106 PRCG-01000 to PRCG-01132

PRCG-01000: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration

Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator, etc) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Make sure that the user is running with administrative access.

PRCG-01001: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration because there is an existing Rapid Home Provisioning Client configured on the cluster

Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed because there was a Rapid Home Provisioning Client configured on the cluster.

Action: Either configure the Rapid Home Provisioning Server on another cluster or remove the existing Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration.

PRCG-01002: Failed to find the management database resource

Cause: An attempt to find the management database resource used for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed because the Clusterware stack encountered errors.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01003: Failed to create the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration

Cause: An attempt to create the configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator, etc) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Make sure that the user is running with administrative access.

PRCG-01004: Failed to retrieve storage base path attribute for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01005: Failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01006: Failed to retrieve diskgroup list for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the diskgroups from the start dependencies of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01007: Client data file {0} does not exist for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to locate the specified client data file failed.

Action: Make sure that the path and name of the client data file were entered correctly and the absolute path of the client data file exists.

PRCG-01008: Client data file {0} is not a file

Cause: Specified client data file was a directory.

Action: Make sure that to specify the absolute file path of the client data file.

PRCG-01009: Failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Client because there is an existing Rapid Home Provisioning Server configured on the cluster

Cause: An attempt to create Clusterware resource for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was a Rapid Home Provisioning Server configured on the cluster.

Action: Either configure the Rapid Home Provisioning Client on another cluster or remove the existing Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.

PRCG-01010: Failed to determine whether ACFS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to verify that ACFS was configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01011: Failed to determine whether ACFS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to verify that ACFS was configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01012: ACFS is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: ACFS was not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

Action: Configure ACFS on Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

PRCG-01013: ACFS is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: Either storage base path or diskgroup was supplied, but ACFS was not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Action: Either configure ACFS on Rapid Home Provisioning Client or run the command 'srvctl add rhpclient' without the '-storage' and '-diskgroup' options.

PRCG-01014: Failed to retrieve storage base path for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01015: Failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01016: Failed to retrieve disk group list for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: Failed to retrieve the diskgroups from the start dependencies of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01017: Failed to check for existence of Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to find the Rapid Home Provisioning Server resource failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01018: Failed to check for existence of Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to find the Rapid Home Provisioning Client resource failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01019: Failed to retrieve database schema for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the DB_SCHEMA attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01020: Invalid option {0} for the Rapid Home Provisioning action

Cause: The option supplied was not a valid option name.

Action: Supply a valid option.

PRCG-01021: Invalid return status {0} for the Rapid Home Provisioning action

Cause: An unexpected return status occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01022: Failed to connect to OC4J for cluster {0}

Cause: An attempt to connect to the OC4J container failed for this cluster.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01023: Failed to start Rapid Home Provisioning instance

Cause: An attempt to start the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01024: Failed to destroy Rapid Home Provisioning instance

Cause: An attempt to destroy the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01025: Failed to stop Rapid Home Provisioning instance

Cause: An attempt to stop the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01026: Failed to retrieve the Rapid Home Provisioning version

Cause: An attempt to retrive the version of the Rapid Home Provisioning instance failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01027: Invalid command specified : {0}

Cause: The command keyword specified on the command line was not recognized.

Action: Valid commands are add|allow|query|delete|deleteimage|disallow| export|grant|import|insertimage|modify|promote|revoke. Usage of rhpctl is printed with this error. Check the rhpctl usage printed along with this error and specify a valid command.

PRCG-01028: Invalid object specified : {0}

Cause: The object keyword specified on the command line was not recognized.

Action: Check the rhpctl usage printed along with the error message and specify a valid object.

PRCG-01029: Invalid value {0} for command-line option -{1}

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the command-line option.

Action: Check the value printed and specify the correct value.

PRCG-01030: Missing mandatory option -{0}

Cause: An option required by the specified command was missing.

Action: Issue 'rhpctl <varname>command</varname> <varname>object</varname> -help' to display option details for the command and make sure that all the mandatory options are specified.

PRCG-01031: Invalid command-line options for command: {0} and object: {1}. {2} can not be specified with {3}.

Cause: A command was specified with conflicting or incomplete options, some options in one set are missing or the options from both sets were specified.

Action: Check the command-line options entered and make sure that all the options in one set are specified.

PRCG-01032: Command line option {0} must be followed by a value.

Cause: A command-line option that requires a value was specified without one.

Action: Look at the usage and of the command and specify an appropriate value.

PRCG-01033: Invalid command-line option: -{0}

Cause: An invalid command-line option was specified.

Action: Look at the usage of the command and specify the correct option.

PRCG-01034: No option was specified for command : {0} and object: {1} combination. {2} options should be specified.

Cause: Required options were omitted from a command.

Action: Look at the usage of the command and specify required options.

PRCG-01035: Invalid syntax or missing required option: {0} in the specified command.

Cause: A required option was not specified for the command or an invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: Specify required options or check the command-line options entered and make sure that all the options in one set are specified.

PRCG-01037: Failed to update the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's cluster name {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the GHS_CLUSTERNAME attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01038: Failed to retrieve the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's cluster name for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GHS_CLUSTERNAME attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01039: Failed to update the GNS discovery string {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the GNS_DISCOVERY_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01040: Failed to retrieve the GNS discovery string for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GNS_DISCOVERY_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01041: Invalid internal parameter {0}

Cause: The internal parameter supplied was not a valid parameter.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01043: Failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Server's listening port to {0}

Cause: An attempt to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Server's listening port failed.

Action: Ensure that the Oracle Clusterware stack is up and that the specified IP port is not in use by another program.

PRCG-01044: Failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Client's listening port to {0}

Cause: An attempt to modify the Rapid Home Provisioning Client's listening port failed.

Action: Ensure that the Oracle Clusterware stack is up and that the specified IP port is not in use by another program.

PRCG-01045: The specified '-toclientdata' path does not exist

Cause: The '-toclientdata <varname>path</varname>' option value was not an existing file system path.

Action: Ensure that the '-toclientdata <varname>path</varname>' option value corresponds to an existing file system path.

PRCG-01046: Missing mandatory options, either -role or -maproles required.

Cause: The command requires exactly one set of mandatory command-line options.

Action: Check the command-line options entered and make sure that all the mandatory options in one set are specified.

PRCG-01047: Invalid command line syntax or missing mandatory options.

Cause: The command requires exactly one set of mandatory command-line options. But either some options in one set were missing or the options from both sets were specified.

Action: Check the command-line options entered and make sure that all the mandatory options in one set are specified.

PRCG-01048: Failed to import client data from file {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to import client data for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01049: Storage base path "{0}" is not an absolute path

Cause: The storage base path value was not an absolute path.

Action: Specify an absolute path in the '-storage' argument.

PRCG-01050: Rapid Home Provisioning Server is not running.

Cause: The requested operation failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server is not started

Action: Start the Rapid Home Provisioning Server uisng the command 'srvctl start rhpserver' and retry the operation.

PRCG-01051: Rapid Home Provisioning Client is not running.

Cause: The requested operation failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is not started

Action: Start the Rapid Home Provisioning Client uisng the command 'srvctl start rhpclient' and retry the operation.

PRCG-01052: The client data file {0} already exists in the specified '-toclientdata' path

Cause: While generating client data, the specified file was found.

Action: Delete the existing file and retry the command.

PRCG-01053: The specified path "{0}" does not exist on nodes {1}

Cause: The mountpath specified was not an existing directory on all cluster nodes.

Action: Ensure that the path corresponds to an existing directory on all cluster nodes.

PRCG-01054: The "-{0}" option requires the specification of {1} option.

Cause: Required options were omitted from a command.

Action: Look at the usage of the command and specify required options.

PRCG-01055: The options "-{0}" and "-{1}" can not be specified together.

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified together.

Action: Specify only valid combination of options and retry the command.

PRCG-01056: Both "-{0}" and "-{1}" options can not be specified with the "-dbname" option.

Cause: An invalid combination of options was specified.

Action: Specify only one of the other possible options.

PRCG-01057: The specified path "{0}" does not exist

Cause: The path specified was not an existing directory.

Action: Ensure that the path corresponds to an existing directory.

PRCG-01058: The specified path {0} is not an Oracle Database Home

Cause: The specified home path does not contain the 'oracle' binary or it is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

Action: Make sure that the home path is an Oracle database home path.

PRCG-01059: Attribute {0} does not exist in the credential file {1}

Cause: An attempt to add Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed bacause a required attribute does not exist in the credential file.

Action: Ensure that a valid credential file is supplied and retry the command.

PRCG-01060: The provided credential file {0} does not conform to XML standards

Cause: An attempt to add Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed bacause an invalid credential file was supplied.

Action: Ensure that a valid credential file is supplied and retry the command.

PRCG-01061: Failed to retrieve the GNS SUBDOMAIN string for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the GNS_SUBDOMAIN_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01062: Failed to update the GNS SUBDOMAIN string {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the GNS_SUBDOMAIN_STRING attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01063: Invalid command-line option value for option -{0}

Cause: The value specified for a command-line option was an empty string.

Action: Specify a value for the option.

PRCG-01064: An attempt to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server is running

Cause: A request to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration was rejected because such removal requires Rapid Home Provisioning Server to be stopped.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl stop rhpserver' or, if necessary, use the command 'srvctl stop rhpserver -force' to stop the Rapid Home Provisioning Server and then retry removing the Rapid Home Provisioning Server configuration.

PRCG-01065: Syntax error: expected an option keyword but found {0}

Cause: The command line parser found non-option text where an option with leading dash was expected.

Action: Review the command inline help and formulate the command with valid options.

PRCG-01066: Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Rapid Home Provisioning Client not configured on this cluster

Cause: The requested operation was rejected because the Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Rapid Home Provisioning Client was not configured.

Action: Add the Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Rapid Home Provisioning Client using the command 'srvctl add rhpserver' or 'srvctl add rhpclient' and retry the operation.

PRCG-01067: The requested operation cannot be executed by user "root"

Cause: The requested operation was rejected because it was attempted as a root user.

Action: Log on as a user other than 'root' to perform this operation.

PRCG-01068: Non-numeric value {0} specified for command-line option {1}

Cause: An invalid value was specified for a command-line option that requires a number.

Action: Check the value printed and specify a number.

PRCG-01069: An attempt to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration failed because the Rapid Home Provisioning Client is running

Cause: A request to remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration was rejected because such removal requires Rapid Home Provisioning Client to be stopped.

Action: Use the command 'srvctl stop rhpclient' or, if necessary, use the command 'srvctl stop rhpclient -force' to stop the Rapid Home Provisioning Client and then retry removing the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration.

PRCG-01078: At least one of -{0}, -{1} or -{2} options required

Cause: An attempt to modify NFS home failed because a mandatory option was not specified.

Action: Specify at least one of the required options.

PRCG-01079: Internal error: {0}

Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01080: Specified name "{0}" is not a valid node.

Cause: The specified node name was not resolved to a registered node in the cluster.

Action: Specify a valid node name.

PRCG-01081: Command "{0}" is not supported for object "{1}"

Cause: An unsupported command and object combination was specified.

Action: Use the command 'rhpctl -h' to identify valid combinations and re-issue the command.

PRCG-01082: No permission to write to the specified path, "{0}"

Cause: The user did not have permission to write to the specified path.

Action: Specify a path to which write permission is granted and retry the command.

PRCG-01083: The credentials file provided is for cluster {0}, not for this cluster {1}.

Cause: The credentials file provided did not correspond to the name of this cluster.

Action: Provide the credentials file generated for this cluster and retry. To generate the credentials file, run the command 'rhpctl export client' on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server cluster, specifying the name of this cluster in the '-client' option.

PRCG-01084: Failed to get hash code of given string

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01085: Failed to encrypt the given string

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01086: Failed to decrypt the given string

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCG-01087: Failed to retrieve security algorithm used for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CRYPTO_ALGORITHM attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01088: Failed to update the security algorithm to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to update the security algorithm for the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01089: Failed to retrieve security algorithm used for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the CRYPTO_ALGORITHM attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01090: Failed to update the security algorithm to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the security algorithm for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01091: The -user option value can not contain "@"

Cause: The requested operation failed because the user name contained a "@" character.

Action: Specify the user name without a "@" character and retry the command.

PRCG-01092: Invalid value list for option -{0}

Cause: A comma-separated list of values was supplied for an option that takes a single value.

Action: Specify single value without commas and retry the command.

PRCG-01093: Failed to get Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster: {0}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occured while accessing the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01094: The -clientdata option value {0} is a directory, not a file

Cause: A 'rhpctl export client' operation failed because the '-clientdata' option specified a directory.

Action: Ensure that the '-clientdata <varname>path</varname>' option value corresponds to a file path.

PRCG-01095: The client data file {0} already exists in the specified '-clientdata' path

Cause: A request to export client data found the specified output file already exists.

Action: Delete or rename the existing file or choose a different file name.

PRCG-01096: The specified owner {0} is not a valid OS user

Cause: The specified owner was not a valid OS user.

Action: Ensure that the '-pathowner <varname>username</varname>' option value corresponds to the name of an existing OS user.

PRCG-01097: Option '-pathowner' cannot be specified for image type ORACLEDBSOFTWARE

Cause: A request to import an image was rejected because the '-pathowner' option was specified for importing the Oracle Database home.

Action: Omit the '-pathowner' option.

PRCG-01098: Failed to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01099: Failed to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to create Administrator Credentials for Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01100: The connection to the Rapid Home Provisioning daemon process was lost.

Cause: The requested operation failed because the connection to the Rapid Home Provisioning daemon process for this cluster was lost.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and take appropiate corrective action.

PRCG-01101: Grid Infrastructure Management Repository resource has not been configured

Cause: A Rapid Home Provisioning Server add request failed because the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository resource was not configured.

Action: If the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository was not configured while installing Grid Infrastructure, then reinstall Grid Infrastructure selecting the option to configure the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository.

PRCG-01102: Specified file name "{0}" is not valid for a template.

Cause: The specified template name did not end with a valid file extension.

Action: Specify a template file name which ends with .dbt or .dbc.

PRCG-01103: The Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager compatibility attribute ({0}) is less than for disk group {1}.

Cause: The Oracle ADVM compatibility attribute for the specified disk group was not set to version or higher.

Action: Use the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) tool or the SQL statement ALTER DISKGROUP to upgrade the 'compatible.advm' attribute.

PRCG-01104: User terminated the command. The command operation is not cancelled by this interruption, and may continue to be processed on the server.

Cause: An 'rhpctl' command execution was interrupted by typing Control-C or by other means.

Action: Verify the completion of this command by executing a 'config' or some other command that would display the results of this interrupted command.

PRCG-01105: unable to configure Rapid Home Provisioning Server because neither GNS server nor GNS client are configured on this cluster

Cause: An attempt to configure Rapid Home Provisioning Server was rejected because neither GNS server nor GNS client were configured.

Action: Configure either GNS server or GNS client using the command 'srvctl add gns' and then retry adding Rapid Home Provisioning Server.

PRCG-01106: failed to determine whether GNS is configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to verify the GNS configuration on the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed. The accompanying messages provide details.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01107: failed to delete Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occured while accessing the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01108: Rapid Home Provisioning Server or Client is not configured

Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a resource that does not exist.

Action: Check for the configured resource using 'srvctl config rhpserver' and/or 'srvctl config rhpclient'. If neither Rapid Home Provisioning resource exists, create the appropriate one using the command 'srvctl add {rhpserver|rhpclient}'.

PRCG-01109: Repetition of command-line option: -{0}

Cause: Execution of the command was rejected because the command-line option displayed with the error message was repeated.

Action: Retry the command specifying the command-line option only once.

PRCG-01110: failed to modify Rapid Home Provisioning Client with disk group {0}

Cause: An attempt to configure the Rapid Home Provisioning Client with the cited disk group failed because there was already a disk group configured for the Rapid Home Provisioning

Action: Remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration and run 'srvctl add rhpclient' command.

PRCG-01111: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Action: Remove the Rapid Home Provisioning Client configuration and run 'srvctl add rhpclient' command.

PRCG-01112: failed to retrieve storage base path attribute for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute of the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01113: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client

Cause: An attempt to set the STORAGE_BASE_PATH attribute for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01114: failed to update the storage base path to {0} for Rapid Home Provisioning Client because no disk group was configured

Cause: An attempt to update the storage base path for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was no disk group configured for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Action: Run srvctl to configure diskgroup, then rety.

PRCG-01115: Disk group is not configured on Rapid Home Provisioning Client.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve disk group information for the Rapid Home Provisioning Client failed because there was no disk group configured for it.

Action: Run 'srvctl modify rhpclient' command to configure the disk group.

PRCG-01116: Unable to create mount path because the generated mount path name already exists

Cause: An attempt to create a mount path failed because the number of tries attempted for generating the mount path was exhausted.

Action: Retry the command.

PRCG-01117: Working copy name "{0}" is too long or contains characters other than alphanumeric and underscore.

Cause: The workingcopy name was not valid.

Action: Specify a valid workingcopy name.

PRCG-01118: Specified image name "{0}" contains invalid characters.

Cause: The image name was not valid. Image names must not contain the following characters: $@"'>();*? .

Action: Specify a valid image name.

PRCG-01119: The -path option is not allowed when storage type is not LOCAL on Rapid Home Provisioning Server (RHPS).

Cause: An attempt to add working copy on RHPS was rejected because the '-path' option was specified when storage type was not LOCAL.

Action: Omit the '-path' option or specify storage type option value as LOCAL.

PRCG-01120: The value {0} exceeds the maximum value of {1} for command line option '-numberOfPDBs'.

Cause: The supplied value exceeded the maximum value for command line option '-numberOfPDBs'.

Action: Specify an integer value within the range given in the error message.

PRCG-01121: The PDB prefix "{0}" contains invalid characters.

Cause: The supplied pluggable database (PDB) prefix contained invalid characters.

Action: Supply a valid PDB prefix. A PDB prefix must start with an alphabetic character and may include only characters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, $, # and _.

PRCG-01122: The -datafileDestination option was not specified, when -dbtype was not SINGLE.

Cause: A request to create a RAC or RAC One Node database was rejected because the data file location was not specified using the '-datafileDestination' option.

Action: Reissue the command specifying the -datafileDestination option.

PRCG-01123: failed to create Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential in credential storage for cluster {0}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while creating the credential in the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address the issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01124: failed to export Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0} to file {1}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while exporting the credential from the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address the issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01125: failed to import Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from file {0} into credential storage for cluster {1}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while importing the credential from the specified file into the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address the issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01126: failed to export Rapid Home Provisioning Client (RHPC) credential from credential storage for cluster {0}

Cause: The requested operation failed because an error occurred while exporting the credential from the credential storage.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Address the issues reported and retry the command.

PRCG-01127: Server pool cannot be specified for single instance database.

Cause: An attempt to add a single instance database was rejected because a server pool was specified.

Action: Use the '-node' option instead of the '-serverpool' or '-newpool' options when specifying SINGLE for the '-dbtype' option.

PRCG-01128: Improper '-dbversion' option specified for image type SOFTWARE.

Cause: An attempt to query images was rejected because the '-dbversion' option was specified together with a value of SOFTWARE for '-imagetype'.

Action: Either remove the '-dbversion' option or specify ORACLEDBSOFTWARE for '-imagetype' and retry the command.

PRCG-01129: The DB version supplied "{0}" is invalid.

Cause: The DB version supplied did not exist or was an unsupported version.

Action: Supply a valid DB version and retry the command.

PRCG-01130: failed to update Rapid Home Provisioning Client registration in Rapid Home Provisioning Server

Cause: An attempt to update the Rapid Home Provisioning Client registration with the Rapid Home Provisioning Server failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01131: failed to determine whether this Rapid Home Provisioning Server has any Rapid Home Provisioning Clients registered

Cause: An attempt to determine whether this Rapid Home Provisioning Server has any registered Rapid Home Provisioning Clients failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCG-01132: unable to delete Rapid Home Provisioning Server because it contains one or more registered Rapid Home Provisioning Clients

Cause: An attempt to delete the Rapid Home Provisioning Server was rejected because one or more Rapid Home Provisioning Clients registered with it.

Action: "Either reissue the command with the '-force' option, or first delete all the registered Rapid Home Provisioning Clients using the command 'rhpctl delete client'."