136 PRVE-00004 to PRVE-10168
- PRVE-00004: The given operator is not supported.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00005: The string does not represent a numeric value.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00008: Could not find command name in description of executable
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00009: Failed to resolve variable "{0}"
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00010: Properly formatted RESULT tags are not found in the command output: "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00011: Properly formatted COLLECTED tags are not found in the command output.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00012: Execution of verification executable failed.
Cause: An error was encountered while executing verification executable.
- PRVE-00013: Execution of analyzer failed.
Cause: An error was encountered while executing analyzer.
- PRVE-00016: Unable to write data to file "{0}".
Cause: The path specified is not writeable.
- PRVE-00018: Encountered a NULL executable argument.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- PRVE-00021: HugePages feature is not enabled on nodes "{0}"
Cause: Available memory is greater than 4GB, but OS HugePages feature is not enabled.
- PRVE-00022: Could not get available memory on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred accessing /proc/meminfo to determine available system memory.
- PRVE-00023: HugePages feature is not supported on node "{0}"
Cause: HugePages feature of Linux operating system was not found supported on the indicated node.
- PRVE-00024: Transparent HugePages feature is enabled on node "{0}"
Cause: Transparent HugePages feature was found always enabled on the indicated node.
- PRVE-00027: Hardware clock synchronization could not be determined on node "{0}"
Cause: The hwclock command is used in the shutdown script, but it is not possible to establish that the --systohc option is enabled.
- PRVE-00028: Hardware clock synchronization could not be established as halt script does not exist on node "{0}"
Cause: The shutdown or halt script /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt does not exist or is missing.
- PRVE-00029: Hardware clock synchronization check could not run on node "{0}"
Cause: The shutdown or halt script may not be accessible or a command may have failed.
- PRVE-00033: Core files are not enabled on node "{0}"
Cause: The core file setting currently prevents the creation of a core file for process aborts and exceptions.
- PRVE-00034: Error encountered while trying to obtain the core file setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the core file setting.
- PRVE-00038: The SSH LoginGraceTime setting on node "{0}" may result in users being disconnected before login is completed
Cause: The LoginGraceTime timeout value is too low which is causing users to be disconnected before their login completes.
- PRVE-00039: Error encountered while trying to obtain the LoginGraceTime setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the LoginGraceTime setting.
- PRVE-00042: Maximum locked memory when Automatic Memory Management is enabled is less than the recommended value [Expected = "{0}", Retrieved="{1}"] on node "{2}"
Cause: The value of maximum locked memory is less than the recommended value for Automatic Memory Management.
- PRVE-00043: Error encountered when checking maximum locked memory limit on node "{0}"
Cause: An error was encountered when retrieving the value of maximum locked memory.
- PRVE-00044: No entry in configuration file when checking locked memory limit on node "{0}"
Cause: No entry for maximum locked memory limit was found in /etc/security/limits.conf.
- PRVE-00047: Error when checking IP port availability
Cause: Command failed when checking port availability.
- PRVE-00048: Check for IP port "{0}" availability failed
Cause: IP Port 8888 not available.
- PRVE-00052: The syslog.conf log file sync setting on node "{0}" may result in users being disconnected before logins are completed
Cause: Not all log file specifications in /etc/syslog.conf are prefixed by the '-' character which will cause log messages being written to disk before control is released. This may cause users to be disconnected before their login completes.
- PRVE-00053: Error encountered while trying to obtain the syslog.conf log file sync settings on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to read the log file sync settings specified in file: /etc/syslog.conf.
- PRVE-00054: File '/etc/syslog.conf' not found on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to read the log file sync settings specified in file: '/etc/syslog.conf'. The file '/etc/syslog.conf' was not found on the system.
- PRVE-00055: Cannot read the file '/etc/syslog.conf' on node "{0}"
Cause: The user did not have permissions to read the '/etc/syslog.conf' file on the system.
- PRVE-00060: Cannot read the shutdown script file "{0}"
Cause: The current user did not have read access to the indicated file.
- PRVE-00067: Maximum locked memory setting is less than the recommended value [Expected = "{0}", Actual="{1}"] on node "{2}".
Cause: Check of maximum locked memory settings determined that the value of maximum locked memory was less than the recommended value of 3GB in the /etc/security/limits.conf for the current user.
- PRVE-00068: Maximum locked memory setting is less than the recommended value [Expected = "{0}", Actual="{1}"] when huge pages are enabled on node "{2}".
Cause: Check of maximum locked memory settings determined that the value of maximum locked memory specified for the current user in the /etc/security/limits.conf file was less than the recommended value of maximum locked memory when huge pages are enabled on the indicated node.
- PRVE-00234: Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck_timer setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck_timer setting.
- PRVE-00243: CSS diagwait is not set to recommended value of 13 on node "{0}"
Cause: CSS diagwait does not meet the recommendation
- PRVE-00244: Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS diagwait setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS diagwait setting.
- PRVE-00253: CSS misscount is not set to recommended on node "{0}"
Cause: CSS misscount does not meet the requirement
- PRVE-00254: Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS misscount setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS misscount setting.
- PRVE-00263: CSS reboottime is not set to recommended value of 3 seconds on node "{0}"
Cause: CSS reboottime does not meet the requirement
- PRVE-00264: Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS reboottime setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS reboottime setting.
- PRVE-00274: Error encountered while trying to obtain the network parameter setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve network parameter setting.
- PRVE-00284: Error encountered while trying to obtain the virtual memory parameter setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve virtual memory parameter setting.
- PRVE-00294: Error trying to obtain the MTU setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve MTU setting.
- PRVE-00296: Error retrieving cluster interfaces on node "{0}"
Cause: Cluster interfaces could not be retrieved on the specified node using 'oifcfg getif'.
- PRVE-00304: Error while checking flow control settings in the E1000 on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve E1000 flow control settings.
- PRVE-00314: Error while checking default gateway subnet on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve subnet of default gateway.
- PRVE-00315: Error while checking VIP subnet on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve subnet of VIP.
- PRVE-00324: Error while checking VIP restart configuration on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve VIP restart configuration.
- PRVE-00334: Error while checking TCP packet re-transmit rate on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve TCP packet re-transmit rate.
- PRVE-00343: Network packet reassembly occurring on node "{1}".
Cause: A possible cause is the difference in the MTU size across network
- PRVE-00344: Error while checking network packet reassembly on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to check network packet reassembly.
- PRVE-00354: Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS disktimeout setting
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS disktimeout setting.
- PRVE-00384: Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck reboot setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck reboot setting.
- PRVE-00394: Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck tick setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck tick setting.
- PRVE-00404: Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck margin setting on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck margin setting.
- PRVE-00414: Error encountered while trying to obtain the listener name on node "{0}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the listener name.
- PRVE-00420: /dev/shm is not found mounted on node "{0}"
Cause: During database installation it is recommended to have /dev/shm mounted as a RAM file system.
- PRVE-00421: No entry exists in /etc/fstab for mounting /dev/shm
Cause: The file /etc/fstab did not have an entry specifying /dev/shm and its size to be mounted.
- PRVE-00422: The size of in-memory file system mounted at /dev/shm is "{0}" megabytes which does not match the size in /etc/fstab as "{1}" megabytes
Cause: The size of the mounted RAM file system did not equal the value configured for system startup.
- PRVE-00423: The file /etc/fstab does not exist on node "{0}"
Cause: The file /etc/fstab should exist on the node.
- PRVE-00426: The size of in-memory file system mounted as /dev/shm is "{0}" megabytes which is less than the required size of "{1}" megabytes on node "{2}"
Cause: The in-memory file system was found mounted a smaller size than required size on the identified node.
- PRVE-00427: Failed to retrieve the size of in-memory file system mounted as /dev/shm on node "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the in-memory file system size failed on the identified node.
- PRVE-00453: Reverse path filter parameter "rp_filter" for private interconnect network interfaces "{0}" is not set to 0 or 2 on node "{1}".
Cause: Reverse path filter parameter 'rp_filter' was not set to 0 or 2 for identified private interconnect network interfaces on specified node.
- PRVE-00454: Error encountered while trying to retrieve the value of "rp_filter" parameter of "{0}" network interfaces on node "{1}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve reverse path filter parameter 'rp_filter' value on specified node.
- PRVE-00463: Network bonding feature is enabled on node "{0}" with bonding mode "{1}" which is not an allowed value of 0 "balance-rr" or 1 "active-backup" for private interconnect network interfaces "{2}"
Cause: The bonding mode specified for the network interfaces used as private cluster interconnect was not an allowed value.
- PRVE-00464: Network bonding feature is enabled on nodes "{0}" with a bonding mode that conflicts with cluster private interconnect usage.
Cause: An incorrect bonding mode was used for the network bonds in which private interconnect network interfaces participate on the indicated nodes.
- PRVE-00465: Network bonding mode used on interfaces classified for private cluster interconnect on nodes "{0}" is inconsistent.\nNetwork bonding details are as follows:\n{1}
Cause: An inconsistent network bonding mode was used for the network bonds in which cluster interconnect interfaces participate on the indicated nodes.
- PRVE-00466: Private interconnect network interface list for current network configuration was not available
Cause: An attempt to retrieve cluster private network classifications failed.
- PRVE-00473: Berkeley Packet Filter device "{0}" is created with major number "{1}" which is already in use by devices "{2}" on node "{3}".
Cause: The indicated Berkeley Packet Filter device was found to be using a major number which is also in use by the indicated devices
- PRVE-00474: Berkeley Packet Filter devices do not exist under directory /dev on nodes "{0}".
Cause: Berkeley Packet Filter devices /dev/bpf* were not found under the /dev directory on the indicated nodes.
- PRVE-00475: Berkeley Packet Filter devices "{0}" are using same major number "{1}" and minor number "{2}" on node "{3}"
Cause: The indicated devices were found using same major and minor number on the identified node.
- PRVE-00476: Failed to list the devices under directory /dev on node "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to read the attributes of all the devices under /dev directory failed on the identified node.
- PRVE-02504: Error while checking FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET.
- PRVE-10073: Required /boot data is not available on node "{0}"
Cause: The file '/boot/symvers-<kernel_release>.gz', required for proper driver installation, was not found on the indicated node.
- PRVE-10077: NOZEROCONF parameter was not specified or was not set to 'yes' in file "/etc/sysconfig/network" on node "{0}"
Cause: During NOZEROCONF check, it was determined that NOZEROCONF parameter was not specified or was not set to 'yes' in /etc/sysconfig/network file.
- PRVE-10078: LINKLOCAL_INTERFACES network parameter was defined in the file "/etc/sysconfig/network/config" on node "{0}".
Cause: During LINKLOCAL_INTERFACES parameter check, it was determined that the LINKLOCAL_INTERFACES network parameter was defined in the /etc/sysconfig/network/config file.
- PRVE-10083: Java Virtual Machine is not installed properly
Cause: There were not enough JAVA objects in DBA_OBJECTS table.
- PRVE-10084: Error while checking JAVAVM installation in the database
Cause: An error occurred while performing the check.
- PRVE-10094: Error while checking Time Zone file
Cause: An error occurred while performing the check.
- PRVE-10104: Error while checking standby databases
Cause: An error occurred while checking standby databases.
- PRVE-10113: "multi-user-server" service is "{0}" on node "{1}"
Cause: The 'svcs svc:/milestone/multi-user-server' command reported that the multi-user-server was not online on the specified node.
- PRVE-10114: "multi-user" service is "{0}" on node "{1}"
Cause: The 'svcs svc:/milestone/multi-user' command reported that the multi-user was not online on the specified node.
- PRVE-10115: Error while checking multiuser service
Cause: An error occurred while checking multiuser service
- PRVE-10123: Selected "{0}" group "{1}" is not same as the currently configured group "{2}" for existing Oracle Clusterware home "{3}"
Cause: An attempt to upgrade the database was rejected because the selected group was not the group configured for the existing Oracle Clusterware installation.
- PRVE-10124: Current selection of the "{0}" group could not be retrieved
Cause: The indicated group was not found selected or set to any valid operating system group name.
- PRVE-10125: Error while checking privileged groups consistency. \nError: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while checking privileged groups consistency.
- PRVE-10126: Configured "{0}" group for Oracle Clusterware home "{1}" could not be retrieved
Cause: The indicated group could not be retrieved using the 'osdbagrp' utility from the identified Oracle Clusterware home.
- PRVE-10128: Selected "{0}" group "{1}" is not same as the currently configured group "{2}" for existing database home "{3}"
Cause: An attempt to upgrade the database was rejected because the selected group was not the group configured for the existing database installation.
- PRVE-10129: Configured "{0}" group for database home "{1}" could not be retrieved
Cause: The indicated group could not be retrieved using the 'osdbagrp' utility from the identified database home.
- PRVE-10138: FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS is not set to the recommended value of setall
Cause: An attempt to match the value of parameter FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS with the recommended value failed.
- PRVE-10139: Error while checking FIELSYSTEMIO_OPTIONS
Cause: An attempt to check the value of the parameter FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS failed because the database was not configured correctly.
- PRVE-10150: The current IP hostmodel configuration for both IPV4 and IPV6 protocols does not match the required configuration on node "{0}". [Expected = "{1}" ; Found = "{2}"]
Cause: The IP hostmodel configuration on the indicated node for the specified protocols was 'strong' and should have been 'weak'.
- PRVE-10151: The current IP hostmodel configuration for "{0}" protocol does not match the required configuration on node "{1}". [Expected = "{2}" ; Found = "{3}"]
Cause: The IP hostmodel configuration on the indicated node for the specified protocol was 'strong' and should have been 'weak'.
- PRVE-10155: GSD resource is running and enabled on node "{0}".
Cause: GSD was found to be running and enabled on the indicated node.
- PRVE-10156: GSD resource is enabled on node "{0}".
Cause: GSD was found to be enabled on the indicated node.
- PRVE-10167: I/O Completion Ports (IOCP) device status did not match the required value on node "{0}". [Expected = "Available"; Found = "{1}"]
Cause: IOCP device status was not 'Available' on the indicated node. The IOCP device status must be 'Available' in order to list the candidate disks when creating ASM disk group.
- PRVE-10168: Failed to obtain the I/O Completion Ports (IOCP) device status using command "{0}" on node "{1}"
Cause: An attempt to obtain the status of IOCP device failed on the indicated node.