9 CLSCH-01001 to CLSCH-03731
- CLSCH-01001: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) started on host {0}.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) was successfully started.
- CLSCH-01002: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted on host {0}. Details in {1}.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted due to an internal error. Check the OCHAD log file to determine the cause.
- CLSCH-01003: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate on host {0}. Details in {1}.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate due to an internal error.
- CLSCH-01004: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted monitoring of {0} {1} on host {2}. Details in {3}.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) aborted monitoring of the target due to an internal error.
- CLSCH-02001: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to calibrate.
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-02002: There is no calibration data. Calibration failed.
Cause: There was no calibration data available in the specified time range.
- CLSCH-02003: There is not enough calibration data. Calibration failed.
Cause: There was not enough calibration data available in the specified time range.
- CLSCH-02004: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to retrieve calibration data from the local instance "{0}".
Cause: An error occurred while connecting to or while retrieving data from the local database instance.
- CLSCH-02005: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed due to a Grid Infrastructure Management Repository error.
Cause: A Grid Infrastructure Management Repository error occurred.
- CLSCH-02401: An invalid target type "{0}" was specified to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD).
Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) with an invalid target type. This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-02402: The target name "{0}" specified to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) will be ignored on this node.
Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) with a target that was not available on this node. OCHAD took no action.
- CLSCH-02403: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) is already monitoring target "{0}".
Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) to monitor a target that was already being monitored. OCHAD took no action.
- CLSCH-02404: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) is not monitoring target "{0}".
Cause: A request was made to the Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) to stop monitoring a target that was not being monitored. OCHAD took no action.
- CLSCH-02405: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to start monitoring target "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-02406: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to stop monitoring target "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-02407: The model '{0}' does not exist.
Cause: The specified model did not exist.
- CLSCH-02408: The model '{0}' is configured to be used for monitoring.
Cause: An attempt to remove or rename a model specified one that is configured to be used for monitoring.
- CLSCH-02409: Cannot specify both '-node' and '-model' when server pools are configured.
Cause: A single model is used by all nodes in a server pool for a given target. The request was rejected because it tried to change the model for a target for a subset of nodes in the server pool.
- CLSCH-02410: server pool name specified in a cluster without user-defined server pools
Cause: An attempt was made to start or stop monitoring a target using the '-serverpool' option in a cluster without user-defined server pools.
- CLSCH-02411: The Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service (OCHAD) failed to determine status of target "{0}".
Cause: This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-02412: Monitoring is enabled and will start when the database starts up.
Cause: Status message.
- CLSCH-03601: missing mandatory option: {0}
Cause: The specified mandatory command option was missing.
- CLSCH-03602: invalid command line option: {0}
Cause: An invalid command line option was specified.
- CLSCH-03603: failed to start monitoring database {0}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database failed.
- CLSCH-03604: failed to start monitoring database {0} on node {1}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node failed.
- CLSCH-03605: failed to start monitoring host {0}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified host failed.
- CLSCH-03606: failed to stop monitoring database {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified database failed.
- CLSCH-03607: failed to stop monitoring database {0} on node {1}
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node failed.
- CLSCH-03608: failed to stop monitoring host {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified host failed.
- CLSCH-03609: failed to start or stop monitoring due to an internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred during an attempt to start or stop monitoring.
- CLSCH-03610: An unexpected error occurred in Cluster Health Advisor control utility.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred in the Cluster Health Advisor control utility.
- CLSCH-03611: Database name to start monitoring is missing.
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring a database failed because the name of the database to start monitoring was not specified.
- CLSCH-03612: Database name to stop monitoring is missing.
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring a database failed because the name of the database to stop monitoring was not specified.
- CLSCH-03613: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service
Cause: An attempt to get the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.
- CLSCH-03614: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for nodes {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for the specified nodes failed.
- CLSCH-03616: failed to start monitoring hosts
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts failed.
- CLSCH-03617: failed to start monitoring hosts in server pool {0}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts in the specified server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03618: failed to start monitoring database {0} on server pool {1}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03619: failed to stop monitoring hosts
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring hosts failed.
- CLSCH-03620: failed to stop monitoring hosts in server pool {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring hosts in the specified server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03621: failed to stop monitoring database {0} on server pool {1}
Cause: An attempt to stop monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03622: failed to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for server pool {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service for the specified server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03623: failed to request action on Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service
Cause: An attempt to request action on Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.
- CLSCH-03624: failed to start monitoring database {0} using model {1}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03625: failed to start monitoring database {0} on node {1} using model {2}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring an instance of the specified database on the specified node using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03626: failed to start monitoring host {0} using model {1}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified host using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03627: failed to start monitoring hosts using model {0}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03628: failed to start monitoring hosts in server pool {0} using model {1}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring hosts in the specified server pool using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03629: failed to start monitoring database {0} on server pool {1} using model {2}
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the specified database on the specified server pool using the specified model failed.
- CLSCH-03630: Hosts are already being monitored using model {0}.
Cause: A request to monitor hosts was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03631: Hosts are already being monitored.
Cause: A request to monitor hosts was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03632: Hosts in server pool {0} are already being monitored using model {1}.
Cause: A request to monitor hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03633: Hosts in server pool {0} are already being monitored.
Cause: A request to monitor hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03634: Host {0} is already being monitored using model {1}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified host was rejected because the host was already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03635: Host {0} is already being monitored.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified host was rejected because the host was already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03636: Database {0} is already being monitored using model {1}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03637: Database {0} is already being monitored.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database was rejected because the database was already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03638: Database {0} is already being monitored in server pool {1} using model {2}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03639: Database {0} is already being monitored in server pool {1}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03640: Database {0} is already being monitored on host {1} using model {2}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already being monitored using the specified model.
- CLSCH-03641: Database {0} is already being monitored on host {1}.
Cause: A request to monitor the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already being monitored.
- CLSCH-03642: Hosts are not being monitored.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring hosts was rejected because the hosts were already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03643: Hosts in server pool {0} are not being monitored.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring hosts in the specified server pool was rejected because the hosts were already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03644: Host {0} is not being monitored.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified host was rejected because the host was already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03645: Database {0} is not being monitored.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03646: Database {0} is not being monitored in server pool {1}.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database in the specified server pool was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03647: Database {0} is not being monitored on node {1}.
Cause: A request to stop monitoring the specified database on the specified node was rejected because the database was already not being monitored.
- CLSCH-03648: failed to start monitoring the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool
Cause: A request to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.
- CLSCH-03649: failed to stop monitoring the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool
Cause: A request to stop monitoring the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.
- CLSCH-03650: failed to retrieve the status of the target because server pool {0} is a built-in server pool
Cause: A request to retrieve the status of the target was rejected because the specified server pool was a built-in server pool.
- CLSCH-03651: invalid empty model name specified
Cause: A request to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified model name was an empty string.
- CLSCH-03652: The specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring the target was rejected because the specified option combination, -node with -model, is not permitted when server pools are configured.
- CLSCH-03653: The specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.
Cause: An attempt to start or stop monitoring the target was rejected because the specified option, -serverpool, is not permitted when server pools are not configured.
- CLSCH-03654: An internal error occurred in Cluster Health Advisor model calibration.
Cause: An internal error occurred during Cluster Health Advisor model calibration.
- CLSCH-03655: Database {0} does not exist.
Cause: The specified database did not exist.
- CLSCH-03656: invalid node name: {0}
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because an invalid node name was provided.
- CLSCH-03657: Database {0} has no instance configured on node {1}.
Cause: The specified database had no instance configured on the specified node.
- CLSCH-03658: Server pool {0} does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the specified server pool did not exist.
- CLSCH-03659: invalid command line syntax
Cause: The syntax of the command was incorrect.
- CLSCH-03660: The model "{0}" already exists.
Cause: An attempt to create the model was rejected because the model already existed.
- CLSCH-03661: The model "{0}" is currently used for monitoring.
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the model is currently used for monitoring.
- CLSCH-03664: Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service encountered errors: {0}
Cause: An attempt to get the status of Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.
- CLSCH-03685: Option '-node' cannot be used with option '-db' or '-serverpool'.
Cause: A 'chactl config' command specified conflicting options.
- CLSCH-03686: failed to retrieve server pool {0} configuration for the database {1}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database on the server pool failed.
- CLSCH-03687: failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified database failed.
- CLSCH-03688: failed to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuration for the specified server pool {0}
Cause: An attempt to retrieve Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service configuraiton details for the specified serverpool failed.
- CLSCH-03689: failed to retrieve the cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the cluster configuration for Oracle Cluster Health Analysis Service failed.
- CLSCH-03690: A SQL error occurred while retrieving information from Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.
Cause: An SQL error occurred while connecting to or reading from Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.
- CLSCH-03704: no model found
Cause: An attempt to query models failed because no models existed in the database. This is an internal error.
- CLSCH-03708: invalid attempt to remove or rename a base model
Cause: An attempt to remove or rename a base model was rejected.
- CLSCH-03709: successfully dumped the CHA statistics to location "{0}"
Cause: Status message.
- CLSCH-03710: conflicting start and end times for dump
Cause: The specified end date and time for a CHA dump was not later than the start date and time.
- CLSCH-03711: No data exists between start time {0} and end time {1}.
Cause: A query calibration command specified a time range in which no data existed in the database.
- CLSCH-03712: 'dataset' {0} not found
Cause: A query calibration command specified an unknown 'dataset' name.
- CLSCH-03713: invalid command line syntax at '{0}'
Cause: The syntax of the command was incorrect.
- CLSCH-03714: Start time {0} is not earlier than end time {1}.
Cause: Specified end time was earlier than the start time.
- CLSCH-03715: No monitored data exists in the database.
Cause: A query calibration command was executed when there was no monitored data in the database.
- CLSCH-03716: Specified time is smaller than the allowed minimum {0} hours.
Cause: An attempt to modify the retention time for targets failed because the specified time was not greater than the allowed minimum retention time.
- CLSCH-03717: target retention successfully set to {0} hours
Cause: Status message.
- CLSCH-03718: repository successfully resized for {0} targets
Cause: Status message.
- CLSCH-03719: The specified KPI {0} is not supported for clusters.
Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl query calibration' or 'chactl calibrate' was rejected because the specified Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was not supported for clusters.
- CLSCH-03720: The specified KPI {0} is not supported for databases.
Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl query calibration' or 'chactl calibrate' was rejected because the specified Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was not supported for databases.
- CLSCH-03721: Path to specified file is invalid.
Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because the path specified in the command was invalid.
- CLSCH-03722: Specified file already exists.
Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because the file already existed.
- CLSCH-03723: Could not write to specified file.
Cause: An attempt to execute the 'chactl' command was rejected because an I/O error occured. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- CLSCH-03724: The specified model was calibrated on a different OS
Cause: An attempt to import the specified model was rejected because it was calibrated on a different OS.
- CLSCH-03725: The database version is not supported for monitoring.
Cause: An attempt to start monitoring a database was rejected because the database version was not supported for monitoring.
- CLSCH-03726: Unable to resize the repository because the resulting datafile size would exceed the maximum allowed size.
Cause: An attempt to execute the command 'chactl resize repository' was rejected because the requested resize would have exceeded the maximum allowed size.
- CLSCH-03727: Unable to resize the repository because the datafile contains data beyond the requested resize value.
Cause: An attempt to run the command 'chactl resize repository' was rejected because the datafile contained data beyond the requested resize value.
- CLSCH-03728: The number of data samples may not be sufficient for calibration.
Cause: An attempt to run 'chactl query calibration' detected that the number of samples in the specified time intervals may not be sufficient for calibration.
- CLSCH-03729: The number of data samples {0} is below the required number of data samples {1}.
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the number of samples in the specified time intervals was not sufficient for calibration.
- CLSCH-03730: The maximum number of models {0} is reached.
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because the maximum number of models was reached.
- CLSCH-03731: Another calibration session is running.
Cause: An attempt to calibrate the model was rejected because there was another calibration session already running.