List of Tables
- 1-1 Feature Differences Between JDBC OCI and JDBC Thin Drivers
- 1-2 Feature List
- 2-1 Import Statements for JDBC Driver
- 2-2 Error Messages for Operations Performed When Auto-Commit Mode is ON
- 3-1 Key Areas of JDBC 3.0 Functionality
- 3-2 BLOB Method Equivalents
- 3-3 CLOB Method Equivalents
- 4-1 Key Interfaces and Classes of the oracle.jdbc Package
- 4-2 Arguments of the setPlsqlIndexTable Method
- 4-3 Arguments of the registerIndexTableOutParameter Method
- 4-4 Argument of the getPlsqlIndexTable Method
- 4-5 Argument of the getOraclePlsqlIndexTable Method
- 4-6 Arguments of the getPlsqlIndexTable Method
- 6-1 OCI Instant Client Shared Libraries
- 6-2 Data Shared Library for Instant Client and Instant Client Light (English)
- 8-1 Standard Data Source Properties
- 8-2 Oracle Extended Data Source Properties
- 8-3 Supported Database Specifiers
- 9-1 Client/Server Negotiations for Encryption or Integrity
- 9-2 OCI Driver Client Parameters for Encryption and Integrity
- 9-3 Thin Driver Client Parameters for Encryption and Integrity
- 11-1 Default Mappings Between SQL Types and Java Types
- 11-2 getObject and getOracleObject Return Types
- 12-1 LONG and LONG RAW Data Conversions
- 17-1 Visibility of Internal and External Changes for Oracle JDBC
- 18-1 The JDBC and Cached Row Sets Compared
- 20-1 Comparing Methods Used in Statement Caching
- 20-2 Methods Used in Statement Allocation and Implicit Statement Caching
- 20-3 Methods Used to Retrieve Explicitly Cached Statements
- 21-1 Valid Column Type Specifications
- 26-1 Continuous Query Notification Registration Options
- 31-1 Oracle Client and Oracle Database Version Compatibility for the SCAN
- 32-1 Connection Mode Transitions
- 32-2 Oracle-XA Error Mapping
- 33-1 Supported Database Startup Options
- 33-2 Supported Database Shutdown Options
- A-1 Valid SQL Data Type-Java Class Mappings
- A-2 Support for SQL Data Types
- A-3 Support for ANSI-92 SQL Data Types
- A-4 Support for SQL User-Defined Types
- A-5 Support for PL/SQL Data Types
- C-1 Mapping of SQL Data Types to Java Classes that Represent SQL Data Types
- D-1 JDBC Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- D-2 JDBC Messages Sorted in Alphabetic Order
- D-3 Native XA Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- D-4 Native XA Messages Sorted in Alphabetic Order
- D-5 TTC Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- D-6 TTC Messages Sorted in Alphabetic Order