Description of the illustration imdcm001b.png
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In the center: Using Oracle Multimedia DICOM, Oracle Database holds DICOM content in tables. As illustrated, DICOM content stored in a column of a table can include DICOM data such as X-rays, ultrasound images, and magnetic resonance images. In the table, a separate column stores a JPEG thumbnail image of the DICOM image. Another column stores the XML metadata documents that have been extracted from each image. A server-side DICOM data model repository a DICOM parser, a DICOM XML encoder, a DICOM conformance validator, and an image processor all run inside the database embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The DICOM parser extracts metadata from DICOM content. The DICOM XML encoder maps the extracted DICOM attributes into an XML document, in accordance with the mapping rules defined in the data model repository. The DICOM conformance validator checks the syntactical and semantic consistency of DICOM content in accordance with the constraint rules specified in the data model repository. The image processor provides image processing for operations such as producing thumbnail-size images and converting between DICOM and other supported image formats.
On the right: Using Oracle Multimedia DICOM procedures and methods enables import and export operations between the database and external file storage systems. The double-sided arrow connecting Oracle Database with External File Storage shows this data movement.