20 CLSX-00000 to CLSX-00600
- CLSX-00000: No Error
Cause: Success.
- CLSX-00200: Program ending with error code string (string).
Cause: The command completed with the indicated error condition.
- CLSX-00201: Not enough arguments were supplied to the 'string' command.
Cause: Insufficient arguments were provided to the command.
- CLSX-00202: Target 'string' is not wrap.
Cause: An object other than wrap was specified after the command verb.
- CLSX-00203: Unknown verb 'string' for target 'string'.
Cause: An unknown verb was given for a wrap target.
- CLSX-00204: Keyword 'string' did not specify a value.
Cause: A value was not specified for the keyword.
- CLSX-00205: Argument 'string' is specified multiple times.
Cause: An argument was specified more than once.
- CLSX-00206: Must have -i file before -section name.
Cause: A -section name argument was found before -i file.
- CLSX-00207: Argument string propname must immediately follow -section section.
Cause: A property argument was misplaced relative to -section.
- CLSX-00208: Unexpected argument 'string' to verb 'string'.
Cause: An incorrect argument was supplied with the indicated verb.
- CLSX-00209: No output file given to 'string'.
Cause: The verb requires an output file, and none was given.
- CLSX-00210: Unable to process input wrap file 'string'.
Cause: An error occurred while processing an input wrap file.
- CLSX-00211: Unable to process output wrap file 'string'.
Cause: An error occurred while processing an output wrap file.
- CLSX-00212: Existing section 'string' will not be replaced.
Cause: A section with the specified name already exists in the output file and the -replace argument was not specified.
- CLSX-00213: No input file given to 'string'.
Cause: Command requires an input file, and none was given.
- CLSX-00214: File 'string' has sections:
Cause: This is an informational message only.
- CLSX-00215: Property 'string' not found.
Cause: The property name specified with -p[roperty] name was not found.
- CLSX-00216: No sections marked for delete; copying all.
Cause: The delete operation did not specify what to delete.
- CLSX-00217: No input file for verb 'string'; creating empty output file 'string'.
Cause: The delete operation was invoked without an input file which produced an empty output file.
- CLSX-00218: Unable to open wallet locator 'string'.
Cause: An error occurred opening the wallet for sign or verify operation.
- CLSX-00219: Unable to find credentials for -wallet_dn 'string' in wallet 'string'.
Cause: Specified credentials were not found in the given wallet.
- CLSX-00220: Wrap signature is not valid against wallet 'string' and -wallet_dn 'string'.
Cause: Wrap signature did not verify against the given wallet and designated name (DN).
- CLSX-00221: Wrap signature is valid.
Cause: Wrap signature successfully verified against the given wallet and designated name (DN).
- CLSX-00222: Section 'string' signature is not valid against wallet 'string', -wallet_dn 'string'.
Cause: Section signature did not verify against the given wallet and designated name (DN).
- CLSX-00223: Section 'string' signature is valid.
Cause: Section signature was successfully verified against the given wallet and designated name (DN).
- CLSX-00224: Wrap signed.
Cause: Wrap was successfully signed.
- CLSX-00225: Section 'string' signed.
Cause: Section was successfully signed.
- CLSX-00226: Section 'string' not found in wrap file 'string'.
Cause: Section with the given name was not found in the input file.
- CLSX-00227: Section 'string' copied to output.
Cause: Section with the given name was successfully copied to the output.
- CLSX-00228: Wrap file 'string' has no sections.
Cause: This is an informational message only.
- CLSX-00229: Wrap not signed.
Cause: Wrap had no signature.
- CLSX-00230: Section 'string' not signed.
Cause: Section had no signature.
- CLSX-00231: Section 'string' deleted.
Cause: Section was successfully deleted.
- CLSX-00600: Internal error: [string string string string string string].
Cause: An unexpected error condition was detected. Included in the brackets are an internal identifier, error message, and applicable parameters.