The screenshot shows a portion of the cluster topology page. The top half of the screenshot image shows the host This host has three home directories (OraGI12Home1_1_node06, OraHome1_3_node06, and OraDB12Home1_2_node06). There is one listener on this host named The topology also shows:
One database instance named prod_prod1
An Oracle High Availability Service,
The image depicts the following relationships:
The database instance prod_prod1 has relationship lines to LISTENER_node06, has_node06, and OraDB12Home1_2_node06
LISTENER_node06 has relationship lines to OraGI12Home1_1_node06, prod_prod1, and has_node06
has_node06 has a relationship line to OraGI12Home1_1_node06, LISTENER_node06, and prod_prod1
The home OraHome1_3_node06 does not have any relationship lines to the other objects in the topology map
The second half of the screenshot image shows the topology for the host node07, which is very similar to that described for host node06.
End of description.