120 PRIF-00001 to PRIF-00053
- PRIF-00001: invalid format for network interface
Cause: An invalid network interface was given.
- PRIF-00002: invalid network interface type
Cause: An invalid network interface type was given.
- PRIF-00003: cannot find the input interface configured
Cause: An attempt was made to access an interface that is not already configured.
- PRIF-00004: OCR error while deleting the configuration for the given interface
Cause: OCR may have been configured incorrectly or an OCR API failed.
- PRIF-00005: invalid syntax for the setif command option
Cause: An invalid syntax was specified for the oifcfg setif command option.
- PRIF-00006: invalid syntax for the getif command option
Cause: An invalid syntax was specified for the oifcfg getif command option.
- PRIF-00007: invalid syntax for the delif command option
Cause: An invalid syntax was specified for the oifcfg delif command option.
- PRIF-00008: failed to initialize the prifcg context
Cause: There was a system error.
- PRIF-00009: incorrect usage
Cause: Invalid command line options specified for the oifcfg tool.
- PRIF-00010: failed to initialize the cluster registry
Cause: The cluster registry was not configured correctly.
- PRIF-00011: cluster registry error
Cause: There was an internal error while operating on the cluster registry.
- PRIF-00012: failed to initialize cluster support services
Cause: The cluster support services module was not configured correctly.
- PRIF-00013: cluster support services error
Cause: There was an internal error while accessing cluster support services.
- PRIF-00014: invalid node name
Cause: The node name does not match any of the configured nodes.
- PRIF-00015: invalid format for subnet
Cause: An invalid subnet was given.
- PRIF-00016: invalid syntax for the iflist command option
Cause: An invalid syntax was specified for the oifcfg iflist command option.
- PRIF-00017: Error in getting the host names in a cluster
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_crs_getcsshosts.
- PRIF-00018: Error in deleting network information from GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnpx_prfDelHostNetInfo.
- PRIF-00019: Error in getting the network attribute values from GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnpx_prfGetNetAttrVal.
- PRIF-00020: Error in getting the lock for GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_crs_cssLockUpdates.
- PRIF-00021: Error in getting the GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_getProfile.
- PRIF-00022: Error in cloning the GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_getProfile.
- PRIF-00023: Error in getting network interface from GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnpx_prfGetHostNetInfo
- PRIF-00024: Error in retrieving the network interface from GPnP profile
Cause: Failed to retrieve the network interface information because of underlying errors.
- PRIF-00025: Error in setting network attribute value in GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnpx_prfSetNetAttrVal.
- PRIF-00026: Error in update the profiles in the cluster
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_crs_ensuredSignAndPush
- PRIF-00027: Error in releasing the in memory presentation of GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_profileDestroy.
- PRIF-00028: Error in unlock the GPnP profile
Cause: There was an internal error while calling clsgpnp_crs_cssUnlockUpdates.
- PRIF-00029: Warning: wildcard in network parameters can cause mismatch among GPnP profile, OCR, and system.
Cause: Wildcard syntax was detected in one or more network-related parameters. Although this is allowed, be aware that network particulars (such as interface names and subnets) must be identical on all nodes of the cluster. Using wildcard syntax in network parameters does not allow the network configuration to vary across nodes. This problem with wildcard syntax is limited to 10.2 and 11.1 databases.
- PRIF-00030: Network information in OCR and GPnP profile differs
Cause: There was mismatched network information in OCR.
- PRIF-00031: Failed to delete the specified network interface because it is the last private interface
Cause: A request to delete the only private network interface was refused because force was not specified.
- PRIF-00032: Error in checking for profile availability for host <varname>string</varname>\n <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Failed to set or delete interface because the profile was not available on the specified node.
- PRIF-00033: Failed to set or delete interface because hosts could not be discovered\n <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to set or delete an interface failed because hosts could not be discovered or their GPnP profiles could not be accessed.
- PRIF-00034: IPv6 subnets are not supported for cluster interconnect or Oracle ASM network
Cause: An attempt was made to classify an IPv6 subnet as Oracle ASM network or cluster interconnect.
- PRIF-00035: Failed to retrieve the OCR registry key [<varname>string</varname>] for global interface [<varname>string</varname>]
Cause: An attempt to get the registry key for the specified global interface from OCR failed.
- PRIF-00036: Failed to retrieve the OCR registry key [<varname>string</varname>] for interface <varname>string</varname> on node <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt to get the registry key for the specified interface from OCR failed.
- PRIF-00050: duplicate interface is given in the input
Cause: Duplicate interface is given in the input.
- PRIF-00051: Warning: interface [<varname>string</varname>] is set to both public and cluster_interconnect
Cause: The interface is set to both public and cluster_interconnect.
- PRIF-00052: Could not get an immediate lock for GPnP profile. Wait to get the lock ...
Cause: The command was unable to take an exclusive CSS lock with the nowait option.
- PRIF-00053: Invalid type combination specified for interface [<varname>string</varname>]
Cause: A network interface specification included both 'public' and 'asm' types.