144 SCLC-01000 to SCLC-01037
- SCLC-01000: Failed to retrieve address of {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to retrieve current address of the resource.
- SCLC-01003: Failed to retrieve tier names registered with {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to retrieve tier names.
- SCLC-01004: Failed to retrieve members of tier {0} registered with {1}, {2}
Cause: Failed to retrieve tier members.
- SCLC-01005: Failed to get member tiers, {0}
Cause: Failed to get member tiers.
- SCLC-01006: Failed to get cluster tier instance, {0}
Cause: Failed to get cluster tier instance.
- SCLC-01007: Failed to get discovery information for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to get tier discovery information
- SCLC-01008: Failed to get filters at location {0} for tier {1}
Cause: Failed to get filters registered at the given location of the tier.
- SCLC-01009: Failed to set filters {0} at location {1} of the tier {2}, {3}
Cause: Failed to set filters at the given location of the tier.
- SCLC-01010: Failed to create Discovery Server, {0}
Cause: Failed to initialize Discovery Server
- SCLC-01011: Failed to get Discovery Server reference, {0}
Cause: Failed to get Discovery Server reference
- SCLC-01013: Failed to get Super Cluster Representative reference, {0}
Cause: Failed to get Super Cluster Representative reference
- SCLC-01014: Address {0} is not a multicast address
Cause: Given IP Address is not a multicast address and therefore cannot be used for multicast discovery.
- SCLC-01015: Failed to retrieve configured multicast address for tier {0}
Cause: Failed to retrieve multicast address.
- SCLC-01016: Failed to retrieve discovery method for tier {0}
Cause: Failed to retrieve discovery method for the given tier.
- SCLC-01017: Multicast discovery method is not configured for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Multicast discovery method is not configured.
- SCLC-01018: Discovery Server discovery method is not configured for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Discovery Server discovery method is not configured.
- SCLC-01019: Failed to retrieve member list for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to current retrieve member list for the tier.
- SCLC-01021: Failed to retrieve name of tier {0}
Cause: Failed to retrieve name of the tier.
- SCLC-01022: Failed to update name of the tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to update name of the tier.
- SCLC-01025: Failed to retrieve count of representatives for tier {0}
Cause: Failed to retrieve number of representatives configured for the given tier.
- SCLC-01026: Failed to update count of representatives for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to update number of representatives for the given tier.
- SCLC-01027: Failed to start {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to start given server.
- SCLC-01028: Failed to stop {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to stop given server.
- SCLC-01029: Failed to check status of {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to check status of given server.
- SCLC-01030: {0} server is not running
Cause: Server is not running.
- SCLC-01031: Illegal argument : {0}
Cause: Given argument is illegal.
- SCLC-01032: Usage: {0} {1} {2}
Cause: Prints given action script usage.
- SCLC-01033: Failed to create super cluster client for tier {0}, {1}
Cause: Failed to create super cluster client for tier.
- SCLC-01034: No argument was supplied to {0}
Cause: The tool was invoked without any arguments, see its usage.
- SCLC-01035: Failed to configure logger for {0}
Cause: An error was encountered while configuring logger for given program. The message is followed by an exception message that contains more information. Most likely source of error is lack of privileges to create/update files in <crs_home>/log/<varname>hostname</varname>/srvm directory.
- SCLC-01036: Failed to start the status listener for the EONS server {0}, {1}
Cause: The specified EONS server failed to either obtain an available port or create the status listener thread.
- SCLC-01037: Failed to create the port file for the EONS server {0} on node {1}
Cause: An error occurred while creating a file in the <crs_home>/eons/init directory.