displays information about the execution plans generated for all SQL statements in the database during a SQL tuning session.
Related View
displays information about the execution plans generated for the SQL statements owned by the current user during a SQL tuning session.
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Advisor task ID |
Advisor task execution |
Advisor object ID |
Text string identifying the type of the execution plan:
Optional statement identifier specified in the |
Numerical representation of the execution plan |
Plan identifier |
Date and time when the |
Place for comments that can be added to the steps of the execution plan |
Name of the operation performed at this step |
Options used for the operation performed at this step |
Name of the database link used to reference the object |
Owner of the object |
Name of the object |
Object alias |
Numbered position of the object name in the original SQL statement |
Descriptive modifier that further describes the type of object |
Current mode of the optimizer |
Number of index columns with start and stop keys (that is, the number of columns with matching predicates) |
Identification number for this step in the execution plan |
ID of the next step that operates on the results of this step |
Depth |
Order of processing for steps with the same parent ID |
Cost of the current operation estimated by the cost-based optimizer (CBO) |
Number of rows returned by the current operation (estimated by the CBO) |
Number of bytes returned by the current operation |
Describes the function of the SQL text in the
Start partition of a range of accessed partitions |
Stop partition of a range of accessed partitions |
Step that has computed the pair of values of the |
Information about parallel execution servers and parallel queries |
Distribution method |
User-defined CPU cost |
User-defined I/O cost |
Temporary space usage of the operation (sort or hash-join) as estimated by the CBO |
Predicates used to locate rows in an access structure. For example, start or stop predicates for an index range scan. |
Predicates used to filter rows before producing them |
Expressions produced by the operation |
Elapsed time (in seconds) of the operation as estimated by the CBO |
Name of the query block |
Provides extra information specific to an execution step of the execution plan. The content of this column is structured using XML because it allows multiple pieces of information to be stored, including the following:
See Also: