3.1.5 OracleRoleProvider Public Methods
The OracleRoleProvider
public methods are listed in Table 3-7.
Table 3-7 OracleRoleProvider Public Methods
Public Method | Description |
Adds the specified users to the specified roles |
Adds a new role to the database |
Deletes a role in the database |
Inherited from |
Returns an array of user names that match the specified user name |
Returns an array of all the roles for an application |
Inherited from |
Returns an array of role names for the specified user |
Inherited from |
Returns an array of users in the specified role name |
Initializes |
Indicates whether the specified user is in the specified role |
Removes the specified array of users from the specified array of role names |
Indicates whether the specified role name exists in the database |
Inherited from |