109 PRCN-02018 to PRCN-03087
- PRCN-02018: Current user {0} is not a privileged user
Cause: Current user did not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
- PRCN-02030: Subnet does not exist for resource {0}
Cause: An attempt was made to query subnet for a network resource configured with Oracle clusterware and it was not found.
- PRCN-02031: Unknown DHCP server name {0} found for resource {1}
Cause: The DHCP server type obtained for the network resource is not a valid server type.
- PRCN-02032: Failed to retrieve DHCP server type {0}
Cause: An attempt to query the DHCP server type for the network resource failed because its value could not be retrieved from the Oracle clusterware resource attributes.
- PRCN-02033: Failed to update DHCP server type to {0} \n{1}
Cause: An attempt to update the DHCP server type for the network resource failed because its value could not be updated in the Oracle Clusterware resource attribute.
- PRCN-02034: Could not find dependent resource {0} for resource {1}: {2}
Cause: Could not get the resource associated with a given resource. Could not get the ASM resource associated with a given ASM disk group resource.
- PRCN-02035: Port {0} is not available on node(s) or virtual host(s): {1}
Cause: The port specified is already being used by some other applications on the nodes or virtual hosts given.
- PRCN-02036: Failed to retrieve port number(s) for {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the port number(s) for the cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-02037: Failed to retrieve Oracle home for {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle home value for the listener resource failed.
- PRCN-02038: Failed to update Oracle home {0} for listener {1}
Cause: An attempt to update the Oracle home value for the listener resource failed.
- PRCN-02039: Failed to retrieve Oracle home for {0} on node {1}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle home value for the listener resource on a the specified node failed.
- PRCN-02040: Failed to update Oracle home {0} for {1} on node {2}
Cause: Attempt to update value of attribute Oracle home for listener resource on the specified node failed.
- PRCN-02041: Failed to retrieve properties of {0}
Cause: Failed to retrieve properties of the given entity.
- PRCN-02042: Failed to set properties {0} of {1}
Cause: Failed to update properties of the given entity.
- PRCN-02043: Multiple network resources {0} exist on the cluster
Cause: More than one network resource has been configured and the one to be used for creating this resource has not been specified.
- PRCN-02044: No listener exists
Cause: No listener has been configured.
- PRCN-02045: No network exists
Cause: No network has been configured.
- PRCN-02046: Netmask does not exist for resource {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the subnet information for the network resource resulted in not finding subnet mask.
- PRCN-02047: VIP {0} exists
Cause: The VIP with specified name has been registered in CRS.
- PRCN-02048: The network number {0} is already registered for subnet ''{3}'' and adapters ''{4}''. Can not add network number {0} for the specified subnet ''{1}'' and adapters ''{2}''.
Cause: The network number is taken by a registered network resource.
- PRCN-02049: The network attributes specified (network number: {0}, subnet: {1}, adapters: {2}) conflict with an already registered network (network number: {3}, subnet: {4}, adapters: {5})
Cause: The network resource is registered with different network number
- PRCN-02050: The requested VIP (nodename: {0}, VIP name: {1}, network number: {2}) has the same VIP name but different network number or preferred node than the registered VIP (nodename: {3}, VIP name: {4}, network number: {5}).
Cause: One VIP name (and IP address) can only be used by one VIP with the same network number on the same node.
- PRCN-02051: The requested VIP (nodename: {0}, VIP name: {1}, network number: {2}) has the same network number and the same preferred node but different VIP name with the registered VIP (nodename: {3}, VIP name: {4}, network number: {5}).
Cause: One network resource on one preferred node can have only one cluster VIP.
- PRCN-02052: Failed to modify network number {0} to use subnet "{1}" with subnet mask "{2}", adapters "{3}" and address type "{4}"
Cause: CRS was unable to modify the network resource to use new subnet/netmask/interface/address type.
- PRCN-02053: Failed to modify ONS listening port for local client connections to {0}
Cause: CRS unable to modify the ONS listening port for local connections
- PRCN-02054: Failed to modify ONS listening port for remote client connections to {0}
Cause: CRS unable to modify the ONS listening port for remote client connections
- PRCN-02055: Failed to update port number(s) to {0} for {1}
Cause: An attempt to update the listener port failed for the nodes of the cluster.
- PRCN-02056: Invalid listener protocol type {0}
Cause: The specified listener protocol type is invalid.
- PRCN-02057: Invalid listener protocol value {0}
Cause: The specified listener protocol value is invalid.
- PRCN-02058: Invalid listener protocol ENDPOINTS {0}. Delimiter is "{1}", invalid part is "{2}".
Cause: The specified listener ENDPOINTS are invalid.
- PRCN-02059: Invalid listener port number {0}
Cause: The specified listener port number is invalid.
- PRCN-02060: Duplicated listener protocol value {0}
Cause: The specified listener protocol value is a duplication of another one.
- PRCN-02061: Failed to add listener {0}
Cause: An attempt to add listener failed because endpoints were not specified correctly or other reasons.
- PRCN-02062: The specified hostname or address {0} cannot be resolved.
Cause: An invalid IP address or unresolvable hostname was specified.
- PRCN-02063: Failed to modify OC4J listening port to {0}
Cause: CRS unable to modify the OC4J instances listening port.
- PRCN-02064: Found {0} VIPs for {1}
Cause: A conflict was found in VIP resource definition: either more than one VIP is using the same name or address, or a VIP is using the same name or address as a real host.
- PRCN-02065: Ports {0} are not available on the nodes given
Cause: The ports specified are already being used by some other applications in one or more of the specified nodes.
- PRCN-02066: Failed to retrieve cluster listener for {0} because it has the type of Single Client Access Name Listener
Cause: Failed to use cluster listener APIs or srvctl commands for specified listener.
- PRCN-02067: Port {0} is not available on nodes: {1}
Cause: The port specified is already being used by other application.
- PRCN-02068: Failed to check the port availability
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRCN-02069: Unable to retrieve the list of nodes
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRCN-02070: Failed to validate network. No interface matches required network (subnet: {0}, netmask: {1} adapters: {2}).
Cause: No intefaces were found that match the specified network.
- PRCN-02071: Failed to update attribute USE_EVM to {0}
Cause: An attempt to update the attribute value of USE_EVM for ONS failed.
- PRCN-02072: Failed to get multicast port for events from EONS
Cause: An attempt to get multicast port for events from EONS failed.
- PRCN-02073: Failed to remove EONS
Cause: An attempt to remove EONS failed.
- PRCN-02074: Specified check interval of {0} minutes is below the minimum check interval {1} minutes
Cause: The CVU resource check interval specified was less than the minimum check interval.
- PRCN-02075: Failed to modify the CVU RUN_INTERVAL attribute to {0}
Cause: CRS was unable to modify the CVU RUN_INTERVAL attribute.
- PRCN-02076: failed to retrieve the CVU RUN_INTERVAL attribute for resource "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the RUN_INTERVAL attribute for the Cluster Verification Utility cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-02077: Failed to modify the CVU CHECK_RESULTS attribute to "{0}"
Cause: CRS was unable to modify the CVU CHECK_RESULTS attribute.
- PRCN-02078: Failed to retrieve the CVU CHECK_RESULTS for "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CHECK_RESULTS attribute for the CVU cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given
Cause: The port number that was provided was either less than 1 or greater than 65535.
- PRCN-02080: Address type does not exist for resource {0}
Cause: An attempt was made to query address type for a network resource configured with Oracle clusterware and it was not found.
- PRCN-02081: Failed to modify network number {0} to use subnet "{1}" with prefix length "{2}", adapters "{3}" and address type "{4}"
Cause: CRS was unable to modify the network resource to use new subnet/prefix length/interface/address type.
- PRCN-02082: Setting the server type to "{0}" is not allowed for an {1} network
Cause: An attempt was made to set the IPv4 network server type to 'autoconfig' or to set the IPv6 network server type to 'static' .
- PRCN-02083: Modifying the server type from "{0}" to "{1}" directly is not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to change the network server type from 'static' to a dynamic type (or the reverse) without the required intermediate setting of 'mixed'.
- PRCN-02084: Failed to update the {0} server type to "{1}" \n{2}
Cause: An attempt to update the server type for the network resource failed because its value could not be updated in the Oracle Clusterware resource attribute.
- PRCN-02085: There exists already another network ("{0}") with the same IPv6 link-local subnet
Cause: Already registered another nework with the same IPv6 link-local subnet.
- PRCN-02086: Failed to modify the CRSHOME_SPACE_ALERT_MODE attribute of the CVU resource to "{0}"
Cause: Cluster Ready Service (CRS) was unable to modify the CRSHOME_SPACE_ALERT_MODE attribute of the Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) CRS resource.
- PRCN-02087: Failed to retrieve the CRSHOME_SPACE_ALERT_MODE attribute of the CVU resource
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CRSHOME_SPACE_ALERT_MODE attribute of the Cluster Verificiation Utility (CVU) cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-03000: The IPMI configuration failed on all nodes
Cause: The node names were invalid or were valid but had no IPMI device present.
- PRCN-03001: The IPMI configuration failed on one or more nodes
Cause: There was at least one node with invalid name or with no IPMI device.
- PRCN-03002: There is no network resource configured for the cluster
Cause: A request to add a listener was rejected due to the lack of a network resource.
- PRCN-03003: Failed to unregister EONS resource type
Cause: A request to unregister the EONS resource type failed because of the reason provided by an accompanying exception message.
- PRCN-03004: Listener {0} already exists
Cause: The specified listener was already created.
- PRCN-03005: Failed to add or use registered network {0} with network interfaces ''{1}'' because the network was already registered for network interfaces ''{2}''
Cause: The network resource was already registered with different interfaces.
- PRCN-03006: Failed to add or use registered network {0} with network interfaces ''{1}'' because the network was already registered with no interface specified
Cause: The network resource was already registered with no user specified interface.
- PRCN-03007: Failed to add or use registered network {0} with network mask ''{1}'' because the network was already registered for network mask ''{2}''
Cause: The network resource was already registered with a different network mask.
- PRCN-03008: Failed to add or use registered network {0} with network subnet ''{1}'' because the network was already registered for network subnet ''{2}''
Cause: The network resource was already registered with a different network subnet.
- PRCN-03009: Failed to retrieve log file attribute for {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the log file attribute for the cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-03010: Failed to retrieve log component attribute for {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the log component attribute for the cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-03011: Failed to retrieve debug file attribute for {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the debug file attribute for the cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-03012: Failed to retrieve debug component attribute for {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the debug component attribute for the cluster resource failed.
- PRCN-03013: Failed to update log file attribute of {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to update the attribute value of LOG_FILE for ONS failed.
- PRCN-03014: Failed to update log component attribute of {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to update the attribute value of LOG_COMP for ONS failed.
- PRCN-03015: Failed to update debug file attribute of {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to update the attribute value of DEBUG_FILE for ONS failed.
- PRCN-03016: Failed to update debug component attribute of {0} resource
Cause: An attempt to update the attribute value of DEBUG_COMP for ONS failed.
- PRCN-03017: Specified check interval of {0} minutes exceeds the maximum check interval {1} minutes
Cause: The CVU resource check interval specified was more than the maximum check interval.
- PRCN-03018: Addition of listener version {0} is not allowed using srvctl version {1}
Cause: The versions of srvctl used and listener to be created did not match.
- PRCN-03019: Not allowed to modify the network address type from {0} to {1}
Cause: An attempt was made to change the network address type directly from "IPv4" to "IPv6" or vice versa.
- PRCN-03020: Invalid LISTENER type {0}
Cause: The LISTENER type supplied is not valid.
- PRCN-03021: No ASM listener exists
Cause: No ASM listener was configured for cluster ASM.
- PRCN-03022: Leaf ASM listener does not exist
Cause: Leaf ASM listener was not configured for leaf ASM.
- PRCN-03023: Unable to retrieve information about the network subnet mask
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining information about the network subnet mask.
- PRCN-03024: Mismatch between the subnet mask of the VIP ({0}) and that of the associated network ({1})
Cause: The subnet mask of the VIP address did not match the one of the associated network resource.
- PRCN-03025: Mismatch between the prefix length of the VIP ({0}) and that of the associated network ({1})
Cause: The prefix length of VIP address did not match the one of the associated network resource.
- PRCN-03026: "{0}" is not a valid IPv4 network mask or IPv6 prefix length
Cause: The provided string was neither a valid IPv4 network mask nor a valid IPv6 prefix length.
- PRCN-03027: Unable to determine the network type
Cause: An error occured while retrieving the USR_ORA_AUTO network attribute value.
- PRCN-03028: VIP {0} address modification is not allowed because the network type is "{1}"
Cause: An attempt was made to change the USR_ORA_VIP value for a VIP on an IPv4 network with 'dhcp' network type or on an IPv6 network with 'autoconfig' network type.
- PRCN-03029: Transition for a network that contains both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to an {0} network of network type 'mixed' is not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to transiton from a network with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to a network that has only one type of addresses and is of network type 'mixed'.
- PRCN-03030: Unable to retrieve the list of VIPs for network with number {0}
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining information about the VIPs that depend on the given network.
- PRCN-03031: Unable to retrieve information about the address of VIP resource "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining information about the address of the given VIP resource.
- PRCN-03032: The VIP for hosting node "{0}" on network number {1} does not contain an {2} address or a VIP name that resolves to an {2} address
Cause: The given VIP did not contain an IP address or a VIP name that resovled to an IP address of the displayed address type.
- PRCN-03033: Unable to retrieve the SCAN name for network {0}
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) name for the specified network.
- PRCN-03034: SCAN name "{0}" resolves to one or more {1} addresses
Cause: The given SCAN name resolved to the given type (IPv4 or IPv6) of addresses.
- PRCN-03035: SCAN name "{0}" resolves to {1} addresses instead of {2}
Cause: The given SCAN name resolved to a wrong number of addresses.
- PRCN-03036: Unable to retrieve the list of SCAN VIPs that depend on network with network number {0}
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining information about the SCAN VIPs that depend on the given network.
- PRCN-03037: Unable to retrieve information about the address of SCAN VIP resource "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining information about the address of the given SCAN VIP resource.
- PRCN-03038: SCAN name "{0}" resolves to different addresses than those of the existing SCAN VIPs
Cause: While attempting to change the network address type, it was found that the given SCAN name resolved to a set of addresses that are different from the ones of the existing SCAN VIPs.
- PRCN-03039: Unable to remove the {0} address from the VIP resource "{1}"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to remove either the IPv4 or the IPv6 address from all the VIPs on the network.
- PRCN-03040: Unable to remove the {0} address from the SCAN VIP resource "{1}"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to remove either the IPv4 or the IPv6 address from all the SCAN VIPs on the network.
- PRCN-03041: Failed to modify the network address type
Cause: An error occurred while trying to modify the network address type.
- PRCN-03042: Subnet "{0}" is already in use by a network on the cluster
Cause: The specified subnet was already registered with another network on the cluster.
- PRCN-03043: Failed to verify the uniqueness of subnet "{0}" among the networks of the cluster
Cause: An error occurred while trying to verify the uniqueness of the subnet.
- PRCN-03044: There is no {0} subnet for network with number {1}
Cause: No subnet of the given address type was found for the specified network.
- PRCN-03045: Management listener is not running in the cluster
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the IP address failed because the management listener was not running.
- PRCN-03046: Failed to retrieve the IP address of the management listener
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the IP address of the management listener failed in querying the management listener resource.
- PRCN-03047: Failed to set or get the subnet of the listener resource
Cause: An attempt to set or retrieve the subnet of the listener failed because the operation is not allowed for this resource.
- PRCN-03048: Listener subnet "{0}" is not a subnet classified {1}
Cause: While adding a management listener, the specified subnet was not classified as a subnet of the required type.
- PRCN-03049: Cannot change the network subnet address type to 'both' because it has only an {0} subnet address
Cause: An attempt to modify the network address type failed because the network had only one type of subnet address instead of both IPv4 and IPv6 subnet addresses.
- PRCN-03050: SCAN name "{0}" resolves to different number of IPv4 ({1}) and IPv6 ({2}) addresses
Cause: An attempt to change subnet address type to 'both' was rejected because the given SCAN name resolved to a different number of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- PRCN-03051: Unable to retrieve a list of the hub nodes
Cause: While attempting to change the subnet address type, an error occured while retrieveing a list of the hub nodes.
- PRCN-03052: The following nodes do not have VIPs configured for network: {0}
Cause: While attempting to change the subnet, some nodes were found to be missing VIP addresses.
- PRCN-03053: The following nodes do not have configured VIPs with IPv4 addresses on network {0}: {1}
Cause: A request to change the subnet address type was rejected because the specified nodes had VIPs which did not have any configured IPv4 address or a name that resolved to an IPv4 address.
- PRCN-03054: The following nodes do not have configured VIPs with IPv6 addresses on network {0}: {1}
Cause: A request to change the subnet address type was rejected because the specified nodes had VIPs which did not have any configured IPv6 address or a name that resolved to an IPv6 address.
- PRCN-03055: Cannot change the network subnet address type to 'both' for the following VIP related issues: {0}
Cause: An attempt to modify the network address type was rejected because the network either had no VIPs on one or more nodes or the VIPs did not have the expected address type.
- PRCN-03056: The VIP address "{0}" is an {1} address, while network {2} has no {3} subnet
Cause: The VIP with the given address had a different address type than the network subnet address type.
- PRCN-03057: The VIP name "{0}" resolves to one or more {1} addresses ("{2}"), while network {3} has no {1} subnet
Cause: The VIP name mapped to an address with different address type than the network subnet address type.
- PRCN-03058: Cannot update listener that is not an ASM listener
Cause: An attempt was made to update a non-ASM listener.
- PRCN-03059: Unable to retrieve the network number
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the network number.
- PRCN-03060: Unable to retrieve the list of configured networks on the cluster
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the set of configured network resources 'ora.net*.network'.
- PRCN-03061: The specified network server type "{0}" is invalid for an "IPv4" network.
Cause: The network server type was specified as 'autoconfig' which is not valid for an IPv4 network.
- PRCN-03062: The specified network server type "{0}" is invalid for an "IPv6" network.
Cause: The network server type was specified as 'dhcp' which is not valid for an IPv6 network.
- PRCN-03063: Failed to find an available port in the default TCP port range {0} - {1} among nodes: {2}
Cause: An attempt to find an available default TCP port failed because all default TCP ports were used by some other applications in at least one node in the cluster.
- PRCN-03064: The user "{0}" could not be found on the cluster
Cause: The user specified as the listener owner was not a known OS user name.
- PRCN-03065: Cannot configure the default network as leaf.
Cause: An attempt was made to configure the default network with the leaf category.
- PRCN-03066: Cannot configure network resource as leaf because cluster is not configured as Flex Cluster.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a network resource with the leaf category in a cluster not configured as Flex Cluster.
- PRCN-03067: Unable to modify the owner for an ASM or leaf listener.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the owner of a ASM or leaf listener resource.
- PRCN-03068: Unable to determine whether the VIP address "{0}" belongs to network with number {1}
Cause: An error occurred while trying to determine whether the VIP address matches the network subnet.
- PRCN-03069: Unable to determine whether the VIP address "{0}" belongs to network with number {1} and subnet number {2}
Cause: An error occurred while trying to determine whether the VIP address matches the network subnet.
- PRCN-03070: The VIP address "{0}" does not belong to network with number {1} and subnet number {2}
Cause: The VIP address did not match the subnet of the specified network.
- PRCN-03071: Invalid address or unknown host "{0}"
Cause: An attempt was made to configure a network resource with an invalid address or host name.
- PRCN-03072: Unable to modify the home node of the HAVIP.
Cause: An attempt to modify the home node of the HAVIP failed because there was an export file system registered with the same path, export options and HAVIP home node.
- PRCN-03073: Invalid node name: {0}
Cause: The home node name was invalid. The home node name must contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens only. It cannot be a fully qualified domain name.
- PRCN-03074: The specified ping target list contains duplicate addresses.
Cause: The specified ping target list was invalid. It contained duplicate IP addresses or host names that resolve to duplicate IP addresses.
- PRCN-03075: The specified TCP ports ({0}) are configured for another ASM or management listener.
Cause: An attempt to add an ASM or management listener failed because one or more of the specified ports were already configured for another ASM or management listener.
- PRCN-03076: Unable to find an available port in the default TCP port range {0} - {1}
Cause: An attempt to find an available default TCP port failed because all default TCP ports were configured for other ASM or management listeners.
- PRCN-03077: The specified ports {0} are in the privileged ports range.
Cause: The specified ports were in the privileged ports range (0-1023) which can only be used by daemons running as user 'root'.
- PRCN-03078: Setting the address type to "ipv4" is not allowed because the existing network address type is "ipv6".
Cause: An attempt to change the address type from 'ipv6' to 'ipv4' directly was rejected because the address type must first be changed to 'both' then to 'ipv4'.
- PRCN-03079: Setting the address type to "ipv6" is not allowed because the existing network address type is "ipv4".
Cause: An attempt to change the address type from 'ipv4' to 'ipv6' directly was rejected because the address type must first be changed to 'both' then to 'ipv6'.
- PRCN-03080: The network configuration cannot be modified when the network type is 'mixed'.
Cause: An attempt to modify a network configuration was rejected because either the IPv4 or IPv6 subnet is configured with 'mixed' network type.
- PRCN-03081: The specified subnet ({0}) is already configured for ASM listener "{1}".
Cause: An attempt to add or modify an ASM listener was rejected because the specified subnet was already used for another ASM listener.
- PRCN-03082: An attempt to modify the OC4J port failed because OC4J is running. Use -force to force stop and restart of OC4J.
Cause: A request to modify the port number of OC4J was rejected because such modification requires OC4J to be stopped and restarted.
- PRCN-03083: failed to modify OC4J when trying to set the HTTP port and Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port to the same number {0}
Cause: A request to modify the OC4J port numbers was rejected because the HTTP port number was the same as the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port number.
- PRCN-03084: failed to modify RMI port for OC4J to use the port number {0} that is used by the listener {1}
Cause: A request to modify the OC4J Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port number was rejected because the specified port was already used by a node listener.
- PRCN-03085: failed to modify HTTP port for OC4J to use the port number {0} that is used by the listener {1}
Cause: A request to modify the OC4J HTTP port number was rejected because the specified port was already used by a node listener.
- PRCN-03086: failed to merge files "{0}" and "{1}"
Cause: An attempt to merge the two indicated network configuration files failed.
- PRCN-03087: An attempt to extract the DNS name server IP address from file "{0}" failed.
Cause: No DNS name server IP address was specified in the specified file.