106 PRCG-01000 to PRCG-01132
- PRCG-01000: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration
Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator, etc) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.
- PRCG-01001: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration because there is an existing Rapid Home Provisioning Client configured on the cluster
Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed because there was a Rapid Home Provisioning Client configured on the cluster.
- PRCG-01002: Failed to find the management database resource
Cause: An attempt to find the management database resource used for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed because the Clusterware stack encountered errors.
- PRCG-01003: Failed to create the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration
Cause: An attempt to create the configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator, etc) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.
- PRCG-01004: Failed to retrieve storage base path attribute for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01005: Failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01006: Failed to retrieve diskgroup list for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the diskgroups from the start dependencies of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01007: Client data file {0} does not exist for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to locate the specified client data file failed.
- PRCG-01008: Client data file {0} is not a file
Cause: Specified client data file was a directory.
- PRCG-01009: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Client because there is an existing Rapid Home Provisioning Server configured on the cluster
Cause: An attempt to create Clusterware resource for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was a Rapid Home Provisioning Server configured on the cluster.
- PRCG-01010: Failed to determine whether ACFS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to verify that ACFS was configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01011: Failed to determine whether ACFS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to verify that ACFS was configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01012: ACFS is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: ACFS was not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server.
- PRCG-01013: ACFS is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: Either storage base path or diskgroup was supplied, but ACFS was not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client.
- PRCG-01014: Failed to retrieve storage base path for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01015: Failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01016: Failed to retrieve disk group list for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: Failed to retrieve the diskgroups from the start dependencies of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.
- PRCG-01017: Failed to check for existence of Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to find the Rapid Home Provisioning Server resource failed.
- PRCG-01018: Failed to check for existence of Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to find the Rapid Home Provisioning Client resource failed.
- PRCG-01019: Failed to retrieve database schema for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the DB_SCHEMA attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01020: Invalid option {0} for the Rapid Home Provisioning action
Cause: The option supplied was not a valid option name.
- PRCG-01021: Invalid return status {0} for the Rapid Home Provisioning action
Cause: An unexpected return status occurred.
- PRCG-01022: Failed to connect to OC4J for cluster {0}
Cause: An attempt to connect to the OC4J container failed for this cluster.
- PRCG-01023: Failed to start Rapid Home Provisioning instance
Cause: An attempt to start the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.
- PRCG-01024: Failed to destroy Rapid Home Provisioning instance
Cause: An attempt to destroy the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.
- PRCG-01025: Failed to stop Rapid Home Provisioning instance
Cause: An attempt to stop the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.
- PRCG-01026: Failed to retrieve the Rapid Home Provisioning version
Cause: An attempt to retrive the version of the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.
- PRCG-01027: Invalid command specified : {0}
Cause: The command keyword specified on the command line was not recognized.
- PRCG-01028: Invalid object specified : {0}
Cause: The object keyword specified on the command line was not recognized.
- PRCG-01029: Invalid value {0} for command-line option -{1}
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the command-line option.
- PRCG-01030: Missing mandatory option -{0}
Cause: An option required by the specified command was missing.
- PRCG-01031: Invalid command-line options for command: {0} and object: {1}. {2} can not be specified with {3}.
Cause: A command was specified with conflicting or incomplete options, some options in one set are missing or the options from both sets were specified.
- PRCG-01032: Command line option {0} must be followed by a value.
Cause: A command-line option that requires a value was specified without one.
- PRCG-01033: Invalid command-line option: -{0}
Cause: An invalid command-line option was specified.
- PRCG-01034: No option was specified for command : {0} and object: {1} combination. {2} options should be specified.
Cause: Required options were omitted from a command.
- PRCG-01035: Invalid syntax or missing required option: {0} in the specified command.
Cause: A required option was not specified for the command or an invalid combination of options was specified.
- PRCG-01037: Failed to update the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's cluster name {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the GHS_CLUSTERNAME attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01038: Failed to retrieve the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's cluster name for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GHS_CLUSTERNAME attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01039: Failed to update the GNS discovery string {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the GNS_DISCOVERY_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01040: Failed to retrieve the GNS discovery string for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GNS_DISCOVERY_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01041: Invalid internal parameter {0}
Cause: The internal parameter supplied was not a valid parameter.
- PRCG-01043: Failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Server's listening port to {0}
Cause: An attempt to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's listening port failed.
- PRCG-01044: Failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Client's listening port to {0}
Cause: An attempt to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Client's listening port failed.
- PRCG-01045: The specified '-toclientdata' path does not exist
Cause: The '-toclientdata <varname>path</varname>' option value was not an existing file system path.
- PRCG-01046: Missing mandatory options, either -role or -maproles required.
Cause: The command requires exactly one set of mandatory command-line options.
- PRCG-01047: Invalid command line syntax or missing mandatory options.
Cause: The command requires exactly one set of mandatory command-line options. But either some options in one set were missing or the options from both sets were specified.
- PRCG-01048: Failed to import client data from file {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to import client data for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01049: Storage base path "{0}" is not an absolute path
Cause: The storage base path value was not an absolute path.
- PRCG-01050: Rapid Home Provisioning Server is not running.
Cause: The requested operation failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server is not started
- PRCG-01051: Rapid Home Provisioning Client is not running.
Cause: The requested operation failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is not started
- PRCG-01052: The client data file {0} already exists in the specified '-toclientdata' path
Cause: While generating client data, the specified file was found.
- PRCG-01053: The specified path "{0}" does not exist on nodes {1}
Cause: The mountpath specified was not an existing directory on all cluster nodes.
- PRCG-01054: The "-{0}" option requires the specification of {1} option.
Cause: Required options were omitted from a command.
- PRCG-01055: The options "-{0}" and "-{1}" can not be specified together.
Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified together.
- PRCG-01056: Both "-{0}" and "-{1}" options can not be specified with the "-dbname" option.
Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.
- PRCG-01057: The specified path "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The path specified was not an existing directory.
- PRCG-01058: The specified path {0} is not an Oracle Database Home
Cause: The specified home path does not contain the 'oracle' binary or it is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
- PRCG-01059: Attribute {0} does not exist in the credential file {1}
Cause: An attempt to add Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed bacause a required attribute does not exist in the credential file.
- PRCG-01060: The provided credential file {0} does not conform to XML standards
Cause: An attempt to add Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed bacause an invalid credential file was supplied.
- PRCG-01061: Failed to retrieve the GNS SUBDOMAIN string for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GNS_SUBDOMAIN_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01062: Failed to update the GNS SUBDOMAIN string {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the GNS_SUBDOMAIN_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01063: Invalid command-line option value for option -{0}
Cause: The value specified for a command-line option was an empty string.
- PRCG-01064: An attempt to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server is running
Cause: A request to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration was rejected because such removal requires Rapid Home Provisioning Server to be stopped.
- PRCG-01065: Syntax error: expected an option keyword but found {0}
Cause: The command line parser found non-option text where an option with leading dash was expected.
- PRCG-01066: Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Rapid Home Provisioning Client not configured on this cluster
Cause: The requested operation was rejected because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Rapid Home Provisioning Client was not configured.
- PRCG-01067: The requested operation cannot be executed by user "root"
Cause: The requested operation was rejected because it was attempted as a root user.
- PRCG-01068: Non-numeric value {0} specified for command-line option {1}
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a command-line option that requires a number.
- PRCG-01069: An attempt to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is running
Cause: A request to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration was rejected because such removal requires Rapid Home Provisioning Client to be stopped.
- PRCG-01078: At least one of -{0}, -{1} or -{2} options required
Cause: An attempt to modify NFS home failed because a mandatory option was not specified.
- PRCG-01079: Internal error: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier.
- PRCG-01080: Specified name "{0}" is not a valid node.
Cause: The specified node name was not resolved to a registered node in the cluster.
- PRCG-01081: Command "{0}" is not supported for object "{1}"
Cause: An unsupported command and object combination was specified.
- PRCG-01082: No permission to write to the specified path, "{0}"
Cause: The user did not have permission to write to the specified path.
- PRCG-01083: The credentials file provided is for cluster {0}, not for this cluster {1}.
Cause: The credentials file provided did not correspond to the name of this cluster.
- PRCG-01084: Failed to get hash code of given string
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRCG-01085: Failed to encrypt the given string
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRCG-01086: Failed to decrypt the given string
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRCG-01087: Failed to retrieve security algorithm used for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CRYPTO_ALGORITHM attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01088: Failed to update the security algorithm to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to update the security algorithm for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01089: Failed to retrieve security algorithm used for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CRYPTO_ALGORITHM attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01090: Failed to update the security algorithm to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the security algorithm for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01091: The -user option value can not contain "@"
Cause: The requested operation failed because the user name contained a "@" character.
- PRCG-01092: Invalid value list for option -{0}
Cause: A comma-separated list of values was supplied for an option that takes a single value.
- PRCG-01093: Failed to get Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster: {0}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occured while accessing the credential storage.
- PRCG-01094: The -clientdata option value {0} is a directory, not a file
Cause: A 'rhpctl export client' operation failed because the '-clientdata' option specified a directory.
- PRCG-01095: The client data file {0} already exists in the specified '-clientdata' path
Cause: A request to export client data found the specified output file already exists.
- PRCG-01096: The specified owner {0} is not a valid OS user
Cause: The specified owner was not a valid OS user.
- PRCG-01097: Option '-pathowner' cannot be specified for image type ORACLEDBSOFTWARE
Cause: A request to import an image was rejected because the '-pathowner' option was specified for importing the Oracle Database home.
- PRCG-01098: Failed to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01099: Failed to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01100: The connection to the Rapid Home Provisioning daemon process was lost.
Cause: The requested operation failed because the connection to the Rapid Home Provisioning daemon process for this cluster was lost.
- PRCG-01101: Grid Infrastructure Management Repository resource has not been configured
Cause: A Rapid Home Provisioning Server add request failed because the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository resource was not configured.
- PRCG-01102: Specified file name "{0}" is not valid for a template.
Cause: The specified template name did not end with a valid file extension.
- PRCG-01103: The Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager compatibility attribute ({0}) is less than for disk group {1}.
Cause: The Oracle ADVM compatibility attribute for the specified disk group was not set to version or higher.
- PRCG-01104: User terminated the command. The command operation is not cancelled by this interruption, and may continue to be processed on the server.
Cause: An 'rhpctl' command execution was interrupted by typing Control-C or by other means.
- PRCG-01105: unable to configure Rapid Home Provisioning Server because neither GNS server nor GNS client are configured on this cluster
Cause: An attempt to configure Rapid Home Provisioning Server was rejected because neither GNS server nor GNS client were configured.
- PRCG-01106: failed to determine whether GNS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to verify the GNS configuration on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed. The accompanying messages provide details.
- PRCG-01107: failed to delete Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occured while accessing the credential storage.
- PRCG-01108: Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Client is not configured
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a resource that does not exist.
- PRCG-01109: Repetition of command-line option: -{0}
Cause: Execution of the command was rejected because the command-line option displayed with the error message was repeated.
- PRCG-01110: failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Client with disk group {0}
Cause: An attempt to configure the Rapid Home Provisioning Client with the cited disk group failed because there was already a disk group configured for the Rapid Home Provisioning
- PRCG-01111: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client
- PRCG-01112: failed to retrieve storage base path attribute for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01113: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client
Cause: An attempt to set the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.
- PRCG-01114: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client because no disk group was configured
Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was no disk group configured for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.
- PRCG-01115: Disk group is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client.
Cause: An attempt to retrieve disk group information for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was no disk group configured for it.
- PRCG-01116: Unable to create mount path because the generated mount path name already exists
Cause: An attempt to create a mount path failed because the number of tries attempted for generating the mount path was exhausted.
- PRCG-01117: Working copy name "{0}" is too long or contains characters other than alphanumeric and underscore.
Cause: The workingcopy name was not valid.
- PRCG-01118: Specified image name "{0}" contains invalid characters.
Cause: The image name was not valid. Image names must not contain the following characters: $@"'>();*? .
- PRCG-01119: The -path option is not allowed when storage type is not LOCAL on Rapid Home Provisioning Server (RHPS).
Cause: An attempt to add working copy on RHPS was rejected because the '-path' option was specified when storage type was not LOCAL.
- PRCG-01120: The value {0} exceeds the maximum value of {1} for command line option '-numberOfPDBs'.
Cause: The supplied value exceeded the maximum value for command line option '-numberOfPDBs'.
- PRCG-01121: The PDB prefix "{0}" contains invalid characters.
Cause: The supplied pluggable database (PDB) prefix contained invalid characters.
- PRCG-01122: The -datafileDestination option was not specified, when -dbtype was not SINGLE.
Cause: A request to create a RAC or RAC One Node database was rejected because the data file location was not specified using the '-datafileDestination' option.
- PRCG-01123: failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential in credential storage for cluster {0}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while creating the credential in the credential storage.
- PRCG-01124: failed to export Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0} to file {1}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while exporting the credential from the credential storage.
- PRCG-01125: failed to import Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from file {0} into credential storage for cluster {1}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while importing the credential from the specified file into the credential storage.
- PRCG-01126: failed to export Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0}
Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while exporting the credential from the credential storage.
- PRCG-01127: Server pool cannot be specified for single instance database.
Cause: An attempt to add a single instance database was rejected because a server pool was specified.
- PRCG-01128: Improper '-dbversion' option specified for image type SOFTWARE.
Cause: An attempt to query images was rejected because the '-dbversion' option was specified together with a value of SOFTWARE for '-imagetype'.
- PRCG-01129: The DB version supplied "{0}" is invalid.
Cause: The DB version supplied did not exist or was an unsupported version.
- PRCG-01130: failed to update Rapid Home Provisioning Client registration in Rapid Home Provisioning Server
Cause: An attempt to update the Rapid Home Provisioning Client registration with the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.
- PRCG-01131: failed to determine whether this Rapid Home Provisioning Server has any Rapid Home Provisioning Clients registered
Cause: An attempt to determine whether this Rapid Home Provisioning Server has any registered Rapid Home Provisioning Clients failed.
- PRCG-01132: unable to delete Rapid Home Provisioning Server because it contains one or more registered Rapid Home Provisioning Clients
Cause: An attempt to delete the Rapid Home Provisioning Server was rejected because one or more Rapid Home Provisioning Clients registered with it.