLLINES(text-expression newtext [start-line])
- ORA-35254: (SNSYN151) The format of the SORTLINES function is:\n \n SORTLINES(text-expression [A|D] [nls_sort [sort-exp]])
- ORA-35256: (SNSYN152) The format of the INLIST function is:\n \n INLIST(text-master text-sublist)
- ORA-35258: (SNSYN153) The format of the BLANKSTRIP function is:\n \n BLANKSTRIP(text-expression [LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH])
- ORA-35260: (SNSYN154) The format of the ARG function is:\n \n ARG(n)\nwhere "n" specifies the number of the argument to be returned.
- ORA-35262: (SNSYN155) The format of the QUAL function is:\n \n QUAL(expression dimension1 dimvalue [dimension2 dimvalue ...])
- ORA-35264: (SNSYN156) The format of the ARGFR function is:\n \n ARGFR(start-arg-no)
- ORA-35266: (SNSYN157) The format of the CONVERT function is:\n \n CONVERT(expression datatype [options])
- ORA-35268: (SNSYN158) The format of the OBJ function is:\n \n OBJ(choice ['name']) or OBJ(choice [text-expression])
- ORA-35270: (SNSYN159) The format for this type of aggregation function is:\n \n function(expression [[STATUS] dimensions])
- ORA-35272: (SNSYN161) The ROWTOTALS attribute must immediately precede an ACROSS keyword.
- ORA-35274: (SNSYN162) The first argument to GET must be a data type or the name of a dimension optionally preceded by the word NEW or VALID.
- ORA-35276: (SNSYN163) The format of the ALLOCATE command is:\n \n ALLOCATE varname [SOURCE svarname] [BASIS bvarname [ACROSS dimname]] [TARGET tvarname [TARGETLOG logvarname]] [USING aggmap]
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the ALLOCATE command.
- ORA-35278: (SNSYN164) A right parenthesis [)] is missing after "<varname>string</varname>".
- ORA-35280: (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is:\n \n AGGREGATE varname1 [varname2 varname3 ...] [USING aggmap-name] [COUNTVAR intvar-name1 [intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...]] [FUNCDATA] [FORCEORDER] [PARALLEL #] [{FROM|FROMVAR} fromname [, fromname2 ...]]
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE command.
- ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is:\n \n AGGREGATE(varname [USING aggmap-name] [COUNTVAR intvar-name] [FORCECALC] [FORCEORDER] [{FROM|FROMVAR} fromname [, fromname2 ...]])
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE function.
- ORA-35284: (SNSYN167) The format of the IRR function is:\n \n IRR(cashflows time-dimension)
- ORA-35286: (SNSYN168) The format of the NPV function is:\n \n NPV(cashflows discount-rate time-dimension)
- ORA-35288: (SNSYN169) The format of a moving function is:\n \n function(expression, start, stop, stepsize, dimension)
- ORA-35290: (SNSYN170) The format of the CUMSUM function is:\n \n CUMSUM(expression [STATUS] dimension [resetdimension])
- ORA-35292: (SNSYN171) The format of the ISVALUE function is:\n \n ISVALUE(dimension expression)
- ORA-35294: (SNSYN173) The format of the STATLEN function is:\n \n STATLEN(dimension)
- ORA-35296: (SNSYN174) The format of the STATLIST function is:\n \n STATLIST(dimension [INTEGER] [width])
- ORA-35298: (SNSYN175) The format of the STATFIRST function is:\n \n STATFIRST(dimension)
- ORA-35300: (SNSYN176) The format of the STATLAST function is:\n \n STATLAST(dimension)
- ORA-35302: (SNSYN177) The format of the STATMIN function is:\n \n STATMIN(dimension)
- ORA-35304: (SNSYN178) The format of the STATMAX function is:\n \n STATMAX(dimension)
- ORA-35306: (SNSYN179) The format of the STATVAL function is:\n \n STATVAL(dimension nth-value-to-find [INTEGER])
- ORA-35308: (SNSYN180) The format of the STATRANK function is:\n \n STATRANK(dimension [dimension-value])
- ORA-35310: (SNSYN181) The format of the INSTAT function is:\n \n INSTAT(dimension dimension-value)
- ORA-35312: (SNSYN182) The format of the COLVAL function is:\n \n COLVAL(column-number)
- ORA-35314: (SNSYN183) The format of the RUNTOTAL function is:\n \n RUNTOTAL(subtotal-number)
- ORA-35316: (SNSYN184) The format of the SUBTOTAL function is:\n \n SUBTOTAL(subtotal-number)
- ORA-35318: (SNSYN185) The format of the INTPART function is:\n \n INTPART(expression)
- ORA-35320: (SNSYN186) The format of the SQRT function is:\n \n SQRT(expression)
- ORA-35322: (SNSYN187) The format of the LOG function is:\n \n LOG(expression)
- ORA-35324: (SNSYN188) The format of the LOG10 function is:\n \n LOG10(expression)
- ORA-35326: (SNSYN189) The format of the ABS function is:\n \n ABS(expression)
- ORA-35328: (SNSYN190) The format of the REM function is:\n \n REM(expression1 expression2)
- ORA-35330: (SNSYN191) The format of the MIN function is:\n \n MIN(expression1 expression2)
- ORA-35332: (SNSYN192) The format of the MAX function is:\n \n MAX(expression1 expression2)
- ORA-35334: (SNSYN194) The format of the VALUE function is:\n \n VALUE( )
- ORA-35336: (SNSYN195) The format of the FILEOPEN function is:\n \n FILEOPEN(filename-expression {READ | WRITE | APPEND} [BINARY] [NLS_CHARSET name])
- ORA-35338: (SNSYN196) The format of the FILEGET function is:\n \n FILEGET(fileunit [LENGTH n])
- ORA-35340: (SNSYN197) The format of the FILEQUERY function is:\n \n FILEQUERY({fileunit-number | filename-expression} attribute)
- ORA-35342: (SNSYN198) The format of the SYSVAR function is:\n \n SYSVAR(system-variable-name)
- ORA-35344: (SNSYN199) The format of the VALUES function is:\n \n VALUES(dimension [STATUS|NOSTATUS] [INTEGER])
- ORA-35346: (SNSYN201) The format of the LOWCASE function is:\n \n LOWCASE(text-expression)
- ORA-35348: (SNSYN202) Invalid format for the FORECAST command.
- ORA-35349: (SNSYN203) The format of the BASEVAL function is:\n \n BASEVAL(concat-dimension)
- ORA-35350: (SNSYN206) The format of the KEY function is:\n \n KEY(conjoint-dimension, base-dimension)
- ORA-35351: (SNSYN204) The format of the BASEDIM function is:\n \n BASEDIM(concat-dimension [LEAF])
- ORA-35352: (SNSYN207) The format of the COMSET command is:\n \n COMSET TYPE SOCKET
- ORA-35353: (SNSYN205) The format of the MDQUERY function is:\n \n MDQUERY(object-type, schema-name, object-name [, refresh|norefresh])
- ORA-35354: (SNSYN208) The format of the COMSET function is:\n \n COMSET(TYPE)
- ORA-35355: (SNSYN209) Invalid format for the AW command.
- ORA-35356: (SNSYN210) The format of the NUMTODSINTERVAL function is:\n \n NUMTODSINTERVAL(number, day|hour|minute|second)
- ORA-35357: (SNSYN211) The format of the NUMTOYMINTERVAL function is:\n \n NUMTOYMINTERVAL(number, year|month)
- ORA-35358: (SNSYN214) The format of the NAFILL function is:\n \n NAFILL( source-exp, fill-exp )
- ORA-35360: (SNSYN215) The format of the FILENEXT function is:\n \n FILENEXT(fileunit)
- ORA-35362: (SNSYN216) The format of the RECNO function is:\n \n RECNO(fileunit)
- ORA-35364: (SNSYN217) The format of the ROUND function is:\n \n ROUND(expression1 [, expression2])
- ORA-35366: (SNSYN218) The format for exporting an expression is "expression AS name" or "SCATTER AS namevar [ TYPE typevar ]".
- ORA-35368: (SNSYN219) The format of the ROW function is:\n \n ROW(list-of-column-descriptions)
- ORA-35370: (SNSYN220) The format of the AW function is:\n \n AW(subfunction [, analytic workspace-name-expression])
- ORA-35372: (SNSYN221) The format of the OBJLIST function is:\n \n OBJLIST[(analytic workspace-list-expression)]
- ORA-35374: (SNSYN222) The format of the UNIQUELINES function is:\n \n UNIQUELINES(text-expression [nls_sort [sort-exp]])
- ORA-35376: (SNSYN223) The format of the JOINCOLS function is:\n \n JOINCOLS(text-expression1 [, text-expression2 ... ])
- ORA-35378: (SNSYN224) The format of the EXTCOLS function is:\n \n EXTCOLS(text-expression [start [length]])
- ORA-35380: (SNSYN225) The format of the REMCOLS function is:\n \n REMCOLS(text-expression, start [, length])
- ORA-35382: (SNSYN226) The format of the REPLCOLS function is:\n \n REPLCOLS(text-expression, overlay-expression [, start-position])
- ORA-35384: (SNSYN227) The format of the INSCOLS function is:\n \n INSCOLS(text-expression, insert-expression [, after-position])
- ORA-35386: (SNSYN228) The format of MCALC is:\n \n MCALC(expression [ALWAYS] [SCREENBY expr] \n [method [OF] member-expr [WEIGHTBY expr]] ...)
- ORA-35388: (SNSYN229) The format of the DDOF function is:\n \n DDOF(expression)
- ORA-35390: (SNSYN230) The format of the MMOF function is:\n \n MMOF(expression)
- ORA-35392: (SNSYN231) The format of the YYOF function is:\n \n YYOF(expression)
- ORA-35394: (SNSYN232) The format of the DAYOF function is:\n \n DAYOF(expression)
- ORA-35396: (SNSYN233) The format of the SIN function is:\n \n SIN(expression)
- ORA-35398: (SNSYN234) The format of the COS function is:\n \n COS(expression)
- ORA-35400: (SNSYN235) The format of the MAKEDATE function is:\n \n MAKEDATE(year month day)
- ORA-35402: (SNSYN236) The format of the ANTILOG function is:\n \n ANTILOG(expression)
- ORA-35404: (SNSYN237) The format of the ANTILOG10 function is:\n \n ANTILOG10(expression)
- ORA-35406: (SNSYN238) The format of the ROLLUP command is:\n \n ROLLUP variable [OVER dimension] [USING relationship]
- ORA-35408: (SNSYN239) The format of the STARTOF function is:\n \n STARTOF(expression)
- ORA-35410: (SNSYN240) The format of the ENDOF function is:\n \n ENDOF(expression)
- ORA-35412: (SNSYN241) The format of the BEGINDATE function is :\n \n BEGINDATE(time-dimension-value)
- ORA-35414: (SNSYN242) The format of the ENDDATE function is :\n \n ENDDATE(time-dimension-value)
- ORA-35416: (SNSYN243) The format of the TCONVERT function is:\n \n TCONVERT(expression time-dimension method [method])
- ORA-35418: (SNSYN244) The format of the FILEERROR function is:\n \n FILEERROR(TYPE | POSITION | WIDTH | VALUE | DIMENSION | RESET)
- ORA-35420: (SNSYN245) The format of a payment or interest function is:\n \n FUNCTION(principal, rate, num-payments [time-dimension])
- ORA-35422: (SNSYN246) The format of the DEPRSL function is:\n \n DEPRSL(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [FULL | HALF | exp, [time-dim]])
- ORA-35424: (SNSYN247) The format of DEPRDECL is:\n \n DEPRDECL(beg, end, n-pds, [decl-factor,\n [FULL | HALF | exp, [time dim]]])
- ORA-35426: (SNSYN248) The format of the DEPRSOYD function is:\n \n DEPRSOYD(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [FULL | HALF | exp, [time-dim]])
- ORA-35428: (SNSYN249) The format of the GROWRATE function is:\n \n GROWRATE(expression [time dim])
- ORA-35430: (SNSYN250) The format of the NORMAL function is:\n \n NORMAL(mean, standard-deviation)
- ORA-35432: (SNSYN251) The format of DEPRDECLSW is:\n \n DEPRDECLSW(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [decl-factor,\n FULL|HALF|exp, [sw-pd, [time dim]]]])
- ORA-35434: (SNSYN265) Invalid format for CHGDFN command.
- ORA-35436: (SNSYN267) The format of the WEEKOF function is:\n \n WEEKOF(expression)
- ORA-35438: (SNSYN268) The format of the PERMIT command is: \n \n PERMIT READ|WRITE|MAINTAIN|PERMIT [WHEN bool-exp [BY bool-exp]]
- ORA-35440: (SNSYN269) The format of the PERMITRESET command is: \n \n PERMITRESET [name] [READ|WRITE]
- ORA-35442: (SNSYN270) The format of the PROPERTY command is:\n \n PROPERTY {prop-name [,] value} | {DELETE {ALL | prop-name}}
- ORA-35444: (SNSYN271) The format of the TRANSLATEBYTES function is:\n \n TRANSLATEBYTES(text 256-char-table)
- ORA-35446: (SNSYN274) The format of the LIMIT function is:\n \n LIMIT(limit arguments)
- ORA-35448: (SNSYN276) The keyword USING must be followed by a dimension list in angle brackets <varname></varname>.
- ORA-35450: (SNSYN277) The format of the CHANGECHARS function is:\n \n CHANGECHARS(text-expr oldtext newtext [num-to-change] [UPCASE])
- ORA-35456: (SNSYN281) The word <varname>string</varname> must be followed by an unsigned number.
- ORA-35458: (SNSYN282) The format of the ARCSIN function is:\n \n ARCSIN(expression)
- ORA-35460: (SNSYN283) The format of the ARCTAN function is:\n \n ARCTAN(expression)
- ORA-35462: (SNSYN284) The format of the COSH function is:\n \n COSH(expression)
- ORA-35464: (SNSYN285) The format of the SINH function is:\n \n SINH(expression)
- ORA-35466: (SNSYN286) The format of the TANH function is:\n \n TANH(expression)
- ORA-35468: (SNSYN287) The format of the TAN function is:\n \n TAN(expression)
- ORA-35470: (SNSYN288) The format of the ARCCOS function is:\n \n ARCCOS(expression)
- ORA-35472: (SNSYN301) The format of the MAXCHARS function is:\n \n MAXCHARS(text-expression)
- ORA-35474: (SNSYN305) The format of the STATALL function is:\n \n STATALL(dimension)
- ORA-35476: (SNSYN306) The format of the EXTBYTES function is:\n \n EXTBYTES(text-expression [start [length]])
- ORA-35478: (SNSYN307) The format of the FINDBYTES function is:\n \n FINDBYTES(search-text find-text [start [LINENUM]])
- ORA-35480: (SNSYN308) The format of the JOINBYTES function is:\n \n JOINBYTES(text-expression1 text-expression2 ...)
- ORA-35482: (SNSYN309) The format of the NUMBYTES function is:\n \n NUMBYTES(text-expression)
- ORA-35484: (SNSYN310) The format of the INSBYTES function is:\n \n INSBYTES(text-expression bytes [after-position])
- ORA-35486: (SNSYN311) The format of the REMBYTES function is:\n \n REMBYTES(text-expression start [length])
- ORA-35488: (SNSYN312) The format of the REPLBYTES function is:\n \n REPLBYTES(text-expression bytes [start-position])
- ORA-35490: (SNSYN313) The format of the CHANGEBYTES function is:\n \n CHANGEBYTES(text-expression oldtext newtext [number-to-change])
- ORA-35492: (SNSYN314) The format of the MAXBYTES function is:\n \n MAXBYTES(text-expression)
- ORA-35494: (SNSYN315) The word ACROSS must be followed by a dimension name.
- ORA-35496: (SNSYN316) The format of the FILTERLINES function is:\n \n FILTERLINES(source-exp, filter-exp)
- ORA-35498: (SNSYN318) The format of the DBGOUTFILE command is:\n \n DBGOUTFILE [APPEND] {EOF | filename [NOCACHE]}
- ORA-35500: (SNSYN319) The format of the OBSCURE function is:\n \n OBSCURE ({HASH | HIDE | UNHIDE} seed-text, input-text)
- ORA-35502: (SNSYN324) INSERT must be followed by FIRST, LAST, BEFORE dimension-value, or AFTER dimension-value.
- ORA-35504: (SNSYN325) Invalid format for IMPORT command.
- ORA-35510: (SNSYN330) The format of the CATEGORIZE function is:\n \n CATEGORIZE(expression {group literal list | group expression})
- ORA-35512: (SNSYN331) The format of the CORRELATION function is:\n \n CORRELATION(expression1, expression2, method, [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]])
- ORA-35514: (SNSYN332) The format of the MODE function is:\n \n MODE(expression, BASEDON dimension)
- ORA-35516: (SNSYN333) The format of the PERCENTAGE function is:\n \n PERCENTAGE(expression [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]])
- ORA-35518: (SNSYN334) The format of the RANK function is:\n \n RANK(expression, method, BASEDON dimension)
- ORA-35520: (SNSYN335) The format of the SMOOTH function is:\n \n SMOOTH(expression, method, parameters [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]])
- ORA-35522: (SNSYN336) The format of the NLSITEMS function is:\n \n NLSITEMS({LANGUAGE | TERRITORY})
- ORA-35524: (SNSYN337) The format of the NLSAVAIL function is:\n \n NLSAVAIL({LANGUAGE | TERRITORY} itemname)
- ORA-35526: (SORTENG10A) The expression for TOP or BOTTOM has a value of NA.
- ORA-35528: (SORTENG10B) In the TOP or BOTTOM phrase, you requested a negative number of dimension values (<varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-35529: (SORTENG10D) You cannot sort more than 2**31 - 1 values.
- ORA-35530: (SORTENG10C) You cannot specify a percentage greater than 100 or less than 0. You requested <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35532: (SPSFILE1) The file you specified is not in <varname>string</varname> format.
- ORA-35534: (SPSFILE2) <varname>string</varname> files require worksheets with only two dimensions.
- ORA-35536: (SPSFILE3) PRN files require worksheets with only two dimensions.
- ORA-35538: (SPSIDIF01) A record (<varname>string</varname>) that was not in DIF format was read while importing file <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35540: (SPSIWKS1) An unexpected end-of-file occurred in spreadsheet file <varname>string</varname>. Check your data to make sure you imported all you expected.
- ORA-35542: (SPSRREC01) An unexpected end-of-file occurred while importing file <varname>string</varname>. Check your data to make sure you imported all you expected.
- ORA-35544: (SQA03) The SQL data in column <varname>number</varname> of your fetch statement cannot be converted to type <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35548: (SQCGEXE01) SQL statement-name '<varname>string</varname>' has not been prepared in the current program.
- ORA-35550: (SQCGOPN01) SQL cursor '<varname>string</varname>' has not been declared in the current program.
- ORA-35554: (SQCSRNAM00) SQL cursor name '<varname>number</varname>' has an invalid length of <varname>number</varname>. A cursor name must have a length of 1 to 18 bytes, inclusive.
- ORA-35556: (SQCSRNAM01) SQL cursor name '<varname>number</varname>' has an invalid first character. Use a-z, @, # or $.
- ORA-35558: (SQCSRNAM02) SQL cursor name '<varname>number</varname>' contains an invalid character. Use a-z, 0-9, @, #, $ and _.
- ORA-35559: (SQCSRNAM03) SQL cursor name cannot be INTO.
- ORA-35560: (SQGETCD01) Conjoint dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be an input host variable. You can use the current values of its bases via the KEY function.
- ORA-35561: (XSRWLD01) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid target.
Cause: An invalid object was specified as a target.
- ORA-35562: (SQLIMP01) The SQL IMPORT command will produce <varname>number</varname> columns of output, but you have provided <varname>number</varname> host variables in your INTO clause.
Cause: The expression is the source query do not match the targets in the INTO clause.
- ORA-35563: (XSRWLD17) Multiple values exist for an attribute of this dimension member.
Cause: Multiple source table rows containing different values for a dimension attribute were found. Only the first of the multiple rows has been loaded.
- ORA-35564: (XSRWLD02) Cannot convert from the <varname>string</varname> type to the <varname>string</varname> type.
Cause: Conversion from source to target is not allowed
- ORA-35565: (XSRWLD03) For object <varname>workspace object</varname> only APPEND, MATCH or ASSIGN may be used.
Cause: An incorrect setting was applied to the target
- ORA-35566: (XSRWLD04) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used with QDRs
Cause: A QDR was placed on a target dimension
- ORA-35568: (SQLIMP03) The datatype of variable <varname>number</varname> should be INTEGER, LONGINTEGER or SHORTINTEGER.
Cause: The target variable was not INTEGER, LONGINTEGER or SHORTINTEGER.
- ORA-35569: (XSRWLD05) An error was encountered in converting data <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname> in column <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The data could not be converted to the target datatype.
- ORA-35570: (XSRWLD06) A column value is not a valid member of its target dimension.
Cause: The source value for a dimension is not an existing member of the dimension.
- ORA-35571: (XSRWLD07) The maximum number of load errors has occurred. No changes from this step were committed to the database.
Cause: The number of load errors exceeded the specified maximum.
- ORA-35572: (XSRWLD08) A column value is not a valid member of its related dimension.
Cause: The source data for a relation is not a member of the related dimension.
- ORA-35573: (XSRWLD09) An incoming dimension value is null.
Cause: A source value for a dimension is null.
- ORA-35574: (SQLOUT02) SQL cursor '<varname>number</varname>' is not known in the current logical unit of work.
- ORA-35575: (SQLOUT04) The <varname>string</varname> command will produce <varname>number</varname> columns of output, but you have provided <varname>number</varname> host variables in your INTO clause.
- ORA-35576: (SQLOUT09) SQL cursor '<varname>number</varname>' is not open.
- ORA-35577: (SQLOUT10) SQL cursor '<varname>number</varname>' has already been declared with a different SELECT statement.
- ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor '<varname>number</varname>' cannot be used with CURRENT OF <varname>cursor name</varname> syntax
Cause: The CURRENT OF <varname>cursor</varname> syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE [ of <varname>column name</varname> ] SQL syntax.
- ORA-35579: (SQLOUT12) SQL cursor '<varname>number</varname>' has already been opened.
- ORA-35580: (XSRWLD10) An incoming column contains a data type mismatch.
Cause: The data could not be converted to the target datatype.
- ORA-35581: (XSRWLD11) You do not have permission to write this value of the target.
Cause: You do not have sufficient permissions to write to the specified target.
- ORA-35582: (XSRWLD12) Cannot change the level of dimension member "<varname>number</varname>" from "<varname>number</varname>" to "<varname>number</varname>" within a single load.
Cause: A dimension member is mapped to more than one level.
- ORA-35583: (XSRWLD13) Cannot change the level of a dimension member within a single load.
Cause: A dimension member is mapped to more than one level.
- ORA-35584: (SQLOUT17) The <varname>string</varname> procedure requires <varname>number</varname> parameters.
- ORA-35585: (XSRWLD14) This SQL query generated rejected records.
Cause: Rejected records were generated by this query.
- ORA-35586: (SQLOUT19) The parameter list passed to the procedure is syntactically incorrect.
- ORA-35587: (SQLOUT20) The nesting of table functions and SQL commands has exceeded the maximum of <varname>number</varname> levels.
Cause: The nesting of table functions with the PREDMLCMD token populated with an OLAP DML expression that use the embedded SQL support to access another table function which contains a table functions with the PREDMLCMD token filled in with an OLAP DML expression that uses the embedded SQL support.
- ORA-35588: (XSRWLD15) Cannot change the parent of existing dimension member "<varname>number</varname>" from "<varname>number</varname>" to "<varname>number</varname>" in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the parent of an existing dimension member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
- ORA-35589: (XSRWLD16) Cannot change the parent of an existing dimension member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to change the parent of an existing dimension member in LOAD RETAIN mode.
- ORA-35590: (SQPHRASE01) The host variable expression has invalid syntax.
- ORA-35592: (SQRT00) The argument to SQRT is negative. Set ROOTOFNEGATIVE to YES if you want NA to be returned for the root of a negative number.
- ORA-35594: (SSCGEXP01) The LIMIT criterion expression must be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35596: (SSCGEXP02) The LIMIT criterion expression must be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>, which is a component of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35600: (SSCGLIMT01) The IFNONE label is not allowed when you specify NULL status.
- ORA-35602: (SSCGLIMT02) You cannot limit dimension composite <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35603: (SSCGLIMT03) You cannot limit PARTITION TEMPLATE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35604: (SSCGNULL01) The phrase "IFNONE label" can only be used when the LIMIT command executes in a program.
- ORA-35606: (SSCGNULL02) <varname>string</varname> is not defined as a label.
- ORA-35608: (SSCGPOS01) You cannot limit a dimension to values of type <varname>string</varname>. Use the CONVERT function if necessary.
- ORA-35610: (SSCGREL01) <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> are not related.
- ORA-35612: (SSCGREL02) Related dimension values are not allowed when you specify a scalar or multi-dimensional relationship array.
- ORA-35614: (SSCGREL03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relationship involving <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35622: (SSCGREL07) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relation of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35623: (XSSCLLEV07) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valueset of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35624: (SSCGREL08) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35625: (XSSCLLEV08) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35626: (SSCGREL09) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not related to itself.
- ORA-35627: (XSSCLEV09) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a relationship array.
- ORA-35628: (SSCGREL10) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension of relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35629: (XSBASLIM00) <varname>workspace object</varname> does not have base dimensions.
- ORA-35630: (SSCGREL11) While limiting dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot use it to qualify relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35632: (SSCGREL12) While limiting an alias of <varname>workspace object</varname>, you cannot use it to qualify relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35633: (STATEQ01) Both arguments to STATEQUAL must be status lists of the same dimension.
- ORA-35634: (SSCGVALS01) The format of a related dimension list is:\n related-dimension [valuelist] | relationship-array-name
- ORA-35636: (SSCGVALS02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is a dimension composite and its position numbers cannot be used in LIMIT NOCONVERT.
- ORA-35638: (SSEXECUT02) NA is not a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35640: (SSEXECUT03) You cannot MAINTAIN ADD <varname>workspace object</varname> while it is being LIMITed.
- ORA-35642: (SSEXECUT07A) The expression for the beginning of the dimension range has a value of NA.
- ORA-35644: (SSEXECUT07B) The expression for the end of the dimension range has a value of NA.
- ORA-35646: (SSEXECUT08) The expression for BEFORE or AFTER has a value of NA.
- ORA-35648: (SSEXECUT09) The expression for FIRST or LAST has a value of NA.
- ORA-35650: (SSEXECUT15) The expression for BEFORE or AFTER is not in current status.
- ORA-35652: (SSFRLST01) In the FIRST or LAST phrase, you requested a negative number of dimension values (<varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-35654: (SSNULL) The status of the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension cannot be set to null.
- ORA-35656: (STATCHK00) <varname>workspace object</varname> has no values in status.
- ORA-35658: (STATLIST01) The data width argument to the STATLIST function must be greater than zero.
- ORA-35660: (STATVAL03) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension does not have a status value numbered <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35662: (STKTOINF01) The width argument to the CONVERT(... INFILE) function was <varname>number</varname>. The limit is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35664: (STKTOINF02) Conversion to INFILE would produce a value <varname>number</varname> bytes wide, exceeding the maximum input line length <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35666: (STRBYT01) NTEXT arguments to the BYTE functions must be converted to TEXT. Use CONVERT(value TEXT NOTRANSLATE) to avoid translation.
- ORA-35668: (STRCHG01) The oldtext and newtext arguments must be single-line text values.
- ORA-35670: (STRCHG02) The oldtext argument must contain at least one character.
- ORA-35672: (STRCHG03) The number-to-change argument must be greater than 0.
- ORA-35674: (STRDEL01) The position of the first character to remove must be at least 1.
- ORA-35676: (STRDEL02) You must remove at least one character. You cannot remove <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-35678: (STREXTR01) The position of the first character to extract must be greater than zero. You cannot start extracting at position <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35680: (STREXTR02) You must extract at least one character. You cannot extract <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-35682: (STRFIND01) The start argument must be at least 1.
- ORA-35684: (STRINS01) Insertion must begin after a character position of zero or greater.
- ORA-35686: (STRINS02) The length of one line of a text value cannot exceed <varname>number</varname> characters. You attempted to create a line with <varname>number</varname> characters.
- ORA-35688: (STRREP01) The position of the first character to replace must be at least 1.
- ORA-35690: (SUBGONE00) You have requested a feature or used a command that is not supported in this release.
- ORA-35692: (TDENDPT00) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is empty.
- ORA-35694: (TDINCNUM00) You attempted to work with a date outside of the allowable range.
- ORA-35696: (TEXTFENG01) The data width argument to the TEXTFILL function must be greater than zero.
- ORA-35698: (TFGROUP01) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in more than one GROUP phrase, either directly or via a dimension composite or conjoint dimension.
- ORA-35700: (TFGROUP02) An expression used in a GROUP phrase must have exactly one dimension.
- ORA-35702: (TFPARSE01) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in both the DOWN phrase and a GROUP phrase, either directly or via a conjoint dimension or composite.
- ORA-35704: (TFPARSE02) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in both the DOWN phrase and an ACROSS phrase, either directly or via a conjoint dimension or composite.
- ORA-35706: (TFPARSE03) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears both inside and outside an ACROSS loop.
- ORA-35708: (TFPARSE04) The expressions used in the DOWN phrase must all have the same single dimension.
- ORA-35710: (TFPARSE05) The DOWN phrase must be a single expression or a list of expressions enclosed in angle brackets <varname></varname>.
- ORA-35712: (TFPARSE07) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in both an ACROSS phrase and a GROUP phrase, either directly or via a conjoint dimension or composite.
- ORA-35716: (TRIGGER00) NA trigger calls exceed the maximum allowable depth of <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35718: (TRIGGER01) The NA trigger expression for variable <varname>workspace object</varname> contains a format error.
- ORA-35720: (TRIGGER02) The NA trigger for <varname>workspace object</varname> could not be executed recursively because the RECURSIVE option is set to NO.
- ORA-35726: (TSFENG01) The starting point (<varname>number</varname>) for a moving function must be less than or equal to the stopping point (<varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-35728: (TSFENG02) The step value (<varname>number</varname>) for a moving function must be greater than zero.
- ORA-35730: (TSFENG03) The starting point, stopping point, and step value for a moving function cannot be NA.
- ORA-35732: (UNITCHEK01) <varname>number</varname> is an invalid file unit number.
- ORA-35734: (UNITCHEK02) File unit <varname>number</varname> is not open.
- ORA-35736: (VALNAME01) You cannot define NAME. NAME is a special reserved dimension used to organize your analytic workspace dictionary.
- ORA-35738: (VCLEX01) "<varname>number</varname>" is not a valid dimension value because it contains invalid characters or blanks, but it is not enclosed in single quotes.
- ORA-35740: (VCLEX02) <varname>string</varname> is too large to be an integer.
- ORA-35742: (VCLEX06) <varname>number</varname> already exists in the <varname>string</varname> analytic workspace.
- ORA-35744: (VCLEX07) "<varname>number</varname>" is not a valid name because it contains invalid characters or blanks.
- ORA-35746: (VCLEX08) <varname>string</varname> is too large to be a short integer.
- ORA-35748: (VCOVRFLW01) A text value cannot be more than <varname>number</varname> characters long. Your value is <varname>number</varname> characters long.
- ORA-35749: (VCHEX01) '<varname>character</varname>' is not a valid hexadecimal digit.
Cause: The text being converted contains an invalid hexadecimal digit.
- ORA-35750: (VCTOBOOL01) A multiline text value cannot be converted to a BOOLEAN.
- ORA-35752: (VCTODT00) '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid date order. Valid orders are YMD, YDM, MYD, MDY, DMY, and DYM.
- ORA-35754: (VCTODT01) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date because <varname>number</varname> is out of range for a month.
- ORA-35756: (VCTODT02) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date because <varname>number</varname> is out of range for a year.
Cause: n'%1p'
- ORA-35758: (VCTODT03) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date because <varname>number</varname> is out of range for a day of the month.
- ORA-35760: (VCTODT04) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date because it is ambiguous.
- ORA-35762: (VCTODT05) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid packed numeric date.
- ORA-35764: (VCTODT06) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date.
- ORA-35766: (VCTODT07) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date or name for the <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension.
- ORA-35768: (VCTODT08) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid name for <varname>workspace object</varname>, because the period <varname>number</varname> is out of range.
- ORA-35770: (VCTODT15) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. The numeric field '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be interpreted.
- ORA-35772: (VCTODT16) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. '<varname>string</varname>' is the second year field encountered.
- ORA-35774: (VCTODT17) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. A second alphabetic field, '<varname>string</varname>', is not allowed.
- ORA-35776: (VCTODT18) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. A date cannot end with a separation character.
- ORA-35778: (VCTODT19) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. Input after '<varname>string</varname>' is extra.
- ORA-35780: (VCTODT20) A date cannot be an empty string.
- ORA-35782: (VCTODT21) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date because it is incomplete.
- ORA-35784: (VCTODT22) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. Packed numeric notation must be 6 or 8 digits long.
- ORA-35786: (VCTODT23) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be recognized as a month name.
- ORA-35788: (VCTODT24) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. There are too many leading zeros beginning at '<varname>string</varname>'.
- ORA-35790: (VCTODT25) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. A date cannot begin with '<varname>string</varname>'.
- ORA-35792: (VCTODT27) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid date. '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid character.
- ORA-35794: (VCTORD01) A multiline text value cannot be converted to a number.
- ORA-35796: (VERFAIL01) Your response does not meet the requirements for this item.
- ORA-35798: (VERFAIL02) <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-35800: (VSDOKAY01) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname>, because <varname>number</varname> now resolves to a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>. Previously, it resolved to a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35802: (VSDOKAY02) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname>, because <varname>number</varname> is no longer a value of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35804: (WATCHXEQ01) Watch point <varname>number</varname>: <varname>number</varname> is true in <varname>workspace object</varname> at statement:
- ORA-35810: (XSINPUTERR) The command has requested more input than was supplied in the command string.
Cause: The command required input that was not supplied in the string.
- ORA-35812: (XSACROSS01) The <varname>string</varname> command cannot be executed by ACROSS.
- ORA-35818: (XSCAT01) Group definition values cannot be NA.
- ORA-35820: (XSCAT02) Each group definition value must be greater than its predecessor.
- ORA-35822: (XSCGCAT01) The source expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35824: (XSCGCAT02) The group expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35826: (XSCGCAT03) The group expression must be one-dimensional.
- ORA-35828: (XSCGCORR01) Data expressions must be numeric.
- ORA-35830: (XSCGCORR02) BASEDON names must be dimensions.
- ORA-35832: (XSCGCORR03) BASEDON names must be dimensions of both data expressions.
- ORA-35834: (XSCGCORR04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions.
- ORA-35836: (XSCGCORR05) The two expressions must have at least one common dimension.
- ORA-35838: (XSCGMODE01) The data expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35840: (XSCGMODE02) BASEDON names must be dimensions.
- ORA-35842: (XSCGMODE03) BASEDON names must be dimensions of the data expression.
- ORA-35844: (XSCGMODE04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions.
- ORA-35846: (XSCGPCTAGE01) The data expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35848: (XSCGPCTAGE02) BASEDON names must be dimensions.
- ORA-35850: (XSCGPCTAGE03) BASEDON names must be dimensions of the data expression.
- ORA-35852: (XSCGPCTAGE04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions.
- ORA-35854: (XSCGRANK01) The data expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35856: (XSCGRANK02) BASEDON names must be dimensions.
- ORA-35858: (XSCGRANK03) BASEDON names must be dimensions of the data expression.
- ORA-35860: (XSCGRANK04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions.
- ORA-35862: (XSCGSMOOTH01) The data expression must be numeric.
- ORA-35864: (XSCGSMOOTH02) You have not supplied enough smoothing parameters.
- ORA-35866: (XSCGSMOOTH03) The smoothing parameters must be numeric.
- ORA-35868: (XSCGSMOOTH04) BASEDON names must be dimensions.
- ORA-35870: (XSCGSMOOTH05) BASEDON names must be dimensions of the data expression.
- ORA-35872: (XSCGSMOOTH06) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions.
- ORA-35874: (XSFCAST01) The <varname>string</varname> forecasting option cannot be set.
- ORA-35876: (XSFCAST02) You must use an INTO phrase to specify an output location for the forecast results.
- ORA-35878: (XSFCAST03) The <varname>string</varname> forecasting option cannot be queried.
- ORA-35880: (XSFCAST04) You cannot specify a trial number when querying the <varname>string</varname> forecasting option.
- ORA-35882: (XSFCAST05) You must specify a trial number when querying the <varname>string</varname> forecasting option.
- ORA-35884: (XSFCAST06) The forecasting context handle cannot be NA.
- ORA-35886: (XSFCAST07) The time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has <varname>number</varname> values in status. The limit is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35888: (XSFCAST08) The time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has no values in status.
- ORA-35890: (XSFCAST09) The time dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has only <varname>number</varname> values in status. You cannot specify <varname>number</varname> historical periods.
- ORA-35892: (XSFCAST10) The <varname>string</varname> target variable must also be dimensioned by <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35894: (XSFCAST11) <varname>string</varname> must be less than or equal to <varname>string</varname>. The current values are <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>, respectively.
- ORA-35896: (XSFCAST12) The value of <varname>string</varname> must evenly divide the difference between MIN and MAX values. The current values are <varname>number</varname>, <varname>number</varname>, and <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35898: (XSFCAST13) The trial number for querying <varname>string</varname> cannot be NA.
- ORA-35900: (XSFCAST14) <varname>number</varname> is not the handle of an open forecasting context.
- ORA-35902: (XSFCAST15) You cannot specify an NA value for <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35904: (XSFCAST16) Values of <varname>string</varname> must be between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35906: (XSFCAST17) Values of <varname>string</varname> must be between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35908: (XSFCAST18) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a recognized value of <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-35910: (XSFCAST19) The forecasting context <varname>number</varname> has been invalidated because one or more of the extra dimensions of the time-series expression is no longer available.
- ORA-35912: (XSFCAST20) A forecasting context identified by the text '<varname>string</varname>' already exists. Its handle is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-35914: (XSFCAST21) Values of the TRADINGDAYS expression cannot be less than or equal to zero.
- ORA-35916: (XSHIDE01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a program or model.
- ORA-35917: (XSHIDE05) You cannot HIDE model <varname>workspace object</varname> because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to apply the HIDE command to a model in an AW that has not been upgraded to the necessary compatibility level.
- ORA-35918: (XSHIDE02) You do not have access to <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-35920: (XSHIDE03) The encryption seed for HIDE and UNHIDE must be a non-empty, one-line TEXT value.
- ORA-35922: (XSHIDE04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is already hidden.
- ORA-35924: (XSMOOTH01) Smoothing parameters cannot be NA.
- ORA-35926: (XSMOOTH02) Smoothing constants must be between 0 and 1.
- ORA-35928: (XSMOOTH03) Cannot compute valuespace offset
- ORA-35930: (XSPCTAGE01) Cannot compute valuespace offset
- ORA-35932: (XSPGFTCH01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not attached.
- ORA-35934: (XSPGFTCH02) No fetch analytic workspace specified
- ORA-35936: (XSPGFTCH03) PageSpace has <varname>number</varname> <varname>number</varname> pages.
- ORA-35950: (OBSCURE01) The seed expression argument to OBSCURE cannot be NA.
- ORA-35952: (XSSPFC01) The <varname>string</varname> dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> and the <varname>string</varname> dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> must have the same number of values in status for SPFCEXEC method <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: This method requires the named dimensions to have the same number of values in status, but the user provided statuses of different lengths.
- ORA-35958: (XSPGREPORT01) Of <varname>number</varname> allocated pages <varname>number</varname> are currently in use, <varname>number</varname> are available for use, <varname>number</varname> are hard-locked, and <varname>number</varname> are soft-locked.
- ORA-35964: (COPYDFN01) You must have a current analytic workspace to perform a COPYDFN.
- ORA-35966: (COPYDFN02) The format of the COPYDFN command is:\n\n COPYDFN newname oldname.
- ORA-35968: (COPYDFN03) Analytic workspace object %1 does not exist.
- ORA-35970: (COPYDFN05) You cannot copy the definition of an OPTION.
- ORA-35972: (COPYDFN06) %1 is an invalid name for an analytic workspace object.
- ORA-35974: (DBDESC00) There are no objects in this analytic workspace.
- ORA-35976: (DBDESC01) Last updated: %1 Time: %2
- ORA-35978: (DBDESC02) Print date: %1 Time: %2
- ORA-35980: (DBDESC03) %1 contains:
- ORA-35982: (DBDESC04) This report is in two parts:\n\n - Object Listing: An alphabetic list of analytic workspace objects \n beginning on the next page.\n\n - Object Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of all analytic workspace objects \n sorted by object type and alphabetically by name.
- ORA-35984: (DBDESC05) Object List
- ORA-35986: (DBDESC06) Description of %1 objects
- ORA-35988: (DBDESC07) Description of PROGRAM %1
- ORA-35990: (DBDESC08) Description of MODEL %1
- ORA-35992: (DBDESC09) (Cont'd)
- ORA-35994: (DBDESC10) Page
- ORA-35996: (DBDESC11) Analytic Workspace:
- ORA-35998: (DBDESC12) Updated:
- ORA-36000: (DBDESC13) At:
- ORA-36002: (DBDESC14) NAME
- ORA-36004: (DBDESC15) TYPE
- ORA-36008: (DBDESC17) Analytic Workspace Listing
- ORA-36010: (DBDESC18) Page
- ORA-36016: (XSHIERCK01) One or more loops have been detected in hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>number</varname>. The loops include <varname>number</varname> items (<varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>).
- ORA-36017: (XSHIERCK10) The definition of hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>number</varname> in level <varname>number</varname> is not star consistent. The collision parents include <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The definition of the hierarchy was not star consistent.
- ORA-36018: (XSHIERCK02) The format of the HIERCHECK command is:\n\n HIERCHECK relation [STATUS|NOSTATUS|valueset] [MULTIPATH] [CONSISTENT] [{BALANCED|STAR_CONSISTENT} levelrelation] \nOr\n HIERCHECK aggmap [MULTIPATH] [CONSISTENT]
Cause: The wrong object type was specified.
- ORA-36019: (XSHIERCK11) The format of the HIERSHAPE function is:\n\n HIERSHAPE(relation[(qdr)] {level|ragged|skiplevel|regular} USING levelrel [INHIERARCHY inhvs] LEVELORDER levelvs)
Cause: The wrong object type or the wrong object definition was specified.
- ORA-36020: (XSHIERCK03) The definition of hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>number</varname> is inconsistent.
Cause: The definition of the hierarchy was inconsistent.
- ORA-36021: (XSHIERCK12) The format of the HIERCHECK function is:\n\n HIERCHECK(relation [STATUS|NOSTATUS|valueset] [MULTIPATH] [CONSISTENT] [{BALANCED|STAR_CONSISTENT} levelrelation]) \nOr\n HIERCHECK(aggmap [MULTIPATH] [CONSISTENT])
Cause: The wrong object type was specified.
- ORA-36022: (XSHIERCK04) Valuesets specified in the HIERCHECK command must be scalar. <varname>workspace object</varname> is dimensioned.
Cause: The HIERCHECK command specified a dimensioned valueset.
- ORA-36024: (XSHIERCK05) Valueset <varname>workspace object</varname> must contain values of one of the extra dimensions of relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The HIERCHECK command specified a valueset over an invalid dimension.
- ORA-36025: (XSHIERCK06) The level dimension of the level relation <varname>workspace object</varname> is the same as the relation dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The level dimension was the same as the relation dimension.
- ORA-36026: (XSHIERCK07) Level relation <varname>workspace object</varname> is not dimensioned by relation dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The level relation was not dimensioned by the relation dimension.
- ORA-36027: (XSHIERCK08) Hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> is not balanced.
Cause: The current hierarchy was not balanced.
- ORA-36028: (XSHIERCK09) Hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> has multiple paths from <varname>number</varname> to <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The current hierarchy had multiple paths.
- ORA-36034: (XSMHIERCK00) One or more loops have been detected in relationship <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>workspace object</varname>. The last <varname>number</varname> of the items are <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A relation was used that had loops in it. There were more items involved than could be reported.
- ORA-36035: (XSMHIERCKREL) One or more loops have been detected in <varname>workspace object</varname>. <varname>number</varname> items involved are <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A relation was used that had loops in it.
- ORA-36036: (XSMHIERCK01) One or more loops have been detected in relationship <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>workspace object</varname>. The <varname>number</varname> items involved are <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A relation was used that had loops in it.
- ORA-36038: (INTL00) No application code specified
- ORA-36040: (INTL01) IMPORTANT: The length of the following phrase(s) exceeds %1. They will be truncated.
- ORA-36042: (INTL02A) The %1 language analytic workspace for %2 could not be attached, and there is no English-language analytic workspace for this application.
- ORA-36044: (INTL02B) Neither the %1 language analytic workspace nor the %2 language analytic workspace could be attached for %3, and there is no English-language analytic workspace for this application.
- ORA-36050: (INTL06) Invalid option specified. Option must be either OSM, CA, or blank.
- ORA-36052: (LISTBY00) LISTBY cannot be called as a function returning a value.
- ORA-36054: (LISTBY01) You must have a current analytic workspace to use the LISTBY command.
- ORA-36056: (LISTBY02) The syntax of the LISTBY command is:\n LISTBY dimension [dimension ...]\nDimension composites can also be named.
- ORA-36058: (LISTBY03) %1 does not exist in any attached analytic workspace.
- ORA-36060: (LISTBY04) %1 is not a dimension or composite.
- ORA-36062: (LISTBY05) %1 is in a different analytic workspace from previously specified object(s) "%2".
- ORA-36064: (LISTBY06) The syntax for specifying an unnamed composite is:\n SPARSE<varname>dimension-list</varname>\nwhere 'dimension-list' is a list of simple or conjoint dimensions or named composites.
- ORA-36066: (LISTBY07) %1 objects dimensioned by or related to %2 in analytic workspace %3
- ORA-36068: (LISTNAMES00) Analytic workspace %1 is not attached.
- ORA-36070: (LISTNAMES01) There are no objects in the analytic workspace of the following types:\n%1
- ORA-36072: (LISTNAMES02) There are no objects in the analytic workspace.
- ORA-36074: (LISTNAMES03) There are no objects in the analytic workspace that match '%1'.
- ORA-36076: (LISTNAMES04) %1 is not a valid keyword for LISTNAMES.\nValid keywords are:\nALL, SORT or UNSORT, AW workspace-name\n%2
- ORA-36078: (MODEL00) Specify the name of a model for the report.
- ORA-36080: (MODEL01) %1 does not exist.
- ORA-36082: (MODEL02) %1 is not a model.
- ORA-36084: (MODEL03) Model %1 has not been compiled.
- ORA-36086: (MODEL04) Information is not available for model %1.
- ORA-36088: (MODEL05) Model %1 is not the most-recently executed model.
- ORA-36090: (MODEL06) Solution status:
- ORA-36092: (MODEL07) Model options in use:
- ORA-36094: (MODEL08) Solution status:
- ORA-36096: (MODEL09) Iterations:
- ORA-36098: (MODEL10) Divergent statement
- ORA-36100: (MODEL11) Model: %1
- ORA-36102: (MODEL12) Statement %1%2
- ORA-36104: (STATUS00) You must have a current analytic workspace to use the STATUS command.
- ORA-36106: (STATUS01) There are no dimensions in your current analytic workspace.
- ORA-36108: (STATUS02) There are no dimensions in analytic workspace %1.
- ORA-36110: (STATUS03) %1 has no dimensions.
- ORA-36112: (STATUS04) The current status of %1 is:
- ORA-36114: (STDHDR00) Page
- ORA-36116: (TRACKREPORT00) Program name
- ORA-36118: (TRACKREPORT01) Exclusive cost
- ORA-36120: (TRACKREPORT02) Inclusive cost
- ORA-36122: (TRACKREPORT03) Number of calls
- ORA-36124: (XLIST00) %1 exceptions found.
- ORA-36126: (XLIST01) %1 already exists.
- ORA-36128: (XLIST03) The exception criterion must be a single expression.
- ORA-36130: (XLIST04) The exception criterion must be a BOOLEAN expression.
- ORA-36132: (XLIST05) The exception criterion must be dimensioned.
- ORA-36134: (XLIST06) %1 is not an exception list.
- ORA-36136: (XLIST07) There is no current exception list. You can use the NAMEXL command to specify one.
- ORA-36138: (XLIST08) %1 has been deleted.
- ORA-36140: (XREF00) References To:
- ORA-36142: (XREF01) Referenced By:
- ORA-36144: (XREF02) NONE
- ORA-36145: (SETPROP01) The property "%1" cannot be set for measure "%2".
Cause: A property name was given that is not one of the allowed properties to be set.
- ORA-36146: (READSIZE01) The <varname>string</varname> expression cannot be missing or NA.
- ORA-36148: (READSIZE02) The minimum value for <varname>string</varname> is <varname>number</varname>. You specified a value of <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-36152: (READSIZE04) The maximum value for <varname>string</varname> is <varname>number</varname>. You specified a value of <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-36154: (XSMXAGGR01) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a data variable.
Cause: An object was specified on the Aggregate command line that was not a variable
- ORA-36155: (XSMXAGGRFROM) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a variable or formula of a similar data type to <varname>workspace object</varname> to be used with FROM, or a TEXT variable or formula to be used with FROMVAR.
Cause: The user specified an illegal variable for use with FROM or FROMVAR on the AGGREGATE command line
- ORA-36156: (XSMXAGGR02) When using the BOOLEAN or FORMULA WEIGHT <varname>workspace object</varname>, WNAFILL is the only valid option.
- ORA-36157: (XSMXAGGRCOMMIT) To use the AUTOCOMMIT keyword, you must also specify the AUTOUPDATE keyword.
Cause: The user specified AUTOCOMMIT but not AUTOUPDATE on the AGGREGATE command line, which is illegal
- ORA-36158: (XSMXAGGR03) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be an AGGMAP object.
- ORA-36160: (XSMXAGGR04) You cannot use <varname>string</varname> on scalar VARIABLE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user tried to run the AGGREGATE or AGGCOUNT command or function on a scalar variable.
- ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR.
Cause: The user specified the same variable as both an aggregation variable and a COUNTVAR
- ORA-36162: (XSMXAGGR05) COUNTVAR variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must be of type INTEGER, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user specified a non-INTEGER variable as a COUNTVAR for aggregation
- ORA-36164: (XSMXAGGR07) When using the COUNTVAR clause, the number of variables to be aggregated (<varname>number</varname>) must match the number of COUNTVAR variables (<varname>number</varname>).
Cause: The user specified a COUNTVAR clause to the AGGREGATE command, but the number of COUNTVAR variables specified did not match the number of variables to be aggregated
- ORA-36165: (XSAGGCNTPROP) Variable <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot have both an AGGCOUNT and the $COUNTVAR property.
Cause: An attempt was made to add the $COUNTVAR property to a variable which already had an AGGCOUNT, or vice versa.
- ORA-36166: (XSMXAGGR08) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a VARIABLE.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an AGGREGATE or other action on an object which is not a variable.
- ORA-36167: (XSAGGRFORM) <varname>workspace object</varname> is an illegal AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a FORMULA using an AGGMAP that is not valid for aggregating FORMULAs. The AGGMAP must specify PRECOMPUTE(NA) for all relation lines and must not specify any caching.
- ORA-36168: (XSMXAGGR10) COUNTVAR variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must have the same dimensionality as <varname>workspace object</varname>
Cause: The user specified a COUNTVAR variable which is missing at least one dimension of the aggregation variable
- ORA-36170: (XSMXAGGR12) The data type of the WEIGHT <varname>workspace object</varname> must be numeric or BOOLEAN, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user specified a WEIGHT variable or formula which wasn't numeric or boolean
- ORA-36172: (XSMXAGGR18) WEIGHT option WNOAGG cannot be used with the WSTORE, WVARPRIORITY, or WAGGPRIORITY options on WEIGHT <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36174: (XSMXAGGR23) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be either a VARIABLE, a RELATION or a FORMULA.
Cause: The user specified something that was not a variable, a relation or a formula as a weight for AGGREGATE
- ORA-36176: (XSMXAGGR25) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a weight for AGGREGATE.
Cause: The user specified an illegal relation as a weight. The relation might have been multidimensional, not a self-relation, or not a relation over one of the bases of the aggregation variable.
- ORA-36178: (XSAGGR01) To be used with AGGREGATE, AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> must be declared with the AGGMAP command.
Cause: The user used the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so the AGGMAP can only be used with the ALLOCATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.
- ORA-36179: (XSNOAGM) No AGGMAP was specified for VARIABLE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user used the AGGREGATE command without specifying an AGGMAP on the command line, with a variable which had no $AGGMAP property.
- ORA-36180: (XSAGGR08) AGGREGATE cannot function because there is a permission clause associated with variable <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: When using AGGREGATE, only simple permissions and permissions on base dimensions are valid.
- ORA-36181: A VARIABLE cannot have both the $AGGREGATE_FROM and $AGGREGATE_FROMVAR properties applied to it.
Cause: The user attempted to add both the $AGGREGATE_FROM and $AGGREGATE_FROMVAR properties to a single variable.
- ORA-36182: (XSAGGR09) Could not locate a value for variable <varname>number</varname> in measure dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A measure dimension was supplied in the AGGMAP, but a position for the variable was not found in it.
- ORA-36184: (XSAGGR10) You do not have sufficient permissions for the variable <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user lacked the permissions necessary for the aggregation variable.
- ORA-36185: (XSAGGR11) <varname>workspace object</varname> does not have any AGGCOUNT information.
Cause: User attempted an operation (such as the AVERAGE aggregation operator or the AGGCOUNT function) that requires a variable to have AGGCOUNT information on a variable that does not.
- ORA-36186: (XSAGGR12) You must use a COUNTVAR when aggregating with AVERAGE.
- ORA-36188: (XSAGGR16) AGGREGATE read a value less than 1 out of COUNTVAR variable <varname>workspace object</varname>. Either the values of the COUNTVAR variable are stored improperly, or there is problem in AGGREGATE. If no one has modified the values in this COUNTVAR, contact Oracle customer support.
Cause: Either someone improperly changed the COUNTVAR variable, or AGGREGATE has an error.
- ORA-36190: (XSAGGR26) <varname>workspace object</varname> is of type <varname>string</varname>. The numerical calculation <varname>string</varname> requires INTEGER, DECIMAL or SHORTDECIMAL data.
- ORA-36192: (XSAGGR27) <varname>workspace object</varname> is of type <varname>string</varname>. The boolean calculation <varname>string</varname> requires BOOLEAN data.
- ORA-36194: (XSAGGR28) <varname>workspace object</varname> is of type <varname>string</varname>. The requested operation requires INTEGER, DECIMAL, SHORTDECIMAL or BOOLEAN data.
- ORA-36196: (XSAGGR32) '<varname>number</varname>' is an invalid argument specifier for AGGREGATE.
- ORA-36198: (XSAGGR33) Cannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because the operator variable with more than 1 line dimensions is not supported for bases of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user specified an aggregation the operator variable with more than 1 line dimensions that is not supported by COMPRESSED COMPOSITES.
- ORA-36200: (XSAGGR34) AGGREGATE operator <varname>string</varname> requires a WEIGHTBY clause, but ARGS variable <varname>workspace object</varname> did not specify one.
Cause: The given operator requires a WEIGHT specification, but the ARGS variable did not supply one.
- ORA-36201: (XSAGGR35) Cannot aggregate <varname>workspace object</varname>(partition <varname>workspace object</varname>) because the subpartition is itself partitioned.
Cause: Attempted to aggregate an intermediate partition of a variable with nested partitioning.
- ORA-36202: (XSAGOP01) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a valid aggregation operator.
Cause: An invalid string was provided for an aggregation operator.
- ORA-36204: (XSAGOP04N) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the NAOPERATOR <varname>string</varname> must be HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.
Cause: An invalid NAOPERATOR was specified.
- ORA-36206: (XSAGOP04R) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, REMOPERATOR <varname>string</varname> must be MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, HFIRST or HLAST.
Cause: An invalid REMOPERATOR was specified.
- ORA-36208: (XSAGOP05N) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you can only specify NAOPERATOR <varname>string</varname> with the PROPORTIONAL or EVEN operators, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user specified an NAOPERATOR when you were not using PROPORTIONAL or EVEN.
- ORA-36210: (XSAGOP05R) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you can only specify the REMOPERATOR <varname>string</varname> with the PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN operators, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user specified a REMOPERATOR without using PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN.
- ORA-36212: (XSAGOP06) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you can only specify the MIN, MAX, FLOOR, and CEILING arguments while using the PROPORTIONAL operator, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user specified MIN, MAX, FLOOR, or CEILING when using an operator other than PROPORTIONAL.
- ORA-36214: (XSRELOBC01) The value of INDEXCACHESIZE must be positive.
- ORA-36216: (XSOPARM01) A DIMENSION must have a data type (ID, TEXT, or INTEGER), a time period, or a list of bases for a conjoint dimension.
- ORA-36220: (XSLPDSC01) All dimensions in LIST <varname>number</varname> are also in the IGNORE clause.
Cause: One of the dimension lists in the dimension loop descriptor had no base dimensions except those in the IGNORE list. This leaves no dimensions for looping over.
- ORA-36221: (XSLPDSC02) LIST <varname>number</varname> and LIST <varname>number</varname> have different base dimensions.
Cause: The base dimensions of the dimension lists given in the loop descriptor do not match.
- ORA-36222: (XSLPDSC03) duplicate IGNORE or DENSE information for dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>
Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor included the dimension twice, included two different valuesets of the dimension, or includes the dimension and a valueset of the dimension.
- ORA-36223: (XSLPDSC04) object <varname>workspace object</varname> in IGNORE or DENSE list has illegal type
Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor included and object that was not a dimension or a valueset, was a conjoint dimension, or was a dimensioned valueset.
- ORA-36224: (XSLPDSC05) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a loop dimension
Cause: An IGNORE or DENSE list in a dimension loop descriptor referenced a dimension (or a valueset of a dimension) that was not a base dimension of the loop dimension list.
- ORA-36225: (XSLPDSC06) A LOOP AGGMAP list must contain an aggmap object, followed by one or more variables and/or dimensions.
Cause: An invalid AGGMAP list was specified. Either to few objects were specified, or an incorrect type of object was used.
- ORA-36226: (XSLPDSC07) The syntax of the $LOOP property on formula <varname>workspace object</varname> is incorrect.
Cause: Unrecognized contents in the $LOOP property of a formula in the table function measure list.
- ORA-36230: (XSANALYZ00) object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used in the ANALYZE command
Cause: An object that cannot be analyzed was used in the ANALYZE command.
- ORA-36231: (XSANALYZ01) object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used in the INHIERARCHY clause
Cause: An invalid INHIERARCHY object was referenced.
- ORA-36232: (XSANALYZ02) a level list was specified when a language dimension was present
Cause: A level list dimension was specified when a language dimension was present.
- ORA-36233: (XSANALYZ03) the dimensionality of object <varname>workspace object</varname> does not match the ANALYZE command
Cause: The dimensionality of the object did not match the ANALYZE command syntax used.
- ORA-36234: (XSANALYZ04) all objects in the current status of the NAME dimension must have the same dimensionality when used with the ANALYZE command
Cause: The dimensionality of at least one of the objects listed in the NAME dimension does not match the rest of the objects.
- ORA-36236: (XSANALYZ06) the AW format must be or higher to use the ANALYZE command
Cause: The AW version is less than
- ORA-36237: (XSANALYZ07) analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> must be attached RW or EXCLUSIVE mode
Cause: The analytic workspace was already attached RO or MULTI mode.
- ORA-36238: (XSANALYZ08) object <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> does not exist
Cause: The object name does not exist
- ORA-36258: (XSAGINFO00) When the AGGMAPINFO function is called, <varname>workspace object</varname> must be an AGGMAP.
Cause: The AGGMAPINFO function was called with an object that is not an AGGMAP.
- ORA-36260: (XSAGHIERPART00) Aggregating from partition %J to partition %J over hierarchy <varname>workspace object</varname> creates an increase in sparsity.
Cause: In the partition creation / aggmap creation a situation developed such that when aggregating over a particular dimension of the aggmap a partition boundary was crossed such that the sparsity of the target partition included dimensions that were not in the sparsity of the source partition. Since the process of aggregation always densifies rather than sparsifying this is an extremely suboptimal design and it is not supported by the aggregate system.
- ORA-36261: (XSAGPARTDEP00) Can not Aggregate PARTITION TEMPLATE %J because the path of aggregation would recursively enter partition %J.
Cause: The partitioning scheme was such that while aggregating there exists a cell (m) such that both one of its descendants and one of its ancestors are both in the referenced partition, while (m) is in a different partition.
- ORA-36262: (XSAGREMOD00) MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> was not attached to the AGGMAP.
- ORA-36264: (XSAGREMOD01) Removed MODEL: <varname>number</varname>
- ORA-36266: (XSCGMDLAGG00) Invalid context for the AGGREGATION function
Cause: The AGGREGATION function was used outside of the MODEL context.
- ORA-36267: (XSCGMDLAGG09) <varname>workspace object</varname> has no dimensions, so it cannot have a qualified data reference.
Cause: A dimension qualification was specified for a valueset with no dimensions.
- ORA-36268: (XSCGMDLAGG01) '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid dimension value.
Cause: The AGGREGATION parameter list included a value that does not exist in the MODEL dimension that contains the target of the AGGREGATION
- ORA-36269: (XSCGMDLAGG10) '<varname>workspace object</varname>' does not exist or is not a dimension.
Cause: A nonexistent or invalid object was specified as a QDR dimension.
- ORA-36270: (XSCGMDLAGG03) The parameter list for the AGGREGATION function includes duplicate values.
Cause: One or more duplicate values appeared in the AGGREGATION parameter list.
- ORA-36271: (XSCGMDLAGG11) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in the dimension list of valueset <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A QDR dimension was specified that does not appear in the valueset's dimension list.
- ORA-36272: (XSCGMDLAGG04) '<varname>workspace object</varname>' is not a valid operator for the AGGREGATION function.
Cause: An invalid AGGREGATION operator was specified.
- ORA-36273: (XSCGMDLAGG12) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> appears more than once in the QDR.
Cause: A dimension was specified more than once in the QDR.
- ORA-36274: (XSCGMDLAGG05) The operator used in this equation needs a weight variable.
Cause: An invalid weight variable was specified.
- ORA-36275: (XSCGMDLAGG13) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A value was specified that does not exist in the QDR dimension.
- ORA-36276: (XSCGMDLAGG06) The current operator does not need a weight variable.
Cause: A weight variable was specified in a context that does not support it.
- ORA-36278: (XSCGMDLAGG07) <varname>workspace object</varname> does not exist or is not valueset.
Cause: A nonexistent or invalid object was specified where a valueset is required.
- ORA-36280: (XSCGMDLAGG08) Valueset <varname>workspace object</varname> does not contain values of any dimension of the current model.
Cause: AGGREGATION specified a valueset of a dimension not listed in a DIMENSION statement for the current model.
- ORA-36282: (DNAMELEN01) Object name <varname>string</varname> is longer than <varname>number</varname> bytes.
- ORA-36286: (EIFMAKEF12) The EXPORT command terminated, because there was not enough disk space in path <varname>string</varname> to contain a complete extension file.
- ORA-36290: (EIFMAKEF14) You cannot export object <varname>workspace object</varname>, because EIFVERSION is set to <varname>number</varname>. That version does not support <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>s.
Cause: The user tried to export a NUMBER dimension to an EIF file with the EIFVERSION option set to a number less than 80000. Versions previous to that eversion do not support NUMBER dimensions.
- ORA-36300: (XSCGTERM01) The command is too long or complex to compile. Eliminate or simplify expressions, or remove or shorten text constants.
- ORA-36302: (MXCLASS03) You cannot reference an analytic workspace NAME dimension using a QON. You can only access the NAME dimension of the current analytic workspace.
- ORA-36304: (MXDCLAGR02) <varname>workspace object</varname> was not defined as an AGGMAP.
- ORA-36306: (MXDCLAGR03) Since there is no current aggmap definition, the AGGMAP statements will be discarded. Type END to return to the command line.
- ORA-36308: (MXDCLAGR04) The object <varname>workspace object</varname> has been defined as an AGGMAP, and it cannot be redefined as an ALLOCMAP.
- ORA-36310: (MXDCLAGR05) The object <varname>workspace object</varname> has been defined an ALLOCMAP, and it cannot be redefined as an AGGMAP.
- ORA-36312: (PHYS00) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a dimension, dimensioned variable or relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL function
- ORA-36313: (PHYS03) The VALUE option of PHYSICAL cannot be applied to a variable.
Cause: the VALUE argument to PHYSICAL was supplied for a variable.
- ORA-36314: (PHYS01) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a dimension, relation or variable.
Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command
- ORA-36315: (PHYS04) You must specify the VALUE option for scalar relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The VALUE argument to PHYSICAL was omitted for a scalar relation
- ORA-36316: (PHYS02) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a single-dimensional relation that relates one INTEGER dimension to another.
Cause: The user specified an invalid relation while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command
- ORA-36320: (PPENG05) No more than <varname>number</varname> push levels are allowed.
- ORA-36322: (PPENG06) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be pushed more than <varname>number</varname> times.
- ORA-36324: (PPNLSOPT00) '<varname>number</varname>' is not a legal value for the <varname>string</varname> option. The previous value was retained.
- ORA-36330: (SNSYN124) The format of the PHYSICAL command is:\n \n PHYSICAL [dimension|relation]
- ORA-36332: (SNSYN125) The format of the PHYSICAL function is:\n \n PHYSICAL(dimension|variable|{relation [VALUE]})
- ORA-36334: (SNSYN126) The format of the TO_DATE function is:\n \n TO_DATE(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...])
- ORA-36336: (SNSYN127) The format of the TO_CHAR function is:\n \n TO_CHAR(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...])
- ORA-36338: (SNSYN128) The format of the TO_NUMBER function is:\n \n TO_NUMBER(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...])
- ORA-36339: (SNSYN129) The format of the TO_NCHAR function is:\n \n TO_NCHAR(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...])
- ORA-36340: (SNSYN130) The format of the PARTITIONCHECK function is:\n \n PARTITIONCHECK(aggmap, partition_template)
Cause: Bad syntax
- ORA-36341: (SNSYN131) The format of the TO_TIMESTAMP function is:\n \n TO_TIMESTAMP(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...])
- ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is:\n \n CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ AGGREGATES | CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3...] [USING aggmap]
Cause: The syntax for the CLEAR command was invalid.
- ORA-36344: (SNSYN272) The format of the AGGREGATION function is:\n \n AGGREGATION(dimension-value [dimension-value ...]) [OPERATOR operatorname [WEIGHT | WEIGHTBY weightvar]]
- ORA-36346: (SNSYN338) The format of the TRUNC function is:\n \n TRUNC(expression1 [, expression2])
- ORA-36348: (SNSYN339) The format of the CEIL function is:\n \n CEIL(number)
- ORA-36350: (SNSYN340) The format of the FLOOR function is:\n \n FLOOR(number)
- ORA-36352: (SNSYN341) The format of the ADD_MONTHS function is:\n \n ADD_MONTHS(date, number of months)
- ORA-36354: (SNSYN342) The format of the LAST_DAY function is:\n \n LAST_DAY(date)
- ORA-36356: (SNSYN343) The format of the MONTHS_BETWEEN function is:\n \n MONTHS_BETWEEN(date, date)
- ORA-36358: (SNSYN344) The format of the NEW_TIME function is:\n \n NEW_TIME(date, zone, new zone)
- ORA-36360: (SNSYN345) The format of the NEXT_DAY function is:\n \n NEXT_DAY(date, day name)
- ORA-36362: (XPROPEN01) Discarding compiled code for <varname>workspace object</varname> because it was compiled with code version <varname>number</varname>. The current code version is <varname>number</varname>.
- ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.
Cause: A calculation in the current AGGREGATE command attempted to divide by zero as a result of an AVERAGE, WAVERAGE, HAVERAGE or HWAVERAGE operation.
- ORA-36378: (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) While running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable <varname>workspace object</varname> specified by your ARGS variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: While running AGGREGATE in threaded mode, you attempted to specify a WEIGHT variable in another analytic workspace.
- ORA-36380: (AGGRECURSE) AGGREGATE was called recursively, which is not allowed.
Cause: A model, NATRIGGER, or other object called the AGGREGATE function or command while another AGGREGATE function or command was already in progress.
- ORA-36387: (XSPARTCHECK00) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> must be an AGGMAP.
- ORA-36388: (XSPARTCHECK01) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
- ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION <varname>number</varname> into PARTITION <varname>number</varname> due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J.
Cause: The user is attempting to use partitions as a means of sparsity control, however they have set up their partitions in a manner that simply makes no sense. It is a simple fact that during aggregation data becomes more dense, not less dense, and yet their partitions indicate the opposite.
- ORA-36391: (XSMXCLEA01) When CLEAR is used with the STATUS keyword or an AGGMAP, <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned identically to <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user specified objects whose dimensionality didn't match
- ORA-36392: (XSMXCLEA02) When using CLEAR with the PRECOMPUTES or NONPRECOMPUTES options, you must specify an AGGMAP.
Cause: The user didn't specify an AGGMAP with the CLEAR command.
- ORA-36393: (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword.
Cause: The user didn't use the ALL keyword when using CHANGES or CACHE.
- ORA-36394: (XSMXCLEA04) When using CLEAR on the AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, CACHE is the only valid directive.
Cause: The user attempted to CLEAR an AGGMAP using a directive other than CACHE.
- ORA-36395: (XSMXCLEA05) To CLEAR ALL AGGREGATES from <varname>workspace object</varname>, you must specify an AGGMAP.
Cause: The CLEAR command could not determine how the variable was aggregated because the variable is not dimensioned by a compressed composite.
- ORA-36397: (XSSPROPNA) The value of property <varname>string</varname> cannot be NA.
Cause: The user tried to set a system-reserved property on an OLAP object to NA
- ORA-36398: (XSSPROP01) Property name '<varname>number</varname>' is invalid because only system-reserved property names can begin with '$'.
Cause: The user attempted to add a property which starts with $ but is not a reserved property name
- ORA-36399: (XSSPROPDTYPE) The data type of property <varname>string</varname> must be <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user tried to set a system-reserved property on an OLAP object to a value with an illegal datatype
- ORA-36400: (XSSPROP02) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid variable name.
Cause: Not a valid variable name
- ORA-36401: (XSSPROPOTYPE) Property <varname>string</varname> may only be applied to objects of type <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user applied a reserved property name to an incorrect object type
- ORA-36402: (XSSPROP03) The property '$<varname>string</varname>' requires a leading "$" because it is a system-reserved property name.
Cause: The user tried to specify a property name which is reserved, but did not use a leading $
- ORA-36403: (XSBADSPROP) <varname>number</varname> is an illegal value for system-reserved property <varname>string</varname> on <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user tried to specify an illegal value for a special property
- ORA-36404: (XSSPROP04) Property <varname>string</varname> cannot be applied to an undimensioned (scalar) TEMPORARY variable.
Cause: The user applied a reserved property name to an incorrect object type
- ORA-36405: (XSSPROP05) Property ignored for object <varname>workspace object</varname>:
Cause: A property was ignored during import.
- ORA-36406: (VCACHE00) '<varname>number</varname>' is an invalid value for the VARCACHE option. The only permissible values are 'SESSION', 'VARIABLE', and 'NONE'.
Cause: The user tried to assign an invalid value to the VARCACHE option
- ORA-36410: (VCACHE03) '<varname>number</varname>' is an invalid value for the $VARCACHE property. The only permissible values are 'DEFAULT', 'SESSION', 'VARIABLE', and 'NONE'.
Cause: The user tried to assign an invalid value to the $VARCACHE property on a variable
- ORA-36608: (XSAGHOVERFLOW) The depth of the hierarchies encountered while processing a composite dimension in AGGREGATE caused a counter overflow.
Cause: The depth of the hierarchies that are part of a composite exceeded 4 billion levels during the merge.
- ORA-36610: (XSLMS00) Unable to locate a message file for OLAP message: <varname>value</varname>
Cause: An internal OLAP DML program in the EXPRESS Analytic Workspace failed to retrieve a user message.
- ORA-36612: (XSLMS01) invalid OLAP message number: <varname>value</varname>
Cause: An internal OLAP DML program in the EXPRESS Analytic Workspace attempted to retrieve a non-existent message.
- ORA-36616: (XSAGMODHIER01) There is a cycle formed by MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> and other embedded or containing models with the same dimension, <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Inclusion of a dynamic model formed a cycle in the named dimension.
- ORA-36617: (XSAGMODHIER02) There is a self-cycle equation in MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The model for relation modification included a self-cycle equation.
- ORA-36618: (XSAGMODDIM00) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid dynamic model for AGGMAP.
Cause: The model failed one of the following tests: 1) only one dimension (aside from LAG/LEAD dimensions); 2) assignment to dimension values only; 3) a single simple solution block; 4) no time-series functions with variable step values.
- ORA-36620: (XSAGMODDIM01) MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot find the matching embedded model.
Cause: AGGMAP ADD model could not find the matching embedded model.
- ORA-36621: (XSAGMODDIM02) You cannot AGGREGATE the individual partition using static model <varname>workspace object</varname> because a partition dimension or its deriver <varname>workspace object</varname> appears in the equation of the step or simultaneous block.
Cause: An attempt was made to AGGREGATE the individual partition using the static model with the partition dimension in the equation of the step or simultaneous block.
- ORA-36622: (XSAGMODLIST00) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be added to the AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a valid MODEL.
Cause: An object specified in AGGMAP ADD was not a model.
- ORA-36626: (XSAGMODLIST02) MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> was skipped because there is already a MODEL by that name attached to AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: An attempt was made to add the same model to the AGGMAP twice.
- ORA-36628: (XSAGMODLIST03) MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> could not be added to AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The dimension of the model did not match a hierarchy of the aggmap.
- ORA-36630: (XSDUNION00) An empty base dimension list was specified in the concat dimension definition.
Cause: An empty concat dimension list was specified.
- ORA-36632: (XSDUNION01) The concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is not currently defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Attempt was made to CHGDFN a concat, which is already non-unique, to NOT UNIQUE.
- ORA-36634: (XSDUNION02) INTEGER dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as a concat dimension base.
Cause: The user cannot specify INTEGER base dimensions when defining a concat dimension.
- ORA-36635: (XSDUNION03) The base dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> has an invalid datatype for use in a UNIQUE concat definition.
Cause: Base dimensions of a unique concat must have TEXT or ID datatypes.
- ORA-36636: (XSDUNION04) The unique concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE, because it is a base of at least one other unique concat dimension.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
- ORA-36637: (XSDUNION05) The concat dimension cannot be defined as UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
- ORA-36638: (XSDUNION17) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
- ORA-36639: (XSDUNION18) UNIQUE cannot be applied to this concat dimension because leaves <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> share the value <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Unique concat base dimensions cannot contain duplicate values.
- ORA-36640: (XSDUNION19) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to UNIQUE because base dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> does not have a TEXT or ID datatype.
Cause: Base dimensions of a unique concat must have TEXT or ID datatypes.
- ORA-36641: (XSDUNION20) The concat dimension must be defined as UNIQUE because base dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> contains custom member values.
Cause: The UNIQUE keyword was not specified in the concat dimension definition, and is required if any of its base dimensions contain custom member values.
- ORA-36642: (XSDUNION06) Concat dimension list contains duplicate leaf dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Duplicate concat leaf dimension was found.
- ORA-36643: (XSDUNION21) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE because it contains custom member values.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values or base dimensions which contain custom member values.
- ORA-36644: (XSDUNION07) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> contains a previously detected leaf dimension.
Cause: Concat dimension contains a previously detected leaf dimension.
- ORA-36646: (XSDUNION08) Only concat dimensions can be redefined as UNIQUE. <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a concat dimension.
Cause: UNIQUE keyword was used with an invalid object.
- ORA-36648: (XSDUNION09) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> is already defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Attempt to change a concat dimension to UNIQUE, but it is already UNIQUE.
- ORA-36650: (XSDUNION10) Concat dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be changed to UNIQUE. Leaves <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> share the value <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: Unique concat base dimensions cannot contain duplicate values.
- ORA-36652: (XSDUNION11) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a <varname>string</varname> type dimension.
Cause: The CHGDFN BASE ADD command is only valid for concat dimensions.
- ORA-36654: (XSDUNION12) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be added to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it conflicts with the dimensions of object <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36656: (XSDUNION13) <varname>workspace object</varname> is already a member of <varname>workspace object</varname> and cannot be added.
- ORA-36658: (XSDUNION14) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a direct base of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36660: (XSDUENG00) The first argument to the <varname>string</varname> function must be an expression yielding a dimension value.
- ORA-36662: (XSDUENG01) You cannot apply the <varname>string</varname> function to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a concat dimension.
- ORA-36663: (XSDPART01) You must specify a dimension list when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
- ORA-36664: (XSDPART02) You must specify a partitioning method and one or more partition dimensions when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User tried to define a PARTITION TEMPLATE without a PARTITION BY clause.
- ORA-36665: (XSDPART03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in the dimension list of the PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: While defining a partition template, user attempted to specify a partition dimension that is not a dimension of the partition template itself.
- ORA-36666: (XSDPART04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a concat dimension.
Cause: User tried to define a partition template with PARTITION BY CONCAT(... dim ...) where dim is not a concat dimension.
- ORA-36667: (XSDPART05) <varname>string</varname> is not a legal CONCAT partition.
Cause: User attempted to use RANGE or LIST syntax in defining a CONCAT partition template.
- ORA-36668: (XSDPART06) <varname>string</varname> is not a legal RANGE partition.
Cause: User attempted to use CONCAT or LIST syntax in defining a RANGE partition template.
- ORA-36669: (XSDPART07) <varname>string</varname> is not a legal LIST partition.
Cause: User attempted to use RANGE or CONCAT syntax in defining a LIST partition template.
- ORA-36670: (XSDPART08) <varname>workspace object</varname> is an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension, or contains an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension. INTEGER and NTEXT dimensions cannot be used as partition dimensions.
Cause: User attempted to define a partition template partitioned by an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension or a concat containing an NTEXT leaf.
- ORA-36671: (XSDPART09) Leaves of <varname>workspace object</varname> have different datatypes. A partition dimension cannot have more than one datatype when RANGE partitioning is used.
Cause: User attempted to define a range partition template with a concat partition dimension, and the concat had two leaf dimensions with different datatypes.
- ORA-36672: (XSDPART10) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE can only have a single partition dimension.
Cause: User attempted to define a RANGE or LIST partition template with more than one partition dimension.
- ORA-36673: (XSDPART11) Use simple leaf values to identify concat dimension values in a VALUES LESS THAN clause, rather than the <LEAF: VALUE> format.
Cause: When defining a RANGE partition template with a concat dimension for the partition dimension, the user attempted to define a range using the <LEAF: VALUE> format of a concat dimension value.
- ORA-36674: (XSDPART12) Invalid dimension value starting at <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: When defining a RANGE or LIST partition template, the user specified an invalid value in a VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause. An "invalid value" can be one of two things: a value whose datatype does not match the partition dimension's datatype, or a non-constant value.
- ORA-36675: (XSDPART13) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE cannot have a conjoint for its partition dimension.
- ORA-36676: (XSDPART14) Missing dimension list for <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to define a CONCAT partition template, and didn't supply a list of dimensions for one of the partition definitions.
- ORA-36677: (XSDPART15) Duplicate value in value lists of <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname>
Cause: In a LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE definition, a value appeared in more than one value list, or more than once within a single value list.
- ORA-36678: (XSDPART16) <varname>workspace object</varname> is missing from one or more partition dimension lists.
Cause: In the definition of a partition template, one of the partitions had a dimension list that did not contain all the dimensions of the partition template.
- ORA-36679: (XSDPART17) <varname>workspace object</varname> contains a leaf (<varname>workspace object</varname>) that is not part of the partition dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: In the definition of a CONCAT partition template, one of the partitions was dimensioned by a dimension that is "concat-related" to a partition dimension, meaning it shares some leaves with the partition dimension, but it contained some leaves that are not in the partition dimension.
- ORA-36680: (XSDPART18) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a dimension of the PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: In the definition of a partition template, one of the partitions was dimensioned by a dimension that was not given in the dimension list of the partition template.
- ORA-36681: (XSDPART19) Partitions <varname>string</varname> and <varname>string</varname> are out of order.
Cause: In the definition of a range partition template, a partition with a lower range boundary was listed after a partition with a higher range boundary.
- ORA-36682: (XSDPART20) Partition name <varname>string</varname> appears twice.
Cause: User gave a list of AW partitions in which some partition name appeared twice.
- ORA-36683: (XSDPART21) Partition <varname>string</varname> dimensioned by more than one composite.
Cause: It is illegal to define a partition template in which one of the partitions is dimensioned by more than one composite.
- ORA-36684: (XSDPART22) You cannot rename values of DIMENSION <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE <varname>workspace object</varname>
Cause: User attempted to rename a value of a dimension that serves as the partition dimension of some RANGE or LIST partition template.
- ORA-36685: (XSDPART23) Only CONCAT partition templates can be subpartitioned.
Cause: User attempted to define a RANGE or LIST partition template with one or more partitions dimensioned by another partition template.
- ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value <varname>number</varname> is not in partition <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: User attempted to reorganize a list partition template by removing a value from some partition's list, but the value was not in the list.
- ORA-36687: (XSDPART25) You cannot use compressed composite <varname>workspace object</varname> to dimension multiple partitions of the partition template, because its dimension list includes the PARTITION BY dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The specified PARTITION BY dimension also occurred in the dimension list of a compressed composite used to dimension multiple partitions.
- ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.
Cause: An unknown character set conversion error occurred when converting a TEXT value to an NTEXT value.
- ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user called the UNISTR function on a string that had an invalid escape sequence. The only valid escape sequences in UNISTR are 1.) an escape-escape sequence, and 2.) an escape, followed by exactly four hexadecimal digits.
- ORA-36692: (XSRELGID24) A level relation must be specified for the GROUPSET and ROLLUP options of GROUPINGID.
Cause: level relation was not specified.
- ORA-36693: (XSRELGID25) INHIERARCHY cannot be specified with the GROUPSET and ROLLUP options of GROUPINGID.
Cause: INHIERARCHY option was specified.
- ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Unknown.
- ORA-36695: (XSRELGID26) The length of GID dimension status is <varname>number</varname>. The length of LEVEL dimension status is <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: GID dimension status did not match LEVEL dimension status.
- ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> should not be the related dimension of the relation.
Cause: An ineligible dimension was specified in the Qualified Data Reference
- ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.
Cause: The named dimension was not in the relation's dimension list.
- ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) Dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be qualified more than once.
Cause: The same dimension was specified more than once in the QDR.
- ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: \n HIERHEIGHT(relation [,] level)\n level >= 1.
Cause: The HIERHEIGHT function was specified incorrectly.
- ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) <varname>workspace object</varname> should be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The level relation is not dimensioned by the source relation dimension.
- ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) <varname>workspace object</varname> should be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname> and one level dimension.
Cause: The destination relation has the wrong definition.
- ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.
Cause: The user supplied an undimensioned (scalar) variable to the ALLOCATE command.
- ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user attempted to execute ALLOCATE with mismatched TARGET and TARGETLOG variables
- ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.
Cause: The user specified an invalid source or basis relation on the ALLOCATE command line.
- ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must have the same data type as TARGET variable <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user specified a TARGETLOG variable that had a different data type from the TARGET variable.
- ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user did not have sufficient permissions to run the ALLOCATE command
- ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.
Cause: The user used the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so either the AGGMAP can only be used with the AGGREGATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.
- ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula <varname>workspace object</varname> as your source for ALLOCATE.
Cause: The user requested that source values be modified during the allocation, but that is not possible when using a formula source.
- ORA-36724: (XSALLOC03) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot include more dimensions than the source variable.
- ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character '<varname>character</varname>' is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log.
Cause: The user specified an invalid formatter in the ALLOCERRLOGHEADER or ALLOCERRLOGFORMAT options.
- ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the error logging limit of <varname>number</varname> was exceeded.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX value in the ALLOCMAP, but more errors were encountered while performing the allocation.
- ORA-36730: A deadlock occurred allocating data.
- ORA-36731: An NA basis parent cell was encountered.
- ORA-36732: A value was less than the FLOOR specification.
- ORA-36733: A value exceeded the CEILING specification.
- ORA-36734: A value was less than the MIN specification.
- ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification
Cause: .
- ORA-36736: Renormalizing data
- ORA-36737: The logging limit was exceeded.
- ORA-36738: Falling back to NAOPERATOR after deadlock.
- ORA-36739: Redistributing remainder with REMOPERATOR.
- ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset
Cause: .
- ORA-36741: A source was OVER ALLOCATED to its children
- ORA-36761: (XSLANGDM01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> already contains a dimension (%J) with the <varname>string</varname> property.
Cause: An attempt was made to apply this property to more than one dimension in the AW.
- ORA-36762: (XSLANGDM02) You cannot modify the <varname>string</varname> property of %J because analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to add or delete a $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE property in an AW attached in multiwriter mode.
- ORA-36763: (XSAGGCNTMOVE01) Aggregation variable <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot have itself as an AGGCOUNT.
Cause: An attempt was made to turn a variable into its own AGGCOUNT.
- ORA-36764: (XSAGGCNTMOVE02) AGGCOUNT variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must be of type INTEGER, not <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-INTEGER AGGCOUNT.
- ORA-36765: (XSAGGCNTMOVE03) A <varname>string</varname> aggregation variable cannot have a <varname>string</varname> AGGCOUNT.
Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable did not have the same permanence as the aggregation variable.
- ORA-36766: (XSAGGCNTMOVE04) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT because it has an AGGCOUNT.
Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable had its own AGGCOUNT
- ORA-36767: (XSAGGCNTMOVE05) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used as an AGGCOUNT while there are permissions applied to it.
Cause: The specified AGGCOUNT variable had its own permissions distinct from those on the aggregation variable.
- ORA-36768: (XSAGGCNTMOVE06) An aggregation variable and its AGGCOUNT must have the same base dimensions.
Cause: An AGGCOUNT variable was specified with different base dimensions than the aggregation variable.
- ORA-36778: (XSPGTRLOW) The amount of available temporary storage is still low. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by UPDATING or DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
- ORA-36779: Invalid parameter value.
Cause: The specified value for OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter was out of range. OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE must be between 2097152 and 2147483647. Addditionally, you cannot use a fixed-size OLAP page pool with multiple tablespace block sizes. OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE remains unmodified.
- ORA-36780: (IOSEC01) Current Directory Alias is not set. Cannot complete <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-36782: (IOSEC02) Directory Alias used in <varname>string</varname> does not exist, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access it.
- ORA-36784: (IOSEC03) <varname>string</varname> is an invalid directory or file name.
- ORA-36786: (IOSEC04) File <varname>string</varname> does not exist or cannot be accessed.
- ORA-36788: (IOSEC05) Access to the directory specified by <varname>string</varname> denied.
- ORA-36790: (IOSEC06) Access to the file <varname>string</varname> denied.
- ORA-36792: (IOSEC07) Error accessing file <varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single LOOP statement within the LIMITMAP
Cause: The OLAP table function given used more than one LOOP statement.
- ORA-36802: (XSTBLFUNC01) The OLAP_TABLE function must contain a DATAMAP that executes a FETCH command or a LIMITMAP.
Cause: There is no limitmap on the table function and either the datamap does not contain a fetch, or it errored before the fetch was called.
- ORA-36804: (XSTBLFUNC02) The OLAP_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.
Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax, or the name resolution failure of an ANALYTIC WORSKPACE OBJECT.
- ORA-36806: (XSTBLFUNC03) The OLAP_TABLE function refers to an invalid ADT attribute: <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The limitmap refers to a matching of ADT attribute to AW object, but the ADT attribute is not an element of the specified ADT table. Most commonly this is a typo.
- ORA-36808: (XSTBLFUNC04) The OLAP_TABLE function LEVELREL clause cannot declare <varname>number</varname> ADT fields from <varname>number</varname> AW fields.
Cause: The limitmap has a levelrel clause which has a different number of values in the list to the right of the FROM than it has to the left.
- ORA-36810: (XSTBLFUNC05) Analytic workspace object <varname>number</varname> does not exist.
Cause: The limitmap refers to a non-existent aw object.
- ORA-36812: (XSTBLFUNC06) Invalid Syntax at '?'.
Cause: The limitmap has a question mark character outside the context of a string.
- ORA-36814: (XSTBLFUNC07) The datatype of the column used in the ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP must be RAW(16).
Cause: Datatype of column used in ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP is not RAW(16).
- ORA-36815: (XSTBLFUNC08) The OLAP_TABLE has attempted to use an AW single row function with the aw_attach parameter set to DURATION QUERY.
Cause: The OLAP_TABLE aw_attach parameter was set to DURATION QUERY.
- ORA-36816: (XSTBLFUNC09) The <varname>workspace object</varname> dimension is of datatype <varname>string</varname> which does not support custom member upserts.
Cause: Custom members were attempted to be added via an upsert to a dimension that does not support them
- ORA-36817: (XSTBLFUNC10) The LIMITMAP LOOP clause specifies an invalid type of object. <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a DIMENSION or COMPOSITE.
Cause: An invalid type of object was specified in the LOOP clause.
- ORA-36818: (XSTBLFUNC11) A LIMITMAP DIMENSION clause specifies an invalid type of object. <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a DIMENSION.
Cause: An invalid type of object was specified in the DIMENSION clause.
- ORA-36819: (XSTBLFUNC12) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used in a LIMITMAP <varname>string</varname> clause.
Cause: An invalid type of object was specified in a LIMITMAP clause.
- ORA-36820: (XSLMINFO00) The LIMITMAPINFO function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.
Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax.
- ORA-36821: (XSJPUSH00) An error occurred while attempting to push a join of 2 AW tables.
Cause: Unknown.
- ORA-36825: (XSTBLFUNC13) An error occurred expanding the cube_name argument in the OLAP table function
Cause: Incorrect metadata or invalid cube name
- ORA-36826: (XSTBLFUNC14) OLAP C Looper is disabled by event 37395
Cause: init.ora event 37395 includes level 8 which disables the OLAP C looper
- ORA-36830: (XSLMGEN00) Object <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> does not exist
Cause: The object does not exist
- ORA-36831: (XSLMGEN01) View token cannot be NA
Cause: A NA was passed as the view token
- ORA-36832: (XSLMGEN02) View token cannot be greater than 4000 bytes
Cause: A view token was greater than 4000 bytes
- ORA-36833: (XSLMGEN03) View token cannot be blank
Cause: A blank was passed as the view token
- ORA-36834: (XSLMGEN04) Column tag is greater than 30 bytes
Cause: A value greater than 30 bytes was passed as the column tag
- ORA-36835: (XSLMGEN05) Dimension <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> hierarchy <varname>string</varname> level <varname>string</varname> is missing a COLUMNNAME property value
Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value
- ORA-36836: (XSLMGEN06) The dimensionality of object <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> is different than the view token
Cause: The dimensionality of the cube does not match the view token
- ORA-36837: (XSLMGEN07) Object owner <varname>string</varname> is different than <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The object owners are different
- ORA-36838: (XSLMGEN08) Dimension <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> attribute <varname>string</varname> is missing a COLUMNNAME property value
Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value
- ORA-36839: (XSLMGEN09) Cube <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> measure <varname>string</varname> is missing a COLUMNNAME property value
Cause: The COLUMNNAME property has no value
- ORA-36840: (XSLMGEN10) Cube <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> has no measures
Cause: The cube has no measures
- ORA-36841: (XSLMGEN11) Dimension <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> was not found
Cause: The view token referenced a dimension that does not exist
- ORA-36842: (XSLMGEN12) Hierarchy <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> was not found
Cause: The view token referenced a hierarchy that does not exist
- ORA-36843: (XSLMGEN13) Dimension <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> hierarchy <varname>string</varname> is missing a PHYSICALNAME property value
Cause: The property PHYSICALNAME has no value
- ORA-36844: (XSLMGEN14) Dimension <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> is missing a <varname>string</varname> property value
Cause: The dimension is missing a required property
- ORA-36845: (XSLMGEN15) Owner is greater than 30 bytes
Cause: The owner passed is greater than 30 bytes
- ORA-36846: (XSLMGEN16) AW name is greater than 30 bytes
Cause: The AW name passed is greater than 30 bytes
- ORA-36847: (XSLMGEN17) AW name is blank
Cause: The AW name passed is blank
- ORA-36848: (XSLMGEN18) Object name <varname>string</varname> is different than <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The object names are different
- ORA-36849: (XSLMGEN19) AW owner does not match View token owner
Cause: The AW owner does not match the View token owner
- ORA-36850: (XSLMGEN20) View token <varname>string</varname> is not correct
Cause: The view token is not correct
- ORA-36861: (XSTFRC01) SQL Cache ID parameter is invalid or missing.
Cause: SQL Cache ID parameter is required to identify SQL cache to query
- ORA-36862: (XSTFRC02) Column number for this SQL Cache must be between 1 and <varname>number</varname>. Specified column number <varname>number</varname> is invalid.
Cause: Column Map references a column number that is greater than the maximum column number in SQL Cache
- ORA-36871: (XSFTDSC01) Object <varname>string</varname> cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: The object cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.
- ORA-36872: (XSTFDSC02) Column type specifier cannot be used when the table function data type is specified.
Cause: Column type can only be used with implicitly-specified table functions
- ORA-36873: (XSTFDSC03) Column type must be specified explicitly.
Cause: Missing column type specification.
- ORA-36874: (XSTFDSC04) Expression <varname>string</varname> cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: The expression cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.
- ORA-36875: (XSTFDSC05) LIMITMAP is missing or is not a string literal.
Cause: Table functions that have an automatic ADT require LIMITMAP to be a string literal.
- ORA-36876: (XSTFDSC06) The column datatype <varname>string</varname> is not supported in OLAP table functions.
Cause: The object type layer does not support column datatype.
- ORA-36881: (XSSRF00) The OLAP DML ROW2CELL function can only be used in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: Using the ROW2CELL function outside of the LIMITMAP.
- ORA-36882: (XSSRF01) The second parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.
Cause: The second parameter of the AW single row function was NULL
- ORA-36883: (XSSRF02) The first parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.
Cause: The first parameter of the AW single row function was NULL
- ORA-36884: (XSSRF03) The value of the first parameter of the AW single row function is incorrect.
Cause: The column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause was not the first parameter of the AW single row function.
- ORA-36885: (XSSRF04) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name too big
Cause: The column name specified in the OLAP DML expression was larger than 30 bytes.
- ORA-36886: (XSSRF05) Error rewritting OLAP DML expression. Rewritten expression is greater than <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: The rewritten OLAP DML expression was larger than the output buffer.
- ORA-36887: (XSSRF06) Error rewriting OLAP DML expression. Column name <varname>string</varname> is not a valid ADT column.
Cause: The column name passes does not exist.
- ORA-36902: (XSAGDNGL43) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, the MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a model over a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
Cause: Model may include equations others than dimension values, or blocks other than simple blocks.
- ORA-36904: (XSAGDNGL44) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, RELATION <varname>workspace object</varname> occurs after a dynamic model. The dynamic model must be the last calculation within the AGGMAP.
Cause: Before the current relation, dynamic model exists.
- ORA-36910: (XSAGDNGL47) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, DYNAMIC MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> can only edit the top level of its matching relation hierarchy.
Cause: The model attempted to edit a child node in the relation hierarchy.
- ORA-36912: (XSAGDNGL48) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, MODEL <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be simultaneous.
Cause: The aggmap contained a simultaneous model.
- ORA-36913: (XSAGDNGL49) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, LOAD_STATUS object <varname>workspace object</varname> must be an undimensioned VALUESET over the relation dimension.
Cause: The object refered to by the LOAD_STATUS clause of the aggmap wasn't an undimensioned valueset over the related dimension
- ORA-36914: (XSAGDNGL50) In AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>, LOAD_STATUS valueset <varname>workspace object</varname> contains both a child and its ancestor.
Cause: The LOAD_STATUS valueset is not allowed to contain both a dimension value and an ancestor of that value.
- ORA-36920: (XSVPMVTOPART01) <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot become anonymous because it has properties.
Cause: The OLAP DML command would result in a named object becoming an anonymous object, but the object had one or more properties associated with it.
- ORA-36921: (XSVPMVTOPART02) <varname>workspace object</varname> and <varname>workspace object</varname> are not in the same analytic workspace.
Cause: The OLAP DML command requires certain objects to be in the same analytic workspace, and the command string specified objects from two different analytic workspaces.
- ORA-36922: (XSVPMVTOPART03) <varname>workspace object</varname> is the target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform some prohibited operation on a variable which is itself a partition of some other variable.
- ORA-36923: (XSVPMVTOPART04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a LIST or RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: The user ran a command that only operates on a LIST or RANGE partition template (or a variable dimensioned by a LIST or RANGE partition template) on some other kind of analytic workspace object.
- ORA-36924: (XSVPMVTOPART05) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not in a COMPOSITE.
Cause: The OLAP DML command expected that the variable would be dimensioned by a composite containing the specified dimension, the specified dimension within a composite.
- ORA-36925: (XSVPMVTOPART06) Partition <varname>number</varname> has some values that are not in <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36926: (XSVPMVTOPART07) More than one variable is dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36930: Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle OLAP because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace has been performed.
Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. A recursive Oracle OLAP call cannot be made until the control returns to the initial OLAP call and the affected Analytic Workspaces detached.
- ORA-36940: (XSDPENG00) You cannot apply the PARTITION function to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not a partition template.
- ORA-36950: (XSFCAST22) The list of <varname>string</varname> values cannot have more than <varname>number</varname> members. You supplied <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: There are more than the maximum number of OFFSET or PERIODICITY values.
- ORA-36951: (XSFCAST28) The ALLOCLAST parameter cannot be set to YES unless PERIODICITY specifies more than one cycle.
Cause: ALLOCLAST was set to YES when PERIODICITY specified a single value rather than a list of nested cycles.
- ORA-36952: (XSFCAST23) You cannot specify a cycle number when querying the <varname>string</varname> forecasting option.
Cause: A cycle number was specified in a call to FCQUERY to retrieve forecast data not related to a cycle.
- ORA-36954: (XSFCAST24) The cycle number must be between 1 and <varname>number</varname>. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: A cycle number less than 1 or greater than the maximum value was specified in a call to FCQUERY.
- ORA-36956: (XSFCAST25) There are only <varname>number</varname> PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values.
Cause: More OFFSET values were specified than PERIODICITY values.
- ORA-36958: (XSFCAST26) The OFFSET value for cycle <varname>number</varname> cannot be greater than the cycle's PERIODICITY, which is <varname>number</varname>. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The OFFSET for a cycle exceeded the PERIODICITY for that cycle.
- ORA-36960: (XSFCAST27) The value of the <varname>string</varname> expression must be an odd number. You specified <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: An even number was given for an option that requires an odd number.
- ORA-36961: Oracle OLAP is not available.
Cause: The user attempted to utilize functionality found only in Oracle OLAP, but OLAP has not been enabled in the executable.
- ORA-36962: (XSRELTBL08) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The specified value does not exist in the dimension.
- ORA-36963: (XSRELTBL16) INHIERARCHY object <varname>workspace object</varname> should be a valid valueset or boolean variable.
Cause: Invalid valueset or variable was specified.
- ORA-36964: (XSRELTBL09) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a valid level relation.
Cause: The specified level relation was not consistent with the parentage hierarchy.
- ORA-36965: (XSRELTBL17) Invalid LEVELORDER valueset <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Invalid LEVELORDER valueset was specified.
- ORA-36966: (XSRELTBL10) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a dimension.
Cause: The qualified object must be a dimensions.
- ORA-36967: (XSRELTBL18) Invalid INHIERARCHY valueset <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Invalid valueset was specified.
- ORA-36968: (XSRELTBL11) Invalid relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Non-object or an object other than a RELATION was specified as source or destination.
- ORA-36969: (XSRELTBL19) Merged family relation cannot take INHIERARCHY option.
Cause: INHIERARCHY option was specified.
- ORA-36970: (XSRELTBL12) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a self-relation.
Cause: The specified source relation was not a self-relation.
- ORA-36971: (XSRELTBL19) Merged family relation cannot take LEVELORDER option.
Cause: LEVELORDER option was specified.
- ORA-36972: (XSRELTBL13) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Destination relation is not dimensioned by source relation dimension.
- ORA-36974: (XSRELTBL14) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a BOOLEAN variable dimensioned by all the dimensions of the hierarchy.
Cause: The named variable had either the wrong data type or the wrong dimensions.
- ORA-36975: (XSRELTBL15) You must specify a USING clause naming a relation with same level dimension as LEVELORDER valueset <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: USING was omitted from the HIERHEIGHT command, or specified a relation containing values of a different dimension than the LEVELORDER valueset.
- ORA-36976: (XSRELGID00) Invlid GROUPINGID destination relation or variable <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Non-Object or invalid relation or invlid variable.
- ORA-36977: (XSRELGID17) The GROUPINGID command does not support hierarchies with more than 126 levels.
Cause: The user specified a hierarchy with more than 126 levels.
- ORA-36978: (XSRELGID01) <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a self-relation.
Cause: Source relation is not a self-relation.
- ORA-36979: (XSRELGID18) Property <varname>number</varname> can only be set by the GROUPINGID command.
Cause: You tried to set the $GID_DEPTH property.
- ORA-36980: (XSRELGID02) Variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must have a numeric data type.
Cause: The destination variable does not have a numeric data type.
- ORA-36981: (XSRELGID19) The format of the GROUPINGID function is:\n \n GROUPINGID(gidrel1 [gidrel2]...)
Cause: Bad syntax
- ORA-36982: (XSRELGID03) The destination variable/relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned by all dimensions of the source relation <varname>workspace object</varname> that have more than one value in status.
Cause: Destination variable/relation does not have enough dimensionality to hold the result from the multi-dimensional source relation.
- ORA-36983: (XSRELGID20) The groupingid relation <varname>workspace object</varname> repeats.
Cause: The groupingid relation repeated.
- ORA-36984: (XSRELGID04) A value cannot be inserted into dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-36985: (XSRELGID21) The source relation can be omitted only when using both surrogate GID and level order valueset.
Cause: Source relation was not specified.
- ORA-36986: (XSRELGID05) Relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned by <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The destination relation is not dimensioned by the dimension of the source relation.
- ORA-36988: (XSRELGID06) The related dimension of relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be of type NUMBER.
Cause: The related dimension of the destination relation has the wrong data type.
- ORA-36989: (XSRELGID23) GROUPSET and ROLLUP options in GROUPINGID require the destination relation.
Cause: Either variable or surrrogate dimension was specified as destination.
- ORA-36990: (XSRELGID07) The level relation <varname>workspace object</varname> should be dimensioned by a level dimension.
Cause: The level relation is not dimensioned by a level dimension.
- ORA-36991: (XSRELGID08) The level relation and level order valueset provide inconsistent level mappings.
Cause: There is a conflict between the hierarchy/level relation and the level order valueset.
- ORA-36992: (XSRELGID09) A level relation is needed to produce a surrogate dimension gid.
Cause: A level relation was not specified.
- ORA-36993: (XSRELGID10) OBJECT <varname>workspace object</varname> must be a VARIABLE, RELATION, or a numeric SURROGATE DIMENSION based on the level dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: not a surrogate dimension, or the surrogate dimension is not based on the level dimension.
- ORA-36994: (XSRELGID11) The SURROGATE DIMENSION <varname>workspace object</varname> must be numeric.
Cause: The surrogate dimension is not numeric
- ORA-36995: (XSRELGID12) There are duplicate values in the surrogate dimension gid. Use the levelorder option to resolve the ambiguity.
Cause: more than 1 hierarchies in the current computing scope.
- ORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset <varname>workspace object</varname> should be defined over dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Valueset doesn't match the dimension
- ORA-36997: (XSRELGID14) For variable or relation grouping ids, a level relation is needed when a level order valueset is specified.
Cause: no level relation exists with level order valueset.
- ORA-36998: (XSRELGID15) LEVEL ORDER VALUESET <varname>workspace object</varname> and LEVEL RELATION <varname>workspace object</varname> have the different level dimensions.
Cause: either level order valueset or level relation has wrong level dimension.
- ORA-36999: (XSRELGID16) OBJECT <varname>workspace object</varname> is not a surrogate dimension, a source relation must be specified when creating any non-surrogate grouping id.
Cause: use variable/relation gid without providing the source relation
- ORA-37000: (NOTALIAS00) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not an ALIAS DIMENSION of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The user specified an object which is not alias dimension of the first dimension
- ORA-37001: You have one or more attached but unupdated analytic workspaces.
Cause: The user has attempted to shut down OLAP, but they have active analytic workspaces whose changes have not been saved.
- ORA-37002: Oracle OLAP failed to initialize. Please contact Oracle OLAP technical support.
Cause: A severe error occurred while initializing OLAP.
- ORA-37003: (AWLISTALL01) <varname>number</varname> readers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 0
- ORA-37004: (AWLISTALL02) <varname>number</varname> reader
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 1
- ORA-37005: (AWLISTALL03) <varname>number</varname> readers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is > 1
- ORA-37006: (AWLISTALL04) <varname>number</varname> writers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 0
- ORA-37007: (AWLISTALL05) <varname>number</varname> writer
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 1
- ORA-37008: (AWLISTALL06) <varname>number</varname> writers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is > 1
- ORA-37010: (XSACQUIRE_DIFFAW) When using the CONSISTENT WITH clause, all objects must come from the same analytic workspace.
Cause: The ACQUIRE command cannot keep objects from several workspaces consistent with each other
- ORA-37011: (XSACQUIRE_LOCKED) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is locked by another user.
Cause: Could not acquire (or acquire consistent) the object, since it is locked by another user
- ORA-37012: (XSACQUIRE_TIMEOUT) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is locked by another user and the WAIT timed out.
Cause: Could not acquire (or acquire consistent) the object for a while, since it is locked by another user
- ORA-37013: (XSACQUIRE_DEADLOCK) Cannot wait to acquire object <varname>workspace object</varname>, since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Waiting to acquire the object would cause a deadlock
- ORA-37014: (XSACQUIRE_ACQUIRED) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is already acquired.
Cause: The object is already acquired
- ORA-37015: (XSACQUIRE_YNRESYNC) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is ambiguously listed to be acquired both with and without RESYNC.
Cause: The object is listed in with resync list and no resync list. Such usage is ambiguous as to the user's intent on preserving or not preserving private changes.
- ORA-37016: (XSACQUIRE01) You must specify objects to acquire for the ACQUIRE command.
Cause: A list of objects to acquire with or without resync is missing
- ORA-37018: (XSACQUIRE03) Multiwriter operations are not supported for object <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Multiwriter presently does not work for this object type
- ORA-37020: (XSMULTI01) Analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is not in MULTI mode.
Cause: The workspace for an object is not in multiwriter mode. Hence, no multiwriter operations are allowed on the objects in the workspace
- ORA-37021: (XSMULTI02) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is not acquired.
Cause: The object must be acquired for this multiwriter operation
- ORA-37023: (XSMLTUPD01) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be updated without dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: One cannot update an object if it is dimensioned by a maintained dimension without updating that dimension or if the object is a relation and the dimension is its target.
- ORA-37026: (XSMLTRESYNC01) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be resynced without dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: One cannot resync an object if it is dimensioned by a maintained dimension without updating that dimension or if the object is a relation and the dimension is its target.
- ORA-37027: (XSMLTRESYNC02) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be resynced without modified object <varname>workspace object</varname> because they share a modified composite dimension.
Cause: When one resyncs an object that is dimensioned by a composite dimension, the composite dimension is resynced automatically, dropping all new tuples. This cannot be done, however, if the automatic resync of the composite dimension might cause data in an object that shares the composite dimension to become NA.
- ORA-37028: (XSMLTRESYNC03) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be resynced without modified object <varname>workspace object</varname> because they share a modified dimension map.
Cause: When one resyncs an object that is dimensioned by a dimension map, the dimension map is resynced automatically, dropping all changes. This cannot be done, however, if the automatic resync of the dimension map might cause data in an object that shares the dimension map to become NA.
- ORA-37030: (XSMLTMAINT01) You cannot maintain <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is not ACQUIRED.
Cause: One cannot maintain a dimension in a multiwriter AW if it is not acquired.
- ORA-37031: (XSMLTMAINT02) You cannot DELETE values of dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> in MULTI mode.
Cause: DELETE is allowed in multiwriter mode only for SESSION dimension members
- ORA-37032: (XSMLTMAINT03) You cannot MAINTAIN partition template <varname>workspace object</varname> in MULTI mode.
Cause: User attempted to add or remove values from a LIST partition template's lists while the AW containing the partition template was attached in multiwriter mode.
- ORA-37035: (XSMLTDCL01) You can only DEFINE SESSION objects in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: Persistent object definition in multiwriter mode is not allowed.
- ORA-37036: (XSMLTDCL02) You cannot DELETE objects in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot delete objects in an analytic workspace attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-37037: (XSMLTDCL03) You cannot RENAME objects in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot rename objects in an analytic workspace attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-37038: (XSMLTDCL04) You cannot change definitions of objects in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot used CHGDFN command on objects in an analytic workspace attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-37039: (XSMLTDCL05) You cannot maintain triggers in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot use TRIGGER command on objects in an analytic workspace attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-37040: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_LOCKED) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition <varname>workspace object</varname> is locked by another user.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which is locked by another user
- ORA-37041: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_TIMEOUT) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition <varname>workspace object</varname> is locked by another user and the WAIT timed out.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which could not be locked for a while, since it is locked by another user
- ORA-37042: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_DEADLOCK) Cannot wait to acquire composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition <varname>workspace object</varname>, since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which would cause a deadlock
- ORA-37043: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_OLDGEN) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be locked, since another user has committed a new one already.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition in the present generation, which is not possible, since a newer generation already exists.
- ORA-37044: (XSACQUIRE_OLDGEN) Cannot acquire object <varname>workspace object</varname> without resync.
Cause: Could not acquire the object without resync because another user has committed a newer version of it already.
- ORA-37050: (XSMLTDCL06) You cannot use the RELATION command with <varname>workspace object</varname> because analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot use the RELATION command on objects in an analytic workspace attached in MULTI mode.
- ORA-37051: (XSAWRESREV01) You cannot RESYNC or REVERT analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because one or more objects have been defined in it during this session.
- ORA-37052: (XSAWRESREV02) You cannot RESYNC or REVERT analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because one or more objects have been deleted from it during this session.
- ORA-37053: (XSAWRESREV03) You cannot RESYNC or REVERT analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because one or more of its objects have had their definitions changed during this session.
- ORA-37054: (XSAWRESREV04) You cannot RESYNC or REVERT analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it contains one or more unnamed composites renamed during this session.
- ORA-37055: (XSAWRESREV05) You cannot RESYNC analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because another session has changed the definitions of one or more objects it contains.
- ORA-37056: (XSAWRESREV06) You cannot RESYNC or REVERT analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because one or more SESSION dimensions or composites are based on <varname>workspace object</varname>.
- ORA-37060: (XSMCSESS08) <varname>number</varname> is not a valid custom member in dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: No custom member or invalid custom member
- ORA-37069: You may not execute a parallel OLAP operation against the EXPRESS AW.
Cause: A parallel OLAP command attempted to execute against EXPRESS.
- ORA-37070: You may not execute OLAP DML programs in a parallel query session.
Cause: The user attempted to execute a DML program inside of a parallel query session, perhaps in parallel aggregate
- ORA-37071: You may not execute a parallel OLAP operation against updated but uncommitted AW <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user attempted to use a parallel feature against an AW which they updated but which has not been committed
- ORA-37072: (XSMCSESS00) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> has the wrong type.
Cause: The object is not of the object type specified in the APPLY clause
- ORA-37073: (XSMCSESS01) Applied relation <varname>workspace object</varname> must be dimensioned by dimension <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Applied relation has the different dimension from the dimension currently being maintained
- ORA-37074: (XSMCSESS02) Variable <varname>workspace object</varname> has no default aggmap.
Cause: The applied variable has no default aggmap
- ORA-37075: (XSMCSESS03) You cannot rename a session-only dimension value.
Cause: The user tried to apply MAINTAIN RENAME to a SESSION value.
- ORA-37076: (XSMCSESS04) <varname>workspace object</varname> is not the type of dimension that can have session-only values. Valid types are TEXT, NTEXT, ID, NUMBER, and CONCAT with the UNIQUE attribute.
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION value to a dimension type that does not support SESSION values.
- ORA-37077: (XSMCSESS05) Object <varname>workspace object</varname> is specified more than once.
Cause: The same object name was given more than once in the apply clause or in the step dimension list.
- ORA-37078: (XSMCSESS06) The dimension being maintained (<varname>workspace object</varname>) cannot also be used as a step dimension.
Cause: The dimension being maintained was named as a step dimension.
- ORA-37079: (XSMCSESS07) Aggmap <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be used for AGGREGATE.
Cause: The current aggmap may be for ALLOCATE
- ORA-37080: Advice requested for hierarchy with too many levels
Cause: A request was made for advice on a hierarchy with more levels than are supported.
- ORA-37082: Invalid percent
Cause: A request was made for advice with an illegal percent value.
- ORA-37083: Invalid object <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A request was made for advice with an illegal object name.
- ORA-37084: Output valueset <varname>string</varname> must match <varname>string</varname>'s dimensionality
Cause: A request was made for advice for a relation with different dimensionality from the output valueset.
- ORA-37086: <varname>string</varname> is not a valueset
Cause: An operation was attempted that supports only valuesets as precompute expressions in an aggmap, yet a different kind of precompute expression was used.
- ORA-37093: (XSOBJORG_BAD_CUBE) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for cube "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified cube did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to cubes.
- ORA-37094: (XSOBJORG_BAD_DIM) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for dimension "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified dimension did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to dimensions.
- ORA-37095: (XSOBJORG_BAD_MEAS) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for measure "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified measure did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to measures.
- ORA-37096: (XSOBJORG_BAD_ATTR) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for base attribute "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified base attribute did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to base attribute.
- ORA-37097: (XSOBJORG_BAD_DIM_LEVEL) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for dimension level "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified dimension level did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to dimension levels.
- ORA-37098: (XSOBJORG_BAD_MODEL) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for dimension calculation model "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified dimension calculation model did not have an AW organization, or the specified property di not apply to dimension calculation models.
- ORA-37099: (XSOBJORG_BAD_DIMALITY) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for dimensionality "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified dimensionality did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to dimensionalities.
- ORA-37100: (XSUNCOMMITTED) You have one or more updated but uncommitted analytic workspaces.
Cause: The user has attempted to shut down OLAP, but they have active analytic workspaces whose changes have not been saved.
- ORA-37101: (XSVPART01) Partitioning information can only be given for variables dimensioned by a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User attempted to define or reference an AW object with the "all internal" phrase or internal / external partition list, but the object was not a variable, was not dimensioned by a partition template, or was an already existing target of an external partition.
- ORA-37102: (XSVPART02) Invalid partition name <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The user gave an invalid partition name. When defining a partitioned variable, this message indicates that the partition name does not exist in the partition template. In any other context, it indicates that the partitioned variable or partition template does not have a partition with the given name.
- ORA-37103: (XSVPART03) The dimensionality or datatype of <varname>workspace object</varname> does not match the dimensionality or datatype of the partition.
Cause: User attempted to define a partitioned variable with an external partition, but the target of the external partition had incorrect dimensionality or datatype.
- ORA-37104: (XSVPART04) A partitioned variable must be dimensioned by a single partition template only.
Cause: User attempted to define a partitioned variable with more than one partition templates, or a partition template and one or more other dimensions, in the dimension list.
- ORA-37105: (XSVPART05) Only variables dimensioned by a CONCAT PARTITION TEMPLATE can have <varname>string</varname> partitions.
Cause: User attempted to create an external partition on a partitioned variable, but the variable was dimensioned by a RANGE or LIST partition template.
- ORA-37106: (XSVPART06) Invalid partition name <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: The user gave an invalid partition name.
- ORA-37107: (XSVPART07) Attempt to write to non-existent partition of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: Some action attempted to write data to a partitioned variable, but the variable didn't have a partition for that data. This can result from a partition template that does not assign all possible dimension values to some subcube, or from a partitioned variable that does not have a partition for one of the partitions defined by the partition template.
- ORA-37108: (XSVPART08) <varname>workspace object</varname> has an AGGCOUNT, but <varname>workspace object</varname> does not.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a partition to a partitioned variable. Either the partition was defined WITH AGGCOUNT and the partitioned variable was not, or the partitioned variable was defined WITH AGGCOUNT and the partition was not.
- ORA-37109: (XSVPART09) Partition <varname>workspace object</varname> and its parent variable <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot both be specified.
Cause: Partition and its parent partition were operated upon together.
- ORA-37111: Unable to load the OLAP API sharable library: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: This happens if: (1) the OLAP API sharable library is missing. (2) a sharable library upon which the OLAP API sharable library depends is missing. (3) the OLAP API sharable library is the wrong version.
- ORA-37113: OLAP API initialization error: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: OLAP API initialization failed.
- ORA-37114: OLAP API bootstrap error: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: OLAP API bootstrapping failed.
- ORA-37115: New OLAP API history is not allowed
Cause: If there are active OLAP API sessions, it is not allowed to start a new OLAP API history by setting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true.
- ORA-37116: OLAP API table function error: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: OLAP API table function failed.
- ORA-37117: olapi history retention has been disabled
Cause: Under certain circumstances, for example, when the database is read only, olapi history retention is not possible because it requires updating persistent tables from time to time. If olapi history retention has been disabled, setting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true has no effect.
- ORA-37118: The OLAP API library was not preloaded.
Cause: In shared-server mode, the OLAP API library should be loaded during process initialization to ensure that the C++ virtual table addresses are identical in all shared-server processes. The OLAP API session was executing in a process in which the library had not been loaded.
- ORA-37119: Incompatible OLAP API library load address
Cause: The OLAP API session was executing in a process in which the OLAP API sharable library was loaded which was at a different address than the process in which the OLAP API session originated.
- ORA-37120: expression string is null
Cause: expression parser received a null string for syntax analysis.
- ORA-37121: AW Spreadsheet invalidated
Cause: While this cursor was open, a command was issued that changed the underlying data to become inconsistent.
- ORA-37122: AW Session cache disabled
Cause: A SQL Spreadsheet was attempted while the AW Session cache was disabled.
- ORA-37123: (XSCCOMP17) Can not AGGREGATE <varname>workspace object</varname>(partition <varname>number</varname>) because it depends on unaggregated compressed partition <varname>number</varname>.
Cause: attempted to use a feature not supported by CC's in the current AW format
- ORA-37124: (XSCCOMP16) COMPRESSED COMPOSITES with <varname>string</varname> are not supported in analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> because it has not been upgraded to version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: attempted to use a feature not supported by CC's in the current AW format
- ORA-37125: (XSCCOMP00) Invalid use of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37126: (XSCCOMP01) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> can only be used as a base of a single variable.
Cause: The user attempted to DEFINE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE, but that COMPRESSED COMPOSITE is already being used by another VARIABLE.
- ORA-37127: (XSCCOMP02) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> must be last in the dimension list.
Cause: The user attempted to DEFINE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE, but gave a slower varying dimension in the dimension list.
- ORA-37128: (XSCCOMP20) The partition template <varname>workspace object</varname> has already used the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE specified for either a variable or partition template is already in use in another partition template.
- ORA-37129: (XSCCOMP04) Cannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname>. All static MODEL statements must precede all RELATION statements over the bases of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The AGGMAP was defined with a MODEL statement after a RELATION statement over a base of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37130: (XSCCOMP05) Cannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because you must specify AGGINDEX OFF when there is a PRECOMPUTE clause on a RELATION over base <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A PRECOMPUTE clause was specified in the AGGMAP for a RELATION over a base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE, but AGGINDEX was ON
- ORA-37131: (XSCCOMP06) Cannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because the OPERATOR <varname>string</varname> is not supported for bases of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user specified an aggregation OPERATOR that is not supported by COMPRESSED COMPOSITES.
- ORA-37132: (XSCCOMP07) Incremental aggregation over the dense DIMENSION <varname>workspace object</varname> is not supported when aggregating a VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The status of the specified dimension did not include all detail cells.
- ORA-37133: (XSCCOMP08) You cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access.
Cause: The user attempted to store a value into to a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, and the variable had previously been precomputed using the AGGREGATE command. Once the AGGREGATE command is run on a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, it becomes read-only until the computed values are removed with the CLEAR command.
- ORA-37134: (XSCCOMP09) You cannot add new values to <varname>workspace object</varname> because it includes positions for precomputed aggregate values.
Cause: The user attempted to create a new position in a compressed composite, either directly (using MAINTAIN MERGE or MAINTAIN ADD) or by storing a value into the variable dimensioned by the compressed composite. This is not allowed when the variable has been precomputed using the AGGREGATE command. Once the AGGREGATE command is run on a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, the compressed composite becomes read-only until the computed values are removed with the CLEAR command.
- ORA-37135: (XSCCOMP19) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname> in the current defined partition template should be unique or global.
Cause: The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE was neither unique nor global. Unique means each subpartition should have different COMPRESSED COMPOSITEs; Global means all subpartitions should use the same COMPRESSED COMPOSITE if they use any COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37136: (XSCCOMP11) Cannot ROLLUP dimension <varname>workspace object</varname> which is a base of COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname>, use AGGREGATE instead.
Cause: The user ran ROLLUP on a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37137: (XSCCOMP12) You cannot CHGDFN <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user tried to CHGDFN a compressed composite
- ORA-37138: (XSCCOMP13) You cannot delete values from <varname>workspace object</varname> because it is an aggregated COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user tried to MAINTAIN DELETE from an aggregated COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37139: (XSCCOMP14) Cannot AGGREGATE <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because you can not AGGREGATE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE using an AGGMAP with a PROTECT clause.
Cause: The user tried to AGGREGATE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE with an AGGMAP that included a PROTECT clause.
- ORA-37140: (XSCCOMP15) Cannot AGGREGATE partitioned variable <varname>workspace object</varname> using AGGMAP <varname>workspace object</varname> because you cannot use the base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE as a partition dimension.
Cause: The user tried to run aggregate on a partitioned variable with a partition dimension that is a base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37141: (XSSQLMDQ01) Invalid host variable syntax for MDQUERY procedure.
Cause: The schema and analytic workspace name for the MDQUERY cursor declaration were incorrectly specified.
- ORA-37142: (XSSQLMDQ02) Invalid host variable data type for MDQUERY procedure: <varname>string</varname> expected.
Cause: The user specified a host variable that was not of the correct type.
- ORA-37143: (XSSQLMDQ03) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid analytic workspace name.
Cause: The user specified an analytic workspace name not qualified by a schema name, or one or both components of the name exceed the maximum length
- ORA-37144: (MDQUERY01) <varname>string</varname> is not a valid metadata object type for MDQUERY.
Cause: The user specified an unrecognized first argument to MDQUERY
- ORA-37145: (XSTTS_PLAT) Cannot transport analytic workspace across platforms.
Cause: The user attempted to transport a tablespace containing an analytic workspace from one platform to another.
- ORA-37146: (XSCCOMP18) The variable <varname>workspace object</varname> is already dimensioned by the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: An attempt was made to define the partition template dimensioned by the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE which had dimensioned the variable.
- ORA-37147: (XSCCOMP21) The variable <varname>workspace object</varname> must be in the current operation group of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: The variable dimensioned by the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE was not in the object list of the current operation group. For AGGREGATE, all variables dimensioned by the same COMPRESSED COMPOSITE also must use the same aggmap
- ORA-37148: (XSCCOMP22) <varname>workspace object</varname> is an aggregated COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: Defined the variable or partition template with the aggregated COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
- ORA-37149: (XSCCOMP23) Individual partitions of the variable dimensiond by <varname>workspace object</varname> cannot be aggregated separately.
Cause: An attempt was made to aggregate partitions of a variable dimensioned by a global COMPRESSED COMPOSITE partition template.
- ORA-37150: line <varname>string</varname>, column <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>
Cause: expression syntax error was found in expression query string.
- ORA-37151: expression parser initialization error
Cause: expression parser initialization failed
- ORA-37152: MDX query error: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: An exception occurred while MDX query was processed.
- ORA-37153: unknown exception caught: (case <varname>string</varname>)
Cause: An unknown exception was caught while MDX query was processed.
- ORA-37154: OLAP API initialization error: (case <varname>string</varname>)
Cause: OLAP API initialization failed.
- ORA-37155: OLAP API bootstrap error: (case <varname>string</varname>)
Cause: OLAP API bootstraping failed.
- ORA-37156: (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: unknown
- ORA-37157: expression syntax error was found in expression string but error text was missing
Cause: This happened because the message file was missing.
- ORA-37158: Bad clob or varray IN-args: (case <varname>string</varname>)
Cause: When in clob or varray mode, the PL/SQL mappings of OLAP API's IDL interface methods were executed blindly with null clob/varray or non-null clob/varray containing garbages.
- ORA-37159: C++ virtual table addresses become invalid due to session migration in shared server mode.
Cause: Exec-shield is the primary reason that caused this error in shared server mode. When exec-shield is turned on, there is no way to ensure that the C++ virtual table addresses are identical in all shared-server processes.
- ORA-37160: OLAP object does not exist
Cause: The specified OLAP object did not exist.
- ORA-37161: invalid privilege specified for OLAP object
Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on an OLAP object.
- ORA-37162: OLAP error
Cause: An exception was raised by OLAP code.
- ORA-37163: cannot delete or truncate AW with dependent CUBES or CUBE DIMENSIONS
Cause: User attempted to delete or truncate an AW which currently has a CUBE or CUBE DIMENSION defined over it
- ORA-37164: The current SQL statement does not support this OLAP object
Cause: The OLAP object is not supported in the current SQL statement.
- ORA-37165: cannot use EIF IMPORT into a non-empty Analytic Workspace (<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: An attempt was made to use EIF IMPORT to populate a non-empty Analytic Workspace.
- ORA-37166: (XSOQ_BAD_OBJ) OLAP object "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>" does not exist
Cause: The specified OLAP object did not exist.
- ORA-37167: (XSOQ_BAD_SUBOBJ) OLAP object "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>" does not exist
Cause: The specified OLAP object did not exist.
- ORA-37168: (XSOBJORG_UNSUPP_OBJ) unsupported OLAP object "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>" for OBJORG function
Cause: The specified OLAP object was of a type that is not supported by the OBJORG function.
- ORA-37169: (XSOBJORG_UNSUPP_SUBOBJ) unsupported OLAP object "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>" for OBJORG function
Cause: The specified OLAP object was of a type that is not supported by the OBJORG function.
- ORA-37170: (XSOBJORG_NA) The top-level object name argument to the OBJORG function cannot be NA.
Cause: You passed NA as the second argument to the OBJORG function.
- ORA-37171: dimension sources not specified
Cause: The user passed an empty or null collection to DBMS_AW.ADVISE_SPARSITY
- ORA-37172: illegal dimension type
Cause: The user specified an invalid member of the DIMTYPE field in the dimension sources argument
- ORA-37173: null dimension source data
Cause: The user specified NULL for one of the members of the dimension sources argument
- ORA-37174: source SQL must be a SELECT statement
Cause: The user specified an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or other type of SQL statement
- ORA-37175: column <varname>string</varname> is not a column of source data
Cause: A dimension column was specified which did not exist in the input data
- ORA-37176: argument <varname>string</varname> is not valid for the sparsity advisor
Cause: An invalid argument was passed to the advisor
- ORA-37177: column <varname>string</varname> does not have any leaf values
Cause: The specified dimension column or fact table did not contain any leaf values
- ORA-37178: column <varname>string</varname> has no values
Cause: The specified dimension column did not contain any values
- ORA-37179: expected at least one column for dimension <varname>string</varname>, got <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Not enough columns were specified for the dimension
- ORA-37180: expected exactly one column for dimension <varname>string</varname>, got <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Expected a single source column for the dimension. Either none or more than one was specified.
- ORA-37181: expected exactly <varname>string</varname> columns for dimension <varname>string</varname>, got <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Expected a certain number of source columns for the dimension. Either none or the wrong number of columns was specified.
- ORA-37182: you may only specify one dimension to partition
Cause: The user passed a DIMENSION_SOURCE_T to ADVISE_SPARSITY which specified partitioning on more than one dimension
- ORA-37183: illegal value <varname>string</varname> for PARTBY
Cause: The user passed a value other than PARTBY_DEFAULT, PARTBY_NONE or PARTBY_FORCE to DBMS_AW.ADVISE_SPARSITY *Acton: Supply a legal value instead
- ORA-37184: illegal value <varname>string</varname> for ADVMODE
Cause: The user passed a value other than ADVICE_DEFAULT, ADVICE_FAST or ADVICE_FULL to DBMS_AW.ADVISE_SPARSITY *Acton: Supply a legal value instead
- ORA-37185: length of <varname>string</varname> (<varname>string</varname>) exceeds maximum (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The user passed an excessively long value
- ORA-37186: null child value for parent (<varname>string</varname>) found in parent-child hierarchy
Cause: While reading values for a parent-child hierarchy, a NULL child value was found for a non-NULL parent
- ORA-37187: null parent and child pair found in parent-child hierarchy
Cause: While reading values for a parent-child hierarchy, a row was retrieved which had both null child and parent values.
- ORA-37188: unexpected null result while querying <varname>string</varname>
Cause: While querying the input fact table, the sparsity advisor unexpectedly got no results, possibly due to changes being made during operation.
- ORA-37400: analytic workspace does not exist
Cause: The user attempted to create an OLAP MV or Table on an AW that does not exist.
- ORA-37401: you may not perform this operation on a system analytic workspace
Cause: The user attempted to create a CUBE MV or Table on a system-created AW.
- ORA-37402: analytic workspace object does not exist
Cause: The user attempted to create a CUBE MV or Table mapping to an object that does not exist in the AW.
- ORA-37403: invalid analytic workspace object type
Cause: The user attempted to create a CUBE MV or Table mapping to an object that is not the correct type.
- ORA-37404: Create table as select disallowed for CUBE ORGANIZED tables
Cause: User attempted to create a CUBE ORGANIZED table by doing a create table as select.
- ORA-37405: unknown ORGANIZATION CUBE keyword
Cause: An unknown keyword was encountered while parsing the ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
- ORA-37406: invalid option for a CUBE ORGANIZED table
Cause: An attempt to specify one or more options for a CUBE ORGANIZED table such as: [NO]CACHE, NO LOGGING, CLUSTER, (NO)COMPRESS
- ORA-37407: invalid column type for a CUBE ORGANIZED table
Cause: A illegal column type is specified in a CUBE ORGANIZED table.
- ORA-37408: Truncate table disallowed for CUBE ORGANIZED tables
Cause: User attempted to perform a TRUNCATE operation on a CUBE ORGANIZED table
- ORA-37409: cannot delete or truncate AW used by CUBE ORGANIZED table
Cause: User attempted to delete or truncate an AW which currently has a CUBE ORGANIZED table or MV defined over it
- ORA-37410: cannot delete or modify AW object referenced by CUBE ORGANIZED table
Cause: User attempted to delete, chgdfn, or otherwise modify an object referenced by a CUBE ORGANIZED table or MV
- ORA-37411: invalid object type
Cause: User referenced an invalid object type
- ORA-37412: column not mapped by ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
Cause: Not all columns in the table or MV definition were mapped in the ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
- ORA-37413: column referenced multiple times in ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
Cause: The same column name was referenced multiple times inside of the ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
- ORA-37414: dimension without mapping or hierarchy in ORGANIZATION CUBE clause
Cause: A dimension was listed in the ORGANIZATION CUBE clause but no mapping information was supplied
- ORA-37415: AW schema must match TABLE or MATERIALIZED VIEW schema
Cause: An ORGANIZATION CUBE table or MV on top of an existing AW must be created in the same schema as the AW
- ORA-37416: multiple GROUPING IDs found for ORGANIZATION CUBE
- ORA-37417: variable does not have an AGGCOUNT
Cause: A COUNT clause was specified in the ORGANIZATION CUBE description for a variable that does not have an AGGCOUNT
- ORA-37418: detail query cannot be derived
Cause: If an ORANIZATION CUBE MV is to automatically derive its loading clause, then its definition query cannot contain set operators (eg UNION ALL), a HAVING clause, START WITH or a SQL MODEL clause. The definition query contains these or other unsupported syntax.
- ORA-37419: ORGANIZATION CUBE clause not allowed in explain mview
Cause: User tries to explain mview on a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement that contains a ORGANIZATION CUBE clause.
- ORA-37420: unsupported feature with CUBE ORGANIZED materialized view
Cause: User attempts operations such as creating a mv log on an CUBE ORGANIZED MATERIALIZED VIEW.
- ORA-37421: specified pseudocolumn is not supported by CUBE ORGANIZED tables
Cause: An unsupported pseudocolumn was referenced with a CUBE ORGANIZED table.
- ORA-37422: illegal attempt to write to a calculated column
Cause: An attempt was made to write to a calculated column which could not be written to.
- ORA-37423: operation not supported on CUBE ORGANIZED tables
Cause: The attempted operation was not supported with CUBE ORGANIZED tables.
- ORA-37424: alter materialized view (MV) on a primary cube organized MV failed to find secondary cube MV table
Cause: The operation failed due to the missing secondary cube materialized view (MV) table in alter MV.
- ORA-37521: (HASHSCAN00) Dimension <varname>string</varname> contains duplicate values. Please contact Oracle OLAP Technical Support.
Cause: The named dimension contains duplicate values.
- ORA-37522: (HASHSCAN01) You must specify the name of an existing TEXT or NTEXT dimension.
Cause: the _HASHSCAN program was invoked with an invalid argument
- ORA-37523: (HASHSCAN02) %1 unindexed values in dimension %2.
- ORA-37524: (HASHSCAN03) Dimension %1 contains %2 unindexed values and %3 duplicate values\n(Asterisks indicate indexed positions).
- ORA-37525: (HASHSCAN04) Dimension value
- ORA-37526: (HASHSCAN05) Logical position(s)
- ORA-37527: (XSCHGDFN01) SESSION values of dimension <varname>string</varname> are being automatically deleted.
Cause: When using CHGDFN to rebuild the hash index of a TEXT or NTEXT dimension, SESSION values were encountered.
- ORA-37528: (XSOBJORG_BAD_HIER) invalid property "<varname>string</varname>" specified for hierarchy "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Either the specified hierarchy did not have an AW organization, or the specified property did not apply to hierarchies.
- ORA-37530: (XSCCLOAD01) When aggregating between compressed partitions the base dimensions of <varname>workspace object</varname> did not match the base dimensions of <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: When aggregating a partitioned variable the dimensionality of any compressed partitions should be identical.
- ORA-37531: (XSCCLOAD02) When aggregating between compressed partitions the source partitions were aggregated with a different AGGMAP, or the RELATIONS have changed since the source partitions were aggregated.
Cause: When aggregation crosses partition boundaries within a compressed variable the individual partitions must all be aggregated using a similar aggmap over the same unaltered relations.
- ORA-37541: Hierarchy element DIMENSION_MEMBER can aggregate into element MEMBER_ANCESTOR through multiple paths.
Cause: When a low level hierarchy element can reach an aggregate element by more than one path through the hierarchy, it is said to have multiple paths. The danger is that the value of the low level hierarchy element will have its value counted multiple times (once per path) in the total of the aggregate element.
- ORA-37542: DIMENSION_MEMBER makes hierarchy HIERARCHY1 unbalanced.
Cause: A hierarchy is balanced if: 1) All members of a level are at the same depth from the root of the hierarchy and 2) All the members in different levels are at different depths from the root of the hierarchy.
- ORA-37543: Hierarchy member DIMENSION_MEMBER is inconsistent across HIERARCHY1 and HIERARCHY2.
Cause: Two hierarchies are inconsistent when members that appear in both hierarchies have different ultimate leaves.
- ORA-37544: Dimension members DIMENSION_MEMBER and MEMBER_ANCESTOR make this dimension star inconsistent.
Cause: A dimension is "star consistent" when it can be represented in a star schema table. This requires that a hierarchy level map to a single underlying column. If a level is shared across one or more hierarchies, it must have the same set of members in each hierarchy (to share a column).
- ORA-37545: DIMENSION_MEMBER is part of a hierarchy loop.
Cause: A hierarchy has loops when the ancestor of a dimension member uses that member as its parent. Note that some loops are created across hierarchies. For example, in hierarchy 1, dimension member A is the parent of B, B is the parent of C and in hierarchy 2, C is that parent of A forms a hierarchy loop.
- ORA-37546: (XSHIERSP00) Levelorder valueset is empty.
Cause: An empty levelorder valueset was specified for the HIERSHAPE function.
- ORA-37547: (XSHIERSP01) DIMENSION_MEMBER has no level associated with it.
Cause: DIMENSION_MEMBER did not have an associated level. Level based hierarchies must have a level for every dimension member.
- ORA-37548: (XSHIERSP02) DIMENSION_MEMBER is not specified as a member of HIERARCHY1.
Cause: When a dimension member is part of a hierarchy, it appears in the INHIER valueset associated with the hierarchy. This dimension member is missing from this value set and thus should not be part of this hierarchy.
- ORA-37549: (XSHIERSP03) The level of DIMENSION_MEMBER is not lower than the level of MEMBER_ANCESTOR.
Cause: A dimension member has a parent that is lower or on the same level as this member according to the levelorder valueset.
- ORA-37550: (XSHIERSP04) The level of MEMBER_ANCESTOR is not one level above DIMENSION_MEMBER.
Cause: A dimension member has a parent that is not one level above the level of this member according to the levelorder valueset.
- ORA-37551: (XSHIERSP05) Leaf value DIMENSION_MEMBER is not on the same level as the rest of leaf dimension values.
Cause: The detail or leaf values of this hierarchy must all have the same level. This member is on a different level than most of the leaf values.
- ORA-37552: (XSHIERSP06) DIMENSION_MEMBER is associated with a level not found in the levelorder valueset.
Cause: DIMENSION_MEMBER must have an associated level that is found in the levelorder valueset so that we can figure out DIMENSION_MEMBER's level depth.
- ORA-37553: A cycle between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname> has been detected in relation <varname>workspace object</varname> over <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A relation was used that had loops in it.
- ORA-37554: A cycle between <varname>number</varname> and <varname>number</varname> has been detected in relation <varname>workspace object</varname>.
Cause: A relation was used that had loops in it.
- ORA-37560: lob locator invalid for specified log target
Cause: A lob locator was passed as a target to DBMS_CUBE_LOG.ENABLE, but the log_target was not DBMS_CUBE_LOG.TARGET_LOB
- ORA-37561: unknown logging type
Cause: An invalid log_type was specified
- ORA-37562: unknown logging target
Cause: An invalid log_target was specified
- ORA-37563: invalid log verbosity
Cause: An invalid log_verbosity was specified
- ORA-37564: unknown log table version
Cause: Could not determine the version of the specified logging table
- ORA-37565: invalid parameter for specified log type
Cause: The log_type specified does not support the specified parameter, for instance, DBMS_CUBE_LOG.MAX_ERRORS is not valid for
- ORA-37566: invalid log location
Cause: The specified log location is in an invalid format. For file targets it must be of the form 'directory_alias/filename'
- ORA-37567: log location not specified
Cause: The log location was not specified for a log target which requires one
- ORA-37568: invalid log parameter
Cause: An invalid log_param was passed to dbms_cube_log.set_parameter or get_parameter
- ORA-37569: invalid log parameter value
Cause: An invalid value was passed to dbms_cube_log.set_parameter
- ORA-37570: invalid log specification
Cause: An invalid logging specification was supplied to DBMS_CUBE_LOG.SET_LOG_SPEC
- ORA-37571: invalid SQL ID
Cause: Either the SQL ID supplied was invalid or no associated logging information was captured.
- ORA-37572: invalid ID
Cause: An invalid ID was supplied for the given SQL ID.
- ORA-37573: no limits logged
Cause: There were no corresponding OLAP filters to the supplied information.
- ORA-37574: error logging to table "<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An error occurerd attempting to write log records to the named table.
- ORA-37575: Invalid cube operations log component, "<varname>string</varname>".
Cause: Invalid cube operations log component value.
- ORA-37576: Invalid cube operations log handle id.
Cause: An invalid cube operations log handle id was specified. No oplog handle found for oplogHandleId parameter.
- ORA-37577: Invalid cube operations log message name.
Cause: Cube operations log message name value is NULL.
- ORA-37578: Invalid cube operations log operation value.
Cause: Cube operation log operations value is NULL.
- ORA-37580: The EXPRESS AW does not exist.
Cause: The EXPRESS AW does not exist.
- ORA-37581: The EXPRESS AW has not been properly installed.
Cause: The EXPRESS AW has not been properly installed.
- ORA-37582: The EXPRESS AW version <varname>string</varname> is different than the Oracle version <varname>string</varname>.
Cause: The EXPRESS AW version does not match the current Oracle version.
- ORA-37600: (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) Ran out of tablespace storage while updating analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Ran out of lob segment space.
- ORA-37601: (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=<varname>number</varname>. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
- ORA-37602: (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace <varname>string</varname>. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
- ORA-37603: (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
- ORA-37604: (XSPGERRPQUPD) Parallel updating analytic workspace <varname>string</varname> failed
Cause: Unexpected error occurred to parallel update servers.
- ORA-37605: error during OLAP AW UPDATE
Cause: An error occurred during the UPDATE process
- ORA-37996: (SNSYN950) The format of the SYSINFO function is:\n SYSINFO(option)
- ORA-37999: Serious OLAP error: <varname>string</varname>. Please contact Oracle Technical Support.
Cause: Something unexpected occurred in the OLAP system