74 ORA-12150 to ORA-12236
- ORA-12150: TNS:unable to send data
Cause: Unable to send data. Connection probably disconnected.
- ORA-12151: TNS:received bad packet type from network layer
Cause: Internal error.
- ORA-12152: TNS:unable to send break message
Cause: Unable to send break message. Connection probably disconnected.
- ORA-12153: TNS:not connected
Cause: Not currently connected to a remote host.
- ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.
- ORA-12155: TNS:received bad datatype in NSWMARKER packet
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
- ORA-12156: TNS:tried to reset line from incorrect state
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
- ORA-12157: TNS:internal network communication error
Cause: Internal error during network communication.
- ORA-12158: TNS:could not initialize parameter subsystem
Cause: Unable to locate parameter file.
- ORA-12159: TNS:trace file not writeable
Cause: The trace file to be generated is not writeable by this user.
- ORA-12160: TNS:internal error: Bad error number
Cause: Corrupt error reporting subsystem.
- ORA-12161: TNS:internal error: partial data received
Cause: The connection may be terminated.
- ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name in TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory) is incorrectly specified.
- ORA-12163: TNS:connect descriptor is too long
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name specified as the connect identifier is too long. The maximum length for a connect descriptor is 512 bytes and this limit has been exceeded.
- ORA-12164: TNS:Sqlnet.fdf file not present
Cause: The sqlnet.fdf file doesn't exist in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.
- ORA-12165: TNS:Trying to write trace file into swap space.
Cause: Oracle Trace doesn't allow writing trace information into your swap space.
- ORA-12166: TNS:Client can not connect to HO agent.
Cause: NVstring contained DESCRIPTION/HO.
- ORA-12168: TNS:Unable to contact LDAP Directory Server
Cause: Cannot contact LDAP directory server to get Oracle Net configuration.
- ORA-12169: TNS:Net service name given as connect identifier is too long
Cause: The net service name you are attempting to resolve is too long.
- ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Cause: The server shut down because connection establishment or communication with a client failed to complete within the allotted time interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service attack on the server.
- ORA-12171: TNS:could not resolve connect identifier: <varname>string</varname>
Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.
- ORA-12196: TNS:received an error from TNS
Cause: The navigation layer received an error from TNS.
- ORA-12197: TNS:keyword-value resolution error
Cause: The navigation layer received an error while trying to look up a value for a keyword.
- ORA-12198: TNS:could not find path to destination
Cause: Could not navigate a path through Interchanges to the destination. This error occurs if an invalid community is in the address string, or the address includes a protocol that is not available or the TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a correct CMANAGER address specified or the Interchange is down.
- ORA-12200: TNS:could not allocate memory
Cause: Out of memory on machine.
- ORA-12201: TNS:encountered too small a connection buffer
Cause: TNS connection buffer supplied by the application was too small to retrieve the data sent back.
- ORA-12202: TNS:internal navigation error
Cause: Internal navigation error.
- ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination
Cause: Invalid address specified or destination is not listening. This error can also occur because of underlying network or network transport problems.
- ORA-12204: TNS:received data refused from an application
Cause: The application using Connection Manager refused the connection at the listener.
- ORA-12205: TNS:could not get failed addresses
Cause: Internal navigation error.
- ORA-12206: TNS:received a TNS error during navigation
Cause: Internal navigation error because of an unexpected TNS error.
- ORA-12207: TNS:unable to perform navigation
Cause: Improperly configured navigation file TNSNAV.ORA.
- ORA-12208: TNS:could not find the TNSNAV.ORA file
Cause: Either the ORACLE environment is not set up correctly, or the TNSNAV.ORA file is not present.
- ORA-12209: TNS:encountered uninitialized global
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the global variables. There are no TNSNAV.ORA files available, or they are defective.
- ORA-12210: TNS:error in finding Navigator data
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not have a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS defined.
- ORA-12212: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a CMANAGER_NAME specified.
- ORA-12213: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have an ADDRESS specified.
- ORA-12214: TNS:missing local communities entry in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: There is no LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA.
- ORA-12215: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS Addresses in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: Address binding for PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is improperly entered. entry.
- ORA-12216: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_CMANAGERS addresses in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: Address binding for the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file is improperly entered.
- ORA-12217: TNS:could not contact PREFERRED_CMANAGERS in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: There is a syntax error in the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry, or addresses specified are wrong, or the intended Connection Managers are unavailable.
- ORA-12218: TNS:unacceptable network configuration data
Cause: Poorly formed network configuration data. For example, a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry may have an incorrect CMANAGER_NAME in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file. Or an Interchange downtime parameter (TIMEOUT_INTERVAL) on the Navigator may be set to zero in INTCHG.ORA.
- ORA-12219: TNS:missing community name from address in ADDRESS_LIST
Cause: This error occurs when an ADDRESS_LIST has some ADDRESSes in it that have no COMMUNITY component and others that do have a COMMUNITY component.
- ORA-12221: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.
- ORA-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated
Cause: The protocol requested in the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor identified through the net service name is not available. If the supplied ADDRESS is typographically correct then support for that protocol is not installed.
- ORA-12223: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded
Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.
- ORA-12224: TNS:no listener
Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.
- ORA-12225: TNS:destination host unreachable
Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.
- ORA-12226: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.
- ORA-12227: TNS:syntax error
Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.
- ORA-12228: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable
Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.
- ORA-12229: TNS:Interchange has no more free connections
Cause: One or more Interchanges along the path to the destination desired has no more free connections available to be used for this call.
- ORA-12230: TNS:Severe Network error occurred in making this connection
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to make contact with the destination due to a physical network error while calling a destination.
- ORA-12231: TNS:No connection possible to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible connection along the path to the destination.
- ORA-12232: TNS:No path available to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible path to the destination.
- ORA-12233: TNS:Failure to accept a connection
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to accept a connection due to a redirect failure.
- ORA-12234: TNS:Redirect to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which determines that this interchange is not the right gateway and needs to redirect the connection to another gateway along the path to the destination.
- ORA-12235: TNS:Failure to redirect to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to redirect a connection to another interchange along the path to the destination.
- ORA-12236: TNS:protocol support not loaded
Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.