98 PGA-20900 to PGA-22014
- PGA-20900: unable to obtain <varname>number</varname> bytes of storage for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway server process.
- PGA-20901: internal gateway error: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Internal error in the gateway server process.
- PGA-20905: invalid conversation id: no active conversations were found
Cause: There were no APPC conversations active for the user.
- PGA-20906: invalid conversation id: no matching conversation was found
Cause: The conversation id received from the caller is not a valid active conversation id.
- PGA-20907: preceding error occurred during gateway <varname>string</varname> processing
Cause: An error occurred processing the Oracle function <varname>func</varname>. This message is preceded by additional messages providing more detailed information about the error.
- PGA-20910: communication error: CPI-C <varname>string</varname> failed, rc = <varname>number</varname>, errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An unexpected communication error occurred while executing the specified CPI-C function <varname>func</varname>. The CPI-C function return code <varname>rc</varname> and system error number <varname>errno</varname> are provided in the message text. The CPI-C function return codes and system error numbers are described in the vendor documentation.
- PGA-20911: update transaction is already active with TP <varname>string</varname> at LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Transaction <varname>tpname</varname> has already been started at LU <varname>luname</varname> by a PGAINIT call with synclevel set to 1 or 2. Only one transaction at synclevel 1 or 2 is allowed at any given time.
- PGA-20912: send and receive buffer lengths cannot both be zero
Cause: Both the send and receive buffer lengths passed to PGAXFER were zero. This is invalid.
- PGA-20914: send buffer length of <varname>number</varname> exceeds actual send buffer size of <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The send buffer length <varname>len</varname> passed to PGAXFER was larger than the actual size <varname>size</varname> of the send buffer passed to PGAXFER.
- PGA-20915: receive buffer length of <varname>number</varname> exceeds the maximum of <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The receive buffer length <varname>len</varname> passed to PGAXFER was larger than the maximum allowed length <varname>max</varname>.
- PGA-20916: send count is <varname>number</varname> but only <varname>number</varname> send lengths were specified
Cause: The first value <varname>count</varname> in the send lengths array passed to PGAXFER specified more elements than the send lengths array contained. Only <varname>num</varname> elements were found in the array.
- PGA-20917: receive count is <varname>number</varname> but only <varname>number</varname> receive lengths were specified
Cause: The first value <varname>count</varname> in the receive lengths array passed to PGAXFER specified more elements than the receive lengths array contained. Only <varname>num</varname> elements were found in the array.
- PGA-20918: send length number <varname>number</varname> is <varname>number</varname> but only <varname>number</varname> bytes are left in the buffer
Cause: The length <varname>len</varname> specified in send lengths array element number <varname>num</varname> exceeded the number of bytes <varname>bytes</varname> of data remaining in the send buffer.
- PGA-20919: receive length number <varname>number</varname> is <varname>number</varname> but only <varname>number</varname> bytes are left in the buffer
Cause: The length <varname>len</varname> specified in receive lengths array element number <varname>num</varname> exceeded the number of bytes <varname>bytes</varname> of space remaining in the receive buffer.
- PGA-20920: unexpected request-to-send received
Cause: The remote transaction program requested to send data when the gateway was still sending data.
- PGA-20921: buffer overflow on receive: requested <varname>number</varname> bytes, received <varname>number</varname> bytes
Cause: The remote transaction program sent <varname>len</varname> bytes of data when the gateway was expecting to receive only <varname>num</varname> bytes.
- PGA-20922: no data available to receive: <varname>number</varname> bytes were requested
Cause: The remote transaction program has either requested to receive or deallocated the conversation, but the gateway is still expecting to receive more data.
- PGA-20923: unexpected status, <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>), received after <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An unexpected status code <varname>stat</varname> was received from the remote transaction program following the CPI-C <varname>func</varname> call. The descriptive name of the status code is <varname>desc</varname>. <varname>func</varname> is the CPI-C function receiving the status.
- PGA-20924: unable to enter send state for deallocate, state = <varname>number</varname> (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The gateway was unable to enter send state to perform a normal deallocation. The conversation state is <varname>state</varname>, and its descriptive name is <varname>desc</varname>. The conversation states are documented in the /usr/include/cmc.h header file.
- PGA-20925: missing LU/TP/MODE name parameter and no side info profile specified
Cause: PGAINIT was called with no Side Information profile name specified but the LU name, TP name, and MODE name parameters were not all filled in with non-blank values.
- PGA-20926: userid <varname>string</varname> length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The userid <varname>uid</varname> is too long (<varname>len</varname>) to be used with APPC conversation security. The maximum allowable length for the userid is <varname>max</varname> characters. This can occur only when the gateway initialization parameter PGA_SECURITY_TYPE is set to either SAME or PROGRAM.
- PGA-20927: password length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The password is too long (<varname>len</varname>) to be used with APPC conversation security. The maximum allowable length for the password is <varname>max</varname> characters. This can occur only when the gateway initialization parameter PGA_SECURITY_TYPE is set to PROGRAM.
- PGA-20928: cannot open parameter file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The gateway cannot locate or open the file specified.
- PGA-20930: invalid SYNCLEVEL, <varname>number</varname>, specified; valid range is <varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>
Cause: The synclevel, <varname>sync</varname>, passed to PGAINIT is not a valid value. This value is specified by the SYNCLEVEL keyword in the DEFINE TRANSACTION statement used to define the transaction to PGAU.
- PGA-20931: send buffer length of <varname>number</varname> exceeds the maximum of <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The send buffer length, <varname>len</varname>, passed to PGAXFER was larger than the maximum allowed, <varname>max</varname>.
- PGA-20932: invalid function code, <varname>string</varname>, passed to pgatctl
Cause: The function code, <varname>func</varname>, passed to the PGATCTL function was invalid.
- PGA-20933: invalid value specified by initialization parameter <varname>string</varname>=<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The keyword parameter <varname>keyword</varname>=<varname>value</varname> specifies an invalid value.
- PGA-20934: side information profile <varname>string</varname> not defined; cannot establish conversation
Cause: The Side Information profile <varname>profile</varname> is not defined to the SNA software. Either the profile name was misspelled, or no profile has been defined.
- PGA-20935: synclevel <varname>number</varname> is not allowed when PGA_CAPABILITY=<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The synclevel parameter <varname>sync</varname> passed to PGAINIT was incompatible with the setting of the PGA_CAPABILITY gateway initialization parameter, <varname>cap</varname>.
- PGA-20936: send buffer length is <varname>number</varname> but no send lengths were specified
Cause: The send buffer length passed to PGAXFER was <varname>len</varname>, but the send lengths array was either null or contained a send count of zero.
- PGA-20937: receive buffer length is <varname>number</varname> but no receive lengths were specified
Cause: The receive buffer length passed to PGAXFER was <varname>len</varname>, but the receive lengths array was either null or contained a receive count of zero.
- PGA-20938: send lengths array too small (<varname>number</varname>) to contain a valid send count
Cause: The send lengths array passed to PGAXFER was too small to contain a valid send item count. The actual length of the send lengths array was <varname>len</varname>. The minimum length of the send lengths array is 4 bytes.
- PGA-20939: receive lengths array too small (<varname>number</varname>) to contain a valid receive count
Cause: The receive lengths array passed to PGAXFER was too small to contain a valid receive item count. The actual length of the receive lengths array was <varname>len</varname>. The minimum length of the receive lengths array is 4 bytes.
- PGA-20945: unable to log on to Oracle for transaction logging
Cause: The gateway server was unable to connect to the Oracle server where the transaction log table is stored. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-20947: unable to bind variable <varname>string</varname> for transaction logging
Cause: The gateway server was unable to bind variable <varname>var</varname> for use in performing transaction logging functions. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-20948: unable to prepare the statement for transaction logging
Cause: The gateway server was unable to prepare the statement to be used to call the transaction logging PL/SQL stored procedure. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-20949: unable to define variable <varname>string</varname> for transaction recovery
Cause: The gateway server was unable to define variable <varname>var</varname> to be used in accessing the transaction log table during recovery processing. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-20950: unable to perform <varname>string</varname> on transaction log
Cause: The gateway server was unable to insert, update, or delete a pending transaction row in the transaction log table. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-20960: missing <varname>string</varname> parameter, required when PGA_CAPABILITY=<varname>string</varname>
Cause: The PGA_CAPABILITY parameter specified <varname>cap</varname>, but another required parameter, <varname>parm</varname>, was omitted.
- PGA-20961: synclevel 1 conversations not allowed when PGA_CAPABILITY=2_PHASE
Cause: A conversation was requested at synclevel 1. The gateway init file specified PGA_CAPABILITY=2_PHASE. When 2-phase commit is enabled, synclevel 1 conversations are not supported, since they are not protected by 2-phase processing.
- PGA-20962: synclevel 2 conversations not currently allowed
Cause: A conversation was requested at synclevel 2, but the SNA software allocated the conversation at synclevel 0 or 1. This means that the SNA software is not configured to support synclevel 2, or has no RRM enabled.
- PGA-20963: side profile <varname>string</varname> specifies the wrong local LU name (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: The Side Information profile <varname>profile</varname> specified for this conversation has a local LU name <varname>lu</varname> that is different from the local LU name specified by the PGA_LOCAL_LU gateway initialization parameter.
- PGA-20964: local LU name specified by PGA_LOCAL_LU is <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Message PGA-20963 was issued. This message always follows.
- PGA-20965: syncpoint error: expecting <varname>string</varname> PS header, received <varname>string</varname>
Cause: During the processing of a 2-phase commit, an incorrect response was received from the remote transaction program following a syncpoint control command. The response received was <varname>rcv</varname> and not a <varname>pstype</varname> PS header as expected.
- PGA-20966: syncpoint error: sent <varname>string</varname>, expecting <varname>string</varname>, received <varname>string</varname>
Cause: During the processing of a 2-phase commit, an incorrect response <varname>resp</varname> was received from the remote transaction program following a syncpoint control command <varname>psh</varname>. The expected response was <varname>exp</varname>.
- PGA-20967: 2-phase commit recovery attempted, DBA action required
Cause: The recovery process of the Oracle integrating server has connected to the gateway to perform recovery. However, the gateway cannot perform automatic recovery for this transaction due to unknown heuristic action taken by the target OLTP.
- PGA-20995: communication error: '<varname>string</varname>' failed, rc = <varname>number</varname>, errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An unexpected communications error occurred while executing the AIX SNA Server API <varname>func</varname> function. The function return code is <varname>rc</varname> and the system error number is <varname>errno</varname>. The AIX SNA Server LU6.2 API function return codes and system error numbers are described in the vendor documentation. The SNA system error numbers can also be found in the /usr/include/luxsna.h header file on AIX systems.
- PGA-20999: SIGDANGER received from system - all conversations deallocated
Cause: The system sent a SIGDANGER signal to the server, indicating that there is a shortage of paging space. All currently active conversations are deallocated abnormally.
- PGA-21001: internal error: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Internal error in the gateway RRM process.
- PGA-21002: unable to obtain <varname>number</varname> bytes of memory for <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway RRM process. A request failed to allocate <varname>bytes</varname> of memory for the <varname>usage</varname> area.
- PGA-21003: memory allocation error in lxlinit
Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway RRM process.
- PGA-21004: invalid <varname>string</varname> specified by NLS_LANG
Cause: The <varname>comp</varname> component of the NLS_LANG environment variable was not valid. The component can be the language, territory, or character set.
- PGA-21005: no message file found for language '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: There was no message file available for the language <varname>lang</varname> specified by the NLS_LANG environment variable.
- PGA-21006: RRM initialization failed
Cause: The initialization of the gateway RRM process failed.
- PGA-21010: missing fully-qualified local LU name argument
Cause: The fully-qualified local LU name was not passed as the first argument to the pg4arrm program on the command line.
- PGA-21011: invalid network name length (<varname>number</varname>), valid range is <varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>
Cause: The network name portion of the fully-qualified local LU name specified as the first argument to the pg4arrm program is the wrong length (<varname>len</varname>).
- PGA-21012: invalid LU name length (<varname>number</varname>), valid range is <varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>
Cause: The LU name portion of the fully-qualified local LU name specified as the first argument to the pg4arrm program is the wrong length (<varname>len</varname>).
- PGA-21013: missing period(.) in fully-qualified local LU name
Cause: There is no period (.) in the fully-qualified local LU name specified as the first argument to the pg4arrm program.
- PGA-21014: invalid character(s) found in network name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: One or more invalid characters were found in the network name portion <varname>net</varname> of the fully-qualified local LU name.
- PGA-21015: invalid character(s) found in LU name '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: One or more invalid characters were found in the LU name portion <varname>lu</varname> of the fully-qualified local LU name.
- PGA-21016: RRM initialization failed for LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The initialization of the gateway RRM process for local LU <varname>lu</varname> failed.
- PGA-21017: RRM already active for LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM has already been started for the local LU <varname>lu</varname>. A second RRM cannot be started for the same local LU.
- PGA-21020: error creating path object for init file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the init file.
- PGA-21021: error creating name object for init file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the init file.
- PGA-21022: error creating file object for init file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the init file.
- PGA-21023: error opening init file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred opening the init file <varname>ifn</varname>.
- PGA-21024: error reading init file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred reading the init file <varname>ifn</varname>.
- PGA-21025: error closing init file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred opening the init file <varname>ifn</varname>.
- PGA-21030: invalid keyword in line <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An invalid keyword was encountered in the init file in line number <varname>line</varname>.
- PGA-21031: length of <varname>string</varname> value (<varname>number</varname>) not within valid range (<varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The length <varname>len</varname> of the value specified in the init file by the keyword <varname>key</varname> is not within the valid range <varname>min</varname>:<varname>max</varname>.
- PGA-21032: invalid value specified by <varname>string</varname><varname>string</varname>
Cause: The value <varname>val</varname> specified in the init file by the keyword <varname>key</varname> is invalid.
- PGA-21033: error(s) found in init file
Cause: One or more errors were found in the init file during RRM initialization. The RRM process has terminated.
- PGA-21034: too many errors in init file, cannot continue
Cause: The init file contained more errors than the RRM initialization code could process.
- PGA-21035: value of <varname>string</varname> (<varname>number</varname>) not within valid range (<varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The value <varname>val</varname> specified in the init file by the keyword <varname>key</varname> is not within the valid range <varname>min</varname>:<varname>max</varname>.
- PGA-21040: error creating path object for log file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the log file.
- PGA-21041: error creating name object for log file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the log file.
- PGA-21042: error creating file object for log file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the log file.
- PGA-21043: error opening log file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred opening the log file <varname>lfn</varname>.
- PGA-21044: error writing to log file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred writing to the log file <varname>lfn</varname>.
- PGA-21045: error closing log file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred closing the log file <varname>lfn</varname>.
- PGA-21046: logging switched to system log due to error on log file
Cause: An error occurred writing to the log file, and logging as been switched to the system log facility for the remainder of this RRM execution.
- PGA-21050: error creating path object for trace file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the trace file.
- PGA-21051: error creating name object for trace file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the trace file.
- PGA-21052: error creating file object for trace file
Cause: A memory shortage occurred while creating an internal control block for accessing the trace file.
- PGA-21053: error opening trace file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred opening the trace file <varname>tfn</varname>.
- PGA-21054: error writing to trace file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred writing to the trace file <varname>tfn</varname>.
- PGA-21055: error closing trace file <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error occurred closing the trace file <varname>tfn</varname>.
- PGA-21056: tracing suspended due to error on trace file
Cause: An error occurred writing to the trace file, and tracing has been suspended for the remainder of this RRM execution.
- PGA-21060: system errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The system error number was <varname>errno</varname> following a failure in a file operation.
- PGA-21100: RRM initializing for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM is initializing for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>.
- PGA-21101: initialization parameters read from <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Init parameters were read from the file <varname>ifn</varname>.
- PGA-21102: log messages written to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Log messages will be written to the file <varname>lfn</varname>.
- PGA-21103: trace information written to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Trace information will be written to the file <varname>tfn</varname>.
- PGA-21104: trace level currently set to <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The trace level specified by the TRACE_LEVEL parameter is <varname>trc</varname>.
- PGA-21105: startup for local LU <varname>string</varname> is warm
Cause: The RRM is warm-starting for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>. The RRM will attempt to restore all LU6.2 log states from the RRM LU6.2 log as it existed at the last RRM shutdown.
- PGA-21106: warm start complete for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM has warm-started for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>. This means that all state information for the local LU and partner LUs with which the RRM has previously communicated was restored from the RRM LU6.2 log as it existed at the last RRM shutdown.
- PGA-21107: startup for local LU <varname>string</varname> is cold
Cause: The RRM is cold-starting for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>. The RRM will not retain any LU6.2 log states from the previous execution.
- PGA-21108: cold start complete for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM has cold-started for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>. The RRM has a new local LU6.2 log name and all LU6.2 log names for partner LUs have been erased.
- PGA-21109: local log name is x'<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The local LU's LU6.2 log name is <varname>llog</varname>. Since the log name is not necessarily a printable string, it is listed as a hexadecimal string.
- PGA-21110: XLN received from partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An Exchange Log Names (XLN) GDS variable has been received from the RRM at the partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. This is the first thing that occurs when communication is established with a partner LU for the first time since either the local RRM or the partner RRM was last started.
- PGA-21111: partner log name is x'<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: The partner LU's LU6.2 log name is <varname>plog</varname>. Since the log name is not necessarily a printable string, it is listed as a hexadecimal string.
- PGA-21112: creating new log entry for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM is creating an entry in its LU6.2 log for the partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. This happens only the first time that the partner LU's RRM contacts the local RRM since the last cold start of the local RRM.
- PGA-21113: warm starting for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM is warm starting for the partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. This happens when the partner LU's RRM is warm starting and is contacting the local RRM for the first time since the local RRM was started.
- PGA-21114: cold starting for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM is cold starting for the partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. This happens when the partner LU's RRM is cold starting and is contacting the local RRM for the first time since the local RRM was started.
- PGA-21115: shutdown request received
Cause: A shutdown request has been received by the RRM.
- PGA-21116: RRM termination complete for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM has terminated for the local LU <varname>llu</varname>.
- PGA-21200: connect to Oracle Server as <varname>string</varname> failed
Cause: The RRM was unable to connect as user <varname>user</varname> to the Oracle server where its LU6.2 log information is stored. An Oracle server message will follow this message.
- PGA-21201: error selecting PGA_2PC_LUS row for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to read its local LU6.2 log entry. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21202: error updating PGA_2PC_LUS row for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to update its local LU6.2 log entry during warm start processing. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21203: error inserting PGA_2PC_LUS rows for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to create its local LU6.2 log entry during cold start processing. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21204: error deleting PGA_2PC_PENDING rows for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to delete the pending transaction entries from its local LU6.2 log during cold start processing. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21205: error deleting PGA_2PC_LUS rows for partner LUs
Cause: The RRM was unable to delete the partner LU entries from its local LU6.2 log during cold start processing. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21206: error selecting PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to read its local LU6.2 log entry for the partner LU. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21207: error inserting PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to create a local LU6.2 log entry for the partner LU. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21208: error updating PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to update its local LU6.2 log entry for the partner LU. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21209: error selecting PGA_2PC_PENDING rows for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to read the pending transaction entries from its LU6.2 log for the partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21210: unable to open connection with SNA services
Cause: The RRM was unable to initialize its connection with the SNA software for LU6.2 communications. An OS-specific error message precedes this message.
- PGA-21211: unable to allocate LU6.2 listen for RRM TP
Cause: The RRM was unable to allocate an LU6.2 listen with the SNA software for LU6.2 communications. An OS-specific error message precedes this message.
- PGA-21212: incorrect data received from partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A partner LU has sent incorrect data in its initial communication with the local RRM. The first data received should be an Exchange Log Names (XLN) GDS variable, but was not.
- PGA-21213: received x'<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: This message follows message PGA-00208, and dumps out the first 32 bytes of the data received from the partner LU.
- PGA-21214: incorrect service flag in XLN
Cause: The service flag in the Exchange Log Names (XLN) GDS variable received from the partner LU's RRM is not correct. The XLN is expected to have the REQUEST flag set.
- PGA-21215: partner log name mismatch on warm start
Cause: The Exchange Log Names (XLN) GDS variable received from the partner LU's RRM contains an LU6.2 log name that is different from that known by the local LU's RRM.
- PGA-21216: last stored log name x'<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: This message always follows message PGA-00213, and lists the last partner LU LU6.2 log name <varname>plog</varname> saved by the local LU's RRM.
- PGA-21217: partner sent log name x'<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: This message always follows message PGA-00214, and lists the LU6.2 log name <varname>plog</varname> sent by the partner LU's RRM in the warm start Exchange Log Names (XLN) GDS variable.
- PGA-21218: cold start for partner LU <varname>string</varname> rejected, <varname>number</varname> pending transactions exist
Cause: A cold start was requested by the partner LU's RRM, but the local RRM determined that there are still unresolved pending transactions for that LU in the local RRM's LU6.2 log.
- PGA-21219: recovery action by DBA required for local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A condition has occurred which requires action by the DBA. This message is also sent to the system log as an alert message.
- PGA-21220: logging error limit (<varname>number</varname>) exceeded, RRM shutting down for LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The limit of <varname>lim</varname> Oracle errors while accessing the RRM's local LU6.2 log tables has exceeded. The RRM for the local LU <varname>llu</varname> is shutting down.
- PGA-21221: commit failed during cold start of local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to commit updates to its local log during a cold start of local LU <varname>llu</varname>. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21222: commit failed during warm start of local LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to commit updates to its local log during a warm start of local LU <varname>llu</varname>. An Oracle server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21223: commit failed during first-time processing for partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to commit updates to its local log during a first-time processing for partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. An Oracle Server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21224: commit failed during cold start of partner LU <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM was unable to commit updates to its local log during a cold start of partner LU <varname>plu</varname>. An Oracle Server message will follow this message, and contains information on the Oracle error.
- PGA-21300: received no data when expecting data
Cause: The RRM was expecting to receive data from a partner RRM, but received none.
- PGA-21301: invalid control received: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The RRM received an invalid control flag <varname>control</varname> from a partner RRM.
- PGA-21400: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set
Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable was not set before the RRM was started.
- PGA-21401: ORACLE_HOME environment variable set to null string
Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable was set to a null value.
- PGA-21402: error opening file <varname>string</varname>, fopen errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error occurred opening the RRM enqueue file <varname>fn</varname> for writing. The error number from fopen is <varname>errno</varname>.
- PGA-21403: error writing to file <varname>string</varname>, fputs errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error occurred writing to the RRM enqueue file <varname>fn</varname>. The error number from fputs is <varname>errno</varname>.
- PGA-21404: error closing file <varname>string</varname>, fclose errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error occurred closing the RRM enqueue file <varname>fn</varname>. The error number from fclose is <varname>errno</varname>.
- PGA-21405: error deleting file <varname>string</varname>, remove errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: An error occurred deleting the RRM enqueue file <varname>fn</varname> during shutdown. The error number from remove is <varname>errno</varname>.
- PGA-21450: communication error: '<varname>string</varname>' failed, errno = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The AIX SNA function <varname>func</varname> failed with a system error number of <varname>errno</varname>.
- PGA-21451: SNA Server is shutting down
Cause: SNA Server is being shut down and sent a SIGUSR1 to the RRM.
- PGA-22001: remote host name is null.
Cause: TCP/IP protocol has returned "null" for the remote host name.
- PGA-22002: communication error: TCP/IP <varname>string</varname> failed, rc = <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The function <varname>func</varname> has failed with the return code of <varname>rc</varname>.
- PGA-22003: communication error: TCP/IP <varname>string</varname> failed, rc = <varname>number</varname>, for, <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An unexpected communications error occurred while executing the specified TCP/IP function <varname>func</varname>. The TCP/IP function return code is <varname>rc</varname> and the function <varname>func</varname> parameter is <varname>parm</varname>.
- PGA-22004: length of the total message value (<varname>number</varname>) not within valid range (<varname>number</varname>:<varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The length <varname>len</varname> for the value is not within the valid range <varname>min</varname>:<varname>max</varname>.
- PGA-22005: invalid socket file descriptor: no active conversations were found
Cause: There were no TCP/IP conversations active for the user.
- PGA-22006: Parameter <varname>string</varname> is not specified.
Cause: Parameter <varname>parm</varname> is missing from the gateway initialization file.
- PGA-22007: user ID <varname>string</varname> length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The user id <varname>uid</varname> is too long <varname>len</varname> to be used. The maximum allowable length for the user ID is <varname>max</varname> characters.
- PGA-22008: password length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The password is too long <varname>len</varname> to be used. The maximum allowable length for the password is <varname>max</varname> characters.
- PGA-22009: database name <varname>string</varname> length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The database name <varname>db name</varname> is too long <varname>len</varname> to be used. The maximum allowable length for the database name is <varname>max</varname> characters.
- PGA-22010: userid <varname>string</varname> length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The userid <varname>uid</varname> is too long (<varname>len</varname>) to be used with TCP/IP RACF conversation security. This can occur only when the gateway initialization parameter PGA_SECURITY_TYPE is set to either SAME or PROGRAM.
- PGA-22011: password length of <varname>number</varname> is invalid; maximum length is <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The password is too long (<varname>len</varname>) to be used with TCP/IP RACF conversation security. This can occur only when the gateway initialization parameter PGA_SECURITY_TYPE is set to PROGRAM.
- PGA-22012: IMS Connect error: return code = <varname>string</varname>, reason code = <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An unexpected IMS Connect error occurred while executing the 'recv' function. The return code <varname>rc</varname> and reason code <varname>rsc</varname> are provided in the message text. For more information, look at the OLTP SDSF log and IMS Connect error message which starts with HWS. The messages are documented in the IBM IMS Connect Guide and Refrence manual.
- PGA-22014: Transaction code length of <varname>number</varname> exceeds the maximum of <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The transaction code length <varname>len</varname> passed to PGAINIT or PGAINIT_SEC was larger than the maximum allowed length <varname>max</varname>.