9 CLSCH-01001 to CLSCH-03731

CLSCH-01001: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) started on host {0}.

Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) was successfully started.

Action: None

CLSCH-01002: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted on host {0}. Details in {1}.

Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted due to an internal error. Check the OCHAD log file to determine the cause.

Action: Determine whether the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) is online on the node listed in the message using the 'srvctl status cha -node <varname>node name</varname>' command. If OCHAD is offline, restart OCHAD using the 'srvctl stop cha -node <varname>node name</varname> -f' command followed by the 'srvctl start cha -node <varname>node name</varname>' command. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-01003: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate on host {0}. Details in {1}.

Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate due to an internal error.

Action: Check the OCHAD calibration log file to determine the cause. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-01004: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted monitoring of {0} {1} on host {2}. Details in {3}.

Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted monitoring of the target due to an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02001: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02002: There is no calibration data. Calibration failed.

Cause: There was no calibration data available in the specified time range.

Action: Reissue the 'oclumon calibrate' command with a valid time range. Refer to the product documentation or to the online help for information about the command.

CLSCH-02003: There is not enough calibration data. Calibration failed.

Cause: There was not enough calibration data available in the specified time range.

Action: Reissue the 'oclumon calibrate' command with a valid time range. Refer to the product documentation or to the online help for information about the command.

CLSCH-02004: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to retrieve calibration data from the local instance "{0}".

Cause: An error occurred while connecting to or while retrieving data from the local database instance.

Action: Take the following steps: 1) Examine the accompanying error messages. If possible, correct the issue reported. 2) Check the status of the local instance of the target database using the 'srvctl status database' command. If the target database is offline, issue the 'srvctl start database' command. Reissue the 'oclumon calibrate' command from a node where an instance of the target database is running. 3) If you are unable to determine or correct the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02005: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed due to a Grid Infrastructure Management Repository error.

Cause: A Grid Infrastructure Management Repository error occurred.

Action: Take the following steps: 1) Examine the accompanying error messages. If possible, correct the issue reported. 2) Issue a 'srvctl status mgmtdb' command to determine the status of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository. If the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository is offline, issue the 'srvctl start mgmtdb' command to start it. If it fails to start, examine the database instance alert log to determine what happened. 3) If you are unable to determine or correct the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02401: An invalid target type "{0}" was specified to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD).

Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) with an invalid target type. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02402: The target name "{0}" specified to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) will be ignored on this node.

Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) with a target that was not available on this node. OCHAD took no action.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-02403: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) is already monitoring target "{0}".

Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) to monitor a target that was already being monitored. OCHAD took no action.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-02404: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) is not monitoring target "{0}".

Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) to stop monitoring a target that was not being monitored. OCHAD took no action.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-02405: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to start monitoring target "{0}".

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02406: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to stop monitoring target "{0}".

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02407: The model '{0}' does not exist.

Cause: The specified model did not exist.

Action: Issue the 'chactl config' command to list the available models. Retry the chactl command using one of the available models.

CLSCH-02408: The model '{0}' is configured to be used for monitoring.

Cause: An attempt to remove or rename a model specified one that is configured to be used for monitoring.

Action: Issue the 'chactl query model -verbose' command to determine by which target the model is currently being used. Do not remove or rename the model while the model is configured to be used by any target.

CLSCH-02409: Cannot specify both '-node' and '-model' when server pools are configured.

Cause: A single model is used by all nodes in a server pool for a given target. The request was rejected because it tried to change the model for a target for a subset of nodes in the server pool.

Action: Issue the 'srvctl monitor' command again without specifying both '-node' and '-model' option for a give target.

CLSCH-02410: server pool name specified in a cluster without user-defined server pools

Cause: An attempt was made to start or stop monitoring a target using the '-serverpool' option in a cluster without user-defined server pools.

Action: Reissue the command without a server pool name. Refer to the product documentation or to the online help for information about the command.

CLSCH-02411: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to determine status of target "{0}".

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-02412: Monitoring is enabled and will start when the database starts up.

Cause: Status message.

Action: None

CLSCH-03601: missing mandatory option: {0}

Cause: The specified mandatory command option was missing.

Action: Use chactl with the -help option to display option details for the command and ensure that all of the mandatory options are specified.

CLSCH-03602: invalid command line option: {0}

Cause: An invalid command line option was specified.

Action: Review the command inline help or documentation, and specify appropriate options.

CLSCH-03603: failed to start monitoring database {0}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03604: failed to start monitoring database {0} on node {1}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03605: failed to start monitoring host {0}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified host failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03606: failed to stop monitoring database {0}

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03607: failed to stop monitoring database {0} on node {1}

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03608: failed to stop monitoring host {0}

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified host failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03609: failed to start or stop monitoring due to an internal error

Cause: An internal error occurred during an attempt to start or stop monitoring.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03610: An unexpected error occurred in Cluster Health Advisor control utility.

Cause: An unexpected error occurred in the Cluster Health Advisor control utility.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03611: Database name to start monitoring is missing.

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring a database failed because the name of the database to start monitoring was not specified.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03612: Database name to stop monitoring is missing.

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring a database failed because the name of the database to stop monitoring was not specified.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03613: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service

Cause: An attempt to get the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03614: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for nodes {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for the specified nodes failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details, rectify the problems reported and retry. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03616: failed to start monitoring hosts

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03617: failed to start monitoring hosts in server pool {0}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts in the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03618: failed to start monitoring database {0} on server pool {1}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03619: failed to stop monitoring hosts

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring hosts failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03620: failed to stop monitoring hosts in server pool {0}

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring hosts in the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03621: failed to stop monitoring database {0} on server pool {1}

Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03622: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for server pool {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for the specified server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03623: failed to request action on Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service

Cause: An attempt to request action on Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03624: failed to start monitoring database {0} using model {1}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03625: failed to start monitoring database {0} on node {1} using model {2}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03626: failed to start monitoring host {0} using model {1}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified host using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03627: failed to start monitoring hosts using model {0}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03628: failed to start monitoring hosts in server pool {0} using model {1}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts in the specified server pool using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03629: failed to start monitoring database {0} on server pool {1} using model {2}

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool using the specified model failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03630: Hosts are already being monitored using model {0}.

Cause: A request to monitor hosts was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03631: Hosts are already being monitored.

Cause: A request to monitor hosts was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03632: Hosts in server pool {0} are already being monitored using model {1}.

Cause: A request to monitor hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03633: Hosts in server pool {0} are already being monitored.

Cause: A request to monitor hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03634: Host {0} is already being monitored using model {1}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified host was rejected because the host was already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03635: Host {0} is already being monitored.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified host was rejected because the host was already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03636: Database {0} is already being monitored using model {1}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03637: Database {0} is already being monitored.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database was rejected because the database was already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03638: Database {0} is already being monitored in server pool {1} using model {2}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03639: Database {0} is already being monitored in server pool {1}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03640: Database {0} is already being monitored on host {1} using model {2}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03641: Database {0} is already being monitored on host {1}.

Cause: A request to monitor the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03642: Hosts are not being monitored.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring hosts was rejected because the hosts were already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03643: Hosts in server pool {0} are not being monitored.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03644: Host {0} is not being monitored.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified host was rejected because the host was already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03645: Database {0} is not being monitored.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03646: Database {0} is not being monitored in server pool {1}.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03647: Database {0} is not being monitored on node {1}.

Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.

Action: No action required.

CLSCH-03648: failed to start monitoring the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool

Cause: A request to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.

Action: Omit the server pool, or specify a server pool that is not built-in.

CLSCH-03649: failed to stop monitoring the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool

Cause: A request to stop monitoring the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.

Action: Omit the server pool, or specify a server pool that is not built-in.

CLSCH-03650: failed to retrieve the status of the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool

Cause: A request to retrieve the status of the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.

Action: Omit the server pool, or specify a server pool that is not built-in.

CLSCH-03651: invalid empty model name specified

Cause: A request to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified model name was an empty string.

Action: Reissue the command without a model name if the user wants the target to be monitored with the current model in use, or reissue the command with an existing model name that is different from the current model in use.

CLSCH-03652: The specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.

Action: Check the specified option combination.

CLSCH-03653: The specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.

Cause: An attempt to start or stop monitoring the target was rejected because the specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.

Action: Check the specified option.

CLSCH-03654: An internal error occurred in Cluster Health Advisor model calibration.

Cause: An internal error occurred during Cluster Health Advisor model calibration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03655: Database {0} does not exist.

Cause: The specified database did not exist.

Action: Specify a database that exists.

CLSCH-03656: invalid node name: {0}

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because an invalid node name was provided.

Action: Specify a valid node name.

CLSCH-03657: Database {0} has no instance configured on node {1}.

Cause: The specified database had no instance configured on the specified node.

Action: Omit the node, or specify a node on which the database has a configured instance.

CLSCH-03658: Server pool {0} does not exist.

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the specified server pool did not exist.

Action: Specify a server pool that exists.

CLSCH-03659: invalid command line syntax

Cause: The syntax of the command was incorrect.

Action: Examine the usage provided for this command and use the correct syntax.

CLSCH-03660: The model "{0}" already exists.

Cause: An attempt to create the model was rejected because the model already existed.

Action: Specify a new model name or use the -force option to overwrite the model.

CLSCH-03661: The model "{0}" is currently used for monitoring.

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the model is currently used for monitoring.

Action: Stop monitoring by issuing the 'chactl unmonitor' command before calibrating.

CLSCH-03664: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service encountered errors: {0}

Cause: An attempt to get the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03685: Option '-node' cannot be used with option '-db' or '-serverpool'.

Cause: A 'chactl config' command specified conflicting options.

Action: Reissue the command with the correct options.

CLSCH-03686: failed to retrieve server pool {0} configuration for the database {1}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database on the server pool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03687: failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03688: failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified server pool {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuraiton details for the specified serverpool failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03689: failed to retrieve the cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03690: A SQL error occurred while retrieving information from Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Cause: An SQL error occurred while connecting to or reading from Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

CLSCH-03704: no model found

Cause: An attempt to query models failed because no models existed in the database. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03708: invalid attempt to remove or rename a base model

Cause: An attempt to remove or rename a base model was rejected.

Action: Reconsider the need for the request, or specify a model that is not a base model.

CLSCH-03709: successfully dumped the CHA statistics to location "{0}"

Cause: Status message.

Action: None

CLSCH-03710: conflicting start and end times for dump

Cause: The specified end date and time for a CHA dump was not later than the start date and time.

Action: Specify a dump end date and time later than the start date and time.

CLSCH-03711: No data exists between start time {0} and end time {1}.

Cause: A query calibration command specified a time range in which no data existed in the database.

Action: Specify a time range with existing data.

CLSCH-03712: 'dataset' {0} not found

Cause: A query calibration command specified an unknown 'dataset' name.

Action: Specify a known 'dataset' name.

CLSCH-03713: invalid command line syntax at '{0}'

Cause: The syntax of the command was incorrect.

Action: Examine the usage provided for this command and retry using correct syntax.

CLSCH-03714: Start time {0} is not earlier than end time {1}.

Cause: Specified end time was earlier than the start time.

Action: Retry, specifying an end time that is later than the start time.

CLSCH-03715: No monitored data exists in the database.

Cause: A query calibration command was executed when there was no monitored data in the database.

Action: Monitor the target for some time and then retry the command.

CLSCH-03716: Specified time is smaller than the allowed minimum {0} hours.

Cause: An attempt to modify the retention time for targets failed because the specified time was not greater than the allowed minimum retention time.

Action: Retry, specifying a retention time that is greater than the minimum retention time.

CLSCH-03717: target retention successfully set to {0} hours

Cause: Status message.

Action: None

CLSCH-03718: repository successfully resized for {0} targets

Cause: Status message.

Action: None

CLSCH-03719: The specified KPI {0} is not supported for clusters.

Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl query calibration' or 'chactl calibrate' was rejected because the specified Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was not supported for clusters.

Action: Consult the product documentation for a list of supported KPIs. Retry the command using a supported KPI.

CLSCH-03720: The specified KPI {0} is not supported for databases.

Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl query calibration' or 'chactl calibrate' was rejected because the specified Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was not supported for databases.

Action: Consult the product documentation for a list of supported KPIs. Retry the command using a supported KPI.

CLSCH-03721: Path to specified file is invalid.

Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because the path specified in the command was invalid.

Action: Retry, specifying a valid path.

CLSCH-03722: Specified file already exists.

Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because the file already existed.

Action: Retry the command specifying a path name that does not correspond to an existing file.

CLSCH-03723: Could not write to specified file.

Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because an I/O error occured. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after fixing the issues reported.

CLSCH-03724: The specified model was calibrated on a different OS

Cause: An attempt to import the specified model was rejected because it was calibrated on a different OS.

Action: Calibrate the model on the same OS as is running in the cluster to which the model will be imported, and then retry the import operation.

CLSCH-03725: The database version is not supported for monitoring.

Cause: An attempt to start monitoring a database was rejected because the database version was not supported for monitoring.

Action: Consult the product documentation for supported database versions.

CLSCH-03726: Unable to resize the repository because the resulting datafile size would exceed the maximum allowed size.

Cause: An attempt to execute the command 'chactl resize repository' was rejected because the requested resize would have exceeded the maximum allowed size.

Action: Retry the command after increasing the maximum datafile size.

CLSCH-03727: Unable to resize the repository because the datafile contains data beyond the requested resize value.

Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl resize repository' was rejected because the datafile contained data beyond the requested resize value.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

CLSCH-03728: The number of data samples may not be sufficient for calibration.

Cause: An attempt to run 'chactl query calibration' detected that the number of samples in the specified time intervals may not be sufficient for calibration.

Action: Retry the command specifying longer time intervals.

CLSCH-03729: The number of data samples {0} is below the required number of data samples {1}.

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the number of samples in the specified time intervals was not sufficient for calibration.

Action: Retry the command specifying longer time intervals.

CLSCH-03730: The maximum number of models {0} is reached.

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the maximum number of models was reached.

Action: Remove a model using the command 'chactl remove model' and retry the calibration operation.

CLSCH-03731: Another calibration session is running.

Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because there was another calibration session already running.

Action: Retry the command after the other calibration has completed.