2.1 Installation Overview
Review the Oracle Database Client installation process.
The Oracle Database Client installation process consists of the following steps:
- Read the release notes: Read the Oracle Database Release Notes before you begin the installation. The release notes is available with the platform-specific documentation. The latest version of the release notes is available on Oracle Help Center.
- Plan your installation: This overview chapter describes the installation types that you can use to install Oracle Database Client and issues to consider before you begin.
- Complete preinstallation tasks: describes the preinstallation tasks that you must complete before installing Oracle Database Client.
- Install the software: Use the following sections to install Oracle Database Client:
- Installing Oracle Database Client: describes how to use the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) GUI to install Oracle Database Client.
- Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Client Using Response Files: describes how to perform a silent or response file installation.
- Installing and Using Oracle Components in Different Languages: describes how to install and use Oracle components in different languages.
- Troubleshooting the Oracle Database Client Installation: provides troubleshooting advice in case you encounter problems with the installation.
- Complete postinstallation tasks: Use the following sections to complete the postinstallation tasks:
- Oracle Database Client Postinstallation Tasks: describes recommended and required postinstallation tasks.
- Configuring Oracle Database Globalization Support: provides information about globalization support.
- Remove Oracle Database Client: describes how to remove Oracle Database Client.