105 PRCF-01001 to PRCF-02030
- PRCF-01001: The directory "{0}" does not exist
Cause: A directory that did not exist was chosen for the top-level directory of the directory map.
- PRCF-01002: Source directory "{0}" is not a directory
Cause: An existing file which was not a directory was provided as top-level directory.
- PRCF-01003: The file "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The file was not found in the file system.
- PRCF-01004: The link destination "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The link destination was not found in the file system.
- PRCF-01005: "{0}" conflicts with the exclude-list
Cause: The pathname (directory, file or symbolic link pathname) to add to the directory map could not be added as it conflicted with the exclude list.
- PRCF-01006: The directory "{0}" exists already in the directory map
Cause: The directory existed already in the directory map.
- PRCF-01007: The file "{0}" exists already in the directory map
Cause: The file existed already in the directory map.
- PRCF-01008: The link "{0}" exists already in the directory map
Cause: The link existed already in the directory map.
- PRCF-01009: The parent of "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The parent directory of the content (directory, file or symbolic link) that was being processed did not exist.
- PRCF-01010: "{0}" is not a directory
Cause: The indicated object was expected to be a directory, but it was not.
- PRCF-01011: Cannot remove "{0}" as the directory map does not contain it
Cause: The content (i.e., directory, file or symbolic link) could not be removed from the directory map as it did not exist there.
- PRCF-01012: The following contents (directories, files or symbolic links) cannot be included to to the list of contents to add to the directory map: {0}
Cause: The contents that could not be included to the add-list were those which conflicted with the exclude-list (see the accompanying PRCF-1005 message).
- PRCF-01013: The directory map has no entry
Cause: The user tried to acquire information about an empty directory map.
- PRCF-01014: Cannot add "{0}" as there is no directory map
Cause: The user tried to add a content (i.e., directory, file or symbolic link) to an empty directory map. This operation is allowed only if there is a directory map.
- PRCF-01015: Cannot add "{0}" to the directory map as "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The content to add to the directory map was not found in the file system.
- PRCF-01016: Cannot remove "{0}" as there is no directory map
Cause: The user tried to remove a content (i.e., directory, file or symbolic link) from an empty directory map. This operation is allowed only if there is a directory map.
- PRCF-01017: Cannot remove "{0}" from the directory map as "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The content to remove from the directory map was not found in the file system.
- PRCF-01018: Exception encountered. Details: {0}
Cause: An unexpected error condition was detected during reading the exclude-list or include-list file.
- PRCF-01019: The API supports only Unix OS
Cause: The user was running on Windows OS.
- PRCF-01020: "{0}" is not a file
Cause: The content that was expected to be a file which turned out not to be a file.
- PRCF-01021: "{0}" is not a valid pathname
Cause: The content that was expected to be a valid pathname which turned out to be an invalid one.
- PRCF-01022: "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The specified pathname does not exist in the file system.
- PRCF-01023: Symbolic link "{0}" points to "{1}" which does not exist
Cause: An existing symbolic link that resolves to a pathname that does not exist.
- PRCF-01024: Symbolic link "{0}" points to "{1}" which is is not a directory
Cause: An existing symbolic link that resolves to a non-directory pathname was provided as top-level directory.
- PRCF-01025: Error while trying to open file "{0}" for reading. Details: {1}
Cause: An I/O error occurred while trying to open the file for reading.
- PRCF-01026: Error while reading file "{0}". Details: {1}
Cause: An I/O error occurred while reading or closing the file.
- PRCF-01027: Error while trying to create file "{0}" for writing. Details: {1}
Cause: An I/O error occurred while trying to create the file for writing.
- PRCF-01028: Error while writing file "{0}". Details: {1}
Cause: An I/O error occurred while writing or closing the file.
- PRCF-02001: Connection to host/IP address: {0} -- port: {1} refused
Cause: Could not establish connection to the provided host/IP address using the port number reported.
- PRCF-02002: Connection to node "{0}" is lost
Cause: The connection to the remote node with the specific node ID was lost.
- PRCF-02003: Expected "{0}" but received "{1}"
Cause: The command was not executed successfully. The local node received a reply from the remote node that was different from the expected one.
- PRCF-02004: Problem encountered while saving the directory listing to file "{0}". Details : {1}
Cause: While trying to save the directory listing to a file, the operation could not be completed successfully.
- PRCF-02005: File transfer cannot proceed because the remote node names do not match the remote node ports
Cause: An internal error caused a a mismatch between the number of remote nodes and the number of remote node ports.
- PRCF-02006: File transfer cannot proceed because the list of remote nodes is empty
Cause: An empty list of remote nodes was passed as argument.
- PRCF-02007: Invalid selection for the remote node port. "{0}" is not an integer number as expected.
Cause: The port number for the remote node was either not a number at all or not an integer number.
- PRCF-02008: The remote node port number "{0}" is out of the expected range [1, 65535]
Cause: The port number for the remote node was indeed an integer number but either less than 1 or greater than 65535.
- PRCF-02009: Cannot proceed with the file transfer. There has to be at least one remote node to send the installer files!
Cause: The user either provided an empty list of remote nodes or each remote node of the list had invalid format.
- PRCF-02010: All connections to the remote nodes got refused. Cannot proceed with the file transfer. There has to be at least one remote node to send the installer files!
Cause: All the attempts to connect to the remote nodes that had valid format failed.
- PRCF-02011: The file "{0}" cannot be read successfully
Cause: The file existed in the file system but could not be read successfully.
- PRCF-02012: The top-level directory "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The top-level directory was not found in the file system.
- PRCF-02013: Cannot find the CRS Home
Cause: The CRS Home did not exist or 'oui' was not a directory under the CRS Home.
- PRCF-02014: Executing command "{0}" on "{1}" failed on node "{2}".\n{3}
Cause: The command ('mkdir', 'mkfile', 'mklink' or 'wrfile') failed while executing on the remote node.
- PRCF-02015: One or more commands were not executed successfully on one or more nodes
Cause: At least one of the commands 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'mklink' or 'wrfile' failed while executing on one or more remote nodes.
- PRCF-02016: Required binary file "{0}" not found
Cause: The binary file was not found under the expected location.
- PRCF-02017: Node "{0}": The transfer binary was not executed successfully as it returned a wrong port number
Cause: Misbehavior of the transfer binary on the provided node.
- PRCF-02018: Node "{0}": The transfer binary was not executed successfully
Cause: Unsuccessful execution of the transfer binary.
- PRCF-02019: Cannot retrieve the name for the local node
Cause: No IP address for the local host could be found.
- PRCF-02020: Cannot retrieve the host for node "{0}"
Cause: No IP address for the node host could be found.
- PRCF-02021: There is a mismatch between the number of node names ({0}) and the number of node destination directories ({1})
Cause: An internal error caused a a mismatch between the number of remote nodes and the number of remote destination directories.
- PRCF-02022: The file "{0}" became smaller while being transferred
Cause: The file became smaller while being transferred.
- PRCF-02023: The following contents cannot be transferred as they are non-readable. \nDirectories:\n {0} \nFiles:\n {1}
Cause: The file permissions for the listed contents did not allow the requested operation.
- PRCF-02024: The directory "{0}" is not transferred as it is non-readable
Cause: The file permissions of the listed directory did not allow the requested operation.
- PRCF-02025: Internal error: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier.
- PRCF-02026: File name is too long: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRCF-02027: Link path is too long: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRCF-02028: Failed to get system information for {0}: {1}
Cause: An attempt to get system information failed
- PRCF-02029: The transfer operation completed with partial failures.
Cause: The operation failed to transfer all of the contents to one or more nodes.
- PRCF-02030: Parallel transfer workload distribution error.
Cause: An error occurred while distributing the transfer workload to multiple threads.