F.1 Using Extensible Indexing
This section provides examples of the steps entailed in a simple but realistic extensible indexing scenario.
Suppose you want to rank the salaries in the HR.employees
table and then find those that rank between 10 and 20. You could use the DENSE_RANK
function, as follows:
SELECT last_name, salary FROM (SELECT last_name, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) rank_val, salary FROM employees) WHERE rank_val BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
See Also:
This nested query is somewhat complex, and it requires a full scan of the employees
table as well as a sort. An alternative would be to use extensible indexing to achieve the same goal. The resulting query will be simpler. The query will require only an index scan and a table access by rowid, and will therefore perform much more efficiently.
The first step is to create the implementation type position_im
, including method headers for index definition, maintenance, and creation. Most of the type body uses PL/SQL, which is shown in italics.
The type must created with the AUTHID
clause because of the EXECUTE
statement inside the function ODCIINDEXCREATE()
. By default that function runs with the definer rights. When the function is called in the subsequent creation of the domain index, the invoker does not have the same rights.
See Also:
Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide for complete information on the ODCI routines in this statement
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE position_im AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS OBJECT ( curnum NUMBER, howmany NUMBER, lower_bound NUMBER, upper_bound NUMBER, /* lower_bound and upper_bound are used for the index-based functional implementation */ STATIC FUNCTION ODCIGETINTERFACES(ifclist OUT SYS.ODCIOBJECTLIST) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXCREATE (ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, parms VARCHAR2, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE (ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXDROP(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXINSERT(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, newval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXDELETE(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, oldval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXUPDATE(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, oldval NUMBER, newval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXSTART(SCTX IN OUT position_im, ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, op SYS.ODCIPREDINFO, qi SYS.ODCIQUERYINFO, strt NUMBER, stop NUMBER, lower_pos NUMBER, upper_pos NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIINDEXFETCH(SELF IN OUT position_im, nrows NUMBER, rids OUT SYS.ODCIRIDLIST, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIINDEXCLOSE(env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY position_im IS STATIC FUNCTION ODCIGETINTERFACES(ifclist OUT SYS.ODCIOBJECTLIST) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN ifclist := SYS.ODCIOBJECTLIST(SYS.ODCIOBJECT('SYS','ODCIINDEX2')); RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END ODCIGETINTERFACES; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXCREATE (ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, parms VARCHAR2, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'Create Table ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB' || '(col_val, base_rowid, constraint pk PRIMARY KEY ' || '(col_val, base_rowid)) ORGANIZATION INDEX AS SELECT ' || ia.INDEXCOLS(1).COLNAME || ', ROWID FROM ' || ia.INDEXCOLS(1).TABLESCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXCOLS(1).TABLENAME; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXDROP(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'DROP TABLE ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB'; /* Execute the statement */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXINSERT(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, newval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'INSERT INTO ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB VALUES (''' || newval || ''' , ''' || rid || ''' )'; /* Execute the SQL statement */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXDELETE(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, oldval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'DELETE FROM ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB WHERE col_val = ''' || oldval || ''' AND base_rowid = ''' || rid || ''''; /* Execute the statement */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXUPDATE(ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, rid ROWID, oldval NUMBER, newval NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS stmt VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN /* Construct the SQL statement */ stmt := 'UPDATE ' || ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB SET col_val = ''' || newval || ''' WHERE f2 = '''|| rid ||''''; /* Execute the statement */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; STATIC FUNCTION ODCIINDEXSTART(SCTX IN OUT position_im, ia SYS.ODCIINDEXINFO, op SYS.ODCIPREDINFO, qi SYS.ODCIQUERYINFO, strt NUMBER, stop NUMBER, lower_pos NUMBER, upper_pos NUMBER, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS rid VARCHAR2(5072); storage_tab_name VARCHAR2(65); lower_bound_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); upper_bound_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); range_query_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); lower_bound NUMBER; upper_bound NUMBER; cnum INTEGER; nrows INTEGER; BEGIN /* Take care of some error cases. The only predicates in which position operator can appear are op() = 1 OR op() = 0 OR op() between 0 and 1 */ IF (((strt != 1) AND (strt != 0)) OR ((stop != 1) AND (stop != 0)) OR ((strt = 1) AND (stop = 0))) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'incorrect predicate for position_between operator'); END IF; IF (lower_pos > upper_pos) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'Upper Position must be greater than or equal to Lower Position'); END IF; IF (lower_pos <= 0) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'Both Positions must be greater than zero'); END IF; storage_tab_name := ia.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || ia.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB'; upper_bound_stmt := 'Select MIN(col_val) FROM (Select /*+ INDEX_DESC(' || storage_tab_name || ') */ DISTINCT ' || 'col_val FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' ORDER BY ' || 'col_val DESC) WHERE rownum <= ' || lower_pos; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE upper_bound_stmt INTO upper_bound; IF (lower_pos != upper_pos) THEN lower_bound_stmt := 'Select MIN(col_val) FROM (Select /*+ INDEX_DESC(' || storage_tab_name || ') */ DISTINCT ' || 'col_val FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' WHERE col_val < ' || upper_bound || ' ORDER BY ' || 'col_val DESC) WHERE rownum <= ' || (upper_pos - lower_pos); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE lower_bound_stmt INTO lower_bound; ELSE lower_bound := upper_bound; END IF; IF (lower_bound IS NULL) THEN lower_bound := upper_bound; END IF; range_query_stmt := 'Select base_rowid FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' WHERE col_val BETWEEN ' || lower_bound || ' AND ' || upper_bound; cnum := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cnum, range_query_stmt, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE); /* set context as the cursor number */ SCTX := position_im(cnum, 0, 0, 0); /* return success */ RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIINDEXFETCH(SELF IN OUT position_im, nrows NUMBER, rids OUT SYS.ODCIRIDLIST, env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS cnum INTEGER; rid_tab DBMS_SQL.Varchar2_table; rlist SYS.ODCIRIDLIST := SYS.ODCIRIDLIST(); i INTEGER; d INTEGER; BEGIN cnum := SELF.curnum; IF self.howmany = 0 THEN dbms_sql.define_array(cnum, 1, rid_tab, nrows, 1); d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cnum); END IF; d := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(cnum); IF d = nrows THEN rlist.extend(d); ELSE rlist.extend(d+1); END IF; DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cnum, 1, rid_tab); for i in 1..d loop rlist(i) := rid_tab(i+SELF.howmany); end loop; SELF.howmany := SELF.howmany + d; rids := rlist; RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIINDEXCLOSE(env SYS.ODCIEnv) RETURN NUMBER IS cnum INTEGER; BEGIN cnum := SELF.curnum; DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(cnum); RETURN ODCICONST.SUCCESS; END; END; /
The next step is to create the functional implementation function_for_position_between
for the operator that will be associated with the indextype. (The PL/SQL blocks are shown in parentheses.)
This function is for use with an index-based function evaluation. Therefore, it takes an index context and scan context as parameters.
See Also:
Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide for information on creating index-based functional implementation
CREATE FUNCTION and Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_for_position_between (col NUMBER, lower_pos NUMBER, upper_pos NUMBER, indexctx IN SYS.ODCIIndexCtx, scanctx IN OUT position_im, scanflg IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS rid ROWID; storage_tab_name VARCHAR2(65); lower_bound_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); upper_bound_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); col_val_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); lower_bound NUMBER; upper_bound NUMBER; column_value NUMBER; BEGIN IF (indexctx.IndexInfo IS NOT NULL) THEN storage_tab_name := indexctx.IndexInfo.INDEXSCHEMA || '.' || indexctx.IndexInfo.INDEXNAME || '_STORAGE_TAB'; IF (scanctx IS NULL) THEN /* This is the first call. Open a cursor for future calls. First, do some error checking */ IF (lower_pos > upper_pos) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'Upper Position must be greater than or equal to Lower Position'); END IF; IF (lower_pos <= 0) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'Both Positions must be greater than zero'); END IF; /* Obtain the upper and lower value bounds for the range we're interested in. */ upper_bound_stmt := 'Select MIN(col_val) FROM (Select /*+ INDEX_DESC(' || storage_tab_name || ') */ DISTINCT ' || 'col_val FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' ORDER BY ' || 'col_val DESC) WHERE rownum <= ' || lower_pos; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE upper_bound_stmt INTO upper_bound; IF (lower_pos != upper_pos) THEN lower_bound_stmt := 'Select MIN(col_val) FROM (Select /*+ INDEX_DESC(' || storage_tab_name || ') */ DISTINCT ' || 'col_val FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' WHERE col_val < ' || upper_bound || ' ORDER BY ' || 'col_val DESC) WHERE rownum <= ' || (upper_pos - lower_pos); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE lower_bound_stmt INTO lower_bound; ELSE lower_bound := upper_bound; END IF; IF (lower_bound IS NULL) THEN lower_bound := upper_bound; END IF; /* Store the lower and upper bounds for future function invocations for the positions. */ scanctx := position_im(0, 0, lower_bound, upper_bound); END IF; /* Fetch the column value corresponding to the rowid, and see if it falls within the determined range. */ col_val_stmt := 'Select col_val FROM ' || storage_tab_name || ' WHERE base_rowid = ''' || indexctx.Rid || ''''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE col_val_stmt INTO column_value; IF (column_value <= scanctx.upper_bound AND column_value >= scanctx.lower_bound AND scanflg = ODCICONST.RegularCall) THEN RETURN 1; ELSE RETURN 0; END IF; ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101, 'A column that has a domain index of' || 'Position indextype must be the first argument'); END IF; END; /
Next, create the position_between
operator, which uses the function_for_position_between
function. The operator takes an indexed NUMBER
column as the first argument, followed by a NUMBER
lower and upper bound as the second and third arguments.
See Also:
In this CREATE
statement, the WITH
clause is included so that the index context and scan context are passed in to the functional evaluation, which is index based.
Now create the position_indextype
indextype for the position_operator
See Also:
CREATE INDEXTYPE position_indextype FOR position_between(NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER) USING position_im;
The operator position_between
uses an index-based functional implementation. Therefore, a domain index must be defined on the referenced column so that the index information can be passed into the functional evaluation. So the final step is to create the domain index salary_index
using the position_indextype
See Also:
CREATE INDEX salary_index ON employees(salary) INDEXTYPE IS position_indextype;
Now you can use the position_between
operator function to rewrite the original query as follows:
SELECT last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE position_between(salary, 10, 20)=1 ORDER BY salary DESC, last_name; LAST_NAME SALARY ------------------------- ---------- Tucker 10000 King 10000 Baer 10000 Bloom 10000 Fox 9600 Bernstein 9500 Sully 9500 Greene 9500 Hunold 9000 Faviet 9000 McEwen 9000 Hall 9000 Hutton 8800 Taylor 8600 Livingston 8400 Gietz 8300 Chen 8200 Fripp 8200 Weiss 8000 Olsen 8000 Smith 8000 Kaufling 7900