91 ORA-48001 to ORA-51705

ORA-48001: internal error code, arguments: [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions. This indicated that a process encountered an exceptional condition.

Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.

ORA-48002: thread terminated by fatal error

Cause: The thread was in an unrecoverable state.

Action: Examine the thread trace file for more information.

ORA-48003: out of process memory when trying to allocate <varname>string</varname> bytes (<varname>string</varname>,<varname>string</varname>)

Cause: Operating system process private memory was exhausted.

Action: n/a

ORA-48004: unable to allocate <varname>string</varname> bytes of shared memory ("<varname>string</varname>","<varname>string</varname>","<varname>string</varname>","<varname>string</varname>")

Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.

Action: Reduce your use of shared memory or increase the amount of available shared memory.

ORA-48005: illegal argument for function

ORA-48006: user requested cancel of current operation

ORA-48007: name is already used by an existing product type

Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same name as an already defined product type.

Action: Use the already existing product type with the specified name, or use a different name for the product type.

ORA-48008: id is already used by an existing product type

Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same id as an already defined product type.

Action: Choose a different name for the product type.

ORA-48100: error encountered when attempting to open a file

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to open a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check that the specified directory name, file name, and open options are valid.

ORA-48101: error encountered when attempting to read a file [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the specified arguments to the read interface.

ORA-48102: encountered the end-of-file when reading the file

Cause: The ADR file interface encountered the end-of-file when reading the file.

Action: Handle the end of file condition.

ORA-48103: error encountered when attempting to write a file [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to write a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the specified arguments to the write interface.

ORA-48104: read mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for reading and the number of blocks actually returned.

Action: Check the file to make sure there are no partial blocks.

ORA-48105: write mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for writing and the number of blocks actually written.

Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested number of blocks.

ORA-48106: error initializing the ADR <varname>string</varname> object

Cause: There was an error encountered during the initialization of one of the ADR file objects.

Action: Check the validity of the specified directory name and file name.

ORA-48107: invalid Bfile input, [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid Bfile was passed into the routine to convert the bfile into a file handle.

Action: Verify the contents of the specified Bfile.

ORA-48108: invalid value given for the diagnostic_dest init.ora parameter

Cause: The value given for the diagnostic_dest directory is not a valid directory. Either the directory does not exist or the process does not have read/write privileges on the directory.

Action: Use a value for diagnostic_dest that is a valid directory with the proper read and write privileges.

ORA-48109: invalid lock mode for file descriptor, [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The lock mode associated with the file descriptor was invalid in the context of the routine.

Action: Verify that a file is not trying to obtain multiple locks and that the file is holding a lock when attempting to release the lock.

ORA-48110: error encountered while attempting to get a file lock [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to get a file lock.

Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.

ORA-48111: error encountered while attempting to release a file lock [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to release a file lock.

Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.

ORA-48112: invalid flags for open file, <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Invalid flags were passed in to the open file routine.

Action: Check to see if the flags are a valid combination.

ORA-48113: unable to write to stream file because of out of space condition

Cause: The system is unable to write the requested number of bytes to a stream file. This is due to an out of space condition. The additional information shows how many bytes were not written.

Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested number of bytes.

ORA-48114: error encountered when attempting to close a file

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to close a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the validity of the file descriptor.

ORA-48115: error encountered while seeking a file position

Cause: There was an error encountered while seeking a position in a file.

Action: Check that the requested file position falls within the file boundaries.

ORA-48116: error encountered when attempting to create a directory [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to create a directory.

Action: Check the directory name.

ORA-48117: error encountered when attempting to remove a directory [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a directory.

Action: Check the directory name.

ORA-48118: error encountered with list directory [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error with listing the elements of a directory.

Action: Check the state of the operating system.

ORA-48119: error encountered when attempting to remove a file [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the directory name and file name.

ORA-48120: error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the directory name and file name.

ORA-48121: error with opening the ADR stream file [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR stream file.

Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was encountered.

ORA-48122: error with opening the ADR block file [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR block file.

Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was encountered.

ORA-48123: error encountered when attempting to flush a file

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to flush a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the state of the file.

ORA-48124: device full encountered during write to a file

Cause: The device full error was encountered during the write to a file.

Action: Check the amount of free space on the device.

ORA-48125: illegal identifier length, argn:<varname>string</varname>, len:<varname>string</varname>, lim:<varname>string</varname>

Cause: An input identifier was passed in that has a length that is greater than the max length.

Action: Make sure the input identifier has a length that is less than the max length.

ORA-48126: attempting to create a file that already exists

Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.

Action: Either remove the file or check if it is okay if the file already exists.

ORA-48127: attempting to open a file that does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to open a file that does not exist.

Action: Either create the file or check why the file does not exist.

ORA-48128: opening of a symbolic link is disallowed

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open a file that is a symbolic link. Users are not allowed to open symbolic links.

Action: Check the specified file name.

ORA-48129: invalid input for the full path specification

Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the full path specification, or the default extension may have been incorrectly specified. Or an empty string was passed in for the full path.

Action: Check that the full path string is non-NULL. If you want to specify a relative path from ADR Home for the full path specification, then use '<ADR_HOME>' instead of the actual path to ADR Home. For ADR Base, use '<ADR_BASE>'.

ORA-48130: invalid lock parameters for get file lock [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Invalid lock parameters passed in for the get file lock routine. The user must pass in file as the lock type. Or, there is a lock mode mismatch. Exclusive locks are not allowed in read-only mode, and shared locks are not allowed in write-only mode.

Action: Check that correct lock type is specified and that the correct lock mode is requested for the file given its open flags.

ORA-48131: error encountered when attempting to tell the file position

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to tell the file position using the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the directory and file name of the file along with the open state.

ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file lock.

Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time.

ORA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified file descriptor has already been opened.

Action: Do not open a file that has previously been opened, or check your code to make sure you are cleaning up a file descriptor that is being reused correctly.

ORA-48134: invalid file descriptor state for operation, <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The state of the file descriptor was invalid for the requested operation. An example is that a file was opened for read, but a write operation to the file was requested.

Action: Check the state of the file descriptor and make sure it matches the operation.

ORA-48135: uninitialized file descriptor

Cause: The specified file descriptor is uninitialized.

Action: Make sure the file descriptor is initialized before passing it into the routine.

ORA-48136: directory already exists [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Operation failed because the specified directory already exists.

Action: Remove the directory or ignore this error.

ORA-48137: uninitialized file handle

Cause: The specified file handle is uninitialized.

Action: Make sure the file handle is initialized before passing it into the routine.

ORA-48138: invalid directory name input for client address

Cause: An invalid directory name was specified as part of the address path specification.

Action: Check that the directory name is non-NULL and that the directory name length does not exceed the maximum length.

ORA-48139: invalid input to ADR initialization routine

Cause: There was an invalid input to the ADR initialization routine.

Action: Check the length of the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input arguments.

ORA-48140: the specified ADR Base directory does not exist [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not exist.

Action: Check that the specified ADR Base Directory is a valid path name and that the directory exists.

ORA-48141: error creating directory during ADR initialization [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Error encountered when creating a directory during the initialization of the ADR subsystem.

Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state of the operating system.

ORA-48142: invalid permissions input for change permissions

Cause: Invalid permissions passed into change permissions routine.

Action: Check the value of the permissions input.

ORA-48143: error changing permissions for a file

Cause: Error encountered while changing the permissions for a file

Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating system.

ORA-48144: error encountered while performing standard file I/O

Cause: Error encountered while performing standard file I/O

Action: Check the validity of standard in, out, and error.

ORA-48145: invalid seek location, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Invalid seek location specified for routine.

Action: Check the validity of specified seek location.

ORA-48146: missing read, write, or exec permission on directory during ADR initialization [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Error encountered when checking if the process has read, write, and exec privileges on directories needed by the ADR subsystem. This error occurs during the initialization of the ADR subsystem.

Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state of the operating system. Ensure that the user has the proper permissions on the ADR directories.

ORA-48147: invalid home location specification for ADR, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Invalid read or write home location specification for ADR.

Action: An invalid home was specified for the ADR Read or Write Home location.

ORA-48148: error encountered when attempting to move a file

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to move a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the directory name and file name.

ORA-48149: error encountered when attempting to copy a file

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to copy a file with the ADR file interface.

Action: Check the directory name and file name.

ORA-48150: error encountered with set current working directory

Cause: There was an error with setting the current working directory.

Action: Check the path used, or the state of the operating system.

ORA-48151: error getting operating system time for a file

Cause: Error encountered while getting the operating system time for a file.

Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating system.

ORA-48152: lock table is full

Cause: Lock table is full - too many locks granted

Action: Try again later

ORA-48153: error encountered when getting ADR base directory default

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to get the ADR base directory default value.

Action: Check your environment to see if the $ORACLE_BASE and $ORACLE_HOME environment variables are set.

ORA-48154: reached end of file for alert log

Cause: The end of file was reached for reading the Alert Log. There are no more messages to read in the Alert Log.

Action: Do not read from the Alert Log

ORA-48155: error encountered when read alert log [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a message from the Alert Log.

Action: Check the error message and the contents of the alert message.

ORA-48156: Alert log purge has occurred - retry operation

Cause: The purge of the alert log has occurred.

Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-48157: null input to ADR initialization

Cause: There was an null input to the ADR initialization routine.

Action: Check the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input arguments.

ORA-48158: invalid input for ADR base directory

Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR base directory name. The ADR base directory name is either NULL or too long of a string.

Action: Check the ADR base directory input argument.

ORA-48159: invalid input for ADR product type

Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product type. The ADR product type is out of bounds.

Action: Check the ADR product type input argument.

ORA-48160: invalid input for ADR product id

Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product id. The ADR product id is either NULL or too long of a string.

Action: Check the ADR product id input argument.

ORA-48161: invalid input for ADR instance id

Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR instance id. The ADR instance id is either NULL or too long of a string.

Action: Check the ADR instance id input argument.

ORA-48162: string buffer too small to hold input, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The string buffer is too small to copy an input string into.

Action: Check the size of the string buffer and the input string. Look in the argument for the location in the code where the error occurs.

ORA-48163: error concatenating directory onto path, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.

Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output buffers.

ORA-48164: error concatenating file onto path, [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.

Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output buffers.

ORA-48165: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified ADR Base directory [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not have the correct permissions.

Action: Check the read, write, and exec permissions on the specified ADR Base Directory

ORA-48166: error with opening ADR block file because file does not exist [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error was encountered with opening an ADR block file because the file does not exist.

Action: Check the existence of the ADR Block File.

ORA-48167: invalid argument for checking ADR initialization

Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the routine to check ADR initialization.

Action: Check the inputs to the ADR initialization routine.

ORA-48168: the ADR sub-system is not initialized

Cause: The ADR subsystem has not been initialized. The requested operation cannot be performed.

Action: Check the usage of the call to the ADR services. The ADR sub-system must be initialized for the call to work.

ORA-48169: incorrect arguments to ADR deferred initialization

Cause: There are incorrect arguments to the ADR deferred initialization.

Action: Check the input arguments. It could be possible that the product is not set up for deferred initialization.

ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use

Cause: the file is locked by another process, indicating that it is currently in use by another process

Action: determine which process legitimately owns this file.

ORA-48171: unable to get share lock - file not readable

Cause: share lock request was made on a file not open for read access.

Action: file must be open read-only or read-write to get a share lock.

ORA-48172: unable to find a valid ADR base

Cause: Unable to find a valid ADR base. We tried the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, home, and tmp directories, but none of the directories exist for read/write access.

Action: Check the validity of the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, home, and tmp directories.

ORA-48173: error checking directory existence during ADR initialization [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Error encountered when checking directory existence during the initialization of the ADR subsystem. Either the diag or product type directory does not exist underneath the ADR base.

Action: The directory in the error message must exist in order for ADR initialization to succeed. Make sure the directories exist.

ORA-48174: error encountered with get current working directory

Cause: There was an error with getting the current working directory.

Action: Check the state of the operating system or the size of the path buffer.

ORA-48175: the path name must not contain the string '..'.

Cause: The specified path name contains '..'.

Action: Correct the path name and retry the operation.

ORA-48176: error translating a path name into its full path name

Cause: An error was encountered when translating a path name into its full path name.

Action: Check the inputted path name to make sure it is a valid relative path.

ORA-48177: file name with full path information [<varname>string</varname>] not allowed

Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the file name. The inputted file name is greater than the maximum length, or the file name has path information. In this case, the file name should not have any path information. The path information should be specified in a separate argument.

Action: Check that the string for the file name is not too long and does not have path information.

ORA-48178: error encountered while reading an ADR block file during ADR initialization [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error was encountered while reading an ADR block file during the initialization of the ADR subsystem.

Action: Check the state of the file system.

ORA-48179: OS file synchronization failure

Cause: OS command to synchronize the changes to a file with the operating system failed.

Action: Check the state of the file system and the amount of free space left on your device.

ORA-48180: OS open system call failure

Cause: OS open system call failed. The system failed to open or create a file in the requested mode.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48181: OS write system call failure

Cause: OS write system call failed. The system failed to write to a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48182: OS read system call failure

Cause: OS read system call failed. The system failed to read to a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48183: OS close system call failure

Cause: OS close system call failed. The system failed to close a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48184: OS seek system call failure

Cause: OS seek system call failed. The system failed to seek to a position in a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48185: OS file size system call failure

Cause: OS file size call failed. The system failed to retrieve the file size for a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48186: OS check file exists system call failure

Cause: OS check file exists system call failed. The system failed to perform the check file exists command for a file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48187: specified directory does not exist

Cause: The specified directory does not exist.

Action: Check the directory name.

ORA-48188: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified directory

Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified directory. The user is missing either the read, write, or execute permission.

Action: Check the permissions of the specified directory.

ORA-48189: OS command to create directory failed

Cause: The OS command to create a directory failed.

Action: Check the error number associated with the create directory failure.

ORA-48190: OS unlink system call failure

Cause: OS unlink system call failed. The system failed to perform unlink on the specified file.

Action: Check the OS error code

ORA-48191: user missing read or write permission on specified file

Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified file. The user is missing either the read or write permission.

Action: Check the permissions of the specified file.

ORA-48192: OS command to move a file failed

Cause: The OS command to move a file failed.

Action: Check the error number associated with the move file.

ORA-48193: OS command to open a directory failed

Cause: The OS command to open a directory failed.

Action: Check the OS error associated with the open directory failure.

ORA-48194: OS command to close a directory failed

Cause: The OS command to close a directory failed.

Action: Check the OS error associated with the close directory failure.

ORA-48195: OS command to remove a directory failed

Cause: The OS command to remove a directory failed.

Action: Check the OS error associated with the remove directory failure.

ORA-48196: OS command to release advisory lock failed

Cause: The OS command to release the advisory lock failed

Action: Check the OS error associated with the release advisory lock failure.

ORA-48197: OS command to get the file status failed

Cause: The OS command to get the file status failed. This could be because the file is not open or file descriptor is invalid.

Action: Check the OS error associated with the get file status failure.

ORA-48198: OS command to change the file permissions failed

Cause: The OS command to change the file permissions failed.

Action: Check the OS error associated with the failure.

ORA-48199: OS command to copy a file failed

Cause: The OS command to copy a file failed.

Action: Check the error number associated with the copy file.

ORA-48200: Illegal Input Argument [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An illegal argument was passed in.

Action: Fix the call.

ORA-48201: Field Length Exceeds Maximum [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An illegal field length was used.

Action: Fix the call.

ORA-48202: Illegal Identifier [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Illegal identifier specified.

Action: Use a valid identifier.

ORA-48203: Illegal Data Type [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Illegal data type specified.

Action: Use a valid data type.

ORA-48204: Illegal Identifier Length [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input identifier is too long.

Action: Specify a shorter identifier.

ORA-48205: Record Length too Big [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The sum of the maximum lengths of all fields exceeds the maximum record length that is supported.

Action: Remove or shorten some of the fields.

ORA-48206: Illegal Number of Fields [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The number of fields specified exceeds the supported maximum.

Action: Remove some of the fields in the relation.

ORA-48207: Illegal Field Name [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The field name is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid field name.

ORA-48208: Duplicate Field Names [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The list of fields specified contains a duplicate field.

Action: Remove the duplicate field.

ORA-48209: Relation Already Exists

Cause: The relation already exists.

Action: Remove the relation.

ORA-48210: Relation Not Found

Cause: The relation was not found.

Action: Either specify a valid relation name or create one with that name.

ORA-48211: Illegal Access Mode [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The supplied access mode is not recognized.

Action: Supply a valid mode.

ORA-48212: Open Record Access Not Done

Cause: The open record access call was not performed.

Action: The open record access call is required before attempting this call.

ORA-48213: Incorrect Access Mode for Operation [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The relation was opened in a mode not compatible with the attempted operation being done.

Action: Reopen the relation in the correct mode.

ORA-48214: Sequence Overflow [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The sequence number will exceed the system maximum.

Action: Reset the sequence number.

ORA-48215: Sequence Invalid Operation [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified sequence operation is not valid.

Action: Specify a valid operation.

ORA-48216: Field Len Exceeds Max Field Length [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The field length specified exceeds the defined maximum for the field.

Action: Supply a smaller field length.

ORA-48217: Out of Space on Device

Cause: The storage subsystem is out of space.

Action: Add more space to the storage subsystem.

ORA-48218: Duplicate Key Name [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The key name already exists.

Action: Specify a different key name.

ORA-48219: Key Name Doesn't Match Any Existing Key

Cause: The key name provided doesn't match an existing key.

Action: Specify a key name that exists.

ORA-48220: Too Many Keys Defined [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: A key is trying to be created that exceeds the maximum number of keys supported.

Action: Drop another key.

ORA-48221: Key Exceeds Maximum Allowed Length [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The sum of the lengths of the fields in the key exceeds the maximum length supported.

Action: Remove one or more fields from the key.

ORA-48222: Predicates/Order By Not Allowed

Cause: A predicate or order by can not be added after fetch has started.

Action: Put the predicate or order by call before the first fetch.

ORA-48223: Interrupt Requested - Fetch Aborted - Return Code [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: User interrupt has occurred.

Action: None

ORA-48224: DDL has occurred since parse - reparse [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Another session has performed a DDL (i.e. add field, create key, drop key) that prevents this session from being to continue.

Action: Call open record access again.

ORA-48225: No More Space in Order By Buffer

Cause: The order by buffer size is not sufficient for the number of rows.

Action: Increase the order by buffer size specified.

ORA-48226: No Fetch in Progress

Cause: An attempt to perform update or delete has occurred without a fetch.

Action: You must first perform a fetch.

ORA-48227: Invalid Relation File - [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The AMS file is invalid or corrupt.

Action: Do a repair relation

ORA-48228: Missing Define Call [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: A call to define was not performed before doing a fetch.

Action: Call the define service before fetch.

ORA-48229: Invalid Relation Handle Provided [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.

Action: Possible memory corruption.

ORA-48230: Expression arguments must match types

Cause: Incorrect type semantics for fields in the predicate.

Action: Correct the predicate.

ORA-48231: Predicate syntax error

Cause: A syntax error exists in the predicate string.

Action: Correct the predicate.

ORA-48232: Debug command syntax error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid debug command has been specified.

Action: Correct the debug command.

ORA-48233: Invalid Field Handle [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The field handle is invalid.

Action: Possible memory corruption.

ORA-48234: Create Field of Field Name [<varname>string</varname>] Failed

ORA-48235: Operation [<varname>string</varname>] on Relation [<varname>string</varname>] Failed

ORA-48236: Operation [<varname>string</varname>] on Relation [<varname>string</varname>] Field [<varname>string</varname>] Failed

ORA-48237: Operation [<varname>string</varname>] on Relation [<varname>string</varname>] Key [<varname>string</varname>] Failed

ORA-48238: Invalid Surrogate Length Specified [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid length during create field was specified

Action: Specify a correct length

ORA-48239: Invalid Predicate Handle Provided [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.

Action: Possible memory corruption.

ORA-48240: Field is NOT NULL but NULL value supplied

Cause: A field [%s] declared to not allow nulls contains a null value.

Action: Specify a correct value

ORA-48241: File is at wrong version [file = <varname>string</varname>] [current = <varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48242: Fields that are NOT NULL can not use surrogates

Cause: NOT NULL fields can not have surrogates specified.

Action: Either remove the constraint or the surrogate.

ORA-48243: Additional Fields must be declared nulls allowed

Cause: A field can not be added to a relation that is defined NOT NULL

Action: Do not specify NOT NULL

ORA-48244: Purge for Retention can't be called while in an Query

Cause: A query is already running - purge for retention can't be invoked

Action: Fix call sequence

ORA-48245: Attempt to Update/Delete when at EOF

Cause: The fetch operation is positioned at EOF - can not update/delete

Action: Do not call update/delete after fetch has returned EOF

ORA-48246: Illegal Operation on External Relation

Cause: An illegal call was made using an external relation

Action: Do not perform the API Call

ORA-48247: Predicate Conversion Error <varname>string</varname>

Cause: A time conversion failed

Action: Fix the input

ORA-48248: Function <varname>string</varname> type check error; ityp = <varname>string</varname> typ = <varname>string</varname> arg = <varname>string</varname>

Cause: Invalid inputs to the specified function

Action: Change the inputs

ORA-48249: Type mismatch - lhs = <varname>string</varname>, rhs = <varname>string</varname>, result = <varname>string</varname>, op = <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48250: Details: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48251: Failed to open relation due to following error

Cause: See error below in the error stack

Action: See error below in the error stack

ORA-48252: Relation does not require migration

Cause: Relation on disk is compatible with the current code

Action: Don't run the migration services

ORA-48253: Relation Being Migrated - Can't be opened

ORA-48254: Migration Error [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48255: Changes not supported on relations opened read-only

ORA-48256: Having by not allowed

ORA-48257: Grouping function (<varname>string</varname>) used - but no group by specified

ORA-48258: AMS Corrupt Page Found - Rebuild Relation

Cause: A corrupted page has been found.

Action: Do a rebuild of the relation

ORA-48259: AMS Relation not Created Correctly

Cause: Create relation failed

Action: Recreate the relation

ORA-48260: Function <varname>string</varname> not found

Cause: A reference to a function that is not valid was found

Action: Fix the function name

ORA-48261: Grouping Function <varname>string</varname> not allowed in a having clause

ORA-48262: Sequence references not allowed in predicates

Cause: References to currval or nextval not allowed

Action: Remove these references

ORA-48263: Currval not set yet - use nextval

Cause: References to currval can't occur until a nextval is done

Action: Remove the reference

ORA-48264: Internal Application Function Failure

ORA-48265: Incorrect number of arguments (<varname>string</varname>) provided - expected (<varname>string</varname>)

Cause: Number of arguments to function is incorrect

Action: Specify the correct number of arguments

ORA-48290: Xaction Control General Fault

ORA-48291: Field name <varname>string</varname> can't be unique resolved

Cause: Field name appears in more than one relation

Action: Prefix the field name with the relation name

ORA-48292: Can't use outer join syntax mixed with inner join syntax

Cause: The join condition was specified using both inner and outer join elements"

Action: Specify the join condition correctly

ORA-48293: Outer join syntax not allowed without a join

Cause: Using outer join syntax in the predicate without doing a join

Action: Fix the predicate

ORA-48300: Incident Record Already Exists

Cause: trying to create an incident that already exists

Action: retry operation with new incident ID

ORA-48301: An Invalid Incident ID was specified

Cause: the specified incident ID was invalid

Action: retry operation with correct incident ID

ORA-48302: Incident Directory does not exist

Cause: the incident directory was not found

Action: retry operation with a different incident ID

ORA-48303: Exceeded max Incident Sequence Value

Cause: the maximum supported incident sequence value was exceeded

Action: reset incident sequence and retry operation

ORA-48304: incident staging file not found

Cause: the incident staging file is missing

Action: retry with a different incident ID

ORA-48305: incident ID range is too large

Cause: the maximum incident sequence value was exceeded

Action: retry operation with a smaller range

ORA-48308: Illegal input parameter: [prm = <varname>string</varname>] [pos = <varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48309: illegal incident state transition, [<varname>string</varname>] to [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: the incident cannot be moved to the new state

Action: retry operation with a valid incident status

ORA-48310: Incident <varname>string</varname> staging file not found

Cause: the incident staging file does not exist

Action: retry operation with a valid incident ID

ORA-48311: Invalid field name [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: the specified field name is invalid

Action: retry operation with a valid field name

ORA-48312: Sweep incident <varname>string</varname> staging file failed

Cause: the sweep action of incident staging file failed

Action: check the incident ID and retry

ORA-48313: Updates not allowed on ADR relation [<varname>string</varname>] of Version=<varname>string</varname>

Cause: Update operations not supported on this version of ADR relation

Action: check ADR version and retry

ORA-48314: Invalid ADR Control parameter [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: the specified control parameter is invalid

Action: check parameter and reissue command

ORA-48315: ADR unavailable

Cause: the ADR directory is not available

Action: enable ADR and retry operation

ORA-48316: relation [<varname>string</varname>] unavailable or cannot be created

Cause: the ADR relation is not available

Action: check ADR directory and retry operation

ORA-48317: ADR Relation [<varname>string</varname>] of version=<varname>string</varname> is obsolete

Cause: the version of ADR relation is too old and not supported

Action: check the ADR version and retry

ORA-48318: ADR Relation [<varname>string</varname>] of version=<varname>string</varname> cannot be supported

Cause: the version of ADR relation is too new and cannot be supported

Action: need to use a newer release to access the ADR

ORA-48319: Update operation on ADR relation [<varname>string</varname>] not allowed

Cause: updates to foreign ADR relation cannot be supported

Action: verify ADR location and reissue command

ORA-48320: Too many incidents to report

Cause: the result set of incidents is too large to handle

Action: use a predicate to reduce the number of incidents and retry

ORA-48321: ADR Relation [<varname>string</varname>] not found

Cause: the required ADR relation is missing, ADR may be corrupted

Action: check ADR directory and retry

ORA-48322: Relation [<varname>string</varname>] of ADR V[<varname>string</varname>] incompatible with V[<varname>string</varname>] tool

Cause: the tool version is incompatible with the ADR version

Action: use another version of tool and retry

ORA-48323: Specified pathname [<varname>string</varname>] must be inside current ADR home

Cause: A file outside of ADR home was not allowed for this type of file.

Action: Check the file name and retry.

ORA-48324: Incompatible staging file encountered

Cause: sweep incident failed because staging file is incompatible

Action: check the incident ID and version of ADR and retry

ORA-48325: Staging File Validation Error [<varname>string</varname>] line [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48326: Illegal Staging File Type <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48327: Illegal Staging Status Type <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48328: View already exists - use replace option

ORA-48329: Create View Fails with the following errors

ORA-48330: Expected Clause (<varname>string</varname>) not found

ORA-48331: Views only allowed <varname>string</varname> relations to be specified

ORA-48332: invalid relation-field name [<varname>string</varname>] in select list

ORA-48333: select field name [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-48334: ambiguous select field name [<varname>string</varname>] found

ORA-48335: illegal function reference to more than one field [<varname>string</varname>], relation [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48336: missing Alias name for function column [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48338: Invalid function argument

ORA-48339: view [<varname>string</varname>] does not exist

Cause: view has not been created

Action: verify view name and reissue command

ORA-48340: operation not supported on view [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: unsupported (dml) operation on views

Action: verify relation name and reissue command

ORA-48341: Field [<varname>string</varname>] not a grouping field

Cause: the field name specified is not a grouping field

Action: verify field names and groupby clause and reissue command

ORA-48342: Field [<varname>string</varname>] cannot be mixed with <varname>string</varname> fields

Cause: the specified field is incompatible with other grouping fields

Action: verify this and other field names and reissue command

ORA-48343: invalid field [<varname>string</varname>] reference in <varname>string</varname> clause

Cause: the specified field in the specified clause is invalid

Action: verify this field name and reissue command

ORA-48344: Invalid Name [<varname>string</varname>] specified

Cause: Either the name refers to an existing object or violates the reserved namespace rules.

Action: Pick another name

ORA-48345: Timeout encountered during operation

Cause: The attempted operation conflicted with another operation that was already being executed.

Action: Retry operation at a later time.

ORA-48390: Too many fields

ORA-48391: Field <varname>string</varname> not found in object

ORA-48392: Field (<varname>string</varname>) conversion error - type <varname>string</varname> value <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48393: Field (<varname>string</varname>) exceeds maximum length of <varname>string</varname>

ORA-48394: Field (<varname>string</varname>) is declared as NOT NULL

ORA-48395: Incident Range Function Only Available on Dual

ORA-48396: Invalid range supplied - valid range is [<varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48397: Range must be a numeric constant

ORA-48400: ADRCI initialization failed

Cause: The ADR Base directory does not exist

Action: Either create an ADR Base directory or point to an existing one

ORA-48401: SET command requires arguments

Cause: No arguments are input for the SET command

Action: Input the arguments

ORA-48402: Variable is not defined

Cause: No substitution value is input.

Action: Input the substitution value following after the variable name.

ORA-48403: DEFINE or UNDEFINE command has no arguments

Cause: DEFINE and UNDEFINE command need users to input the substitution variable name.

Action: Input the variable name after the keyword DEFINE or UNDEFINE

ORA-48404: RUN or @ command has no arguments

Cause: RUN and @ commands need users to input script filename

Action: Input script filename after RUN and @ commands

ORA-48405: The option in the command is invalid

Cause: The option is not allowed in the command

Action: Check the command syntax

ORA-48406: ECHO or TERMOUT status must be set to ON or OFF

Cause: the status of ECHO and TERMOUT commands must be ON or OFF

Action: input ON or OFF

ORA-48407: DESCRIBE and QUERY commands need at least relation name argument

Cause: This is no relation name is input as argument

Action: Need users to input at least the relation name

ORA-48408: The incident number exceeds the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input incident number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input fewer incidents

ORA-48409: The ADR homes exceed the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input ADR homes number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input shorter ADR home string

ORA-48410: The trace path exceeds the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input trace path exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input less trace path

ORA-48411: The trace files exceed the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input trace file path number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input less trace file path

ORA-48412: The parameters exceed the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input parameter number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input fewer parameters

ORA-48413: The number of orderby fields exceeds maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The orderby field number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input fewer fields

ORA-48414: The string in the execution option exceeds maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The string length is too long

Action: Divide the commands into two sets or use adrci scripts.

ORA-48415: Syntax error found in string [<varname>string</varname>] at column [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Parsing error found in the user input string

Action: Validate the input string

ORA-48416: Variable value [<varname>string</varname>] must be single or double quoted

ORA-48417: SHOW command needs arguments

ORA-48418: The variable [<varname>string</varname>] is not defined

ORA-48419: Illegal arguments

Cause: The input argument is illegal

Action: Check the input arguments and make sure it is not null

ORA-48420: EXPORT command must have a relation name

ORA-48421: Predicate string in the command must be single or double quoted

Cause: The predicate string is not single or double quoted

Action: Put single or double quotes around the predicate string

ORA-48422: Invalid relation field type [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48423: IMPORT command must have a filename

Cause: File name is missing from the command

Action: Input the import file name after the IMPORT keyword

ORA-48424: SHOW TRACE command needs argument

Cause: SHOW TRACE command needs arguments

Action: Input arguments

ORA-48425: ADRCI environment is not initialized

ORA-48426: The initialization filename is too long

Cause: The initialization filename length exceeds the maximum length

Action: This is really an internal setting parameter of the ADRCI, report it as a bug. Alternatively move the initialization file to the current working directory

ORA-48427: Unknown command

ORA-48428: Input command string exceeds max length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The current command string is too long and exceeds the limit

Action: Input less characters

ORA-48429: Variable name [<varname>string</varname>] is an invalid identifier

Cause: The substitution variable name is not a valid identifier

Action: Input the valid identifier defined by ADRCI

ORA-48430: Cannot read the parameter

ORA-48431: Must specify at least one ADR home path

Cause: The command syntax requires at least one ADR home path to be input

Action: Check the command syntax and input the home path

ORA-48432: The ADR home path [<varname>string</varname>] is not valid

Cause: The adr home user inputs is not valid, which may due to the path does not exist.

Action: Check if the input home path exists

ORA-48433: Unknown help topic

Cause: The input topic is unknown

Action: Check if the topic is valid

ORA-48434: No DDE commands are input

Cause: No DDE commands are input

Action: Input a DDE command

ORA-48435: Input a trace file

Cause: Show trace expects a trace file

Action: Input a trace file

ORA-48436: File [<varname>string</varname>] does not exist

Cause: the file does not exist

Action: Validate the trace file name

ORA-48437: No IPS commands are input

Cause: No IPS commands are input

Action: Input a IPS command

ORA-48438: [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid number

Cause: The input number is not valid

Action: Check the input number

ORA-48439: The input path name exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input path name is too long

Action: Report as a bug to change the limit

ORA-48440: Variable [<varname>string</varname>] is already defined

Cause: The variable name is defined previously

Action: Use another variable name

ORA-48441: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Report it as bug to change the maximum number

ORA-48442: The number of control parameters exceeds the maximum allowed [<varname>string</varname>].

Cause: The control parameters exceeded the maximum number allowed.

Action: Check the parameters. If the parameters are correct, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-48443: Trace Record type appears in the middle of the path

Cause: The trace record cannot be in the middle of the path

Action: Validate the input

ORA-48444: The single "." and "*" cannot appear in the middle of the path

Cause: The single "." and "*" appears in the middle of the path

Action: Validate the input

ORA-48445: Path expression only supports one bucket dump type

Cause: The path expression only supports one bucket dump"

Action: Change the path expression syntax

ORA-48446: The command needs path input

Cause: No path is input as a parameter

Action: Input the path

ORA-48447: The input path [<varname>string</varname>] does not contain any ADR homes

Cause: The input path does not contain ADR homes

Action: Validate the path

ORA-48448: This command does not support multiple ADR homes

Cause: There are multiple homes in the current adr setting.

Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home

ORA-48449: Tail alert can only apply to single ADR home

Cause: There are multiple homes in the current setting

Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home

ORA-48450: Syntax:\n

ORA-48451: adrci [-help] [-script script_filename]\n\n

ORA-48452: Options Description (Default)\n

ORA-48454: script script file name (None) \n

ORA-48455: help help on the command options (None) \n

ORA-48457: ADRCI core dumped

Cause: It is adrci internal error.

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48458: "show incident" failed due to the following errors

Cause: There could be a bug or users do not have the access permission

Action: Report to Oracle if the errors are not due to ADR permission settings

ORA-48459: "describe" command only supports one ADR home path

Cause: Multiple ADR home paths in the command

Action: put one ADR home path

ORA-48460: The home path [<varname>string</varname>] is not valid

Cause: The input home path is not valid home path

Action: Verify the homepath

ORA-48461: "describe" failed due to the following errors

Cause: Underlying code failed

Action: If it is not due to permission issue, report to Oracle

ORA-48462: Fatal error encountered in [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Fatal error encountered

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48463: The value buffer reached the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The value buffer is full

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48464: The predicate buffer reached the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The predicate buffer is too small

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48465: The specified type [<varname>string</varname>] is undefined

Cause: The purge type specified is undefined

Action: Check the type name

ORA-48466: Internal failure, the report context is not initialized

Cause: Internal problem failure.

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48467: "<varname>string</varname>" for the keyword "<varname>string</varname>" is not a valid number

Cause: The keyword value is not a valid number

Action: Check the value

ORA-48468: "<varname>string</varname>" is not a valid keyword

Cause: The keyword is not defined for the command

Action: Check the available keywords

ORA-48469: Keyword "<varname>string</varname>" cannot be duplicated

Cause: The command can only allow one key with the name

Action: Remove one keyword name from the command

ORA-48470: Unknown "<varname>string</varname>" command

Cause: The command is not valid

Action: Use help manual to check the command syntax

ORA-48471: "<varname>string</varname>" is not a valid shell command

ORA-48472: Invalid product name

Cause: The product name provided does not exist

Action: Specify a product name, see HELP SHOW BASE

ORA-48473: Internal failure, unknown return code [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Internal program failure

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48474: Syntax error specifying product, must not be NULL

Cause: The product clause is being used, but no product name is provided

Action: Supply the product name

ORA-48475: [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid timestamp

Cause: The input timestamp string is not in valid format

Action: None

ORA-48476: Cannot write the results out to a file, please check if \nthe environment variable TMPDIR is set or the current directory is \nnot writable

Cause: The current path may not be writable

Action: If the current path is writable, report to Oracle

ORA-48477: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes

Cause: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes

Action: Check the path if it is valid

ORA-48478: No alert messages are created

Cause: No alert messages are created

Action: No action

ORA-48479: No HM runs are created

Cause: There is no hm runs

Action: No action

ORA-48480: No incidents are created

Cause: There is no incident

Action: No action

ORA-48481: Report is not available

Cause: The requested report does not exist"

Action: Check the report ID

ORA-48482: Report is not generated

Cause: The requested report is not ready to be generated

Action: Check the report ID

ORA-48483: Spooling failed, it may be because the spool file cannot be created due to a permission issue

Cause: The spooling filename may not be valid or the file cannot be created

Action: Check the permissions of the target directory and verify the filename

ORA-48484: Run script failed, it may be because the script file does not exist

Cause: The script file may not exist

Action: Check if the script file exist

ORA-48485: The file exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The filename is too long

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48486: The file [<varname>string</varname>] exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The filename is too long

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48487: The internal predicate string exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48488: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input predicate string exceeds the maximum length

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48489: The input exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input exceeds the maximum length

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48490: The field number exceeds the maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input field number exceeds the maximum number

Action: Input less field names

ORA-48491: The program name is too long, exceeds the maximum length [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: the program name length exceeds the maximum length setting

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48492: The report component name is not defined

Cause: the report component name does not exist

Action: Check the component name to ensure it is registered

ORA-48493: Sweep command needs parameters

Cause: sweep command needs parameter

Action: Check the syntax of the command

ORA-48494: ADR home is not set, the corresponding operation cannot be done

Cause: The adr home is not set in the current adrci session

Action: Set the adr home using the adrci command "set base" and "set homepath"

ORA-48495: Interrupt requested

Cause: User requested to interrupt the current action

Action: No action is needed

ORA-48496: "<varname>string</varname>" is a mandatory keyword for the command

Cause: The keyword is not specified for the command

Action: Input the keyword

ORA-48497: "<varname>string</varname>" is an invalid product type

Cause: The product type is not registered

Action: Check the product type

ORA-48499: The value of the keyword "<varname>string</varname>" exceeds the maximum length <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The keyword value is too long

Action: Check the limit and input again

ORA-48500: File Write Error [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Number of bytes written differs from number requested. Possibly due to out of disk space.

Action: Ensure sufficient disk space.

ORA-48501: File Read Error [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Number of bytes read differs from number requested. Possibly due due to corrupted file.

Action: Recreate the file.

ORA-48502: Invalid Command Line - Missing Required Elements

Cause: Missing required command line arguments.

Action: Review the help message and supply the required arguments.

ORA-48503: Invalid Parameter Specified

Cause: Invalid input parameter supplied.

Action: Review the help message and correct the invalid input parameter.

ORA-48504: Relation Parameter Must be Specified

Cause: Relation parameter must be specified during ADR export.

Action: Supply the relation parameter.

ORA-48505: File Parameter Must be Specified

Cause: File parameter must be specified during ADR import.

Action: Supply the file parameter.

ORA-48506: Existing Relation at different version than export [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Attempting to import into an existing relation and the schema version of that relation differs from the schema of the relation that was exported.

Action: Drop the existing relation if you still wish to import the relation.

ORA-48507: Predicate Not Allowed during Import

Cause: The predicate option is not allowed during ADR import.

Action: Remove the predicate argument.

ORA-48508: Export File Version [<varname>string</varname>] Can Not be Used by Import [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The version of the export file is not able to be read by this version of ADR import.

Action: Rerun the export using the current version of ADR export.

ORA-48509: Error occurred during operation. See the following errors

Cause: An underlying error has occurred.

Action: Review and correct the underlying error.

ORA-48510: Can not export an in memory relation

Cause: In memory relations can not be exported.

Action: Pick a different relation.

ORA-48511: Repair Schema currently not implemented

ORA-48600: HM run with name [<varname>string</varname>] already exists

Cause: The specified run name already existed.

Action: Specify different run name and re-run the check

ORA-48601: HM run id[<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-48602: HM finding id [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-48603: HM recommendation id [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-48604: Alloc Function Pointer should not be NULL

ORA-48605: Argument [<varname>string</varname>] value should not be NULL

ORA-48606: Argument [<varname>string</varname>] value should not be ZERO

ORA-48607: Not valid(supported) parameter type

ORA-48608: Info list object doesn't have space

ORA-48609: Param [<varname>string</varname>] was not found in the infolist object

ORA-48610: Format of info list text is not correct

ORA-48611: Message object doesn't have space for new message

ORA-48612: Info list object doesn't have space for new params

ORA-48613: Finding set object doesn't have space for new finding

ORA-48614: HM run with name [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-48615: Parameter [<varname>string</varname>] value not specified

Cause: Run was invoked without specifying the parameter and its value

Action: Specify the needed parameter and its value

ORA-48616: Parameter [<varname>string</varname>] is NULL

ORA-48617: Parameter [<varname>string</varname>] value [<varname>string</varname>] length exceeds the maximum limit [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48618: Invalid HM run name specified

Cause: An invalid Health Monitor (HM) run name was specified.

Action: Specify a HM run name using only alphanumeric and underscore characters.

ORA-48700: DBG initialization out of sequence

ORA-48701: DBG initialization : bad Library Group ID

ORA-48702: DBG initialization : no callbacks specified to disable ADR

ORA-48703: DBG initialization : no process-level diag context specified

ORA-48704: DBG initialization : invalid value for initial number

ORA-48705: DBG initialization : invalid value for working number

ORA-48750: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48751: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48752: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48753: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48754: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48755: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48756: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48757: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48758: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48759: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48760: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48761: DBG context management internal failure

ORA-48762: DBG context notification service internal failure

ORA-48763: DBG memory corruption for thread local root

ORA-48800: "<varname>string</varname>" for the keyword "<varname>string</varname>" is not in the right format of timestamp

Cause: The value format is not right

Action: Check the format ADRCI supports

ORA-48801: The option "<varname>string</varname>" is duplicated

Cause: The option has been specified more than once

Action: Check the input

ORA-48802: The options "%0!s" and "%1!s" are mutually exclusive.

Cause: An attempt was made to specify the two options together.

Action: Specify only one of the options.

ORA-48803: The keyword "<varname>string</varname>" is not defined for this command

Cause: The keyword is invalid

Action: Check the valid keywords for the command

ORA-48804: The command needs at least one file input

Cause: No files are specified to view

Action: Input the files

ORA-48805: BEGIN BACKUP issued already - must do an END BACKUP first

Cause: A begin backup was already issued.

Action: Issue END BACKUP

ORA-48806: Unknown Function Reference (<varname>string</varname>)

Cause: The function reference is not a valid function

Action: Change the reference

ORA-48807: The SET subcommand requires at least one additional parameter

Cause: An argument was not specified for the SET subcommand.

Action: Specify additional arguments or precede the command with help.

ORA-48808: malformed SET CONTROL command - see "HELP SET CONTROL"

Cause: Improper syntax was specified for the SET CONTROL command.

Action: Specify additional arguments or use the HELP SET CONTROL command for more information.

ORA-48809: The number of estimate parameters exceeds the maximum allowed [<varname>string</varname>].

Cause: The estimate parameters exceeded the maximum number allowed.

Action: Check the parameters. If the parameters are correct, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-48810: malformed ESTIMATE command - see "HELP ESTIMATE"

Cause: Improper syntax was specified for the ESTIMATE command.

Action: Specify additional arguments or use the HELP ESTIMATE command for more information.

ORA-48900: Illegal Input Argument [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The input argument is invalid

Action: Check the input parameter

ORA-48902: Empty component specification

ORA-48903: String [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid library name

ORA-48904: String [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid component name

ORA-48905: String [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid operation name

ORA-48906: Parser context is not valid

Cause: The parser context is not initialized

Action: Call the initialization routine first before using the context

ORA-48907: The end of file is reached

Cause: The end of file is reached

Action: Handle the end of file

ORA-48908: No trace files are found

Cause: This is no file in the navigator context, either it is done with parsing, or no file is pushed

Action: Check if the file is added to the context

ORA-48909: Scan context is not initialized

Cause: The scan context is not initialized

Action: call the initialization routine of the scan context

ORA-48910: Fetch already started

ORA-48911: The parent node does not exist

ORA-48912: The specified trace filename is too long

Cause: The resulting trace filename length exceeds the maximum length

Action: Use a smaller trace filename suffix or move ADR higher in the directory hierarchy

ORA-48913: Writing into trace file failed, file size limit [<varname>string</varname>] reached

Cause: An attempt was made to write into a trace file that exceeds the trace's file size limit

Action: increase the trace's file size limit.

ORA-48914: File position is not in right format

Cause: The file position format is not right

Action: Check if the file format string is the right one

ORA-48915: The output format is not supported

ORA-48916: Cannot open the output file with path [<varname>string</varname>] and filename [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48917: Fail to seek to the requested file position

ORA-48918: Interruption is caught

ORA-48919: End of Fetch is reached in the trace navigator

ORA-48920: The merge context is not initialized

ORA-48921: The begin timestamp cannot be larger than the end timestamp

ORA-48922: The input homepath is not a valid ADR home

ORA-48923: There is no file to be merged

ORA-48924: The merge is done

ORA-48925: The incident does not exist

ORA-48926: The offset is not valid

ORA-48927: The requested line number does not exist

ORA-48928: The predicate exceeds the max limit <varname>string</varname>

Cause: The predicate is too long, exceeds the max limit

Action: Use a shorter predicate

ORA-48929: The trace record size exceeded the max size that can be read [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: A trace record is too large to be read by the ADR viewer

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48930: Cannot allocate memory for processing traces

Cause: A memory allocation request failed

Action: Report to Oracle

ORA-48931: The metadata header of file [<varname>string</varname>] is not valid

ORA-48932: The data offset is not in non-decreasing order at byte [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48933: Fail to switch to ADR default home

ORA-48934: invalid input for the file name identifier

Cause: An invalid input was given for the file name identifier. The file name is not allowed to have slashes ('', '/') and is not allowed to refer to the parent directory using the '..' characters.

Action: Check the file name and provide a valid input.

ORA-48935: bucket snapshotting error: [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-48936: The number of relations exceeds maximum number [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Too many relations listed

Action: Reduce the number

ORA-48937: Feature (<varname>string</varname>) currently not allowed for SELECT

Cause: Feature is not allowed

Action: Remove feature

ORA-48938: View select column count differs from select alias list

Cause: The view alias list has a different number of fields than the select list"

Action: Change the alias list or view select statement

ORA-48939: Select * not allowed in a CREATE VIEW

Cause: * is currently not allowed for a create view select list

Action: List the fields explicitly

ORA-48940: invalid value <varname>string</varname> (length = <varname>string</varname>) for parameter _MAX_INCIDENT_FILE_SIZE

ORA-48941: The maximum metadata version that can be processed is [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49100: Failed to process event statement [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49101: Failed to parse action [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49102: Action definition for [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-49103: Missing Mandatory argument [<varname>string</varname>] for <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49104: [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid argument for <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49105: Too many arguments specified for <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49106: Parameter value [<varname>string</varname>] is invalid

ORA-49107: Passed end of string while parsing

ORA-49108: Event Name [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-49109: Library Name [<varname>string</varname>] not found

ORA-49110: Parameter value [<varname>string</varname>] length is longer than maximum allowed

ORA-49111: Parsing failed because memory allocation failed

ORA-49112: Parameter value [<varname>string</varname>] is not one of allowed values

ORA-49113: Scope event limit exceeded, scoped events may work incorrectly

ORA-49114: Target not specified for scope [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49115: Target not specified for event [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49116: SQL ID string [<varname>string</varname>] is invalid

ORA-49150: Parameter NULL for this call [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49151: Event group not initialized

ORA-49152: Event parse context not initialized

ORA-49153: Event group sync failed, parent[<varname>string</varname>] is not parent of child[<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49154: Failed to initialize parse context in [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49155: Failed to initialize event group in [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49156: Failed to destroy parse context in [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49157: Syncing failed, parent and child are same group

ORA-49158: Empty Filter Specification

ORA-49159: Too many filters specified

ORA-49160: Scope or Filter cannot be specified for mapped event, use [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49161: Usage for event <varname>string</varname> : <varname>string</varname>

ORA-49162: [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid scope

ORA-49163: Event string must begin with a valid event name/number

ORA-49164: Event number is invalid

ORA-49165: Too many arguments for event <varname>string</varname>

ORA-49166: Keyword IMMEDIATE must be at the beginning of event string

ORA-49167: Invalid value of parameter [<varname>string</varname>] for <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49168: Missing value for name-value pair

ORA-49169: Event [<varname>string</varname>] is not a valid filter

ORA-49170: arg=action() construct can not be used in <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49171: Type of parameter [<varname>string</varname>] is not compatible with action [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49172: Depth of action nesting exceeds allowed limit

ORA-49173: Parameter [<varname>string</varname>] of <varname>string</varname> [<varname>string</varname>] must be specified as a literal

ORA-49174: Unable to set event in <varname>string</varname> due to <varname>string</varname>

ORA-49200: DDE Internal Error

ORA-49201: Arguments not valid for DDE invocation

ORA-49202: DDE global context not initialized for DDE invocation

ORA-49203: Too many recursive DDE invocations

ORA-49204: Recursive DDE invocation at Phase I

ORA-49205: DDE async action error [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49206: No DDE async actions in queue

ORA-49300: DDE User Actions Internal Error

ORA-49301: Illegal input argument [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49302: Invalid action/invocation specified [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49303: Invalid action specified (action not defined) [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49304: Invalid action/invocation/parameter specified [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49305: Invalid parameter specified (action parameter not defined) [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49306: Invalid parameter length specified, argn:<varname>string</varname>, len:<varname>string</varname>, lim:<varname>string</varname>

ORA-49307: Invalid length in user credentials, argn:<varname>string</varname>, len:<varname>string</varname>, lim:<varname>string</varname>

ORA-49308: Unable to read ADR record [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49309: Action failed [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49310: Invalid command string length [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49311: Command processor not found (system call returned null value) [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49312: No incident provided and no default incident set

ORA-49313: Specified parameter cannot be modified [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49314: Specified action is in status INCOMPLETE and cannot be executed

ORA-49315: Invalid incident type specified [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified incident type is not defined in this ADR.

Action: Specify an available incident type.

ORA-49400: IPS Internal Error

ORA-49401: Illegal input argument [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49402: Invalid length specified [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49404: No such package [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified package does not exist.

Action: Specify an existing package.

ORA-49405: Cannot change package name [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Attempted to change package name after package generation.

Action: Use current name, or create a new package with the desired name.

ORA-49406: Undefined configuration parameter specified [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified configuration parameter was not found in ADR.

Action: Specify an existing parameter. Re-populate parameters if necessary.

ORA-49407: No unpacking history in this home

Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.

Action: Verify the current home. Unpack a package if necessary.

ORA-49408: Invalid home specified [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid ADR_HOME was specified.

Action: Verify that the directory exists, and has the correct structure.

ORA-49409: Incremental package provided when complete expected

Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.

Action: Provide a complete package, or use FORCE option.

ORA-49410: Not an IPS package

Cause: The specified file was not an IPS package.

Action: Verify that the file is a valid zip file with expected contents.

ORA-49411: Incompatible package version [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49412: Package ID does not match existing ID [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The package ID in package file did not match previously unpacked packages.

Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.

ORA-49413: Package name does not match existing name [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The package name in package file did not match previously unpacked packages.

Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.

ORA-49414: Package sequence later than expected [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The package sequence in package file was later than expected.

Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.

ORA-49415: Package sequence earlier than expected [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The package sequence in package file was earlier than expected.

Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.

ORA-49416: Earlier package sequence applied with FORCE option [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An earlier package sequence was applied using the FORCE option.

Action: Apply a complete sequence which is later than any already applied, or use FORCE option to apply an incremental package.

ORA-49417: Cannot modify already generated package

Cause: Attempted to change package attributes after package generation.

Action: Create a new package with the desired name.

ORA-49418: Invalid package name specified

Cause: An invalid Incident Packaging Service (IPS) package name was specified.

Action: Specify a package name using only alphanumeric and underscore characters.

ORA-49420: Package too large [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The package is too large.

Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or try using incremental mode.

ORA-49421: Maximum number of package files generated [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The command generated the maximum number of package files.

Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or use incremental mode to generate additional files.

ORA-49423: File outside ADR not allowed

Cause: The specified file is not within the ADR directory structure.

Action: Specify a file inside ADR.

ORA-49424: Directory outside ADR not allowed

Cause: The specified directory is not within the ADR directory structure.

Action: Specify a directory inside ADR.

ORA-49425: File inside ADR not allowed

Cause: The specified file is within the ADR directory structure.

Action: Specify a file outside ADR.

ORA-49426: Directory inside ADR not allowed

Cause: The specified directory is within the ADR directory structure.

Action: Specify a directory outside ADR.

ORA-49427: No such file or file not accessible [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified file does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Action: Create the file or verify file permissions.

ORA-49428: No such directory or directory not accessible [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Action: Create the directory or verify directory permissions.

ORA-49429: File already exists and OVERWRITE option not specified [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.

Action: Either remove the file or use the OVERWRITE option.

ORA-49430: No such problem [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified problem does not exist.

Action: Specify a problem that exists in this repository.

ORA-49431: No such incident [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified incident does not exist.

Action: Specify an incident that exists in this repository.

ORA-49432: Problem not part of package [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified problem is not included in the package.

Action: Specify a problem that is included in the package.

ORA-49433: Incident not part of package [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified incident is not included in the package.

Action: Specify an incident that is included in the package.

ORA-49434: Invalid date format

Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date

Action: Specify the date in a supported format.

ORA-49435: Flood-controlled incident not allowed here [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: A flood-controlled incident cannot be included in a package

Action: Specify an incident that is not flood-controlled

ORA-49436: Date conversion error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date

Action: Specify the date in a supported format.

ORA-49440: Warnings while unpacking package, details in file <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when unpacking a package

Action: Review the specified unpacking log file

ORA-49441: Warnings while finalizing package, details in file <varname>string</varname>

Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when finalizing a package

Action: Review the specified finalize log file

ORA-49450: Non-zero return code from archiving utility [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned a warning or error.

Action: Verify that the file and directory exist and are readable, and that the file is a valid zip file.

ORA-49451: Archive file structure error [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that the archive file structure is incorrect.

Action: Verify that the file was transferred correctly and that the file is a valid zip file.

ORA-49452: Archiving utility out of memory [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that it was unable to allocate enough memory.

Action: Check for operating system limitations on process memory usage.

ORA-49453: Invalid command invoking archiving utility [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) was invoked with an invalid command line, or with invalid options.

Action: Verify that there are no operating system settings affecting the behavior of the archiving utility..

ORA-49454: Archive is missing or empty [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified archive does not exist, or is empty.

Action: Check if the specified archive exists.

ORA-49455: Archive I/O failed [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An attempt to create, write to or read from an archive failed.

Action: Verify that operating system I/O operations are working correctly.

ORA-49456: Operation failed due to insufficient disk space [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An operation on an archive failed due to insufficient disk space.

Action: Verify that there is sufficient disk space. Check for operating system quotas or other restrictions.

ORA-49480: Starting to finalize package contents

ORA-49481: Finished finalizing package contents

ORA-49482: Starting package generation

ORA-49483: Finished package generation

ORA-49490: Getting additional information

ORA-49491: Getting CRS information

ORA-49492: Getting OCM information

ORA-49493: Getting RDA information

ORA-49494: Getting OSS information

ORA-49500: Invalid Transient LifeTime[<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49501: Invalid Critical Factor[<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49502: Invalid Warning Factor[<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49503: Invalid Weight Factor[<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49504: Incident meter configuration record not found

ORA-49505: Problem record not found

ORA-49506: Incident record not found

ORA-49600: ,

ORA-49601: syntax error: found "<varname>string</varname>": expecting one of: "<varname>string</varname>" etc..

Cause: Syntax error discovered when processing event specification

Action: Enter correct event specification

ORA-49602: attempt recovery: symbol "<varname>string</varname>" inserted before "<varname>string</varname>".

ORA-49603: attempt recovery: symbol "<varname>string</varname>" ignored.

ORA-49604: attempt recovery: symbol "<varname>string</varname>" substituted for "<varname>string</varname>".

ORA-49605: error: got NULL for lexer callback.

ORA-49606: file "<varname>string</varname>", line "<varname>string</varname>".

ORA-49607: error: got NULL for debug callback when debug flag is set.

ORA-49608: fatal: internal error

ORA-49609: error: too many errors at token <varname>string</varname>. cannot recover.. bye!

ORA-49610: error: got NULL for one of memory callbacks and not others

ORA-49611: error: lexer callback doesn't handle PZLEXERRGET.

ORA-49612: warning: no 'error' token lookahead for any state on parse stack.


ORA-49701: Parameter '<varname>string</varname>' is NULL.

Cause: NULL was passed to a function that requires a non-NULL parameter.

Action: Pass a valid non-NULL parameter.

ORA-49702: unable to allocate '<varname>string</varname>' bytes of external procedure call memory

Cause: An attempt to allocate memory in a C external procedure failed due to insufficient memory.

Action: Try the operation again.

ORA-49703: invalid ADR service name

Cause: A NULL or undefined Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) service name was specified.

Action: Specify a valid ADR service name.

ORA-49704: invalid incident ID

Cause: A NULL or nonpositive incident ID was specified.

Action: Specify a valid ADR incident ID.

ORA-49800: ADR block file [<varname>string</varname>] could not be opened using direct I/O

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) block file using O_DIRECT. The system automatically retries the open without using O_DIRECT.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-49801: actual permissions [<varname>string</varname>], expected minimum permissions [<varname>string</varname>] for effective user [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-49802: missing read, write, or execute permission on specified ADR home directory [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: The specified Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) home directory did not have the correct permissions.

Action: Check the read, write, and execute permissions on the specified ADR home directory.

ORA-49803: Purge not possible due to incompatible schema version.

Cause: The Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) found on disk was different from the version in the library.

Action: Start the product to migrate automatically or use the ADRCI utility command MIGRATE SCHEMA.

ORA-49804: cannot modify ADR PDB parameter <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An attempt was made to alter the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) pluggable database (PDB) - only parameters from a non-consolidated database or root container of a consolidated database.

Action: ADR PDB parameters cannot be altered from non-consolidated database or root container of a consolidated database. Switch to a PDB to perform the operation.

ORA-49900: cannot modify parameter <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An attempt was made to alter the parameter from a non-consolidated database or pluggable database.

Action: The parameter can only be altered in the root container of a consolidated database.

ORA-51000: HM framework error: [<varname>string</varname>] [<varname>string</varname>]

ORA-51001: check [<varname>string</varname>] not found in HM catalog

Cause: checker name might have been misspelled

Action: retry running check with proper checker name

ORA-51002: Too many parameters

ORA-51003: run parameters not formatted correctly

Cause: Run parameters were given in a wrong format

Action: Correct the run params text and try again

ORA-51004: Check doesn't take any input params

Cause: run params were passed to the check, which doesn't take any inputs

Action: don't pass any run params and try again

ORA-51005: run params missing the parameter name

ORA-51006: unexpected delimiter ';' in the run params text

Cause: run params were not properly formatted.

Action: correct the run params format and try again

ORA-51007: parameter [<varname>string</varname>] not registered with this check

Cause: Wrong inputs were given to this check.

Action: correct the run params and try the check again

ORA-51008: parameter [<varname>string</varname>] value is not a proper number

Cause: the given parameter value is a not a proper number

Action: correct the run params and try again

ORA-51009: parameter [<varname>string</varname>] value type not supported yet

ORA-51010: NULL context passed

ORA-51011: NULL Info passed

ORA-51012: Param not found

ORA-51013: default message not found

ORA-51014: Checker Run got Timed Out

ORA-51015: dummy HM failure with [<varname>string</varname>] as arguments

ORA-51016: dummy HM recommendation with [<varname>string</varname>] as arguments

ORA-51017: dummy HM damage description with [<varname>string</varname>] as argument

ORA-51018: list parameter values are of wrong type

ORA-51019: unsupported list parameter type

ORA-51020: parameter [<varname>string</varname>] not found in info

ORA-51021: Element list full

ORA-51022: Invalid element position

ORA-51023: Param type mismatch

ORA-51024: unsupported info type

ORA-51025: check name should be non NULL value

Cause: NULL value was passed for check name

Action: give a proper check name and retry again

ORA-51026: Diag ADR not enabled, can't run check

ORA-51027: Run name should be non NULL value

ORA-51028: Report type should be non NULL value

ORA-51029: Report type should be non NULL value

ORA-51030: Unsupported report type

ORA-51031: Unsupported report level

ORA-51032: check name too long

ORA-51033: run name too long

ORA-51034: pseudo context not allowed

ORA-51035: invalid timeout value

Cause: User specified an invalid timeout value

Action: n/a

ORA-51036: check [<varname>string</varname>] can only be executed in database instance

Cause: An attempt was made to run database-specific check in ASM environment

Action: Don't run the check in ASM environment

ORA-51037: check [<varname>string</varname>] can only be executed in ASM instance

Cause: An attempt was made to run ASM-specific check in a database environment

Action: Don't run the check in database environment

ORA-51100: Control file is older than datafiles and/or log files

ORA-51101: NOARCHIVELOG mode restore datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51102: cannot change priority of a critical failure <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure with CRITICAL priority.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-51103: cannot change priority of a closed failure <varname>string</varname>

Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a closed failure.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-51104: NOARCHIVELOG mode restore datafiles <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51105: cannot change priority of a failure to CRITICAL

Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure to CRITICAL.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-51106: check failed to complete due to an error. See error below

Cause: While executing the check, an unexpected error occurred.

Action: Check the errors below and try rerunning the check.

ORA-51107: failures are changing too rapidly - retry command

Cause: Failures were added or closed during a Data Recovery Advisor command.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-51108: unable to access diagnostic repository - retry command

Cause: A lock or timeout error occurred when trying to read failure or repair data from the Automatic Diagnostic Repository.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-51109: repair script file is too large

Cause: Data Recovery Advisor generated a repair script file that was too large.

Action: Retry the command with fewer failures selected.

ORA-51110: buffer size [<varname>string</varname>] is too small - [<varname>string</varname>] is needed

Cause: An internal buffer was too small.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-51111: failure revalidation timed out

Cause: Data Recovery Manager was unable to revalidate all failures before timing out.

Action: Increase timeout and retry the command.

ORA-51190: Internal error [<varname>string</varname>], [<varname>string</varname>] from DBMS_IR

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing a routine in the DBMS_IR package.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-51191: Too many files opened

Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to open too many files using the DBMS_IR package.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-51192: File not open

Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to read or write from a file that was not open.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-51193: invalid parameter value

Cause: An invalid parameter value was supplied in a call to the DBMS_IR package.

Action: Fix the parameter value and retry the call.

ORA-51200: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> has invalid size

ORA-51201: Database cannot be mounted

ORA-51202: Control file <varname>string</varname> is missing

ORA-51203: Control file <varname>string</varname> is corrupt

ORA-51204: Control file needs media recovery

ORA-51205: Control file <varname>string</varname> does not belong to the database

ORA-51206: Control files are mutually inconsistent

ORA-51207: Insufficient kernel memory to access <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51208: Database might be unrecoverable or become unrecoverable

ORA-51209: Online log member <varname>string</varname> is missing

ORA-51210: Online log member <varname>string</varname> is corrupt

ORA-51211: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened because of limit on number of open files per process

ORA-51212: Online log group <varname>string</varname> is unavailable

ORA-51213: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because of an ASM Failure

ORA-51214: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be opened because of system limit on number of open files

ORA-51215: Archived redo log file <varname>string</varname> is missing

ORA-51216: Archived redo log file <varname>string</varname> is corrupt

ORA-51217: Database cannot be opened

ORA-51218: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because of NFS mount error

ORA-51219: System datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is missing

ORA-51220: System datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is corrupt

ORA-51221: System datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' needs media recovery

ORA-51222: See impact for individual child failures

ORA-51223: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because of invalid partitioning of raw volume

ORA-51224: One or more non-system datafiles are missing

ORA-51225: One or more non-system datafiles are corrupt

ORA-51226: One or more non-system datafiles need media recovery

ORA-51227: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> does not have correct access permissions

ORA-51228: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is missing

ORA-51229: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is corrupt

ORA-51230: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' needs media recovery

ORA-51231: Some objects in tablespace <varname>string</varname> might be unavailable

ORA-51232: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' contains one or more corrupt blocks

ORA-51233: Block <varname>string</varname> in datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is media corrupt

ORA-51234: Object <varname>string</varname> owned by <varname>string</varname> might be unavailable

ORA-51235: Redo log group <varname>string</varname> is corrupt near change <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51236: Archived redo log file <varname>string</varname> is corrupt near change <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51237: Recovery cannot be completed

ORA-51238: Perform block media recovery of block <varname>string</varname> in file <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51239: Use a multiplexed copy to restore control file <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51240: Restore a backup control file

ORA-51241: If this is a primary database and you have a CREATE CONTROLFILE script, use it to create a new control file

ORA-51242: Restore and recover datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51243: Restore and recover datafiles <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51244: Recover datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51245: Recover datafiles <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51246: Take datafile <varname>string</varname> offline

ORA-51247: Take datafiles <varname>string</varname> offline

ORA-51248: If this is a primary database and a standby database is available, then perform a Data Guard failover initiated from the standby

ORA-51249: Recover multiple corrupt blocks in datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51250: Table object <varname>string</varname> has corrupted data

ORA-51251: Table <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> may not be accessible

ORA-51252: Row <varname>string</varname> of table object <varname>string</varname> has corrupted data

ORA-51253: Table <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> may not be accessible

ORA-51254: Table object <varname>string</varname> mismatched with index object <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51255: Table <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname> is not synchronized with index <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51256: Table row <varname>string</varname> of table object <varname>string</varname> mismatched with index object <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51258: Restore and recover database

ORA-51259: Recover database

ORA-51260: Drop and re-create redo log group member <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51261: Clear redo log group <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51262: Clear unarchived redo log group <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51263: Clear unarchived redo log group <varname>string</varname> using the UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE clause in the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement

ORA-51264: Perform flashback of the database to SCN <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51265: Perform incomplete database recovery to SCN <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51266: The repair includes complete media recovery with no data loss

ORA-51267: The repair includes point-in-time recovery with some data loss

ORA-51268: The repair makes some data temporarily unavailable

ORA-51269: Ensure that all disks and network connections are functional

ORA-51270: If file <varname>string</varname> was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it

ORA-51271: If you have an export of tablespace <varname>string</varname>, then drop and re-create the tablespace and import the data.

ORA-51272: If you have the correct version of the control file, then replace the old control file

ORA-51273: If the instance failed when file <varname>string</varname> was in online backup mode, then issue ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP. This option must not be used for a restored backup

ORA-51274: If you re-created inaccessible files in an alternative location, alter initialization parameters in the parameter file appropriately

ORA-51275: Obtain a copy of redo block from an alternative source (if exists)

ORA-51276: Drop damaged log group member and add new member

ORA-51277: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because file system does not have correct access permissions

ORA-51278: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because it is locked by another process

ORA-51279: Block <varname>string</varname> of <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> cannot be accessed because of device IO error

ORA-51280: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> is inaccessible

ORA-51281: Force a commit of the corrupted transaction whose id is <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51282: Transaction <varname>string</varname> is corrupted; its undo segment number is <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51283: Transaction <varname>string</varname> is not corrupted

ORA-51284: Undo segment <varname>string</varname> is not corrupted

ORA-51285: Damage analysis of transaction <varname>string</varname> can be found in <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51286: Transaction <varname>string</varname> seems to be corrupted; its undo segment number is <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51287: Check corrupt list in V$CORRUPT_XID_LIST for transaction <varname>string</varname>. If present, then force commit it. If not, then corruption is likely to happen

ORA-51288: If you restored the wrong version of data file <varname>string</varname>, then replace it with the correct one

ORA-51289: If you know which copy of the control file is correct, replace other copies with it

ORA-51290: Ensure that file system is mounted properly and OS kernel resources are adequately configured

ORA-51291: Increase per-process limit on number of open files

ORA-51292: Increase operating system kernel limit on total number of open files

ORA-51293: Mount NFS with the Oracle-recommended mount options

ORA-51294: Ensure that disk partition provided to Oracle does not start at sector 0

ORA-51295: Mount your file system with the required access mode

ORA-51296: Change access permissions for file <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51297: Find process that is holding lock on file <varname>string</varname> and resolve lock conflict

ORA-51298: Ensure that file <varname>string</varname> has correct access permissions and is not locked by another process

ORA-51299: Please contact Oracle Support Services to resolve failure <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51300: Configure operating system kernel so that there is enough memory available to open a file

ORA-51301: SQL dictionary health check: <varname>string</varname> <varname>string</varname> on object <varname>string</varname> failed

ORA-51302: Damaged rowid is <varname>string</varname> - description: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51303: illegal check mask value specified

Cause: An illegal check mask value was specified.

Action: Specify one of the following legal values: COLUMN_CHECKS, ROW_CHECKS, REFERENTIAL_CHECKS, or ALL.

ORA-51304: Checkpoint database and clear redo log group <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51305: Checkpoint database and clear unarchived redo log group <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51306: Checkpoint database and clear unarchived redo log group <varname>string</varname> with unrecoverable datafile(s)

ORA-51307: Undo segment <varname>string</varname> is corrupted

ORA-51308: Restore database and recover with UNTIL CANCEL option

ORA-51309: If you have the correct version of the control file, then replace <varname>string</varname> with it

ORA-51310: Ensure that ASM instance is up

ORA-51311: Ensure that ASM disk group is mounted

ORA-51312: Name for datafile <varname>string</varname> is unknown in the control file

ORA-51313: A repair cannot be performed until the database is restarted. Please shutdown, restart database in nomount mode, and retry ADVISE command

ORA-51314: If you have the correct version of the control file, then shutdown the database and replace the old control file

ORA-51315: Perform incomplete database recovery

ORA-51316: No check meta-data found on specified table <varname>string</varname>

Cause: No check meta-data was found for the object

Action: Table may not exist or no checks currently defined for the table

ORA-51317: If the file exists, rename data file <varname>string</varname> to the name of the real file using ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command. If the file does not exist, create a new data file using ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command.

ORA-51318: The repair includes flashing the database back with some data loss

ORA-51319: The repair includes recovery in NOARCHIVELOG mode with some data loss

ORA-51320: No backup of block <varname>string</varname> in file <varname>string</varname> was found. Drop and re-create the associated object (if possible), or use the DBMS_REPAIR package to repair the block corruption

ORA-51321: If possible, drop and re-create the object associated with the logically corrupted block <varname>string</varname> in file <varname>string</varname>. Otherwise, use the DBMS_REPAIR package to repair the block

ORA-51322: Contact Oracle Support Services if the preceding recommendations cannot be used, or if they do not fix the failures selected for repair

ORA-51323: A database state change is required to repair some failures. An automatic repair might be feasible if you mount the database.

ORA-51324: A database state change is required to repair some failures. An automatic repair might be feasible if you open the database.

ORA-51325: Block <varname>string</varname> in datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is logically corrupt

ORA-51326: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' was not taken offline cleanly. If you do not want to recover it, then take the file OFFLINE FOR DROP and repeat the ADVISE command

ORA-51327: The repair includes clearing unarchived redo log with some data loss

ORA-51328: Block <varname>string</varname> in control file is corrupt

ORA-51329: The control file cannot be repaired while the database is mounted or open. Please shutdown, restart the database in nomount mode, and retry the ADVISE command. A backup control file or CREATE CONTROLFILE script will be needed for the repair. If you do not have a backup control file, a CREATE CONTROLFILE script can be built by using 'alter database backup controlfile to trace'.

ORA-51330: The control file cannot be repaired while the database is open or mounted. Please shutdown, restart the database in nomount mode, and retry the ADVISE command. A CREATE CONTROLFILE script will be needed for the repair because a backup control file could not be found. If you do not have a script, one can be built by using 'alter database backup controlfile to trace'.

ORA-51331: Control file contains one or more corrupt blocks

ORA-51332: Database or some of its functionality may not be available

ORA-51333: Open resetlogs

ORA-51334: Automatic repairs may be available if you shutdown the database and restart it in mount mode

ORA-51335: Initiate fast-start failover

ORA-51336: Redo log <varname>string</varname> with block size <varname>string</varname> is incompatible with native disk sector size

ORA-51337: Move file <varname>string</varname> with block size <varname>string</varname> to a disk with a compatible sector size

ORA-51338: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is offline

ORA-51339: Online datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51340: One or more non-system datafiles are offline

ORA-51341: Tablespace <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is offline

ORA-51342: Online tablespace <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51343: System datafile <varname>string</varname>: '<varname>string</varname>' is offline

ORA-51344: If datafile '<varname>string</varname>' is in the current undo tablespace, then bring it online using ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE <varname>string</varname> ONLINE command

ORA-51345: A database state change is required to repair some failures. An automatic repair might be feasible if you shut down the database and reopen it in read/write mode.

ORA-51346: An automatic repair was generated for some of the failures selected for repair. More failures might be repaired if you open the database.

ORA-51347: An automatic repair was generated for some of the failures selected for repair. More failures might be repaired if you open the database in read/write mode.

ORA-51348: Open the database read/write to validate and get repair advice for failure <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51349: Open the database to validate and get repair advice for failure <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51350: Mount the database to validate and get repair advice for failure <varname>string</varname>: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51351: An automatic repair was generated for some of the failures selected for repair. More failures might be repaired if you mount the database.

ORA-51352: A database state change is required to repair the following failures.

ORA-51353: An automatic repair was generated for some of the failures selected for repair. A database state change is required to repair the following failures.

ORA-51354: If you have an export of tablespace <varname>string</varname>, open the database read/write, then drop and re-create the tablespace and import the data.

ORA-51355: If you have an export of tablespace <varname>string</varname>, offline its data files, open the database read/write, then drop and re-create the tablespace and import the data.

ORA-51356: Perform a Data Guard role change (using PL/SQL routine DBMS_DG.INITIATE_FS_FAILOVER).

ORA-51357: Perform a Data Guard role change (using Data Guard broker failover).

ORA-51358: Perform a Data Guard role change (failover).

ORA-51359: Shut down, mount the database and try flush redo using ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO 'standby name' command. Then perform a Data Guard role change (using Data Guard broker failover). Available standbys: <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51360: Try flush redo using ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO 'standby name' command. Then perform a Data Guard role change (using Data Guard broker failover). Available standbys: <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51361: Shut down, mount the database and try flush redo using ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO 'standby name' command. Then perform a Data Guard role change (failover). Available standbys: <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51362: Try flush redo using ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO 'standby name' command. Then perform a Data Guard role change (failover). Available standbys: <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51363: Data Guard Switchover/Failover performance may be affected

ORA-51364: Recovery cannot continue

ORA-51365: Datafile <varname>string</varname>: contains NOLOGGING data

ORA-51366: Standby redo log group <varname>string</varname> is unavailable

ORA-51367: If this is a standby database and a primary database is available, go to the primary and create a standby control file using ALTER DATABASE CREATE STANDBY CONTROLFILE command

ORA-51368: Creates a standby control file from the primary

ORA-51369: Redo log group may become unavailable

ORA-51370: Copy datafile <varname>string</varname> from another database using BACKUP AUXILIARY FORMAT command

ORA-51371: If the NOLOGGING data in datafile <varname>string</varname> exists on another database (primary or standby), take an incremental backup of it and restore it on this database

ORA-51372: Restore datafile <varname>string</varname> from primary database

ORA-51373: No data loss mode may not be available when database is used as Data Guard

ORA-51374: Restore from standby and recover datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51375: Restore datafile <varname>string</varname> and recover database

ORA-51376: If this is a standby database, restore the controlfile for a standby database using RESTORE STANDBY CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP command

ORA-51377: Restore database from standby and recover database

ORA-51378: Restore database from primary

ORA-51379: Restore and recover database

ORA-51380: Create a new datafile <varname>string</varname> using ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command

ORA-51381: Datafiles are mutually inconsistent

ORA-51382: Database may not be able to open

ORA-51383: Ensure the primary database is up and recover database using ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE UNTIL CONSISTENT command. Check alert log for potential failures that may cause recovery not to run. Potential problems may include missing archived logs or datafiles being in an orphaned incarnation.

ORA-51384: Another primary exists in the Data Guard configuration

ORA-51385: Attempt to reinstate the old primary database, <varname>string</varname>, as a standby database of the current primary database by issuing the REINSTATE DATABASE command of the Data Guard Broker CLI (DGMGRL) on the current primary. If the database cannot be reinstated, you must re-create the old primary database from a copy of the current primary database.

ORA-51386: Datafile is not protected

ORA-51387: Restore datafile <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51388: Restore database

ORA-51401: ASM disk group mount failure can result in failure mounting Oracle database.

ORA-51402: Disk missing from the disk group. Disk number: <varname>string</varname> Name: <varname>string</varname> Path: <varname>string</varname>. \nSee trace file <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51403: ASM extent allocation failed. ASM disk group may be in unbalanced state.

ORA-51404: Disk group '<varname>string</varname>' Imbalance: '<varname>string</varname>%'. Partner Imbalance: '<varname>string</varname>%'. Size Variance: '<varname>string</varname>%'

ORA-51405: ASM disk not added to disk group as requested.

ORA-51406: Requested ASM disk(s) not discovered on all nodes where disk group is mounted.\nSee trace file <varname>string</varname>.

ORA-51407: ASM file <varname>string</varname> not dropped as requested.

ORA-51408: Database <varname>string</varname> on host <varname>string</varname> currently accessing file.

ORA-51409: Too many offline disks detected.

ORA-51410: <varname>string</varname>

ORA-51411: Insufficient number of disks to establish quorum.

ORA-51412: Insufficient memory available for allocation.

ORA-51500: HM Test Check

ORA-51501: Check for health monitor functionality

ORA-51502: Number of failures to be raised

ORA-51503: Number of recommendations to be raised

ORA-51504: Damage description parameter value

ORA-51505: Failure description parameter value

ORA-51506: Dummy element list

ORA-51507: DB Structure Integrity Check

ORA-51508: Checks integrity of all database files

ORA-51509: CF Block Integrity Check

ORA-51510: Checks integrity of a control file block

ORA-51511: Control file block number

ORA-51512: Data Block Integrity Check

ORA-51513: Checks integrity of a data file block

ORA-51514: File number

ORA-51515: Block number

ORA-51516: Redo Integrity Check

ORA-51517: Checks integrity of redo log content

ORA-51518: SCN of the latest good redo (if known)

ORA-51519: Logical Block Check

ORA-51520: Checks logical content of a block

ORA-51521: Tablespace number

ORA-51522: Relative block address

ORA-51523: Segment header relative block address

ORA-51524: Dictionary object number

ORA-51525: Data object number

ORA-51526: Table Check

ORA-51527: Checks integrity of a table

ORA-51528: Table object number

ORA-51529: Table check mode

ORA-51530: Table-Index Cross Check

ORA-51531: Checks cross references between a table and one of its indexes

ORA-51532: Table object number

ORA-51533: Index object number

ORA-51534: Table Row Check

ORA-51535: Checks integrity of a table row

ORA-51536: Table object number

ORA-51537: Table rowid

ORA-51538: Table-Index Row Mismatch

ORA-51539: Checks the cross references between a table row and an index entry

ORA-51540: Table object number

ORA-51541: Index object number

ORA-51542: Table rowid

ORA-51543: Index entry key

ORA-51544: Transaction Integrity Check

ORA-51545: Checks a transaction for corruptions

ORA-51546: Transaction ID

ORA-51547: Undo Segment Integrity Check

ORA-51548: Checks integrity of an undo segment

ORA-51549: Undo segment number

ORA-51550: No Mount CF Check

ORA-51551: Checks control file in NOMOUNT mode

ORA-51552: CF Member Check

ORA-51553: Checks a multiplexed copy of the control file

ORA-51554: Control file name

ORA-51555: All Datafiles Check

ORA-51556: Checks all datafiles in the database

ORA-51557: Single Datafile Check

ORA-51558: Checks a data file

ORA-51559: File number

ORA-51560: Log Group Check

ORA-51561: Checks all members of a log group

ORA-51562: Log group number

ORA-51563: Log Group Member Check

ORA-51564: Checks a particular member of a log group

ORA-51565: Log group number

ORA-51566: Log file name

ORA-51567: Archived Log Check

ORA-51568: Checks an archived log

ORA-51569: Archived log name

ORA-51570: Archived log record ID

ORA-51571: Redo Revalidation Check

ORA-51572: Checks redo log content

ORA-51573: SCN of the latest good redo (if known)

ORA-51574: IO Revalidation Check

ORA-51575: Checks file accessibility

ORA-51576: Inaccessible file name

ORA-51577: Inaccessible file number

ORA-51578: IO reason

ORA-51579: File block size

ORA-51580: File block number

ORA-51581: Block IO Revalidation Check

ORA-51582: Checks file accessibility

ORA-51583: Inaccessible file name

ORA-51584: Inaccessible file number

ORA-51585: File block size

ORA-51586: Inaccessible block number

ORA-51587: Txn Revalidation Check

ORA-51588: Revalidate corrupted transaction

ORA-51589: Transaction id

ORA-51590: Failure Simulation Check

ORA-51591: Creates dummy failures

ORA-51592: Dummy failure id

ORA-51593: Dummy failure parameters

ORA-51594: Dictionary Integrity Check

ORA-51595: Checks dictionary integrity

ORA-51596: Table name

ORA-51597: Check mask

ORA-51598: ASM Mount Check

ORA-51599: Diagnose mount failure

ORA-51600: ASM disk number

ORA-51601: ASM group number

ORA-51602: ASM Allocation Check

ORA-51603: Diagnose allocation failure

ORA-51604: ASM group name

ORA-51605: ASM Disk Visibility Check

ORA-51606: Diagnose add disk failure

ORA-51607: ASM File Busy Check

ORA-51608: Diagnose file drop failure

ORA-51609: ASM path name

ORA-51610: Tablespace Check

ORA-51611: Checks a tablespace

ORA-51613: Tablespace number

ORA-51614: Mount CF Check

ORA-51615: Checks control file in mount mode

ORA-51616: Checks mount failed because there were too many offline disks

ORA-51617: Diagnose mount failed because there were too many offline disks

ORA-51618: ASM disk number

ORA-51619: ASM group number

ORA-51620: Checks mount failed because there were insufficient disks

ORA-51621: Diagnose mount failed because there were insufficient disks

ORA-51622: ASM group name

ORA-51623: Failover Check

ORA-51624: Check if failover has happened

ORA-51625: Memory allocation check

ORA-51626: Check to adjust memory on allocation failure

ORA-51627: ASM memory size

ORA-51628: ASM diskgroup was forcibly dismounted (no diskgroup name) check

ORA-51629: Check if a diskgroup (no diskgroup name) was forcibly dismounted

ORA-51630: ASM diskgroup was forcibly dismounted check

ORA-51631: Check if a diskgroup was forcibly dismounted

ORA-51632: ASM diskgroup name

ORA-51633: Checks ASM diskgroup synchronous I/O operation failed

ORA-51634: Diagnose ASM diskgroup synchronous I/O operation failed

ORA-51635: ASM Synchronous I/O event type

ORA-51636: ASM Synchronous I/O block number

ORA-51637: ASM disk number

ORA-51638: ASM diskgroup name

ORA-51700: Invalid file URL

Cause: A URL with invalid syntax was provided, either directly to the function or through an XML IMPORT or INCLUDE.

Action: Check the URL.

ORA-51701: Invalid file URL or path prefix

Cause: Either a URL or path prefix with invalid syntax was provided.

Action: Check the URL.

ORA-51702: Could not find file at URL provided

Cause: The file requested could not be found in the given location.

Action: Check the URL provided.

ORA-51703: Missing <varname>body</varname> tag from HTML

Cause: An HTML document was passed to the function missing its <varname>body</varname> tag.

Action: Check the HTML source.

ORA-51704: Error <varname>string</varname> received from XPath engine

Cause: An error was received from the XPath library during an XPath operation.

Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the relevant client code.

ORA-51705: XML <varname>string</varname> error: <varname>string</varname> "<varname>string</varname>"

Cause: An error was received from an underlying XDK API and is being resignalled.

Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the relevant client code.