107 PRCH-01000 to PRCH-01061
- PRCH-01000: Failed to stop resources running from Oracle home {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop one or more resources in the specified Oracle home failed.
- PRCH-01001: Failed to start resources in Oracle home {0}
Cause: An attempt to start one or more resources in the specified Oracle home failed.
- PRCH-01002: Failed to stop resources running from CRS home {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop one or more resources in the specified CRS home failed.
- PRCH-01003: Failed to start resources in CRS home {0}
Cause: An attempt to start one or more resources in the specified CRS home failed.
- PRCH-01004: Failed to stop service
Cause: An attempt to stop a service resource failed.
- PRCH-01005: Failed to stop database
Cause: An attempt to stop the database resource failed.
- PRCH-01006: Failed to stop Listener
Cause: An attempt to stop the listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01007: Failed to stop Listener
Cause: An attempt to stop the listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01008: Failed to start service
Cause: An attempt to start a service resource failed.
- PRCH-01009: Failed to start database
Cause: An attempt to start the database resource failed.
- PRCH-01010: Failed to start Listener
Cause: An attempt to start the listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01011: Failed to start Listener
Cause: An attempt to start the listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01012: Failed to stop EONS
Cause: An attempt to stop the EONS resource failed.
- PRCH-01013: Failed to start EONS
Cause: An attempt to start the EONS resource failed.
- PRCH-01014: Failed to stop ONS
Cause: An attempt to stop the ONS resource failed.
- PRCH-01015: Failed to start ONS
Cause: An attempt to start the ONS resource failed.
- PRCH-01016: Failed to stop GSD resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the GSD resource failed.
- PRCH-01017: Failed to start GSD resource
Cause: An attempt to start the GSD resource failed.
- PRCH-01018: Failed to stop VIP resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the VIP resource failed.
- PRCH-01019: Failed to start VIP resource
Cause: An attempt to start the VIP resource failed.
- PRCH-01020: Failed to stop Network resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the Network resource failed.
- PRCH-01021: Failed to start Network resource
Cause: An attempt to start the Network resource failed.
- PRCH-01022: Failed to stop SCAN VIP resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the SCAN VIP resource failed.
- PRCH-01023: Failed to start SCAN VIP resource
Cause: An attempt to start the SCAN VIP resource failed.
- PRCH-01024: Failed to stop SCAN Listener resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the SCAN listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01025: Failed to start SCAN Listener
Cause: An attempt to start the SCAN listener resource failed.
- PRCH-01026: Failed to stop ASM
Cause: An attempt to stop the ASM resource failed.
- PRCH-01027: Failed to start ASM
Cause: An attempt to start the ASM resource failed.
- PRCH-01028: One or more resources failed to start: {0}
Cause: An attempt to start one or more resources failed.
- PRCH-01029: One or more resources failed to stop: {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop one or more resources failed.
- PRCH-01030: One or more resources failed to stop: {0}
Cause: An attempt to stop one or more resources failed.
- PRCH-01031: One or more resources failed to start: {0}
Cause: An attempt to start one or more resources failed.
- PRCH-01032: Failed to stop GNS resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the GNS resource failed.
- PRCH-01033: Failed to start GNS resource
Cause: An attempt to start the GNS resource failed.
- PRCH-01034: Failed to stop diskgroup resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the diskgroup resource failed.
- PRCH-01035: Failed to start diskgroup resource
Cause: An attempt to start the diskgroup resource failed.
- PRCH-01036: The state file "{0}" does not exist
Cause: The state file required for the current operation was not found.
- PRCH-01037: The filesystem object "{0}" is not a file
Cause: The content that was expected to be a file which turned out not to be a file.
- PRCH-01038: "{0}" is a non-readable file
Cause: The user does not have read permissions to open the file.
- PRCH-01039: Failed to stop CVU resource
Cause: An attempt to stop the CVU resource failed.
- PRCH-01040: Failed to start CVU resource
Cause: An attempt to start the CVU resource failed.
- PRCH-01041: Failed while checking status of service "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed service failed.
- PRCH-01042: Failed while checking status of database "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed database failed.
- PRCH-01043: Failed while checking status of database instance "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed database instance failed.
- PRCH-01044: Failed while checking status of listener "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed listener failed.
- PRCH-01045: Failed while checking status of VIP "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed VIP failed.
- PRCH-01046: Failed while checking status of SCAN VIP "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed SCAN VIP failed.
- PRCH-01047: Failed while checking status of SCAN Listener "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed SCAN listener failed.
- PRCH-01048: Failed while checking status of CVU resource "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed CVU resource failed.
- PRCH-01049: Failed while checking status of disk group "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed disk group failed.
- PRCH-01050: Failed while checking status of ASM "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed ASM failed.
- PRCH-01051: Failed while checking status of GNS "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed GNS failed.
- PRCH-01052: Failed while checking status of GSD "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed GSD failed.
- PRCH-01053: Failed while checking status of Network "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed network failed.
- PRCH-01054: Failed while checking status of ONS "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the listed ONS failed.
- PRCH-01055: Failed to create or open file "{0}"
Cause: State file processing failed because: the file specified is a directory rather than a file, the file did not exist but could not be created, or the file exists but could not be opened.
- PRCH-01056: Failed to write to file "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to write to the given file failed.
- PRCH-01057: The Clusterware resource for database "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The Oracle Clusterware resource for the database with the given name did not exist.
- PRCH-01058: Failed while checking status of CRS home {0}
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the CRS home failed.
- PRCH-01059: Failed while checking status of Oracle home {0}
Cause: An attempt to check the status of the Oracle home failed.
- PRCH-01060: Status check for one or more resources failed: {0}
Cause: An attempt to check the status for one or more resources failed.
- PRCH-01061: The following resources specified in the state file do not exist: {0}
Cause: An attempt to start one or more resources in the specified state file failed because they do not exist.