32 IMP-00000 to IMP-00402
- IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully\n
Cause: Import encountered an Oracle error.
- IMP-00001: respond with either <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname>, RETURN or '.' to quit
Cause: An invalid response was entered.
- IMP-00002: failed to open <varname>string</varname> for read
Cause: Import failed to open the export file for reading. This message is usually followed by a device message from the operating system.
- IMP-00003: ORACLE error <varname>number</varname> encountered
Cause: Import encountered the referenced Oracle error.
- IMP-00004: invalid username or password\n
Cause: An invalid username or password was specified.
- IMP-00005: all allowable logon attempts failed
Cause: An attempt was repeatedly made to log on with an invalid username or password.
- IMP-00006: failed to allocate memory of size <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Import failed to allocate the necessary memory.
- IMP-00007: must be a DBA to import objects to another user's account
Cause: The privileges needed to import into another user's account do not exist. Only a database administrator can import into another user's account.
- IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file: \n <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Import did not recognize a statement in the export file. Either the export file was corrupted, or an Import internal error has occurred.
- IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file
Cause: The export file is probably from an aborted Export session.
- IMP-00010: not a valid export file, header failed verification
Cause: Either the file was not generated by Export or it was corrupted.
- IMP-00011: formatted table data not currently supported
Cause: You tried to import an export file that contains formatted table data. Import only supports export files containing binary table data. wher
- IMP-00012: invalid export mode (<varname>character</varname>) in header
Cause: The Export mode specified in the export file header is invalid.
- IMP-00013: only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA
Cause: The privileges needed to Import an export file generated by a database administrator do not exist. Only a database administrator can import such files.
- IMP-00014: option "<varname>string</varname>" is needed, but not present in database
Cause: The command entered requires the specified option. Either that option is not installed, or the row describing the option is missing from table V$OPTION
- IMP-00015: following statement failed because the object already exists:
Cause: Import failed to create an object because it already exists.
- IMP-00016: required character set conversion (type <varname>number</varname> to <varname>number</varname>) not supported
Cause: Import could not convert the character format of the export file into the native character format.
- IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error <varname>number</varname>:
Cause: Import failed to execute the statement from the export file because of an Oracle error.
- IMP-00018: partial import of previous table completed: <varname>number</varname> rows imported
Cause: A table was only partially imported because of an Oracle error.
- IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error <varname>number</varname>
Cause: Import encountered the referenced Oracle error while trying to import a row.
- IMP-00020: long column too large for column buffer size (<varname>number</varname>)
Cause: The column buffer is too small. This usually occurs when importing LONG data.
- IMP-00021: INCTYPE parameter is obsolete
Cause: Import encountered the INCTYPE parameter when parsing Import options. Incremental Imports are no longer supported.
- IMP-00022: failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help
Cause: Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
- IMP-00023: Import views not installed, please notify your DBA
Cause: The necessary Import views were not installed.
- IMP-00024: Only one mode (TABLES, FROMUSER, or FULL) can be specified
Cause: Parameters were specified that conflict with the import specification FULL=Y.
- IMP-00025: for DBA export files, FROMUSER must be specified with TOUSER option
Cause: When importing a database administrator export file, you specified the TOUSER parameter but not the FROMUSER parameter.
- IMP-00027: failed to rollback partial import of previous table
Cause: Import encountered an Oracle error while trying to roll back a partial import.
- IMP-00028: partial import of previous table rolled back: <varname>number</varname> rows rolled back
Cause: Import encountered an Oracle error while trying to import a table.
- IMP-00029: cannot qualify table name by owner (<varname>string</varname>), use FROMUSER parameter
Cause: A table name was qualified with the name of its owner, as shown in the following example. This is not allowed. IMP SYSTEM/MANAGER TABLES=(SCOTT.EMP)
- IMP-00030: failed to create file <varname>string</varname> for write
Cause: Import was unable to create the specified file with write enabled.
- IMP-00031: Must specify FULL=Y or provide FROMUSER/TOUSER or TABLES arguments
Cause: The database administrator did not specify full or partial import.
- IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length
Cause: The buffer was too small for the SQL statement being read.
- IMP-00033: Warning: Table "<varname>string</varname>" not found in export file
Cause: A table name was specified that does not exist in export file.
- IMP-00034: Warning: FromUser "<varname>string</varname>" not found in export file
Cause: The user specified a FROMUSER name that does not exist in export file.
- IMP-00035: input file <varname>string</varname> must be on a disk
Cause: On some platforms, import can read files from tape. This message is displayed if the first file in an export file set was on disk and you specified a tape device for a second or subsequent file.
- IMP-00036: Could not find environment character set
Cause: An environment character set was specified that was not recognized by the Import utility.
- IMP-00037: Character set marker unknown
Cause: The export file is corrupted.
- IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
Cause: Internal error.
- IMP-00039: VOLSIZE does not match the value used for export: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The value specified for VOLSIZE does not match the value specified during the creation of the export file.
- IMP-00040: FILESIZE does not match the value used for export: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The value specified for FILESIZE does not match the value specified during the creation of the export file.
- IMP-00041: Warning: object created with compilation warnings
Cause: The object in the SQL statement following this error was created with compilation errors. If this error occurred for a view, it is possible that the base table of the view was missing.
- IMP-00042: CHARSET used, but the export file has specific character set
Cause: The user requested that a specific character set be used to process an export file that has a specific embedded character set ID. The ID in the export file is accurate and should be used.
- IMP-00043: export file character set inconsistent
Cause: The character set of the export file and the environment character set (or the character set specified with the CHARSET keyword) are inconsistent. One character set is ASCII-based while the other is EBCDIC based.
- IMP-00044: unable to allocate enough memory for statement
Cause: Import was unable to allocate sufficient memory to read in the specified statement and execute it.
- IMP-00045: using VOLSIZE value from export file of <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either you did not specify the VOLSIZE parameter in your IMPORT command, or you specified VOLSIZE=0 and the export was created with a non-zero value for VOLSIZE. Import will use the value specified in the export file.
- IMP-00046: using FILESIZE value from export file of <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either you did not specify the FILESIZE parameter in your IMPORT command, or you specified FILESIZE=0 and the export file was created with a non-zero value for FILESIZE. Import will use the value specified in the export file.
- IMP-00047: unexpected file sequence number; expected <varname>number</varname> but found <varname>number</varname>
Cause: The header in the export file contains a sequence number that is used to track the order in which multiple export files are written. The first export file is assigned sequence number one, the second file is assigned sequence number two and so on. This message is displayed when a number other than the expected sequence number is found in the file header
- IMP-00048: mismatched file header
Cause: During verification of the 2nd or subsequent file in a multi-file export, Import found header fields in the file that did not match values in the first file.
- IMP-00049: Unknown language specified in CHARSET
Cause: An unknown language was listed in the CHARSET option.
- IMP-00050: Dump file and log file cannot be identical
Cause: Identical names were given to the dump file and log file.
- IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length
Cause: An invalid column length was encountered while processing column pieces."
- IMP-00052: Warning: Unable to set event for freelist communication with server
Cause: An event could not be set for current the session.
- IMP-00053: Import mode incompatible with Export dump file
Cause: The specified import option is incompatible with point-in-time- recovery dump file.
- IMP-00054: must be connected 'AS SYSDBA' to do Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace import
Cause: The user must log in 'as SYSDBA' to perform transportable tablespace imports or Point-In-Time Recovery imports.
- IMP-00055: Warning: partition or subpartition "<varname>string</varname>":"<varname>string</varname>" not found in export file
Cause: A partition or subpartition name was specified that does not exist in export file.
- IMP-00056: multiple devices specified for tape input
Cause: You specified multiple file names when doing an import from a tape device. Import uses the same device for reading all tapes, regardless of the number of tape volumes required. For this reason, export will accept only one value for the FILE parameter when writing to tape.
- IMP-00057: Warning: Dump file may not contain data of all partitions of this table
Cause: The dump file used for this Table Import might not contain all of the data belonging to the exported table.
- IMP-00059: Failure to initialize parameter manager
Cause: Parameter manager failed in initialization.
- IMP-00060: Warning: Skipping table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" because object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" does not exist or has different identifier
Cause: An object type needed by the table, either does not exist on the * target system or, if it does exist, it has a different object identifier.
- IMP-00061: Warning: Object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already exists with a different identifier
Cause: An object type cannot be created because it already exists on the * target system, but with a different identifier
- IMP-00062: Warning: The identifier on the dump file for object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is invalid
Cause: The character string representing the object type's identifier * could not be converted to an object identifier.
- IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" because object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" cannot be created or has different identifier
Cause: An error occurred creating an object type that is used by the * table.
- IMP-00064: Definition of LOB was truncated by export
Cause: While producing the dump file, Export was unable to write the * entire contents of a LOB. Import is therefore unable to * reconstruct the contents of the LOB. The remainder of the * import of the current table will be skipped.
- IMP-00065: Import is unable to recreate lobs within objects.
Cause: An error occurred recreating a LOB within an imported object.
- IMP-00066: Missing NLS_CHARACTERSET in props$
Cause: No value for NLS_CHARACTERSET in props$.
- IMP-00067: Could not convert to server character set's handle
Cause: Internal error.
- IMP-00068: Could not find environment national character set
Cause: An environment national character set was specified that was not recognized by the Import utility.
- IMP-00069: Could not convert to environment national character set's handle
Cause: Internal error..
- IMP-00070: Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database.
Cause: The number of LOBS per row in the dump file is different than the * number of LOBS per row in the table being populated.
- IMP-00071: Object identifier of imported table mismatches object identifier of existing table
Cause: An attempt was made to import data into a table that was recreated under a different object identifier than the object identifier used for the exported object table. Under this situation, REF's to this table that are contained within the dump file will also be invalid.
- IMP-00072: Warning: The object table's object identifier is invalid.
Cause: The character string representing the table's object identifier could not be converted to an internal object identifier.
- IMP-00073: FILE locator "<varname>string</varname>" "<varname>string</varname>" is truncated to "<varname>string</varname>" "<varname>string</varname>" in server character set
Cause: The conversion of the specified directory and name strings for a file attribute or column from the export server's character set into the import server's character set exceeded the maximum string lengths allowed within FILE descriptors. The strings will be truncated to the maximum supported lengths.
- IMP-00074: The constraints flagged by ALL_CONSTRAINTS.BAD will break in 2000 A.D.
Cause: Constraints exist in the data base that specify date values without fully specifying the year. These constraints could break in the year 2000 A.D.
- IMP-00075: Warning: The nested table may contain partial rows or duplicate rows
Cause: An error occurred inserting data into an outer or inner nested table. If the error occurred in the outer table, rows are still inserted into the inner tables. If the error occurred in an inner table, data is still inserted into the outer table and other inner tables. This can result in duplicate inner table rows or partial logical rows.
- IMP-00076: Missing NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in props$
Cause: No value for NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in props$.
- IMP-00077: Could not convert to server national character set's handle
Cause: Internal error.
- IMP-00078: Cannot translate FILE locator to "<varname>string</varname>" "<varname>string</varname>" in server character set
Cause: (1) The current export dump file was generated using Beta-2 of Oracle8.0 AND (2) there was a File that appeared as an an attribute of an ADT within a table's column AND (3) the character set of the export server's database was different than the character set of the import server's database AND (4) when the filename or the aliasname of the File increased in size when it was translated to the character set of the import server. When all of these conditions are true, translation of the strings could yield corruption of the data in the column. Rather than proceeding with the translation, import will leave the character strings in the File in the old character set.
- IMP-00079: Warning: National character set data in this table may be incorrect
Cause: Due to a problem in 8.0.2 Export, national character data in NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns was incorrectly assumed to be in the export server's data base character set and was converted to the export client's data base character set. This conversion would only be correct if the export server's data base character set was the same as the export server's national character set and the export client's data base character set was the same as the export client's national character set. All other combinations would likely be incorrect. This export dump file was generated by 8.0.2 Export and the export client and server characater sets did not fit that criteria.
- IMP-00080: Error during character conversion of long column or long command
Cause: During piecewise character conversion of the data in a long column or of a long command, a fatal conversion error occurred. Either character truncation occurred or an invalid character set handle was used.
- IMP-00081: attempt to free unallocated memory
Cause: An attempt was made to free memory that was not allocated.
- IMP-00082: Error during conversion ROWID from string format to internal
Cause: An error occured while attempting to to convert a ROWID from an export dump file into an internal format.
- IMP-00083: dump file does not contain an incremental export
Cause: An incremental import was requested and the dump file specified for the import command is either a user or table export.
- IMP-00084: attempt to mix incremental import with user or table import
Cause: An incremental import was requested along with the FROMUSER, TOUSER, or TABLE qualifier. An incremental import cannot be done if any of these other qualifiers are also specified.
- IMP-00085: multiple input files specified for unbounded export file
Cause: You specified multiple file names for the FILE parameter when doing an import, but the header in the export file indicates that that the export operation could create only one file. Specifying multiple file names is valid for an import operation only if the export files were created by an export operation in which the user specified a non-zero value for the FILESIZE parameter.
- IMP-00086: TOID "<varname>string</varname>" not found in export file
Cause: Import did not find the type identification specified in the TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter. The specified type identification does not exist in export file.
- IMP-00087: Problem with internal hash table of schema/table names
Cause: Most likely a problem with allocating memory for the hash table entries.
- IMP-00088: Problem importing metadata for index <varname>string</varname>. Index creation will be skipped
Cause: Domain indexes import private metadata via anonymous PL/SQL blocks prior to the CREATE INDEX statement. The execution of one of these PL/SQL blocks failed. Because the metadata is considered an integral part of the index, the subsequent CREATE INDEX statement was skipped.
- IMP-00089: Fine grain policy "<varname>string</varname>" not recreated on table/view "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Import user fails to recreate fine grained policies of the table/view being imported. To recreate the policy, the user doing the import needs execute privilege on the package DBMS_RLS for access policies or DBMS_FGA for audit policies.
- IMP-00090: Unexpected DbmsJava error <varname>number</varname> at step <varname>number</varname> while creating <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The error was returned from a call to a DbmsJava procedure.
- IMP-00091: Above error occurred on the following function and object: <varname>string</varname>. Remaining PL/SQL blocks for this object will be skipped.
Cause: An error occurred while executing a PL/SQL block that implements the DDL for the named function and procedural object. A procedural object is one whose DDL is implemented as stored procedures rather than as standard SQL statements.
- IMP-00092: Java object "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already exists, cannot be created
Cause: Import failed to create the Java source, class or resource object because it already exists.
- IMP-00093: Inconsistency between dumpfile constraint definition for table <varname>string</varname> with columns (<varname>string</varname>)
Cause: Import failed to locate a base table for a constraint that was defined in the dump file and statistics were not imported.
- IMP-00094: Warning: The identifier on the dump file for object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is invalid
Cause: The character string representing the object type's identifier * could not be converted.
- IMP-00095: Resumable parameters ignored -- current session not resumable
Cause: Current session is not resumable.
- IMP-00096: Warning: Skipping table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" because type synonym "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" cannot be created
Cause: An error occurred creating a synonym for a type that is used by the * table.
- IMP-00097: \nSTREAMS_CONFIGURATION=Y ignored, only valid with FULL=Y
Cause: STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=Y can only be used * when FULL=Y is present on the command line
- IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An INTERNAL error occurred.
- IMP-00099: Warning: The typeid in the dump file for object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is invalid
Cause: The character string representing the object type's identifier * could not be converted.
- IMP-00400: Warning: Object type "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already exists with a different typeid
Cause: An object type could not be created because it already existed on the * target system, but with a different typeid
- IMP-00401: dump file "<varname>string</varname>" may be an Data Pump export dump file
Cause: A dump file was specified for an import operation which appears to have been created using the Data Pump export utility. These dump files cannot be processed by the original import utility.
- IMP-00402: Invalid parameter "<varname>string</varname>" with data_only mode
Cause: Parameter provided along data_only is invalid.