Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Title and Copyright Information
- Preface
- Changes in This Release for Oracle Multimedia Reference
- 1 Introduction to Oracle Multimedia
- 2 Procedures Common to All Oracle Multimedia PL/SQL Package APIs
- 3 Oracle Multimedia ORD_AUDIO PL/SQL Package
- 4 Oracle Multimedia ORD_DOC PL/SQL Package
- 5
Oracle Multimedia ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package
- 5.1 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getMetadata( ) for BFILEs
- 5.2 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getMetadata( ) for BLOBs
- 5.3 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: applyWatermark( ) image for BFILEs
- 5.4 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: applyWatermark( ) image for BLOBs
- 5.5 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: applyWatermark( ) text for BFILEs
- 5.6 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: applyWatermark( ) text for BLOBs
- 5.7 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: convert( ) for BFILEs
- 5.8 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: convert( ) for BLOBs
- 5.9 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: convert( ) in place
- 5.10 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: crop( ) for BFILEs
- 5.11 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: crop( ) for BLOBs
- 5.12 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: crop( ) in place
- 5.13 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: flip( ) for BFILEs
- 5.14 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: flip( ) for BLOBs
- 5.15 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: flip( ) in place
- 5.16 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getProperties( ) for BFILEs
- 5.17 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BFILEs
- 5.18 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getProperties( ) for BLOBs
- 5.19 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BLOBs
- 5.20 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: grayscale( ) for BFILEs
- 5.21 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: grayscale( ) for BLOBs
- 5.22 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: grayscale( ) in place
- 5.23 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: mirror( ) for BFILEs
- 5.24 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: mirror( ) for BLOBs
- 5.25 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: mirror( ) in place
- 5.26 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: page( ) for BFILEs
- 5.27 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: page( ) for BLOBs
- 5.28 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: page( ) in place
- 5.29 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: process( )
- 5.30 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: processCopy( ) for BFILEs
- 5.31 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: processCopy( ) for BLOBs
- 5.32 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: putMetadata( ) for BFILEs
- 5.33 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: putMetadata( ) for BLOBs
- 5.34 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: rotate( ) for BFILEs
- 5.35 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: rotate( ) for BLOBs
- 5.36 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: rotate( ) in place
- 5.37 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) for BFILEs
- 5.38 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) for BLOBs
- 5.39 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) in place
- 5.40 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) by Factor for BFILEs
- 5.41 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) by Factor for BLOBs
- 5.42 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: scale( ) by Factor in place
- 5.43 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: thumbnail( ) for BFILEs
- 5.44 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: thumbnail( ) for BLOBs
- 5.45 ORD_IMAGE PL/SQL Package: thumbnail( ) in place
- 6 Oracle Multimedia ORD_VIDEO PL/SQL Package
- 7
Methods Common to All Oracle Multimedia Object Types
- 7.1 Examples for Common Methods
- 7.2 Embedded ORDSource Object
- 7.3 Important Notes for Common Methods
- 7.4 Important Installation and Upgrade Considerations
- 7.5
Common Methods
- 7.5.1 clearLocal( )
- 7.5.2 closeSource( )
- 7.5.3 deleteContent( )
- 7.5.4 export( )
- 7.5.5 getBFile( )
- 7.5.6 getContent( )
- 7.5.7 getMimeType( )
- 7.5.8 getSource( )
- 7.5.9 getSourceLocation( )
- 7.5.10 getSourceName( )
- 7.5.11 getSourceType( )
- 7.5.12 getUpdateTime( )
- 7.5.13 isLocal( )
- 7.5.14 openSource( )
- 7.5.15 processSourceCommand( )
- 7.5.16 readFromSource( )
- 7.5.17 setLocal( )
- 7.5.18 setMimeType( )
- 7.5.19 setSource( )
- 7.5.20 setUpdateTime( )
- 7.5.21 trimSource( )
- 7.5.22 writeToSource( )
- 8
Oracle Multimedia ORDAudio Object Type
- 8.1 ORDAudio Object Examples
- 8.2 Important Notes for ORDAudio Methods
- 8.3 ORDAudio Object Type
- 8.4 ORDAudio Constructors
- 8.5
ORDAudio Methods
- 8.5.1 checkProperties( )
- 8.5.2 getAllAttributes( )
- 8.5.3 getAttribute( )
- 8.5.4 getAudioDuration( )
- 8.5.5 getCompressionType( )
- 8.5.6 getContentLength( )
- 8.5.7 getContentInLob( )
- 8.5.8 getDescription( )
- 8.5.9 getEncoding( )
- 8.5.10 getFormat( )
- 8.5.11 getNumberOfChannels( )
- 8.5.12 getSampleSize( )
- 8.5.13 getSamplingRate( )
- 8.5.14 import( )
- 8.5.15 importFrom( )
- 8.5.16 processAudioCommand( )
- 8.5.17 setAudioDuration( )
- 8.5.18 setCompressionType( )
- 8.5.19 setDescription( )
- 8.5.20 setEncoding( )
- 8.5.21 setFormat( )
- 8.5.22 setKnownAttributes( )
- 8.5.23 setNumberOfChannels( )
- 8.5.24 setProperties( )
- 8.5.25 setSamplingRate( )
- 8.5.26 setSampleSize( )
- 9 Oracle Multimedia ORDDoc Object Type
- 10
Oracle Multimedia ORDImage Object Type
- 10.1 ORDImage Object Examples
- 10.2 Important Notes for ORDImage Methods
- 10.3 ORDImage Object Type
- 10.4 ORDImage Constructors
- 10.5
ORDImage Methods
- 10.5.1 applyWatermark( ) image
- 10.5.2 applyWatermark( ) text
- 10.5.3 checkProperties( )
- 10.5.4 copy( )
- 10.5.5 getCompressionFormat( )
- 10.5.6 getContentFormat( )
- 10.5.7 getContentLength( )
- 10.5.8 getFileFormat( )
- 10.5.9 getHeight( )
- 10.5.10 getMetadata( )
- 10.5.11 getWidth( )
- 10.5.12 import( )
- 10.5.13 importFrom( )
- 10.5.14 process( )
- 10.5.15 processCopy( )
- 10.5.16 putMetadata( )
- 10.5.17 setProperties( )
- 10.5.18 setProperties( ) for foreign images
- 11
Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo Object Type
- 11.1 ORDVideo Object Examples
- 11.2 Important Notes for ORDVideo Methods
- 11.3 ORDVideo Object Type
- 11.4 ORDVideo Constructors
- 11.5
ORDVideo Methods
- 11.5.1 checkProperties( )
- 11.5.2 getAllAttributes( )
- 11.5.3 getAttribute( )
- 11.5.4 getBitRate( )
- 11.5.5 getCompressionType( )
- 11.5.6 getContentInLob( )
- 11.5.7 getContentLength( )
- 11.5.8 getDescription( )
- 11.5.9 getFormat( )
- 11.5.10 getFrameRate( )
- 11.5.11 getFrameResolution( )
- 11.5.12 getFrameSize( )
- 11.5.13 getNumberOfColors( )
- 11.5.14 getNumberOfFrames( )
- 11.5.15 getVideoDuration( )
- 11.5.16 import( )
- 11.5.17 importFrom( )
- 11.5.18 processVideoCommand( )
- 11.5.19 setBitRate( )
- 11.5.20 setCompressionType( )
- 11.5.21 setDescription( )
- 11.5.22 setFormat( )
- 11.5.23 setFrameRate( )
- 11.5.24 setFrameResolution( )
- 11.5.25 setFrameSize( )
- 11.5.26 setKnownAttributes( )
- 11.5.27 setNumberOfColors( )
- 11.5.28 setNumberOfFrames( )
- 11.5.29 setProperties( )
- 11.5.30 setVideoDuration( )
- 12
Oracle Multimedia ORDSource Object Type
- 12.1 Important Notes for ORDSource Methods
- 12.2 ORDSource Object Type
- 12.3
ORDSource Methods
- 12.3.1 clearLocal( )
- 12.3.2 close( )
- 12.3.3 deleteLocalContent( )
- 12.3.4 export( )
- 12.3.5 getBFile( )
- 12.3.6 getContentInTempLob( )
- 12.3.7 getContentLength( )
- 12.3.8 getLocalContent( )
- 12.3.9 getSourceAddress( )
- 12.3.10 getSourceInformation( )
- 12.3.11 getSourceLocation( )
- 12.3.12 getSourceName( )
- 12.3.13 getSourceType( )
- 12.3.14 getUpdateTime( )
- 12.3.15 import( )
- 12.3.16 importFrom( )
- 12.3.17 isLocal( )
- 12.3.18 open( )
- 12.3.19 processCommand( )
- 12.3.20 read( )
- 12.3.21 setLocal( )
- 12.3.22 setSourceInformation( )
- 12.3.23 setUpdateTime( )
- 12.3.24 trim( )
- 12.3.25 write( )
- A Audio File and Compression Formats for Use with Oracle Multimedia
- B Image File and Compression Formats for Use with Oracle Multimedia
- C Video File and Compression Formats for Use with Oracle Multimedia
- D Oracle Multimedia Image Processing
- E
Image Raw Pixel Format for Use with Oracle Multimedia
- E.1 Raw Pixel Introduction
- E.2 Raw Pixel Image Structure
- E.3 Raw Pixel Header Field Descriptions
- E.4 Raw Pixel Post-Header Gap
- E.5 Raw Pixel Data Section and Pixel Data Format
- E.6 Raw Pixel Header - C Language Structure
- E.7 Raw Pixel Header - C Language Constants
- E.8 Raw Pixel PL/SQL Constants
- E.9 Raw Pixel Images Using CCITT Compression
- E.10 Foreign Image Support and the Raw Pixel Format
- F Oracle Multimedia Metadata XML Schemas
- G Exceptions for Oracle Multimedia Objects
- H init( ) Methods for Oracle Multimedia Object Types
- I
Oracle Multimedia Relational Interface
- I.1 Purpose of the Oracle Multimedia Relational Interface
- I.2 Important Notes for Relational Methods
- I.3 Static Methods Common to All Oracle Multimedia Object Types
- I.4 Static Methods Unique to the ORDAudio Object Type Relational Interface
- I.5 Static Methods Unique to the ORDDoc Object Type Relational Interface
- I.6
Static Methods Unique to the ORDImage Object Type Relational Interface
- I.6.1 applyWatermark( ) image for BFILEs
- I.6.2 applyWatermark( ) image for BLOBs
- I.6.3 applyWatermark( ) text for BFILEs
- I.6.4 applyWatermark( ) text for BLOBs
- I.6.5 getMetadata( ) for BFILEs
- I.6.6 getMetadata( ) for BLOBs
- I.6.7 getProperties( ) for BFILEs
- I.6.8 getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BFILEs
- I.6.9 getProperties( ) for BLOBs
- I.6.10 getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BLOBs
- I.6.11 process( )
- I.6.12 processCopy( ) for BFILEs
- I.6.13 processCopy( ) for BLOBs
- I.6.14 putMetadata( ) for BFILEs
- I.6.15 putMetadata( ) for BLOBs
- I.7 Static Methods Unique to the ORDVideo Object Type Relational Interface
- J
Oracle Multimedia SQL/MM Still Image Object Types (Deprecated)
- J.1 SQL Functions and Procedures
- J.2 Internal Helper Types
- J.3 SI_AverageColor Object Type
- J.4 SI_AverageColor Constructors
- J.5 SI_AverageColor Method
- J.6 SI_Color Object Type
- J.7 SI_Color Constructor
- J.8 SI_Color Method
- J.9 SI_ColorHistogram Object Type
- J.10 SI_ColorHistogram Constructors
- J.11 SI_ColorHistogram Methods
- J.12 SI_FeatureList Object Type
- J.13 SI_FeatureList Constructor
- J.14
SI_FeatureList Methods
- J.14.1 SI_AvgClrFtr( )
- J.14.2 SI_AvgClrFtrWght( )
- J.14.3 SI_ClrHstgrFtr( )
- J.14.4 SI_ClrHstgrFtrWght( )
- J.14.5 SI_PstnlClrFtr( )
- J.14.6 SI_PstnlClrFtrWght( )
- J.14.7 SI_Score( ) for SI_FeatureList
- J.14.8 SI_SetFeature(averageColorFeature, averageColorFeatureWeight)
- J.14.9 SI_SetFeature(colorHistogramFeature, colorHistogramFeatureWeight)
- J.14.10 SI_SetFeature(positionalColorFeature, positionalColorFeatureWeight)
- J.14.11 SI_SetFeature(textureFeature, textureFeatureWeight)
- J.14.12 SI_TextureFtr( )
- J.14.13 SI_TextureFtrWght( )
- J.15 SI_PositionalColor Object Type
- J.16 SI_PositionalColor Constructor
- J.17 SI_PositionalColor Method
- J.18 SI_StillImage Object Type
- J.19 SI_StillImage Constructors
- J.20 SI_StillImage Methods
- J.21 SI_Texture Object Type
- J.22 SI_Texture Constructor
- J.23 SI_Texture Method
- J.24 Views
- K Oracle Multimedia Deprecated API Components
- Index