88 ORA-43750 to ORA-45907

ORA-43750: invalid or illegal combination of COMMIT WRITE options

Cause: invalid or illegal combination of options provided to COMMIT WRITE SQL statement.

Action: Provide a valid combination of options for COMMIT WRITE statement

ORA-43751: invalid value for parameter <varname>string</varname>

Cause: invalid or illegal value provided for parameter.

Action: Provide a valid value for the parameter

ORA-43801: parallel long-to-lob debugging event

ORA-43802: disable probe before index leaf block delete

ORA-43803: change notification tracing for iot/indexes

ORA-43804: iot-rollback testing

ORA-43805: auto-parallel tables/indexes

ORA-43806: iot nonkey reserve length fixup

ORA-43807: indexes on ORA_ROWSCN not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to create an index that refers to the ORA_ROWSCN pseudo-column, either directly or in an expression.

Action: Do not use ORA_ROWSCN to define an index on a table.

ORA-43808: Turn on local CELL debugging

ORA-43809: Force non-coalesced extent scans

ORA-43810: check-and-skip corrupt blocks in index scans

ORA-43811: limit readahead for block sampling table/index scans

ORA-43812: avoid online index (re)build cleanup on specific errors

ORA-43813: set soft limit for index leaf block ITL entries

ORA-43814: DROP INDEX is invalid for hash cluster index

Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index defined on a hash cluster. Hash cluster indexes cannot be dropped.

Action: Do not attempt to drop an index defined on a hash cluster.

ORA-43815: Turn on local CELL INDEX debugging

ORA-43816: repin if lock was released during update

ORA-43820: #block rejections in space reclamation before segment extension

ORA-43821: b+tree level to enable rejection limit

ORA-43822: enable/disable/trace rejection heuristic

ORA-43850: Advanced Compression Option parameter is required to be enabled

Cause: An Advanced Compression Option (ACO) feature was specified without enabling the ACO parameter.

Action: Set or Update the ACO parameter (enable_option_advanced_compression) to TRUE.

ORA-43852: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE cannot be used together

Cause: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE were both specified.

Action: Modify the SQL statement to specifiy only one of SECUREFILE or BASICFILE.

ORA-43853: SECUREFILE lobs cannot be used in non-ASSM tablespace "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: SECUREFILE lobs require ASSM

Action: Specify an ASSM tablespace for SECUREFILE lobs. 43854, 0000, "Deprecated"

ORA-43855: SYNC and ASYNC cannot be used together

ORA-43856: Unsupported LOB type for SECUREFILE LOB operation

Cause: A LOB that is not a SECUREFILE was used in a SQL statement or in a call where a SECUREFILE LOB was expected.

Action: Convert the LOB to a SECUREFILE LOB or do not use this keyword or call.

ORA-43857: Parameter Error

Cause: Attempt to modify a LOB with an invalid parameter.

Action: Fix paramters and retry the operation.


ORA-43859: CONTENTTYPE string too long

Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE string exceeded the defined maximum.

Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE string and retry operation.

ORA-43860: Lob fragments metadata has reached predefined limit

ORA-43861: Provided lob mark offset had been erased

ORA-43862: CONTENTTYPE buffer length incorrect

Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE buffer less than defined constant.

Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE buffer and retry operation.

ORA-43863: securefile inode preallocation percentage

ORA-43864: securefile inode preallocation mode

ORA-43865: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer fast callbacks disabling event

ORA-43866: SECUREFILE LOBs RCI layer fastpath inline read disabling event

ORA-43869: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer crash testing event

ORA-43870: SECUREFILE lobs WGC layer tracing event

ORA-43871: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer in-memory read disabling event

ORA-43872: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer shared I/O buffer disabling event

ORA-43873: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer shared I/O buffer forcing event

ORA-43874: SECUREFILE LOBs WGC layer SGA buffer forcing event

ORA-43875: SECUREFILE lobs transformation layer tracing event

ORA-43876: SECUREFILE lob transformation feature "<varname>string</varname>" not yet supported

ORA-43877: SECUREFILE LOB memory pressure simulation event

ORA-43878: LOB feature unsupported below compatible setting 11.2.0

Cause: An 11.2 LOB feature was specified when the database was operating at a compatible setting lower than "11.2.0".

Action: Upgrade the database compatible setting to "11.2.0" or higher to enable the desired new features.

ORA-43879: SECUREFILE lobs deduplication facility testing event

ORA-43880: SECUREFILE lobs rci flushing event

ORA-43881: SECUREFILE lobs delta update debugging event

ORA-43882: SECUREFILE LOBs delta update testing event

ORA-43883: SECUREFILE LOBs delta update invalid operation

Cause: Invalid delta update operation was issued on LOB. This includes operation beyond LOB length; move operation with destination offset inside move interval.

Action: Check operation parameters for validity.

ORA-43884: SECUREFILE LOB mapping service debugging event

ORA-43896: SECUREFILE internal event for CTX testing

ORA-43897: SECUREFILE internal event for SQL

ORA-43898: SECUREFILE lobs tracing event

ORA-43899: SECUREFILE lobs inode tracing event

ORA-43900: SECUREFILE lob feature "<varname>string</varname>" not yet supported

ORA-43901: sampling repeatibility event

ORA-43902: qksDestroyServices debugging event

ORA-43903: always result-cache node

ORA-43904: temp table event

ORA-43905: result cache tracing event

ORA-43906: result cache service (qesrc) validation event

ORA-44001: invalid schema

Cause: The schema for the given schema name did not exist.

Action: Provide a valid schema name.

ORA-44002: invalid object name

Cause: The input parameter string was not a qualified SQL identifier of an existing SQL object.

Action: Make sure the string matches an existing SQL object that is accessible by the current schema.

ORA-44003: invalid SQL name

Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid simple SQL name.

Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is a valid simple SQL name.

ORA-44004: invalid qualified SQL name

Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid qualified SQL name.

Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is a valid qualified SQL name.

ORA-44101: invalid priority

Cause: The priority level given by the user was invalid.

Action: See UTL_MAIL for valid priority values and change the priority parameter accordingly.

ORA-44102: unknown or unsupported algorithm

Cause: An unknown or unsupported authentication or compression algorithm was encountered.

Action: Check the authentication or compression algorithm. Use one that is supported by Oracle.

ORA-44201: cursor needs to be reparsed

ORA-44202: dump kkdcCheckAcrMap information

ORA-44203: timeout waiting for lock on cursor

Cause: A timeout occured while waiting for a cursor to be compiled. This is usually caused by the SQL parse requiring access to system resources which are locked by concurrently executing sessions.

Action: Investigate possible causes of resource contention. If neccessary, contact support for additional information on how to diagnose this problem.

ORA-44204: library cache object <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> found in an in-flux state

Cause: The pseudo-cursor depends on a table which was found to be obsolete due to metadata invalidation of the library cache object.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for additional information.

ORA-44301: NULL service name is not permitted

Cause: The service name argument was found to be NULL.

Action: Provide a non-NULL service name.

ORA-44302: NULL network name is not permitted

Cause: The network name argument was found to be NULL.

Action: Provide a non-NULL network name.

ORA-44303: service name exists

Cause: This service name was already in existence.

Action: Provide a new unique service name.

ORA-44304: service <varname>string</varname> does not exist

Cause: The specified service was not in existence.

Action: Provide a valid service name.

ORA-44305: service <varname>string</varname> is running

Cause: The specified service was running.

Action: This message is informational only.

ORA-44306: service name exceeds maximum length of <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The service name was too long.

Action: Use a shorter service name.

ORA-44307: network name too long

Cause: The network name, excluding the domain, was too long.

Action: Use a shorter network name.

ORA-44308: services not initialized

ORA-44309: unknown failure

ORA-44310: maximum number of services exceeded

Cause: The maximum number of services has been reached.

Action: None

ORA-44311: service <varname>string</varname> not running

Cause: The specified service was not running.

Action: This message is informational only.

ORA-44312: database closed

Cause: The database was closed.

Action: Open the database and retry the operation.

ORA-44313: instance name invalid

Cause: The instance name argument was not valid.

Action: Provide a valid instance name.

ORA-44314: network name already exists

Cause: The network name was already in existence.

Action: Use an alternate network name.

ORA-44315: all service attributes null

Cause: All attributes specified were null.

Action: At least one attribute must be non-null.

ORA-44316: invalid argument

Cause: Invalid argument supplied.

Action: Supply a valid argument.

ORA-44317: database open read-only

Cause: The database is open read-only.

Action: Close the database and reopen it read/write before trying again.

ORA-44318: exceeded maximum SERVICE_NAMES length

Cause: The total length of all running service network names exceeded the maximum allowable length.

Action: Stop another service to start this one.

ORA-44319: Cannot delete AQ service

Cause: Specified AQ service belonged to a queue.

Action: Delete the queue.

ORA-44320: cannot modify global service

Cause: Could not modify the global service because of insufficient privileges or you were trying to modify the global service attribute.

Action: Use global service management to modify a global service.

ORA-44321: cannot read command line from trace file <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Trace file could not be read.

Action: Make sure trace file exists and contains valid raw trace data.

ORA-44322: invalid file name '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: A NULL or zero length file name was specified.

Action: Correct the file name to be a nonzero length string.

ORA-44323: negative <varname>count</varname> '<varname>string</varname>' to <varname>string</varname> option

Cause: The given count was a nonpositive number.

Action: Provide a positive count number.

ORA-44324: no <varname>count</varname> argument to <varname>string</varname> option

Cause: Count number was missing for the option.

Action: Provide a count number to the option.

ORA-44325: no entry points found in trace file <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The given trace symbol was not found.

Action: None

ORA-44326: no <varname>symbol</varname> argument to <varname>string</varname> option

Cause: <varname>symbol</varname> argument to -[un]trace option was missing.

Action: Provide <varname>symbol</varname> argument to -[un]trace option.

ORA-44327: no <varname>filename</varname> argument to <varname>string</varname> option

Cause: <varname>filename</varname> argument to the option was missing.

Action: Provide <varname>filename</varname> argument to the option.

ORA-44328: unsupported version number: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Version of the trace file was not supported.

Action: Provide supported version of trace file.

ORA-44401: turn off DBA privilege

ORA-44402: restore DBA privilege

ORA-44403: invalid value specified for flag parameter

Cause: Mutually exclusive values were specified for the flag parameter.

Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-44404: upicui2 client function requires Oracle server of 10.2 or higher

Cause: A 10.2 or higher client is being used with an older Oracle server.

Action: Use an Oracle server with the same version as the client.

ORA-44405: parse enabled for segment attributes of IOT mapping table

ORA-44406: preserve HAKAN factor for ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT

ORA-44410: XMLAGG function exceeds system limits

ORA-44411: Invalid ACL: START_DATE cannot be larger than END_DATE for all ACE

Cause: The END_DATE was smaller than the START_DATE in one of the ACE's in this ACL.

Action: Set all END_DATE to be larger than or equal to the START_DATE in each of the ACE's in this ACL.

ORA-44412: Invalid ACL: Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed

Cause: A cycle was formed by ACL inheritance.

Action: Check the ACL inheritance and break the cycle by removing some ACL inheritance.GG function exceeds system limits.

ORA-44413: Invalid ACL: Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of security class of child ACL

Cause: Security class of parent ACL was not an ancestor of security class of child ACL

Action: Change the security class of parent ACL to be an ancestor of security class of child ACL.

ORA-44414: Invalid ACL: Parent ACL '<varname>string</varname>' does not exist

Cause: The path to the parent ACL was not a valid resource.

Action: Change the parent ACL of this resource or create the parent ACL at the specified location.

ORA-44415: Invalid ACL: Undefined privileges

Cause: An undefined privilege was found in an ACE in the ACL.

Action: Make sure the privilege is defined in the security class as specified in the ACL.

ORA-44416: Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An unresolved principal is found in an ACE in the ACL.

Action: Make sure the principal is a valid user or role in the system.

ORA-44417: Invalid ACL: Invalid ACLID

Cause: The specified ACLID did not point to a valid ACL document.

Action: Make sure the ACLID points to a valid ACL document.

ORA-44418: Invalid ACL: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The specified ACL did not meet the validation requirements of the constraining ACL.

Action: Ensure ACL meets the validation requirements of the constraining ACL.

ORA-44421: cannot DISALLOW NONSCHEMA without a SCHEMA clause

Cause: If no SCHEMA clause (explicit schema or ANYSCHEMA) was specified, nonschema data cannot be disallowed.

Action: Remove DISALLOW NONSCHEMA or add some SCHEMA clause.

ORA-44422: nonschema XML disallowed for this column

Cause: An attempt was made to insert nonschema based XML documents in a binary XML column that disallows nonschema data.

Action: Insert only schema-based documents or alter the column to ALLOW NONSCHEMA data.

ORA-44423: XML Schema registered for BINARY cannot be used for CLOB/OBJ-REL

Cause: An attempt was made to use a XML Schema registered for binary usage as part of a CLOB or OBJ-REL clause.

Action: Specify a schema registered for CLOB or OBJ-REL use. Else specify BINARY XML storage for column.

ORA-44424: BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY usage

Cause: An attempt was made to specify BINARY XML storage using an XML schema not registered for BINARY.

Action: Specify a schema registered for BINARY usage. Else specify CLOB or OBJ-REL storage for column.

ORA-44425: XML DB needs to be installed for creating an XMLType table or column

Cause: An attempt was made to create an XMLType table or column with out XML DB installed.

Action: Install XML DB.

ORA-44501: QMEL: Too much concurrency.

Cause: Too much concurrency

Action: Transient error, try again.

ORA-44502: QMEL: Lock not found.

Cause: Lock not found

Action: Check arguments

ORA-44503: QMEL: Lock Denied.

Cause: Lock denied

Action: None

ORA-44504: Resource Locked by Implicit Lock

Cause: The resource is locked by an implicit lock

Action: Implicit locks are normally caused by NFS locks. Refer to XDB Protocol guide for removing/obtaining information about implicit locks.

ORA-44505: QMEL: Invalid arguments.

Cause: Arguments to QMEL are not correct.

Action: None

ORA-44510: NFS: Internal server error

ORA-44511: NFS: Operation not supported

ORA-44512: NFS: Bad XDR

ORA-44513: NFS: Clientid is stale

ORA-44514: NFS: Invalid parameter

ORA-44515: NFS: Bad name argument

ORA-44516: NFS: No entry found

ORA-44517: NFS: Not a directory

ORA-44518: NFS: Is a dir

ORA-44519: NFS: resource exists

ORA-44520: NFS: No file handle

ORA-44521: NFS: Resource constraint

ORA-44522: NFS: Bad stateid

ORA-44523: NFS: Old stateid

ORA-44524: NFS: Access not allowed

ORA-44525: NFS: File not opened in correct mode

ORA-44526: NFS: Lock not supported

ORA-44527: NFS: No grace period

ORA-44528: NFS: Stale stateid

ORA-44529: NFS: Bad type

ORA-44530: NFS: Bad handle

ORA-44531: NFS: Attribute not supported

ORA-44532: NFS: Files not same

ORA-44533: NFS: Buffer too small

ORA-44534: NFS: Operation illegal

ORA-44535: NFS: No restore filehandle found

ORA-44536: NFS: Name too long

ORA-44537: NFS: Read only file system

ORA-44538: NFS: Handle stale

ORA-44539: NFS: Bad owner

ORA-44540: NFS: Client Id in use

ORA-44541: NFS: File locked

ORA-44542: NFS: current filehandle is a symbolic link

ORA-44550: NFS: Client disconnected

ORA-44600: checkpoint write in progress (<varname>string</varname> out of <varname>string</varname> steps complete)

ORA-44601: checkpoint read in progress (<varname>string</varname> out of <varname>string</varname> steps complete)

ORA-44602: pageout in progress (<varname>string</varname> out of <varname>string</varname> steps complete)

ORA-44603: pagein of transaction <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> in progress (<varname>string</varname> out of <varname>string</varname> steps complete)

ORA-44604: Barrier synchronization on DDL with XID <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> (waiting on <varname>string</varname> transactions)

ORA-44605: Unused event

ORA-44606: Supplemental logging test event

ORA-44607: Archive logging must be enabled.

Cause: Archive logging was not enabled.

Action: Enable archive logging on the database.

ORA-44700: Language '<varname>string</varname>' is not a valid language for a translation

Cause: Invalid language.

Action: The language must conform to IETF RFC 3066.

ORA-44701: Language not found for translation

Cause: The document had multiple translations and one of them did not have the xml:lang attribute.

Action: All translations must have the xml:lang attribute when multiple translations are present.

ORA-44702: Multiple translations found for language '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: The document had multiple translations for a language.

Action: The document must contain only one translation per language for every translated element.

ORA-44703: Multiple source language translations found

Cause: The document had multiple source language translations.

Action: The document must contain only one source language translation for every translated element.

ORA-44704: XPath '<varname>string</varname>' does not uniquely identify a translated element

Cause: The given XPath pointed to multiple translated elements.

Action: The given XPath must uniquely identify a translated element.

ORA-44705: Must have xdb:maxOccurs='1' for translated elements

Cause: The value of xdb:maxOccurs was not '1' for a translated element.

Action: The value of xdb:maxOccurs must be '1' for a translated element.

ORA-44706: Must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded' for translated elements

Cause: The value of xsd:maxOccurs was not 'unbounded' for a translated element.

Action: The value of xsd:maxOccurs must be 'unbounded' for a translated element.

ORA-44707: No source language translation found

Cause: The document had no source language translation for a translated element.

Action: The document must contain exactly one source language translation for every translated element.

ORA-44708: Translations not supported for object relational storage

Cause: The storage type of the schema was object relational.

Action: Register the schema with storage type as clob or binary xml.

ORA-44709: Invalid schema definition for translated element

Cause: The schema definition for a translated element was invalid.

Action: A translated element must be a complex type with simple content which is a restriction or extension of xs:string.

ORA-44710: Malformed XLIFF document: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The XLIFF document was malformed.

Action: Fix the error and try again.

ORA-44711: XPath refers to an untranslatable element

Cause: XPath pointed to an untranslatable element.

Action: XPath for this operation must refer to a translatable element.

ORA-44712: Invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging

Cause: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute was invalid.

Action: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute must point to a set of translations, not to a particular translation.

ORA-44713: XPath does not select all translations

Cause: XPath did not select all translations for a particular element.

Action: XPath must point to a set of translations, not to a particular translation.

ORA-44714: Fusion Security resources cannot be updated or deleted

ORA-44715: Event for XDB initialization

ORA-44716: Fusion security resources cannot be added or deleted here

ORA-44717: First 7 positions (0-6) in the XDB repository is reserved for fusion security

Cause: An attempt was made to add or add a resource to the XDB repository at a position reserved for fusion security.

Action: Give a position other than 0 to 6.

ORA-44718: Port conflict in XDB Configuration file

Cause: A port number specified in the XDB Configuration file conflicts with a port number used in the XDB Configuration file of the same non-consolidated database or the same Pluggable Database or a different Pluggable Database of the same consolidated database or the root container of the same consolidated database.

Action: Specify a different port number.

ORA-44730: XML Index <varname>string</varname> is not usable at the moment

Cause: The async XML Index could not be used since ORACLE is not open for query.

Action: Try the same query again when ORACLE is open for query, or use NO_XMLINDEX_REWRITE hint.

ORA-44731: Path <varname>string</varname> cannot be removed from the repository XML Index

Cause: The repository XML Index indexed one of the parent folders of the resource identified by given path.

Action: Try removing the parent folder from the repository XML Index.

ORA-44732: Path <varname>string</varname> cannot be removed from the repository XML Index

Cause: The repository XML Index did not index the resource identified by given path.

Action: Try removing a resource that is indexed by the repository XML Index.

ORA-44733: The repository XML Index cannot be dropped directly

Cause: DROP INDEX could not be used on the repository XML Index.


ORA-44734: Predicate Index on nodes with similar children not allowed

Cause: There was at least one node in the document with multiple similar children which was used in Predicate Indexing.

Action: Try removing Predicate Index on nodes with multiple similar children.

ORA-44735: Too many predicates

Cause: Number of predicates were more than limit.

Action: Try reducing number of predicates.

ORA-44736: Group name already existed

Cause: The group name specified already exists.

Action: Try a different group name.

ORA-44737: Parameter <varname>string</varname> did not exist.

Cause: The parameter name specified did not exist.

Action: Check the parameter name.

ORA-44738: Group <varname>string</varname> did not exist.

Cause: The group name specified did not exist.

Action: Check the group name.

ORA-44739: Cannot drop the last group.

Cause: An attempt was made to drop the last group in the index.

Action: Use the DROP INDEX statement instead.

ORA-44740: Parameter <varname>string</varname> is already registered.

Cause: The parameter name specified was already registered.

Action: Either drop the existing parameter or use a different parameter name.

ORA-44741: Cannot drop a group whose tables are shared by other group(s).

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a group whose tables are shared by other group(s).

Action: First drop group(s) with shared table(s) from this group.

ORA-44742: Cannot alter columns of a table that is shared by other group(s).

Cause: An attempt was made to add columns to, modify columns of, or drop columns from a table shared by other group(s).

Action: First drop group(s) with shared table(s) from this group and then proceed with this operation.

ORA-44743: Cannot alter columns of a dependent shared table.

Cause: An attempt was made to add columns to, modify columns of, or drop columns from a dependent shared table. One can only add columns to, modify columns of, or drop columns from the original shared table.

Action: Use the group name of the original shared table while executing this operation.

ORA-44744: Cannot have more than one drop, add or modify operations in an ALTER INDEX statement.

Cause: An attempt was made to have more than one add, modify, or drop column or group operations in the ALTER INDEX statement.

Action: Use multiple ALTER INDEX statements instead.

ORA-44745: Cannot add or drop columns to or from multiple tables.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or drop columns to or from multiple tables in a single ALTER INDEX statement.

Action: Use multiple ALTER INDEX statements instead.

ORA-44746: Missing XMLTABLE in GROUP clause.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or add a group without XMLTABLE.

Action: Add required XMLTABLE clause to the GROUP clause.

ORA-44747: An XMLIndex with a structured component cannot be specified with ASYNC.

Cause: An attempt was made to specify ASYNC parameter for an XMLIndex with a structured component.

Action: Use valid parameters for XMLIndex with a structured component.

ORA-44748: Invalid name for GROUP.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a GROUP with invalid name.

Action: Use a valid name for the GROUP.

ORA-44749: Missing PATH for the COLUMN.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a COLUMN without PATH.

Action: Specify PATH for the COLUMN definition.

ORA-44750: Cannot create secondary index on unstructured component of XMLIndex.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a secondary index on the unstructured component of an XMLIndex when the XMLIndex does not have an unstructured component.

Action: Alter XMLIndex to add an unstructured component.

ORA-44751: XML schema enumeration index is out of range

Cause: The enumeration item corresponding to the enumeration index could not be found in the XML schema.

Action: If the XML schema has been evolved, try restarting the client that performed the evolution.

ORA-44752: New element '<varname>string</varname>' in complex type '<varname>string</varname>' has the same qualified name as another element

Cause: The new element that was added to a complex type by in-place XML schema evolution had the same qualified name as another element in the same complex type or in one of its ancestor complex types.

Action: Try adding an element with a different qualified name.

ORA-44753: Change to minOccurs attribute of element '<varname>string</varname>' is illegal

Cause: The value of attribute minOccurs on an element could not be increased by in-place XML schema evolution.

Action: Do not increase the value of attribute minOccurs.

ORA-44754: Change to maxOccurs attribute of element '<varname>string</varname>' is illegal

Cause: The value of attribute maxOccurs on an element could not be decreased by in-place XML schema evolution.

Action: Do not decrease the value of attribute maxOccurs.

ORA-44755: Change to complexType property of element '<varname>string</varname>' is illegal

Cause: The complexType property on an element could not be changed by in-place XML schema evolution.

Action: Do not change the complexType property.

ORA-44756: Change to SQLType attribute of element '<varname>string</varname>' is illegal

Cause: The SQLType property on an element in a binary XML schema could not be changed by in-place XML schema evolution.

Action: Do not change the SQLType property.

ORA-44771: Invalid name for a container database.

Cause: The service operation failed.

Action: Check the name of the container database.

ORA-44772: Cluster Ready Services (CRS) operation failed

Cause: The CRS operation failed.

Action: Check the trace file and the CRS daemon log file for details.

ORA-44773: Cannot perform requested service operation.

Cause: The consolidated database was not open. The operation was not performed.

Action: Open the consolidated database.

ORA-44774: Pluggable database attribute cannot be changed.

Cause: The attempted operation was invalid for a consolidated database.

Action: PDB attribute of a service cannot be changed.

ORA-44775: Pluggable database service cannot be created.

Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.

Action: Check the trace file for details.

ORA-44776: Pluggable database service cannot be deleted.

Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.

Action: Check the trace file for details.

ORA-44777: Pluggable database service cannot be started.

Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.

Action: Check the trace file for details.

ORA-44778: Invalid value for service attribute retention_time.

Cause: The attempted operation failed.

Action: The value for the service attribute 'retention_time' must be greater than the value of the service attribute 'replay_initiation_timeout'.

ORA-44779: Invalid value for service attribute replay_initiation_timeout.

Cause: The attempted operation failed.

Action: The value for the service attribute 'replay_initiation_timeout' must be greater than the value of the service attribute 'failover_delay'.

ORA-44780: Invalid value for service attribute commit_outcome.

Cause: The attempted operation failed.

Action: The value for the service attribute 'commit_outcome' cannot be disabled if the service attribute 'failover_type' has the value 'transaction'.

ORA-44781: Invalid value for service attribute aq_ha_notifications.

Cause: The attempted operation failed.

Action: The value for the service attribute 'aq_ha_notifications' cannot be disabled if the service attribute 'failover_type' has the value 'transaction'.

ORA-44782: Cluster Ready Services (CRS) service operation failed - reason: <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The attempted CRS service operation failed.

Action: Check the trace file for details.

ORA-44783: The maximum number of runtime load balancing services exceeded.

Cause: The number of runtime load balancing services reached the maximum allowed.

Action: None

ORA-44784: Service cannot be deleted.

Cause: The attempted service operation failed.

Action: Internal services and the database service cannot be deleted.

ORA-44785: Service attribute commit_outcome cannot be specified for the database or Pluggable Database service.

Cause: The attempted service operation failed.

Action: None

ORA-44786: Service cannot be started.

Cause: The service was not imported successfully while plugging in the pluggable database.

Action: None

ORA-44800: Number of classifiers cannot be NULL

Cause: The num_classifiers argument was found to be NULL.

Action: Provide a non-NULL num_classifiers.

ORA-44801: NULL classifier list not permitted

Cause: The wlm_classifiers argument was found to be NULL.

Action: Provide a non-NULL wlm_classifiers.

ORA-44802: No new plan (classifier list) has been submitted

Cause: No new plan was created before submission.

Action: Create a new plan, followed by adding classifier & PC lists.

ORA-44803: Plan is in transition (about to be activated)

Cause: New plan was attempted to be created before activating the current plan.

Action: Completely submit the current plan and activate it.

ORA-44804: Plan is not created yet

Cause: A new plan was not created before submitting the Classifier and Performance Class lists.

Action: Call dbms_wlm.create_plan first to create the plan.

ORA-44805: No classifier is present

Cause: The classifier list contained no classifiers.

Action: Check the syntax of the classifier list.

ORA-44806: Extra classifiers are present in list

Cause: More classifiers were present in the list than specified.

Action: Only include the number of classifiers less than or equal to num_classifiers mentioned in dbms_wlm.create_plan.

ORA-44807: Peformance Class name is too large

Cause: The Performance Class name was larger than 32 bytes.

Action: Rename the Performance Class to fit within 32 bytes.

ORA-44808: Work Request Class name is too large

Cause: The Work Request Class name was larger than 32 bytes.

Action: Rename the Work Request Class to fit within 32 bytes.

ORA-44809: No expression is present for classifier

Cause: This classifiers contained no expression. It should contain one more more expressions.

Action: Check syntax in the classifier list.

ORA-44810: No parameter is present for expression

Cause: This expression contained no paramaters or attribute values. It should contain one or more attribute values. Attributes can be SERVICE_NAME, MODULE, ACTION, PROGRAM or USER.

Action: Check syntax in the classifier list.

ORA-44811: Service name is too large

Cause: The service name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.

Action: Check the service name.

ORA-44812: Module name is too large

Cause: The module name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.

Action: Check the module name.

ORA-44813: Action name is too large

Cause: The action name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.

Action: Check the action name.

ORA-44814: Program name is too large

Cause: The program name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.

Action: Check the program name.

ORA-44815: User name is too large

Cause: The user name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.

Action: Check the user name.

ORA-44816: Number of Performance Classes is less than specified

Cause: The number of Performance Classes submitted were less than what was specified.

Action: Submit the full list of Performance Classes.

ORA-44817: Classifier list is too large

Cause: The length of the classifier list was greater than 4000 bytes.

Action: Break the list into two lists before submission.

ORA-44818: General failure

Cause: There was an unknown failure.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-44819: Execution of this WLM function is denied

Cause: Either a WLM plan was being loaded from another instance, or the strict order of the PL/SQL calls for loading WLM plan was not followed.

Action: Check if another session is also concurrently trying to load a WLM plan. If that is not true, check the order in which you are making these PL/SQL calls to load your WLM plan.

ORA-44820: Number of Work Request Classes is less than specified

Cause: The number of Work Request Classes submitted were less than what was specified.

Action: Submit the full list of Work Request Classes.

ORA-44821: Number of classifiers is too large

Cause: A very large number ( > 1024) of classifiers were requested.

Action: Submit a smaller ( < 1024) number of classifiers.

ORA-44822: QoS Resource Manager plan does not exist in database "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: QoS Resource Manager plan did not exist in this database.

Action: Rerun CATPROC.SQL to create the plan.

ORA-44823: The QoS Resource Manager plan is not in use

Cause: The QoS Resource Manager plan was not in use.

Action: Correct the setting of the current Resource Manager plan and try again.

ORA-44824: Resource Manager is disabled

Cause: Resource Manager was turned off.

Action: Reenable the Resource Manager and retry the operation.

ORA-44825: Classifier plan does not match across instances

Cause: Classifier plan was not the same across instances.

Action: Resubmit the classifier plan and try again.

ORA-44826: Number of Performance Classes is more than what was specified.

Cause: The number of Performance Classes submitted were more than what was specified.

Action: Submit only the specified number of Performance Classes.

ORA-44827: Number of Performance Classes is too large

Cause: A large number ( >= 50) of Performance Classes were requested.

Action: Submit a smaller ( < 50) number of Performance Classes.

ORA-44850: attempt to set a bad status <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an internal Global Service Manager (GSM) error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-44851: "<varname>string</varname>" is not a valid name for a database

Cause: The specified database name was not valid.

Action: Provide a valid database name.

ORA-44852: maximum number of regions exceeded

Cause: The maximum number of regions was exceeded.

Action: Check the catalog to see if you can remove unused regions.

ORA-44853: maximum number of valid nodes for VNCR exceeded

Cause: The maximum number of nodes for valid node checking for registration (VNCR) was exceeded.

Action: Check the catalog to see if you can remove unused nodes.

ORA-44854: catalog has already been created

Cause: This database already contained the cloud catalog.

Action: Make sure that the specified database name is correct and, if yes, delete and re-create the catalog.

ORA-44855: cloud name is not valid

Cause: The specified cloud name contained invalid characters or was too long.

Action: Provide a valid (or shorter) cloud name.

ORA-44856: catalog service name is not valid

Cause: There was an internal Global Service Manager (GSM) error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-44857: cloud "<varname>string</varname>" does not exist

Cause: The specified cloud name did not match the one found in the catalog.

Action: Provide a valid cloud name.

ORA-44858: cannot remove catalog

Cause: The catalog contained one or more database or Global Service Manager (GSM) objects.

Action: Remove the database and GSM objects from the catalog.

ORA-44859: GSM "<varname>string</varname>" is already defined in the catalog

Cause: The specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was already in existence in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified object name.

ORA-44860: Region "<varname>string</varname>" was not found in the catalog.

Cause: The specified region was not found in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified object name.

ORA-44861: invalid use of REMOVE VNCR command

Cause: A valid node and group name were specified in the same command.

Action: Provide either a valid node or group name.

ORA-44862: region name and buddy region name cannot be the same

Cause: A region was specified as buddy for itself.

Action: Provide a valid buddy region name.

ORA-44863: region "<varname>string</varname>" is the last region and cannot be removed

Cause: The last region could not be removed from the cloud catalog.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-44864: cannot remove region because it is still being used by a GSM

Cause: The region contained databases or Global Service Manager (GSM).

Action: Remove the database and GSM objects from the region first.

ORA-44865: cannot remove GDS pool because it is still being used by a database or service

Cause: The Global Data Services (GDS) pool contained databases or services.

Action: Remove the databases and services from the GDS pool.

ORA-44866: pool "<varname>string</varname>" can only contain databases that belong to a Data Guard broker configuration

Cause: An attempt was made to add a database that does not belong to a Data Guard broker configuration to a Data Guard broker pool.

Action: None

ORA-44867: GDS pool already contains database "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: The database or service was already in the Global Data Services (GDS) pool.

Action: None

ORA-44868: pool "<varname>string</varname>" is a pool that contains a Data Guard broker configuration; Databases that do not belong to a broker configuration cannot be added to this pool.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a pool that contains a Data Guard broker configuration.

Action: None

ORA-44869: cannot build net service name with "<varname>string</varname>\ because it is too long

Cause: The automatically created network service name was too long.

Action: Use a shorter network domain name.

ORA-44870: The "role" property is only supported for pools that contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Cause: ROLE was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Action: None

ORA-44871: This operation cannot be performed on PREFERRED_ALL service "<varname>string</varname>".

Cause: The service was created with the PREFERRED_ALL option.

Action: Do not perform this operation on a PREFERRED_ALL service.

ORA-44872: The same name "<varname>string</varname>" cannot be used for both source and target databases.

Cause: The source and target parameters of MOVE SERVICE were the same.

Action: Check the parameters and try again.

ORA-44873: database "<varname>string</varname>" already offers the service

Cause: An attempt was made to add a service to a database that already offered the service.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-44874: service "<varname>string</varname>" not offerered by database "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: An attempt was made to start or stop a service on a database that does not offer the service.

Action: None

ORA-44875: database-related service parameters exceed the maximum allowed parameter length (1024 bytes)

Cause: The specified database-related service parameters were not valid.

Action: Check the parameters and try again.

ORA-44876: service <varname>string</varname> is running

Cause: The specified service was running.

Action: This message is informational only.

ORA-44877: service "<varname>string</varname>" is not enabled on database "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: The service could not be started on the database because it was disabled.

Action: Enable the service.

ORA-44878: The database current lag is too high for the service "<varname>string</varname>".

Cause: The service could not be started on the standby database because the database current lag exceeds the service lag.

Action: The standby current lag needs to be reduced.

ORA-44879: A region name has not been provided.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a new Global Service Manager (GSM) without providing a region. When there is more than one existing region, a region name must be provided.

Action: Check the syntax and rerun the command.

ORA-44880: catalog has not yet been created

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the catalog, but it does not yet exist.

Action: Create the catalog before trying to modify it.

ORA-44881: GDS pool is not empty

Cause: An attempt was made to add broker configuration to a Global Data Services (GDS) pool that already contained a database. This is not allowed.

Action: Either remove all databases from the Global Data Services (GDS) pool or create a new GDS pool.

ORA-44882: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a GDS pool.

Cause: The name of the specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44883: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a region.

Cause: The name of the specified region was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44884: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a service.

Cause: The name of the specified service was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44885: invalid VNCR name <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The name specified for the valid node checking for registration (VNCR) was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44886: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a VNCR group.

Cause: The name specified for the valid node checking for registration (VNCR) group was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44887: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a GSM.

Cause: The name of the specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was not valid.

Action: n/a

ORA-44888: The name "<varname>string</varname>" is not valid for a GSM user.

Cause: The name of the specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was not valid.

Action: Check the name and try again.

ORA-44889: Region "<varname>string</varname>" is already defined in the catalog.

Cause: The specified region was already in existence in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified region name.

ORA-44890: GDS pool "<varname>string</varname>" is already defined in the catalog.

Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was already in existence in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified pool name.

ORA-44891: GSM "<varname>string</varname>" was not found in the catalog

Cause: The specified region was not found in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified region name.

ORA-44892: GDS pool "<varname>string</varname>" was not found in the catalog.

Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was not found in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified pool name.

ORA-44893: Database "<varname>string</varname>" was not found in pool "<varname>string</varname>".

Cause: The specified database was not found in the pool.

Action: Check the specified database name.

ORA-44894: Service "<varname>string</varname>" was not found in the catalog.

Cause: The specified service was not found in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified service name.

ORA-44895: cannot remove region because it is still being used by a database

Cause: The region contained databases.

Action: Remove the database objects from the region.

ORA-44896: GDS pool already contains service "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: The service was already in the Global Data Services (GDS) pool.

Action: None

ORA-44897: The "lag" property is only supported for pools that contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Cause: LAG was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Action: None

ORA-44898: The "failover_primary" property is only supported for pools that contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Cause: FAILOVER_PRIMARY was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data Guard broker configuration.

Action: None

ORA-44899: VNCR name "<varname>string</varname>" is already defined in the catalog.

Cause: The specified valid node checking for registration (VNCR) name was already in existence in the catalog.

Action: Check the specified VNCR name.

ORA-44900: Identifier "<varname>string</varname>" is too long.

Cause: The specified identifier exceeded the maximum allowed length.

Action: Use a shorter identifier name

ORA-44901: Unable to resolve symbolic link "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: The system is unable to resolve the specified symbolic link.

Action: Check the definition of the symbolic link to ensure that this refers to a valid resource.

ORA-44902: Too many steps in resolving symbolic link "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: This error is raised when the system is unable to fully resolve a path with symbolic links within a reasonable number of steps. It could be due to cycles in definitions of symbolic links or very long chains of symbolic links to symbolic links.

Action: Remove any cycles in symbolic link definitions. If there are no cycles, reduce the length of chains of symbolic links to symbolic links.

ORA-44903: Cannot create hard link to specified resource

Cause: The system cannot create a hard link to the specified resource.

Action: Check the configuration parameter(s) to verify the restrictions on creating hard links to folder or non-folder resources.

ORA-44904: target path in document link exceeds maximum length

Cause: Target path length exceeds the maximum which can be stored to disk.

Action: Reduce target path to smaller length

ORA-44905: extended link type not supported

Cause: XLink type attribute is extended.

Action: Remove extended link, or replace with simple link.

ORA-44906: unable to resolve target in document link

Cause: target path does not resolve to valid resource.

Action: check validity of target path.

ORA-44907: can not delete with incoming hard document links

Cause: there is a hard document link with this resource as the target.

Action: query DOCUMENT_LINKS view to see which resource has a hard link to this resource. Change the document link in the source resource accordingly.

ORA-44908: found a loop in XInclude elements while expanding <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There is a loop in XInclude elements within the document.

Action: Remove the loop in XInclude elements.

ORA-44909: href attribute is required within XInclude element

Cause: The href attribute is missing within XInclude element.

Action: Add the href attribute.

ORA-44910: xpointer not supported within XInclude element

Cause: The xpointer attribute is specified within XInclude element.

Action: Remove the xpointer attribute.

ORA-44911: exceeded maximum depth of nested xinclude expansion

Cause: The depth of nested xinclude expansion has exceeded system limit.

Action: Reduce the depth of nested xinclude expansion.

ORA-44912: invalid or unsupported xpath expression <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The specified xpath is either invalid or unsupported in this context.

Action: Change the xpath expression.

ORA-44913: error while processing XInclude <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There was an error while processing the specified XInclude.

Action: Ensure that the XInclude attributes are correct.

ORA-44951: ASSM BasicFile Bulk reclaim event

ORA-44952: ASSM BasicFile Enqueue Hash reclaim event

ORA-45000: SecureFile feature unsupported below compatible

Cause: An 11gR2 LOB feature was specified when the database was operating at a compatible setting lower than

Action: Upgrade the database compatible setting to or higher to enable the desired new features.

ORA-45001: SecureFile archive implicit not allowed

Cause: A SecureFile was archived and implicit retrieval was not allowed.

Action: Retrieve the SecureFile with a Get operation.

ORA-45002: Content ID not found in the DBFS HS

Cause: The content ID was invalid or was already deleted.

Action: No action required.

ORA-45003: DBFS HS: Invalid checksum, potential data corruption

Cause: Potential data corruption.

Action: No action required.

ORA-45004: DBFS HS SBT Error

Cause: Error related to SBT Tape library.

Action: Refer to error log for more details.

ORA-45005: DBFS HS invalid store

Cause: Error related to DBFS HS Store.

Action: Check that the store name and store parameters are valid values.

ORA-45053: Internal Debugging Event

ORA-45097: SECUREFILE LOBs DBFS HS streaming test event

ORA-45098: SECUREFILE LOBs DBFS HS debug event

ORA-45099: SECUREFILE LOBs DBFS HS test event

ORA-45300: internal primary-side LogMiner tracing event

ORA-45400: operation not permitted on current database

Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because the database role is not supported.

Action: Attempt the operation on the primary database. If the primary database has recently switched to a logical standby database, and an error has occurred, reexecute the DBMS_ROLLING.SWITCHOVER procedure on the former primary database until successful completion of the operation.

ORA-45401: upgrade plan is already active

Cause: An upgrade plan was already active.

Action: The existing plan must first be destroyed by calling DBMS_ROLLING.DESTROY_PLAN.

ORA-45402: LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG must contain the DG_CONFIG attribute

Cause: The DG_CONFIG attribute was missing from the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter.

Action: Configure this parameter with the DG_CONFIG attribute before performing DBMS_ROLLING operations.

ORA-45403: database <varname>string</varname> must be specified in DG_CONFIG

Cause: The specified database was not found in the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter.

Action: Add the specified database to the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter.

ORA-45404: target version is incompatible

Cause: The configured target software version was incompatible with a DBMS_ROLLING administered upgrade.

Action: Use alternative upgrade methods.

ORA-45405: A rolling upgrade operation is already in progress.

Cause: A DBMS_ROLLING operation was already in progress. Only one operation is permitted at a time.

Action: Wait for the operation to complete, or query the PID column of DBA_ROLLING_STATUS view to identify the active process.

ORA-45406: operation completed with warnings

Cause: An operation succeeded but warnings were generated.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view for the list of warnings.

ORA-45407: operation encountered a query error

Cause: An internal database query failed.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS and DBA_ROLLING_PLAN views to identify the error code and instruction that caused the failure.

ORA-45408: parameter name is unknown

Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified because the parameter name was not recognized.

Action: Verify that the parameter is among the available parameters listed in DBA_ROLLING_PARAMETERS view.

ORA-45409: parameter value is invalid or out of bounds

Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified because its value was invalid or out of bounds.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PARAMETERS view to obtain the valid range of values for the associated parameter.

ORA-45410: parameter may not be modified

Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified.

Action: Internal parameters may not be modified through the DBMS_ROLLING.SET_PARAMETER procedure. If the parameter is a user parameter, the parameter is no longer meaningful at the current phase of the upgrade.

ORA-45411: operation requires additional arguments

Cause: An operation has failed because one or more arguments were not supplied.

Action: Retry the operation with all required arguments.

ORA-45412: parameter scope argument is unknown

Cause: An operation has failed because the database unique name provided in the scope argument was not known.

Action: Verify that the database unique name exists in the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter.

ORA-45413: parameter has no default value

Cause: The specified parameter could not be reverted back to its default value because the default value did not exist.

Action: The parameter must be set to an explicit value.

ORA-45414: could not connect to a remote database

Cause: Connections to one or more databases failed.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the involved databases and the specific error codes.

ORA-45415: instruction execution failure

Cause: A rolling upgrade operation has halted due to the failure of one or more required upgrade instructions.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the active instructions and their associated error codes.

ORA-45416: operation cannot start until plan rebuild

Cause: An operation was not permitted to start due to recent parameter modifications which required a rebuild of the upgrade plan.

Action: Call the DBMS_ROLLING.BUILD procedure to rebuild the upgrade plan.

ORA-45417: operation not permitted since current phase was not <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because the upgrade was in a different phase.

Action: Call the DBMS_ROLLING procedure associated with the current phase.

ORA-45418: database is not running the higher version RDBMS

Cause: A rolling upgrade instruction has failed because a database was not running the correct target RDBMS version.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending databases and restart them on the higher version binaries.

ORA-45419: DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter must be specified

Cause: The DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter was not configured.

Action: Configure the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter.

ORA-45420: return TNS service was not found

Cause: An instruction failed because a Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) service name for return communication was not found on a remote database.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending database or databases.

ORA-45421: database type is not supported by rolling upgrade

Cause: One or more databases specified in the DG_CONFIG attribute was incompatible with a DBMS_ROLLING administered upgrade.

Action: Disable the databases from the upgrade configuration by setting their associated INVOLVEMENT parameters to a value of NONE, and rebuild the upgrade plan.

ORA-45422: operation requires existing plan

Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because it required an active plan.

Action: Configure an upgrade plan by calling the DBMS_ROLLING.INIT_PLAN procedure.

ORA-45423: target database has mismatched DB_UNIQUE_NAME

Cause: A specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute in a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter did not match the DB_UNIQUE_NAME at the target database.

Action: Ensure the DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute and associated Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) service name or associated connect string has been configured properly.

ORA-45424: initialization parameter file has unexpected value

Cause: An instruction failed due to an initialization parameter file at a remote database that was found to be invalid.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending database.

ORA-45425: operation halted due to required user interaction

Cause: A rolling upgrade operation stopped because interaction is required.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the actions required.

ORA-45426: managed recovery process was not running

Cause: An operation failed due to the inactive managed recovery process at a remote database.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. Restart the managed recovery process or resolve any errors that would prevent the managed recovery process from remaining active.

ORA-45427: logical standby Redo Apply process was not running

Cause: An operation failed due to the inactive logical standby Redo Apply process at a remote database.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. Restart the logical standby Redo Apply process or resolve any errors that would prevent the logical standby Redo Apply process from remaining active.

ORA-45428: database was not in expected database role

Cause: An instruction failed due to a database operating in a database role which was not expected.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. If the role change is due to a failover, the FAILOVER parameter must be set and the upgrade plan must be rebuilt before resuming the rolling upgrade.

ORA-45429: database was set to an invalid Data Guard protection mode

Cause: An instruction failed due to a database operating at a data protection mode that was not expected.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending database. Set the data protection mode accordingly based on the requirement as described in the instruction.

ORA-45430: flashback database was not enabled

Cause: An instruction failed due to a database that was found to not have Flashback Database enabled.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending database. Configure the database with adequate storage to support guaranteed restore points and enable Flashback Database.

ORA-45431: database was mounted or open in an invalid mode

Cause: An instruction failed due to a database that was mounted or open in an invalid mode.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending database and the expected mode. Restart the database in the expected mode.

ORA-45432: future primary database is not a physical standby database

Cause: An operation was not permitted because the future primary database is not a physical standby database.

Action: Specify a physical standby database as the future primary database.

ORA-45433: failover was detected on an unsupported database

Cause: An operation was not permitted because a failover was detected on a database which does not permit continuation of the rolling upgrade.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the unsupported database and abort the rolling upgrade.

ORA-45434: multiple failovers of the same type detected

Cause: An operation was not permitted because multiple failovers were detected on standby databases which protect a common target.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the offending databases. Remove the unwanted databases from the configuration and rebuild the upgrade plan.

ORA-45435: managed recovery process was running

Cause: An operation failed due to an active managed recovery process at a remote database.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database and stop the managed recovery process.

ORA-45436: logical standby Redo Apply process was running

Cause: An operation failed due to an active Redo Apply process at a remote database.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database and stop the Redo Apply process.

ORA-45437: database upgrade progress is inconsistent

Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of the catalog upgrade progress on a database that was different from the progress value saved in the plan state.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database and remove the database from the configuration.

ORA-45438: database is not in mounted mode

Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not in mounted mode.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. If the database was opened, restart the database in mounted mode.

ORA-45439: database is not in open read/write mode

Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not in open read/write mode.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. Open the database in read/write mode.

ORA-45440: server parameter file has not been configured

Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not configured with a server parameter file that could be modified.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database. Ensure the database has been configured with a server parameter file, and that the parameter file can be modified.

ORA-45441: no databases eligible for rollback

Cause: A rollback operation could not start because the databases have not created the guaranteed restore point needed for rollback.

Action: A rollback is not necessary. The rolling operation can be cancelled by calling DBMS_ROLLING.DESTROY_PLAN.

ORA-45442: rollback is not permitted after a role change

Cause: A rollback operation was not permitted due to a prior role change event such as a switchover or failover.

Action: Reconfigure the Data Guard configuration manually.

ORA-45443: cannot quiesce replicated PL/SQL procedures

Cause: An operation failed because there were other processes executing long running replicated PL/SQL procedures.

Action: Increase the value of DICTIONARY_PLS_WAIT_TIMEOUT and retry the failed operation.

ORA-45480: operation status is unknown

ORA-45481: message is malformed

ORA-45482: no callback exists

ORA-45483: agent process is not ready

ORA-45484: agent process has been disabled

ORA-45485: directive <varname>number</varname> is invalid - reason: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-45486: database update progress is inconsistent

Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of the update progress on a database that was different from the progress value saved in the plan state.

Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views to identify the offending database and remove the database from the configuration.

ORA-45489: required condition was not satisfied

ORA-45490: rolling upgrade trace event

ORA-45491: rolling upgrade debug event

ORA-45499: internal error - <varname>string</varname>

ORA-45500: Cannot remove a database from a pool that contains a broker configuration.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a database from a pool that contained a broker configuration.

Action: If the broker configuration has changed, use the SYNC command in gsmctl to synchronize the pool

ORA-45501: The maximum number of global service managers for this region has been exceeded.

Cause: A new Global Service Manager (GSM) was added to a region that already contained the maximum number of GSMs.

Action: The maximum has been reached. Do not attempt to add anymore GSMs.

ORA-45502: Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

Cause: A Global Service Manager (GSM) command was executed by a non-privileged user.

Action: Either connect as a privileged user, or ask your GSM administrator to add you as a pool or GSM administrator.

ORA-45503: This database is already in cloud <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a cloud when it was already in another cloud.

Action: A database can only be in one cloud. Remove it from the other cloud first.

ORA-45504: Cannot relocate a preferred_all service.

Cause: The command 'relocate service' is not supported for preferred_all services.

Action: Do no attempt to relocate a preferred_all service.

ORA-45505: The maximum number of services has been reached.

Cause: The hard limit for the number of global services has been reached.

Action: No more global services can be added without first removing a service.

ORA-45506: The maximum number of GDS pools has been reached.

Cause: The hard limit for the number of Global Data Services (GDS) pools has been reached.

Action: No more Global Data Services (GDS) pools can be added without first removing a pool.

ORA-45507: Region <varname>string</varname> does not have a buddy region.

Cause: The specified region did not have a buddy.

Action: This message is informational only. Consider using 'modify region' to add a buddy for this region.

ORA-45508: Database <varname>string</varname> does not have an assigned region.

Cause: The specified database did not have an assigned region.

Action: Use 'modify database' to assign a region to this database.

ORA-45509: Database <varname>string</varname> has an invalid status "<varname>string</varname>".

Cause: The specified database had an invalid status.

Action: Check that the account "gsmuser" has been enabled by the remote DBA, that you used the correct password for "gsmuser" when running "add database", and that there is an existing valid node check for registration (VNCR) entry for this database host.

ORA-45510: There is an outstanding GSM request for change number <varname>string</varname> created at <varname>string</varname>. GSM has failed to apply this request <varname>string</varname> times.

Cause: A change request originating from a gdsctl command was not applied after several minutes.

Action: Verify that the Global Service Manager (GSM) server is able to connect to all databases in the framework to apply the change.

ORA-45511: Service <varname>string</varname> does not have a preferred database.

Cause: The specified service did not have a preferred database. This can happen if the database was removed from the pool.

Action: Use 'modify service' to provide a preferred database for this service.

ORA-45512: Service <varname>string</varname> is a local only service which has an available database in region <varname>string</varname>, but does not have a preferred database in the same region.

Cause: The specified service did not have a preferred database in a region in which it had an available database.

Action: Use 'modify service' to provide a preferred database in this region for this service, or remove the available database in this region.

ORA-45513: Database <varname>string</varname> has no global services defined for it.

Cause: A database was added to the global data services framework, but no global services have been defined for it, or they have all been removed.

Action: This is an informational message. Consider defining a service for this database, or removing the database from the framework.

ORA-45514: Region <varname>string</varname> does not contain any databases.

Cause: A region was added to the global data services framework, but no databases were added to this region, or they have all been removed.

Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding a database to this region or removing the region.

ORA-45515: Region <varname>string</varname> does not contain any GSMs.

Cause: A region was added to the global data services framework, but no global services manager servers were defined for this region, or they have all been removed.

Action: This is a warning message. You are advised to define a GSM in this region for high availability.

ORA-45516: GDS pool <varname>string</varname> does not contain any databases.

Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool did not contain any databases.

Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding databases to this pool or removing the pool from the global data services framework.

ORA-45517: GDS pool <varname>string</varname> does not contain any global services.

Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool did not contain any global services.

Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding services to this pool or removing the pool from the global data services framework.

ORA-45518: Service <varname>string</varname> will not be started on logical/snapshot standby.

Cause: The specified service will not be started on a logical/snapshot standby.

Action: This is a warning message. Consider re-defining lag parameter to "any", if the service needs to be started on a logical/snapshot standby.

ORA-45519: Database pool <varname>string</varname> is empty; this operation cannot be performed on an empty pool.

Cause: The database pool does not contain any databases. Therefore this operation will have no effect.

Action: This is a warning message. Do not perform this operation on an empty database pool.

ORA-45520: A service with locality ANYWHERE cannot set region failover.

Cause: Service attributes ANYWHERE and REGION_FAILOVER are incompatible.

Action: Do not attempt to set REGION_FAILOVER on a service with locality ANYWHERE.

ORA-45521: A service with a primary role cannot set FAILOVER_PRIMARY.

Cause: A service with a primary role cannot set FAILOVER_PRIMARY.

Action: Do not attempt to set FAILOVER_PRIMARY on a service that has a primary role.

ORA-45522: LOCAL_ONLY service <varname>string</varname> cannot be relocated to a database in another region.

Cause: The specified service is LOCAL_ONLY and cannot be relocated to a database in a different region.

Action: Do not relocate a LOCAL_ONLY service to a database in another region.

ORA-45523: Warning: service <varname>string</varname> is already stopped.

Cause: The service was stopped already.

Action: None; this is only a warning message.

ORA-45524: must explicitly specify Global Data Services pool name because there could be multiple candidates

Cause: An attempt to have a default Global Data Services pool when multiple pools already coexist in the domain failed.

Action: Do not omit '-gdspool gdspool_name_list' when multiple pools exist

ORA-45525: A value of TRANSACTION was provided for the service parameter '-failovertype', but bad or nonexistent value was specified for service parameter '-retention'.

Cause: The command specified a value of TRANSACTION for the service parameter '-failovertype', and either did not provide a value for the parameter '-retention', or provided a value that was less than or equal to the value provided for the parameter '-replay_init_time'.

Action: If a service is created with a value of TRANSACTION for the parameter '-failovertype', then a value must be provided for the parameter '-retention', and that value must be greater than the value provided for the parameter '-replay_init_time'.

ORA-45526: A value of TRANSACTION was provided for the service parameter '-failovertype', but a bad or nonexistent value was specified for service parameter '-replay_init_time'.

Cause: The command specified a value of TRANSACTION for the service parameter '-failovertype', and either did not provide a value for the parameter '-replay_init_time', or provided a value that was less than or equal to the value provided for the parameter '-failoverdelay'.

Action: If a service is created with a value of TRANSACTION for the parameter '-failovertype', then a value must be provided for the parameter '-replay_init_time', and that value must be greater than the value provided for the parameter '-failoverdelay'.

ORA-45527: Database compatibility level was too low for use with Global Data Services (GDS).

Cause: The major database compatibility level is below 12. The Global Data Services (GDS) feature requires that the database compatibility level of all participating databases be at 12 or above.

Action: In order to use this database for Global Data Services (GDS), an upgrade must be completed so that its major compatibility level is at 12 or above.

ORA-45528: Service <varname>string</varname> has not been globally started.

Cause: An attempt was made to start the service in a specific database without first starting it globally.

Action: Start the service globally by using 'start service' command without specifying the '-database' parameter.

ORA-45529: Database has not been configured to use an SPFILE.

Cause: The database was not configured to use an SPFILE. This is required before it can be used within a Global Data Services (GDS) framework.

Action: Reconfigure the database to use an SPFILE and attempt the action again.

ORA-45530: A local service with the same name already exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a global service with the same name as an existing local service.

Action: Use a different service name or delete the existing local service.

ORA-45531: This database is already in another Global Data Services (GDS) framework.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a Global Data Services (GDS) catalog on a database that was already in another GDS framework.

Action: Remove this database from the other framework before using it as a Global Data Services (GDS) catalog.

ORA-45532: This database is already a catalog for another Global Data Services (GDS) framework.

Cause: An attempt was made add a database to a Global Data Services (GDS) framework, but it was already a catalog database for another framework.

Action: Do not attempt to to add a Global Data Services (GDS) catalog to another GDS framework.

ORA-45533: Service <varname>string</varname> is already being modified from another GDSCTL session.

Cause: The specified service was already in the process of being modified.

Action: Wait until any other service modifications have completed. If this problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45534: There is a running GSM (Global Service Manager) connected to the catalog.

Cause: This command could not be executed while there were running GSM (Global Service Manager) servers connected to the catalog.

Action: Shut down all GSM servers before running this command.

ORA-45535: Catalog version cannot be determined.

Cause: The version of the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog could not be determined.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45536: This version of GDSCTL is not compatible with the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog.

Cause: The version of GDSCTL being used was not compatible with the current GDS catalog.

Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or downgrade GDSCTL or the GDS catalog.

ORA-45537: This version of GSM (Global Service Manager) is not compatible with the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog.

Cause: The version of GSM being used was not compatible with the current GDS catalog.

Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or downgrade GSM or the GDS catalog.

ORA-45538: The database version is not compatible with the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog.

Cause: The version of the database being added was not compatible with the GDS catalog.

Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or downgrade the database or the GDS catalog.

ORA-45539: Database <varname>string</varname> has already been added to another pool.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a pool, but this database has already been added to another pool.

Action: Do not attempt to add a database to two different pools.

ORA-45540: Call to SRVCTL failed with status <varname>string</varname>, errors: <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: An attempt to call the SRVCTL command line failed with the specified errors.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) documentation and resolve the problems reported by SRVCTL.

ORA-45541: Parameters "-serverpool" and "-cardinality" are invalid for administrator-managed Oracle RAC databases.

Cause: The service command stipulated -serverpool or -cardinality but this database was an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database, which does not recognize these parameters.

Action: Do not use -serverpool or -cardinality on administrator-managed Oracle RAC databases.

ORA-45542: Parameters "-serverpool", "-cardinality", and "-instances" are invalid for non-Oracle RAC databases.

Cause: The service command stipulated -serverpool, -cardinality, or -instances but this database was a non-Oracle RAC database, which does not recognize these parameters.

Action: Do not use -serverpool, -cardinality, or -instances on non-Oracle RAC databases.

ORA-45543: Parameter "-instances" is invalid for policy-managed Oracle RAC databases.

Cause: The service command stipulated -instances, but this database was a policy-managed Oracle RAC database, which does not recognize this parameter.

Action: Do not use -instances on policy-managed Oracle RAC databases.

ORA-45544: An invalid weight string was provided for manual override of runtime load balancing.

Cause: The string provided by GDSCTL to override runtime load balancing with manual region weights was badly formed.

Action: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45545: cannot delete all remaining instances

Cause: This command would delete all remaining instances from the : service, leaving the service in an invalid state.

Action: Do not provide an instance list that would delete all instances.

ORA-45546: cannot create process to run SRVCTL

Cause: There was a problem creating a new process to run SRVCTL from the command line.

Action: Check the Oracle alert log on the Oracle database server machine and rectify the problem on the server.

ORA-45547: A call to SRVCTL failed with error <varname>string</varname> because of bad parameters.

Cause: The command-line execution of SRVCTL failed because of bad parameters.

Action: Check the database server traces and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45548: The catalog database can be downgraded, downgrading a catalog database after making changes is not advised.

Cause: This is a warning message only. This command required catalog changes and the 'compatible' database parameter indicated that the database could be downgraded. Downgrading a catlog database after making catalog changes is not advised and may cause data loss in the catalog.

Action: Make your database upgrade permanent by updating the 'compatible' database parameter before using GDSCTL commands that will alter the catalog.

ORA-45549: Catalog changes are not possible without a running GSM at the current version.

Cause: This command required catalog changes, which are not allowed unless there is at least one Global Service Manager (GSM) server running at the current version.

Action: Start a GSM server that is running the current version of the software. If there are none, upgrade at least one exitsing GSM or add a new one at the current version.

ORA-45550: service does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to start a service that did not exist on the target database.

Action: None. This error was caught by the Global Service Manager (GSM), and the service was created automatically.

ORA-45551: Instance <varname>string</varname> was not in the instance list for this database.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an instance from this database but the instance was not in the existing instance list.

Action: None. This is a warning only. No action was taken for the named instance.

ORA-45552: None of the provided instances were in the instance list for this database.

Cause: The provided instance list did not contain any valid instances, or the existing instance list for the catalog was empty.

Action: Check the list of instances and run the command again if necesary.

ORA-45553: Service <varname>string</varname> does not have any instances defined for database\\(s\\) <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: An attempt was made to start a service on an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database, but there were no instances defined for the service on that database.

Action: Define instances for the service on all of the listed databases before attempting to start the service.

ORA-45554: There are no services that can start on database <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: An attempt was made to start all services for a given database but there were no services that could start.

Action: None. This is a warning message indicating that no action was taken for this command.

ORA-45555: The target database is not in the preferred or available list for this service.

Cause: The new database name provided was not in the list of preferred or available databases for the service.

Action: Either add the new database to the service or relocate the service to another database.

ORA-45556: A database name or service name was not provided.

Cause: A disable service request did not provide either a database name or a service name.

Action: Provide either a service name or a database name on the request.

ORA-45557: The database pool <varname>string</varname> does not contain a broker configuration.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a broker configuration from a database pool that does not contain one.

Action: Rerun the command using a different database pool.

ORA-45558: There are no database pools in this catalog.

Cause: The catalog did not have any database pools defined.

Action: Create at least one database pool before running any other commands.

ORA-45559: Global service manager (GSM) <varname>string</varname> did not provide a version.

Cause: The GSM did not provide a version when attempting to connect to the catalog.

Action: This version of GSM is too old to connect to the catalog. Upgrade the GSM installation.

ORA-45560: Database <varname>string</varname> must contain at least one preferred instance.

Cause: The MODIFY command did not add any preferred instances or removed all existing preferred instances from this database.

Action: Provide at least one preferred instance, or do not attempt to remove all existing preferred instances.

ORA-45561: region name is required

Cause: A region name was not provided and was required because there were multiple regions in the catalog.

Action: Provide the region name on the command line.

ORA-45562: The Global Data Services catalog must be created in a root container.

Cause: The CREATE CATALOG command could not be executed on a container other than the root container.

Action: Use the root container to create the Global Data Services catalog.

ORA-45563: The pool database cannot be a pluggable database.

Cause: The ADD DATABASE command could not add a pluggable database.

Action: Provide the consolidated database name instead.

ORA-45564: condition not ready for GSM to acquire catalog lock.

ORA-45568: A GDSCTL session cannot make changes in a higher versioned catalog. Upgrade GDSCTL or run this command from a different client.

Cause: A Global Data Services Control (GDSCTL) command executed from a GDSCTL client attempted to obtain a catalog lock in a higher versioned catalog.

Action: Upgrade GDSCTL or run this command from another client.

ORA-45600: Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) internal error

Cause: There was an unexpected error during TSDP operation.

Action: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45601: Invalid data has been found and discarded. Valid data has been imported.

Cause: The names of invalid or nonexistent database objects were found in the XML input.

Action: Check the trace files for the names of the invalid objects found in the XML input.

ORA-45602: Schema <varname>string</varname> does not exist.

Cause: The schema specified did not exist.

Action: Specify a valid schema.

ORA-45603: Schema <varname>string</varname> does not contain table <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The table specified did not exist in the schema.

Action: Specify a valid table.

ORA-45604: Column <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> does not exist in schema <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The column specified did not exist.

Action: Specify a valid column.

ORA-45605: invalid sensitive type <varname>string</varname>

Cause: A sensitive type that was associated with one or more sensitve columns did not exist.

Action: Ensure the valid sensitive type is mentioned. If it is a new sensitive type, include the definition in the XML input.

ORA-45606: There was no sensitive column matching the given criteria.

Cause: There was no sensitive column matching the schema, table and column input.

Action: Ensure the valid column is mentioned.

ORA-45607: Column <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> in schema <varname>string</varname> has already been identified as sensitive.

Cause: The column was already identified as sensitive.

Action: Remove the column from the list of sensitive columns to be imported.

ORA-45608: There are no sensitive columns for source <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: No sensitive columns were found for the given source.

Action: Specify the valid source.

ORA-45609: Sensitive type <varname>string</varname> already exists.

Cause: The sensitive type already existed in the database.

Action: Specify a different name for the sensitive type.

ORA-45610: Sensitive type <varname>string</varname> does not exist.

Cause: The sensitive type did not exist in the database.

Action: Specify the valid sensitive type.

ORA-45611: cannot drop sensitive type <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The sensitive type that is associated with one or more columns could not be dropped.

Action: Ensure the sensitive type is not associated with any column before dropping it.

ORA-45612: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy with name <varname>string</varname> already exists.

Cause: A TSDP policy with the same name was found.

Action: Specify a different name for the policy.

ORA-45613: invalid Oracle security feature

Cause: The Oracle security feature specified was not supported by Transparent Sensitive Data Protection.

Action: Specify a valid security feature.

ORA-45614: invalid Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The TSDP policy specified did not exist.

Action: Specify a valid policy.

ORA-45615: One or more sensitive column types already exist.

Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns succeeded. However, one or more sensitive column types already existed in the database and were not imported again. The corresponding column is associated with the existing type.

Action: Check the trace files for details regarding which sensitive column types were not imported.

ORA-45616: Column <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> in schema <varname>string</varname> is not identified as sensitive.

Cause: An attempt was made to alter a column that was not identified as sensitive.

Action: Specify a valid column.

ORA-45617: Policy <varname>string</varname> is not associated with sensitive column type <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The given policy was not associated with the sensitive column type.

Action: Specify the valid combination of policy and sensitive column type.

ORA-45618: Policy enforcement on one or more columns failed.

Cause: Policy enforcement on one or more columns encountered errors.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45619: Policy <varname>string</varname> is not enabled on column <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The given policy was not enabled on the column.

Action: Specify a valid policy.

ORA-45620: Policy <varname>string</varname> is already associated with sensitive column type <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: The given policy was associated with the sensitive column type.

Action: Specify the valid policy and sensitive column type.

ORA-45621: Disabling of a policy on one or more columns failed.

Cause: Errors were encountered while disabling one or more policies.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45622: warnings generated during policy enforcement

Cause: The cause of this error could be one or more of the following: - The policy that was associated with the sensitive column type of a column was not enabled on the column because no subpolicy matched the column properties. - There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type of a sensitive column. - A conflicting redaction policy was enabled on the table.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45623: There is no policy associated with the sensitive column type.

Cause: There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type of a column.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45624: reenabling protection failed before import

Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns failed because there was a problem in disabling protection on the columns. A subsequent attempt to reenable protection on the columns also failed.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45625: reenabling protection failed after import

Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns succeeded. A subsequent attempt to reenable protection on the columns failed.

Action: Check the alert log for more details.

ORA-45626: Dropping of one or more columns from the list failed.

Cause: Disabling protection on the column failed.

Action: Check the trace files for more details.

ORA-45627: There are no sensitive columns of sensitive column type <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: There was no column for the given sensitive column type.

Action: Specify a valid sensitive column type.

ORA-45628: no policy associated with sensitive column type <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type.

Action: Specify a valid sensitive column type.

ORA-45629: policy <varname>string</varname> is enabled on one or more columns

Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was enabled on a column could not be altered or dropped.

Action: Disable the policy before altering or dropping the policy.

ORA-45630: Policy <varname>string</varname> is associated with one or more sensitive types.

Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was associated with a sensitive column type could not be dropped.

Action: Disassociate the policy from the sensitive column type before dropping the policy.

ORA-45631: Policy <varname>string</varname> does not have the given condition.

Cause: The given condition was not found for the policy.

Action: Specify the valid condition for the policy.

ORA-45632: default policy <varname>string</varname> cannot be altered

Cause: The default policy for Transparent Sensitive Data Protection could not be altered.

Action: Specify the valid policy to be altered.

ORA-45633: default policy <varname>string</varname> cannot be dropped

Cause: The default policy for Transparent Sensitive Data Protection could not be dropped.

Action: Specify the valid policy to be dropped.

ORA-45634: The security feature does not contain parameter <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: An invalid parameter was found for the given security feature.

Action: Verify the parameters input to the policy.

ORA-45635: invalid parameter found: <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An invalid parameter was found for the given security feature.

Action: Verify the parameters input to the policy.

ORA-45636: Input parameter for '<varname>string</varname>' is not valid.

Cause: Invalid input was given for the parameter.

Action: Enter valid input.

ORA-45637: invalid condition given for policy condition

Cause: The given condition was invalid.

Action: Enter a valid value for the condition.

ORA-45638: Policy <varname>string</varname> is enabled on one or more columns of sensitive type <varname>string</varname>.

Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was enabled on one or more columns of a particular sensitive type could not be disassociated from the sensitive type.

Action: Ensure the policy is not enabled on a column of the given sensitive type.

ORA-45639: discovery result cannot be imported

Cause: One or more columns from the XML input were already identified as sensitive by a different source.

Action: Check the trace file for a list of sensitive columns that were already identified as sensitive.

ORA-45640: Columns from SYS schema cannot be marked as sensitive.

Cause: A column in a SYS-owned table was being marked as sensitive.

Action: Ensure the column being marked as sensitive does not belong to SYS schema.

ORA-45641: cannot specify SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter

Cause: The SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter was specified while configuring a Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy. SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT parameter can be specified to indicate that TSDP should input the sensitive column as input to SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter at the time of enabling protection.

Action: Use the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT parameter to configure the security relevant column.

ORA-45900: data file number <varname>string</varname> already included as <varname>string</varname>

Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified data file number, but this data file number was already in use by a different container database.

Action: Resolve the conflict and retry the command.

ORA-45901: File <varname>string</varname> is from different container identifier <varname>string</varname>; current <varname>string</varname>

Cause: This backup piece contained a data file that did not belong to the current container. Cataloging such a backup piece is not allowed.

Action: Connect to root or correct Pluggable Database and retry the command.

ORA-45902: cannot rename data file '<varname>string</varname>' - file was instantly restored.

Cause: During ALTER DATABASE RENAME or RMAN command SWITCH, the rename was specified for an instantly restored file.

Action: Rename the file that was not instantly restored or wait until the repopulation work is complete and the retry the command.

ORA-45903: catalog instantly restored data file copy <varname>string</varname> is not supported

Cause: This data file copy was instantly restored. Cataloging such file is not supported.

Action: Do not request to catalog instantly restored data file copy.

ORA-45904: instant restore of data file copy <varname>string</varname> is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to create a data file copy in instant restore mode. This is not supported.

Action: Do not request to create data file copy in instant restore mode.

ORA-45905: deleting or restoring instantly restored data file <varname>string</varname> is not supported

Cause: This data file was instantly restored with the full option. A background process was repopulating the data file. An attempt to take the data file out of the process failed. Deleting or restoring such files is not supported.

Action: Retry the command later.

ORA-45906: moving instantly restored data file <varname>string</varname> is not supported

Cause: This data file was instantly restored. Moving such file is not supported.

Action: Do not request to move instantly restored data file.

ORA-45907: instant restore of data file <varname>string</varname> failed

Cause: During an instant restore, it was not possible to initialize the destination data file. There might be other messages on the error stack or alert log or trace file that indicate the specific reason for the failure. One common reason for this message is that the instant restore feature is disabled in this database.

Action: Check the other messages. If the situation cannot be resolved, then request a regular (not instant) restore.