73 ORA-09870 to ORA-12100
- ORA-09870: spini: failure initializing maximum number of open files.
Cause: ulimit system call returned an error.
- ORA-09871: TASDEF_NAME: translation error while expanding ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Failure of sltln(?/tasdef@.dbf) while creating test and set pages.
- ORA-09872: TASDEF_CREATE: create failure in creating ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Create() failed when trying to create the tasdef file.
- ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: open error when opening tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Unable to open tasdef@.dbf file.
- ORA-09874: TASDEF_READ: read error, unable to read tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Read system call returned an error when attempting to read ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
- ORA-09875: TASDEF_WRITE: write error when writing ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Write call failed.
- ORA-09876: TASDEF_CLOSE: unable to close ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Close system call returned an error.
- ORA-09877: sstascre: shmget error, unable to get a shared memory segment.
Cause: Error in shmget.
- ORA-09878: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmat.
- ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmat.
- ORA-09880: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
- ORA-09881: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
- ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl error, unable to remove tas shm page
Cause: Error in shmctl.
- ORA-09883: Two Task interface: oratab file does not exist
Cause: The oratab file does not exist.
- ORA-09884: Two Task interface: SID doens't match current PU
Cause: You are trying to start oracle on another PU than you configured oracle on or there is no entry for this SID in oratab file.
- ORA-09885: osnTXtt: cannot create TXIPC channel
Cause: The TXIPC driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.
- ORA-09886: osnTXtt: translation error while expanding txipc@.trc.
Cause: Failure of sltln(txipc@.trc) while creating debug channel.
- ORA-09887: osnTXtt: Failed to create/open debug channel.
- ORA-09888: osnTXtt: txipc channel creation failed
Cause: The txipc driver failed to create channels for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.
- ORA-09889: osnTXtt: access error on oracle executable
Cause: The txipc driver could not access the oracle executable.
- ORA-09890: osnTXtt: malloc failed
Cause: The txipx driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area buffers.
- ORA-09908: slkmnm: gethostname returned error code.
Cause: The system call gethostname returned an error.
- ORA-09909: Malloc of scratch buffer failed.
Cause: Memory needed for a temporary buffer could not be allocated. The additional information field contains the number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate.
- ORA-09910: Unable to find ORACLE password file entry for user.
Cause: No entry exists for the user in the ORACLE password file.
- ORA-09911: Incorrect user password.
Cause: The password entered by the user was incorrect.
- ORA-09912: Malloc of name buffer(s) failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for one or both of the buffers that are used to hold the name of DBA and the operator users.
- ORA-09913: Malloc of dummy name failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for the user name that is to to be used in the encryption of the user's password.
- ORA-09914: Unable to open the ORACLE password file.
Cause: ORACLE could not open the password file for reading.
- ORA-09915: Password encryption failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to encrypt a password.
- ORA-09916: Required password was not specified.
Cause: A user attempted to connect as "internal," but did not specify a password.
- ORA-09918: Unable to get user privileges from SQL*Net
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's privilege set from the SQL*Net connection.
- ORA-09919: Unable to set label of dedicated server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set the label of the dedicated to server to the required value.
- ORA-09920: Unable to get sensitivity label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's sensitivity label from the SQL*Net connection.
- ORA-09921: Unable to get information label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's information label from the SQL*Net connection.
- ORA-09922: Can't spawn process - background log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that will hold trace files of the background processes was not created properly.
- ORA-09923: Can't spawn process - user log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that holds the trace files of the dedicated server processes was not created properly.
- ORA-09924: Can't spawn process - core dump directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that holds the core dumps produced by ORACLE processes in the event of exceptions was not created properly.
- ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold audit trail records.
- ORA-09926: Unable to set effective privilege set of the server
Cause: A dedicated server was unable to set it's own privilege set.
- ORA-09927: Unable to set label of server
Cause: ORACLE was not able to set the label of a server to a new value.
- ORA-09928: Unable to restore the label of server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the label of the server to the value that it had before raising it to database high.
- ORA-09929: GLB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a greatest lower bound operation on two labels was not valid.
- ORA-09930: LUB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a least upper bound operation on two labels was not valid.
- ORA-09931: Unable to open ORACLE password file for reading
Cause: An attempt to open a password file for reading failed.
- ORA-09932: Close of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: An attempt to close a password file failed.
- ORA-09933: Deletion of old password file failed.
Cause: The removal of the old password file failed.
- ORA-09934: Link of current password file to old failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a link so that the old password file could be saved.
- ORA-09935: Unlink of current password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to complete the saving of the current password file.
- ORA-09936: Open of ORACLE password file for write failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a password file.
- ORA-09937: Chmod of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to change a password file to be readonly.
- ORA-09938: Save of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to save the previous values of selected signal handlers.
- ORA-09939: Restoration of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the previous values of selected signal handlers.
- ORA-09940: ORACLE password file header is corrupt
Cause: The header of one of the password files was not in the format that ORACLE expected.
- ORA-09941: Version of orapasswd or installer is older than file.
Cause: The version of orapasswd or installer that is being run is older than that of the ORACLE password file. Since the file version is only changed when the format is changed, this error means that the executable is using a different format than that with which the file was created.
- ORA-09942: Write of ORACLE password file header failed.
Cause: The attempt to write out the header of the ORACLE password file failed.
- ORA-09943: Allocation of memory for password list component failed.
Cause: When it is building a list of password file entries, ORACLE allocates memory for various components. One of the allocations failed.
- ORA-09944: Password entry is corrupt.
Cause: An entry in an ORACLE password file was not in the format that ORACLE expected.
- ORA-09945: Unable to initialize the audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE unable to write header information to the file being used as the audit trail.
- ORA-09946: File name too long for buffer
Cause: The buffer that was to be used to hold a file name was determined to be too short for the generated name. This will happen if the translated name for either a trace file or an audit file is longer than the maximum allowed, which on many ports is 256 characters.
- ORA-09947: Unable to allocate connection attributes structure
Cause: ORACLE was not able to allocate the memory needed to hold the attributes of the SQL*Net connection. The "Additional Information" field holds the number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate.
- ORA-09948: Process information label retrieval failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the information label for a process.
- ORA-09949: Unable to get client operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the operating system privileges for the client process.
- ORA-09950: Unable to get server operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get its privileges from the operating system.
- ORA-09951: Unable to create file
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a file.
- ORA-09952: scgcmn: lk_open_convert unexpected return: open failed
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
- ORA-09953: scggc: unexpected return of a lock convert
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
- ORA-09954: scgcc: unexpected return status to callback of lock close
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
- ORA-09955: scgcan: unexpected return status when canceling a lock
Cause: DLM system service x returned an unexpected value
- ORA-09956: scgcm: unexpected lock status condition
Cause: A global locking system service returned an unexpected value.
- ORA-09957: Unable to send termination request to IMON
Cause: The attempt to send a termination signal to IMON failed.
- ORA-09958: IMON: two processes with the same ORACLE pid are active
Cause: The IMON process was unable to add an entry for a server process because another active process occupies the slot.
- ORA-09959: IMON: deletion of a process failed.
Cause: The IMON process was unable to delete a server process from its process ID array because no entry for the process could be found.
- ORA-09960: Unable to establish signal handler for termination signal
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set up a handler for the signal used to notify it that the instance was shutting down.
- ORA-09961: Unable to restore termination signal handler
Cause: ORACLE failed to set the handler for the termination signal to its previous value.
- ORA-09962: lk_group_create error in scggrc
- ORA-09963: lk_group_attach error in scggra
- ORA-09964: lk_group_detach error in scggrd
- ORA-09966: falure in translation while expanding ?/dbs/lk for lock file
Cause: Oracle failed to translate ?/dbs/lk, when creating a file name for the database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
- ORA-09967: unable to create or open lock file
Cause: Oracle failed, when making an open system call, inorder to acquire a file lock used by the database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
- ORA-09968: unable to lock file
Cause: The system call for locking a file returned an error when trying to acquire a database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
- ORA-09969: unable to close or remove lock file
Cause: The close system call or unlink system call returned an error.
- ORA-09974: skxfidini: Error Initializing SDI Channel
Cause: The process was unable to initialize the SDI channel properly.
- ORA-09975: kxfspini: Error Initializing SDI Process
Cause: The process was unable to attach to the SDI channel.
- ORA-09976: skxfqdini: Error Creating Port
Cause: The process was unable to create a communications endpoint.
- ORA-09977: skxfqhini: Error Connecting
Cause: The process was unable to connect to another endpoint.
- ORA-09978: skxfqhdel: Error Disconnecting from another endpoint.
Cause: The process was unable to disconnect cleanly from another endpoint.
- ORA-09979: skxfqhsnd: Error Sending a message to another endpoint
Cause: The process was unable to send a message to an existing endpoint.
- ORA-09980: skxfqdrcv: Error Receiving a message from another endpoint
Cause: The process encountered an error while trying to receive a message.
- ORA-09981: skxfqdreg: Error Adding a page to the SDI buffer pool
Cause: The process was unable to add a page to the SDI buffer pool.
- ORA-09982: skxfqddrg: Error Removing a page from the SDI buffer pool
Cause: The process was unable to remove a page to the SDI buffer pool.
- ORA-09983: skxfidsht: Error shutting down SDI channel
Cause: The process was unable shut down the SDI channel
- ORA-09984: SGA file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef$ORACLE_SID.dbf does not exist
Cause: file does not exist or is not accessible
- ORA-09985: SGA definition file could not be read
Cause: UNIX read() operation failed
- ORA-09986: wrong number of bytes read from SGA definition file
Cause: Struct skgmsdef size differs from no. of bytes read from SGA file
- ORA-09987: unable to attach to SGA in READ-ONLY mode
Cause: The instance is not up, or SGA segments are not read-accessible
- ORA-09988: error while detaching SGA
Cause: skgmsdef struct is corrupted and/or segment addresses are modified
- ORA-09989: attempt to use invalid skgmsdef struct pointer
Cause: Pointer to skgmsdef struct used without validating it
- ORA-10000: control file debug event, name 'control_file'
- ORA-10001: control file crash event1
- ORA-10002: control file crash event2
- ORA-10003: control file crash event3
- ORA-10004: block recovery testing - internal error
- ORA-10005: trace latch operations for debugging
- ORA-10006: block recovery testing - external error
- ORA-10007: log switch debug crash after new log select, thread <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10008: log switch debug crash after new log header write, thread <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10009: log switch debug crash after old log header write, thread <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10010: Begin Transaction
- ORA-10011: End Transaction
- ORA-10012: Abort Transaction
- ORA-10013: Instance Recovery
- ORA-10014: Roll Back to Save Point
- ORA-10015: Undo Segment Recovery
- ORA-10016: Undo Segment extend
- ORA-10017: Undo Segment Wrap
- ORA-10018: Data Segment Create
- ORA-10019: Turn off data/space search cache
- ORA-10020: partial link restored to linked list (KSG)
- ORA-10021: KST event to trace control file header writes and reads
- ORA-10022: trace ktsgsp
- ORA-10023: Create Save Undo Segment
- ORA-10024: Write to Save Undo
- ORA-10025: Simulate block recovery errors
- ORA-10026: Apply Save Undo
- ORA-10027: Specify Deadlock Trace Information to be Dumped
- ORA-10028: Dump trace information during lock / resource latch cleanup
- ORA-10029: session logon (KSU)
- ORA-10030: session logoff (KSU)
- ORA-10031: sort debug event (S*)
- ORA-10032: sort statistics (SOR*)
- ORA-10033: sort run information (SRD*/SRS*)
- ORA-10034: access path analysis (APA*)
- ORA-10035: Write parse failures to alert log file
- ORA-10036: create remote row source (QKANET)
- ORA-10037: allocate remote row source (QKARWS)
- ORA-10038: dump row source tree (QBADRV)
- ORA-10039: type checking (OPITCA)
- ORA-10040: disable result-cache
- ORA-10041: dump undo records skipped
- ORA-10042: file header reads return youngest mirror
- ORA-10043: check consistency of owner/waiter/converter lists in KSQ
- ORA-10044: free list undo operations
- ORA-10045: free list update operations - ktsrsp, ktsunl
- ORA-10046: enable SQL statement timing
- ORA-10047: trace switching of sessions
- ORA-10048: Undo segment shrink
- ORA-10049: protect library cache memory heaps
- ORA-10050: sniper trace
- ORA-10051: trace OPI calls
- ORA-10052: don't clean up obj$
- ORA-10053: CBO Enable optimizer trace
- ORA-10054: CBO Enable optimizer trace for recursive statement (RPI)
- ORA-10055: Rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations
- ORA-10056: dump analyze stats (kdg)
- ORA-10057: suppress file names in error messages
- ORA-10058: use table scan cost in tab$.spare1
- ORA-10059: simulate error in logfile create/clear
- ORA-10060: CBO Enable predicate dump
- ORA-10061: disable SMON from cleaning temp segment
- ORA-10062: disable usage of OS Roles in osds
- ORA-10063: disable usage of DBA and OPER privileges in osds
- ORA-10064: thread enable debug crash level <varname>string</varname>, thread <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10065: limit library cache dump information for state object dump
- ORA-10066: simulate failure to verify file
- ORA-10067: force redo log checksum errors - block number
- ORA-10068: force redo log checksum errors - file number
- ORA-10069: Flashback images for offline file <varname>string</varname> are lost
- ORA-10070: force datafile checksum errors - block number
- ORA-10071: force datafile checksum errors - file number
- ORA-10073: latch cleanup tracing
- ORA-10074: default trace function mask for kst
- ORA-10075: CBO Disable outer-join to regular join conversion
- ORA-10076: CBO Enable cartesian product join costing
- ORA-10077: CBO Disable view-merging optimization for outer-joins
- ORA-10078: CBO Disable constant predicate elimination optimization
- ORA-10079: trace data sent/received via SQL*Net
- ORA-10080: dump a block on a segment list which cannot be exchanged
- ORA-10081: segment High Water Mark has been advanced
- ORA-10082: free list head block is the same as the last block
- ORA-10084: free list becomes empty
- ORA-10085: free lists have been merged
- ORA-10086: CBO Enable error if kko and qka disagree on oby sort
- ORA-10087: disable repair of media corrupt data blocks
- ORA-10088: CBO Disable new NOT IN optimization
- ORA-10089: CBO Disable index sorting
- ORA-10090: invoke other events before crash recovery
- ORA-10091: CBO Disable constant predicate merging
- ORA-10092: CBO Disable hash join
- ORA-10093: CBO Enable force hash joins
- ORA-10094: before resizing a data file
- ORA-10095: dump debugger commands to trace file
- ORA-10096: after the cross instance call when resizing a data file
- ORA-10097: after generating redo when resizing a data file
- ORA-10098: after the OS has increased the size of a data file
- ORA-10099: after updating the file header with the new file size
- ORA-10100: after the OS has decreased the size of a data file
- ORA-10101: DBWR refresh fails on cross instance resize call
- ORA-10102: switch off anti-joins
- ORA-10103: CBO Disable hash join swapping
- ORA-10104: dump hash join statistics to trace file
- ORA-10105: CBO Enable constant pred trans and MPs w WHERE-clause
- ORA-10106: CBO Disable evaluating correlation pred last for NOT IN
- ORA-10107: CBO Always use bitmap index
- ORA-10108: CBO Don't use bitmap index
- ORA-10109: CBO Disable move of negated predicates
- ORA-10110: CBO Try index rowid range scans
- ORA-10111: Bitmap index creation switch
- ORA-10112: Bitmap index creation switch
- ORA-10113: Bitmap index creation switch
- ORA-10114: Bitmap index creation switch
- ORA-10115: CBO Bitmap optimization use maximal expression
- ORA-10116: CBO Bitmap optimization switch
- ORA-10117: CBO Disable new parallel cost model
- ORA-10118: CBO Enable hash join costing
- ORA-10119: QKA Disable GBY sort elimination
- ORA-10120: generate relative file # different from absolute
- ORA-10121: CBO Don't sort bitmap chains
- ORA-10122: Disable transformation of count(col) to count(*)
- ORA-10124: Force creation of segmented arrays by kscsAllocate
- ORA-10125: Disable remote sort elimination
- ORA-10126: Debug oracle java xa
- ORA-10127: Disable remote query block operation
- ORA-10128: Dump Partition Pruning Information
- ORA-10129: Alter histogram lookup for remote queries
- ORA-10130: sort disable readaheads
- ORA-10131: CONNECT BY debug event
- ORA-10132: dump plan after compilation
- ORA-10133: testing for SQL Memory Management
- ORA-10134: tracing for SQL Memory Management for session
- ORA-10135: CBO do not count 0 rows partitions
- ORA-10136: CBO turn off fix for bug 1089848
- ORA-10137: CBO turn off fix for bug 1344111
- ORA-10138: CBO turn off fix for bug 1577003
- ORA-10139: CBO turn off fix for bug 1386119
- ORA-10140: CBO turn off fix for bug 1332980
- ORA-10141: CBO disable additional keys for inlist in bitmap optimization
- ORA-10142: CBO turn off advanced OR-expansion checks
- ORA-10143: CBO turn off hints
- ORA-10144: CBO turn off cost based selection of bji over bsj subquery
- ORA-10145: test auditing network errors
- ORA-10146: enable Oracle TRACE collection
- ORA-10147: enable join push through UNION view
- ORA-10149: allow the creation of constraints with illegal date constants
- ORA-10150: import exceptions
- ORA-10152: CBO don't consider function costs in plans
- ORA-10153: Switch to use public synonym if private one does not translate
- ORA-10154: Switch to disallow synonyms in DDL statements
- ORA-10155: CBO disable generation of transitive OR-chains
- ORA-10156: CBO disable index fast full scan
- ORA-10157: CBO disable index access path for in-list
- ORA-10158: CBO preserve predicate order in post-filters
- ORA-10159: CBO disable order-by sort pushdown into domain indexes
- ORA-10160: CBO disable use of join index
- ORA-10161: CBO recursive semi-join on/off-switch
- ORA-10162: CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
- ORA-10163: CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
- ORA-10164: CBO disable subquery-adjusted cardinality fix
- ORA-10165: mark session for special handling during instance administration
- ORA-10166: trace long operation statistics updates
- ORA-10167: CBO use old index MIN/MAX optimization
- ORA-10168: CBO disable single-table predicate predicate generation
- ORA-10169: CBO disable histograms for multi partitions
- ORA-10170: CBO use old bitmap costing
- ORA-10171: CBO disable transitive join predicates
- ORA-10172: CBO force hash join back
- ORA-10173: Dynamic Sampling time-out error
- ORA-10174: view join-back elimination switch
- ORA-10175: CBO star transformation switch
- ORA-10176: CBO colocated join switch
- ORA-10177: CBO colocated join switch
- ORA-10178: CBO turn off hash cluster filtering through memcmp
- ORA-10179: CBO turn off transitive predicate replacement
- ORA-10180: temp table transformation print error messages
- ORA-10181: CBO disable multi-column in-list processing
- ORA-10182: CBO disable generation of implied predicates
- ORA-10183: CBO disable cost rounding
- ORA-10184: CBO disable OR-exp if long inlist on bitmap column
- ORA-10185: CBO force index joins
- ORA-10186: CBO disable index join
- ORA-10187: CBO additional index join switch
- ORA-10188: CBO additional index join switch
- ORA-10189: CBO turn off FFS null fix
- ORA-10190: Analyze use old frequency histogram collection and density
- ORA-10191: Avoid conversion of in-lists back to OR-expanded form
- ORA-10192: nopushdown when number of groups exceed number of rows
- ORA-10193: Force repeatable sampling with specified seed
- ORA-10194: CBO disable new LIKE selectivity heuristic
- ORA-10195: CBO don't use check constraints for transitive predicates
- ORA-10196: CBO disable index skip scan
- ORA-10197: CBO force index skip scan
- ORA-10199: set parameter in session
- ORA-10200: consistent read buffer status
- ORA-10201: consistent read undo application
- ORA-10202: consistent read block header
- ORA-10203: block cleanout
- ORA-10204: signal recursive extend
- ORA-10205: row cache debugging
- ORA-10206: transaction table consistent read
- ORA-10207: consistent read transactions' status report
- ORA-10208: consistent read loop check
- ORA-10209: enable simulated error on control file
- ORA-10210: check data block integrity
- ORA-10212: check cluster integrity
- ORA-10213: crash after control file write
- ORA-10214: simulate write errors on control file
- ORA-10215: simulate read errors on control file
- ORA-10216: dump control file header
- ORA-10217: debug sequence numbers
- ORA-10218: dump uba of applied undo
- ORA-10219: monitor multi-pass row locking
- ORA-10220: show updates to the transaction table
- ORA-10221: show changes done with undo
- ORA-10222: row cache
- ORA-10223: transaction layer - turn on verification codes
- ORA-10224: index block split/delete trace
- ORA-10225: free/used extent row cache
- ORA-10226: trace CR applications of undo for data operations
- ORA-10227: verify (multi-piece) row structure
- ORA-10228: trace application of redo by kcocbk
- ORA-10229: simulate I/O error against datafiles
- ORA-10230: KSFD block repair test event
- ORA-10231: skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_
- ORA-10232: dump corrupted blocks symbolically when kcbgotten
- ORA-10233: skip corrupted blocks on index operations
- ORA-10234: trigger event after calling kcrapc to do redo N times
- ORA-10235: check memory manager internal structures
- ORA-10236: dump redo on object no. or block type mismatch errors 1410/8103
- ORA-10237: simulate ^C (for testing purposes)
- ORA-10238: instantiation manager
- ORA-10239: multi-instance library cache manager
- ORA-10240: dump dba's of blocks that we wait for
- ORA-10241: remote SQL execution tracing/validation
- ORA-10242: suppress OER 2063 (for testing distrib w/o different error log)
- ORA-10243: simulated error for test <varname>string</varname> of K2GTAB latch cleanup
Cause: levels 1..6 for insert, 7..11 for delete
- ORA-10244: make tranids in error msgs print as 0.0.0 (for testing)
Cause: also makes "alter system enable distributed recovery" synchronous
- ORA-10245: Testing event used by server I/O ksfd/ksfq module
- ORA-10246: print trace of PMON actions to trace file
- ORA-10247: Turn on scgcmn tracing. (VMS ONLY)
- ORA-10248: turn on tracing for dispatchers
- ORA-10249: turn on tracing for multi-stated servers
- ORA-10250: Trace all allocate and free calls to the topmost SGA heap
- ORA-10251: check consistency of transaction table and undo block
- ORA-10252: shared IO pool error simulation
- ORA-10253: limit SQL text returned from X$KGLNA[1]
- ORA-10254: trace cross-instance calls
- ORA-10255: pl/sql parse checking
- ORA-10256: shared server debug event
- ORA-10257: trace shared server load balancing
- ORA-10258: force shared servers to be chosen round-robin
- ORA-10259: get error message text from remote using explicit call
Cause: for npigem coverage testing (normally called only for V5 remote)
- ORA-10260: limit size (<varname>string</varname>) of the PGA heap set by event 10261 exceeded
Cause: The PGA memory use exceeded the limit set by the event 10261.
- ORA-10261: limit the size of the PGA heap
Cause: The limit was one kilobyte times the level of the event. If the PGA grows bigger than this, signal an external error.
- ORA-10262: Don't check for memory leaks
Cause: Setting this event to level one causes memory leak checking to be disabled. Setting this event to any other non-zero number allows that number to be used as a threshold value when checking for memory leaks in the PGA, SGA, and UGA heaps.
- ORA-10263: Don't free empty PGA heap extents
Cause: This is useful for debugging since watchpoints are lost on free
- ORA-10265: Keep random system generated output out of error messages
Cause: so test system files don't diff
- ORA-10266: Trace OSD stack usage
Cause: Porters should implement this to help them debug their stack implementations. It should be used in at least smcstk().
- ORA-10267: Inhibit KSEDMP for testing
Cause: Some tests may generate internal or fatal errors on purpose.
- ORA-10268: Don't do forward coalesce when deleting extents
Cause: setting this event keeps kts from coalescing forward at each extent when dropping a temp segment.
- ORA-10269: Don't do coalesces of free space in SMON
Cause: setting this event prevents SMON from doing free space coalesces
- ORA-10270: Debug shared cursors
Cause: Enables debugging code in shared cursor management modules
- ORA-10271: distributed transaction after COLLECT
- ORA-10272: distributed transaction before PREPARE
- ORA-10273: distributed transaction after PREPARE
- ORA-10274: distributed transaction before COMMIT
- ORA-10275: distributed transaction after COMMIT
- ORA-10276: distributed transaction before FORGET
- ORA-10277: Cursor sharing (or not) related event (used for testing)
- ORA-10278: Internal testing
- ORA-10279: Simulate block corruption in kdb4chk
- ORA-10280: Internal testing - segmentation fault during crash recovery
- ORA-10281: maximum time to wait for process creation
Cause: used to override the default SPMXWAIT, level = timeout in sec.
- ORA-10282: Inhibit signalling of other backgrounds when one dies
Cause: Used in KSB
- ORA-10284: simulate zero/infinite asynch I/O buffering
Cause: Used in KCF, level=1 out of space (red), level=2 infinite (green)
- ORA-10285: Simulate control file header corruption
- ORA-10286: Simulate control file open error
- ORA-10287: Simulate archiver error
- ORA-10288: Do not check block type in ktrget
- ORA-10289: Do block dumps to trace file in hex rather than fromatted
- ORA-10290: Internal sequence tracing event
- ORA-10291: die in tbsdrv to test control file undo
- ORA-10292: hang analysis trace event
- ORA-10293: trace log switch media recovery checkpoints
- ORA-10294: ksrpc tracing
- ORA-10295: die after file header update durning cf xact
- ORA-10296: disable ORA-379
- ORA-10297: shared I/O pool tracing
- ORA-10298: ksfd i/o tracing
- ORA-10299: Trace prefetch tracking decisions made by CKPT
- ORA-10300: Distributed transaction tracing
- ORA-10301: Enable LCK timeout table consistency check
- ORA-10302: trace create or drop internal trigger
- ORA-10303: trace loading of library cache for internal triggers
- ORA-10304: trace replication trigger
- ORA-10305: trace updatable materialized view trigger
- ORA-10306: trace materialized view log trigger
- ORA-10307: trace RepCat execution
- ORA-10308: replication testing event
- ORA-10309: Trigger Debug event
- ORA-10310: trace synchronous change table trigger
- ORA-10311: Disable Flashback Table Timestamp checking
- ORA-10312: Allow disable to log rows into the mapping table
- ORA-10314: Enable extra stats gathering for CR
- ORA-10316: Events for extensible txn header, non zero ext header size
- ORA-10317: Events for extensible txn header, zero ext header size
- ORA-10318: Trace extensible txn header movements
- ORA-10319: Trace PGA statistics maintenance
- ORA-10320: Enable data layer (kdtgrs) tracing of space management calls
- ORA-10321: Datafile header verification debug failure.
- ORA-10322: CBO don't simplify inlist predicates
- ORA-10323: before committing an add datafile command
- ORA-10324: Enable better checking of redo logs errors
- ORA-10325: Trace control file record section expand and shrink operations
- ORA-10326: clear logfile debug crash at <varname>string</varname>, log <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10327: simulate ORA-00235 error for testing
- ORA-10328: disable first-to-mount split-brain error, for testing
- ORA-10329: simulate out-of-memory error during first pass of recovery
- ORA-10330: clear MTTR statistics in checkpoint progress record
- ORA-10331: simulate resilvering during recovery
- ORA-10332: force ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED command to fail
- ORA-10333: dump MTTR statistics each time it is updated
- ORA-10334: force FG to wait to be killed during MTTR advisory simulation
- ORA-10335: trace database open status
- ORA-10336: Do remote object transfer using remote SQL
- ORA-10337: enable padding owner name in slave sql
- ORA-10338: CBO don't use inlist iterator with function-based indexes
- ORA-10339: CBO disable DECODE simplification
- ORA-10340: Buffer queues sanity check for corrupted buffers
- ORA-10341: Simulate out of PGA memory in DBWR during object reuse
- ORA-10342: Raise unknown exception in ACQ_ADD when checkpointing
- ORA-10343: Raise an out of memory exception-OER 4031 in ACQ_ADD
- ORA-10344: reserved for simulating object hash reorganization
- ORA-10345: validate queue when linking or unlinking a buffer
- ORA-10346: check that all buffers for checkpoint have been written
- ORA-10347: dump active checkpoint entries and checkpoint buffers
- ORA-10348: test abnormal termination of process initiating file checkpoint
- ORA-10349: do not allow ckpt to complete
- ORA-10350: Simulate more than one object & tsn id in object reuse
- ORA-10351: size of slots
- ORA-10352: report direct path statistics
- ORA-10353: number of slots
- ORA-10354: turn on direct read path for parallel query
- ORA-10355: turn on direct read path for scans
- ORA-10356: turn on hint usage for direct read
- ORA-10357: turn on debug information for direct path
- ORA-10358: Simulate out of PGA memory in cache advisory reset
- ORA-10359: turn off updates to control file for direct writes
- ORA-10361: check buffer change vector count consistency
- ORA-10362: simulate a write error to take a file offline
- ORA-10363: Simulate messaging error for fast object reuse/checkpoint
- ORA-10364: Do not clear GIMH_STC_SHUT_BEGIN state during shutdown
- ORA-10365: turn on debug information for adaptive direct reads
- ORA-10366: kgnfs tracing
- ORA-10367: kgodm tracing
- ORA-10368: maximum number of internal errors a process will tolerate
- ORA-10369: test SQL monitoring feature
- ORA-10375: turn on checks for statistics rollups
- ORA-10376: enable archive compression loads
- ORA-10377: force slave allocation
- ORA-10378: force hard process/range affinity
- ORA-10380: kxfp latch cleanup testing event
- ORA-10381: kxfp latch cleanup testing event
- ORA-10383: auto parallelization testing event
- ORA-10384: parallel dataflow scheduler tracing
- ORA-10385: parallel table scan range sampling method
- ORA-10386: parallel SQL hash and range statistics
- ORA-10390: Trace parallel query slave execution
- ORA-10391: trace PX granule allocation/assignment
- ORA-10392: parallel query debugging bits
- ORA-10393: print parallel query statistics
- ORA-10394: generate a fake load to test adaptive and load balancing
- ORA-10395: adjust sample size for range table queues
- ORA-10397: suppress verbose parallel coordinator error reporting
- ORA-10398: enable timeouts in parallel query threads
- ORA-10399: trace buffer allocation
- ORA-10400: turn on system state dumps for shutdown debugging
- ORA-10401: turn on IPC (ksxp) debugging
- ORA-10402: turn on IPC (skgxp) debugging
- ORA-10403: fake CPU number for default degree of parallelism
- ORA-10404: crash dbwr after write
- ORA-10405: emulate broken mirrors
- ORA-10406: enable datetime TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL datatype creation
- ORA-10407: enable datetime TIME datatype creation
- ORA-10408: disable OLAP builtin window function usage
- ORA-10409: enable granule memset and block invalidation at startup
- ORA-10410: trigger simulated communications errors in KSXP
- ORA-10412: dump the call stack if an error is signaled
- ORA-10413: force simulated error for testing purposes
- ORA-10414: simulated error from event <varname>string</varname> level <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10415: parallel degree specified is too large, max value allowed <varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10416: disable fix for 2736734
- ORA-10417: limit 1 file per sbtinfo2() validation call
- ORA-10418: disable re-creating tempfile
- ORA-10419: create tempfile without create_scn and time
- ORA-10420: trace KSO OS-process operations
- ORA-10421: enable dump from ksbwco if there is no reply
- ORA-10422: KSU debugging
- ORA-10423: dump the call stack if the specified error is cleared
- ORA-10424: KGE debugging
- ORA-10425: enable global enqueue operations event trace
- ORA-10426: enable ges/gcs reconfiguration event trace
- ORA-10427: enable global enqueue service traffic controller event trace
- ORA-10428: enable tracing of global enqueue service cached resource
- ORA-10429: enable tracing of global enqueue service IPC calls
- ORA-10430: enable ges/gcs dynamic remastering event trace
- ORA-10431: enable verification messages on pi consistency
- ORA-10432: enable tracing of global cache service fusion calls
- ORA-10433: global enqueue service testing event
- ORA-10434: enable tracing of global enqueue service multiple LMS
- ORA-10435: enable tracing of global enqueue service deadlock detetction
- ORA-10436: enable global cache service duplicate ping checking
- ORA-10437: enable trace of global enqueue service S optimized resources
- ORA-10438: force lowest node to be master of all gcs resources
- ORA-10439: enable tracing of global cache service fusion calls - part 2
- ORA-10440: enable global enqueue service inquire resource modes trace
- ORA-10441: enable diagnosibility daemon (DIAG) trace
- ORA-10442: enable trace of kst for ORA-01555 diagnostics
- ORA-10443: reserved for data layer diagnostics and debugging
- ORA-10444: enable DLM timeout testing
- ORA-10445: enable tracing of LMS priority management
- ORA-10446: reserved for data layer diagnostics and debugging
- ORA-10447: reserved for data layer diagnostics and debugging
- ORA-10448: reserved for data layer diagnostics and debugging
- ORA-10449: enable trace of kst for undo manageability features diagnostics
- ORA-10450: signal ctrl-c in kdddca (drop column) after n rows
- ORA-10451: Force heap segment compression bypassing compatibility checks
- ORA-10452: Cannot do block media recovery; media recovery session may be in progress
Cause: A media recovery, RMAN, or flashback database session may have been in progress when an attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database.
- ORA-10453: Dump compression statistics to trace file
- ORA-10454: Disable column reordering during compression
- ORA-10455: Do Compression Block Checking
- ORA-10456: cannot open standby database; media recovery session may be in progress
Cause: A media recovery, RMAN, or flashback database session may have been in progress on a mounted instance of a standby database when an attempt was made to open the standby database.
- ORA-10457: cannot close standby database due to active media recovery
Cause: A media recovery session was in progress on a standby database when an attempt was made to close the standby database.
- ORA-10458: standby database requires recovery
Cause: A standby database was in a state requiring media recovery when an attempt was made to open the standby database.
- ORA-10459: cannot start media recovery on standby database; conflicting state detected
Cause: An attempt was made to perform media recovery on a standby database while another instance was performing recovery on the standby database, had the standby database open, or a data file move operation was in progress.
- ORA-10460: Perform backward tablescans for consistent read reduction
- ORA-10461: Simulate control file corruption during write operation
- ORA-10462: enable recovery debug module
- ORA-10463: enable controlfile test
- ORA-10464: enable incremental checkpoint debug for split brain check
- ORA-10465: force slave death during parallel crash recovery
- ORA-10466: enable HARD check for block write
- ORA-10467: amplify control file record expansion for testing
- ORA-10468: log writer debug module
- ORA-10469: error creating control file backup, no checkpoint
Cause: The control file being backed up did not contain a valid control file checkpoint. Therefore the control file could not be backed up, as such a backup would not be usable later for recovery. A common cause for this situation is that you executed CREATE CONTROLFILE, which mounts the database, but not ALTER DATABASE OPEN, to open the database. The latter operation generates a valid control file checkpoint.
- ORA-10470: Lost write detection related event
- ORA-10471: PQ slave allocation timeout test
- ORA-10472: dump reading log buffer hit ratio histogram to lgwr trace file
- ORA-10473: enable BRR tracing
- ORA-10474: controlfile time tracing
- ORA-10475: readable standby debug event
- ORA-10476: control file corruption range testing
- ORA-10477: simulated rollback error
- ORA-10478: DBW0 file identification trace event
- ORA-10479: disk sector size test event
- ORA-10480: Soft asserts for fast detection of datafile storage problems
- ORA-10481: Backup data block for data file has an unlogged change
Cause: Flashback was enabled for the data file when the backup data block used for block media recovery had an unlogged change.
- ORA-10482: Automatic block repair cannot repair an offline or read-only data file
Cause: Automatic block repair failed when trying to repair an offline or read-only data file.
- ORA-10483: Simulate overly advanced incremental checkpoint
- ORA-10484: Enable tracing for online data file move operation
- ORA-10485: Real-Time Query cannot be enabled while applying migration redo.
Cause: The Real-Time Query feature was enabled when an attempt was made to recover through migration redo generated during primary upgrades or downgrades.
- ORA-10486: Verify data file-related SGA alignment
- ORA-10487: Dump redo memory protection information.
- ORA-10488: Dump block headers read for media recovery.
- ORA-10489: Generate future redo for testing
- ORA-10490: Trace OSM misc. events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10491: Trace OSM messaging (KFN) events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10492: Trace OSM metadata events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10493: Return empty define buffers on 1422
- ORA-10494: Trace OSM metadata events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10495: Trace OSM metadata events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10496: Turn off fix for bug 2554178
- ORA-10497: Trace OSM metadata events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10498: Trim blank characters including contol characters
- ORA-10499: Trace OSM metadata events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10500: turn on traces for SMON
- ORA-10501: periodically check selected heap
- ORA-10502: CBO disable the fix for bug 2098120
- ORA-10503: enable user-specified graduated bind lengths
- ORA-10504: CBO disable the fix for bug 2607029
- ORA-10505: CBO enable dynamic sampling dump to table
- ORA-10506: Disable fix for bug 2588217
- ORA-10507: Trace bind equivalence logic
- ORA-10508: Enable fix for bug 14772545
- ORA-10509: Check kghu subheaps at call boundaries
- ORA-10510: turn off SMON check to offline pending offline rollback segment
- ORA-10511: turn off SMON check to cleanup undo dictionary
- ORA-10512: turn off SMON check to shrink rollback segments
- ORA-10515: turn on event to use physical cleanout
- ORA-10519: enable ALTER TYPE RESET support
- ORA-10520: recreate view only if definition has changed
- ORA-10521: CMON connection pool test event
- ORA-10522: turn off wrap source compression
- ORA-10523: force recreate package even if definition is unchanged
- ORA-10524: CMON connection pool trace event
- ORA-10525: Disable automatic object validation for describe
- ORA-10526: enables lightweight thread tracing
Cause: Used in ksolt.
- ORA-10527: enables defer SGA allocation tracing
Cause: Used for deferred SGA allocation.
- ORA-10528: enables ksmg tracing
Cause: Used in ksmg module.
- ORA-10530: Lightweight thread spawn failed, error stack:
Cause: Check alert/trace files for more information
- ORA-10531: Lightweight thread unit test failure error
Cause: Check alert/trace files for more information
- ORA-10543: Standby Block Media Recovery (bmr) and split brain testing event
- ORA-10544: Inject standby autobmr failures
- ORA-10545: Print standby autobmr messages in alert log
- ORA-10546: Cannot perform block media recovery; standby database does not have requisite redo.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database when the necessary redo was not available.
- ORA-10547: Cannot perform block media recovery; standby database is not caught up with primary.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database up to scn %s, which is greater than the highest scn of %s yet applied at the standby.
- ORA-10548: Cannot perform block media recovery on a read-only plugged-in datafile.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on a read-only plugged-in datafile.
- ORA-10549: Cannot perform block media recovery using a read-only plugged-in backup datafile.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery using a backup of a read-only plugged-in datafile.
- ORA-10550: signal error during create as select/create index after n rows
- ORA-10551: Internal testing for ORA-1551 error handling
- ORA-10553: Incompatible UNTIL CONSISTENT clause
Cause: RECOVER UNTIL CONSISTENT required database-level recovery with a backup control file.
- ORA-10554: Media recovery failed to bring datafile <varname>string</varname> to a consistent point
Cause: Media recovery couldn't recover database to a consistent point due to the specified datafile.
- ORA-10555: Disable redo dumping
- ORA-10556: Enable tracing for multi instance Redo Apply
- ORA-10557: NID clears database incarnation section in controlfile
- ORA-10558: Disable unkeep marker handling for ADG
- ORA-10559: LGWR code path debugging event for deferred log flush on ping
- ORA-10560: block type '<varname>string</varname>'
Cause: Report block type for details of another error.
- ORA-10561: block type '<varname>string</varname>', data object# <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Report block type and data object number for details of another error.
- ORA-10562: Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# <varname>string</varname>, block# <varname>string</varname>)
Cause: See other errors on error stack.
- ORA-10563: Test recovery had to corrupt data block (file# <varname>string</varname>, block# <varname>string</varname>) in order to proceed
Cause: Test recovery completed.
- ORA-10564: tablespace <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Report tablespace name for details of another error.
- ORA-10565: Another test recovery session is active
Cause: There can only be one test recovery session at any time. Another test recovery session is active.
- ORA-10566: Test recovery has used all the memory it can use
Cause: Test recovery tests redo in memory. It can no longer proceed because it has consumed all the memory it can use.
- ORA-10567: Redo is inconsistent with data block (file# <varname>string</varname>, block# <varname>string</varname>, file offset is <varname>string</varname> bytes)
Cause: There are two possible causes of this error: (1) A write issued by Oracle was lost by the underlying OS or storage system. (2) an Oracle internal error.
- ORA-10568: Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory
Cause: out of SGA memory
- ORA-10569: Trace datafile header writes
- ORA-10570: Test recovery complete
Cause: Test recovery completed.
- ORA-10571: Test recovery canceled
Cause: User canceled test recovery.
- ORA-10572: Test recovery canceled due to errors
Cause: See other errors on the error stack.
- ORA-10573: Test recovery tested redo from change <varname>string</varname> to <varname>string</varname>
Cause: This message show the range of test recovery have tested.
- ORA-10574: Test recovery did not corrupt any data block
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result.
- ORA-10575: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: out of memory
Cause: There were not enough memory to restore recovered datafiles to consistent state
- ORA-10576: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: some error occurred
Cause: See alert file or other errors on the stack for a cause of the problem.
- ORA-10577: Can not invoke test recovery for managed standby database recovery
Cause: Test recovery option is used for managed standby database recovery.
- ORA-10578: Can not allow corruption for managed standby database recovery
Cause: You used the allow corruption option for managed standby database recovery.
- ORA-10579: Can not modify control file during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify the control file. But test recovery is not allowed to modify control file.
- ORA-10580: Can not modify datafile header during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify a datafile header. But test recovery is not allowed to modify datafile headers.
- ORA-10581: Can not modify redo log header during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify a redo log header. But test recovery is not allowed to modify redo log headers.
- ORA-10582: The control file is not a backup control file
Cause: User requested backup control file test recovery, but the control file is not a backup control file.
- ORA-10583: Can not recovery file <varname>string</varname> renamed as missing during test recovery
Cause: One of the files to be recovered is renamed as missing.
- ORA-10584: Can not invoke parallel recovery for test recovery
Cause: Both test recovery and parallel recovery are requested.
- ORA-10585: Test recovery can not apply redo that may modify control file
Cause: Test recovery has encountered a special redo that may modify control file.
- ORA-10586: Test recovery had to corrupt 1 data block in order to proceed
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result: Oracle may have to corrupt one block in order to apply the range of redo tested.
- ORA-10587: Invalid count for ALLOW n CORRUPTION option
Cause: The number specified in the ALLOW n CORRUPTION option is too big.
- ORA-10588: media recovery file header validation
- ORA-10589: Test recovery had to corrupt <varname>string</varname> data blocks in order to proceed
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result: Oracle may have to corrupt a number of data blocks as specified in the message in order to apply the range of redo tested.
- ORA-10590: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10591: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10592: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10593: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10594: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10595: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10596: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10597: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10598: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10599: kga (argus debugger) test flags
- ORA-10600: check cursor frame allocation
- ORA-10601: turn on debugging for cursor_sharing (literal replacement)
- ORA-10603: cause an error to occur during truncate (for testing purposes)
- ORA-10604: trace parallel create index
- ORA-10605: enable parallel create index by default
- ORA-10606: trace parallel create index
- ORA-10607: trace index rowid partition scan
- ORA-10608: trace create bitmap index
- ORA-10609: trace for array index insertion
- ORA-10610: trace create index pseudo optimizer
- ORA-10611: causes migration to fail - testing only
- ORA-10612: prints debug information for auto-space managed segments
- ORA-10613: prints debug information for auto-space managed segments
- ORA-10614: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: This procedure can be used only on segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
- ORA-10615: Invalid tablespace type for temporary tablespace
Cause: Tablespace with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGENEMT specified cannot be used as a temporary tablespace
- ORA-10616: Operation not allowed on this tablespace
Cause: Cannot perform the operation on tablespace with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
- ORA-10617: Cannot create rollback segment in dictionary managed tablespace
Cause: Rollback segments cannot be created in dictionary managed tablespaces when SYSTEM tablespace is locally managed
- ORA-10618: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: This DBMS_SPACE operation is not permitted on segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
- ORA-10619: Avoid assertions when possible
Cause: A bug (or upgrade) hits unicode assertions (csid, csform, bfc)
- ORA-10620: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: Cannot alter freelist storage parameter for segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
- ORA-10621: specify retry count for online index build cleanup DML lock get
- ORA-10622: test or trace online index build or rebuild
- ORA-10623: test synchronized flow of SORT rows into FOR UPDATE lock phase
- ORA-10624: Disable UJV invalidation on drop index
- ORA-10625: Turn off redo log dump for the index when OERI 12700
- ORA-10626: specify timeout for online index rebuild to wait for DML
- ORA-10627: Dump the content of the index leaf block
Cause: Generate a complete index tree dump, not just an overview during alter session set events immediate trace name treedump
- ORA-10628: Turn on sanity check for kdiss index skip scan state
Cause: Will do sanity checking on the kdiss state.
- ORA-10629: force online index build to backoff and retry DML lock upgrade
- ORA-10630: Illegal syntax specified with SHRINK clause
Cause: An illegal option was specified with the SHRINK clause
- ORA-10631: SHRINK clause should not be specified for this object
Cause: It is incorrect to issue shrink on the object
- ORA-10632: Invalid rowid
Cause: Segment Highwatermark was overwritten due to shrink and space reused
- ORA-10633: No space found in the segment
Cause: Raised while trying to find space during segment shrink
- ORA-10634: Segment is already being shrunk
Cause: Only one invocation of shrink can be in progress on a segment at any time
- ORA-10635: Invalid segment or tablespace type
Cause: Cannot shrink the segment because it is not in auto segment space managed tablespace or it is not a data, index or lob segment.
- ORA-10636: ROW MOVEMENT is not enabled
Cause: To shrink a data segment, row movement must be enabled.
- ORA-10637: The segment does not exist
Cause: Segment to be shrunk has been dropped
- ORA-10638: Index status is invalid
Cause: Cannot shrink an index which is being rebuilt or disabled is an unusable state.
- ORA-10639: Dump library cache during reparse loops
Cause: During this error a library cache dump is necessary , so enable librarycache dump if event is set.
- ORA-10640: Operation not permitted during SYSTEM tablespace migration
Cause: SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated to locally managed format.
- ORA-10641: Cannot find a rollback segment to bind to
Cause: SYSTEM tablespace migration requires rollback segment in locally managed tablespace.
- ORA-10642: Found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is migrated found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces.
- ORA-10643: Database should be mounted in restricted mode and Exclusive mode
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated database should be mounted in Exclusive mode and in Restricted mode.
- ORA-10644: SYSTEM tablespace cannot be default temporary tablespace
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated no user should have SYSTEM as the default temporary tablespace.
- ORA-10645: Recursive Extension in SYSTEM tablespace during migration
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, dictionary tables tried to extend recursively. Must be caught and processed internally. Should not be thrown to the user.
- ORA-10646: Too many recursive extensions during SYSTEM tablespace migration
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, dictionary tables tried to extend recursively more than 1000 times.
- ORA-10647: Tablespace other than SYSTEM, <varname>string</varname>, <varname>string</varname> not found in read only mode
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, tablespaces other than the three should be ALTERed to read only.
- ORA-10648: Tablespace SYSAUX is not offline
Cause: The SYSAUX tablespace was online while SYSTEM tablespace was being migrated.
- ORA-10649: Turn off/trace lob index freelist coalesce
Cause: Will turn off or trace lob index freelist coalescing
- ORA-10650: disable cache-callback optimisation
- ORA-10651: incorrect file number block number specified
Cause: The dba specified is not valid
- ORA-10652: Object has on-commit materialized views
Cause: It is illegal to issue shrink on an object with on-commit materialized views
- ORA-10653: Table is in a cluster
Cause: It is illegal to shrink a table belonging to a cluster
- ORA-10654: Table is of type temporary or external
Cause: It is illegal to shrink a temporary table or an external table
- ORA-10655: Segment can be shrunk
Cause: Error message returned when called in probe mode by OEM
- ORA-10656: Table is in unusable state due to incomplete operation
Cause: ALTER TABLE SHRINK operation was tried on the table which is in unusable state because of previously failed/incomplete operation.
- ORA-10657: Lob column to be shrunk does not exist
Cause: Shrink was issued on a lob segment that did not exist
- ORA-10658: Lob column to be shrunk is marked unused
Cause: Shrink was issued on a lob segment that is marked as unused
- ORA-10659: Segment being shrunk is not a lob
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment that should be a first class lob or other data type stored in lob
- ORA-10660: Segment is a shared lob segment
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment that was being shared by multiple lob columns
- ORA-10661: Invalid option specified
Cause: Check option can be specified for one segment only
- ORA-10662: Segment has long columns
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment with long columns. This is not supported.
- ORA-10663: Object has rowid based materialized views
Cause: Shrink was issued on an object with rowid based materialized views.
- ORA-10664: Table has bitmap join indexes
Cause: SHRINK was issued on a table with bitmap join indexes.
- ORA-10665: Inject Evil Literals
Cause: Event 10665 is set to some number > 0, causing 1/(value-1) of all literals to be replaced by 2000 letter 'A's. A value of 1 does not corrupt anything.
- ORA-10666: Do not get database enqueue name
- ORA-10667: Cause sppst to check for valid process ids
- ORA-10668: Inject Evil Identifiers
Cause: event 10668 is set to some number > 0, causing 1/(value-1) of all identifiers to be replaced by a maximum amount of x's. It is common for an identifier to be parsed once with a max of 30 bytes, then reparsed later with a max of 4000, so it may not be possible to inject such an identifier without the aid of this event. A value of 1 causes no identifiers to be corrupted.
- ORA-10690: Set shadow process core file dump type (Unix only)
Cause: Control core file size for shadow processes
- ORA-10691: Set background process core file type (Unix only)
Cause: Control core file size file for background processes
- ORA-10693: Internal event
- ORA-10700: Alter access violation exception handler
Cause: Use this event to control what the VMS exception handler does when it encounters an access violation.
- ORA-10701: Dump direct loader index keys
Cause: Dumps index keys at various points in a direct load based on the value of this event.
- ORA-10702: Application continuity debugging was not enabled
Cause: Enable application continuity debugging
- ORA-10704: Print out information about what enqueues are being obtained
Cause: When enabled, prints out arguments to calls to ksqcmi and ksqlrl and the return values.
- ORA-10706: Print out information about global enqueue manipulation
Cause: When enabled, prints out activity in ksi routines.
- ORA-10707: Simulate process death for instance registration
Cause: When enabled, process commits suicide to test instance registration recovery code.
- ORA-10708: print out trace information from the RAC buffer cache
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10709: enable parallel instances in create index by default
- ORA-10710: trace bitmap index access
- ORA-10711: trace bitmap index merge
- ORA-10712: trace bitmap index or
- ORA-10713: trace bitmap index and
- ORA-10714: trace bitmap index minus
- ORA-10715: trace bitmap index conversion to rowids
- ORA-10716: trace bitmap index compress/decompress
- ORA-10717: trace bitmap index compaction trace for index creation
- ORA-10718: event to disable automatic compaction after index creation
- ORA-10719: trace bitmap index dml
- ORA-10720: trace db scheduling
- ORA-10721: Internal testing - temp table transformation
- ORA-10722: trace server level database scheduling
- ORA-10723: Internal testing - release buffer for buffer cache shrink
- ORA-10724: trace cross-instance broadcast
- ORA-10725: bitmap index version control
- ORA-10726: frequent itemset counting
- ORA-10727: introduce failure events in IPC
- ORA-10728: set parameters for CPU frequency calculation (debug)
- ORA-10730: trace row level security policy predicates
- ORA-10731: dump SQL for CURSOR expressions
- ORA-10732: honor pctfree during insert into AQ IOTs
- ORA-10733: test transient-IOT metadata during PMO cleanup
- ORA-10734: reroute external procedures
- ORA-10735: debug ksws operations
- ORA-10736: buffer cache pin history dump
- ORA-10737: test block checking
- ORA-10738: internal block testing
- ORA-10739: debug WLM (kywm) operations
- ORA-10740: disables fix for bug 598861
- ORA-10741: trace missing BRR generation
- ORA-10742: dump process state on flush buffer_cache
- ORA-10750: test rollback segment blksize guessing for index array insert
- ORA-10751: override for remote row source maximum buffer size
- ORA-10752: override for the Exponential Moving Average factor
- ORA-10753: enforce deterministic behaviour for prefetching row source
- ORA-10754: disable fix for bug 14173995 for multi-table select for update
- ORA-10780: LogMiner API trace event
- ORA-10781: LogMiner reader trace event
- ORA-10782: LogMiner preparer trace event
- ORA-10783: LogMiner builder trace event
- ORA-10784: LogMiner dictionary trace event
- ORA-10785: LogMiner trace event
- ORA-10786: call push/pop (KSU)
- ORA-10787: trace intra-instance broadcast
- ORA-10788: trace call stacks
- ORA-10789: LogMiner test event
- ORA-10790: LogMiner trace event
- ORA-10791: Logical Standby swithover/failover trace event
- ORA-10792: Logical Standby XDAT trace event
- ORA-10793: Logical Standby trace event
- ORA-10794: Logical Standby trace event
- ORA-10795: VKTM Process trace event
- ORA-10796: Elevate Scheduler Priority trace event
- ORA-10797: Logical Standby Test Event
- ORA-10798: debug GSM operations
- ORA-10800: disable Smart Disk scan
- ORA-10804: reserved for ksxb
- ORA-10806: Switch to 7.3 mode when detaching sessions
- ORA-10807: Disable user id check when switching to a global transaction
- ORA-10808: Enable assert when waiting without a reason
- ORA-10809: Trace state object allocate / free history
- ORA-10810: Trace snapshot too old
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10811: Trace block cleanouts
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10812: Trace Consistent Reads
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10826: enable upgrade/downgrade error message trace
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10827: enable upgrade/downgrade diagnostics
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10828: memory allocator error
Cause: Error in the memory allocator
- ORA-10830: Trace group by sort row source
- ORA-10831: Trace group by rollup row source
- ORA-10832: Trace approximate NDV row source
- ORA-10833: Runtime distribution keys for adaptive partial rollup
- ORA-10834: Runtime behavior control for adaptive partial rollup
- ORA-10839: trace / debug caching module (qesca.c)
- ORA-10840: trace / debug pl/sql caching module (kkxmInitCache)
- ORA-10841: Default un-inintialized charact set form to SQLCS_IMPLICIT
Cause: client side, such as JDBC-THIN 8i client sends 0 as charset form
- ORA-10842: Event for OCI Tracing and Statistics Info
Cause: This event is meant for tracing OCI Calls and getting statistics
- ORA-10843: Event for client result cache tracing
- ORA-10844: turn on Native Net IPC debugging (skgxp)
- ORA-10845: Enable Director tracing
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10846: Event for non-blocking testing
- ORA-10847: OCI dump action is being invoked for internal error ORA-<varname>string</varname>
- ORA-10848: OCI Non Blocking not supported with <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Attempt made to set connection as non-blocking with another feature that does not support non-blocking.
- ORA-10849: Internal OCI event number
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10850: Enable time manager tracing
- ORA-10851: Allow Drop command to drop queue tables
- ORA-10852: Enable tracing for Enqueue Dequeue Operations
Cause: NA
- ORA-10854: Sets poll count used for AQ listen code under RAC
Cause: NA
- ORA-10856: Disable AQ propagator from using streaming
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10857: Force AQ propagator to use two-phase commit
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10858: Crash the AQ propagator at different stages of commit
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10859: Disable updates of message retry count
- ORA-10860: event for AQ admin disable new name parser
- ORA-10861: disable storing extended message properties
- ORA-10862: resolve default queue owner to current user in enqueue/dequeue
Cause: resolve default queue owner to current user in enqueue/dequeue.
- ORA-10863: Control behavior of buffered background operations
Cause: NA
- ORA-10864: event to enable AQ dedicated propagation
- ORA-10865: Control tracing of notification operations
Cause: NA
- ORA-10866: event to order dequeue by condition
- ORA-10867: turn off authentication for emon to oci client and disable HA rstat
- ORA-10868: event to enable interop patch for AQ enqueue options
- ORA-10870: Disable multi-instance standby role transition
- ORA-10871: dump file open/close timestamp during media recovery
- ORA-10872: Flashback Database fault insertion event #<varname>string</varname>.
- ORA-10873: file <varname>string</varname> needs to be either taken out of backup mode or media recovered
Cause: An attempt was made to open a database after an instance failure or SHUTDOWN ABORT interrupted an online backup.
- ORA-10874: Change max logfiles in hashtable in krfbVerifyRedoAvailable
- ORA-10875: Require instance bounce after switchover to primary
- ORA-10876: IDR Test event
- ORA-10877: error signaled in parallel recovery slave <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A parallel recovery logmerger reached an exception condition.
- ORA-10878: parallel recovery slave died unexpectedly
Cause: A parallel recovery slave died unexpectedly, PMON cleaning up the process.
- ORA-10879: error signaled in parallel recovery slave <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A parallel recovery slave reached an exception condition.
- ORA-10880: trace Java VM execution
- ORA-10883: Event for Fast Application Notification tracing
Cause: This event sets tracing for Fast Application Notification (FAN).
- ORA-10885: Switchover test event
- ORA-10886: Recovery test event
- ORA-10890: ADG test event
- ORA-10891: disable column pruning in ANSI join transformation
- ORA-10898: LGWR timing event
- ORA-10900: extent manager fault insertion event #<varname>string</varname>
Cause: causes faults to be generated in instrumented extent code
- ORA-10901: disable the fix for bug 1230798
- ORA-10902: disable seghdr conversion for ro operation
Cause: causes seghdr conversion to be turned off for ro ops(#555856)
- ORA-10903: Force tablespaces to become locally managed
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10904: Allow locally managed tablespaces to have user allocation
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10905: Do cache verification (kcbcxx) on extent allocation
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10906: Unable to extend segment after insert direct load
Cause: This is a restriction with insert direct load transactions.
- ORA-10907: Trace extent management events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10908: Trace temp tablespace events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10909: Trace free list events
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10910: inject corner case events into the RAC buffer cache
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10911: Locally managed SYSTEM tablespace bitmaps can be modified only under the supervision of Oracle Support
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10912: Used to perform admin operations on locally managed SYSTEM tablespace
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10913: Create locally managed database if compatible > 920 by default
Cause: N/A
- ORA-10914: invalid TABLESPACE GROUP clause
Cause: An invalid option appears for TABLESPACE GROUP clause.
- ORA-10915: TABLESPACE GROUP cannot be specified for this type of tablespace
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the TABLESPACE GROUP clause was used while creating/altering a tablespace that is not TEMPORARY.
- ORA-10916: TABLESPACE GROUP already specified
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the TABLESPACE GROUP option was specified more than once.
- ORA-10917: TABLESPACE GROUP cannot be specified
Cause: The tablespace name specified in the command is actually the name of a tablespace group.
- ORA-10918: TABLESPACE GROUP name cannot be the same as tablespace name
Cause: The tablespace group name specified in the command is the same as the tablespace being CREATEd/ALTERed.
- ORA-10919: Default temporary tablespace group must have at least one tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to move the only tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group to another tablespace group.
- ORA-10920: Cannot offline tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group
Cause: An attempt was made to offline a tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group.
- ORA-10921: Cannot drop tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group.
- ORA-10922: Temporary tablespace group is empty
Cause: An attempt was made to allocate a temporary segment in a group, which now no longer has any members.
- ORA-10923: prints debug information for object space server manageability
- ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event
Cause: causes server to ignore specific error associated with freelists and freelist groups when parsing
- ORA-10925: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 237911
- ORA-10926: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 190119
- ORA-10927: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 235190
- ORA-10928: trace name context forever
- ORA-10929: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 343966
- ORA-10930: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, provides V7 behavior for fixed char binds
- ORA-10931: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, allows normal packages to be compiled with standard extensions like "<ADT_1>"
- ORA-10932: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
- ORA-10933: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
- ORA-10934: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 11.x.
- ORA-10936: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available in versions 7.x and 8.x.
- ORA-10937: trace name context forever
- ORA-10938: trace name context forever
- ORA-10939: trace name context forever
- ORA-10940: trace name context forever
Cause: Size of the PL/SQL tracing circular buffer, in kilobytes.
- ORA-10941: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns on PL/SQL profiler
- ORA-10943: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
- ORA-10944: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, allows or controls PL/SQL OPT code gen project. available only in version 8.2+.
- ORA-10945: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables the behaviour change introduced by the fix for bug 822764, which traps and handles invalidations of packages whereas the previous behaviour was to use stale invalidated instantiations of the stateful package body.
- ORA-10946: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 10.x.
- ORA-10947: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, causes various PL/SQL warnings related debugging info to be written in a trace file. Useful for debugging varous Oracle processes. available only in version 10.x.
- ORA-10949: Disable autotune direct path read for full table scan
- ORA-10960: AQ tracing event
- ORA-10970: backout event for bug 2133357
Cause: 2133357 dynamically sets the varying width flag and character width. Lob data which is not migrated during migration from single byte to multibyte charater set will be displayed as special characters.
- ORA-10971: prints debugging information for LOBs
- ORA-10972: raise a 1551 exception in kdu_array_flush
- ORA-10973: backout evet for 2619509
Cause: 2619509 catches offsets when not reading/writing on full character boundary. To facilitate backward compatiblity event is being introduced.
- ORA-10974: Turn on LOB integrity verification
- ORA-10975: trace execution of parallel propagation
- ORA-10976: internal package related tracing
- ORA-10977: trace event for RepAPI
- ORA-10978: general event for materialized view logs
- ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation
Cause: This is an informational message.
- ORA-10980: prevent sharing of parsed query during Materialized View query generation
- ORA-10981: dscn computation-related event in replication
- ORA-10982: event to turn off CDC-format MV Logs
- ORA-10983: event to enable Create_Change_Table debugging
- ORA-10984: subquery materialized view-related event
- ORA-10985: event for NULL refresh of materialized views
- ORA-10986: donot use HASH_AJ in refresh
- ORA-10987: event for the support of caching table with object feature
- ORA-10988: event to get exclusive lock during materialized view refresh in IAS
- ORA-10989: event to internally create statistics MV
- ORA-10990: dump spreadsheet info
- ORA-10991: event for optimizing the online redefinition instantiation
- ORA-10992: event to enable dbms_job instead of dbms_scheduler
- ORA-10993: Runtime enable IOQ batching
- ORA-10994: Compiletime enable IOQ batching
- ORA-10995: general event for materialized views
- ORA-10997: another startup/shutdown operation of this instance inprogress
Cause: An Oracle Instance startup or shutdown operation failed to procure the serialization primitive. Another foreground process may have attempted startup or shutdown operation in parallel.
- ORA-10998: event to enable short stack dumps in system state dumps
- ORA-10999: do not get database enqueue name
- ORA-11000: Force metadata read directly from dictionary.
- ORA-12000: a materialized view log already exists on table '<varname>string</varname>'
- ORA-12001: cannot create log: table '<varname>string</varname>' already has a trigger
Cause: Materialized view logs are filled by a trigger on the master table. That trigger cannot be created.
- ORA-12002: there is no materialized view log on table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: There was no materialized view log on the master table.
- ORA-12003: materialized view or zonemap "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" does not exist
Cause: The database object with the given owner and name was not found.
- ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The materialized view log does not exist or cannot be used. PCT refresh is also not enabled on the materialized view
- ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past
Cause: An attempt was made to schedule an automated materialized view refresh for a time in the past.
- ORA-12006: materialized view or zonemap "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already exists
- ORA-12007: materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW .. or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG .. REUSE command was given inconsistent parameters immediately after the REUSE.
- ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
Cause: Table SNAP$_<mview_name> reads rows from the view MVIEW$_<mview_name>, which is a view on the master table (the master may be at a remote site). Any error in this path will cause this error at refresh time. For fast refreshes, the table <master_owner>.MLOG$_<varname>master</varname> is also referenced.
- ORA-12009: materialized views may not contain long columns
- ORA-12010: cannot create materialized view log on table owned by SYS
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view log on the table owned by SYS. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG attempts to create a trigger on the table, but triggers can not be created on SYS tables.
- ORA-12011: execution of <varname>string</varname> jobs failed
Cause: An error was caught in dbms_ijob.run from one or more jobs which were due to be run.
- ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An error was caught while doing an automatic execution of a job.
- ORA-12013: updatable materialized view must be simple enough and have a materialized view log on its master table to do fast refresh
Cause: The updatable materialized view query contained a JOIN, SUBQUERY, UNION, CONNECT BY, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY clause, or the master table did not have a materialized view log.
- ORA-12014: table '<varname>string</varname>' does not contain a primary key constraint
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command was issued with the WITH PRIMARY KEY option and the master table did not contain a primary key constraint or the constraint was disabled.
- ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query
Cause: Neither ROWIDs and nor primary key constraints are supported for complex queries.
- ORA-12016: materialized view does not include all primary key columns
Cause: The query that instantiates the materialized view did not include all of the columns in the master's primary key constraint.
- ORA-12017: cannot alter primary key mview '<varname>string</varname>' to a rowid mview
Cause: An attempt was made to convert the primary key of a materialized view to a ROWID materialized view.
- ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The refresh operations for the indicated materialized view could not be regenerated due to errors.
- ORA-12019: master table is a synonym to a remote object
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view or a materialized view log on a remote synonym which is unsupported.
- ORA-12020: materialized view <varname>string</varname> is not registered
Cause: An attempt was made to unregister a materialized view that is not registered.
- ORA-12021: materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is corrupt
Cause: The materialized view indicated is no longer valid.
- ORA-12022: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already has rowid
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has ROWID information.
- ORA-12023: missing index on materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The specified ROWID materialized view did not have the required index on the ROWID column of its underlying table.
- ORA-12024: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" does not have primary key columns
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table does not have primary key information.
- ORA-12025: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already has primary keys
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has primary key columns.
- ORA-12026: invalid filter column detected
Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns did not exist or was a primary key column or a primary key based object identifier.
- ORA-12027: duplicate filter column
Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns were already being recorded in the materialized view log.
- ORA-12028: materialized view type is not supported by master site <varname>string</varname>
Cause: Pre-Oracle8 master sites are not able to support primary key or subquery materialized views that are able to perform a fast refresh.
- ORA-12029: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns
Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB columns as filter columns.
- ORA-12030: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view
Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or did not log the information needed by the materialized view to perform a fast refresh.
- ORA-12031: cannot use primary key columns from materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The materialized view log either did not have primary key columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns was more recent than the last refresh time.
- ORA-12032: cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have ROWID columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the ROWID columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
- ORA-12033: cannot use filter columns from materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The materialized view log either did not have filter columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the filter columns was more recent than the last refresh time.
- ORA-12034: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" younger than last refresh
Cause: The materialized view log was younger than the last refresh.
- ORA-12035: could not use materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or could not be used.
- ORA-12036: updatable materialized view log is not empty, refresh materialized view
Cause: The updatable materialized view log was not empty. The updatable materialized view log must be empty before an updatable rowid materialized view can be altered to a primary key materialized view.
- ORA-12037: unknown export format
Cause: An attempt was made to import a materialized view exported by an unknown export version (e.g., from a newer release than the importing site)
- ORA-12038: string literal has unexpected length
- ORA-12039: unable to use local rollback segment "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: A local rollback segment was specified in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command, but automatic refresh parameters were not specified. Therefore a refresh group was not created to automatically refresh the materialized view and the local rollback segment can't be registered for future use.
- ORA-12040: master rollback segment option not support by master site <varname>string</varname>
Cause: An attempt was made to specify master rollback segment in the current operation. The master site of the current materialized view does not allow users to specify a rollback segment to be used for materialized view operations. This feature is only supported by Oracle8 or later master sites.
- ORA-12041: cannot record ROWIDs for index-organized table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Index-organized tables do not have ROWIDs. Therefore a materialized view log that records the ROWIDs of an index-organized table could not be created.
- ORA-12042: cannot alter job_queue_processes in single process mode
Cause: An attempt was made to alter job_queue_processes in single process mode.
- ORA-12043: invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW option
Cause: An invalid option was used in a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
- ORA-12044: invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG option
Cause: An invalid option was used in a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement.
- ORA-12045: invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG option
Cause: An invalid option was used in an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement.
- ORA-12046: cannot use trusted constraints for refreshing remote MV
- ORA-12047: PCT FAST REFRESH cannot be used for materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: PCT refresh is either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after set of the base table changes since last refresh.
- ORA-12048: error encountered while refreshing materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Some problem occurs during refresh of multiple materialized views in atomic mode. The materialized view whose refresh failed has raised this error.
- ORA-12051: ON COMMIT attribute is incompatible with other options
Cause: ON COMMIT refresh attribute, incompatible with other refresh options such as automatic periodic refresh, was specified.
- ORA-12052: cannot fast refresh materialized view <varname>string</varname>.<varname>string</varname>
Cause: Either ROWIDs of certain tables were missing in the definition or the inner table of an outer join did not have UNIQUE constraints on join columns.
- ORA-12053: this is not a valid nested materialized view
Cause: The list of objects in the FROM clause of the definition of this materialized view had some dependencies upon each other.
- ORA-12054: cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view
Cause: The materialized view did not satisfy conditions for refresh at commit time.
- ORA-12055: materialized view definition contains cyclic dependencies with existing materialized views
Cause: The materialized view query definition introduced a cyclic dependency with existing materialized view.
- ORA-12056: invalid REFRESH method
Cause: The NEVER REFRESH option may not be used under the following conditions: * The materialized view is updatable * The materialized view refreshes ON COMMIT * Automatic refresh options are specified
- ORA-12057: materialized view or zonemap "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is invalid and must use complete refresh
Cause: The status of the materialized view or zonemap was invalid and an attempt was made to fast refresh it.
- ORA-12058: materialized view cannot use prebuilt table
Cause: An attempt was made to use the prebuilt tables.
- ORA-12059: prebuilt table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" does not exist
Cause: The specified prebuilt table did not exist.
- ORA-12060: shape of prebuilt table does not match definition query
Cause: The number of columns or the type or the length semantics of a column in the prebuilt table did not match the materialized view definition query.
- ORA-12061: invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW option
Cause: An invalid option was used in an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
- ORA-12062: transaction <varname>string</varname> received out of sequence from site <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A transaction from the client site was received out of sequence. This implies that one or more transactions were missing.
- ORA-12063: unable to apply transaction from site <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The current transaction from the client site could not be applied to the master site.
- ORA-12064: invalid refresh sequence number: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The client site was attempting to perform a refresh with an invalid refresh sequence.
- ORA-12065: unknown refresh group identifier <varname>string</varname>
Cause: The specified refresh group did not exist at the master site.
- ORA-12066: invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command
Cause: The Replication API does not support the following options and types of materialized view: o ROWID materialized views o REFRESH ON COMMIT o ON PREBUILT TABLE o BUILD DEFERRED o NEVER REFRESH o ENABLE QUERY REWRITE
- ORA-12067: empty refresh groups are not allowed
Cause: The refresh group being instantiated did not contain any materialized views.
- ORA-12068: updatable mview log for mview "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" does not exist
Cause: The updatable materialized view was missing the updatable materialized view log required to track updates made to the materialized view.
- ORA-12069: invalid object for offline instantiation
Cause: Only materialized views can be offline instantiated. The object being offline instantiated was not a valid materialized view.
- ORA-12070: cannot offline instantiate materialized view "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: Offline instantiation does not support materialized views using the following options: o ON PREBUILT TABLE o BUILD DEFERRED
- ORA-12071: definition query of "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is invalid for offline instantiation
Cause: Offline instantiation requires materialized view definition queries to observe the following constraints: o The database link that will be used by the materialized view site to connect to the master site must be included with each master table referenced in the query. o All master tables referenced must be located at the local site. References to other sites are not allowed.
- ORA-12072: updatable materialized view log data for "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" cannot be created
Cause: The updatable materialized view was missing the updatable materialized view log required to track updates made to the materialized view.
- ORA-12073: request cannot be processed
Cause: An out-of-sequence request was made and it cannot be processed.
- ORA-12074: invalid memory address
Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid memory region.
- ORA-12075: invalid object or field
Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid field or object in the Java Virtual Memory.
- ORA-12076: invalid threshold value
Cause: The result set threshold or LOB threshold value is not supported.
- ORA-12077: temporary updatable materialized view log does not exist
Cause: Temporary updatable materialized view log was not created or was dropped.
- ORA-12078: fast refresh of refresh group ID <varname>string</varname> failed
Cause: Refresh result set sent through client method REFRESH_REQ_RESULT returned an unknown value.
- ORA-12079: do not invalidate result cache created during materialized view refresh
Cause: Result cache created during materialized view refresh was not invalidated at end.
- ORA-12080: Buffer cache miss for IOQ batching
- ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to update a read-only materialized view.
- ORA-12082: "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" cannot be index organized
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index-organized materialized aggregate view or an index-organized updatable ROWID materialized view. This is not supported.
- ORA-12083: must use DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW to drop "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a materialized view using a command other than DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW.
- ORA-12084: must use ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW to alter "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a materialized view using a command other than ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.
- ORA-12085: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already has object id
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has object id information.
- ORA-12086: table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" is not an object table
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command was issued with the WITH OBJECT ID option and the master table is not an object table.
- ORA-12087: online redefinition not allowed on tables owned by "<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table owned by SYS or SYSTEM.
- ORA-12088: cannot online redefine table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" with unsupported datatype
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table containing a LONG column, an ADT column, or a FILE column.
- ORA-12089: cannot online redefine table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" with no primary key
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that does not have a primary key defined on it.
- ORA-12090: cannot online redefine table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that is either a temporary table, an IOT overflow table, a table with fine-grained access control or row-level security enabled, a CDC change table, or a table with a CDC change table defined on it.
- ORA-12091: cannot online redefine table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" with materialized views
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that had materialized views defined on it or had a materialized view log defined on it or is a master.
- ORA-12092: cannot online redefine replicated table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that is either a materialized view or a replicated table.
- ORA-12093: invalid interim table "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: The table is not the interim table of the corresponding table to be online redefined.
- ORA-12094: error during online redefinition
Cause: There was an error during the online redefinition process.
- ORA-12096: error in materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>"
Cause: There was an error originating from this materialized view log. One possible cause is that schema redefinition has occurred on the master table and one or more columns in the log is now a different type than corresponding master column(s). Another possible cause is that there is a problem accessing the underlying materialized view log table.
- ORA-12097: changes in the master tables during refresh, try refresh again
Cause: There are some changes (i.e., conventional DML, direct load, partition maintenance operation) in the master tables during materialized view refresh.
- ORA-12098: cannot comment on the materialized view
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a COMMENT ON TABLE statement on a materialized view.
- ORA-12099: Don't go into fast table scan (kdst) mode
- ORA-12100: materialized view log on "<varname>string</varname>"."<varname>string</varname>" already has sequence
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has sequence information.