18 XML Schema Storage and Query: Object-Relational Storage

Advanced techniques for XML Schema-based data include using object-relational storage; annotating XML schemas; mapping Schema data types to SQL; using complexType extensions and restrictions; creating, specifying relational constraints on, and partitioning XML Schema-based data, storing XMLType data out of line, working with complex or large schemas, and debugging schema registration.

See Also:

18.1 Object-Relational Storage of XML Documents

Object-relational storage of XML documents is based on decomposing the document content into a set of SQL objects. These SQL objects are based on the SQL 1999 Type framework. When an XML schema is registered with Oracle XML DB, the required SQL type definitions are automatically generated from the schema.

A SQL type definition is generated from each complexType defined by the XML schema. Each element or attribute defined by the complexType becomes a SQL attribute in the corresponding SQL type. Oracle XML DB automatically maps the 47 scalar data types defined by the XML Schema Recommendation to the 19 scalar data types supported by SQL. A varray type is generated for each element and this can occur multiple times.

The generated SQL types allow XML content that is compliant with the XML schema to be decomposed and stored in the database as a set of objects, without any loss of information. When an XML document is ingested, the constructs defined by the XML schema are mapped directly to the equivalent SQL types. This lets Oracle XML DB leverage the full power of Oracle Database when managing XML, and it can lead to significant reductions in the amount of space required to store the document. It can also reduce the amount of memory required to query and update XML content.

18.1.1 How Collections Are Stored for Object-Relational XMLType Storage

You can store an ordered collection as a varray in an ordered collection table (OCT), which can be either a heap-based table (recommended) or an index-organized table (IOT). You can store the actual data out of line by using varray entries that are REFs to the data.

When you register an XML schema for XMLType data that is stored object-relationally and you set registration parameter GENTABLES to TRUE, default tables are created automatically to store the associated XML instance documents.

Order is preserved among XML collection elements when they are stored. The result is an ordered collection. You can store data in an ordered collection in these ways:

  • Varray in a table. Each element in the collection is mapped to a SQL object. The collection of SQL objects is stored as a set of rows in a table, called an ordered collection table (OCT). All collections are stored in OCTs.

You can also use out-of-line storage for an ordered collection. This corresponds to XML schema annotation SQLInline = "false", and it means that a varray of REFs in the collection table (or the LOB) tracks the collection content, which is stored out of line.

There is no requirement to annotate an XML schema before using it. Oracle XML DB uses a set of default assumptions when processing an XML schema that contains no annotations.

If you do not supply any of the annotations mentioned in this section, then Oracle XML DB stores a collection as a heap-based OCT. You can force OCTs to be stored as index-organized tables (IOTs) instead, by passing REGISTER_NT_AS_IOT in the OPTIONS parameter of DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema.


Use heap-based OCTs, not IOTs, unless you are explicitly advised by Oracle to use IOTs. IOT storage has these significant limitations:

  • It disables partitioning of the collection tables (IOTs).

  • It supports only document-level Oracle Text indexes. It disables indexes that are element-specific or attribute-specific.

See Also:

Object-Relational Storage of XML Documents for information about collection storage when you create XMLType tables and columns manually using object-relational storage

18.1.2 SQL Types Created during XML Schema Registration for Object-Relational Storage

Use TRUE as the value of parameter GENTYPES when you register an XML schema for use with XML data stored object-relationally (TRUE is the default value). Oracle XML DB then creates the appropriate SQL object types that enable object-relational storage of conforming XML documents.

By default, all SQL object types are created in the database schema of the user who registers the XML schema. If annotation xdb:defaultSchema is used, then Oracle XML DB attempts to create the object type using the specified database schema. The current user must have the necessary privileges to create these object types.

Example 18-1 shows the SQL object types that are created automatically when XML schema purchaseOrder.xsd is registered with Oracle XML DB.


By default, the names of the SQL object types and attributes are system-generated. This is the case in Example 18-1. If the XML schema does not contain attribute SQLName, then the SQL name is derived from the XML name. You can use XML schema annotations to provide user-defined names (see Oracle XML Schema Annotations for details).


Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (, if you register an XML schema for object-relational storage for an application common user then you must annotate each complex type in the schema with xdb:SQLType, to name the SQL data type. Otherwise, an error is raised.

Example 18-1 SQL Object Types for Storing XMLType Tables

DESCRIBE "PurchaseOrderType1668_T"
"PurchaseOrderType1668_T" is NOT FINAL
Name                 Null?  Type
-------------------- ------ -------------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                  XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
Reference                   VARCHAR2(30 CHAR)
Actions                     ActionsType1661_T
Reject                      RejectionType1660_T
Requestor                   VARCHAR2(128 CHAR)
User                        VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)
CostCenter                  VARCHAR2(4 CHAR)
ShippingInstructions        ShippingInstructionsTyp1659_T
SpecialInstructions         VARCHAR2(2048 CHAR)
LineItems                   LineItemsType1666_T
Notes                       VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)
DESCRIBE "LineItemsType1666_T"
"LineItemsType1666_T" is NOT FINAL
Name                 Null? Type
-------------------- ----- -------------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                 XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
LineItem                   LineItem1667_COLL
DESCRIBE "LineItem1667_COLL"

"LineItem1667_COLL" VARRAY(2147483647) OF LineItemType1665_T
"LineItemType1665_T" is NOT FINAL
Name                Null? Type
------------------- ----- --------------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
ItemNumber                NUMBER(38)
Description               VARCHAR2(256 CHAR)
Part                      PartType1664_T

18.1.3 Default Tables Created during XML Schema Registration

You can create default tables as part of XML schema registration. Default tables are most useful when documents are inserted using APIs and protocols such as FTP and HTTP(S), which do not provide any table specification.

In such cases, the XML instance is inserted into the default table.

Example 18-2 describes the default purchase-order table.

If you provide a value for attribute xdb:defaultTable, then the XMLType table is created with that name. Otherwise it is created with an internally generated name.

Any text specified using attributes xdb:tableProps and xdb:columnProps is appended to the generated CREATE TABLE statement.

Example 18-2 Default Table for Global Element PurchaseOrder

DESCRIBE "PurchaseOrder1669_TAB"

Name                        Null? Type
--------------------------- ----- -----------------------
    XMLSchema "http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/documentation/purchaseOrder.xsd"
    Element "PurchaseOrder")

18.1.4 Do Not Use Internal Constructs Generated during XML Schema Registration

In general, the SQL constructs (data types, nested tables, and tables associated with out-of-line storage) that are automatically generated during XML schema registration are internal to Oracle XML DB. Oracle recommends that you do not use them in your code.

More precisely, generated SQL data types, nested tables, and tables associated with out-of-line storage are based on specific internal XML schema-to-object type mappings that are subject to change and redefinition by Oracle at any time. In general:

  • Do not use any generated SQL data types.

  • Do not access or modify any generated nested tables or out-of-line tables.

You can, however, modify the storage options, such as partitioning, of generated tables, and you can create indexes and constraints on generated tables. You can also freely use any XML schema annotations provided by Oracle XML DB, including annotations that name generated constructs.

18.1.5 Generated Names are Case Sensitive

The names of any SQL tables, objects, and attributes generated by XML schema registration are case sensitive.

For instance, in Example 18-2, the name of table PurchaseOrder1669_TAB is derived from the name of element PurchaseOrder, so it too is mixed case. You must therefore refer to this table using a quoted identifier: "PurchaseOrder1669_TAB". Failure to do so results in an object-not-found error, such as ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.

18.1.6 SYS_XDBPD$ and DOM Fidelity for Object-Relational Storage

In order to provide DOM fidelity for XML data that is stored object-relationally, Oracle XML DB records all information that cannot be stored in any of the other object attributes as instance-level metadata using the system-defined binary object attribute SYS_XDBPD$ (positional descriptor, or PD).

With object-relational storage of XML data, the elements and attributes declared in an XML schema are mapped to separate attributes of the corresponding SQL object types. However, the following information in XML instance documents is not stored in these object attributes:

  • Namespace declarations

  • Comments

  • Prefix information

In order to provide DOM fidelity for XML data stored object-relationally, Oracle XML DB uses a separate mechanism to keep track of this information: it is recorded as instance-level metadata.

This metadata is tracked at the type level using the system-defined binary object attribute SYS_XDBPD$. This object attribute is referred to as the positional descriptor, or PD for short.

The PD is intended for Oracle XML DB internal use only. You should never directly access or manipulate column PD.

The positional descriptor stores all information that cannot be stored in any of the other object attributes. PD information is used to ensure the DOM fidelity of all XML documents stored in Oracle XML DB. Examples of PD information include: ordering information, comments, processing instructions, and namespace prefixes.

If DOM fidelity is not required, you can suppress the use of SYS_XDBPD$ by setting attribute xdb:maintainDOM to false in the XML schema, at the type level.


For clarity, object attribute SYS_XDBPD$ is omitted in many examples in this book. However, it is always present as a positional descriptor (PD) column in all SQL object types that are generated by the XML schema registration process.

In general, Oracle recommends that you do not suppress the PD attribute, because the extra information, such as comments and processing instructions, could be lost if there is no PD column.

See Also:

DOM Fidelity for information about DOM fidelity and binary XML storage of XML data

18.2 Oracle XML Schema Annotations

You can annotate XML schemas to influence the objects and tables that are generated by the XML schema registration process. You do this by adding Oracle-specific attributes to complexType, element, and attribute definitions that are declared by the XML schema.

You can add such annotations manually by editing the XML schema document or, for the most common annotations, by invoking annotation-specific PL/SQL subprograms. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, chapter "DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE".

If you edit an XML schema manually using the Altova XMLSpy editor then you can take advantage of the Oracle tab in the editor for adding and editing Oracle-specific annotations. See Figure 17-2.

Most XML attributes used by Oracle XML DB belong to the namespace http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb. XML attributes used for encoding XML data as binary XML belong to the namespace http://xmlns.oracle.com/2004/CSX. To simplify the process of annotating an XML schema, Oracle recommends that you declare namespace prefixes in the root element of the XML schema.

18.2.1 Common Uses of XML Schema Annotations

You can annotate an XML schema to customize the names of object-relational tables, objects, and object attributes or to allow XPath rewrite when XQuery-expression arguments target recursive XML data.

Common reasons for wanting to annotate an XML schema include the following:

  • To ensure that the names of the tables, objects, and object attributes created by PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema for object-relational storage of XMLType data are easy to recognize and compliant with any application-naming standards. Set parameter GENTYPES or GENTABLES to TRUE for this (TRUE is the default value for each of these parameters).

  • To prevent the generation of mixed-case names that require the use of quoted identifiers when working directly with SQL.

  • To allow XPath rewrite for object-relational storage in the case of document-correlated recursive XPath queries. This applies to certain applications of SQL/XML access and query functions whose XQuery-expression argument targets recursive XML data.

The most commonly used XML schema annotations are the following:

  • xdb:defaultTable – Name of the default table generated for each global element when parameter GENTABLES is TRUE. Setting this to the empty string, "", prevents a default table from being generated for the element in question.

  • xdb:SQLName – Name of the SQL object attribute that corresponds to each element or attribute defined in the XML schema.

  • xdb:SQLType – For complexType definitions, the corresponding object type. For simpleType definitions, SQLType is used to override the default mapping between XML schema data types and SQL data types. A common use of SQLType is to define when unbounded strings should be stored as CLOB values, rather than as VARCHAR(4000) CHAR values (the default). Note: You cannot use data type NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, or NCLOB as the value of a SQLType annotation.


    Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (, if you register an XML schema for object-relational storage for an application common user then you must annotate each complex type in the schema with xdb:SQLType, to name the SQL data type. Otherwise, an error is raised.

  • xdb:SQLCollType – Used to specify the varray type that manages a collection of elements.

  • xdb:maintainDOM – Used to determine whether or not DOM fidelity should be maintained for a given complexType definition

You need not specify values for any of these attributes. Oracle XML DB provides appropriate values by default during the XML schema registration process. However, if you are using object-relational storage, then Oracle recommends that you specify the names of at least the top-level SQL types, so that you can reference them later.

18.2.2 XML Schema Annotation Example

A sample XML schema illustrates some of the most important Oracle XML DB annotations.

The XML schema in Example 18-3 is similar to the one in Example A-2, but it also defines a Notes element and its type, NotesType.

  • The schema element includes the declaration of the xdb namespace.

  • The definition of global element PurchaseOrder includes a defaultTable annotation that specifies that the name of the default table associated with this element is purchaseorder.

  • The definition of global complex type PurchaseOrderType includes a SQLType annotation that specifies that the generated SQL object type is named purchaseorder_t. Within the definition of this type, the following annotations are used:

    • The definition of element Reference includes a SQLName annotation that specifies that the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element Reference is named reference.

    • The definition of element Actions includes a SQLName annotation that specifies that the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element Actions is named action_collection.

    • The definition of element USER includes a SQLName annotation that specifies that the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element User is named email.

    • The definition of element LineItems includes a SQLName annotation that specifies that the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element LineItems is named lineitem_collection.

    • The definition of element Notes includes a SQLType annotation that specifies that the data type of the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element Notes is CLOB.

  • The definition of global complex type LineItemsType includes a SQLType annotation that specifies that the generated SQL object type is named lineitems_t. Within the definition of this type, the following annotation is used:

    • The definition of element LineItem includes a SQLName annotation that specifies that the data type of the SQL attribute corresponding to XML element LineItems is named lineitem_varray, and a SQLCollName annotation that specifies that the SQL object type that manages the collection is named lineitem_v.

  • The definition of global complex type LineItemType includes a SQLType annotation that specifies that generated SQL object type is named lineitem_t.

  • The definition of complex type PartType includes a SQLType annotation that specifies that the SQL object type is named part_t. It also includes the annotation xdb:maintainDOM = "false", specifying that there is no need for Oracle XML DB to maintain DOM fidelity for elements based on this data type.

Example 18-4 shows some of the tables and objects that are created when the annotated XML schema of Example 18-3 is registered.

The following are results of this XML schema registration:

  • A table called purchaseorder was created.

  • Types called purchaseorder_t, lineitems_t, lineitem_v, lineitem_t, and part_t were created. The attributes defined by these types are named according to supplied the SQLName annotations.

  • The Notes attribute defined by purchaseorder_t is of data type CLOB.

  • Type part_t does not include a positional descriptor (PD) attribute.

  • Ordered collection tables (OCTs) were created to manage the collections of LineItem and Action elements.

Example 18-3 Using Common Schema Annotations

  <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder" type="po:PurchaseOrderType"
  <xs:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType" xdb:SQLType="PURCHASEORDER_T">
      <xs:element name="Reference" type="po:ReferenceType" minOccurs="1"
      <xs:element name="Actions" type="po:ActionsType"
      <xs:element name="Reject" type="po:RejectionType" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="Requestor" type="po:RequestorType"/>
      <xs:element name="User" type="po:UserType" minOccurs="1"
      <xs:element name="CostCenter" type="po:CostCenterType"/>
      <xs:element name="ShippingInstructions"
      <xs:element name="SpecialInstructions" type="po:SpecialInstructionsType"/>
      <xs:element name="LineItems" type="po:LineItemsType"
      <xs:element name="Notes" type="po:NotesType" xdb:SQLType="CLOB"/>
  <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T">
      <xs:element name="LineItem" type="po:LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded"
                  xdb:SQLCollType="LINEITEM_V" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM_VARRAY"/>
  <xs:complexType name="LineItemType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEM_T">
      <xs:element name="Description" type="po:DescriptionType"/>
      <xs:element name="Part" type="po:PartType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ItemNumber" type="xs:integer"/>
  <xs:complexType name="PartType" xdb:SQLType="PART_T" xdb:maintainDOM="false">
    <xs:attribute name="Id">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="10"/>
          <xs:maxLength value="14"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Quantity" type="po:moneyType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="UnitPrice" type="po:quantityType"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="NotesType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1"/>
      <xs:maxLength value="32767"/>

Example 18-4 Registering an Annotated XML Schema

    SCHEMAURL => 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/documentation/purchaseOrder.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => bfilename('XMLDIR', 'purchaseOrder.Annotated.xsd'),
    LOCAL     => TRUE,
    CSID      => nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));
SELECT table_name, xmlschema, element_name FROM USER_XML_TABLES;
TABLE_NAME     XMLSCHEMA                             ELEMENT_NAME
-------------  -----------------------------------   -------------
PURCHASEORDER  http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/documen   PurchaseOrder
1 row selected.
DESCRIBE purchaseorder

Name                            Null? Type
------------------------------  ----- -----------------
 ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder") STORAGE Object-relational TYPE "PURCHASEORDER_T"
DESCRIBE purchaseorder_t

Name                 Null? Type
-------------------- ----- --------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                 XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
REFERENCE                  VARCHAR2(30 CHAR)
REJECT                     REJECTION_T
REQUESTOR                  VARCHAR2(128 CHAR)
EMAIL                      VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)
COSTCENTER                 VARCHAR2(4 CHAR)
Notes                      CLOB

DESCRIBE lineitems_t
Name                 Null? Type
-------------------- ----- --------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                 XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T

DESCRIBE lineitem_v

Name                 Null? Type
-------------------- ----- --------------------------
SYS_XDBPD$                 XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
ITEMNUMBER                 NUMBER(38)
DESCRIPTION                VARCHAR2(256 CHAR)
PART                       PART_T

Name                 Null? Type
-------------------- ----- --------------------------
ID                         VARCHAR2(14 CHAR)
QUANTITY                   NUMBER(12,2)
UNITPRICE                  NUMBER(8,4)

SELECT table_name, parent_table_column FROM USER_NESTED_TABLES
  WHERE parent_table_name = 'purchaseorder';

TABLE_NAME                       PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN
----------                       -----------------------   
2 rows selected.

18.2.3 Annotating an XML Schema Using DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE

PL/SQL package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE provides subprograms to annotate an XML schema. Using these subprograms can often be more convenient and less error prone than manually editing the XML schema.

In particular, you can use the PL/SQL subprograms in a script, which you can run at any time or multiple times, as needed. This can be especially useful if you are using a large XML schema or a standard or other third-party XML schema that you do not want to modify manually.

There are specific PL/SQL subprograms for each Oracle annotation. For example, you use PL/SQL procedure setDefaultTable to add a xdb:defaultTable annotation, and removeDefaultTable to remove a xdb:defaultTable annotation.

Each annotation subprogram has the following as its parameters:

  • The XML schema to be annotated. This parameter is IN OUT.

  • The name of the global element where the annotation is to be added or removed.

  • The annotation (XML attribute) value.

  • A Boolean flag indicating whether any corresponding existing annotation is to be overwritten. By default, it is overwritten.

If the element to be annotated is not a global element then you provide the local element name as an additional parameter. The global and local names together identify the target element. The element with the local name must be a descendent of the element with the global name.

If you use SQL*Plus, you can use PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.printWarnings to enable and disable printing of SQL*Plus warnings during the use of other DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE subprograms. By default, no warnings are printed. An example of a warning is an inability to annotate the XML schema because there is no element with the name you provided to the annotation subprogram.

Example 18-5 uses subprograms in PL/SQL package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE to produce the annotated XML schema shown in Example 18-3.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, chapter "DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE"


CREATE TABLE annotation_tab (id NUMBER, inp XMLType, out XMLType);
INSERT INTO annotation_tab VALUES (1, ... unannotated XML schema...);

  schema XMLType;
  SELECT t.inp INTO schema FROM annotation_tab t WHERE t.id = 1;

  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setDefaultTable(schema, 'PurchaseOrder', 'PURCHASEORDER');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLType(schema, 'PurchaseOrderType', 'PURCHASEORDER_T');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLName(schema, 'complexType', 'PurchaseOrderType', 'element', 'Reference',
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLName(schema, 'complexType', 'PurchaseOrderType', 'element', 'Actions',
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLName(schema, 'complexType', 'PurchaseOrderType', 'element', 'User', 'EMAIL');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLName(schema, 'complexType', 'PurchaseOrderType', 'element', 'LineItems',
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLType(schema, 'complexType', 'PurchaseOrderType', 'element', 'Notes', 'CLOB');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLType(schema, 'LineItemsType', 'LINEITEMS_T');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLCollType(schema, 'complexType', 'LineItemsType', 'LineItem', 'LINEITEM_V');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLName(schema, 'complexType', 'LineItemsType', 'element', 'LineItem',
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLType(schema, 'LineItemType', 'LINEITEM_T');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.setSQLType(schema, 'PartType', 'PART_T');
  DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.disableMaintainDom(schema, 'PartType');

UPDATE annotation_tab t SET t.out = schema WHERE t.id = 1;

18.2.4 Available Oracle XML DB XML Schema Annotations

The Oracle XML DB annotations that you can specify in element and attribute declarations are described, along with the PL/SQL subprograms in package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE that you can use to manipulate them.

All annotations except those that have the prefix csx are applicable to XML schemas registered for object-relational storage.

The following annotations apply to XML schemas that are registered for binary XML storage:

  • xdb:defaultTable

  • xdb:tableProps

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, chapter "DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE"

Table 18-1 Annotations in Elements

Attribute and PL/SQL Values Default Description

No applicable PL/SQL.

Any column storage clause


Specifies the COLUMN storage clause that is inserted into the default CREATE TABLE statement. It is useful mainly for elements that get mapped to SQL tables, namely top-level element declarations and out-of-line element declarations.




Any table name

Based on element name

Specifies the name of the SQL table into which XML instances of this XML schema are stored. This is most useful in cases where the XML data is inserted from APIs and protocols, such as FTP and HTTP(S), where the table name is not specified. Applicable to object-relational storage and binary XML storage.




true | false


If true, then instances of this element are stored so that they retain DOM fidelity on output. This implies that all comments, processing instructions, namespace declarations, and so on are retained, in addition to the ordering of elements.

If false, then the output is not guaranteed to have the same DOM action as the input.




Any SQL collection type

Name generated from element name

Name of the SQL collection type that corresponds to this XML element. The XML element must be specified with maxOccurs > 1.




true | false


If true, then this element is stored inline as an embedded object attribute (or as a collection, if maxOccurs > 1).

If false, then a REF value is stored (or a collection of REF values, if maxOccurs > 1). This attribute is forced to false in certain situations, such as cyclic references, where SQL does not support inlining.




Any SQL identifier

Element name

Name of the attribute within the SQL object that maps to this XML element.




Any SQL data typeFoot 1, except NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB

Name generated from element name

Name of the SQL type corresponding to this XML element declaration.




Any table storage clause


Specifies the TABLE storage clause that is appended to the default CREATE TABLE statement. This is meaningful mainly for global and out-of-line elements. Applicable to object-relational storage and binary XML storage.

Footnote 1

See Use DBMS_XMLSCHEMA to Map XML Schema Data Types to SQL Data Types.

See Also:

Object-Relational Storage of XML Schema-Based Data for information about specifying storage options when manually creating XMLType tables for object-relational storage

Table 18-2 Annotations in Elements Declaring Global complexType Elements

Attribute Values Default Description



true | false


If true, then instances of this element are stored so that they retain DOM fidelity on output. This implies that all comments, processing instructions, namespace declarations, and so on are retained, in addition to the ordering of elements.

If false, then the output is not guaranteed to have the same DOM action as the input.




Any SQL data typeFoot 2 except NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB

Name generated from element name

Name of the SQL type that corresponds to this XML element declaration.

Footnote 2

See Use DBMS_XMLSCHEMA to Map XML Schema Data Types to SQL Data Types.

18.2.5 XML Schema Annotation Guidelines for Object-Relational Storage

For XMLType data stored object-relationally, careful planning is called for, to optimize performance. Similar considerations are in order as for relational data: entity-relationship models, indexing, data types, table partitions, and so on. To enable XPath rewrite and achieve optimal performance, you implement many such design choices using XML schema annotations.

See Also:

Table 18-1 Avoid Creation of Unnecessary Tables for Unused Top-Level Elements

Whenever a top-level element in an XML schema is never used at the top level in any corresponding XML instance, you can avoid the creation of associated tables by adding annotation xdb:defaultTable = "" to the element in the XML schema. An empty value for this attribute prevents default-table creation.

By default, XML schema registration creates a top-level table for each top-level element defined in the schema. Some such elements might be used at top level in XML instances that conform to the schema. For example, elements in an XML schema might be top-level in order to be used as a REF target.

You can use PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.disableDefaultTableCreation to add an empty xdb:defaultTable attribute to each top-level element that has no xdb:defaultTable attribute.


Any top-level XML schema element that is used as the root element of any instance documents must have a non-empty xdb:defaultTable attribute.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, chapter "DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE" for information about PL/SQL procedure disableDefaultTableCreation. Provide Your Own Names for Default Tables

For tuning purposes, you examine execution plan output for your queries. This refers to the tables that underlie XMLType data stored object-relationally. By default, these tables have system-generated names. Oracle recommends that you provide your own table names instead, especially for tables that you are sure to be interested in.

You do that using annotation xdb:defaultTable. Turn Off DOM Fidelity If Not Needed

By default, XML schema registration generates tables that maintain DOM fidelity. It is often the case that for data-centric XML data DOM fidelity is not needed. You can improve the performance of storage, queries, and data modification by instead using object-relational tables that do not maintain DOM fidelity.

You use the annotation xdb:maintainDOM = "false" to do that.

Related Topics Annotate Time-Related Elements with a Timestamp Data Type

If your application needs to work with time-zone indicators, then annotate any XML schema elements of type xs:time and xs:dateTime with xdb:SQLType = "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE". This ensures that values containing time-zone indicators can be stored, retrieved, and compared. Add Table and Column Properties

If a table or column underlying object-relational XMLType data needs additional properties specified, such as partition, tablespace, or compression, use annotation xdb:tableProps or xdb:columnProps. You can do this to add primary keys or constraints, for example.

For example, to achieve table compression for online transaction processing (OLTP), you would add COMPRESS FOR OLTP using a tableProps attribute.

See Also:

Example 17-9 for an example of specifying Advanced Row Compression when creating XMLType tables and columns manually Store Large Collections Out of Line

If you have large collections then you might need to use annotations xdb:defaultTable and xdb:SQLInline to specify that collection elements be stored out of line.

The maximum number of elements and attributes defined by a complexType is 1000. It is not possible to create a single table that can manage the SQL objects that are generated when an instance of that type is stored. If you have large collections, then you might run up against this limit of 1000 columns for a table.

You can use annotations xdb:defaultTable and xdb:SQLInline to specify that such collection elements be stored out of line. That means that their data is stored in a separate table — only a reference to a row in that table is stored in the main collection table. Use xdb:defaultTable to name the out-of -line table. Annotate each element of a potentially large collection with xdb:SQLInline = "false", to store it out of line.


For each inheritance hierarchy or substitution group in an XML schema, a table is created whose columns cover the content models of that hierarchy or substitution group. This too can cause the 1000-column limit to be reached.

18.2.6 Querying a Registered XML Schema to Obtain Annotations

You can query database views USER_XML_SCHEMAS and ALL_XML_SCHEMAS to obtain a registered XML schema with all of its annotations. The registered version of an XML schema contains a full set of Oracle XML DB annotations. These annotations were supplied by a user or set by default during XML schema registration.

Example 18-6 illustrates this. It returns the XML schema as an XMLType instance.

As shown in Example 17-3 and Example 17-4, the location of the registered XML schema depends on whether it is local or global. If you want to project specific annotation information to relational columns, you can query RESOURCE_VIEW. Example 18-7 illustrates this. It obtains the set of global complexType definitions declared by an XML schema for object-relational storage of XMLType data, and the corresponding SQL object types and DOM fidelity values.

Example 18-6 Querying View USER_XML_SCHEMAS for a Registered XML Schema

  WHERE SCHEMA_URL = 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/documentation/purchaseOrder.xsd';

Example 18-7 Querying Metadata from a Registered XML Schema

SELECT ct.xmlschema_type_name, ct.sql_type_name, ct.dom_fidelity
           'http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/XDBResource.xsd' AS "r",
           'http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/documentation/purchaseOrder' AS "po",
           'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' AS "xs",
           'http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb' AS "xdb"),
         '/r:Resource/r:Contents/xs:schema/xs:complexType' PASSING RES
           xmlschema_type_name VARCHAR2(30) PATH '@name',
           sql_type_name       VARCHAR2(30) PATH '@xdb:SQLType',
           dom_fidelity        VARCHAR2(6)  PATH '@xdb:maintainDOM') ct

-------------------------  -----------------------  ------------
PurchaseOrderType          PURCHASEORDER_T          true
LineItemsType              LINEITEMS_T              true
LineItemType               LINEITEM_T               true
PartType                   PART_T                   true
ActionsType                ACTIONS_T                true
RejectionType              REJECTION_T              true
ShippingInstructionsType   SHIPPING_INSTRUCTIONS_T  true

7 rows selected. You Can Apply Annotations from One XML Schema to Another

Sometimes you need to apply the annotations from one XML schema to another XML schema. A typical use case is applying the annotations from an older version of a schema to a new version. You can get and set annotations using PL/SQL subprograms getSchemaAnnotations and setSchemaAnnotations, respectively.

PL/SQL function getSchemaAnnotations returns all of the annotations from an XML schema. PL/SQL procedure setSchemaAnnotations sets annotations. These subprograms are in PL/SQL package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference, chapter "DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_ANNOTATE" for information about PL/SQL subprograms getSchemaAnnotations and setSchemaAnnotations.

18.3 Use DBMS_XMLSCHEMA to Map XML Schema Data Types to SQL Data Types

You use PL/SQL package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA to map data types for XML Schema attributes and elements to SQL data types.


Do not directly access the SQL data types that are mapped from XML Schema data types during XML schema registration. These SQL types are part of the implementation of Oracle XML DB. They are not exposed for your use. Oracle reserves the right to change the implementation at any time, including in a product patch. Such a change by Oracle will have no effect on applications that abide by the XML abstraction, but it might impact applications that directly access these data types.

18.3.1 Example of Mapping XML Schema Data Types to SQL

An example illustrates mapping XML Schema data types to SQL data types.

Example 18-8 uses attribute SQLType to specify the data-type mapping. It also uses attribute SQLName to specify the object attributes to use for various XML elements and attributes.

Example 18-8 Mapping XML Schema Data Types to SQL Data Types Using Attribute SQLType

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  <xs:element name="PurchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType" xdb:defaultTable="PURCHASEORDER"/>
  <xs:complexType name="PurchaseOrderType" xdb:SQLType="PURCHASEORDER_T">
      <xs:element name="Reference" type="ReferenceType" minOccurs="1" xdb:SQLName="REFERENCE"/>
      <xs:element name="Actions" type="ActionsType" xdb:SQLName="ACTIONS"/>
      <xs:element name="Reject" type="RejectionType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="REJECTION"/>
      <xs:element name="Requestor" type="RequestorType" xdb:SQLName="REQUESTOR"/>
      <xs:element name="User" type="UserType" minOccurs="1" xdb:SQLName="USERID"/>
      <xs:element name="CostCenter" type="CostCenterType" xdb:SQLName="COST_CENTER"/>
      <xs:element name="ShippingInstructions" type="ShippingInstructionsType" 
      <xs:element name="SpecialInstructions" type="SpecialInstructionsType" 
      <xs:element name="LineItems" type="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEMS"/>
      <xs:element name="Notes" type="po:NotesType" xdb:SQLType="CLOB"/>
  <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T">
      <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" 
                  xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLCollType="LINEITEM_V"/>
  <xs:complexType name="LineItemType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEM_T">
      <xs:element name="Description" type="DescriptionType" 
      <xs:element name="Part" type="PartType" xdb:SQLName="PART"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ItemNumber" type="xs:integer" xdb:SQLName="ITEMNUMBER" 
  <xs:complexType name="PartType" xdb:SQLType="PART_T">
    <xs:attribute name="Id" xdb:SQLName="PART_NUMBER" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="10"/>
          <xs:maxLength value="14"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Quantity" type="moneyType" xdb:SQLName="QUANTITY"/>
    <xs:attribute name="UnitPrice" type="quantityType" xdb:SQLName="UNITPRICE"/>


  <xs:complexType name="ActionsType" xdb:SQLType="ACTIONS_T">
      <xs:element name="Action" maxOccurs="4" xdb:SQLName="ACTION" xdb:SQLCollType="ACTION_V">
        <xs:complexType xdb:SQLType="ACTION_T">
            <xs:element name="User" type="UserType" xdb:SQLName="ACTIONED_BY"/>
            <xs:element name="Date" type="DateType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="DATE_ACTIONED"/>
  <xs:complexType name="RejectionType" xdb:SQLType="REJECTION_T">
      <xs:element name="User" type="UserType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="REJECTED_BY"/>
      <xs:element name="Date" type="DateType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="DATE_REJECTED"/>
      <xs:element name="Comments" type="CommentsType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="REASON_REJECTED"/>
  <xs:complexType name="ShippingInstructionsType" xdb:SQLType="SHIPPING_INSTRUCTIONS_T">
      <xs:element name="name" type="NameType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="SHIP_TO_NAME"/>
      <xs:element name="address" type="AddressType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="SHIP_TO_ADDRESS"/>
      <xs:element name="telephone" type="TelephoneType" minOccurs="0" xdb:SQLName="SHIP_TO_PHONE"/>

18.3.2 XML Schema Attribute Data Types Mapped to SQL

An XML attribute declaration can specify its XML Schema data type in terms of a primitive type, a local simpleType, a global simpleType, or a reference to a global attribute (ref=".."). The SQL data type and its associated information are derived from the base XML Schema type.

An attribute declaration can specify its XML Schema data type in terms of any of the following:

  • Primitive type

  • Global simpleType, declared within this XML schema or in an external XML schema

  • Reference to global attribute (ref=".."), declared within this XML schema or in an external XML schema

  • Local simpleType

In all cases, the SQL data type, any associated information (length, precision), and the memory mapping information are derived from the simpleType on which the attribute is based. You Can Override the SQLType Value in an XML Schema When Declaring Attributes

You can explicitly specify a SQLType value in an XML schema, as an annotation. The SQL data type that you specify is used for XML schema validation, overriding the default SQL data types.

Only the following specific forms of such SQL data-type overrides are allowed:

  • If the default SQL data type is STRING then you can override it with CHAR, VARCHAR, or CLOB.

  • If the default SQL data type is RAW then you can override it with RAW or BLOB.

18.3.3 XML Schema Element Data Types Mapped to SQL

An XML element declaration can specify its XML Schema data type using a primitive type, a local or global simpleType, a local or global complexType, or a reference to a global element (ref=".."). The SQL data type and its associated information are derived from the base XML Schema type.

An element declaration can specify its XML Schema data type in terms of any of the following:

  • Any of the ways for specifying type for an attribute declaration. See XML Schema Attribute Data Types Mapped to SQL.

  • Global complexType, specified within this XML schema document or in an external XML schema.

  • Reference to a global element (ref="..."), which could itself be within this XML schema document or in an external XML schema.

  • Local complexType. Override of the SQLType Value in an XML Schema When Declaring Elements

An element based on a complexType is, by default, mapped to a SQL object type that contains object attributes corresponding to each of its sub-elements and attributes. You can override this mapping by explicitly specifying a value for attribute SQLType in the input XML schema.

The following values for SQLType are permitted here:


  • RAW

  • CLOB

  • BLOB

These represent storage of the XML data in a text form in the database.

For example, to override the SQLType from VARCHAR2 to CLOB, declare the xdb namespace using xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb", and then use xdb:SQLType = "CLOB".

The following special cases are handled:

  • If a cycle is detected when processing the complexType values that are used to declare elements and the elements declared within the complexType, the SQLInline attribute is forced to be false, and the correct SQL mapping is set to REF XMLType.

  • If maxOccurs > 1, a varray type might be created.

    • If SQLInline = "true", then a varray type is created whose element type is the SQL data type previously determined. Cardinality of the varray is based on the value of attribute maxOccurs. Either you specify the name of the varray type using attribute SQLCollType, or it is derived from the element name.

    • If SQLInline = "false", then the SQL data type is set to XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T. This is a predefined data type that represents an array of REF values pointing to XMLType instances.

  • If the element is a global element, or if SQLInline = "false", then the system creates a default table. Either you specify the name of the default table, or it is derived from the element name.

18.3.4 How XML Schema simpleType Is Mapped to SQL

XML simpleType is mapped to SQL object types in various ways, depending on how the simpleType is defined.

Figure 18-1 illustrates one such mapping, XML string type to SQL VARCHAR2 or CLOB.

Figure 18-1 simpleType Mapping: XML Strings to SQL VARCHAR2 or CLOB

Description of Figure 18-1 follows
Description of "Figure 18-1 simpleType Mapping: XML Strings to SQL VARCHAR2 or CLOB"

Table 18-3 through Table 18-6 present the default mapping of XML Schema simpleType to SQL, as specified in the XML Schema definition.

For example:

  • An XML Schema primitive type is mapped to the closest SQL data type. For example, DECIMAL, POSITIVEINTEGER, and FLOAT are all mapped to SQL NUMBER.

  • An XML Schema enumeration type is mapped to a SQL object type with a single RAW(n) object attribute. The value of n is determined by the number of possible values in the enumeration declaration.

  • An XML Schema list or a union type is mapped to a SQL string (VARCHAR2 or CLOB) data type.

Table 18-3 XML Schema String Data Types Mapped to SQL

XML Schema String Type Length or MaxLength Facet Default SQL Data Type Compatible SQL Data Type



VARCHAR2(n) if n < 4000, else VARCHAR2(4000)




VARCHAR2(4000) if mapUnboundedStringToLob = "false", CLOB


Table 18-4 XML Schema Binary Data Types (hexBinary/base64Binary) Mapped to SQL

XML Schema Binary Type Length or MaxLength Facet Default SQL Data Type Compatible SQL Data Type

hexBinary, base64Binary


RAW(n) if n < 2000, else RAW(2000)


hexBinary, base64Binary


RAW(2000) if mapUnboundedStringToLob = "false", BLOB


Table 18-5 Default Mapping of Numeric XML Schema Primitive Types to SQL

XML Schema Simple Type Default SQL Data Type totalDigits (m), fractionDigits(n) Specified Compatible SQL Data Types

































































Table 18-6 XML Schema Date and Time Data Types Mapped to SQL

XML Schema Date or Time Type Default SQL Data Type Compatible SQL Data Types




























Table 18-7 Default Mapping of Other XML Schema Primitive and Derived Data Types to SQL

XML Schema Primitive or Derived Type Default SQL Data Type Compatible SQL Data Types






















































none NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB SQLType Values Are Not Supported for SQLType

Oracle XML DB does not support NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB as values for attribute SQLType: You cannot specify that an XML element or attribute is to be of type NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, or NCLOB. Also, if you provide your own data type, do not use any of these data types. simpleType: How XML Strings Are Mapped to SQL VARCHAR2 Versus CLOB

If an XML schema specifies a data type as a string with maxLength less than 4000, it is mapped to a VARCHAR2 object attribute of the specified length. If maxLength is not specified in the schema then the XML Schema data type can only be mapped to a LOB.

This is sub-optimal when most of the string values are small and only a small fraction of them are large enough to need a LOB.

See Also:

Table 18-3 How XML Schema Time Zones Are Mapped to SQL

If your application needs to work with time-zone indicators, then use attribute SQLType to specify the SQL data type as TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. This ensures that values containing time-zone indicators can be stored and retrieved correctly.

The following XML Schema data types allow for an optional time-zone indicator as part of their literal values:

  • xsd:dateTime

  • xsd:time

  • xsd:date

  • xsd:gYear

  • xsd:gMonth

  • xsd:gDay

  • xsd:gYearMonth

  • xsd:gMonthDay

By default, XML schema registration maps xsd:dateTime and xsd:time to SQL data type TIMESTAMP, and it maps all other date types to SQL data type DATE.

SQL data types TIMESTAMP and DATE do not permit a time-zone indicator. For this reason, if your application needs time-zone information then you must use attribute SQLType to specify SQL data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. For example:

<element name="dob" type="xsd:dateTime"
          xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"/>
<attribute name="endofquarter" type="xsd:gMonthDay"
           xdb:SQLType="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"/> Use Trailing Z to Indicate UTC Time Zone

You can specify an XML Schema time-zone component as Z, to indicate UTC time zone. When a value with a trailing Z is stored as SQL TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, the time zone is actually stored as +00:00. The retrieved value contains the trailing +00:00 and not the original Z.

For example, if the value in an input XML document is 1973-02-12T13:44:32Z then the output is 1973-02-12T13:44:32.000000+00:00.

18.3.5 How XML Schema complexType Is Mapped to SQL

XML complexType is mapped to SQL object types in various ways, depending on how the complexType is defined.

Using XML Schema, a complexType is mapped to a SQL object type as follows:

  • XML attributes declared within the complexType are mapped to SQL object attributes. The simpleType defining an XML attribute determines the SQL data type of the corresponding object attribute.

  • XML elements declared within the complexType are also mapped to SQL object attributes. The simpleType or complexType defining an XML element determines the SQL data type of the corresponding object attribute.

If the XML element is declared with attribute maxOccurs > 1 then it is mapped to a SQL collection (object) attribute. The collection is a varray value that is an ordered collections table (OCT). Attribute Specification in a complexType XML Schema Declaration

When an element is based on a global complexType, attribute SQLType must be specified for the complexType declaration. You can optionally include the same SQLType attribute within the element declaration.

If you do not specify attribute SQLType for the global complexType, Oracle XML DB creates a SQLType attribute with an internally generated name. The elements that reference this global type cannot then have a different value for SQLType. The following code is acceptable:

  <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T">
      <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" 
                  xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLCollType="LINEITEM_V"/>
  <xs:complexType name="LineItemType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEM_T">
      <xs:element name="Description" type="DescriptionType" 
      <xs:element name="Part" type="PartType" xdb:SQLName="PART"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ItemNumber" type="xs:integer" xdb:SQLName="ITEMNUMBER" 
  <xs:complexType name="PartType" xdb:SQLType="PART_T">
    <xs:attribute name="Id" xdb:SQLName="PART_NUMBER" xdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:minLength value="10"/>
          <xs:maxLength value="14"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Quantity" type="moneyType" xdb:SQLName="QUANTITY"/>
    <xs:attribute name="UnitPrice" type="quantityType" xdb:SQLName="UNITPRICE"/>

18.4 complexType Extensions and Restrictions in Oracle XML DB

In XML Schema, complexType values are declared based on complexContent and simpleContent. Oracle XML DB defines various extensions and restrictions to complexType.

  • simpleContent is declared as an extension of simpleType.

  • complexContent is declared as one of the following:

    • Base type

    • complexType extension

    • complexType restriction

18.4.1 complexType Declarations in XML Schema: Handling Inheritance

For complexType, Oracle XML DB handles inheritance in an XML schema differently for types that extend and types that restrict other complex types

  • For complex types declared to extend other complex types, the SQL type corresponding to the base type is specified as the supertype for the current SQL type. Only the additional attributes and elements declared in the sub-complextype are added as attributes to the sub-object-type.

  • For complex types declared to restrict other complex types, the SQL type for the sub-complex type is set to be the same as the SQL type for its base type. This is because SQL does not support restriction of object types through the inheritance mechanism. Any constraints are imposed by the restriction in XML schema.

Example 18-9 shows the registration of an XML schema that defines a base complexType Address and two extensions USAddress and IntlAddress.


Type intladdr_t is created as a final type because the corresponding complexType specifies the "final" attribute. By default, all complexTypes can be extended and restricted by other types, so all SQL object types are created as types that are not final.

                             "street" VARCHAR2(4000),
                             "city" VARCHAR2(4000)) NOT FINAL;
CREATE TYPE usaddr_t UNDER addr_t ("zip" VARCHAR2(4000)) NOT FINAL;
CREATE TYPE intladdr_t UNDER addr_t ("country" VARCHAR2(4000)) FINAL;

Example 18-10 shows the registration of an XML schema that defines a base complexType Address and a restricted type LocalAddress that prohibits the specification of country attribute.

Because SQL inheritance does not support a notion of restriction, the SQL data type corresponding to a restricted complexType is a empty subtype of the parent object type. For the XML schema of Example 18-10, Oracle XML DB generates the following SQL types:

                              "street"   VARCHAR2(4000),
                              "city"     VARCHAR2(4000),
                              "zip"      VARCHAR2(4000),
                              "country"  VARCHAR2(4000)) NOT FINAL;
CREATE TYPE usaddr_t UNDER addr_t;

Example 18-9 XML Schema Inheritance: complexContent as an Extension of complexTypes

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
       <xs:complexType name="Address" xdb:SQLType="ADDR_T">
           <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:complexType name="USAddress" xdb:SQLType="USADDR_T">
           <xs:extension base="Address">
               <xs:element name="zip" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:complexType name="IntlAddress" final="#all" xdb:SQLType="INTLADDR_T">
           <xs:extension base="Address">
               <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"/>
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/PO.xsd',
    SCHAMEDOC => doc);

Example 18-10 Inheritance in XML Schema: Restrictions in complexTypes

  doc varchar2(3000) :=
    '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
       <xs:complexType name="Address" xdb:SQLType="ADDR_T">
           <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="zip" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
       <xs:complexType name="LocalAddress" xdb:SQLType="USADDR_T">
           <xs:restriction base="Address">
               <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
               <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
               <xs:element name="zip" type="xs:string"/>
               <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" 
                           minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/PO.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);

18.4.2 How a complexType Based on simpleContent Is Mapped to an Object Type

A complex type based on a simpleContent declaration is mapped to an object type with attributes corresponding to the XML attributes and an extra SYS_XDBBODY$ attribute, which corresponds to the body value. The data type of the body attribute is based on a simpleType that defines the body type.

For the XML schema of Example 18-11, Oracle XML DB generates the following type:

                            SYS_XDBBODY$ VARCHAR2(4000));

Example 18-11 XML Schema complexType: Mapping complexType to simpleContent

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"               
       <complexType name="name" xdb:SQLType="OBJ_T"> 
           <restriction base="string"> 
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);

18.4.3 How any and anyAttribute Declarations Are Mapped to Object Type Attributes

Oracle XML DB maps the element declaration any and the attribute declaration anyAttribute to VARCHAR2 attributes, or optionally to Large Objects (LOBs), in the created object type. The object attribute stores the text of the XML fragment that matches the any declaration.

  • The namespace attribute can be used to restrict the contents so that they belong to a specified namespace.

  • The processContents attribute within the any element declaration, indicates the level of validation required for the contents matching the any declaration.


Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (, when an XML schema is registered for object-relational XMLType storage by the common user of a multitenant container database (CDB) or by an application common user, you must annotate the complex type with xdb:SQLType to specify the corresponding SQL type to use. Otherwise, an error is raised.

The code in Example 18-12 declares an any element and maps it to the column SYS_XDBANY$, in object type obj_t. It also declares that attribute processContents does not validate contents that match the any declaration.

For the XML schema of Example 18-12, Oracle XML DB generates the following type:

                            Name VARCHAR2(4000), 
                            Age NUMBER, 
                            SYS_XDBANY$ VARCHAR2(4000));

Example 18-12 XML Schema: Mapping complexType to any/anyAttribute

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"  
       <complexType name="Employee" xdb:SQLType="OBJ_T">
           <element name="Name" type="string"/>
           <element name="Age" type="decimal"/>
           <any namespace="http://www/w3.org/2001/xhtml"
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);

18.5 Creating XML Schema-Based XMLType Columns and Tables

After an XML schema has been registered with Oracle XML DB, you can reference it when you define XMLType tables or columns.

If you specify no storage model when creating an XMLType table or column for XML Schema-based data then the storage model used is that specified during registration of the referenced XML schema. If no storage model was specified for the XML schema registration, then object-relational storage is used.

Example 18-13 shows how to manually create table purchaseorder, the default table for PurchaseOrder elements.

The CREATE TABLE statement of Example 18-13 is equivalent to the CREATE TABLE statement that is generated automatically by Oracle XML DB when you set parameter GENTABLES to TRUE during XML schema registration.

The XML schema referenced Example 18-13 specifies that table purchaseorder is the default table for PurchaseOrder elements. When an XML document compliant with the XML schema is inserted into Oracle XML DB Repository using protocols or PL/SQL, the content of the document is stored as a row in table purchaseorder.

When an XML schema is registered as a global schema, you must grant the appropriate access rights on the default table to all other users of the database, before they can work with instance documents that conform to the globally registered XML schema.

Each member of the varray that manages the collection of Action elements is stored in the ordered collection table action_table. Each member of the varray that manages the collection of LineItem elements is stored as a row in ordered collection table lineitem_table. The ordered collection tables are heap-based. Because of the PRIMARY KEY specification, they automatically contain pseudocolumn NESTED_TABLE_ID and column SYS_NC_ARRAY_INDEX$, which are required to link them back to the parent column.

XML schema registration automatically generates ordered collection tables (OCTs) for collections. These OCTs are given system-generated names, which can be difficult to work with. You can give them more meaningful names using the SQL statement RENAME TABLE.

The CREATE TABLE statement in Example 18-13 corresponds to a purchase-order document with a single level of nesting: The varray that manages the collection of LineItem elements is ordered collection table lineitem_table.

What if you had a different XML schema that had, say, a collection of Shipment elements inside a Shipments element that was, in turn, inside a LineItem element? In that case, you could create the table manually as shown in Example 18-14.

A SQL*Plus DESCRIBE statement can be used to view information about an XMLType table, as shown in Example 18-15.

The output of the DESCRIBE statement of Example 18-15 shows the following information about table purchaseorder:

  • The table is an XMLType table

  • The table is constrained to storing PurchaseOrder documents as defined by the PurchaseOrder XML schema

  • Rows in this table are stored as a set of objects in the database

  • SQL type purchaseorder_t is the base object for this table

Example 18-13 Creating an XMLType Table that Conforms to an XML Schema

CREATE TABLE purchaseorder OF XMLType
  XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/source/schemas/poSource/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd"
  ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder"
    STORE AS TABLE action_table 
    STORE AS TABLE lineitem_table 

Example 18-14 Creating an XMLType Table for Nested Collections

CREATE TABLE purchaseorder OF XMLType
  XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/source/schemas/poSource/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd"
  ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder"
    STORE AS TABLE action_table 
    STORE AS TABLE lineitem_table 
                    VARRAY "SHIPMENTS"."SHIPMENT"
                      STORE AS TABLE shipments_table
                                     ((PRIMARY KEY (NESTED_TABLE_ID,

Example 18-15 Using DESCRIBE with an XML Schema-Based XMLType Table

DESCRIBE purchaseorder
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
Element "PurchaseOrder") STORAGE Object-relational TYPE "PURCHASEORDER_T"

18.6 Overview of Partitioning XMLType Tables and Columns Stored Object-Relationally

When you partition an object-relational XMLType table or a table with an XMLType column that is stored object-relationally and you use list, range, or hash partitioning, any ordered collection tables (OCTs) or out-of-line tables within the data are automatically partitioned accordingly, by default.

This equipartitioning means that the partitioning of an OCT or an out-of-line table follows the partitioning scheme of its parent (base) table. There is a corresponding child-table partition for each partition of the base table. A child element is stored in the child-table partition that corresponds to the base-table partition of its parent element.

Storage attributes for a base table partition are, by default, also used for the corresponding child-table partitions. You can override these storage attributes for a given child-table partition.

Similarly, by default, the name of an OCT partition is the same as its base (parent) table, but you can override this behavior by specifying the name to use. The name of an out-of-line table partition is always the same as the partition of its parent-table (which could be a base table or an OCT).


  • Equipartitioning of XMLType data stored object-relationally is not available in releases prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1).

  • Equipartitioning of XMLType data that is stored out of line is not available in releases prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Starting with that release, out-of-line tables are not shared: You cannot create two top-level tables that are based on the same XML schema, if that schema specifies an out-of-line table.

You can prevent partitioning of OCTs by specifying the keyword GLOBAL in a CREATE TABLE statement. (Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), the default behavior uses keyword LOCAL). For information about converting a non-partitioned collection table to a partitioned collection table, see Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide.

You can prevent partitioning of out-of-line tables, and thus allow out-of-line sharing, by turning on event 31178 with level 0x200:


See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about creating tables with partitions using keywords GLOBAL and LOCAL

18.6.1 Examples of Partitioning XMLType Data Stored Object-Relationally

You can specify partitioning information for an object-relational XMLType base table during either the XML schema registration or the table creation. Examples here illustrate this.

  • During XML schema registration, using XML Schema annotation xdb:tableProps

  • During table creation using CREATE TABLE

Example 18-16 and Example 18-17 illustrate this. These two examples have exactly the same effect. They partition the base purchaseorder table using the Reference element to specify ranges. They equipartition the child table of line items with respect to the base table.

Example 18-16 shows element PurchaseOrder from the purchase-order XML schema, annotated to partition the base table and its child table of line items.

Example 18-17 specifies the same partitioning as in Example 18-16, but it does so during the creation of the base table purchaseorder.

Example 18-16 and Example 18-17 also show how you can specify object storage options for the individual child-table partitions. In this case, the STORAGE clauses specify that extents of size 14M are to be allocated initially for each of the child-table partitions.

See Also:

Example 18-16 Specifying Partitioning Information During XML Schema Registration

<xs:element name="PurchaseOrder" type="PurchaseOrderType"
            xdb:tableProps =
                 STORE AS TABLE lineitem_table
                   PARTITION BY RANGE (XMLDATA.Reference)
                     (PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (1000)
                          STORE AS TABLE lineitem_p1 (STORAGE (MINEXTENTS 13)),
                      PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (2000)
                          STORE AS TABLE lineitem_p2 (STORAGE (MINEXTENTS 13)))"/>

Example 18-17 Specifying Partitioning Information During Table Creation

CREATE TABLE purchaseorder OF XMLType
  XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/source/schemas/poSource/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd"
  ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder"
           (STORAGE (MINEXTENTS 13)),
           (STORAGE (MINEXTENTS 13)));

18.6.2 Partition Maintenance for XMLType Data Stored Object-Relationally

You need not define or maintain child-table partitions manually. When you perform partition maintenance on the base (parent) table, corresponding maintenance is automatically performed on the child tables as well.

There are a few exceptions to the general rule that you perform partition maintenance only on the base table. In the following cases you perform maintenance on a child table:

  • Modify the default physical storage attributes of a collection partition

  • Modify the physical storage attributes of a collection partition

  • Move a collection partition to a different segment, possibly in a different tablespace

  • Rename a collection partition

For example, if you change the tablespace of a base table, that change is not cascaded to its child-table partitions. You must manually use ALTER TABLE MOVE PARTITION on the child-table partitions to change their tablespace.

Other than those exceptional operations, you perform all partition maintenance on the base table only. This includes operations such as adding, dropping, and splitting a partition.

Online partition redefinition is also supported for child tables. You can copy unpartitioned child tables to partitioned child tables during online redefinition of a base table. You typically specify parameter values copy_indexes => 0 and copy_constraints => false for PL/SQL procedure DBMS_REDEFINITION.copy_table_dependents, to protect the indexes and constraints of the newly defined child tables.

See Also:

18.7 Specification of Relational Constraints on XMLType Tables and Columns

For XMLType data stored object-relationally, you can specify typical relational constraints for elements and attributes that occur only once in an XML document.

Example 18-18 defines uniqueness and foreign-key constraints on XMLType table purchaseorder in standard database schema OE.

For XMLType data that is stored object-relationally, such as that in table OE.purchaseorder, constraints must be specified in terms of object attributes of the SQL data types that are used to manage the XML content.

Example 18-18 is similar to Example 3-8, which defines a uniqueness constraint on a binary XML table. But in addition, Example 18-18 defines a foreign-key constraint that requires element User of each OE.purchaseorder document to be the e-mail address of an employee that is in table employees of standard database schema HR.

Just as for Example 3-8, the uniqueness constraint reference_is_unique of Example 18-18 ensures the uniqueness of element Reference across all documents stored in the table. The foreign key constraint user_is_valid ensures that the value of element User corresponds to a value in column email of table HR.employees.

The text node associated with element Reference in the XML document DuplicateReference.xml contains the same value as the corresponding node in XML document PurchaseOrder.xml. Attempting to store both documents in Oracle XML DB thus violates the constraint reference_is_unique.

The text node associated with element User in XML document InvalidUser.xml contains the value HACKER. There is no entry in table HR.employees where the value of column email is HACKER. Attempting to store this document in Oracle XML DB violates the foreign-key constraint user_is_valid.

See Also:

Example 18-18 Integrity Constraints and Triggers for an XMLType Table Stored Object-Relationally

ALTER TABLE purchaseorder
  ADD CONSTRAINT reference_is_unique
ALTER TABLE purchaseorder
  ADD CONSTRAINT user_is_valid
INSERT INTO purchaseorder
  VALUES (XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'purchaseOrder.xml'),
INSERT INTO purchaseorder
  VALUES (XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'DuplicateReference.xml'),

INSERT INTO purchaseorder
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (QUINE.REFERENCE_IS_UNIQUE) violated
INSERT INTO purchaseorder
  VALUES (XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'InvalidUser.xml'),

INSERT INTO purchaseorder
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (QUINE.USER_IS_VALID) violated - parent key not

18.7.1 Adding Unique Constraints to the Parent Element of an Attribute

To create constraints on elements that can occur more than once, store the varray as an ordered collection table (OCT). You can then create constraints on the OCT. You might, for example, want to create a unique key based on an attribute of an element that repeats itself (a collection).

Example 18-19 shows an XML schema that lets attribute No of element <PhoneNumber> appear more than once. The example shows how you can add a unique constraint to ensure that the same phone number cannot be repeated within a given instance document.

The constraint in this example applies to each collection, and not across all instances. This is achieved by creating a concatenated index with the collection id column. To apply the constraint across all collections of all instance documents, omit the collection id column.


You can create only a functional constraint as a unique or foreign key constraint on XMLType data stored as binary XML.

Example 18-19 Adding a Unique Constraint to the Parent Element of an Attribute

  SCHEMAURL => 'emp.xsd',
  SCHEMADOC => '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
                  <xs:element name="Employee" xdb:SQLType="EMP_TYPE">
                        <xs:element name="EmployeeId" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
                        <xs:element name="PhoneNumber" maxOccurs="10"/>
                            <xs:attribute name="No" type="xs:integer"/>
   LOCAL     => FALSE, 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  XMLSCHEMA "emp.xsd" ELEMENT "Employee"
  VARRAY XMLDATA."PhoneNumber" STORE AS TABLE phone_tab;

Table created.

Table altered.
INSERT INTO emp_tab 
                    <PhoneNumber No="1234"/>
                    <PhoneNumber No="2345"/>

1 row created.
INSERT INTO emp_tab 
                    <PhoneNumber No="4444"/>
                    <PhoneNumber No="4444"/>

This returns the expected result:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.SYS_C002136) violated

18.8 Out-Of-Line Storage of XMLType Data

By default, when XMLType data is stored object-relationally a child element is mapped to an embedded SQL object attribute. Sometimes better performance can be obtained by storing some XMLType data out of line. Use XML schema annotation xdb:SQLInline to do this.

18.8.1 Setting Annotation Attribute xdb:SQLInline to false for Out-Of-Line Storage

Set XML schema annotation xdb:SQLInline to false to store an XML fragment out of line. The element is mapped to a SQL object type with an embedded REF attribute, which points to another XMLType instance that is stored out of line and that corresponds to the XML fragment.

By default, a child XML element is mapped to an embedded SQL object attribute when XMLType data is stored object-relationally. However, there are scenarios where out-of-line storage offers better performance. In such cases, set XML schema annotation (attribute) xdb:SQLInline to false, so Oracle XML DB generates a SQL object type with an embedded REF attribute. The REF points to another XMLType instance that is stored out of line and that corresponds to the XML fragment. Default XMLType tables are also created, to store the out-of-line fragments.

Figure 18-2 illustrates the mapping of complexType to SQL for out-of-line storage.

Figure 18-2 Mapping complexType to SQL for Out-Of-Line Storage

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Mapping complexType to SQL for Out-Of-Line Storage"


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, you can create only one XMLType table that uses an XML schema that results in an out-of-line table. An error is raised if you try to create a second table that uses the same XML schema.

In Example 18-20, attribute xdb:SQLInline of element Addr has value false. The resulting SQL object type, obj_t2, has an XMLType column with an embedded REF object attribute. The REF attribute points to an XMLType instance of SQL object type obj_t1 in table addr_tab. Table addr_tab is stored out of line. It has columns street and city.

When registering this XML schema, Oracle XML DB generates the XMLType tables and types shown in Example 18-21.

Table emp_tab holds all of the employee information, and it contains an object reference that points to the address information that is stored out of line, in table addr_tab.

An advantage of this model is that it lets you query the out-of-line table (addr_tab) directly, to look up address information. Example 18-22 illustrates querying table addr_tab directly to obtain the distinct city information for all employees.

The disadvantage of this storage model is that, in order to obtain the entire Employee element, you must access an additional table for the address.

Example 18-20 Setting SQLInline to False for Out-Of-Line Storage

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"                     
       <complexType name="EmpType" xdb:SQLType="EMP_T">
           <element name="Name" type="string"/>
           <element name="Age" type="decimal"/>
           <element name="Addr" 
             <complexType xdb:SQLType="ADDR_T">
                 <element name="Street" type="string"/>
                 <element name="City" type="string"/>
       <element name="Employee" type="emp:EmpType"
    SCHEMAURL        => 'emp.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC        => doc,

Example 18-21 Generated XMLType Tables and Types

DESCRIBE emp_tab
 Name                          Null?    Type
 ----------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------
TABLE of SYS.XMLTYPE(XMLSchema "emp.xsd" Element "Employee") STORAGE Object-relational TYPE "EMP_T"
DESCRIBE addr_tab
 Name                          Null?    Type
 ----------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
TABLE of SYS.XMLTYPE(XMLSchema "emp.xsd" Element "Addr") STORAGE Object-relational TYPE "ADDR_T"

 emp_t is NOT FINAL
 Name                          Null?    Type
 ----------------------------- -------- --------------------
 SYS_XDBPD$                             XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
 Name                                   VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)
 Age                                    NUMBER
 Addr                                   REF OF XMLTYPE

 Name                          Null?    Type
 ----------------------------- -------- --------------------
 SYS_XDBPD$                             XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
 Street                                 VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)
 City                                   VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)

Example 18-22 Querying an Out-Of-Line Table

                 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd emp.xsd">
                <Name>Abe Bee</Name>
                  <Street>A Street</Street>
                  <City>San Francisco</City>
                 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd emp.xsd">
                <Name>Cecilia Dee</Name>
                  <Street>C Street</Street>
                  <City>Redwood City</City>
. . .
                                              RETURNING CONTENT)
                       AS VARCHAR2(20))
  FROM addr_tab;

Redwood City
San Francisco

18.8.2 Storing Collections in Out-Of-Line Tables

You can store collection items out of line. Instead of a single REF column, the parent element contains a varray of REF values that point to the collection members.

For example, suppose that there is a list of addresses for each employee and that list is mapped to out-of-line storage, as shown in Example 18-23.

During registration of this XML schema, Oracle XML DB generates tables emp_tab and addr_tab and types emp_t and addr_t, just as in Example 18-20. However, this time, type emp_t contains a varray of REF values that point to addresses, instead of a single REF attribute, as shown in Example 18-24.

The varray of REF values is stored out of line, in an intermediate table. That is, in addition to creating the tables and types just mentioned, XML schema registration also creates the intermediate table that stores the list of REF values. This table has a system-generated name, but you can rename it. That can be useful, for example, in order to create an index on it.

Example 18-26 shows a query that selects the names of all San Francisco-based employees and the streets in which they live. The example queries the address table on element City, and joins back with the employee table. The explain-plan fragment shown indicates a join between tables emp_tab_reflist and emp_tab.

To improve performance you can create an index on the REF values in the intermediate table, emp_tab_reflist. This lets Oracle XML DB query the address table, obtain an object reference (REF) to the relevant row, join it with the intermediate table storing the list of REF values, and join that table back with the employee table.

You can create an index on REF values only if the REF is scoped or has a referential constraint. A scoped REF column stores pointers only to objects in a particular table. The REF values in table emp_tab_reflist point only to objects in table addr_tab, so you can create a scope constraint and an index on the REF column, as shown in Example 18-27.

Example 18-23 Storing a Collection Out of Line

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
       <complexType name="EmpType" xdb:SQLType="EMP_T">
           <element name="Name" type="string"/>
           <element name="Age" type="decimal"/>
           <element name="Addr" xdb:SQLInline="false"
                    maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:defaultTable="ADDR_TAB">
             <complexType xdb:SQLType="ADDR_T">
                 <element name="Street" type="string"/>
                 <element name="City" type="string"/>
       <element name="Employee" type="emp:EmpType"
    SCHEMAURL        => 'emp.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC        => doc,

Example 18-24 Generated Out-Of-Line Collection Type

 emp_t is NOT FINAL
 Name                                   Null?    Type
 -------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------
 SYS_XDBPD$                                      XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T
 Name                                            VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)
 Age                                             NUMBER
 Addr                                            XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T

Example 18-25 Renaming an Intermediate Table of REF Values

  gen_name VARCHAR2 (4000);
  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'RENAME "' || gen_name || '"TO emp_tab_reflist';
DESCRIBE emp_tab_reflist
 Name                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------- -------- ----------------
 COLUMN_VALUE                     REF OF XMLTYPE

Example 18-26 XPath Rewrite for an Out-Of-Line Collection

SELECT em.name, ad.street
  FROM emp_tab,
       XMLTable(XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd' AS "x"),
                '/x:Employee' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE
                COLUMNS name   VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'Name') em,
       XMLTable(XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd' AS "x"),
                '/x:Employee/Addr' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE
                COLUMNS street VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'Street',
                        city   VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'City') ad
  WHERE ad.city = 'San Francisco';
NAME                 STREET
-------------------- --------------------
Abe Bee              A Street
Eve Fong             E Street
George Hu            G Street
Iris Jones           I Street
Karl Luomo           K Street
Marina Namur         M Street
Omar Pinano          O Street
Quincy Roberts       Q Street
8 rows selected.
|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | EMP_TAB_REFLIST |    32 |   640 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMP_TAB         |     1 |    29 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  6 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | SYS_C005567     |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Example 18-27 XPath Rewrite for an Out-Of-Line Collection, with Index on REFs

ALTER TABLE emp_tab_reflist ADD SCOPE FOR (COLUMN_VALUE) IS addr_tab;
CREATE INDEX reflist_idx ON emp_tab_reflist (COLUMN_VALUE);

The explain-plan fragment for the same query as in Example 18-26 shows that index reflist_idx is picked up.

|   4 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMP_TAB_REFLIST |     1 |    20 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  5 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN          | REFLIST_IDX     |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   6 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | EMP_TAB         |       |       |            |          |
|*  7 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | SYS_C005567     |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |

18.9 Considerations for Working with Complex or Large XML Schemas

XML schemas can be complex. Examples of complex schemas include those that are recursive and those that contain circular or cyclical references. Working with complex or large XML schemas can be challenging and requires taking certain considerations into account.

18.9.1 Circular and Cyclical Dependencies Among XML Schemas

The W3C XML Schema Recommendation lets complexTypes and global elements contain recursive references. This kind of structure allows for instance documents where the element in question can appear an infinite number of times in a recursive hierarchy.

For example, a complexType definition can contain an element based on that same complexType, or a global element can contain a reference to itself. In both cases the reference can be direct or indirect.

Example 18-28 An XML Schema with Circular Dependency

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
           elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  <xs:element name="person" type="personType" xdb:defaultTable="PERSON_TABLE"/>
  <xs:complexType name="personType" xdb:SQLType="PERSON_T">
      <xs:element name="descendant" type="personType" minOccurs="0"  
                  maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="DESCENDANT"
    <xs:attribute name="personName" use="required" xdb:SQLName="PERSON_NAME"> 
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:maxLength value="20"/>

The XML schema in Example 18-28 includes a circular dependency. The complexType personType consists of a personName attribute and a collection of descendant elements. The descendant element is defined as being of type personType. For Circular XML Schema Dependencies Set Parameter GENTABLES to TRUE

Oracle XML DB supports XML schemas that involve circular schema dependencies. It does this by detecting the cycles, breaking them, and storing the recursive elements as rows in a separate XMLType table that is created during XML schema registration.

Consequently, it is important to ensure that parameter GENTABLES is set to TRUE when registering an XML schema that defines this kind of structure. The name of the table used to store the recursive elements can be specified by adding an xdb:defaultTable annotation to the XML schema. complexType Declarations in XML Schema: Handling Cycles

SQL object types do not allow cycles. Cycles in an XML schema are broken while generating the object types, by introducing a REF attribute where the cycle would be completed. Part of the data is stored out of line, but it is retrieved as part of the parent XML document.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, you can create only one XMLType table that uses an XML schema that results in an out-of-line table. An error is raised if you try to create a second table that uses the same XML schema.

XML schemas permit cycling between definitions of complex types. Figure 18-3 shows this, where the definition of complex type CT1 can reference another complex type CT2, whereas the definition of CT2 references the first type CT1.

XML schemas permit cycles among definitions of complex types. Example 18-29 creates a cycle of length two:

SQL types do not allow cycles in type definitions. However, they do support weak cycles, that is, cycles involving REF (reference) object attributes. Cyclic XML schema definitions are mapped to SQL object types in such a way that cycles are avoided by forcing SQLInline = "false" at the appropriate points. This creates a weak SQL cycle.

For the XML schema of Example 18-29, Oracle XML DB generates the following types:

                           "e1"        VARCHAR2(4000),
                           "e2"        REF XMLType) NOT FINAL;
                           "e1"        VARCHAR2(4000),
                           "e2"        CT1) NOT FINAL;

Figure 18-3 Cross Referencing Between Different complexTypes in the Same XML Schema

Description of Figure 18-3 follows
Description of "Figure 18-3 Cross Referencing Between Different complexTypes in the Same XML Schema"

Another example of a cyclic complex type involves the declaration of the complex type that refers to itself. In Example 18-30, type SectionT does this.

For the XML schema of Example 18-30, Oracle XML DB generates the following types:

CREATE TYPE body_coll AS VARRAY(32767Foot 3) OF VARCHAR2(32767Footref 3);
                                 "title"     VARCHAR2(32767Footref 3),
                                 "body"      BODY_COLL,
                                 "section"   XDB.XDB$REF_LIST_T) NOT FINAL;


In Example 18-30, object attribute section is declared as a varray of REF references to XMLType instances. Because there can be more than one occurrence of embedded sections, the attribute is a varray. It is a varray of REF references to XMLType instances, to avoid forming a cycle of SQL objects.

Figure 18-4 illustrates schematically how a complexType can reference itself.

Figure 18-4 Self-Referencing Complex Type within an XML Schema

Description of Figure 18-4 follows
Description of "Figure 18-4 Self-Referencing Complex Type within an XML Schema"

Example 18-29 XML Schema: Cycling Between complexTypes

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
       <xs:complexType name="CT1" xdb:SQLType="CT1">
           <xs:element name="e1" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="e2" type="CT2"/>
       <xs:complexType name="CT2" xdb:SQLType="CT2">
           <xs:element name="e1" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:element name="e2" type="CT1"/>
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/emp.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);

Example 18-30 XML Schema: Cycling Between complexTypes, Self-Reference

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"        
       <xs:complexType name="SectionT" xdb:SQLType="SECTION_T">
           <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/>
           <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
             <xs:element name="body" type="xs:string" 
             <xs:element name="section" type="SectionT"/>
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/section.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);
END; Cyclical References Among XML Schemas

XML schemas can depend on each other in such a way that they cannot be registered one after the other in the usual manner.

This is illustrated in Figure 18-5.

In the top half of the illustration, an example of indirect cyclical references between three XML schemas is shown.

In the bottom half of the illustration, an example of cyclical dependencies between two XML schemas is shown. The details of this simpler example are presented first.

Figure 18-5 Cyclical References Between XML Schemas

Description of Figure 18-5 follows
Description of "Figure 18-5 Cyclical References Between XML Schemas"

An XML schema that includes another XML schema cannot be created if the included XML schema does not exist. The registration of XML schema xm40.xsd in Example 18-31 fails, if xm40a.xsd does not exist.

XML schema xm40.xsd can, however, be created if you specify option FORCE => TRUE, as in Example 18-32:

However, an attempt to use XML schema xm40.xsd, as in Example 18-33, fails.

If you register xm40a.xsd using the FORCE option, as in Example 18-34, then both XML schemas can be used, as shown by the CREATE TABLE statements.

Thus, to register these XML schemas, which depend on each other, you must use the FORCE parameter in DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema for each schema, as follows:

  1. Register xm40.xsd with FORCE mode set to TRUE:

    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema("xm40.xsd", "<schema ...", ..., FORCE => TRUE)

    At this point, xm40.xsd cannot be used.

  2. Register xm40a.xsd in FORCE mode set to TRUE:

    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema("xm40a.xsd", "<schema ...", ..., FORCE => TRUE)

    The second operation automatically compiles xm40.xsd and makes both XML schemas usable.

Example 18-31 An XML Schema that Includes a Non-Existent XML Schema

  SCHEMAURL => 'xm40.xsd',
  SCHEMADOC => '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
                  <include schemaLocation="xm40a.xsd"/>
                  <!-- Define a global complextype here -->
                  <complexType name="Company">
                      <element name="Name" type="string"/>
                      <element name="Address" type="string"/>
                  <!-- Define a global element depending on included schema -->
                  <element name="Emp" type="my:Employee"/>
  LOCAL     => TRUE, 

Example 18-32 Using the FORCE Option to Register XML Schema xm40.xsd

  SCHEMAURL => 'xm40.xsd',
  SCHEMADOC => '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
                  <include schemaLocation="xm40a.xsd"/>
                  <!-- Define a global complextype here -->
                  <complexType name="Company">
                      <element name="Name" type="string"/>
                      <element name="Address" type="string"/>
                  <!-- Define a global element depending on included schema -->
                  <element name="Emp" type="my:Employee"/>
  LOCAL     => TRUE, 
  FORCE     => TRUE); 

Example 18-33 Trying to Create a Table Using a Cyclic XML Schema


Example 18-34 Using the FORCE Option to Register XML Schema xm40a.xsd

  SCHEMAURL => 'xm40a.xsd',
  SCHEMADOC => '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
                  <include schemaLocation="xm40.xsd"/>
                  <!-- Define a global complextype here -->
                  <complexType name="Employee">
                      <element name="Name" type="string"/>
                      <element name="Age" type="positiveInteger"/>
                      <element name="Phone" type="string"/>
                  <!-- Define a global element depending on included schema -->
                  <element name="Comp" type="my:Company"/>
  LOCAL     => TRUE, 
  FORCE     => TRUE); 

18.9.2 Support for Recursive Schemas

A REF to a recursive structure in an out-of-line table can make it difficult to rewrite XPath queries, because it is not known at compile time how deep the structure is. To enable XPath rewrite, a DOCID column points back to the root document in any recursive structure.

This enables some XPath queries to use the out-of-line tables directly and join back using this column.

A document-correlated recursive query is a query using a SQL function that accepts an XPath or XQuery expression and an XMLType instance, where that XPath or XQuery expression contains '//'. A document-correlated recursive query can be rewritten if it can be determined at query compilation time that both of the following conditions are met:

  • All fragments of the XMLType instance that are targeted by the XPath or XQuery expression reside in a single out-of-line table.

  • No other fragments of the XMLType instance reside in the same out-of-line table.

The rewritten query is a join with the out-of-line table, based on the DOCID column.

Other queries with '//' can also be rewritten. For example, if there are several address elements, all of the same type, in different sections of a schema, and you often query all address elements with '//', not caring about their specific location in the document, rewrite can occur.

During schema registration, an additional DOCID column is generated for out-of-line XMLType tables This column stores the OID (Object Identifier Values) of the document, that is, the root element. This column is automatically populated when data is inserted in the tables. You can export tables containing DOCID columns and import them later.

Example 18-35 Recursive XML Schema

<schema targetNamespace="AbcNS" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
          xmlns:abc="AbcNS" xmlnm:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com.xdb">
  <element name="AbcCode" xdb:defaultTable="ABCCODETAB">
        <element ref="abc:AbcSection"/>
  <element name="AbcSection">
        <element name="ID" type="integer"/>
        <element name="Contents" type="string"/>
        <element ref="abc:AbcSection"/>
</schema> defaultTable Shared Among Common Out-Of-Line Elements

Out-of-line elements of the same qualified name (namespace and local name) and same type are stored in the same default table. As a special case, you can store the root element of a cyclic element structure out of line in the same table as the sub-elements.

Both of the elements sharing the default table must be out-of-line elements, that is, the default table for an out-of-line element cannot be the same as the table for a top-level element. To do this, specify xdb:SQLInline = "false" for both elements and specify an explicit xdb:defaultTable attribute having the same value in both elements.

Example 18-36 shows an XML schema with an out-of-line table that is stored in ABCSECTIONTAB.

Both of the out-of-line AbcSection elements in Example 18-36 share the same default table, ABCSECTIONTAB.

However, Example 18-37 illustrates invalid default table sharing: recursive elements (XyZSection) do not share the same out-of-line table.

The following query cannot be rewritten.

  FROM xyzcode;

Example 18-36 Out-of-line Table

<schema targetNamespace="AbcNS" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
           xmlns:abc="AbcNS" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
  <element name="AbcCode" xdb:defaultTable="ABCCODETAB">
        <element ref="abc:AbcSection" xdb:SQLInline="false"/>
  <element name="AbcSection" xdb:defaultTable="">
        <element name="ID" type="integer"/>
        <element name="Contents" type="string"/>
        <element ref="abc:AbcSection" xdb:SQLInline="false"

Example 18-37 Invalid Default Table Sharing

 <schema targetNamespace="XyzNS" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
         xmlns:xyz="XyzNS" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb">
   <element name="XyzCode" xdb:defaultTable="XYZCODETAB">
      <element name="CodeNumber" type="integer" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element ref="xyz:XyzChapter" xdb:SQLInline="false"/>
      <element ref="xyz:XyzPara" xdb:SQLInline="false" />
    <element name="XyzChapter" xdb:defaultTable="XYZCHAPTAB">
         <element name="Title" type="string"/>
         <element ref="xyz:XyzSection" xdb:SQLInline="false" 
    <element name="XyzPara" xdb:defaultTable="XYZPARATAB">
         <element name="Title" type="string"/>
         <element ref="xyz:XyzSection" xdb:SQLInline="false" 
    <element name="XyzSection">
        <element name="ID" type="integer"/>
        <element name="Contents" type="string"/>
        <element ref="xyz:XyzSection" xdb:defaultTable="XYZSECTIONTAB"/>
 </schema> Query Rewrite when DOCID is Present

Before processing // XPath expressions, check to find multiple occurrences of the same element. If all occurrences under the // share the same defaultTable then the query can be rewritten against that table, using the DOCID.

If there are other occurrences of the same element under the root sharing that table, but not under //, then the query cannot be rewritten.

For example, consider this element structure:

<Book> contains a <Chapter> and a <Part>. <Part> contains a <Chapter>.

Assume that both of the <Chapter> elements are stored out of line and they share the same default table. The query /Book//Chapter can be rewritten to go against the default table for the <Chapter> elements because all of the <Chapter> elements under <Book> share the same default table. Thus, this XPath query is a document-correlated recursive XPath query.

However, a query such as /Book/Part//Chapter cannot be rewritten, even though all the <Chapter> elements under <Part> share the same table, because there is another <Chapter> element under <Book>, which is the document root that also shares that table.

Consider the case where you are extracting //AbcSection with DOCID present, as in the XML schema described in Example 18-36:

  FROM abccodetab;

Both of the AbcSection elements are stored in the same table, abcsectiontab. The extraction applies to the underlying table, abcsectiontab.

Consider this query when DOCID is present:

SELECT XMLQuery('/AbcCode/AbcSection//AbcSection'
  FROM abccodetab;

In both this case and the previous case, all reachable AbcSection elements are stored in the same out-of-line table. However, the first AbcSection element at /AbcCode/AbcSection cannot be retrieved by this query. Since the join condition is a DOCID, which cannot distinguish between different positions in the parent document, the correct result cannot be achieved by a direct query on table abcsectiontab. In this case, query rewrite does not occur since it is not a document-correlated recursive XPath. If this top-level AbcSection were not stored out of line with the rest, then the query could be rewritten. DOCID Column Creation Disabling

You can disable the creation of column DOCID by specifying an OPTIONS parameter when calling DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema. This disables DOCID creation in all XMLType tables generated during schema registration.

OPTIONS is an input parameter of data type PLS_INTEGER. Its default value is 0, meaning that no options are used. To inhibit the generation of column DOCID, set parameter OPTIONS to DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_NODOCID (which is 1).

18.9.3 XML Fragments Can Be Mapped to Large Objects (LOBs)

You can specify the SQL data type to use for a complex element as being CLOB or BLOB.

In Figure 18-6, for example, an entire XML fragment is stored in a LOB attribute.

In Example 18-38, the XML schema defines element Addr using the annotation SQLType = "CLOB":

Figure 18-6 Mapping complexType XML Fragments to CLOB Instances

Description of Figure 18-6 follows
Description of "Figure 18-6 Mapping complexType XML Fragments to CLOB Instances"

Example 18-38 Oracle XML DB XML Schema: Mapping complexType XML Fragments to LOBs

  doc VARCHAR2(3000) :=
    '<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"       
       <complexType name="Employee" xdb:SQLType="OBJ_T">
           <element name="Name" type="string"/>
           <element name="Age" type="decimal"/>
           <element name="Addr" xdb:SQLType="CLOB">
             <complexType >
                 <element name="Street" type="string"/>
                 <element name="City" type="string"/>
    SCHEMAURL => 'http://www.oracle.com/PO.xsd',
    SCHEMADOC => doc);

When registering this XML schema, Oracle XML DB generates the following types and XMLType tables:

                            Name VARCHAR2(4000), 
                            Age NUMBER, 
                            Addr CLOB);

18.9.4 ORA-01792 and ORA-04031: Issues with Large XML Schemas

Errors ORA-01792 and ORA-04031 can be raised when you work with large or complex XML schemas. You can encounter them when you register an XML schema or you create a table that is based on a global element defined by an XML schema.

  • ORA-01792: maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000

  • ORA-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory ("string","string","string","string")

These errors are raised when you try to create an XMLType table or column based on a global element and the global element is defined as a complexType that contains a very large number of element and attribute definitions.

They are raised only when creating an XMLType table or column that uses object-relational storage. The table or column is persisted using a SQL type, and each object attribute defined by the SQL type counts as one column in the underlying table. If the SQL type contains object attributes that are based on other SQL types, then the attributes defined by those types also count as columns in the underlying table.

If the total number of object attributes in all of the SQL types exceeds the Oracle Database limit of 1000 columns in a table, then the storage table cannot be created. When the total number of elements and attributes defined by a complexType reaches 1000, it is not possible to create a single table that can manage the SQL objects that are generated when an instance of that type is stored in the database.


You can use the following query to determine the number of columns for a given XMLType table stored object-relationally:


where <the table> is the table you want to check.

Error ORA-01792 reports that the 1000-column limit has been exceeded. Error ORA-04031 reports that memory is insufficient during the processing of a large number of element and attribute definitions. To resolve this problem of having too many element and attribute definitions, you must reduce the total number of object attributes in the SQL types that are used to create the storage tables.

There are two ways to achieve this reduction:

  • Use a top-down technique, with multiple XMLType tables that manage the XML documents. This reduces the number of SQL attributes in the SQL type hierarchy for a given storage table. As long as none of the tables need to manage more than 1000 object attributes, the problem is resolved.

  • Use a bottom-up technique, which reduces the number of SQL attributes in the SQL type hierarchy, collapsing some elements and attributes defined by the XML schema so that they are stored as a single CLOB value.

Both techniques rely on annotating the XML schema to define how a particular complexType is stored in the database.

For the top-down technique, annotations SQLInline = "false" and defaultTable force some subelements in the XML document to be stored as rows in a separate XMLType table. Oracle XML DB maintains the relationship between the two tables using a REF of XMLType. Good candidates for this approach are XML schemas that do either of the following:

  • Define a choice, where each element within the choice is defined as a complexType

  • Define an element based on a complexType that contains a large number of element and attribute definitions

The bottom-up technique involves reducing the total number of attributes in the SQL object types by choosing to store some of the lower-level complexType elements as CLOB values, rather than as objects. This is achieved by annotating the complexType or the usage of the complexType with SQLType = "CLOB".

Which technique you use depends on the application and the type of queries and updates to be performed against the data.

18.9.5 Considerations for Loading and Retrieving Large Documents with Collections

Oracle XML DB configuration file xdbconfig.xml has parameters that control the amount of memory used by the loading operation: xdbcore-loadableunit-size and xdbcore-xobmem-bound.

These let you optimize the loading process, provided the following conditions are met:

  • The document is loaded using one of the following:

    • Protocols (FTP, HTTP(S), or DAV)

    • PL/SQL function DBMS_XDB_REPOS.createResource

    • A SQL INSERT statement into an XMLType table (but not an XMLType column)

  • The document is XML schema-based and contains large collections (elements with maxOccurs set to a large number).

  • Collections in the document are stored as OCTs. This is the default behavior.

In the following situations, the optimizations are sometimes suboptimal:

  • When there are triggers on the base table.

  • When the base table is partitioned.

  • When collections are stored out of line (applies only to SQL INSERT).

The basic idea behind this optimization is that it lets the collections be swapped into or out of the memory in bounded sizes. As an illustration of this idea consider the following example conforming to a purchase-order XML schema:

  <LineItem itemID="1">
  <LineItem itemID="10240">

The purchase-order document here contains a collection of 10240 LineItem elements. Creating the entire document in memory and then pushing it out to disk can lead to excessive memory usage and in some instances a load failure due to inadequate system memory.

To avoid that, you can create the documents in finite chunks of memory called loadable units.

In the example case, assume that each line item needs 1 KB of memory and that you want to use loadable units of 512 KB each. Each loadable unit then contains 512 line items, and there are approximately 20 such units. If you want the entire memory representation of the document to never exceed 2 MB, then you must ensure that at any time no more than 4 loadable units are maintained in the memory. You can use an LRU mechanism to swap out the loadable units.

By controlling the size of the loadable unit and the bound on the size of the document you can tune the memory usage and performance of the load or retrieval. Typically a larger loadable unit size translates into a smaller number of disk accesses, but it requires more memory. This is controlled by configuration parameter xdbcore-loadableunit-size, whose default value is 16 KB. You can indicate the amount of memory to be given to a document by setting parameter xdbcore-xobmem-bound, which defaults to 1 MB. The values of these parameters are specified in kilobytes. So, the default value of xdbcore-xobmem-bound is 1024 and that of xdbcore-loadableunit-size is 16. These are soft limits that provide some guidance to the system about how to use the memory optimally.

When a document is loaded using FTP, the pattern in which the loadable units (LU) are created and flushed to the disk is as follows:

No LUs
Create LU1[LineItems(LI):1-512]
LU1[LI:1-512], Create LU2[LI:513-1024]
LU1[LI:1-512],...,Create LU4[LI:1517:2028]    <-   Total memory size = 2M
Swap Out LU1[LI:1-512], LU2[LI:513-1024],...,LU4[LI:1517-2028], Create LU5[LI:2029-2540]
Swap Out LU2[LI:513-1024], LU3, LU4, LU5, Create LU6[LI:2541-2052]
Swap Out LU16, LU17, LU18, LU10, Create LU20[LI:9729-10240]
Flush LU17,LU18,LU19,LU20 Guidelines for Configuration Parameters xdbcore-loadableunit-size and xdbcore-xobmem-bound

Use PGA size and trial and error to determine the best values for configuration parameters xdbcore-loadableunit-size and xdbcore-xobmem-bound.

Typically, if you have 1 GB of addressable PG then give about 1/10th of PGA to the document. Set xobcore-xobmem-bound to 1/10 of addressable PGA, which is 100M. During full document retrievals and loads, the value of xdbcore-loadableunit-size should be as close as possible to the value of xobcore-xobmem-bound.

Start by setting xdbcore-loadableunit-size to half the value of xdbcore-xobmem-bound (50 MB). Then try to load the document.

If you run out of memory then reduce the value of xdbcore-xobmem-bound and set xdbcore-loadableunot-size to half of that value. Continue this way until the documents load successfully.

If the load operation succeeds then try to increase xdbcore-loadableunit-size, to obtain better performance. If xdbcore-loadableunit-size equals xdbcore-xobmem-bound, then try to increase both parameter values for further performance improvements.

18.10 Debugging XML Schema Registration for XML Data Stored Object-Relationally

For XML data stored object-relationally, you can monitor the object types and tables created during XML schema registration by setting the event 31098 before invoking PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema.


Setting this event causes the generation of a log of all of the CREATE TYPE and CREATE TABLE statements. The log is written to the user session trace file, typically found in ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/ORACLE_SID/ORACLE_SID/udump. This trace output can be a useful aid in diagnosing problems during XML schema registration.

Footnote Legend

Footnote 3:

This value of 32767 assumes that the value of initialization parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE is EXTENDED. See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.