139 PRVP-01041 to PRVP-03563
- PRVP-01041: value specified "{0}" for command line option '-port' is not a number
Cause: A non-numeric value was specified for command line option '-port'.
- PRVP-01044: Error occurred while opening configuration file "{0}"
Cause: Configuration file could not be opened. It either does not exist or you are not allowed read access.
- PRVP-01049: Failed to read the root user password from standard input
Cause: An attempt to read the password for the root user from standard input failed.
- PRVP-01050: Failed to read the password for 'sudo' user "{1}" from standard input
Cause: An attempt to read the password for specified 'sudo' user from standard input failed.
- PRVP-01051: Failed to read the password for 'pbrun' user "{1}" from standard input
Cause: An attempt to read the password for specified 'pbrun' user for from standard input failed.
- PRVP-01052: Command line option -method required when -dhcpport is less than 1024. The DHCP port value used is "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to check DHCP was rejected because the user did not have sufficient authority to listen on the specified DHCP port.
- PRVP-01055: -d <oracle_home> cannot be specified in combination with -collect cluster.
Cause: -d <oracle_home> cannot be combined with -collect cluster.
- PRVP-01061: Ignoring domains for the following node names specified with domain "{0}". Verification will proceed with nodes "{1}"
Cause: Node names were specified with domain names, and the domain names were ignored.
- PRVP-03514: -savedir flag not specified.
Cause: The -savedir flag was not specified while running the baseline collection command through 'runcluvfy'.
- PRVP-03563: Invalid command line option specified. The option '-serviceuser' is not valid with version "{0}".
Cause: Command line option -serviceuser was specified with release version earlier than 12g.