E Troubleshooting Oracle Database Vault

You can troubleshoot Oracle Database Vault by using tools such as trace files or checking certain Oracle Database Vault reports.

Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events

Trace files, which the database generates, capture important information to help you debug errors.

About Using Trace Files to Diagnose Oracle Database Vault Events

You can monitor the Oracle Database Vault database instance for server and background process events by enabling and checking the database instance trace files.

Trace files reveal the Oracle Database Vault policy authorization success and failures. They are useful for providing information to help resolve bug and other issues that may occur.

To set tracing for Oracle Database Vault, you must have the DV_ADMIN role. To perform the configuration, you use either of the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS or ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statements.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about how to manage trace files

Types of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events That You Can and Cannot Track

You can use trace files to track a variety of Oracle Database Vault activities.

Table E-1 describes these activities.

Table E-1 Contents of Oracle Database Vault Trace Files

Database Vault Feature Description

Realm authorizations

The trace file tracks cases of realm authorization with a rule set and realm authorization to a role. See Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File for examples of this type of trace file.

Rule set evaluations

The trace file includes information about a rule set evaluation from a realm authorization, for a command rule, the CONNECT command rule, and from a factor.

Oracle Data Pump authorization

The trace file includes Database Vault Data Pump authorization results and other user, object, and SQL text information.

Oracle Scheduler job authorization

The trace file includes the Database Vault Oracle Scheduler job authorization results, job name, job owner, current statement, and so on.

Object privilege bypass

The trace file tracks both direct grants and grants through a role. This type of trace is useful for cases where mandatory realms are not enabled, which enables users who have an object privilege to access realm protected objects.

Factor loading

The trace file tracks the expression and value for each factor loaded.


Object owner bypassed realm protection and other Database Vault failed and succeeded operations

Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events

You can use the several levels for Oracle Database Vault trace events.

These levels are as follows:

  • Low prints the information for all failed Oracle Database Vault authorizations to a trace file. This type of trace file includes failed realm authorizations, failed factor loading, failed rule set evaluating, and so on. It has a low impact on Oracle Database performance.

  • High prints trace records that include both successful and failed authorizations. Because this type of tracing tracks all the authorizations, the overhead is larger than that of the low level tracing. In addition, the trace files are usually larger.

  • Highest prints the PL/SQL stack and function call stack to a trace file, as well as what is traced at level high (as described in Table E-1). It has the highest impact on Oracle Database performance.

Performance Effect of Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Files

Be careful about enabling trace files.

Doing so can increase the overhead of the database instance operation, which could decrease performance.

Enabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events

You can use the ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM SQL statements to enable Oracle Database Vault trace events.

Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session

You can use the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable trace events for the current database session.

  1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SESSION system privilege.

    For example:

    sqlplus leo_dvowner
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to set the tracing to low, high, or highest, as described in Levels of Oracle Database Vault Trace Events.
    • To turn on tracing for failed operations that have a low impact, enter one of the following statements:

    • To turn on tracing for both failed and successful operations that have a high impact, enter one of the following statements:

    • To turn on tracing for both failed and successful operations with a function and PL/SQL call stack that has the highest impact, enter one of the following statements:

Enabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions

You can use the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement to enable Database Vault trace events for all database sessions.

  1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SYSTEM system privilege.

    For example:

    sqlplus leo_dvowner
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement, using the syntax that is shown in Step 2 in Enabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session.

    For example:

  3. Restart the database.

    For example:


Another way that you can enable trace events for all database sessions is to add the following line to the init.ora file, and then restart the database:

event="47998 trace name context forever, level [trace_level]"

Replace trace_level with one of the following values:

  • 1 for the lowest level of tracing

  • 3 for the high level

  • 4 for the highest level

For example:

event="47998 trace name context forever, level [1]"
Management of Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment

You should be aware of how enabling trace events is affected in a multitenant environment.

  • Trace events for the current session: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement from either the root or a pluggable database (PDB) enables tracing for the current user session. If you switch from one PDB to another PDB (by using the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER statement), then tracing is still enabled for the new PDB. You cannot enable tracing for a single PDB in a multitenant container database (CDB); it applies to all PDBs and the root. Remember that must have the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER system privilege to move from one PDB to another.

  • Trace events for all database sessions: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS statement from either the root or a specific PDB enables tracing for all PDBs in the container database.

Finding Oracle Database Vault Trace File Data

The Linux grep command and the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) command-line utility can find Oracle Database Vault trace file data.

Finding the Database Vault Trace File Directory Location

You can find the full directory location of trace files by querying the V$DIAG_INFO dynamic view.

  • Query the V$DIAG_INFO dynamic view as follows:


Output similar to the following appears:

Using the Linux grep Command to Search Trace Files for Strings

To query or process the trace files, you can use the Linux grep command to search for strings.

  • For example, to find the trace files that show realm authorization failures, enter the following command:

    grep 'Result=Realm Authorization Failed'  *.trc
Using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) Utility to QueryTrace Files

You can query trace files by using the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) command-line utility.

  • To use the ADRCI utility to find trace file information, use the SHOW command.

For example, to use ADRCI to find the trace files, enter the SHOW TRACEFILE command:

adrci --To start ACRCI from the command line
adrci> show tracefile


To find the number of all trace incidents:

adrci> show incident

ADR Home = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/log/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl:
234 rows fetched

The following ADRCI command returns a list of all trace files whose name contains the word ora:

adrci> show tracefile %ora%


The following ADRCI command searches for trace files that contain the phrase Realm Authorization Failed:

adrci> show trace %trc -xp "[payload like '%Realm Authorization Failed%']"

See Also:

Example: Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File

You can use trace file data to track low level realm violations.

Example E-1 shows an example of tracking low lever real violations.

Example E-1 Low Level Oracle Database Vault Realm Violations in a Trace File

*** 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
*** SESSION ID:(34.559) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
*** CLIENT ID:() 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
*** ACTION NAME:() 2010-02-05 18:35:31.438
Result=Realm Authorization Failed
        Realm_Name=realm 3      Required_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=INSERT INTO U1.T1 VALUES(30)
Result=Realm Authorization Failed
        Realm_Name=realm 3      Required_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=DELETE FROM U1.T1
Result=Realm Authorization Failed
        Realm_Name=realm 3      Required_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T3  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=CREATE TABLE U1.T3(C INT)
*** 2010-02-05 18:35:34.465
Result=Realm Authorization Failed
        Realm_Name=realm 3      Required_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=INSERT INTO U1.T1 VALUES(30)
Result=Realm Authorization Failed
        Realm_Name=realm 3      Required_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=DELETE FROM U1.T1

Example: High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization

You can track Oracle Database Vault authorizations in a trace file with high level trace enabled.

Example E-2 shows an example of this type of trace file.

Example E-2 High Level Trace Enabled for Oracle Database Vault Authorization

Result= Realm Authorization Passed
        Reason=Current user is the object owner
        Current_User=70 Command=SELECT
        Object_Owner=LBACSYS    Object_Name=LBAC$AUDIT  Object_Type=TABLE
Result= Realm Authorization Passed
        Reason=Current user is the object owner
        Current_User=70 Command=SELECT
        Object_Owner=LBACSYS    Object_Name=LBAC$AUDIT  Object_Type=TABLE
Result= Realm Authorization Passed
        Reason=Current user is the object owner
        Current_User=70 Command=SELECT
        Object_Owner=LBACSYS    Object_Name=LBAC$POL    Object_Type=TABLE
Result= Realm Authorization Passed
        Reason=Current user is the object owner
        Current_User=70 Command=SELECT
        Object_Owner=LBACSYS    Object_Name=LBAC$USER_LOGON     Object_Type=VIEW
Result= Realm Authorization Passed
        Reason=Current user is the object owner
        Current_User=70 Command=SELECT
        Object_Owner=LBACSYS    Object_Name=LBAC$POL    Object_Type=TABLE
Result=Set Factor Value
        Factor_Name=Sensitive_Treatments        Factor_Expression=/SURGERY/PSYCHOLOGICAL
Result=Set Factor Value
        Factor_Name=Database_Instance   Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','INSTANCE'))      Factor_Value=1
Result=Set Factor Value
        Factor_Name=Client_IP   Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS'))    Factor_Value=
Result=Set Factor Value
        Factor_Name=Authentication_Method       Factor_Expression=UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','AUTHENTICATION_METHOD')) Factor_Value=PASSWORD
*** ACTION NAME:() 2010-02-05 18:47:19.540
Result=Rule Set Evaluation Failed
        Command=SELECT  RuleSet_ID=2    RuleSet_Name=Disabled
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=SELECT * FROM U1.T1
Result=Rule Set Evaluation Succeeded
        Command=SELECT  RuleSet_ID=1    RuleSet_Name=Enabled
        Object_Owner=U1 Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=SELECT * FROM U1.T1

Example: Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects

You can track high level violations using trace files.

Example E-3 shows how highest level violations that involve Oracle Scheduler jobs authorization can appear in a trace file when trace is enabled at the highest level.

Example E-3 Highest Level Traces on Violations on Realm-Protected Objects

------ Call Stack Trace ------
Result=Object Privilege check passed
        Current_User=INVOKER2   Used_Role=1
        Object_Owner=SYSTEM     Object_Name=PRODUCT_PRIVS       Object_Type=VIEW
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2010-02-05 18:57:53.973
*** ACTION NAME:() 2010-02-05 18:57:53.973
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=2sr63rjm45yfh) -----
----- PL/SQL Stack -----
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
0x26a00e34         1  anonymous block
0x2495b000       185  package body SYS.DBMS_ISCHED
0x24958fb8       486  package body SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER
0x247bbb34         1  anonymous block
------ Call Stack Trace ------
Result=Realm Authorization Succeeded
        Realm_Name=jobowner realm       Used_Auth_Level=0
        Object_Owner=INVOKER1   Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=UPDATE INVOKER1.T1 SET A = 20
Result=Scheduler Job Authorization Succeeded
        Current_User=JOBOWNER   Logon_User=INVOKER2
        Job_Owner=JOBOWNER      Job_Name=DMLJOB1
        Object_Owner=INVOKER1   Object_Name=T1  Object_Type=TABLE
        SQL_Text=UPDATE INVOKER1.T1 SET A = 20

Disabling Oracle Database Vault Trace Events

You can disable tracing for Oracle Database Vault events.

Disabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session

You can use the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement to disable Database Vault tracing for the current database session.

  1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SESSION system privilege.

    For example:

    sqlplus leo_dvowner
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter both of the following SQL statements to disable tracing:
    ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '47998 trace name context off';

    Alternatively, you can use the ALTER SYSTEM statement as well:

    ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '47998 trace name context off';
Disabling Trace Events for All Database Sessions

You can use the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement to disable Database Vault tracing for all database sessions.

  1. Log into the database instance as a user who has been granted the DV_ADMIN role and the ALTER SYSTEM system privilege.

    For example:

    sqlplus leo_dvowner
    Enter password: password
  2. Enter the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS SQL statement, using the syntax that is shown in Step 2 in Disabling Trace Events for the Current Database Session.

    For example:

  3. Restart the database.

    For example:


Another way that you can disable trace events for all database sessions is to add the following line to the init.ora file, and then restart the database:

event="47998 trace name context off"

Ensure that the init.ora file does not have any conflicting 47998 lines, such as event="47998 trace name context forever, level [1]".

Disabling Trace Events in a Multitenant Environment

You should be aware of how enabling trace events is affected in a multitenant environment.

  • Trace events for the current session: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS SQL statement from either the root or a PDB disables tracing for the current user session. If you switch from one PDB to another PDB (by using the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER statement), then tracing is still disabled for the new PDB. You cannot disable tracing for a single PDB in a CDB; it applies to all PDBs and the root. Remember that must have the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER system privilege to move from one PDB to another.

  • Trace events for all database sessions: In a multitenant environment, running the ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS statement from either the root or a specific PDB disables tracing for all PDBs in the CDB.

General Diagnostic Tips

Oracle provides general tips for diagnosing problems in realms, factors, and rule sets.

These guidelines are as follows:

  • For realm protections, verify that a user has the underlying system or object privileges (granted directly or through a role) that might affect the command.

  • If a realm authorization is not working, verify that the account roles are set correctly.

  • For PL/SQL expressions used in factors and rule sets, grant the EXECUTE privilege on the PL/SQL package functions used in these expressions directly to the account and determine if the results appear to be correct.

  • Use the auditing reports to diagnose problems in general. See Oracle Database Vault Auditing Reports for more information.

Configuration Problems with Oracle Database Vault Components

Oracle Database Vault provides reports to check configuration problems with realms, command rules, factors, rule sets, or secure application roles.

See the following sections for more information:

To run these reports, see Running the Oracle Database Vault Reports.

Resetting Oracle Database Vault Account Passwords

Backup accounts can help you reset lost passwords for users who have been granted the DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR roles.

Resetting the DV_OWNER User Password

You can use the DV_OWNER backup account to reset the DV_OWNER user password.

To reset the DV_OWNER user password, you must temporarily revoke the DV_OWNER role from this user, reset the password, and then re-grant the role back to the user.
  1. Log in to the database instance as the backup user for the DV_OWNER user account.

    For example:

    sqlplus dbv_owner_backup
    Enter password: password
  2. Revoke the DV_OWNER role from the DV_OWNER user who has lost the password.

    For example:

    REVOKE DV_OWNER FROM dbv_owner;
  3. Connect as a user who has been granted the DV_ACCTMGR role.

    For example:

    CONNECT dbv_acctmgr
    Enter password: password
  4. Reset the password for the DV_OWNER user.
    ALTER USER dbv_owner IDENTIFIED BY password;

    Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure.

  5. Connect as the backup DV_OWNER user.
    CONNECT dbv_owner_backup
    Enter password: password
  6. Grant the DV_OWNER role back to the DV_OWNER user.
    GRANT DV_OWNER TO dbv_owner;


Ensure that the backup DV_OWNER account is safely stored in case it is needed again.

Resetting the DV_ACCTMGR User Password

You can use the DV_ACCTMGR backup account to reset the DV_ACCTMGR user password.

To reset the DV_ACCTMGR user password, you can use the backup DV_ACCTMGR account to reset this user’s password.
  1. Log in to the database instance as the backup user for the DV_ACCTMGR user account.

    For example:

    sqlplus dbv_acctmgr_backup
    Enter password: password
  2. Reset the password for the DV_ACCTMGR user.

    For example:

    ALTER USER dbv_acctmgr IDENTIFIED BY password;

    Follow the guidelines in Oracle Database Security Guide to replace password with a password that is secure.


Ensure that the backup DV_ACCTMGR account is safely stored in case it is needed again.