49 MGTCA-01001 to MGTCA-01117

MGTCA-01001: clusterware stack did not respond

Cause: A wallet operation was requested when the Oracle Clusterware stack was down.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01002: clusterware stack did not respond to wallet operation

Cause: User attributes could not be read because the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository wallet location was not accessible.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01003: wallet access denied

Cause: An attempt to access the wallet was denied because the user does not have the required permissions.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01004: clusterware wallet internal error

Cause: An invalid wallet operation was performed or Oracle Cluster Registry storage for wallet was not present.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01005: cannot perform database operation while setting Grid Infrastructure Management Repository users

Cause: Failed to connect to Grid Infrastructure Management Repository using JDBC during new user setup.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01006: could not change user credentials for Grid Infrastructure Management Repository

Cause: SQL execute query failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01007: Grid Infrastructure Management Repository is not running on this node

Cause: During the execution of 'mgmtca', no running instance of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was found on the node.

Action: Run 'mgmtca' on the node having Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

MGTCA-01008: An internal error occurred while querying for the node running Grid Infrastructure Management Repository

Cause: During the execution of 'mgmtca', an internal error occurred while querying for the node running Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01100: This utility is used to configure the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.\nUsage: mgmtca [[-em <varname>passwd</varname>] | [-gridhome] | [[setpasswd -user <varname>user-1</varname> [<varname>passwd-1</varname>] [, <varname>user-n</varname> <varname>passwd-n</varname>]]]

Cause: None

Action: None

MGTCA-01101: failure in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository operation

Cause: A SQL request to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository encountered an error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

MGTCA-01102: failure in performing database operation to retrieve the name of the Pluggable Database in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the name of the Pluggable Database in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

MGTCA-01103: failure in performing database operation to unlock the user of Oracle Grid Infrastructue Management Database

Cause: The user account to be unlocked did not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

MGTCA-01104: An internal error occurred during the remote execution of 'mgmtca' on the node running the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Cause: During the execution of 'mgmtca', an internal error occurred while remotely executing the operation of the node running the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01105: Grid Infrastructure Management Repository is not running in the cluster.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was not running in the cluster.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01106: An internal error occurred while querying the state of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Cause: During the execution of 'mgmtca', an internal error occurred while querying the state of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01107: The resource for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository does not exist.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because the resource for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository did not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01108: failed to determine CRS Home location

Cause: Execution of 'mgmtca' to retrieve the CRS Home location failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01109: failed to determine Oracle Base location

Cause: Execution of 'mgmtca' to retrieve the Oracle Base location failed. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01110: An internal error occurred while querying the state of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because an internal error occurred while querying the state of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01111: An internal error occurred while stopping the existing instance of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because an internal error occurred while stopping the existing instance of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01112: An internal error occurred while removing the existing instance of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because an internal error occurred while removing the existing instance of the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01113: The reconfigure operation for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository could not complete because there was already an instance running on the cluster.

Cause: The reconfigure operation for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository could not complete because there was already an instance running on the cluster.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01114: An internal error occurred while creating the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because an internal error occurred while creating the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01115: An internal error occurred while starting the resource for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Cause: The execution of 'mgmtca' could not complete because an internal error occurred while starting the resource for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository during reconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

MGTCA-01116: The syntax of the 'mgmtca' command is incorrect.

Cause: The 'mgmtca' command was rejected because the syntax as entered was incorrect.

Action: Reenter the 'mgmtca' command with the correct syntax. Enter 'mgmtca -h' to display usage.

MGTCA-01117: The username specififed in the 'mgmtca' command is incorrect.

Cause: The 'mgmtca' command was rejected because the syntax as entered was incorrect.

Action: Provide correct username for the 'mgmtca' command.