Description of the illustration strms060.eps
This illustration shows two Oracle databases with two stream paths flowing between them.
The first stream path flows through components in the following way:
A capture process (component ID 1) at the first Oracle database enqueues messages (component ID 2).
A propagation sender (component ID 3) sends messages from the queue (component ID 2) to a propagation receiver (component ID 4) at the second Oracle database.
A propagation receiver (component ID 4) at the second Oracle database enqueues messages received from the propagation sender (component ID 3) (component ID 5).
An apply process (component ID 6) dequeues messages (component ID 5).
The second stream path flows through components in the following way:
A capture process (component ID 7) at the second Oracle database enqueues messages (component ID 8).
A propagation sender (component ID 9) sends messages from the queue (component ID 8) to a propagation receiver (component ID 10) at the first Oracle database.
A propagation receiver (component ID 10) at the first Oracle database enqueues messages received from the propagation sender (component ID 9) (component ID 11).
An apply process (component ID 12) dequeues messages (component ID 11).