114 PRCW-01001 to PRCW-01017
- PRCW-01001: Could not allocate new memory
Cause: Could not allocation any new memory.
- PRCW-01002: Network Security error code {0}
Cause: Failed to perform the network security operation.
- PRCW-01003: Failed to do the cluster wallet operation {0}
Cause: Failed to perform the cluster wallet operation.
- PRCW-01004: Could not open the wallet {0} due to error {1} : {2}
Cause: Failed to open the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01005: Wallet {1} did not exist due to error code {1}
Cause: The cluster wallet did not exist.
- PRCW-01006: Alias {0} in Wallet {1} did not exist
Cause: The alias within the cluster wallet did not exist.
- PRCW-01007: Alias {0} in Wallet {1} could not be read due to error {2}
Cause: Could not read the alias within the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01008: Alias {0} in Wallet {1} could not be written due to error code {2}
Cause: Could not write the secret of the alias to the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01009: Wallet {0} could not be saved due to error code {1}
Cause: Could not save the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01010: Wallet {0} could not be created due to error {1}: {2}
Cause: Could not create the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01011: Wallet {0} could not be accessed due to error code {1}
Cause: Could not access the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01012: Wallet {0} could not be deleted due to error code {1}
Cause: Could not delete the cluster wallet.
- PRCW-01013: Failed to initialize cluster wallet context due to error code {0}
Cause: Could not initialize the cluster wallet context.
- PRCW-01014: Failed to terminate cluster wallet context due to error code {0}
Cause: Could not terminate the cluster wallet context.
- PRCW-01015: Wallet {0} does not exist. {1}
Cause: An attempted wallet operation could not find the specified wallet.
- PRCW-01016: Wallet name is missing for wallet type {0}
Cause: An attempted wallet operation failed as wallet name was not specified.
- PRCW-01017: Cluster wallet context to be terminated does not exist
Cause: An attempt to terminate the cluster wallet context failed as it has not been initialized.