48 LSX-00001 to LSX-00345
- LSX-00001: NULL pointer
Cause: A NULL pointer was detected as an internal error condition.
- LSX-00002: root element is not <varname>schema</varname>
Cause: The top-level element of an XML Schema must be <varname>schema</varname>.
- LSX-00003: invalid attribute "~1S" for element "~2S"
Cause: The named Schema element had an invalid attribute.
- LSX-00004: unexpected XML node type
Cause: Schema contains an XML node other than element, text (or CDATA),
- LSX-00008: feature "~s" is not implemented
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is not yet implemented.
- LSX-00009: data missing for type "~S"
Cause: Data is missing for an element or attribute of a simple type.
- LSX-00010: extra element(s) at end of "~S"
Cause: Extra elements exist at the end of schema component declarations.
- LSX-00011: internal error: ~s\n
Cause: Implementation error.
- LSX-00013: element "~S" not from Schema of Schemas
Cause: Bogus element exists in the schema file. Its name is not from Schema of Schemas.
- LSX-00014: empty instance document
Cause: Instance document to be Schema validated was empty (no top-level element).
- LSX-00015: failed to parse document
Cause: Failed to parse the schema document using the given URI.
- LSX-00016: schema and instance document have incompatible character sets
Cause: Parsed schema components were in a simple-type character set while the parsed instance document data was not. A simple-type character set is single-byte, not shift sensitive, and has no linguistic specials in use.
- LSX-00018: invalid schema context
Cause: An invalid schema context was provided to the processor. Multiple schema documents were loaded and assembled into the schema context. At least one of them is not fully valid with respect to a schema corresponding to the Schema for Schemas.
- LSX-00020: unknown type "~S"
Cause: A specified type was unknown (not defined in any loaded Schemas).
- LSX-00021: undefined element "~S"
Cause: Element is undefined in the specified namespace.
- LSX-00022: unknown namespace prefix "~S"
Cause: Prefix in a QName is undefined in the current scope.
- LSX-00023: unknown namespace URI "~S"
Cause: Namespace URI is unknown to the schema processor.
- LSX-00024: unknown attribute group "~S"
Cause: The name of attribute group is unknown to the schema processor in the current scope.
- LSX-00025: unknown group "~S"
Cause: The name of group is unknown to the schema processor in the current scope.
- LSX-00026: unknown attribute "~S"
Cause: The name of attribute is unknown to the schema processor in the current scope.
- LSX-00027: property "~s" unknown
Cause: The named validation property was unknown.
- LSX-00102: duplicate element "~S"
Cause: Element declaration is not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00103: duplicate group "~S"
Cause: Group declaration is not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00104: duplicate type "~S"
Cause: Type definition is not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00105: duplicate attribute group "~S"
Cause: Attribute group declaration is not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00106: duplicate attribute "~S"
Cause: Attribute declaration is not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00110: facet "~S" should have single value attribute
Cause: A facet declaration did not have a value attribute.
- LSX-00111: type "~S" contains invalid facets
Cause: A specified facet was invalid for a type. Each datatype has a different set of facets which may apply.
- LSX-00112: facet "~S" duplicated
Cause: A facet (other than "enumeration") was specified more than once.
- LSX-00113: facet "~1S" has invalid value "~2S"
Cause: Facet value contained illegal characters or its value was out of range.
- LSX-00114: facet "~S" not in schema schema
Cause: Facets are not defined in the XMLSchema namespace.
- LSX-00116: mutually exclusive facets are not allowed
Cause: Mutual exclusiveness violations were found for facets. For example, both "length" and either "minLength" or "maxLength" are not allowed to be facets.
- LSX-00117: "minLength" should not be greater than "maxLength"
Cause: The value of "minLength" must be less than or equal to the value of "maxLength".
- LSX-00118: fixed facet value cannot be changed
Cause: The value of a fixed facet in the base type definition should remain the same.
- LSX-00119: value is not valid restriction of parent's minLength
Cause: There was an error in that minLength was among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} was less than the {value} of the parent minLength.
- LSX-00120: value is not valid restriction of parent's maxLength
Cause: There was an error in that maxLength was among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} was greater than the {value} of the parent maxLength.
- LSX-00121: value is not valid restriction of parent's length
Cause: There was an error in that length was among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} was not equal to the {value} of the parent length.
- LSX-00122: value is not valid restriction of parent's whiteSpace
Cause: There was an error in that whiteSpace was among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and at least one of the following conditions was true: 1 {value} is replace or preserve and {value} of the parent whiteSpace is collapse 2 {value} is preserve and the {value} of the parent whiteSpace is replace
- LSX-00123: base type is required
Cause: Missing base type declaration in the type definition.
- LSX-00124: "list" element is improperly defined
Cause: A "list" element either must have its "itemType" attribute set or have one of its children be a "simpleType" element, but both conditions cannot exist.
- LSX-00125: "restriction" element is improperly defined
Cause: A "restriction" element either must have its "base" attribute set or have one of its children be a "simpleType" element, but both conditions cannot exist.
- LSX-00126: facet "~1S" has invalid value "~u"
Cause: Facet value contained illegal characters or its value was out of range.
- LSX-00127: totalDigits must be greater than or equal to fractionDigits
Cause: The value of the facet totalDigits is less than the value of the facet fractionDigits.
- LSX-00130: attribute "processContents" has invalid value "~S"
Cause: Attribute "processContents" in the "any" element or "anyAttribute" declaration has an invalid value.
- LSX-00132: attribute "~1S" has invalid occurrences value "~2S"
Cause: A minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute had an invalid value (not a integer or less than zero).
- LSX-00133: attribute "use" has invalid value "~S"
Cause: A "use" attribute had an invalid value. Choices for "use" are "default", "fixed", "optional", "prohibited", or "required".
- LSX-00134: attribute "~1S" has invalid qualification "~2S"
Cause: An attribute that specifies qualification (form, attributeFormDefault, elementFormDefault) was invalid; it must be one of "qualified" or "unqualified".
- LSX-00135: invalid min/max Occurs for <varname>all</varname> element, must be 0/1
Cause: "minOccurs" has a value other than 0/1 or "maxOccurs" has a value other than 1.
- LSX-00136: "maxOccurs" is less than "minOccurs"
Cause: The value of the "maxOccurs" specification is less than the value of the "minOccurs" specification.
- LSX-00141: ID type may only be used in attributes
Cause: For backward compatibility with DTD, ID type may only be used in attributes.
- LSX-00142: invalid sub-element "~1S" for element "~2S"
Cause: There was an invalid sub-element in the content of either the attribute or the element declaration. This was because the sub-element was either at the wrong position or out of context.
- LSX-00143: element "~S" must have type or ref
Cause: A Schema element was declared but was neither type or reference.
- LSX-00144: attribute "~1S" invalid derivation-restriction value "~2S"
Cause: An attribute which specifies a derivation-restriction setting (block, content, final) had an invalid value. Choices are "#all", "extension", or "restriction".
- LSX-00145: attribute "~1S" invalid derived value "~2S"
Cause: A derivedBy attribute had an invalid value. Choices are "extension" or "restriction".
- LSX-00146: element or attribute is improperly defined
Cause: An element or attribute definition must have either its "type" attribute set or must have one of its children be a "simpleType" or "complexType" element but both conditions cannot exist.
- LSX-00147: "~1S" cannot contain "~2S"
Cause: An invalid schema component exists in the current declaration.
- LSX-00148: annotation must come first in "~S"
Cause: "annotation" element must be the first in the content.
- LSX-00149: duplicated ID specified in "~S"
Cause: An attempt was made to specify two distinct members of {attribute uses}with {attribute declaration}s, both of whose {type definition}s are from ID or are derived from ID.
- LSX-00150: attributeGroup reference shouldn't have children
Cause: A reference-to-attributeGroup element has children. It is suppose to be empty except for annotations.
- LSX-00151: invalid combination of attributes "ref" and "name"
Cause: If the item's parent is not <varname>schema</varname>, then either the "ref" or the "name" attribute must be present, but not both. Top-level elements or attributes must have a name.
- LSX-00152: only "minOccurs", "maxOccurs", or "id" is allowed
Cause: If the item's parent is not <varname>schema</varname> and "ref" is present, then "complexType", "simpleType", "key", "keyref", "unique", "nillable", "default", "fixed", "form", "block", and "type" must be absent.
- LSX-00153: invalid combination of default and fixed attributes
Cause: It is an error for a declaration to contain both fixed and default attributes.
- LSX-00154: attribute "use" must have its value set to "optional"
Cause: If "default" and "use" are both present, use must have its value set to "optional".
- LSX-00155: invalid use of attribute "ref"
Cause: If the item's parent is not <varname>schema</varname> and the attribute "ref" is present, then the element "simpleType" and the attributes "form" and "type" must be absent.
- LSX-00156: type is final and no derivations are allowed
Cause: Derivation from a type that is declared to be final occurred.
- LSX-00157: "~S" is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document
Cause: The element declaration or the type definition was abstract.
- LSX-00158: base type of "~S" must be simple type or primitive datatype
Cause: The derivation constraint was violated.
- LSX-00159: list content of multiple simple types is not allowed
Cause: Two or more simple types were specified within the list content .
- LSX-00160: invalid substitution group affiliation between "~S" and "~S"
Cause: There was an error in that {substitution group exclusions} prevented substitution group affiliation by type restriction or type extension.
- LSX-00161: disallowed type substitution between "~S" and "~S"
Cause: There was a substituted type whose deriving method falls in the union of the {disallowed substitutions} and the {type definition}'s {prohibited substitutions}.
- LSX-00162: string "~S" is an invalid default for the complex type
Cause: If the {content type} is a simple type definition, then the string must be valid with regard to the simple type definition as defined by String Valid (3.14.4). If the {content type} is mixed, then the {content type}'s particle must be emptiable as defined by Particle Emptiable (3.9.6). However, one of these conditions was not met, resulting in this error.
- LSX-00163: duplicated content specification in "~S"
Cause: There was a duplicate content specification in the children of complexType.
- LSX-00164: no content specified in "~S"
Cause: In a simpleContent specification, either "restriction" or "extension" was not specified as a child.
- LSX-00165: content type of "~S" must be simple type
Cause: The content type of the type definition was not a simple type definition.
- LSX-00166: both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only
Cause: If the content types of the derived type and base type are not the same simple type definition and the content type of the base type is not empty, then both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only. This was not the case, resulting in this error.
- LSX-00167: defining form of "~S" must occur at the top level
Cause: The defining form did not occur at the top level of a schema.
- LSX-00168: referring form of "~S" must NOT occur at the top level
Cause: The referring form did not occur within a complex type definition or an attribute group definition.
- LSX-00169: circular group reference is disallowed outside <varname>redefine</varname>
Cause: There was a circular group reference.
- LSX-00170: union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType children
Cause: There was no member type definition for the union declaration.
- LSX-00171: missing required sub-element "~S"
Cause: The sub-element specified in the error message was required.
- LSX-00172: "~S" is not a valid restriction of "~S"
Cause: The schema component constraint, Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex) or Particle Valid (Restriction), was violated.
- LSX-00173: ~S of ~S type is not a valid restriction of ~S of ~S type
Cause: The schema component constraint, Particle Restriction OK (Elt:Elt -- NameAndTypeOK), was violated.
- LSX-00174: "~S" is not a valid derivation of "~S"
Cause: The schema component constraint, Derivation Valid (Restriction, simple), (Restriction, complex) or (Extension), was violated.
- LSX-00175: a complex base within "simpleContent" must have simple content
Cause: A complex base within "simpleContent" was not restricted to contain only simple content.
- LSX-00176: circular reference detected in schema component named "~S"
Cause: An attempt was made to use a circular reference. This is not allowed. For example, it is not possible to return to an element declaration by repeatedly following the {substitution group affiliation} property. Or, within the {particles} of a group there must not be at any depth a particle whose {term} is the group itself.
- LSX-00200: element "~S" not empty
Cause: Content of the element must be empty.
- LSX-00201: contents of "~S" should be elements only
Cause: Node with type other than "element", "processing instruction", or "comment" exists in the content of the violating element.
- LSX-00202: contents of "~S" should be text only
Cause: Node with type other than "text", "processing instruction", or "comment" exists in the content of the violating element.
- LSX-00204: extra data at end of complex element
Cause: Extra nodes exist at the end of an element with a complex type definition.
- LSX-00205: element "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")
Cause: The element had a value other than its fixed value.
- LSX-00206: substitution for element "~S" is disallowed
Cause: An attempt was made to substitute an element that violated a constraint.
- LSX-00207: empty list is disallowed
Cause: An empty list was supplied where at least one value is required.
- LSX-00208: circular type reference disallowed
Cause: A type referenced itself as a member type, either directly or indirectly using other types.
- LSX-00209: fixed or default not allowed on ID-based type
Cause: A type derived from the ID type specified a fixed value or a default value.
- LSX-00210: value "~1S" out of range for type "~2S"
Cause: Value is out of range for the data with a specific type.
- LSX-00211: value "~1S" whose fractional digits exceeds ~2d
Cause: Too many fractional digits after the decimal point.
- LSX-00212: value "~1s" whose total digits exceeds ~2d
Cause: Too many digits in the decimal data.
- LSX-00213: only ~1d occurrences of particle "~2S", minimum is ~3d
Cause: Too few occurrences of particles in the node.
- LSX-00214: too many occurrences of particle "~1S", maximum is ~2d
Cause: Too many occurrences of particles in the node.
- LSX-00215: value "~1S" whose total digits exceeds ~2d
Cause: There were too many digits in the decimal data.
- LSX-00220: "~1S" is wrong length, should be ~2d
Cause: Data of simple type has invalid length.
- LSX-00221: "~1S" is too short (minimum length is ~2d)
Cause: The length of the data is too short.
- LSX-00222: "~1S" is too long (maximum length is ~2d)
Cause: The length of the data is too long.
- LSX-00229: item type is not a valid type for a list simple type
Cause: The specified item type must not itself be a list type, and must be one of the types identified in [XML Schemas: Datatypes] as a suitable item type for a list simple type.
- LSX-00230: invalid integer "~S"
Cause: Illegal characters exist in the "integer" or its derivative type declarations.
- LSX-00231: invalid unsigned integer "~S"
Cause: Illegal characters exist in the "unsignedLong", "unsignedInt", "unsignedShort", or "unsignedByte" declarations.
- LSX-00232: invalid unsigned long "~S"
Cause: Illegal characters exist in the "unsignedLong" declaration.
- LSX-00233: invalid long "~S"
Cause: Illegal characters exist in the "long" declaration.
- LSX-00234: invalid decimal "~S"
Cause: Illegal characters exist in the "decimal" declaration.
- LSX-00235: invalid URI "~S"
Cause: Invalid URI specification for data of "anyURI" type.
- LSX-00237: invalid Name "~S"
Cause: Invalid XML name.
- LSX-00238: invalid Nmtoken "~S"
Cause: Invalid Nmtoken.
- LSX-00240: bad float "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for "float" type data.
- LSX-00241: bad double "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for "double" type data.
- LSX-00242: bad Boolean "~S"
Cause: Boolean data must have a value from the following set: "1", "0", "true", or "false".
- LSX-00243: invalid date "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "date" type.
- LSX-00244: invalid NCName "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "NCName" type.
- LSX-00245: invalid ID "~S"
Cause: Data specified is not of "NCName" type.
- LSX-00246: invalid QName "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "QName" type.
- LSX-00247: invalid language specification "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "language" type.
- LSX-00248: invalid duration "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "duration" type.
- LSX-00249: invalid date or time "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "dateTime", "time", "gYearMonth", "gYear", "gMonthDay", "gDay", or "gMonth" type.
- LSX-00250: invalid normalizedString "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "normalizedString" type.
- LSX-00251: invalid token "~S"
Cause: Invalid value for data of "token" type.
- LSX-00252: invalid union "~S"
Cause: Data of simple type is not one of the union type.
- LSX-00253: branch is empty
Cause: The pattern specification "branch1 | branch2" has either "branch1" or "branch2" missing.
- LSX-00255: mismatched parentheses
Cause: ")" found without a matching "(" in a pattern specification.
- LSX-00256: empty character class expression
Cause: "[]" found when processing a character class expression.
- LSX-00257: atom specification is missing
Cause: A quantifier was found without an atom specification.
- LSX-00258: invalid escape character
Cause: "x" in "\x" is not a valid escape character.
- LSX-00259: invalid character found in the pattern
Cause: An unexpected character was found in the pattern.
- LSX-00260: unexpected end of pattern
Cause: Something is missing at the end of the pattern.
- LSX-00261: invalid character property
Cause: An error occurred when processing the character property. For example, "{" is missing after "\p" or "\P".
- LSX-00262: attribute "~1S" cannot have complex type "~2S"
Cause: The type of the attribute is "complex".
- LSX-00263: undefined attribute "~S"
Cause: Violating attribute is not defined in the current scope.
- LSX-00264: attribute "~S" is prohibited (may not occur)
Cause: Global declarations cannot contain the attributes "ref", "minOccurs", or "maxOccurs", or the use of this attribute is explicitly declared as "prohibited" by the schema.
- LSX-00265: attribute "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")
Cause: Attribute has a value other than its fixed value.
- LSX-00266: missing required attribute "~S"
Cause: A required attribute is missing.
- LSX-00270: hex-encoded binary has odd length
Cause: Data of "hexBinary" type has odd number of digits.
- LSX-00271: invalid character "~c" in hex-encoded binary
Cause: Data of "hexBinary" type has invalid characters.
- LSX-00272: BASE64-encoded binary grouped improperly (not 4's)
Cause: Number of digits is not a multiple of four.
- LSX-00273: invalid character "~c" in base64-encoded binary
Cause: Data of "base64Binary" type has invalid characters.
- LSX-00274: invalid padding in base64-encoded binary
Cause: Invalid padding characters at the end of data.
- LSX-00280: duplicate ID "~S"
Cause: ID name is not unique within the schema scope.
- LSX-00281: referenced ID "~S" is not defined
Cause: Referenced ID name is not defined within the schema scope.
- LSX-00282: duplicate notation name "~S"
Cause: The name of the "notation" element is not unique within the schema scope.
- LSX-00283: referenced notation "~S" is not defined
Cause: Referenced notation name is not defined within the schema scope.
- LSX-00284: duplicate constraint name "~S"
Cause: Each constraint declaration has a name which exists in a single symbol space for constraints.
- LSX-00285: referenced key "~S" is not defined
Cause: Referenced key name is not defined within the schema scope.
- LSX-00286: duplicate key "~S" for {"~S"}"~S"
Cause: The key value was not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00287: duplicate key "~S"
Cause: The key value was not unique within its scope.
- LSX-00290: invalid enumeration choice "~S"
Cause: The value of the data is not one of the enumeration choice.
- LSX-00291: value "~1S" is less than minimum "~2S" (~3S)
Cause: Data has a value less than required minimum.
- LSX-00292: value "~1S" is greater than maximum "~2S" (~3S)
Cause: Data has a value greater than maximum.
- LSX-00293: missing one or more fields from element "~S"
Cause: The required fields were missing from the content of the element.
- LSX-00294: field "~S" produced multiple hits
Cause: XPath expressions relative to each element selected by a {selector}are specified by {fields}. These XPath expressions must identify a single node (element or attribute) whose content or value was used in the constraint. This content or value must be of a simple type.
- LSX-00295: field element "~S" is not a simple type
Cause: The field element evaluated to a node-set with a member that was not a simple type.
- LSX-00296: field value "~S" could not be compared to facet
Cause: The value of the data could not be compared to the facet value because one value had a time zone while the other did not.
- LSX-00300: group must have name or ref but not both
Cause: "ref" or "name" attributes are either both missing or have both been specified.
- LSX-00310: local element or attribute should be namespace qualified
Cause: Element or attribute name is not namespace qualified.
- LSX-00311: local element or attribute shouldn't be namespace qualified
Cause: Element or attribute name is namespace qualified.
- LSX-00320: missing required elements in <varname>all</varname>
Cause: Some required elements in "all" particle are missing.
- LSX-00330: missing range start character
Cause: Missing range start character in a character range specification.
- LSX-00331: missing comma
Cause: A comma is missing in a range specification.
- LSX-00332: bad decimal digits in a quantifier specification
Cause: Quatifier has invalid characters.
- LSX-00333: literal "~S" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Cause: Literal is not valid with respect to the pattern.
- LSX-00340: improper namespace value for the imported element
Cause: If the namespace attribute is present, then its actual value must not match the actual value of the enclosing schema's targetNamespace attribute. If the namespace attribute is not present, then the enclosing schema must have a targetNamespace attribute.
- LSX-00341: ENTITY or ENTITIES type may only be used in attributes
Cause: For compatibility, ENTITY or ENTITIES should be used only on attributes.
- LSX-00342: value of attribute "base" must be a complex type definition
Cause: If the "complexContent" alternative is chosen, then the type definition resolved to by the actual value of the attribute "base" must be a complex type definition.
- LSX-00343: "~S" is not nillable
Cause: Attribute nillable was set to be "false" in element's declaration.
- LSX-00344: namespace values "~1S" and "~2S" differ
Cause: The targetNamespace specified in the schema document differed from either: a) the value of the enclosing schema's namespace attribute, or b) the value of the namespace attribute identified in the import element information item.
- LSX-00345: Element ("~1S") from "~2S" namespace is unexpected. Expecting element from "~3S" namespace
Cause: The namespace of the Xml Node in the instance document does not match with the expected element definition namespace