8 API Reference for SQL Translation of JDBC Applications
Consider the APIs that are part of the oracle.jdbc
package, specifically the elements of oracle.jdbc
that assist in SQL translation. To successfully migrate JDBC applications, it is important to understand the translation properties, interfaces, and the error translation mechanisms.
See Also:
Complete documentation of the
package in Oracle Database JDBC Java API Reference
8.1 Translation Properties
The translation properties are listed in Table 8-1
Table 8-1 Translation Properties
Property | Description |
Specifies the name of the transaction profile |
Specifies the path of the SQL error translation file |
8.1.1 sqlTranslationProfile
The property oracle.jdbc.sqlTranslationProfile
specifies the name of the transaction profile.
The value of the constant is oracle.jdbc.sqlTranslationProfile
. This is also the property name.
Property Value
The value is a string. There is no default value.
The property sqlTranslationProfile
can be set as either a system property or a connection property. The property is required to use SQL translation. If this property is set then all statements created by the connection have SQL translation enabled unless otherwise specified.
8.1.2 sqlErrorTranslationFile
The property oracle.jdbc.sqlErrorTranslationFile
specifies the path of the SQL error translation file.
Property Value
The value is a path name. It has no default value.
An error in establishing a connection results in a SQLException but without a valid connection. However the SQL error translation file path is available either as a system property or connection property and will be used to translate the error.
This file is used only for translating errors which occur when connection establishment fails. Once the connection is established this file is bypassed and is not considered even if it contains the translation details for any error which occurs after the connection is established. The property sqlErrorTranslationFile
can be either a system property or a connection property. The content of this file is used to translate Oracle SQLExceptions into foreign SQLExceptions when there is no valid connection.
8.2 OracleTranslatingConnection Interface
This interface is only implemented by a Connection object that supports SQL Translation. The main purpose of this interface is to get non-translating statements (including preparedStatement
and CallableStatement
) from a translating connection.
The public interface oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection
defines the factory methods for creating translating and non-translating Statement
The OracleTranslatingConnection
enumerations are listed in Table 8-2:
Table 8-2 OracleTranslatingConnection Enumeration
Name | Description |
Provides the Keys to the map |
The OracleTranslatingConnection
methods are listed in Table 8-3:
Table 8-3 OracleTranslatingConnection Methods
Name | Description |
Creates a |
Creates a |
Creates a |
Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during SQL Translation. |
8.2.1 SqlTranslationVersion
The SqlTranslationVersion
enumerated values specify the keys to the getSQLTranslationVersions() method.
The following table lists all the SqlTranslationVersion
enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Member Name | Description |
Specifies the original vendor specific sql |
Specifies that JDBC parameter markers ('?') is replaced with Oracle style parameter markers (':b<n>'). Hence consecutive '?'s will be converted to |
Specifies the translated query returned from the server |
8.2.2 createStatement()
This group of methods create a Statement
object, and specify whether the statement supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating
, then the returning statement supports translation and is identical to the corresponding version in the java.sql.Connection interface without the translating argument. If the value is FALSE
, then the returning statement does not support translation.
Syntax | Description |
public Statement createStatement( boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public Statement createStatement( int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public Statement createStatement( int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
Parameter | Description |
resultSetType |
Specifies the |
resultSetConcurrency |
Specifies the |
Specifies the |
translating |
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation. |
Return Value
The createStatement()
method returns a Statement
The createStatement()
method throws SQLException
Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*; import java.util.Properties; import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection; import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
Run the following SQL statements:
conn system/manager; grant create sql translation profile to HR; conn HR/hr; drop table sample_tab; create table sample_tab (c1 number, c2 varchar2(100)); insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A'); insert into sample_tab values (2, 'B'); commit; exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO','select row of (c1, c2) from sample_tab','select c1, c2 from sample_tab');
Example 8-1 Using the createStatement() method
public class SQLTransStmt { static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl"; static String user="HR", pwd="hr"; static String PROFILE = "FOO"; static String primitiveSql = "select row of (c1, c2) from sample_tab"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setURL(url); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", user); props.put("password", pwd); props.put(OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE, PROFILE); ods.setConnectionProperties(props); Connection conn = ods.getConnection(); System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn); try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.createStatement(true)"); Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(true); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.createStatement(false)"); Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(false); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection. createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, true)"); Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, true); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); System.out.println("move resultset back to 2nd row..."); trRs.absolute(2); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try{ conn.setAutoCommit(false); OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT, true)"); Statement trStmt = trConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT, true); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(primitiveSql); trRs.last(); System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.updateString(2, "Hello"); trRs.updateRow(); conn.commit(); System.out.println("accept the update and list all of the rows again..."); trRs.beforeFirst(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } conn.close(); } }
8.2.3 prepareCall()
This group of methods create a CallableStatement
object, and specify whether the statement supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating
, then the returning statement supports translation. If the value is FALSE
, then the returning statement does not support translation.
Syntax | Description |
public CallableStatement prepareCall( String sql, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public CallableStatement prepareCall( String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public CallableStatement prepareCall( String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
Parameter | Description |
Specifies the |
resultSetType |
Specifies the |
resultSetConcurrency |
Specifies the |
Specifies the |
translating |
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation |
Return Value
The prepareCall()
method returns a CallableStatement
The prepareCall()
method throws SQLException
Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*; import java.util.Properties; import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection; import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
Run the following SQL statements:
conn system/manager; grant create sql translation profile to HR; conn HR/hr; create or replace procedure sample_proc (p_num number, p_vchar in out varchar2) AS begin p_vchar := 'p_num'||p_num||', p_vchar'||p_vchar; end; / exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO', 'exec sample_proc(:b1, :b2)', '{call sample_proc(:b1, :b2)}');
Example 8-2 Using the prepareCall() method
public class SQLTransCstmt { static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl"; static String user="HR", pwd="hr"; static String PROFILE = "FOO"; static String primitiveSql = "exec sample_proc(:b1, :b2)"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setURL(url); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", user); props.put("password", pwd); props.put(OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE, PROFILE); ods.setConnectionProperties(props); Connection conn = ods.getConnection(); System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn); try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println( "Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareCall(sql, true)"); CallableStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareCall(primitiveSql, true); trStmt.setInt("b1", 1); trStmt.setString("b2", "A"); trStmt.registerOutParameter("b2", Types.VARCHAR); System.out.println("execute for: "+primitiveSql); trStmt.execute(); System.out.println("out param: "+trStmt.getString("b2")); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println( "Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareCall(sql, false)"); CallableStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareCall(primitiveSql, false); trStmt.setInt(1, 1); trStmt.setString(2, "A"); System.out.println("execute for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } conn.close(); } }
8.2.4 prepareStatement()
This group of methods create a PreparedStatement
object, and specify whether the statement supports SQL translation. If the value of parameter translating
, then the returning statement supports translation. If the value is FALSE
, then the returning statement does not support translation.
Syntax | Description |
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement( String sql, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement( String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcur, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement( String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcur, int resultSetHold, boolean translating) throws SQLException; |
Creates a |
Parameter | Description |
Specifies the |
resultSetType |
Specifies the |
resultSetConcur |
Specifies the |
Specifies the |
translating |
Specifies whether or not the statement supports translation |
Return Value
The prepareStatement()
method returns a PreparedStatement
Usage Notes
When the "?
" placeholder is used with the prepareStatement()
method, the driver internally changes the "?
" to Oracle-style parameters because the server side translator can only work with Oracle-style markers. This is necessary to distinguish the bind variables. If not, any change in the order of the bind variables will be indistinguishable. The replaced oracle style markers follow the format :b<
where <
is an incremental number. For example, exec sample_proc(?,?)
becomes exec sample_proc(:b1,:b2)
To further exemplify, consider a scenario of a vendor format where the vendor query selecting top three rows is SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=? AND employee_id=? TOP 3
. The query has to be converted to oracle dialect. In this case the following translation is to be registered on the server:
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=:b1 AND employee_id=:b2 TOP 3
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name=:b1 AND employee_id=:b2 AND ROWNUM <= 3
See SqlTranslationVersion and "SQL Translation of JDBC Applications" for more information.
The prepareStatement()
method throws SQLException
Import the following packages before running the example:
import java.sql.*; import java.util.Properties; import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection; import oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection; import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
Run the following SQL statements:
conn system/manager; grant create sql translation profile to HR; conn HR/hr; drop table sample_tab; create table sample_tab (c1 number, c2 varchar2(100)); insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A'); insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A'); insert into sample_tab values (1, 'A'); commit; exec dbms_sql_translator.drop_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('FOO'); exec dbms_sql_translator.register_sql_translation('FOO','select row of select c1, c2 from sample_tab where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2','select c1, c2 from sample_tab where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2');
Example 8-3 Using the prepareStatement() method
public class SQLTransPstmt { static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5521:orcl"; static String user="HR", pwd="hr"; static String PROFILE = "FOO"; static String primitiveSql = "select row of select c1, c2 from sample_tab where c1=:b1 and c2=:b2"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setURL(url); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("user", user); props.put("password", pwd); props.put(OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILE, PROFILE); ods.setConnectionProperties(props); Connection conn = ods.getConnection(); System.out.println("connection for SQL translation: "+conn); try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareStatement(sql, true)"); PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement(primitiveSql, true); trStmt.setInt(1, 1); trStmt.setString(2, "A"); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareStatement(sql, false)"); PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement(primitiveSql, false); trStmt.setInt(1, 1); trStmt.setString(2, "A"); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("expected Exception: "+e.getMessage()); } try{ OracleTranslatingConnection trConn = (OracleTranslatingConnection) conn; System.out.println("Call: oracle.jdbc.OracleTranslatingConnection.prepareStatement( sql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, true)"); PreparedStatement trStmt = trConn.prepareStatement( primitiveSql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, true); trStmt.setInt(1, 1); trStmt.setString(2, "A"); System.out.println("executeQuery for: "+primitiveSql); ResultSet trRs = trStmt.executeQuery(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); System.out.println("trRs.beforeFirst and show resultSet again..."); trRs.beforeFirst(); while (trRs.next()) System.out.println("C1:"+trRs.getInt(1)+", C2:"+trRs.getString(2)); trRs.close(); trStmt.close(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } conn.close(); } }
8.2.5 getSQLTranslationVersions()
Returns a map of all the translation versions of the query during SQL Translation. In case of an exception, and if suppressExceptions
is true, then the translated version in the map is NULL
public Map<SqlTranslationVersion, String> getSqlTranslationVersions( String sql, boolean suppressExceptions) throws SQL Exception;
Return Value
Map with all translation versions of a query. See SqlTranslationVersion enum
for more details about returning versions.
This method throws SQLException
if there is a problem in query translation, provided suppressExceptions
is false.
8.3 Error Translation Configuration File
An XML configuration file (path) is provided as a value of the oracle.jdbc.sqlErrorTranslationFile
property. This file contains the translations information for errors. These errors occur when a connection to the server cannot be established and thus translation cannot happen on the server. Error messages are of the type that define the state of the database that prevents the connection from being established.
The structure of the configuration XML file is defined in the DTD as follows:
<!DOCTYPE LocalTranslationProfile[ <!ELEMENT LocalTranslationProfile (Exception+)> <!ELEMENT Exception (ORAError, ErrorCode, SQLState )> <!ELEMENT ORAError (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT ErrorCode (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT SQLState (#PCDATA)> ]>
is anint
value and specifies the error code for the oracle error. -
is anint
value and specifies the vendor error code, that is, the translated code. -
is aString
value and specifies the vendor SQL state.