10 CLSDNSSD-00000 to CLSDNSSD-03999

CLSDNSSD-00000: no error.

Cause: Operation was successful.

Action: No action needed.

CLSDNSSD-00001: unknown error has occurred.

Cause: an unknown error has occurred.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00002: no such name.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00003: memory allocation failed.

Cause: The DNS service discovery component was unable to allocate enough memory.

Action: If memory is low on the system, terminate other processes and/or threads and try the operation again. Otherwise, this is an internal error and Oracle Customer Support should be contacted.

CLSDNSSD-00004: invalid parameter.

Cause: An parameter which had an invalid value was passed by the caller to the DNS service discovery library. This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00005: invalid reference.

Cause: An unknown DNS record reference was encountered.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00006: invalid state.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00007: invalid flags.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00008: unsupported operation.

Cause: The DNS service discovery component attempted to perform an operation not supported by the library.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00009: uninitialized.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00010: service already registered.

Cause: The user attempted to register a service that was already registered.

Action: A service should only be registered once.

CLSDNSSD-00011: service name conflict.

Cause: The user attempted to register a service whose name already exists.

Action: A different service name needs to be used.

CLSDNSSD-00012: invalid data in record.

Cause: The DNS service discovery component attempted to use a record with invalid data. This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00013: firewall.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00014: client software incompatible with server.

Cause: The version of the client software used by the DNS service discovery interface is not compatible with the version of the server software.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00015: bad interface index.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00016: update refused.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00017: no such record.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00018: no auth.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00019: no such key.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00020: NAT Traversal.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00021: Double NAT traversal.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00022: invalid time stamp in record

Cause: A DNS record contained an invalid time stamp. This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.

CLSDNSSD-00023: invalid service type: "<varname>string</varname>".

Cause: The user specified a service type which does not conform to the standard specifed by RFC's 1034 and RFC 1123. The service type must be one or more characters and must start and end with a letter or digit. The interior characters may be letters, digits, or hyphens.

Action: Specify a service type which conforms to the RFC.

CLSDNSSD-03999: unknown error: <varname>number</varname>.

Cause: A DNS error code was returned that is not known to the system. This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact Oracle Customer Support.