33 INS-00001 to INS-30000
- INS-00001: Unknown irrecoverable error
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-00002: Unhandled exception
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-00003: Application startup failed
Cause: An unexpected error occured while loading the application configuration or other startup resources.
- INS-00004: Unable to load help
Cause: One or more help configuration files were not readable or not in the correct format.
- INS-00005: Invalid application configuration
Cause: The given application configuration is not compliant to the expected schema.
- INS-00006: No resource bundle is associated to the Resource instance
Cause: Specified resource bundle string is not found in the classpath.
- INS-00007: Help not available for this application
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-00008: Help topic not found
Cause: The current user interface do not have help content associated with it.
- INS-01001: Failed to create parent directories while copying string to string
Cause: Unexpected error occured while creating the nonexistent parent directories of the destination file string
- INS-01002: Copy failed as the source file string do not exist
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-01003: Copy failed as the source path string do not correspond to a file.
Cause: Copy routine expects a source path, which represents a file.
- INS-01004: string is not directory.
Cause: The archive extraction routine expects the destination to be a directory.
- INS-01005: Failed to copy file from string to string
Cause: Unexpected error occured while copying the file.
- INS-01006: The file string cannot be copied onto itself.
Cause: The source file and destination file are same.
- INS-01007: The directory string cannot be copied onto itself
Cause: The source directory and destination directory are same.
- INS-01008: Copy failed as the destination file string already exists.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-01009: string is not valid archive.
Cause: The given archive path, either do not correspond to a file or do not exist.
- INS-01010: Unable to save file to the specified location.
Cause: The specified location may not be writable.
- INS-04001: Invalid command line arguments xml file (string). Either application could not detect command line arguments xml file or contains syntactically incorrect information.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04002: Application could not parse command line arguments xml file (string). Either XPathExpressionException or IOException occurred while parsing command line arguments xml file.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04003: Invalid argument passed from command line. Specified argument (string) is not a supported argument for this application.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04004: Value is not specified for comamnd line argument: string. Specify valid value for the mentioned argument. Refer application help for more details.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04005: Invalid argument passed from command line: string. Specified argument is not a supported for the current operating system.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04006: Invalid combination of arguments passed from command line. Arguments [string,string] cannot be passed together in the same application session.
Cause: n/a
- INS-04007: Invalid argument passed from command line: string
Cause: n/a
- INS-04008: Invalid combination of arguments passed from command line. One or more mandatory dependent arguments are not passed for the arugment: string
Cause: n/a
- INS-04009: The argument [string] passed is not supported for the current context string
Cause: n/a
- INS-06001: Failed to perform operation due to internal driver error.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-06002: Authentication failed.
Cause: Failed to login into the selected nodes.
- INS-06003: Failed to setup passwordless SSH connectivity with the following node(s): string
Cause: It is possible that the failed nodes are running different Operating System or not reachable. If they are reachable and running the same Operating System as the local machine, it is possible that the SSH daemon is not configured on the selected nodes.
- INS-06004: File operation on user's .ssh directory is not permitted.
Cause: Write permission not set for either user's home directory or .ssh directory under user's home directory.
- INS-06005: Unable to get SSH connectivity details.
Cause: An unexpected error occured while getting SSH connectivity details across the selected nodes.
- INS-06006: Passwordless SSH connectivity not set up between the following node(s): string.
Cause: Either passwordless SSH connectivity is not setup between specified node(s) or they are not reachable. Refer to the logs for more details.
- INS-06007: SSH connectivity check operation disabled
Cause: Either the property named 'oracle.install.ssh.setupCheckEnabled' is set to true in Java system properties or the internal driver had disabled this operation.
- INS-06008: SSH connectivity setup operation disabled
Cause: Either the property named 'oracle.install.ssh.setupEnabled' is set to true in Java system properties or the internal driver had disabled this operation.
- INS-06101: IP address of localhost could not be determined
Cause: The localhost is not mapped to a valid IP address in Hosts file (Eg. /etc/hosts in Unix).
- INS-07001: Value for property 'string' not found in the bean store.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-07002: Unable to get the type definition for property named 'string' of bean type 'string'
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-07003: Unexpected error occured while accessing the bean store
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-07004: Invalid bean store
Cause: Either the bean store is corrupt or it does not have access to the underlying data source.
- INS-07005: The given beans cannot be written because there is no bean store assigned to the bean store writer.
Cause: No additional information available
- INS-07006: Unabled to save the bean store to the given target.
Cause: Either the target is not accessible or an unexpected error occured while saving the bean store.
- INS-07007: Failed to open or create a bean store reader.
Cause: Either the bean store is corrupt or it does not have access to the underlying data source.
- INS-07008: The format of the bean store is not specified
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-07009: Unable to load bean store
Cause: Unexpected error while loading the bean store.
- INS-07010: Invalid argument string
Cause: The argument for a given property did not comply with either the specification, schema, or rules.
- INS-08001: Flow configuration is syntactically incorrect
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08005: View class may not exist or a fully qualified View class name is not given.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08007: Fully qualified Action class name is not given.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08011: Route identifier 'string' mentioned in the transition may not exist.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08012: Unknown View Identifier 'string' associated to a state.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08013: Unknown Validator class 'string' associated to a state.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08014: Fully qualified Condition class name is not given.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08015: No transition specified for condition defined at state 'string'.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08101: Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'string'
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08102: Unexpected error occurred while transitioning from state 'string'
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08103: Null route returned by state 'string'.
Cause: The route was not chosen from the current state in order to proceed further.
- INS-08104: Route 'string' returned by state 'string' is not found in the flow configuration.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08106: Unexpected error occurred while loading the view 'string' associated to state 'string'.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08107: Failed while processing user inputs at state 'string'.
Cause: Unexpected error occurred while processing the inputs from view 'string' associated to state 'string'.
- INS-08108: Failed while localizing the view
Cause: Unexpected error occurred while localizing the view 'string' associated to state 'string'.
- INS-08109: Unexpected error occurred while validating inputs at state 'string'.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-08110: Invalid checkpoint file 'string'.
Cause: Session restoration failed since the given checkpoint file may have been syntactically incorrect or did not exist.
- INS-08801: View class referred by view ID 'string' not found.
Cause: The given View class was not found in the classpath.
- INS-08802: Unable to instantiate the View class referred by View ID 'string'.
Cause: The given class do not represent a valid View class or an unexpected error occured while instantiating it.
- INS-10002: Inventory initialization failed
Cause: Inventory exist, but an unexpected error occured while initializing it.
- INS-10006: Scratch path 'string' is not valid.
Cause: The specified scratch path is either not accessible or do not exist.
- INS-10008: Session initialization failed
Cause: An unexpected error occured while initializing the session.
- INS-10010: Scratch path not defined or set
Cause: Not additional information available
- INS-10012: Setup driver initialization failed.
Cause: An unexpected error occured while initializing the underlying setup driver.
- INS-10013: The installer has detected that current home is not registered in the central inventory on this system.
Cause: This can happen for the following reasons - either string has not been run or script failed to update the inventory.
- INS-10014: The installer has detected that current home is not registered in the central inventory on the node(s): string.
Cause: This can happen for the following reasons - either string has not been run or script failed to update the inventory.
- INS-10015: Argument (string) passed from the command line is invalid.
Cause: n/a
- INS-10016: Installer failed to update the cluster related details, for this Oracle home, in the inventory on all/some of the nodes
Cause: n/a
- INS-10101: The given response file string is not found.
Cause: The given response file is either not accessible or do not exist.
- INS-10102: Installer initialization failed.
Cause: An unexpected error occured while initializing the Installer.
- INS-10103: Response file is not specified for this session.
Cause: Response file was not specified for this session. A silent session requires input from a response file or from the command line.
- INS-10104: The given response file is not accessible.
Cause: Current user may not have read permission.
- INS-10105: The given response file string is not valid.
Cause: Syntactically incorrect response file. Either unexpected variables are specified or expected variables are not specified in the response file.
- INS-10106: The format of the given response file is not supported.
Cause: The response file format was incorrect or not supported.
- INS-10107: Argument \"string\" is not supported for this session.
Cause: Argument \"string\" is specified for this session. This option is supported only in case of silent installation.
- INS-10108: The given response file name is not valid.
Cause: It contains special characters.
- INS-13001: Environment does not meet minimum requirements.
Cause: Minimum requirements were not met for this environment
- INS-13010: Automatic prerequisite fix up is not supported
Cause: No additional information available
- INS-13011: No automatic prerequisite fix up routine available.
Cause: Automatic fix up is not supported, hence no fix up routine generated.
- INS-13012: Automatic prerequisite fix up is not performed or is incomplete.
Cause: User has either cancelled the operation or did not execute the automatic prerequisite fix up routines.
- INS-13013: Target environment does not meet some mandatory requirements.
Cause: Some of the mandatory prerequisites are not met. See logs for details. string
- INS-13014: Target environment does not meet some optional requirements.
Cause: Some of the optional prerequisites are not met. See logs for details. string
- INS-13015: The path string provided for cvu_prereq.xml is invalid.
Cause: The path string provided for cvu_prereq.xml is invalid.
- INS-13016: You have chosen to ignore some of the prerequisites for this installation. This may impact product configuration.
Cause: You have chosen to ignore failed prerequisites and proceed with the installation.
- INS-13017: Installer is unable to run the fixup script.
Cause: This might be because of the incorrect credentials provided for configuration script execution.
- INS-13018: Installer is unable to run the fixup script.
Cause: An exception occurred while running the fixup script or during fixup script result collection.
- INS-20701: Unexpected internal driver error
Cause: A call to internal Oracle cluster API failed.
- INS-20702: Unexpected internal driver error
Cause: A call to cluster verification utility failed.
- INS-20801: Configuration Assistant 'string' failed.
Cause: Refer to the logs for additional information.
- INS-20802: string failed.
Cause: The plug-in failed in its perform method
- INS-20803: The optional tool named 'string' failed.
Cause: Refer to the logs for additional information.
- INS-20804: string aborted.
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-20805: string is not activated
Cause: No additional information available.
- INS-20806: string not executed.
Cause: The plug-in was not executed or unavailable
- INS-20807: string is not valid.
Cause: The action of the specfied type could not be found in the referred aggregate
- INS-20808: Action already referenced.
Cause: The action was already referred to by a previous micro step
- INS-20809: Execution of 'string' not enabled
Cause: The invocation of plug-in string is not active
- INS-20810: Target or command for 'string' not valid.
Cause: The specified external command or internal plug-in could not be executed
- INS-20811: string parameters are not initialized
Cause: An argument of plug-in 'string' referenced an uninitialized Parameter
- INS-20812: Unexpected error while executing 'string'
Cause: An unspecified error occurred while attempting to perform the micro step.
- INS-20813: string not found
Cause: The referred aggregate could not be found
- INS-20814: The aggregate of 'string' is not activated
Cause: The reference to the referred aggregate is set inactive
- INS-21001: ORACLE_HOME was not specified for clone.
Cause: n/a
- INS-21002: ORACLE_BASE was not specified for clone.
Cause: n/a
- INS-21003: Installer has detected that an invalid inventory pointer location file was specified.
Cause: Installer has failed to detect the inventory group owner from the inventory pointer location file.