134 PROTL-00001 to PROTL-00604

PROTL-00001: Failed to initialize ocrconfig

Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrconfig.

Action: Check log file for details about the failure.

PROTL-00002: Export file '<varname>string</varname>' already exists

Cause: Requested export file exists in the given path.

Action: Change the location for export file or remove the old export file.

PROTL-00003: Failed to create export file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: Unable to create or open file for exporting local registry data.

Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path.

PROTL-00004: Failed to retrieve data from the local registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve necessary information from the local registry.

Action: Check the availability of the local registry and the details of the failure from the log file.

PROTL-00006: The specified import file '<varname>string</varname>' cannot be found

Cause: The import file did not exist.

Action: Check the file and its correct path and try again.

PROTL-00007: Failed to open the specified import file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: Unable to access the specified import file.

Action: Check access privilege of the import file.

PROTL-00008: Failed to import data from specified file to the local registry

Cause: Unable to read data from the import file and import to the local registry.

Action: Check availability of the local registry and the details of the failure from the log file.

PROTL-00010: Failed to open the specified source local registry

Cause: Unable to access the specified source local registry.

Action: Check access privilege and location of the source local registry, and the log file for more detail.

PROTL-00011: Failed to open the specified destination local registry

Cause: Unable to access the specified destination local registry.

Action: Check access privilege and location of the destination local registry. Also check the log file for more details.

PROTL-00012: Oracle Local Registry to be upgraded has an unsupported version

Cause: Oracle Local Registry to be upgraded had an unsupported version.

Action: Upgrade Oracle Local Registry to a version supported.

PROTL-00013: Oracle Local Registry is in current version

Cause: Oracle Local Registry was in current version.

Action: No action required.

PROTL-00015: Unimplemented feature

Cause: Requested feature has not been implemented in current release.

Action: Try the feature again in the next release.

PROTL-00016: Internal Error

Cause: This is a generic internal error for ocrconfig.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROTL-00017: Fatal Error

Cause: This is a generic fatal error for ocrconfig.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROTL-00018: Failed to open the specified backup file '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: File did not exist or user did not have permission to open the file.

Action: Ensure that the file exists and its permissions are correct. Also check the log file for more details.

PROTL-00019: Cannot proceed while the Oracle High Availability Service is running

Cause: The Oracle High Availability Service was running.

Action: Use the 'crsctl stop crs' command to shutdown the Oracle High Availability Service on the local node.

PROTL-00020: Insufficient permission to proceed. Require privileged user

Cause: User was not a privileged user.

Action: Run the command again using a privileged user.

PROTL-00021: Invalid parameter

Cause: Input parameter was not valid.

Action: Check log file for more information.

PROTL-00023: failed to back up Oracle Local Registry

Cause: An attempt to back up the Oracle Local Registry failed.

Action: Confirm that the registry exists ('ocrcheck -local') and that the clusterware stack is running ('crsctl check crs'). Ensure that there is sufficient free space at the backup location for the OLR size reported by ocrcheck. If necessary, use 'ocrconfig -local -backuploc' to specify a different location.

PROTL-00025: Manual backups for the Oracle Local Registry are not available

Cause: Manual backups for the Oracle Local Registry were not yet created.

Action: Manual backups can be created using 'ocrconfig -local -manualbackup' command.

PROTL-00035: The configured OLR location is not accessible

Cause: The configured Oracle local Registry (OLR) location did not exist, did not have the required permissions, or did not have sufficient disk space..

Action: Ensure that the location exists, that its permissions are correct, and that it has sufficient disk space. Also check the Clusterware alert log file for more details.

PROTL-00039: The specified file '<varname>string</varname>' has an invalid format

Cause: The specified file was not a valid Oracle Local Registry export/import file.

Action: Specify a valid Oracle Local Registry file which was created using the 'ocrconfig -local -export' command.

PROTL-00040: The specified file '<varname>string</varname>' has an invalid format

Cause: The specified file was not a valid Oracle Local Registry backup file.

Action: Use the 'ocrconfig -local -showbackup' command to list all available backups. Specify a valid Oracle Local Registry backup file listed by the above command.

PROTL-00041: The specified backup location '<varname>string</varname>' is not accessible

Cause: The backup location did not exist or the required permissions were not granted.

Action: Ensure that the location exists and the required file creation permissions are granted.

PROTL-00042: The specified backup location '<varname>string</varname>' is not a directory

Cause: The specified backup location was not a directory.

Action: Specify a directory.

PROTL-00049: The Oracle Local Registry (OLR) integrity check failed.

Cause: The integrity check failed for the configured Oracle Local Registry location.

Action: Check availability of backups using 'ocrconfig -local -showbackup' command and restore a compatible backup. If you are not able to resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

PROTL-00052: failed to retrieve backup location of Oracle Local Registry

Cause: An attempt to display the backup location for the Oracle Local Registry failed because the Oracle Local Registry was not accessible.

Action: Check the accessibility of Oracle Local Registry.

PROTL-00054: failed to copy the Oracle Local Registry backup file to the specified destination '<varname>string</varname>'

Cause: An attempt to copy the Oracle Local Registry backup file to the specified location failed because it was not writable by the user or did not have sufficient space.

Action: Ensure that the destination is writable by the user and that there is sufficient free space for the file.

PROTL-00056: The file name [<varname>string</varname>] specified for the 'ocrconfig -local -copy' command is invalid.

Cause: An attempt to copy an Oracle Local Registry file failed because the specified destination file name argument did not specify a complete path name.

Action: Reissue the command specifying a complete path name for the destination file.

PROTL-00302: Failed to initialize ocrdump

Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrdump .

Action: Check log file for details about the failure.

PROTL-00303: Dump file already exists [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Requested dump file exists in the given path.

Action: Change the location for the dump file or remove the old dump file.

PROTL-00304: Failed to create dump file [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Unable to create or open file for dumping local registry data.

Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path.

PROTL-00305: Failed to write to dump file [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: Unable to write to dump file while dumping local registry data.

Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path.

PROTL-00306: Failed to retrieve local registry data

Cause: Unable to read local registry data.

Action: Check log file for details about the failure.

PROTL-00307: The specified key does not exist in local registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve the specified key from local registry.

Action: Check log file for the key name.

PROTL-00309: Failed to access the Oracle Local Registry backup file.

Cause: The Oracle Local Registry backup file either did not exist or the user did not have the permission to open the file.

Action: Ensure that the file exists and its permissions are correct.

PROTL-00310: Not all keys were dumped due to permissions.

Cause: An attempt was made to dump one or more Oracle Local Registry keys for which the user does not have access permission.

Action: Log on as a different user and retry.

PROTL-00312: The specified file '<varname>string</varname>' has an invalid format.

Cause: The file argument to the ocrdump command specified a file that was not a valid Oracle Local Registry backup file.

Action: Use the 'ocrconfig -local -showbackup' command to list all available backups. Reissue the ocrdump command specifying a valid Oracle Local Registry backup file as listed by the ocrconfig command.

PROTL-00601: Failed to initialize ocrcheck

Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrcheck.

Action: Check log file for details about the failure.

PROTL-00602: Failed to retrieve data from the local registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve necessary information from the local registry.

Action: Check the availability of the local registry and the details of the failure from the log file.

PROTL-00603: Oracle Local Registry is logically corrupted

Cause: A logical corruption was detected in the Oracle Local Registry.

Action: Check the log file for more information.

PROTL-00604: Failed to retrieve the configured location of the local registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve the location of local registry.

Action: Check log file for details about the failure.