131 PRKZ-01029 to PRKZ-01085
- PRKZ-01029: HAVIP {0} is already disabled
Cause: The 'disable havip' command failed because HAVIP was already disabled.
- PRKZ-01030: export file system {0} is already disabled
Cause: The 'disable exportfs' command failed because it was already disabled.
- PRKZ-01031: HAVIP {0} is already enabled
Cause: The 'enable havip' failed because HAVIP was already enabled.
- PRKZ-01032: export file system {0} is already enabled
Cause: The 'enable exportfs' command failed because it was already enabled.
- PRKZ-01058: HAVIP exists for address {0}
Cause: An attempt to add a HAVIP found that it already exists
- PRKZ-01059: HAVIP with ID {0} does not exist
Cause: The 'add exportfs' failed because the HAVIP with the specified ID does not exist.
- PRKZ-01060: Export file system {0} does not exist
Cause: The export file system resource with the specified name does not exist.
- PRKZ-01062: Cannot determine which subnet to modify to network type "{0}". The network resource has two subnets configured with network type "{1}".
Cause: The command 'srvctl modify network -nettype' failed because the network had both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets, thus the subnet to modify could not be determined.
- PRKZ-01065: Invalid combination of options specified
Cause: The '-name' and '-id' options cannot be combined together.
- PRKZ-01066: Invalid subnet string: "{0}"
Cause: The given subnet string was not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet number in dotted-decimal format.
- PRKZ-01067: Invalid subnet mask string: "{0}"
Cause: The given subnet mask string was not a valid IPv4 subnet mask in dotted-decimal format or IPv6 prefix length.
- PRKZ-01068: {0} object is not supported on Windows Operating System
Cause: The <varname>object</varname> specified on the command line was not a valid object on Windows Operating System.
- PRKZ-01069: "srvctl modify network -iptype both" cannot include the {0} option
Cause: The command 'srvctl modify network -iptype both' request included conflicting options.
- PRKZ-01070: Changing network type from {0} to {1} requires new VIP addresses
Cause: The command 'srvctl modify nodeapps -nettype mixed' was issued without specifying the VIP address when the IPv4 or IPv6 network type was dynamic.
- PRKZ-01071: '-netnum' option cannot be supplied without '-address' option
Cause: The commande 'srvctl modify havip -netnum' was issued without specifying a VIP address that matches the new network Subnet.
- PRKZ-01072: SCAN name "{0}" is already registered on network {1}
Cause: The command 'srvctl add scan -scanname' was issued for a Single Client Access Name (SCAN) name that was already registered on the specified network.
- PRKZ-01073: Cannot modify network type to 'mixed' because GNS is not configured.
Cause: An attempt to modify the network type to 'mixed' failed because Grid Naming Service (GNS) was not configured.
- PRKZ-01074: Failed to modify network type because the specified subnet "{0}" does not match any configured subnet.
Cause: The specified subnet did not match any configured subnet in the network resource.
- PRKZ-01075: '-iptype' option cannot be given along with '-subnet'
Cause: A command attempted to modify both the network IP type and its subnet.
- PRKZ-01076: Cannot modify network with network type 'mixed'
Cause: An attempt to modify the subnet or IP type of a network resource with network type 'mixed' was issued.
- PRKZ-01078: Object {0} is not supported on an ASM client cluster.
Cause: The <varname>object</varname> specified on the command line was not a valid object for an ASM client cluster.
- PRKZ-01079: Invalid subnet value {0} for '-invitedsubnets' option
Cause: The command was rejected because the invited subnets value was specified using incorrect syntax.
- PRKZ-01080: '-netnum' and '-vip' options conflict.
Cause: The 'srvctl start|stop vip' command was rejected because the '-netnum' option was specified along with the '-vip' option.
- PRKZ-01082: The VIP name "{0}" cannot be resolved.
Cause: An unresolvable VIP name was specified.
- PRKZ-01083: The VIP name "{0}" resolves to "{1}" which cannot be found in any VIP.
Cause: An attempt to find a VIP with one of the specified addresses to which the VIP name resolved failed."
- PRKZ-01084: The network type for the specified subnet ({0}) that is added cannot be set to 'mixed'.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet and set its network type directly to 'mixed'.
- PRKZ-01085: Internal error: {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier.