124 PRKF-01000 to PRKF-01258

PRKF-01000: Empty value for command line option {0} for command {1}

Cause: An empty value was specified for this command line option.

Action: Provide a value following the specific command line option.

PRKF-01001: Maximum character length ({0}) exceeded for command line option {1}

Cause: The user entered more characters than the maximum length for this command line option value.

Action: Provide a value with no more characters than the maximum limit.

PRKF-01002: Type: {0}

Cause: Mount options

Action: None

PRKF-01003: Mount options: {0}

Cause: Mount options

Action: None

PRKF-01004: Nodes: {0}

Cause: Node list

Action: None

PRKF-01005: Server pools: {0}

Cause: Serverpool list

Action: None

PRKF-01006: Application ID: {0}

Cause: Application ID

Action: None

PRKF-01011: Invalid file system type "{0}"

Cause: An invalid file system type was specified for the file system resource.

Action: The file system type must be either 'ACFS', 'NTFS', 'ZFS', 'JFS', 'EXT3' or 'EXT4'

PRKF-01012: Invalid 'autostart' option value "{0}"

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the command option 'autostart'.

Action: The 'autostart' option value must be either 'always', 'never' or 'restore'

PRKF-01013: Options "{0}" and "{1}" are in conflict

Cause: The specified options were set although mutually exclusive.

Action: Make sure that only one of the options is set.

PRKF-01014: An application ID is allowed only for node-local file systems. "{0}" is valid only if "{1}" or "{2}" is present.

Cause: An application ID was provided for a node-local file system.

Action: Make sure that use the application ID option only for non node-local file systems.

PRKF-01015: Either option "{0}" or "{1}" is required to be specified for file system "{2}"

Cause: For non-ACFS file systems, the user did not provide a nodelist or a server pool list.

Action: For non-ACFS file systems, make sure that either a nodelist or a server pool list is provided.

PRKF-01016: One or more nodes in the list of nodes ("{0}") is empty

Cause: A list of nodes included an empty node name.

Action: Make sure that no empty string is provided as part of the node list.

PRKF-01017: The file system found for volume device "{0}" is added for all nodes

Cause: The file system with the given volume device path was configured as a global file system.

Action: Either change the volume device path or do not use the '-nodes' and '-serverpools' options as part of the command 'srvctl modify filesystem'. To specify placement for an existing global file system, remove it and re-create it.

PRKF-01018: An attempt to modify the port of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server is running. Use -force to force stop and restart of Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

Cause: A request to modify the port number of Rapid Home Provisioning Server was rejected because such modification requires Rapid Home Provisioning Server to be stopped and restarted.

Action: Use '-force' option to force restart of Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

PRKF-01019: An attempt to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is running.

Cause: A request to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Client was rejected because such modification requires the Rapid Home Provisioning Client to be stopped and restarted.

Action: Stop the Rapid Home Provisioning Client with the 'srvctl stop rhpclient' command, reissue the 'srvctl modify rhpclient' and restart with the 'srvctl start rhpclient' command.

PRKF-01020: No other option is allowed when the '-clientdata' option is specified.

Cause: During the command 'srvctl add gns','-clientdata' option was specified along with other options which are not allowed with '-clientdata'.

Action: Only specify the '-clientdata' option.

PRKF-01022: The "-{0}" option requires one of the options "-{1}", "-{2}", "-{3}" or "-{4}".

Cause: An option was specified that required one of the other possible options to be specified at the same time.

Action: Specify only one of the possible options.

PRKF-01023: Cannot specify both of the "-{0}" and "-{1}" options.

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: Specify only one of the indicated options.

PRKF-01024: The "-{0}" option is not allowed when the "-weight", "-priority", "-port" or "-instance" options are specified.

Cause: The '-createsrv' option was not specified with '-weight', '-priority', '-port' or '-instance' options.

Action: Only specify the '-createsrv', '-target' and '-protocol' options with the '-weight', '-priority', '-port' or '-instance' options.

PRKF-01025: Only "-createsrv" or "-deletesrv" options are allowed when the "-{0}" option is specified.

Cause: An option other than '-createsrv' or '-deletesrv' was specified.

Action: Only specify the '-createsrv' or '-deletesrv' options with the '-protocol' option.

PRKF-01026: The "-{0}" option cannot be specified with the "-timetolive" option.

Cause: An invalid combination of options were specified with the '-timetolive' option.

Action: Specify only valid combination of options with the '-timetolive' option.

PRKF-01027: Only "-createtxt" or "-createptr" command options are allowed when the "-namettl" option is specified.

Cause: A command option other than '-createtxt' or '-createptr' was specified with the '-namettl' option.

Action: Only specify the '-createtxt' or '-createptr' command options with the '-namettl' option.

PRKF-01028: This action is not permitted on the management database

Cause: An attempt to perform the requested action on the management database was rejected.

Action: Try the action on a non-management database or use the commands 'srvctl <varname>verb</varname> mgmtdb'.

PRKF-01033: Invalid command option {0} specified for Standard ASM

Cause: An option was specified that only can be used with Flex ASM, but Standard ASM is currently configured.

Action: Retry the command omitting the specified invalid option.

PRKF-01036: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate modifications of a administrator-managed database without the '-srvpool' option

Cause: The command 'srvctl modify database -db <db_name> -eval' request was issued without the '-srvpool' option.The only '-eval' option modification that can be evaluated for an administrator-managed database is the conversion of that database to a policy-managed database, which is what is requested with the '-srvpool' option.

Action: To evaluate effects of modifications on administrator-managed database provide '-srvpool' option.

PRKF-01065: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate relocation of a database without the '-node' option

Cause: The command 'srvctl relocate database -db <db_name> -eval' request was issued without the '-node' option.

Action: To evaluate effects of database relocation, specify the '-node' option.

PRKF-01066: Cannot export server data because GNS is not configured with a domain

Cause: An attempt to export server data failed becuase Grid Naming Service (GNS) was not configured with a domain.

Action: Add GNS using the command 'srvctl add gns -domain' and retry the command.

PRKF-01067: Option "-delete" can be specified only with a non-mandatory "-address" option

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified with the '-delete' option.

Action: Specify only '-address' option with the '-delete' option and retry the command.

PRKF-01068: Command line options ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' cannot be used together

Cause: Conflicting options were specified on a srvctl command.

Action: Reissue the command with the correct options.

PRKF-01070: Modify client data operation is not allowed because GNS is configured

Cause: An attempt to modify client data failed because GNS was configured. Client data can only be modified on a GNS client cluster.

Action: Remove the GNS configuration and retry the command.

PRKF-01071: Unable to add Rapid Home Provisioning Server because the resource for diskgroup {0} could not be found. {1}

Cause: The resource for the specified disk group was not found. Either the diskgroup name was misspelled or the diskgroup has not been mounted.

Action: Correct the diskgroup spelling or use SQL*Plus or ASMCA to create the diskgroup.

PRKF-01072: The '-file' option value "{0}" does not exist or cannot be read

Cause: The '-file' option value specified a nonexistent or non-readable file pathname.

Action: Ensure that the '-file' option value corresponds to an existing readable file pathname.

PRKF-01073: One or more server pool names in the list of server pools ("{0}") is empty

Cause: While adding a filesystem, the specified list of server pools included an empty server pool name.

Action: Make sure that no empty string is provided as part of the server pool list.

PRKF-01074: Invalid command line options. "-subnet" option must be specified with either "-asmlistener" or "-leaflistener".

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: If issuing the command with the '-subnet' option, include either '-asmlistener' or '-leaflistener' option.

PRKF-01075: Missing required option '-available'

Cause: The '-toprefer' option was specified on the command 'srvctl modify service' request without required '-available' option.

Action: Make sure that the required option is provided.

PRKF-01076: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate effects of addition of service {0} with an administrator-managed database {1}

Cause: The '-eval' option was specified on the command 'srvctl add service' request with an administrator-managed database.

Action: Specify a policy-managed database.

PRKF-01077: Server pool or node list cannot be modified because the file system for volume device {0} is a cluster-wide file system

Cause: An attempt to modify the server pool or node list attributes of a cluster file system was rejected because the filesystem resource was a local resource. Placement attributes like server pools or node names apply only to cluster resources.

Action: Do not specify node names and server pools, or remove the local resource and add a cluster resource using the command 'srvctl add filesystem {-serverpools <serverpool_list>|-nodes <node_list>}'

PRKF-01078: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate effects of modification of service {0} with an administrator-managed database {1}

Cause: The '-eval' option was specified on the command 'srvctl modify service' request with an administrator-managed database.

Action: Specify a policy-managed database.

PRKF-01079: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate effects of starting service {0} with an administrator-managed database {1}

Cause: The '-eval' option was specified on the command 'srvctl start service' request with an administrator-managed database.

Action: Specify a policy-managed database.

PRKF-01080: Option '-eval' cannot be used to evaluate effects of stoping service {0} with an administrator-managed database {1}

Cause: The '-eval' option was specified on the command 'srvctl stop service' request with an administrator-managed database.

Action: Specify a policy-managed database.

PRKF-01083: Port "{0}" is already configured for use as a local, remote or Enterprise Manager by the ONS daemon

Cause: The specified port was already in use by an ONS daemon.

Action: Specify a port that is not already configured.

PRKF-01084: Port "{0}" is used in multiple ONS ports

Cause: The specified port was provided as two or more ONS ports.

Action: Ensure that the specified port is different from the local ONS, remote ONS and Enterprise Manager ports.

PRKF-01085: Command ''{0}'' is not supported for object ''{1}''

Cause: An unsupported command and object combination was specified.

Action: Re-issue the command using one of the supported usages.

PRKF-01086: Command option {0} and {1} cannot be used together

Cause: Conflicting command line options were supplied.

Action: Check the command line options entered and make sure that all the required options in one set are specified.

PRKF-01087: Missing required option {0} when {1} was specified

Cause: The specified command option is missing.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl' with the '-help' option to display option details for the command and make sure that all the required options are specified.

PRKF-01088: Failed to add PQ service {0} using PQ server pool {1}. Administrator-managed database {2} does not support PQ services

Cause: An attempt to add a PQ service to the specified database was rejected because only policy-managed databases support PQ services.

Action: Do not add PQ services to administrator-managed databases.

PRKF-01089: Specified command option {0} can only be used in Flex Cluster

Cause: The cluster was configured as a regular cluster. The specified command option is only valid for Flex Cluster.

Action: Do not specify options that are only valid in Flex Cluster mode when the cluster is configured as a regular cluster.

PRKF-01090: Existing service {0} cannot be registered as the parallel query helper of the primary service {1}

Cause: An attempt to register a parallel query service specified a service that already exists.

Action: Use a different parallel query service name.

PRKF-01091: Failed to start service {0} of database {1} on server pool {2} that was not configured for service

Cause: The service was not configured to run on the specified serverpool.

Action: Start the services on already configured serverpool or modify the service to run on the specified serverpool.

PRKF-01092: The parallel query service name {0} was specified when the primary service name {1} is required

Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a database service via its parallel query helper service name rather than the primary service name.

Action: Specify the primary service name.

PRKF-01093: Failed to stop service {0} of database {1} on server pool {2} that was not configured for service

Cause: The service was not running on the specified serverpool.

Action: Stop the service on the serverpool on which it is running.

PRKF-01094: Failed to set the parallel query pool {0} because the parallel query helper service does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to set a parallel query pool for the service that does not have a parallel query helper service configured or whose configured parallel query helper service would be removed by the '-pqservice' argument.

Action: Issue the command "srvctl modify service -db <database_name> -service <primary_service_name> -pqservice <pq_service_name> -pqpool <pq_pool_name>" to configure parallel query service for the specified parallel query server pool.

PRKF-01097: Invalid command line option -{0} for ''srvctl config gns'' command on GNS client cluster

Cause: An invalid command line option was specified for 'srvctl config gns' command on Grid Naming Service (GNS) client cluster.

Action: Re-issue the command using one of the supported options.

PRKF-01098: Nothing to modify

Cause: No options were specified to modify.

Action: Specify at least one option with the modify command.

PRKF-01102: Cannot issue " srvctl {0} asm " in ASM Client Cluster

Cause: A srvctl command that operates on ASM was issued in an ASM Client Cluster.

Action: Issue the specified command in the cluster that ASM Client Cluster connects to.

PRKF-01103: Export of client data is not allowed on client cluster.

Cause: The command 'srvctl export gns' request was issued while the cluster was configured as Client.

Action: Rerun the command on the Grid Naming Service (GNS) Server Cluster.

PRKF-01104: Import file "{0}" does not exist

Cause: An attempt to import a GNS instance failed because the import file could not be found.

Action: Provide the name of an existing file to import.

PRKF-01105: Failed to add PQ service {0} because it has the same name as the core service {1}

Cause: An attempt to add PQ service was rejected because it has the same name as that of core service.

Action: Issue the command using a different PQ service name.

PRKF-01106: Invalid command line options. "-user" option cannot be specified with "-asmlistener" or "-leaflistener".

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: If issuing the command with the '-user' option, do not include '-asmlistener' or '-leaflistener options.

PRKF-01107: GNS server already configured

Cause: An attempt to add a GNS server failed because a GNS server was already configured.

Action: Remove GNS server using the command 'srvctl remove gns' and retry the command.

PRKF-01108: Database {0} is an administrator-managed database, and therefore cannot accept only "-pqpool" option without "-serverpool" option for the conversion to a policy-managed database

Cause: An option was specified that only can be used on a policy-managed database. The '-pqpool' option alone is not sufficient to convert an administrator-managed database to a policy-managed database.

Action: Retry the command omitting the '-pqpool' option or convert the database to a policy-managed database by specifying one or more hub serverpools with the '-serverpool' option also in addition to the '-pqpool' option specified on the command line.

PRKF-01109: Missing -asm or -remove option to remove ASM listener

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified. Either '-asm' or '-remove' option was missing.

Action: Issue the command with both '-asm' and '-remove' options.

PRKF-01110: Neither GNS server nor GNS client is configured on this cluster

Cause: The specified GNS command failed because neither GNS server nor GNS client was configured on this cluster.

Action: Configure either GNS server using the command 'srvctl add gns -vip {<vip_name> | <varname>ip</varname>} [-domain <varname>domain</varname>]' or GNS client using the command 'srvctl add gns -clientdata <varname>filename</varname>' in this cluster and retry the command.

PRKF-01111: GNS client already configured

Cause: An attempt to add a GNS client failed because a GNS client was already configured.

Action: Remove GNS client using the command 'srvctl remove gns' and retry the command.

PRKF-01112: Option -pq conflicts with -instance for service {0} of database {1}

Cause: An attempt to start or stop a parallel query helper service was rejected because -pq cannot be specified with -instance.

Action: Issue the command without the -pq option or without the -instance option.

PRKF-01113: Server pool {0} is not valid for services {1} of the database {2}

Cause: An attempt to start or stop services on the server pool was rejected because the specified server pool was not one of the server pools of the specified services.

Action: Examine the server pools for the specified services using 'srvctl config service' and issue the command specifying a server pool of the service.

PRKF-01114: Unable to export client data: GNS is not running

Cause: An attempt was made to export GNS client data when Grid Naming Service (GNS) was not running.

Action: Start GNS with 'srvctl start gns' and reissue the request.

PRKF-01115: Import of instance is not allowed on client cluster.

Cause: The command 'srvctl import gns' request was issued while the cluster was configured as Client.

Action: Rerun the command on the Grid Naming Service (GNS) Server Cluster.

PRKF-01116: This command cannot be executed on a GNS client cluster.

Cause: An attempt to execute a command supported only on GNS server clusters failed because this cluster is configured as a GNS client.

Action: Execute this command on the GNS server cluster.

PRKF-01117: GNS server is not configured in this cluster.

Cause: A command that applies only to a GNS server cluster was rejected because this cluster has not been configured as a GNS server.

Action: If GNS server is to run in this cluster, use the 'srvctl add gns' command to configure it.

PRKF-01125: multiple values specified for the single value option "{0}":

Cause: Multiple values were specified for an option which accepts only a single value.

Action: Check the values printed following the message and reissue the command specifying a single value for the indicated option.

PRKF-01128: Environment variable {0} is not defined.

Cause: The command specified an environment variable which had no value defined.

Action: None

PRKF-01129: Specified option "{0}" is not supported on Windows

Cause: An option was provided which is not supported on Windows.

Action: Reissue the command after removing the indicated option.

PRKF-01130: Failed to monitor a database

Cause: An attempt to monitor the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01131: Failed to stop monitoring a database

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01132: Failed to monitor a host

Cause: An attempt to monitor the specified host failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01133: Failed to stop monitoring a host

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified host failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01137: Failed to retrieve the status for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01142: The GNS subdomain {0} inside the instance file {1} does not match with configured GNS subdomain {2}.

Cause: An attempt to import a GNS instance file into a Grid Naming Service (GNS) instance failed because the subdomain of the destination instance did not match the subdomain in the file.

Action: Configure GNS with a subdomain name that matches the instance file subdomain and attempt the import again.

PRKF-01143: Command option {0} is not supported on an ASM client cluster.

Cause: The command option specified on the command line was not valid for an ASM client cluster.

Action: Command options for ASM Listener, ASM, DISKGROUP, VOLUME, and ACFS are not supported on an ASM client cluster. Remove the invalid option and retry the command.

PRKF-01150: \nOracle Cluster Health Analysis Service got errors:\n{0}

Cause: An attempt to get the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01152: The specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the target was rejected since the specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.

Action: Check the specified option combination.

PRKF-01153: The specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.

Cause: An attempt to start or stop monitoring the target was rejected since the specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.

Action: Check the specified option.

PRKF-01215: Command option -{0} is not supported on GNS client cluster.

Cause: The command option specified on the command line was not valid for GNS client cluster.

Action: Remove the invalid option and retry the command.

PRKF-01216: Option '-node' cannot be used with option '-db' or '-serverpool'.

Cause: A 'srvctl config cha' command specified conflicting options.

Action: Reissue the command with the correct options.

PRKF-01217: Failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specifed node {0}.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified node failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01218: Failed to retrieve server pool configuration for node {0}.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve server pool configuration from the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for the given node failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01219: Failed to retrieve server pool {0} configuration for the database {1}.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database on the server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01220: Failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database {0}.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01221: Failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified server pool {0}.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuraiton details for the specified serverpool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01222: Failed to retrieve cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01223: An SQL error occurred while retrieving information from Grid Information Management Repository.

Cause: An SQL error occurred while connecting to or reading from Grid Information Management Repository.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01224: failed to retrieve server pool status

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of server pools failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01225: failed to retrieve the status of server pool {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01231: Process cancelled by user.

Cause: A 'srvctl add service' request was interrupted before completion by Ctl-C or a similar mechanism. The operation has been cancelled.

Action: None

PRKF-01232: required '-address' option missing for static network type

Cause: An attempt to add a VIP resource for a static network type was rejected because no address was specified with the -address option.

Action: Retry the command with '-address' option.

PRKF-01233: Invalid option '-fixed' supplied while adding a non-single-instance database.

Cause: The '-fixed' option can be supplied only when adding a single-instance database.

Action: Reissue the command without the '-fixed' option.

PRKF-01235: Option '-node' is invalid for database {0} of type {1}

Cause: An attempt to modify the node of a non-single-instance database was rejected because '-node' can be specified only for a single-instance database.

Action: Reissue the command again without the '-node' option.

PRKF-01236: Options '-fixed' and '-serverpool' cannot be used together.

Cause: An attempt to create a policy-managed single-instance database with the '-fixed' option was rejected because '-fixed' can be specified only for an non-policy-managed single-instance database.

Action: Reissue the command again without the '-fixed' option.

PRKF-01237: Options '-serverpool' and '-node' are invalid for single-instance fixed database {0}

Cause: An attempt to modify the SERVER_POOLS or HOSTING_MEMBERS attributes of a fixed single-instance database was rejected because a fixed single-instance database is not hosted on a serverpool and the HOSTING_MEMBERS attributes cannot be modified.

Action: Reissue the command again without the '-serverpool' and '-node' options.

PRKF-01238: Option '-node' cannot be specified without '-startoption'.

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: Reissue the command again with the '-startoption' option.

PRKF-01239: One of the mandatory options {0} or {1} should be supplied.

Cause: An attempt to execute a 'srvctl' command failed because none of the mandatory options was specified.

Action: Reissue the command with the mandatory options.

PRKF-01240: Options {0} and {1} cannot be specified together.

Cause: An attempt to execute a 'srvctl' command failed because an invalid option combination was specified.

Action: Reissue the command with valid options.

PRKF-01241: invalid use of '-node' option on start of single-instance database {0}

Cause: The '-node' option was specified to start a single-instance database, but this option is only applicable to a RAC One Node database.

Action: Reissue the command without the '-node' option.

PRKF-01242: Command option '-auxvolumes' is not supported on this operating system.

Cause: The option '-auxvolumes' was specified for an unsupported operating system.

Action: Reissue the command without the '-auxvolumes' option.

PRKF-01246: failed to query the status of VM resource {0} due to errors:\n{1}

Cause: An attempt to query the status of the specified VM resource failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01248: Oracle VM Manager port "{0}" is not valid.

Cause: The specified Oracle VM Manager port was not valid. A valid Oracle VM Manager port is a nonnegative number.

Action: Specify a valid Oracle VM Manager port number.

PRKF-01250: OC4J HTTP port could not be modified

Cause: An error occurred while trying to modify the OC4J HTTP port.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01251: nothing to modify

Cause: No options were specified to modify.

Action: Specify at least one option with the 'modify' command.

PRKF-01252: Oracle VM Manager password is not valid.

Cause: The specified Oracle VM Manager password was not valid. The length of the password should be at least one character.

Action: Specify a valid Oracle VM Manager password.

PRKF-01253: Oracle VM Manager is already configured.

Cause: An attempt to add Oracle VM Manager failed because it was already configured.

Action: None

PRKF-01254: failed to modify Oracle VM Manager information because Oracle VM Manager is not configured

Cause: An attempt to modify Oracle VM Manager information failed because it was not configured.

Action: Configure Oracle VM Manager in the cluster.

PRKF-01255: failed to read password from console

Cause: An error occurred during an attempt to read a password from the console or input device.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01256: failed to remove Oracle VM Manager

Cause: An attempt to remove Oracle VM Manager failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRKF-01257: Oracle VM Manager does not exist.

Cause: An attempt to remove Oracle VM Manager failed because it did not exist. It was either not added or already removed.

Action: None

PRKF-01258: failed to add Oracle VM Manager configuration becaused a wallet did not exist at the specified path {0}

Cause: An error occurred while creating the Oracle VM Manager configuration because the specified path did not contain a wallet.

Action: Retry the command specifying the path of an existing wallet file.