B Image File and Compression Formats for Use with Oracle Multimedia
Oracle Multimedia supports a range of image file and compression formats.
Find the image data format you are interested in, and then determine the supported formats. For example, Image File Formats shows that Oracle Multimedia supports BMPF, the Microsoft Windows bitmap format. And, Image Compression Formats shows that Oracle Multimedia supports BMPRLE, the corresponding compression format.
See Also:
Summary of Image File Formats and Image Compression Formats for a summary of the supported formats
Oracle Multimedia Image Processing for information about image formatting operators
B.1 Image File Formats
Image file formats are listed alphabetically.
extension: .bmp
mime: image/bmp
BMPF is the Microsoft Windows bitmap format and is based on the internal data structures used by Windows to store bitmap data in memory. This format is used extensively by Microsoft Windows, and a variant of this format is used by the IBM OS/2 operating system. Because this format is supported directly by Windows, its use is very popular in that environment and has spread to other systems.
BMPF is a very flexible image format in that it can store a wide variety of image data types, but it does not offer powerful compression. The only compression available is a run-length encoding variant (which Oracle Multimedia calls BMPRLE) that is supported only by image with scanline order INVERSE. It is worth noting that BMPF is unusual in that the ordinary scanline order for this format is bottom-up, which Oracle Multimedia calls INVERSE.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for BMPF images with the following content formats:
16bit direct RGB (Input only)
24bit direct RGB
32bit direct RGBA (Input only)
extension: .cal
mime: image/x-ora-cals
CALS is an image format for document interchange developed by the Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support office of the United States government. There are actually two variants of the CALS image format; Oracle Multimedia supports CALS Type I. Because the CALS format is monochrome-only, it is primarily useful for storing simple documents, scanned or otherwise.
Oracle Multimedia supports CALS image compression using CCITT Group 4 20 Compression (which Oracle Multimedia calls FAX4).
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for CALS images with the Monochrome content format only.
Foreign Images
Foreign images are images for which Oracle Multimedia does not provide native recognition and support, but that can sometimes be read if the image data complies with the rules outlined in Foreign Image Support and the Raw Pixel Format in Appendix E.
extension: .fpx
mime: image/x-fpx
FPIX, or FlashPix, is a format developed by Kodak, Microsoft Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and Live Picture, Inc., for storing digital photography. FlashPix images are composed of a series of different resolutions of the same image, and each resolution is composed of individual tiles. These tiles can be uncompressed or compressed using JPEG. The multi-resolution capability of FlashPix images is intended to promote easy use in a wide variety of applications by permitting low resolution versions of the image to be used where high resolution versions are not necessary (such as browsing, viewing on screen), while high resolution versions are available when needed (printing or zooming in on an image detail).
Oracle Multimedia includes a simple FlashPix decoder that always selects the largest resolution plane in a FlashPix image. Lower resolutions are not accessible. Oracle Multimedia does not write FlashPix images.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading (I) only for FPIX images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
24bit direct RGB
extension: .gif
mime: image/gif
GIFF is the Oracle Multimedia name for the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), which was developed by CompuServe to transfer images between users in their early network system. Because GIF (pronounced "jif") is an early format and was developed for use on limited hardware, it does not support content formats that store more than 8 bits per pixel. This makes the format less suitable for storing photographic or photo-realistic images than deeper formats such as PNG or JFIF, but it is a good choice for other applications. There are two specific variants of the GIF format, called 87a and 89a; Oracle Multimedia reads both variants but writes the 87a variant.
Despite its pixel depth limitations, the GIF format remains a powerful and flexible image format, and includes support for limited transparency effects and simple animations by encoding a series of image frames and frame transition effects. Oracle Multimedia can read GIF images that include these options but only the first frame of an animated GIF image is made available, and there is no support for writing animated GIF images.
Oracle Multimedia can read and write GIF images compressed using a GIF-specific LZW compression scheme, which Oracle Multimedia calls GIFLZW. It can also read GIF images compressed using a GIF-specific LZW compression in which image scanlines are interlaced for progressive display, which Oracle Multimedia calls GIFLZW-INTERLACED.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for GIFF images with the following content formats:
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) A/T (RGB + Alpha, RGB + transparency, GRAY + Alpha, GRAY + transparency)
extension: .jpg
mime: image/jpeg
JFIF is the JPEG File Interchange Format, developed by C-Cube Microsystems for storing JPEG encoded images. The JFIF format is actually just a JPEG data stream with an identifying header and a few enforced conventions. As such, it provides minimal support for anything but the actual image data. By definition, all JFIF files are JPEG compressed, making them less appropriate for some applications, as explained in the description of the JPEG compression format in Image Compression Formats.
Oracle Multimedia identifies several distinct image formats as JFIF, including actual JFIF files, non-JFIF pure JPEG data streams, and EXIF files. The EXIF format is a JFIF variant produced by digital cameras.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for JFIF images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
24bit direct RGB
32BIT CMYK (Input only)
64BIT CMYK (Input only)
extension: .pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pnm
mime: image/x-portable-bitmap, image/x-portable-graymap, image/x-portable-pixmap, image/x-portable-anymap
These are a family of file formats derived from Jef Poskanzer's Portable Bitmap Utilities suite. These file formats are Portable Bitmap (PBM), Portable Graymap (PGM), Portable Pixmap (PPM) and Portable Anymap (PNM). Because of their wide support and the free availability of software to handle these formats, these file formats are frequently used for uncompressed image interchange.
PBM files are monochrome only (the term "bitmap" being used in the sense of a map of bits, that is, each pixel is either 0 or 1). PGM files are grayscale only, while PPM files are full color pixel maps.
PNM does not refer to a distinct file format, but instead refers to any of the other three types (PBM, PGM, or PPM). Images written using the file format designation PNMF are written as the most appropriate variant depending on the format of the input data content.
These formats do not include data compression, but have two encoding formats: ASCII or RAW.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PBMF images with the Monochrome content format only.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PGMF images with the 8bit direct GRAY content format only.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PPMF images with the 24bit direct RGB content format only.
The PNMF file format is supported as PBMF, PGMF, or PPMF depending on the content of the image. When Oracle Multimedia processes a request for file format conversion with PNMF specified as the destination file format, the output is written as PBMF, PGMF, or PPMF as appropriate. Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PNMF images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
24bit direct RGB
extension: .pcx
mime: image/pcx
PCX, or PCXF in Oracle Multimedia notation, is an early and widely used image file format developed for ZSoft's PC Paintbrush, and later used in derivatives of that program. Despite its ancestry, it provides support for many pixel depths, from monochrome to 24-bit color. It supports a fast compression scheme designated PCXRLE by Oracle Multimedia. Oracle Multimedia reads but does not write PCX images.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading (I) only for PCXF images with the following content formats:
24bit direct RGB
extension: .pct
mime: image/pict
The Macintosh PICT format was developed by Apple Computer, Inc., as part of the QuickDraw toolkit built into the Macintosh ROM. It provides the ability to "record" and "playback" QuickDraw sequences, including vector, object, and raster graphics painting. Oracle Multimedia supports only the raster elements of PICT files. Both Packbits and JPEG compressed PICT images are supported.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PICT images with the following content formats:
1bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) (Input only)
4bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) (Input only)
8bit direct GRAY
16bit direct RGB (Input only)
24bit direct RGB
extension: .png
mime: image/png
PNGF is the Oracle Multimedia designation for the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format (pronounced "ping"). PNG was developed by the PNG Development Group as a legally unencumbered and more capable replacement for some uses of the GIF and TIFF file formats. PNG includes support for deep images (up to 16 bits per sample and up to 4 samples per pixel), full alpha support, rich metadata storage including metadata compression, built-in error and gamma correction, a powerful and free compression algorithm called DEFLATE, and much more. The main feature found in GIF that is absent in PNG is the ability to store animations.
PNG support for a broad variety of pixel depths (1 bit to 16 bits per sample) makes it suitable for a very wide variety of applications, spanning the separate domains previously filled by GIF and JPEG, and being very similar to the uses of the powerful TIFF format. Because the DEFLATE compression scheme is lossless, PNG is a good choice for storing deep images that must be edited often.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for PNGF images with the following content formats:
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) A/T (RGB+Alpha, RGB+transparency, GRAY+alpha, GRAY+transparency)
4bit direct GRAY
8bit direct GRAY
16bit GRAY alpha
16bit direct RGB (Input only)
24bit direct RGB
32bit direct RGB A
48bit direct RGB (Input only)
64bit direct RGB A (Input only)
extension: .ras
mime: image/x-ora-rasf
The Sun Raster image format, called RASF by Oracle Multimedia, was developed by Sun Microsystems for its UNIX operating systems and has a wide distribution in the UNIX community. It supports a variety of pixel depths and includes support for a format-specific, run-length encoding compression scheme called SUNRLE by Oracle Multimedia.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for RASF images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
24bit direct RGB
extension: .rpx
mime: image/x-ora-rpix
RPIX, or Raw Pixel, is a format developed by Oracle for storing simple raw pixel data without compression, and using a simple well-described header structure. It was designed to be used by applications whose native image format is not supported by Oracle Multimedia but for which an external translation might be available. It flexibly supports N-banded image data (8 bits per sample) where N is less than 256 bands, and can handle data that is encoded in a variety of channel orders (such as RGB, BGR, BRG, and so on), a variety of pixel orders (left-to-right and right-to-left), a variety of scanline orders (top-down or bottom-up) and a variety of band orders (band interleaved by pixel, by scanline, and by plane). The flexibility of the format includes a data offset capability, which can permit an RPIX header to be prepended to other image data, thus enabling the RPIX decoder to read an otherwise compliant image format. See Image Raw Pixel Format for Use With Oracle Multimedia for more information about this format.
In addition to its support for data with 8 bits per sample, RPIX supports single-band monochrome images compressed using the FAX3 and FAX4 compression schemes.
When an RPIX image is decoded, only 1 or 3 bands are read. Which bands are selected can be determined by the image header or by the InputChannels operator. Similarly, Oracle Multimedia writes only 1 or 3 band RPIX images.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for RPIX images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
24bit direct RGB
extension: .tga
mime: image/x-ora-tgaf
The Truevision Graphics Adapter format (TGA, or TGAF to Oracle Multimedia) was developed by Truevision, Inc., for their line of Targa and related graphics adapters. This format includes support for color images with 8, 16, 24, and 32 bits per pixel, and also includes support for a run-length encoding compression scheme called TARGARLE by Oracle Multimedia.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for TGAF images with the following content formats:
8bit direct GRAY
16bit direct RGB (Input only)
24bit direct RGB
32bit direct RGB A (Input only)
extension: .tif
mime: image/tiff
The Tag Image File Format (TIFF) was originally developed by the Aldus Corporation. The format has become something of a benchmark for image interchange and is extremely versatile, including support for a wide variety of compression and data formats, multiple image pages per file, and a wide variety of metadata. Because of its many options, TIFF is a good choice for many applications, including document storage, simple art, photographic and photo-realistic images, and others.
Oracle Multimedia supports the "baseline TIFF" specification and also includes support for some TIFF "extensions," including tiled images and certain compression formats not included as part of the baseline TIFF specification. "Planar" TIFF images are not supported. The JPEG support in TIFF provided by Oracle Multimedia is based on the revised JPEG in TIFF specification, and not the original JPEG in TIFF specification. TIFF images in either big endian format or little endian format can be read, but Oracle Multimedia always writes big endian format TIFF images.
Although the TIFF decoder in Oracle Multimedia includes support for page selection using the page( ) procedure or the "page" verb in the process( ) and processCopy( ) methods, the getProperties( ) procedure and the setProperties( ) method always return the properties of the initial page in the file. This initial page is accessed by specifying page number 0 (zero). Oracle Multimedia does not support writing multiple page TIFF files.
Oracle Multimedia supports TIFF image compression using the following compression formats: JPEG, LZW, LZWHDIFF, FAX3, FAX4, HUFFMAN, PACKBITS, and DEFLATE.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for TIFF images with the following content formats:
4bit direct GRAY
8bit direct GRAY
16bit GRAY alpha (Input only)
16bit direct RGB (Input only)
24bit direct RGB
32bit direct RGB A
48bit direct RGB (Input only)
64bit direct RGB A (Input only)
32BIT CMYK (Input only)
64BIT CMYK (Input only)
TIFF image file format also supports these contents formats, as specified:-
Tiled data: Input
Photometric interpretation: I/O
LSB: Input
MSB and LSB ordered files can be decoded. The decoded output is MSB.
extension: .wbmp
mime: image/vnd.wap.wbmp
The Wireless Bitmap format (WBMP) was developed for the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to transmit bitmap (monochrome) images to WAP-compliant devices. An extremely minimalist format, it does not even include identifying markers or support for compression. It is most appropriate for very small images being transmitted over limited bandwidth networks.
The WBMP format is not related to the BMPF format.
Oracle Multimedia supports reading and writing (I/O) for WBMP images with the Monochrome content format only.
B.2 Image Compression Formats
Image compression formats are listed alphabetically.
Not an actual compression format by itself, ASCII is an encoding format used by PBM, PGM, and PPM images to represent images in plain ASCII text form. Each pixel value is represented by an individual integer in an ASCII-encoded PBM (or PGM or PPM) file.
The ASCII format is supported in the following image file formats:
BMPRLE is the description that Oracle Multimedia gives to images that are compressed with the BMP run-length encoding compression scheme. This compression format is available only for 4-bit and 8-bit LUT data, and only for images that are stored in INVERSE scanline order (the default order for BMP files). For very complex images, this compression can occasionally actually increase the file size.
BMPRLE compression is supported for the BMPF image file format only.
DEFLATE is the compression scheme employed by the PNG image format, and has also been adapted to work in the TIFF image format. DEFLATE is based on the LZ77 algorithm (which is used in various zip utilities) and is a very adaptable compression scheme that handles a wide variety of image data formats well. Besides being used to compress image data in PNG and TIFF files, DEFLATE is also used within PNG files to compress some metadata.
DEFLATE-ADAM7 is the same compression format as DEFLATE, but refers to images whose scanlines are interlaced for progressive display as the image is decoded. The intention of this technique is to enable a user to observe the image being progressively decoded as it is downloaded through a low bandwidth link, and quit before completion of the download. While the low bandwidth requirement is not typically relevant anymore, many existing images employ this encoding. Unlike JPEG-PROGRESSIVE and GIFLZW-INTERLACED, DEFLATE-ADAM7 interlaces images both horizontally and vertically.
Oracle Multimedia provides read support for PNG format images compressed with DEFLATE-ADAM7, but does not provide write support.
FAX3 is the Oracle Multimedia designation for CCITT Group 3 2D compression, which was developed by the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) as a protocol for transmitting monochrome images over telephone lines by facsimile and similar machines. The more official designation for this compression scheme is CCITT T.4.
Because this compression format supports only monochrome data, it cannot be used for color or grayscale images. This compression scheme uses a fixed dictionary that was developed using handwritten and typewritten documents and simple line graphics that were meant to be representative of documents being transmitted by facsimile. For this reason, although the compression can be used on images that have been dithered to monochrome, it may not produce as high a compression ratio as more adaptive schemes such as LZW or DEFLATE in those cases. FAX3 is most appropriate for scanned documents.
FAX3 compression is supported for the following image file formats:
FAX4 is the Oracle Multimedia designation for CCITT Group 4 2D compression, which was developed by the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) as a protocol for transmitting monochrome images over telephone lines by facsimile and similar machines. The more official designation for this compression scheme is CCITT T.6.
Because this compression format supports only monochrome data (MONOCHROME2), it cannot be used for color or grayscale images. This compression scheme uses a fixed dictionary that was developed using handwritten and typewritten documents and simple line graphics that were meant to be representative of documents being transmitted by facsimile. For this reason, although the compression can be used on images that have been dithered to monochrome, it may not produce as high a compression ratio as more adaptive schemes such as LZW or DEFLATE in those cases. FAX4 is most appropriate for scanned documents.
FAX4 compression is supported for the following image file formats:
GIFLZW is the Oracle Multimedia designation for the LZW compression system used within GIF format images, and is different from LZW compression as used by other file formats. GIFLZW is an adaptive compression scheme that provides good compression for a wide variety of image data, although it is least effective on very complex images, such as photographs.
GIFLZW-INTERLACED is the same compression format as GIFLZW, but refers to images whose scanlines are interlaced for progressive display as the image is decoded. The intention of this technique is to enable a user to observe the image being progressively decoded as it is downloaded through a low bandwidth link, and quit before completion of the download. While the low bandwidth requirement is not typically relevant anymore, many existing images employ this encoding.
Oracle Multimedia provides read support for this encoding, but does not provide write support.
HUFFMAN3 is the Oracle Multimedia designation for the Modified Huffman compression scheme used by the TIFF image format. This compression format is based on the CCITT Group 3 1D compression format, but is not an official CCITT standard compression format.
Because this compression format supports only monochrome data (MONOCHROME2), it cannot be used for color or grayscale images. This compression scheme uses a fixed dictionary that was developed using handwritten and typewritten documents and simple line graphics that were meant to be representative of documents being transmitted by facsimile. For this reason, although the compression can be used on images that have been dithered to monochrome, it may not produce as high a compression ratio as more adaptive schemes such as LZW or DEFLATE in those cases. HUFFMAN3 is most appropriate for scanned documents.
The JPEG compression format was developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group for storing photographic and photo-realistic images. The JPEG compression format is very complex, but most images belong to a class called "baseline JPEG," which is a much simpler subset. Oracle Multimedia supports only baseline JPEG compression.
The JPEG compression scheme is a lossy compression format; that is, images compressed using JPEG can never be reconstructed exactly. JPEG works by eliminating spatial and chromatic details that the eye might not notice. While JPEG can compress most data quite well, the results might include serious cosmetic flaws for images that are not photographic, such as monochrome or simple art. Other compression schemes are more appropriate for those cases (FAX formats or PNG and GIF). Also, the lossy nature of this compression scheme makes JPEG inappropriate for images that must be edited, but it is a good choice for finished images that must be compressed as tightly as possible for storage or transmission.
JPEG compression is supported for the following image file formats:
FPIX (Input only)
JFIF (Supports EXIF images)
Supports 8-bit grayscale and 24-bit RGB data only.JPEG-PROGRESSIVE
This compression format is a variation of the JPEG compression format in which image scanlines are interlaced, or stored in several passes, all of which must be decoded to compute the complete image. This variant is intended to be used in low bandwidth environments where users can watch the image take form as intermediate passes are decoded, and terminate the image display if desired. While the low bandwidth requirement is not typically relevant anymore, this variant sometimes results in a smaller encoded image and is still popular. Oracle Multimedia provides read, but not write, support for this encoding.
JPEG-PROGRESSIVE compression is supported for the JFIF image file format (which supports EXIF also).
LZW is the Oracle Multimedia designation for the LZW compression system used within TIFF format images, and is different from LZW compression as used by other file formats. TIFF LZW is an adaptive compression scheme that provides good compression for a wide variety of image data, although it is least effective on very complex images. TIFF LZW works best when applied to monochrome or 8-bit grayscale or LUT data; the TIFF method of applying LZW compression to other data formats results in much lower compression efficiency.
LZWHDIFF is the description that Oracle Multimedia gives to images employing the TIFF LZW compression system and also utilizing the TIFF horizontal differencing predictor. This scheme is a technique that can improve the compression ratios for 24-bit color and 8-bit grayscale images in some situations, without loss of data. It generally does not improve compression ratios for other image types.
This is the description that Oracle Multimedia gives to image data that is not compressed.
The following image file formats are supported with no compression:
The Packbits compression scheme was developed by Apple Computer, Inc., as a simple byte-oriented, run-length encoding scheme for general use. This scheme is used by the PICT image format and has been adapted to work in TIFF images as well. Like other run-length encoding schemes, this compression can actually increase the data size for very complex images.
PCXRLE is the description given by Oracle Multimedia to the PCX run-length encoding scheme for compressing PCXF images. For very complex images, this compression can occasionally actually increase the file size.
Not an actual compression format by itself, RAW is encoding used by PBM, PGM, PNM, and PPM images to represent images in binary form (versus the plain text form employed by the ASCII encoding). The PBM documentation refers to this format as RAWBITS.
SUNRLE is the description used within Oracle Multimedia for the run-length encoding scheme used in Sun Raster images. For very complex images, this compression can occasionally actually increase the file size.
TARGARLE is the description given by Oracle Multimedia to images compressed using the run-length encoding scheme supported by the TGAF file format. For very complex images, this compression can occasionally actually increase the file size.
B.3 Summary of Image File Formats and Image Compression Formats
The information about I/O support for various image content and compression formats for the supported file formats is presented in three sets of tables. The abbreviations used in these tables are defined as follows:
I: Input support is provided for Oracle Multimedia procedures and methods that read image data, such as getProperties( ), setProperties( ), processCopy( ), and convert( ).
O: Output support is provided for Oracle Multimedia procedures and methods that write image data, such as process( ), rotate( ), and convert( ).
- (the hyphen character): No input or output support is provided.
See the individual file format and compression format sections for additional information and restrictions.The first set (Tables B-1 through B-3) summarizes the I/O support provided for Oracle Multimedia procedures and methods that read and write image data for image file formats relative to content format characteristics, such as content format, interpretation, and color space. Supported file formats are split across the tables alphabetically.
Table B-1 I/O Support Relative to Content Format for BMPF, CALS, FPIX, GIFF, JFIF, and EXIF (as JFIF)
Content Format | BMPF | CALS | FPIX | GIFF | JFIF | EXIF(as JFIF) |
1bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | IO | - | - | IO | - | - |
4bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | IO | - | - | IO | - | - |
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | IO | - | - | IO | - | - |
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) A/T | - | - | - | IO | - | - |
8bit direct GRAY | - | - | I | - | IO | IO |
16bit direct RGB | I | - | - | - | - | - |
24bit direct RGB | IO | - | I | - | IO | IO |
32bit direct RGBA | I | - | - | - | - | - |
Monochrome | IO | IO | - | IO | - | - |
32BIT CMYK | - | - | - | - | I | I |
64BIT CMYK | - | - | - | - | I | I |
Table B-2 I/O Support Relative to Content Format for PBMF, PCXF, PGMF, PICT, PNGF, and PNMF
Content Format | PBMF | PCXF | PGMF | PICT | PNGF | PNMF |
1bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | I | - | I | IO | - |
4bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | I | - | I | IO | - |
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | I | - | IO | IO | - |
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) A/T | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
4bit direct GRAY | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
8bit direct GRAY | - | - | IO | IO | IO | IO |
16bit GRAY alpha | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
16bit direct RGB | - | - | - | I | I | - |
24bit direct RGB | - | I | - | IO | IO | IO |
32bit direct RGBA | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
48bit direct RGB | - | - | - | - | I | - |
64bit direct RGBA | - | - | - | - | I | - |
Monochrome | IO | I | - | IO | IO | IO |
Table B-3 I/O Support Relative to Content Format for PPMF, RPIX, RASF, TGAF, TIFF, and WBMP
Content Format | PPMF | RPIX | RASF | TGAF | TIFF | WBMP |
1bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
4bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
8bitLUT (RGB&GRAY) | - | - | IO | IO | IO | - |
4bit direct GRAY | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
8bit direct GRAY | - | IO | IO | IO | IO | - |
16bit GRAY alpha | - | - | - | - | I | - |
16bit direct RGB | - | - | - | I | I | - |
24bit direct RGB | IO | IO | IO | IO | IO | - |
32bit direct RGBA | - | - | - | I | IO | - |
48bit direct RGB | - | - | - | - | I | - |
64bit direct RGBA | - | - | - | - | I | - |
Monochrome | - | IO | IO | - | IO | IO |
32BIT CMYK | - | - | - | - | I | - |
64BIT CMYK | - | - | - | - | I | - |
The second set (Tables B-4 through B-6) summarizes the I/O support provided for Oracle Multimedia procedures and methods that read and write image data for image file formats relative to compression format. Supported file formats are split across the tables alphabetically.
Table B-4 I/O Support Relative to Compression Format for BMPF, CALS, FPIX, GIFF, JFIF, and EXIF (as JFIF)
Compression Format | BMPF | CALS | FPIX | GIFF | JFIF | EXIF (as JFIF) |
NONE | IO | - | - | - | - | - |
JPEG | - | - | I | - | IO | IO |
JPEG-PROGRESSIVE | - | - | - | - | I | I |
BMPRLE | IO | - | - | - | - | - |
GIFLZW | - | - | - | IO | - | - |
GIFLZW-INTERLACED | - | - | - | I | - | - |
FAX4 | - | IO | - | - | - | - |
Table B-5 I/O Support Relative to Compression Format for PBMF, PCXF, PGMF, PICT, PNGF, and PNMF
Compression Format | PBMF | PCXF | PGMF | PICT | PNGF | PNMF |
JPEG | - | - | - | IO | - | - |
PCXRLE | - | I | - | - | - | - |
PACKBITS | - | - | - | IO | - | - |
DEFLATE | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
DEFLATE-ADAM7 | - | - | - | - | I | - |
ASCII | IO | - | IO | - | - | IO |
RAW | IO | - | IO | - | - | IO |
Table B-6 I/O Support Relative to Compression Format for PPMF, RPIX, RASF, TGAF, TIFF, and WBMP
Compression Format | PPMF | RPIX | RASF | TGAF | TIFF | WBMP |
NONE | - | IO | IO | IO | IO | IO |
JPEG | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
SUNRLE | - | - | IO | - | - | - |
TARGARLE | - | - | - | IO | - | - |
LZW | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
LZWHDIFF | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
FAX3 | - | IO | - | - | IO | - |
FAX4 | - | IO | - | - | IO | - |
HUFFMAN3 | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
PACKBITS | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
DEFLATE | - | - | - | - | IO | - |
ASCII | IO | - | - | - | - | - |
RAW | IO | - | - | - | - | - |
The third set (Tables B-7 through B-9) summarizes the I/O support provided for Oracle Multimedia procedures and methods that read and write image data for other format-specific characteristics, such as these:
Pixel layout: BIP, BIL, and BSQ
Channel order: RGB, and RBG, GRB, GBR, BRG, BGR
Pixel order: NORMAL, REVERSE, and OS/2
Scanline order: NORMAL and INVERSE
Other options: Input Channels, Page Selection, and Tiled Data/Tiled Output
Supported file formats are listed alphabetically in the first column of each table.
Table B-7 I/O Support Relative to Pixel Layout and Channel Order Characteristics
File Format | Pixel Layout BIP | Pixel Layout BIL | Pixel Layout BSQ | Channel Order RGB | Channel Order RBG, GRB, GBR, BRG, BGR |
BMPF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
CALS | IO | - | - | - | - |
FPIX | I | - | - | I | - |
GIFF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
JFIF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PBMF | IO | - | - | - | - |
PCXF | I | - | - | I | - |
PGMF | IO | - | - | - | - |
PICT | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PNGF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PNMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PPMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
RPIX | IO | IO | IO | IO | IO |
RASF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
TGAF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
TIFF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
WBMP | IO | - | - | - | - |
Table B-8 I/O Support Relative to Pixel Order and Scanline Order Characteristics
File Format | Pixel Order NORMAL | Pixel Order REVERSE | Pixel Order OS/2 | Scanline Order NORMAL | Scanline Order INVERSE |
BMPF | IO | - | I | IO | IO |
CALS | IO | - | - | IO | - |
FPIX | I | - | - | I | - |
GIFF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
JFIF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PBMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PCXF | I | - | - | I | - |
PGMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PICT | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PNGF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PNMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
PPMF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
RPIX | IO | IO | - | IO | IO |
RASF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
TGAF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
TIFF | IO | - | - | IO | - |
WBMP | IO | - | - | IO | - |
Table B-9 I/O Support Relative to Other Options Characteristics
File Format | Input Channels | Page Selection | Tiled Data/Tiled Output |
RPIX | I | - | - |
TIFF | - | I | IO |